Congratulations on your acceptance into the Graduate School of Education at Eastern Washington University! EWU expands opportunities for personal transformation through excellence in learning, and the School of Education aims to prepare student-centered educators to be professionals, leaders, scholars, and practitioners.
As a graduate student at Eastern Washington University, you will face many exciting and rewarding challenges. Whether you are pursuing a masters or doctoral degree or a professional certificate, you are about to discover that graduate study is quite different from your undergraduate experience. You join a community of scholars, of teachers - driven to educate and inspired by the words of Malala Yousafzai.
Success in graduate school depends on careful planning, and the Graduate School of Education is committed to helping you plan your academic and professional future. This manual provides planning materials to help you be successful throughout your journey. Although your classes are virtual - we hope you connect with the Eagle Family at EWU. Throughout your educational journey we encourage you to visit us in Williamson Hall on the Cheney Campus, join us for the annual Get Lit! Festival featuring U.S. Poet Laureate, Ada Limón, or join our alumni association at an Eagles Football game.
We wish you the best of luck in your graduate studies!
Warmest wishes from, Dr. Shelly Shaffer, Director School of Education and the entire EWU School of Education - Graduate Programs' Team
"One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world"

Winter 2023 Session 2 | February 13 - March 26
• Registration Begins - Continuing Students November 8/ November 19 (New Students)
• Registration Deadline - February 8
• Tuition Deadline February 11 (Drop for Non-Payment February 15)
Spring 2023 Session 1 | April 3 - May 14
• Registration Begins - Continuing Students February 21/March 3 (New Students)
• Registration Deadline - March 29
• Tuition Deadline April 1 (Drop for Non-Payment April 5)
Spring 2023 Session 2 | May 15 - June 25
• Registration Begins - Continuing Students February 21/March 3 (New Students)
• Registration Deadline - May 10
• Tuition Deadline May 13 (Drop for Non-Payment May 17)
Summer 2023 | July 10 - August 20
• Registration Begins - Continuing Students March 3 (New Students)
• Registration Deadline - July 5
• Tuition Deadline July 8 (Drop for Non-Payment July 12)
Fall 2023 Session 1 | September 18 - October 29
• Registration Begins - Continuing Students May 22/June 2 (New Students)
• Registration Deadline - September 13
• Tuition Deadline September 16 (Drop for Non-Payment September 20)
Fall 2023 Session 2 | October 30 - December 10
• Registration Begins - Continuing Students May 22/June 2 (New Students)
• Registration Deadline - October 25
• Tuition Deadline October 28 (Drop for Non-Payment November 1)
The School of Education Accelerated Graduate Programs operate on the quarter system. Each quarter is considered one TERM. As a result, we have Fall Term, Winter Term, Spring Term, and Summer Term. Because of this, courses begin twice during each term. The resulting split of the terms is referred to as sessions. There are two sessions per term. As a result, there will be references to the first or second session of each term/quarter. You will often see these written as Fall I, Fall II, Winter I, Winter II, Spring I, and Spring II. There is only one session during summer term and this is always Summer I.

You are enrolled in an accelerated program, which is designed for completion in approximately seven 6-week-sessions (varies by program) if you are taking 2 classes each session, or 14 sessions if you are taking one class at a time. The program is designed so that all courses in the program are required, and often follow a sequence. It is EXTREMELY important that you follow this sequence as courses are only offered twice per year. Failure to follow this plan will likely result in delayed graduation.
A passing grade in graduate school is a "C". Courses may be repeated for graduate credit. However, as stated under Academic Standards, only two courses in a student’s degree program may fall below a B-. Also see the probation policy below and the general information on the grading system in the policy section of this catalog.
Each of the 20 graduate programs in the School of Education have specific course requirements. All programs require at least 2 internships (some programs require 6 sessions) and 1 portfolio course. Only the M. Ed. programs require the four core classes and a comprehensive exam.
1. Go to the Degree Works Audit your Degree website. (Learn more about Degree Works with this Resource Video).
2. Scroll down to where the form reads the name of your degree, e.g., “Health and Physical Education Graduation Certificate.”
3. Find the classes that have an open red circle O next to them, that means you still need to take those classes in order to complete your degree.
1. Log on to InsideEWU and click on Eaglenet under Quick Links on the left-side of the page.
2. Under the Student Tab, a. Select Registration, b. Add or Drop Classes Select the term. If your registration window is open, you will be able to REGISTER FOR CLASSES.
3. You can use the Subject/Course Number field from your Degreeworks Audit to search for courses that are offered for the session.
4. Final Step - register for your classes
1. Find copies of the course schedule and of all of the specific degree plans at the end of this document.
2. All Accelerated Program classes have a section # starting with "A."

3. You can register for session 1 and 2 at the same time (e.g., Winter 1 and 2). Pay close attention to the course session date and section number when registering. Winter Session ONE courses are numbered A01-A49 and Session TWO courses are A50-A100.
3. Run a degree audit before you register. See directions in the blue box on the next page.
1. Go to the EWU Portal and Access EagleNET
2. Once in EagleNet click the “Student” link
3. Select the menu “Student Account” and then select “Pay my Bill”
4. A menu will show up that should default to the current term
5. Click submit
6. Select the term you are paying and click “Pay Now”. A pop-up opens where you must select the term, and you are able to edit the amount paid.
7. You will now see a summary of your account. Select “Make a Payment” at the bottom
8. Select “Pay Bill or Optional Charges” and follow the on-screen prompts to enter your payment information
Eastern Washington University accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards. We also allow direct debit/ACH of your checking or savings account.

Because of the accelerated nature of the program, it is very important to stay on top of paying tuition for each course you are taking. You will be billed for the entire quarter/term two weeks prior to the beginning of the term. Bills will be emailed to your university email address. You may pay for classes in both sessions of the term at this time OR you may pay for each session as you take it. HOWEVER, and this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, if you do not pay for the courses in a session by the end of the third day of that session you will be AUTOMATICALLY DROPPED from the courses in that session.
If you are using financial aid funds to pay for classes, be sure to register for both session I and session II courses prior to the start of a term. The Financial Aid Office runs their processes prior to the start of each term. If you have questions about this, please contact the Financial Aid Office at https://www.ewu.edu/apply/financial-aidscholarships-office/. This does not apply if session II is your first session in the program.
All students are responsible—regardless of their source of funding—for monitoring their account and paying their full charges by the tuition deadline, which is two calendar days before the session start date. Failure to pay in full by the tuition deadline will result in your removal from the current session. Re-enrollment will not be available until the next session.
For example, Fall II courses began October 31, 2022. If you had not paid for your Fall II courses by close of business on November 2, 2022, you would have been dropped from your Fall II courses. This would not impact Winter I courses or your standing in the program. It will, however, result in a delay in completing your degree as you are not able to re-enroll in the courses for that session. This is university policy and not something we can override. This also applies if another party is paying for your courses (employers, VA benefits, etc). We strongly encourage everyone to reach out to the EWU Student Financial Services at 509.359.6372 if you have any questions.

Use EagleNET to register for classes, pay your bill, check your grades, update your contact information, and check your personal financial aid. https://inside.ewu.edu/EagleNet/
Per official university policy e-mail correspondence will only be sent to the EWU assigned e-mail address. Most of our students choose to forward their EWU email to an email address they use daily. You can have your email forwarded to a personal account.
EWU students are provided free access to Microsoft Office 365. Assignments are to be submitted using the Microsoft Office Suite.
Canvas is the learning management system at EWU. All of your courses are housed in it. All coursework will be completed through Canvas. Your course(s) will show on your Canvas dashboard the first day of the session https://canvas.ewu.edu/ Find guides and how to's at https://canvas.ewu.edu/courses/953165/
Each course in the program uses a variety of resources. Most courses have a required text. You can usually find what text is required for each course by visiting the EWU bookstore website. You are free to purchase your textbooks anywhere you like. You are also free to purchase physical or electronic copies based on your own preferences. As you purchase textbooks be sure to note any edition number and purchase the correct edition. It is also wise to make sure that shipping will get you the textbook in time. Many web-based stores use media mail which can take weeks for delivery. Please see the included attachment for the complete list of textbooks used in the program.
1. Internships are NOT offered during summer session. CTE Admin only start Fall QTR.
2. All internship courses are Pass/Fail.
3. It is recommended that students complete their internship after having completed their first or second sessions, so they will have some coursework to use in the experience.
4. Some programs’ internship courses have prerequisites, so make sure to complete those first. For example: Health & Physical Education require Health Basics before the Health internship.
5. Students are responsible for securing their own internship placement. Make sure to check your program’s internship placement requirements before contacting the site.
6. Early Childhood and Literacy Graduate students do not need to complete an internship verification form because their internships are not at external sites.
7. All programs except Principal Certificate and Early Childhood and Literacy: Should complete the EWU on-line Internship Verification (ewu.edu). Your internship faculty reserves the right to ask you to find a new internship. We have built in the Build Verification form to the Intern form, so your mentor and principal will be notified via email for approval.
8. Principal Certificate Students Only: Complete the Application for Admission to Principal Internship (ewu.edu) and Microsoft Word - District Approval Form - Updated.docx (ewu. edu)

9. Enroll in your internship course on EagleNet.
10. You are not required to resubmit your internship site application and building forms for consecutive internship courses at the same internship site. If you switch internship sites, you must submit a new verification and building form.
The internship meets the requirements for both: (1) Eastern Washington University and (2) the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction - Department of Certification.
Before Your Internship
1. Internship Information - Internship location must be identified by student.
2. EWU does not place students in internship locations.
3. Must cover the majority of the academic year and see the opening and closing of school (order can be reversed).
4. Must complete 540 hours of internship of experiences/activities: 50% (270 hours) must be completed during the academic school year when students and/or staff are present. 50% (270) can be completed doing such activities as scheduling, serving on interview teams, curriculum evaluation, data analysis for program improvement, etc.
5. All interns are required to identify a certificated administrator with at least 3 years of experience to serve as mentor and supervise the candidate.
6. FBI and WA state clearance or valid, current Teaching Certificate in WA State required.
7. Candidate should hold or have previously held a regular teacher, educational staff associate (ESA), or initial/continuing CTE Certificate.
8. Must meet Washington state competencies through internship and portfolio activities
9. Internship expectations and activities will be outlined further in your canvas course
10. Internship and Portfolio Enrollment Courses - Students will enroll in a combination of internship and portfolio courses occurring in separate six-week sessions.
The portfolio course - often taken at the end of the program, is a chance for students to reflect. Each program requires a portfolio course. This course provides students the opportunity to assemble a portfolio of work from graduate education courses that includes a reflective component.
Candidates will provide evidence aligned with corresponding professional competencies.
All of the portfolio courses are graded Pass/Fail.
Refer to the course plans at the end of this manual for specific information.

All of the M. Ed. programs require students to complete a comprehensive exam course. While the courses vary, most require students to write multiple papers that encapsulate their learning. The papers address topics learned in the 4 Core Classes and the rest of the courses.
The purpose of the comprehensive exam is to assess the knowledge and skills attained during the course of graduate study in the Master of Education program.
The comprehensive exam requires students to integrate the principals, concepts, and research methodologies when employing academic language and using a formal writing style.
All of the comprehensive exams are graded Pass/Fail.
Refer to the course plans at the end of this manual for specific information.
Graduates of Eastern Washington University’s programs complete requirements to be recommended for certification or endorsement in the state of Washington. Except for Washington State, EWU has made no determination if this program will lead to licensure in your state or the state in which you are seeking licensure.
Please use the link below to the Certification Office webpage and reference the “Out-of-State Certification and/or Reciprocity Information” section to determine licensure requirements and/or transfer policies in your state.
https://inside.ewu.edu/ education/certification/
We have a team of 13 faculty members and 18 staff (along with over 20 adjunct faculty experts) in the School of Education who are excited to help you learn and be successful.
Faculty by Specialty Area
Our faculty teach the CORE courses and courses in multiple graduate programs.
Elementary Education
• Gus Nollmeyer, Associate Professor, gnollmeyer@ewu.edu
• Kathryn Baldwin, Associate Professor, kbaldwin1@ewu.edu
Curriculum and Instruction
• Suzie Henning, Associate Professor, Foundations, ahenning1@ewu.edu
• Donita Torres, Assistant Professor, dtorres14@ewu.edu
• Melissa Bedford, Asst. Dir., Asst. Professor, mbedford@ewu.edu
• Tara Haskins, Literacy Professor, thaskins@ewu.edu
• Ashley Lepisi, Literacy Lecturer, alepisi@ewu.edu
• Shelly Shaffer, Director, Associate Professor, sshaffer1@ewu.edu
Special Education
• Eliza Jex, Undergraduate Director, Assistant Professor, ejex@ewu.edu
• Kerry Kisinger, Assistant Professor, kkisinger@ewu.edu
• Bethany Leonard, Senior Lecturer, bleonard@ewu.edu
• Kathleen Waldron-Soler, Professor, kwaldronsoler@ewu.edu
Master’s in Teaching
• Ann Van Wig, Associate Professor, avanwig@ewu.edu
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
• Jiawen Wang, Assistant Professor, jwang15@ewu.edu
Early Childhood Education
• Sam Matthai, Early Childhood Education Lecturer, smatthai@ewu.edu
• Lin Zhu, Assistant Professor, lzhu5@ewu.edu
Admission Specialists help you learn about the academic programs and submit your transcripts and applications. To contact an admission specialist call 800-826-3411
Contact Graduate Admissions: gradprograms@ewu.edu
Enrollment Specialists help walk you through the degree program courses and requirements. They can share course offerings and course plans with you. To contact an enrollment specialist email: enrollment@e.online.ewu.edu
Contact the EWU Graduate Program Team if you have unique challenges with registration or degree planning or questions about taking time off from classes.
Find emails for your team below:
Career & Tech Education or Career & Tech with Admin Students email: edu.cte@lists.ewu.edu Educational Leadership Students email: edu.edlead@lists.ewu.edu Master’s in Teaching students email: edu.mit@lists.ewu.edu Principal Certification Students email: edu.principalcert@lists.ewu.edu
ALL other Program Students email: educgrad@ewu.edu
Contact Student Financial Services email: sfsofc@ewu.edu Please include your student Net ID and name
Email: edu.internships@lists.ewu.edu
NEED TO APPEAL SOMETHING (a grade, course, re-admittance)
Email the Graduate Committee at gocarrt@lists.ewu.edu
Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have fulfilled all degree requirements in order to graduate. You should apply to graduate at least 1 quarter prior to completing your requirements.
EWU hosts one commencement ceremony per academic year. The next commencement is on Saturday, June 17, 2023, Eastern Washington University will celebrate the graduating class of 2023 at our annual all-campus commencement ceremonies. If you want to walk in the annual commencement ceremony - you must apply to graduate by February 1.
If graduating in fall quarter or fall semester, apply by December 1.
If graduating winter quarter, apply by February 1.
If graduating in spring semester, apply by April 1.
If graduating in spring quarter, apply by May 1.
If graduating in summer quarter or summer semester, apply by July 6.
Apply to graduate by submitting an Intent to Graduate form at least one term in advance of when you plan to graduate. Log into EagleNET. Under your ‘Student Record’ tab click Apply to Graduate.
http://instagram.com/ewuedugrad https://www.facebook.com/EWUEducation/

DISCUSSION BOARDS Professional Programs https://canvas.ewu.edu/courses/1587958/discussion_topics
EWU Alumni Association ewu.edu/alumni/ TEACHER OF THE MONTH PROGRAM https://www.ewu.edu/cpp/education/teacher-of-the-month/

One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.
- Malala Yousafzai