EVS Magazine

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k o m c Magazine c n v e i s d o n i a You will read 1.Personal experience about youth excange projects and seminars in Hungary and Turkey 2.Macedonian Independence Day



Turkey Fethiye-Experience 1-2 Written by:Ive Todorovska Career Tour-Hungary 3-4 Written by:Jovana Hristova Turkey Fethiye-Project 5-6 Writen by:Sofija Aleksova Seminar in Nyiregyhaza 7-8 Written by:Daria Aleksova Project Excange-Hungary 9-10 Written by: Simeon Simeonov Macedonian Independence Day 11-12 Written by:Filip Vojnovski Семинар во Унгарија 13-14 Written by: Jovana Stefanovska Проект во Унгарија 15-16 Written by:Martina Pavlovska

Small Crossword Find the following words Apple Banana Cherry Grapes Lemon Orange Tomato

Joke of the day

Turkey Fethiye Experience

I want those days in Turkey back. At first going to Turkey for me was just an option. I thought they are not friendly, it will be boring, the weather will maybe be bad. None of these came. The weather was perfect. The people were too kind and friendly. Their tradition was unusual. Special wedding dances, clothes covering their whole body. I kinda see beauty in that and i was so amused. The food was great. Eating rice every day-how healthy.


The thing i liked the most was the beach amd the restaurant there. Enjoying, playing games, having energizers and dance hours. You don’t need love, you just have to know how to enjoy it. If you have any chance go there and get out the best of it. You won’ t regret.


Career Tour

Nyiregyhaza-Hungary This summer I was to Hungry and I was part of Career-Tour youth exchange to represent our country and association. We travel with the wellknown van Bambuca, so the trip was very exhausting. Nyiregyhaza is the town where the Tour was held. I like this town, because of its historical monuments. The Tour was wonderful experience for me.


I met some new friends, learned a lot of the Hungarian culture, about their lifestyle. The time we spent there was field with many different activities. We visited one of the four LEGO factories in the world, we went to the Nyiregyhaza’s ZOO, and also we went to salt cave. For me this was great opportunity for improving my English, but also opportunity for learning about Hungry.


Turkey Fethiye Project

Few words for the beautiful Turkey will be enough. The places we visited just made me wanting to come back as soon as possible. Sunbathing and enjoying, watching hot Turkey boys. Perfect. The tradition was very specific. Covered in clothes all the time just only so you can see. Their music was so good even when i came home i played their famous songs. The weather was great and so hot. Turks were so kind. When we had games out in the city center we stopped anyone on the streets and we asked questions. The answers were helpful. We meet some Turks and we are now friends catching on the social networks hoping that we will meet some day again. If you have a chance go don’t ignore it. You will feel free and fullfilled.



Seminar in Nyiregyhaza

Life is a big journey, it can be a great story if you know how to live and experience it. For me, every journey is beautiful because I try to make the most of it and I love traveling. Every journey leaves a mark on my life alongside a great memory and a story that I can share. A journey that certainly did that was my visit to Nyiregyhaza, Hungary. During our seminar in Nyiregyhaza, we went to many places. The place that impressed me the most was the Sosto Zoo. It’s a 35 hectare big, it has over 4000 animals. The zoo is arranged according to continents.


From sharks and penguins to rare species like cheetahs and white lions, it’s like seeing the world’s fauna in one place. You could even watch the sea lions show, where they do great tricks.

The amazing part of this zoo visit is that I got to ride a camel, an experience that I always wanted to have. Another cool fact about the zoo is that they have a hotel where you can stay. So if you go to Nyiregyhaza my recommendation is to definitely visit the zoo, you will be impressed and have an amazing memory that you can share for the rest of your life. 8

Project Excange Hungary I am Simeon Simeonov and I stayed one week in Hungary as part of a project about career exchange. During my stay I noticed many differences between Macedonian and Hungarian people. One big difference is our behavior towards the environment. Their behavior is environment friendly. They recycle and select garbage in plastic, paper and glass bins. We must make changes here. They also use bicycles for transport as well as for pleasure. You can see a lot of bikes everywhere. . In our country the number of bicycles in the streets is smaller. If we increase their number we can breathe fresher and cleaner air and protect the Earth for new generations. I also noticed that the attitude of Hungarian people towards their bodies and well being is different from ours. They exercise and pay a lot of attention to health and try to keep their bodies fit. 9

They have long work outs and spend longer hours in the gym or with outdoor activities. They are careful about their weight and they have a planned and different diet. Obesity is not a problem in Hungary as much as it is in Macedonia. Another difference is their educational system. I think that they pay more attention to students’ abilities and they specialize in one field at earlier age than in our country.


Macedonian Independence Day Macedonia became independent in 1991 on the 8th of September and with the celebrations to honor this day approaching soon we want to give the curious people reading our blog a small insight about the meaning of this day. The first question you might be asking right now is: Why did Yugoslavia breakup? First, you should know that with the death of the leader, Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslavia suffered a major political crisis during the 80’s and tensions between the different ethnicities in Yugoslavia continued to rise. This led to what is known as the Yugoslavian wars in the early 90’s. Every country that wanted independence had to fight for their it. Every one, except Macedonia. Macedonia was the only country to declare independence from Yugoslavia without a war. 11

The people living in the territory had to vote on a referendum. An amazing 95% of the people voted FOR. That is 1.079.308 people. Kiro Gligorov was the first president of the now independent Macedonia.


Семинар во Унгарија Од мојата посета во Унгарија сум многу задоволна. Семинарот ми помогна да ги збогатам моите знаења за некои професии и да научам нешто ново во врска со самата држава и основните нејзини карактеристики. Најинтересен дел од целиот престој ми беше посетата на фабриката “LEGO,, бидејќи ми беше преубаво затоа што конечно видов како се изработуваат коцките со кои ми помина целото детство. Исто така посетата на зоолошката градина ме воодушви, бидејќи никогаш ги немав видено сите тие животни кои беа таму и никогаш во живото се немав возено на камила, а со посетата ми се оствари и тој сон. Се надевам доколку имам друга прилика повторно би ја посетила оваа земја, бидејќи има што да се види. 13


Проект во Унгарија Од посетата во Унгарија сум презадоволна.Луѓето се пријателски настроени. Овој семинар е едно големо искуство за мене. Посетата на фабриката за LEGO коцки ми претставуваше големо задоволство бидејки видов како се прават најпосакуваните играчки за деца, а најинтересниот дел од овој семинар ми беше посетата на една по поголемите зоолошки градини во Унгарија во која прв пат се возев на камила и видов многу животни кои не се карактеристични за нашиот крај. Семинарот ми помогна да научам нешто ново за некои професии и за самата држава.Унгарија е прекрасна земја.



The magazine was created in cooperation with EVS volunteers in Association Pavel Satev- Kocani and eWorld Community Association Pavel Satev- Kocani Karl Marks 64 2300 Kocani

September 2015

http://organizationpavelsatev.blogspot.com/ pavelsatev.org.mk Editors Sara Gorgieva Filip Vojnovski

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