12 minute read


Sabiha Malik founder of The World Bee Project.

by lisTening To The bees you will find The soluTions. human chain and arTificial inTelligence aT The service of a planeT To be undersTood and saved ascoLtando Le api si trovano Le soLuzioni. catena umana e inteLLigenza artificiaLe aL servizio di un pianeta da capire e da saLvare


accelerates climate change. The challenges of pollinator and biodiversity decline are complex, inter-related and poorly understood, with serious implications for global food security, the environment, and human wellbeing. Just as alarming is the fact that there are no effective policies in place and researchers have not yet developed any means of assessing drivers and risks at national or regional scale. Worse, there is little or no understanding of interactions between the varying multiple causes and drivers of pollinator declines. Sabiha Malik founded The World Bee Project in 2014 to gain understanding of conditions across different ecosystems at regional and national levels by ‘listening to bees’, relying on Artificial Intelligence enabled systems and computational techniques to gain better understanding of the health of bees and the health of their environments. The outcome is the World Hive Network, a unique, ground-breaking solution to connect the world’s beehives via a single global network of monitored hives. lazioni di impollinatori diminuiscono, anche la biodiversità (la diversità biologica della vita sulla Terra) diminuisce e il cambiamento climatico accelera. Le sfide dell'impollinazione e del declino della biodiversità sono complesse, interconnesse e poco comprese, con gravi implicazioni per la sicurezza alimentare globale, l'ambiente e il benessere umano. Altrettanto allarmante è il fatto che non vi siano politiche efficaci in atto e che i ricercatori non abbiano ancora sviluppato alcun mezzo per valutare fattori trainanti e rischi su scala nazionale o regionale. Peggio ancora, c'è poca o nessuna comprensione delle interazioni tra le diverse cause e fattori che determinano il declino degli impollinatori. Sabiha Malik ha fondato il World Bee Project nel 2014 per comprendere le condizioni dei diversi ecosistemi a livello regionale e nazionale "ascoltando le api", facendo affidamento su sistemi di intelligenza artificiale e tecniche computazionali per ottenere una migliore comprensione della salute delle api e dei loro ambienti. Il risultato è il World Hive Network, una soluzione unica e innovativa per colle-

The network, as well as directly safeguarding bees, harnesses the power of bee-derived intelligence for solutions to interconnected issues of biodiversity, climate change, food security and human wellbeing. As humanity stands at the brink of disaster, The World Bee Project is also pioneering socially conscious environmental programs to create new livelihoods and improve production of honey and crop yields – sensor technology-enabled Precision Apiculture for vulnerable women living in conflict conditions and Precision Pollination services for smallholding family farmers. Today, the global value of pollination is estimated to be worth at least $577 billion a year, although – as the great biologist E.O. Wilson says – “this is a meaningless calculation because without (pollinating) insects the environment would collapse into chaos and billions would starve”. The World Bee Project is inviting corporations to make the uniquely pioneering World Bee Project programs the beneficiary of their Environmental Social Governance (ESG), or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments. Website: worldbeeproject.org gare gli alveari di tutto il mondo tramite un'unica rete globale di alveari monitorati. La rete, oltre a salvaguardare direttamente le api, sfrutta la potenza dell'intelligenza derivata dalle api per trovare soluzioni alle questioni interconnesse di biodiversità, cambiamento climatico, sicurezza alimentare e benessere umano. Mentre l'umanità è sull'orlo del disastro, il World Bee Project sta aprendo la strada a programmi ambientali socialmente consapevoli per creare nuovi mezzi di sussistenza e migliorare la produzione di miele e raccolti: l'apicoltura di precisione basata su sensori tecnologici per le donne vulnerabili che vivono in condizioni di conflitto e i servizi di impollinazione di precisione per i piccoli agricoltori familiari. Oggi si stima che il valore globale dell'impollinazione sia pari ad almeno 577 miliardi di dollari l'anno, anche se, come afferma il grande biologo E.O. Wilson "questo è un calcolo senza senso perché senza gli insetti (impollinatori) l'ambiente crollerebbe nel caos e miliardi morirebbero di fame". Il World Bee Project invita le aziende a fare dei programmi pionieristici del World Bee Project i beneficiari dei loro impegni di Governance Sociale Ambientale (ESG) o Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Sito web: worldbeeproject.org

A Miracle for Sport and Nature in Africa

Miracle Africa International Foundation and Sport for Nature join forces for a humanitarian project “Education through Sports” which promotes sports in African villages as a driving force for education and the construction of sports centres using recycled materials. In addition, this project will implement training models based on the respect for the environment and to achieve prestigious goals for educational scholarships.

Miracle Africa International Foundation Founder & President Nadia Murabet

Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) a non-profit organization based in Geneva, Switzerland collaborates with the the Diaspora African Forum (DAF), the African Union (AU), Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) A non-profit organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Health organization (WHO) and the Global Women for Africa. MAIF uses arts, culture, Founder & President Nadia Murabet. music and sport events to promote initiatives and awareness campaigns that target sustainable development, global peace and intercultural dialogue for positive world transformation through projects such as "World Voices for Peace" involving Nobel Peace Laureates. Nadia received various recognitions such as the “Global Achievers Award” during the African Media Summit for her leadership qualities and achievements in creating cultural Furthermore, Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) developed the project " Education initiatives and supporting cultural & sport initiatives which build bridges of peace through Sports" to inspire young African children to embrace their full physical potential and between Africa and other Continents. Nadia was appointed “Peace Ambassdor” by Peace empowerment to succeed in life by learning the skills of discipline and teamwork through sport Nobel Laureates Rigoberta Menchù and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel during the International activities and educational programs. In addition, MAIF also focuses on providing 5 villages in Forum on Women’s Rights in Argentina. Nadia was honored “Peace Humanitarian” at the Better World Awards. Nadia also received the title of “Ambassador of Goodwill” from Africa with a sports field, supplying children with sports equipment, provided by Sportika, and the Inadi National Institute against discrimination & racism during the World Peace giving support to training of educators with the foundation Sports for Nature. Moreover, MAIF, campaign called “World Voices for Peace”, a global institution network which promotes world peace through music, art and sports involving education & intercultural dialogue with Nobel Peace laureates. the Rising Stars of Africa Academy and the FùtballGoals USA association are working together to develop new sport programs, embrace the tenets of good health, and provide educational Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) A non-profit organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, Founder & President Nadia Murabet. Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) A non-profit organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, Founder & President Nadia Murabet. Nadia Murabet - Founder & Presidentscholarships for African soccer talents.Nadia received various recognitions such as the “Global Achievers Award” during the African Media Summit for her leadership qualities and achievements in creating cultural initiatives and supporting cultural & sport initiatives which build bridges of peace Nadia received various recognitions such as the “Global Achievers Award” during the between Africa and other Continents. Nadia was appointed “Peace Ambassdor” by Peace African Media Summit for her leadership qualities and achievements in creating cultural Nobel Laureates Rigoberta Menchù and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel during the International initiatives and supporting cultural & sport initiatives which build bridges of peace Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) collaborates with the African Union (AU), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Diaspora African Forum (DAF), the African Media Summit and Global Women for Africa. Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) works to provide a better quality of life for Africans by initiating and implementing projects and programs that target sustainable development, stability and global peace for Forum on Women’s Rights in Argentina. Nadia was honored “Peace Humanitarian” at the Better World Awards. Nadia also received the title of “Ambassador of Goodwill” from the Inadi National Institute against discrimination & racism during the World Peace campaign called “World Voices for Peace”, a global institution network which promotes world peace through music, art and sports involving education & intercultural dialogue with Nobel Peace laureates. between Africa and other Continents. Nadia was appointed “Peace Ambassdor” by Peace Nobel Laureates Rigoberta Menchù and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel during the International Forum on Women’s Rights in Argentina. Nadia was honored “Peace Humanitarian” at the Better World Awards. Nadia also received the title of “Ambassador of Goodwill” from the Inadi National Institute against discrimination & racism during the World Peace campaign called “World Voices for Peace”, a global institution network which promotes world peace through music, art and sports involving education & intercultural dialogue Sport For Nature Founder & President Stefano Tirelli Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) collaborates with the African Union (AU), the World Health Orwith Nobel Peace laureates. positive world transformation. The foundation uses arts, culture, music and sports events to promote initiatives, ganization (WHO), the Diaspora African Forum (DAF), the African Media Summit and Global Women for Africa. Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) works to provide a better quality of life for Africans by initiating - Founder & President Sport For Nature started at the beginning of 2018 based on an idea of creating a project that create awareness campaigns and build bridges of peace & understanding through education. Following the resolutions of the United Nations, with particular reference to the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (CRC), Miracle Africa International Foundation designed and developed the Miracle Sport Academy, an educational initiative that enables young people to practice football and other athletic disciplines. Miracle Sport Academy strongly believes in “the power of Education through Sports” and strives to foster a new conscious and responsible generation, the drive of Africa’s future. Miracle Sport Academy focuses on providing 5 villages in Africa with a sports field, supplying children with sports equipment and giving support for the and implementing projects and programs that target sustainable development, stability and global peace for positive world transformation. The foundation uses arts, culture, music and sports events to promote initiatives, create awareness campaigns and build bridges of peace & understanding through education. Following the resolutions of the United Nations, with particular reference to the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (CRC), Miracle Africa International Foundation designed and developed the Miracle Sport Academy, an educational initiative that enables young people to practice football and other athletic disciplines. Miracle Sport Academy strongly believes in “the power of Education through Sports” and strives to foster a new conscious and responsible generation, the drive of Africa’s future. Miracle Sport Academy focuses on providing 5 villages in Africa with a sports field, supplying children with sports equipment and giving support for the training of educators. In addition, MAIF partnered with College Life International to provide educational scholarships for African soccer talents. Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) is working in Ghana, Liberia, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of The Congo. Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) collaborates with the African Union (AU), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Diaspora African Forum (DAF), the African Media Summit and Global Women for Africa. Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) works to provide a better quality of life for Africans by initiating and implementing projects and programs that target sustainable development, stability and global peace for positive world transformation. The foundation uses arts, culture, music and sports events to promote initiatives, create awareness campaigns and build bridges of peace & understanding through education. Following the resolutions of the United Nations, with particular reference to the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (CRC), Miracle Africa International Foundation designed and developed the Miracle Sport Academy, an educational initiative that enables young people to practice football and other athletic disciplines. raises awareness among current and future generations on the fundamental issue of safeguarding the planet through sportsmanship working towards a common goal. The 2020 Covid-19 epidemic put further attention on the need to focus on the environment and adopt a lifestyle which brings us to respect nature and allows us to become more resilient to the changes we will have to face over the years. Man today must become mentally stronger, to prepare himself for the changes caused by humans. training of educators. In addition, MAIF partnered with College Life International to provide educational scholMiracle Sport Academy strongly believes in “the power of Education through Sports” and strives to foster a new conscious and responsible generation, the drive of Africa’s future. Miracle Sport Academy focuses on providing Sport For Nature therefore aims to communicate the need for change, respecting the balance arships for African soccer talents. Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) is working in Ghana, Liberia, “The practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental In collaboration withSUPPORT AFRICA’S CHILDREN THROUGH THE POWER OF EDUCATION IN SPORTS 5 villages in Africa with a sports field, supplying children with sports equipment and giving support for the that has always governed our planet.In a future in which sport will be seen above all as a tool South Africa and the Democratic Republic of The Congo. right for all. Every human being has the fundamental right to physical education and sport, which are essential for the develtraining of educators. In addition, MAIF partnered with College Life International to provide educational scholarships for African soccer talents. Miracle Africa International Foundation (MAIF) is working in Ghana, Liberia, for improving health and which will therefore be made available to all, the Sport For Nature South Africa and the Democratic Republic of The Congo. opment of their personality.” association aims to carry out projects that make it possible to bring eco-sustainable sports (from the International Charter for Education and Sport, Article 1, facilities to areas where today they are not present. UNESCO 22/11/1979).

SUPPORT AFRICA’S CHILDREN THROUGH THE POWER OF EDUCATION IN SPORTS “The practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental right for all. Every human being has the fundamental right to SUPPORT AFRICA’S CHILDREN THROUGH THE POWER OF EDUCATION IN SPORTS “The practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental In collaboration with physical education and sport, which are essential for the devel- right for all. Every human being has the fundamental right to opment of their personality.” physical education and sport, which are essential for the devel

(from the International Charter for Education and Sport, Article 1, UNESCO 22/11/1979). opment of their personality.”

“The practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental right for all. Every human being has the fundamental right to physical education and sport, which are essential for the development of their personality.”

(from the International Charter for Education and Sport, Article 1, UNESCO 22/11/1979).

In collaboration with “The practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental right for all. Every human being has the fundamental right to physical education and sport, which are essential for the development of their personality.”

(from the International Charter for Education and Sport, Article 1, UNESCO 22/11/1979)

in collaboration with

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