September 2013
No. 2
For help full mMaterial from Turkey and Skopje
Volunteer activities for August Month
-19Follow our heart but take your brain -15Universal Declaration of hunam rughts
-5The dangers in dating sites
-11Futu- making a webpage
-21-14For Homeless People
EVS ve imkanlar覺
Volunteer activities for August Month
by Tatjana Stamenkovska
Goodbye our dear friends, you will always stay in our good memories !
The month that just past August 2013, was a month full with some good volunteer work what the volunteers of the association “Pavel Satev” did, and shown their true volunteer spirit right in action. Nikolas from France was holding free Hip Hop dance lessons. This was his own personal project that he chose. His idol is Michael Jackson and the dancing style he had. Niko knows all the Michael Jackson choreographies of his songs and he is very good in dancing them. The outfit what he is wearing during his dance performances is identical to Michel Jackson outfit. Another all together activity of the volunteers was cleaning the damp “Gradche”. In this they got help from the local institution “KJP Vodovod” what is in charge for clean environment. They provided big plastic bags for the garbage what the volunteers collected. Plus
the employees of KJP Vodovod cut the grass what had grown all over the place. The local TV station supported this environmental action. http://kanal8.mk/index.php/358-volonteri-jacistea-gratce But the volunteers didn’t do just volunteer activities. There was enough time for friendships, shorts trips at the weekends to the near towns, exploring Kocani and the near places. So much good energy at one place. Young people who want to leave trace on the world where they are going , at the same time the world is living his trace on them. As well this month was period when we said goodbye to many of our volunteers. No matter how long they were here or how much time we all spend together, always is sad when someone is going home. In August first left us Fazilet and Esra after that Emine, followed by Yusuf, Meli, Onur, Ismail, Burcu, Sena, Zinayda, Asta, Nikolas, Lucas...
1)İnsanlara yardım etmeye nasıl karar verdik? 2)İnsanlara yardım etmek için neler yaptık? 3)Bu insanlar için başka neler yapacağız?
For Helpfull Material From Turkey and Skopje by Sermin Çetin
1)Öğrencilerimizin aileleriyle tanışmak için evlerine gittik. Gördüğümüz manzaralar bize ailelerin maddiyatlatrını az çok anlattı. Daha sonra da Kasarna ile tanıştık. En fazla sorun oradaydı. Her bir odanın ayrı ayrı problemleri vardı. ’’Bir şeyler yapmalı. ’’ diye düşündük ve bir haftalığına Türkiye’ye giderek çalışmalarımıza orada başladık. 2)Türkiye’de küçük çaplı bir yardım kampanyası için afişler hazırlayıp astık. Giyim ve kitap yardımlarının bir kısmını bu şekilde elde ettik. Yakın çevremizden de giysi,kitap ve kırtasiye malzemesi yardımı aldık. Giyim ve kitap desteğinde bulunamayacağını söyleyen bazı kişiler de para desteğinde bulundu. Kırtasiye malzemelerini (defter,kalem,silgi,kalemtraş,boya kalemleri) bu paralarla sağladık. Aynı zamanda yine yakın çevremizden alışveriş çantası dikmelerini istedik ve toplam 19 çanta elde ettik. Makedonya’ya dönüş zamanımız yaklaştığında ek bagaj aldık. Toplam 96 kiloyla Üsküp Havalimanı’na geldik. Üsküp’te bir gece kalmaya karar verdik. Kaldığımız akşam gezmeye çıktık. Kapalı Çarşı’da gezerken bir sergi gördük ve bu serginin yardım amaçlı olduğunu düşündük. Koçani’deki fakir insanlar için bize daha fazla yardımcı olabileceklerini düşündüm ve o anda onlarla bu konuyu konuşmaya karar verdim. İlk görüştüğüm kişileri beni,Forumi Rinor İslam Derneği’nin başkanı Esma SHERIFI ile tanıştırdı. Esma Hanım’a gözlemlerimi anlattım. Yardımcı olacağını söyledi. Biz ertesi gün Koçani’ye döndük. Esma Hanım’la telefon ve internet aracılığıyla iletişimimizi devam ettirdik. Bizi,giyim,ayakkabı,ve gıda yardımlarını sağlayabileceğimiz Kalliri i Miresise Yardım Derneği’ne yönlendirdi. Sponsorumuz olan Dambolino Oyuncak Mağazası’nın sahibi bize yardımları Üsküp’ten getirebilmemiz için araç ayarladı. Arife Günü sabah erkenden yola çıktık. Derneğe gidip yardımları aldık. Daha sonra Koçani’ye döndük. Ayakkabıları
odaların ihtiyaçlarına göre paketledik. Araca tekrar yükleyip Kasarna’ya geldik. Dağıtım yaptık. Ayırdığımız bazı eşyalar olmuştu. Onları da Kasarna dışında yaşayan başka fakir ailelere ulaştırdık. Bayram günü ise bir diğer sponsorumuz olan Pembe Panter Hamburger Dükkanı’nın sahibinin bize verdiği beş kutu çikolatayı,gezerek çocuklara dağıttık. Bu çikolatarı hem Koçani’deki çocuklar hem de Vinitsa’daki bazı çocuklar yedi. Sponsorlarımızdan olan Amazon-R Baskı ofisinin sahibi Zvonko KOCOV da ihtiyaç sahibi insanlar için giysi yardımında bulundu. Bana,Semra’ya ve Seven’e Türk ve Makedon bayrağının bulunduğu baskılı tişörtleri hediye etti. Kısa mesafe yolculuklarımızda bize sponsor olan Sebastian ARİFOVSKİ’yi de yardımlarından dolayı anmamız gerek. Ayrıca geçtiğimiz günlerde Türkiye’den Koçani’ye ziyaretimize gelen arkadaşımız Abdullah ERDEN giysi yardımı ile birlikte geldi. Aynı zamanda arkadaşlarımız Burcu ERDEĞER ve Sena ERDEĞER’in ailesinin seccade,başörtü,lif gibi yardımları oldu. Bu yardımları da ihtiyaç sahibi insanlara ulaştırdık. İki kez Koçani belediye başkanı Ratko DİMİTROVSKİ ile görüşme yaptık. Ondan bazı sözler aldık ve bunların takibindeyiz. 3)Sırada Kasarna için konut projemiz var. Türkiye’ye döndüğümüzde bazı yardım dernekleri ile görüşeceğiz. Koçani belediye başkanının bize verdiği Kasarna Konut Projesi’ne katkılar yaparak görüşeceğimiz yardım derneklerine sunacağız. Umarım projemiz kabul edilir ve insanlar sıcak bir yuvaya kavuşur.
The dangers in dating sites
by Mari Põldma
n 2008 a 14-year old Estonian boy met Spanish girl on the dating site. She was sexy and he was into that. They started talking and they added each other on MSN. They became good friends, always talking and even if the boy was at school they texted each other. The boy felt a big trust towards the girl and as time went by they start talking about intimate things. At some point girl wanted to see the boy through the webcam and he showed himself even though he did not see the girl. As the time went by boy started showing the intimate parts of his body. The girl wanted more, some actions. He showed some. Later the boy refused because he never even saw the girl. As the boy refused the girl started threatening the boy that if he won’t do anything else she would show all the pictures and videos to his family and friends. As it turned out the Spanish girl was actually a pedophile. The sexy Spanish girl was a bait to put boy’s hormones storm and when the pedophile had the material he needed he started to blackmail the boy. As the boy ignored the pedophile he started to threaten him again. Eventually the boy didn’t know what to do. He was too embarrassed to tell his parents and as the time went by the boy couldn’t take it anymore and killed himself. Investigation showed that the “Spanish girl” has had more victims in Estonia and probably in other countries as well. Moral of the story is that you cannot trust anyone you met on the internet even if you get along really well and you feel like you can trust him. You can’t.
Dating sites are meant for lonely people who don’t have the courage to talk to anyone face-to-face. Unfortunately it has been badly used by people who have everything but good intentions. They make you feel like you can trust them and at the right time they will take advantage of you. The other story is about a 15-year old girl who met a 15-year old boy also in the internet. The kids also talked a lot and started to get to know each other. They felt that they can trust each other and the girl really started to like the boy. After a while they decided to meet face-to-face. Since they lived in different cities they decided that the girl will visit the boy. At first it seemed good but after some time the girl discovered the negative side of the boy – the violence. She had felt it so hard that she had to be taken to the hospital. The boy apologized and they made up and as she was not in her hometown she decided to go back to the boy’s place. Everything was good for a while. It was, however, a fatal decision. The girl was killed by the 15year old boy and his 33-year old sister later. When the girl was found she had several stab wounds and she had been raped before she was killed. Moral of the story is that when you decide to meet someone you met online you should ALWAYS do it in public.
Don’t answer to the messages and letter that harasses you – answering can make the bully even more harassing.
Keep the disturbing letter or message – in that case you can always prove that you have been harassed. Remember that not only text and pictures but also videos can be record at both sides of the conversation.
„Dear God, I want to take a minute, not to ask for anything from you but simply to say thank you, for all I have.“ Unknown
„Love is true when it comes from the heart, not from the mouth.“ Unknown These two cases are not common and extreme but you should still remember them. You should never trust the person you met online because you never know what she/he will do with the information you shared with them. But if you have some trouble here are some tips for you!
Always tell if you have some problems – you can always talk to someone about your problems, either to your parents, brother, sister, teacher or even the police.
Block the harassing person – where you can, block the person. It is the easiest way to get rid of him/her. If they still can reach you, tell someone. Deal with the problem as soon as possible – preferably as soon as it comes to be a problem.
“If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything.” Marilyn Monroe
quotes about love
„When you say ‘I love you’, you are making a promise with someone else’s heart. Try to honor it.“ „Never play with the feelings of others, becau- Unknown se you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for life time.“ Shakespeare
„I know they say that first love is the sweetest, but that first cut is the deepest.“ Drake
by Tereza Šamšulová
hen I left on my EVS, so my concept of family has been expanded by two articles. One four-legged and two-legged second. I departed with a heavy heart, because I have had to leave. But time passed quickly and I enjoyed. One fine morning came my prince on a white horse. He took me to Greece. We found a small village, a beautiful small hotel with beach across the road and an excellent restaurant next door. Idyll. We went on trips to explore the surroundings. We were arguing mountain and found themselves on the other side of the coast, where meter waves beating one another. And to the mountains not enough, we awoke on Friday morning at sea level and falling asleep in the evening about 2100 meters altitude above. Our home has become a chalet Refudgee A. Such extreme we experienced while climbing to the base camp on Mount Olympus. After several months of doing nothing, it was very difficult hike. In fact in the life of my first major. Hole is chewed into the field, and I climbed up piece by piece. Sweating like a pig, but I had a goal! We spent the night at the cottage, on the bunk bed where I had a fear of falling down. Early morning after breakfast, we headed towards the top, the seat of the Greek gods. The road was incredibly steep and the climb was slow, but we‘ve reached the top, if not the highest, but now it underneath. That was some 2908th My nm ragweed was purely consumerist, a relic of the 21st century. (Maybe I should be ashamed, but not!) Yes. KFC
! On the way down I reached the last remnants of his forces. It was very challenging truth. Under Olympus have made himself a man and went to Thessalonica search KFC. We found ! It was interesting comparisons. Access to the customer the option menu variations, fries and coleslaw leading Czech, but there were spicy thighs and they were very good. Everything we ate at a gas station for a car. Long live the culture of dining. Another difference between Czech and Greek culture should be in stores. In Greece, on Saturday and Sunday are not working, even some cafes and restaurants have opened. It was interesting to compare Greece Macedonian border. In Greece, the city was asleep and it was an hour later and just a few kilometers further shops were opened at ten o‘clock in the evening and everyone happily entertained. At night we have moved to Macedonia and the next day regenerates the whole body aching. Next week, it was only Macedonian and major regeneration. We discovered the beauty of Macedonia, tasted the local cuisine and enjoyed the quiet. On Thursday we visited Bulgaria, except the mountains there was not much of anything. Skopje was our aim to Saturday. And again we saw the mountains. I guess we have to think about. Well, Sunday was our last day. Monday morning ? Crocodile tears. We are already looking forward to October. Longer order !
n Estonian captal city is located a web marketing company named FUTU. FUTU comes from the word „Future“ and it means - For ultimate technology upgrade. FUTU was founded in 2012 of May next to an advertising agency, because nowadays most of advertising and marketing have moved to the Internet. FUTU is a young company, but they already have a lot of clients, big companies like local tv station (http://kanal2.ee/), one of the biggest estonian furniture company chain (https://asko.ee/est/esileht) and ticket sale company (http://www.piletilevi.ee/eng). Some examples of small companies are wood export company (http://genetrade.ee/), real estate company (http://tondilinna.ee/eng/frontpage) and a furniture company (http://inin.ee/est/esileht). Also FUTU is the only one in Estonia who who offers VOD (video on demand), they made a webpage for renting movies online – www.vifi.ee. Workers in FUTU: • two system analysts • four software developers (programmers) • two project managers • one designer • one tester.
u t Fu s w o n k eb W e d i b W e d l w r f o o nt eW u h t o g d m n n a i a s e s l u e s b i s es ina ho n g i w a s e u m i d n b n e r a o e s Anyo consists un m d ou t n a y s e t r a i e b o e s ’ m t w I y that . e t a r a ne yd r r w e e o t v n H E I . . e pages move to th very device example of e s e service le on almost k it up in th a does it. i o b i n o l s o s t s ’ e s t c E e L ac in ? y e n d a a p m pages a young com how rtrud by Ge
Services that FUTU offers: webpage, e-stores, web marketing, portals, apps, campaign pages and everything what associate with the Internet. In general the work is in four phases: analysation, design, programming and testing. 1. Analysts are making a webpage vision, functionality list and a mockup scheme (Figure 1) according to clients wishes
a g n i k a m e g a p b e w
Figure 1. Mockup scheme
2. The scheme is handed over to designer, who creates the visual side of the webpage 3. When the design is ready, then a programmer takes it to web shape - HTML version, a prototype that looks ready to use, but with no functionality (Figure 2) 4. Programmers program all the functionality, content management and combine with the design 5. Last step is to test the functionality and find any mistakes to be appear in the webpage. Project managers actively commune with clients. Every phase has to be approved by the client before going on with the next step. Figure 2. HTML version and the final work looks the same, but one has not functionality and the other has, but it is not obvious to eyes.
eğer hemen her gün yanından geçiyormuşuz kasarna nın. Yolun biraz daha soluna gidip başımızı eğsek görecekmişiz orada yaşamaya çalışan insanları. Erken olmadı belki onları görmemiz ama bu çağda her şeyiyle “geç kalınmış” bir yer diyebiliriz Kasarna’ ya. Kasarna; suan 22 haneyi içinde barındıran, ortalama 110 kişinin yaşadığı, ikinci dünya savaşından kalma bir kışla. Fiziksel çöküntülerinin yanında, içinde yaşayan insanların acılarını da taşımaya çalışıyor bura. Çatısı; bir kış mevsimini daha nasıl atlatabileceğinin derdinde pencerelerin camları yok. Bu; göz kapağı olmayan bir insanı getiriyor gözümüzün önüne. Savunması olmayan çeşit çeşit gözler.
For Homeless People “UMUT DÜNYASI” KASARNA
Project managers actively commune with clients. Every phase has to be approved by the client before going on with the next step. Average working times on web pages are: • Small web pages take time from two weeks to two months Small web pages are so called business card web pages. They consist in only content management, simple and minimalist design. This kind of webpage usually gives company’s contact information, services and some news, for example http://alternalaw.ee/eng/about-us. • Big web pages take time from three months to one year. Special solutions in another word big web pages are that offer specific solutions to client’s needs, like e-stores, product catalog, online buying and selling, for example https://asko.ee/est/esileht.
Korunmak için bir naylon, bir kağıt ve ya bir kumaş parçası gerilmiş pencereleri. Şanslı olanların sobaları var. Bu sobalar, içlerinde yanan talaşlarla Balkan soğuklarına kafa tutuyor kışın. Yazın ise çocukların bazıları yalın ayak ve yarı çıplak dolaşıyor. Her şeye rağmen çocuklar; kapitalist düzenin oyunlarından uzak, kendi oyunlarının içindeler neşeyle. Örneğin; duvarları karalıyor diye ellerine vurulup kalemleri ellerinden alınmıyor çocukların. Yetişkinler ise dünyaları kadar tepki veriyorlar her şeye. Mutlu ve tebessüm sabihi insanlar görebildiğimiz gibi somurtkan ve asabi insanlar da gördük burada.
by Sermin Çetin and Semra Kurt
Kasarna da ortalama 110 kişi yaşıyor dedik. ne mutlu bizlere ki; o insanların yüzlerce sorunundan bazılarını çözebildiysek.
UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Simplified Version This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.
by Tatjana Stamenkovska
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way. 2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences. 3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety. 4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave. 5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us. 6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you! 7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly. 8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly. 9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country. 10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do. 11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven. When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true. 12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason. 13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish. 14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe. 15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country. 16. Marriage and Family. Every grown-up has the right to marry and have a family if they want to. Men and women have the same rights when they are married, and when they are separated. 17. The Right to Your Own Things. Everyone has the right to own things or share them. Nobody should take our things from us without a good reason. 18. Freedom of Thought. We all have the right to believe in what we want to believe, to have a religion, or to change it if we want. 19. Freedom of Expression. We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people. 20. The Right to Public Assembly. We all have the right to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights. Nobody can make us join a group if we don’t want to. 21. The Right to Democracy. We all have the right to take part in the government of our country. Every grown-up should be allowed to choose their own leaders. 22. Social Security. We all have the right to affordable housing, medicine, education, and childcare, enough money to live on and medical help if we are ill or old. 23. Workers’ Rights. Every grown-up has the right to do a job, to a fair wage for their work, and to join a trade union. 24. The Right to Play. We all have the right to rest from work and to relax. 25. Food and Shelter for All. We all have the right to a good life. Mothers and children, people who are old, unemployed or disabled, and all people have the right to be cared for. 26. The Right to Education. Education is a right. Primary school should be free. We should learn about the United Nations and how to get on with others. Our parents can choose what we learn. 27. Copyright. Copyright is a special law that protects one’s own artistic creations and writings; others cannot make copies without permission. We all have the right to our own way of life and to enjoy the good things that art, science and learning bring. 28. A Fair and Free World. There must be proper order so we can all enjoy rights and freedoms in our own country and all over the world. 29. Responsibility. We have a duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms. 30. No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights. Source: Youth for Human Rights: Making Human Rights a Globaly Reality. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS [online]. 2002 - 2013 [cit. 2013-08-28]. Dostupné z: http://www.youthforhumanrights.org/what-are-human-rights/universal-declaration-of-human-rights/articles-1-15.html
NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Globally, the champions of human rights have most often been citizens, not government officials. In particular, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have played a primary role in focusing the international community on human rights issues. The primary goal of the every country NGO’s is to monitor their governments and pressure them if they don’t respect to the human rights. Here are the world recognized NGO’s, who are founded to protect the human rights : Human Rights Watch is dediThe Human Rights Action Center is cated to protecting the human a nonprofit organization based in rights of people around the Washington. This center uses the world. arts and technologies to innovate, create and develop new strategies to stop human rights abuses.
The members and volunteers of the Association “Pavel Satev” Kocani are well familiar and actively promoting the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights
Human Rights Without Frontiers focuses on monitoring, research and analysis in the field of human rights, as well as promotion of democracy and the rule of law on the national and international level.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People their mission is to ensure the economic quality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
Simon Wiesenthal Center is prestigious international Jewish human rights organization is dedicated to repairing the world one step at a time.
Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) a child advocacy organization that works to ensure a level playing field for all children.
The biggest and most famous is Amnesty International a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all.
ello, my name is Emine Dikmen. I come from Ankara, Turkey and I was EVS volunteer in Kocani, Macedonia . First of all, I hadn’t got any idea to participate in this kind of volunteer activities, but then one of my friends who by the way is my supervisor from Ankara University where I’m assistant professor at the faculty of History, talked to me about this project. He said me “please go and learn something new”. So I followed my heart but took my brain with me as well, and decided to go in Macedonia. I know that the traveling experiences teach us as much as books do, so I prepared my suitcase and the next morning found myself at the airport in Skopje . As a volunteer in the Association “Pavel Satev” I did different kind of voluntary work. One of them was to go to the local library where I was putting stamps on the book after that I was classifying them by alphabetic order. Also I was having everyday communication with the children and people who were coming in the library to borrow a book. I will like to say that I had good relationship with the librarian staff. All of them showed me how to do my work in the library and teach me little bit of the Macedonian language plus how to read and write on Cyrillic Alphabet . Other voluntary work I did was to teach Turkish Language to children and adults who were having very basic knowledge of my mother tongue or didn’t speak at all. During my project in Kocani I stayed in the same house with volunteers who were from Estonia and the Czech Republic so by the everyday communication with them not only that I improved my English communication skills, but this experience helped me the opinions and feelings what I have about life to become much more clear to me. The most important thing for me personally is that I established friendships and contacts with people from different cultural background thanks to the travelling trips I made. At first I went to Skopje, the capital and diplomatic city for Macedonia. There I met people from different nationalities who live there, for example: Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Roman... After Skopje I went to Ohrid which is one of the bigger towns in Macedonia and according to me Ohrid is adorable city. This lake was like dream to me and by my opinion Ohrid has great touristic potential in the future. In Ohrid I visited the museum “Bay of the Bones”. It is a museum about prehistoric time and gave to me many information from the past. The other important buildings what I visited were the monastery St. Naum and the Church St. John of Kaneo. All of this historical places are beautiful and I most warmly recommend everyone to visit them one day. At the end of my project I learned a lot of new things for different cultures, languages, experience, people… I hope that I was teaching my students good and I succeed to presented on the right way many different things from my culture to the Macedonian people and my volunteer friends. Now I know very well that the life is not a contest, but an experience!
by Esra Pehlivan
üşün EVS yapıyorsun başka bir ülkenin şehrinde seni hiç tanımayan ,dilini bilmediğin insanların arasına karışıyorsun. Sana “memleket neresi ” dediklerinde cevabın Türkiye oluyor. Ve kimsenin sana “kimlerdensin” diye sormadığı bir başka diyardasın.Soyadın, hangi üniversitede okuduğun kimsenin umurunda olmuyor. Türkiye’de az çok bilirsiniz bir yabancının yaptığı her harekete “turist işte” der geçeriz.Bunu az çok bilen bir Türk olarak turist olduğumda aklıma ilk gelen “mahalle baskısı” sınırlarından çıkmış biri olarak biraz doğal olabileceğimdi. Turistsen arkadaşım öncelikle insanlarla iyi geçinmenin püf noktasını bilmelisin.Belirli başlı kelimeleri öğrenerek başladım.Merhaba, nasılsın gibi. Ama bunların yanında tamemen devrik bir şekilde o dili bilmediğinizi belirten bir cümlede öğrenin. “и така и така македонски јазик= Biraz biraz Makedonca” .Bu cümlenin çok ekmeğini yedim desem yalan olmaz. EVS yaparken öncelikle kendi fikrinizi hayata geçirebileceğinizi unutmamanız gerekiyor. Düşünün ve uygulayın. En önemli şeylerden biride EVS esnasında dillerini, kültürlerini bilmediğiniz bir çok arkadaşı yakından tanıma imkanınız oluyor.Bu gerçek anlamda sunulmuş en iyi fırsatlardan biridir. Eğer bu fırsatı iyi değerlendirirseniz harika arkadaşlıklar edinip onları,kültürlerini yakından tanıyabilirsiniz.Ve umarım bunu yaparsınız.
The magazine was created in cooperation with EVS volunteers and coordinators Association Pavel Satev Kocani
Contact blogpavelsatev@gmail.com Association Pavel Satev Kocani Karl Marks 64 Kočani 2300 Madeconia