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Candidate Information Pack Development Director Churchill College, Cambridge

Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge


Letter from the Master


General Background


Alumni and Development Office


Duties and Responsibilities


Skills and Person Profile


Terms and Conditions


How to Apply



Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

Letter from the Master

Dear Candidate Thank you for taking an interest in the post of Development Director at Churchill College. Churchill has the enormous benefit of being the national memorial to the “Greatest Briton”. The Churchill Archives Centre and the Møller Centre for Continuing Education bring a constant stream of interesting people from all over the world to the College. The College itself has a substantial overseas following, with a high proportion of graduate students dating back to its foundation, and an ongoing programme of visiting Fellows from overseas universities. It has always cherished its links with industry and has opened its doors to businesses and research organisations as a conference venue since the beginning. The College only began to take development seriously twelve years ago. Since then, it has made enormous strides in building relationships with alumni. The end of the 50th anniversary capital campaign to build a new court for undergraduates marks a watershed in our development agenda. I will be coming to the College as the seventh Master in September this year and I look forward to working with the new Development Director on the next phase of our development. Key significant objectives will be in the area of increasing funding for undergraduate bursaries and graduate studentships, and building more graduate accommodation. Other objectives include funding to improve our existing accommodation and particularly provide better facilities for disabled students and to provide grants to students for music, sport and conference attendance. As someone who has pursued scientific research throughout their career, most of which has been spent in collegiate Cambridge, these targets are particularly close to my heart. Churchill College is an exciting place “to be part of ” as we proclaim on our website. As our alumni will attest, this place is different and constantly innovating and evolving. I hope that you will wish to join us in this endeavour and I hope to meet you in due course. Professor Dame Athene Donald DBE FRS Master-elect


Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

General Background

Churchill College is one of the thirty-one Colleges of the University of Cambridge. It was founded in 1958 as the national and Commonwealth memorial to Sir Winston Churchill. Situated just outside the city centre on a superb 40-acre site, it is an academic community of c. 460 undergraduates, 280 graduate students and 160 Fellows or academics. Its foundation specified a particular mission in mathematics, science and technology but it also has many students in the arts and humanities, and academic performance is outstanding across the board. Its student body is notably diverse, and includes a higher than average proportion of students from state schools and colleges, from ‘nontraditional’ backgrounds and from overseas. The College provides key tuition to its students in the form of ‘supervision’ – Cambridge’s unique, small-group teaching system – as well as close academic direction, pastoral and welfare support, and academic and social facilities. To our Fellows we provide an environment strongly conducive to scholarship and research of international importance, and a social as well as intellectual community. Most of our students live on site, as do c. 35 Fellows. Accommodation includes 80 flats, 414 single bedrooms and 147 en-suite bedrooms, as well as central communal and office spaces, a Library, meeting rooms, formal reception rooms, a recital room, a theatre and sports facilities.


students live in rooms off staircases in the traditional Cambridge style, while graduate students live mainly in houses around the College site. Family accommodation is provided on site for Fellows and academic visitors in the 20 Sheppard Flats, or for graduate students in the 40 Wolfson Flats. The College includes the Churchill Archives Centre which conserves and houses Winston Churchill’s personal papers, the Margaret Thatcher papers and over 500 other important twentieth-century collections of papers. While the College’s fundamental mission is academic, its fulfilment of this is heavily facilitated by commercial operation. To this end, it owns the Møller Centre, situated on the College site, which offers training and conference facilities and accommodation throughout the year in a purpose-built building provided by the Danish entrepreneur, A P Møller, in 1991. It also runs a highly successful conference and hospitality business in the main College buildings, which involves day-meetings during University term and many residential conferences at other times. Together these two businesses turn over more that £6.5 million p.a. and contribute about £1.6 million to the College’s operating income.


Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

General Background continued

Churchill College has a significant, progressive national profile. It helps lead educational development in the wider University and beyond; it engages with politicians, political commentators, historians and the media through the work of the Churchill Archives Centre; and it collaborates with the business world through its conference operation. The College is a registered charity whose charitable objectives are: To advance education, learning and research especially in the field of science and technology; and to provide a College wherein members of the University of Cambridge may work for degrees in that University, or may carry out post-graduate studies or other special studies at Cambridge (provided that no member of the College, or any candidate for membership, shall be subject to any test of a religious, political or social character). The administration of the College is ultimately the responsibility of the College’s Governing Body and Council, which is the trustee body of the College, whose membership is drawn from Fellowship, the student body and the staff, and which are chaired by the Master (Professor Sir David Wallace). Please view for further details about Churchill College. The second full-time Development Director of the College, Sharon Mather, is retiring at the end of July 2014, after the closing of the 50th Anniversary campaign which started in 2009.


The Development Director reports to the Bursar and College Council but works very closely with the Master of the College. Dame Athene Donald FRS has been appointed Master from October 2014, replacing Professor Sir David Wallace FRS who has been in post since 2006.


Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

Alumni and Development Office

The Development Director heads up the Alumni and Development Office with three direct reports: the alumni officer, the development officer and the social media and administrative assistant. The current development officer is on maternity leave and the post is being covered on a fixed term contract. The office is the first point of contact for the Colleges alumni and produces two printed publications each year as well as e-bulletins,

an alumni section of the

College website and social media to engage alumni and current students. The College uses the Raiser’s Edge software for its alumni database and management of donor records. There is an ongoing legacy campaign and the development officer is currently leading research on how best to focus and present this area to alumni. All significant legators are members of the Winston Churchill 1958 Society and are invited to an annual lunch attended by a member of the Churchill family. The College enjoys the support of the Churchill family with frequent visits by members of the family. The College is playing a pivotal role, through Allen Packwood the Director of the Archives Centre, in the Churchill 2015 national events commemorating the Founder’s death. The College also works closely with other Churchill-related organisations, such as the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust which currently funds 12 bursaries for UK undergraduates at year. The Winston Churchill Foundation of the US, another independent charity, exists to fund graduate one year degrees for US science students at Churchill College and about 13 of these are sponsored each year. Whereas about 18% of the undergraduates in the College come from outside the UK, for the graduate (or Advanced Students as we call them), the figure is nearly 70%. This is a high proportion for Cambridge and poses particular problems and opportunities for fund-raising. The College has always had at least a third Advanced Students in its number and was a pioneer in this area. In addition to regular communication from the College, alumni also have generous dining rights enabling them to visit the College and there are a number of set piece events each year, including the Churchill College Association (to which all alumni automatically belong) annual dinner and alumni weekend, which coincides with the University’s alumni weekend.


Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

Alumni and Development Office continued

There is a Memorandum of Understanding between the Colleges and the University about development activity around alumni. The Archives Centre is renowned internationally as a centre for research into 20th Century politics but it also has many scientific papers as well. There have been successful appeals to build a new wing to house the papers of Margaret Thatcher (and others) in 2000-01 and to endow the post of Director (2004-05). The Centre appeals to donors from around the world most of whom have had no connection with the College. The University rightly acknowledges it as a “jewel” within the University’s portfolio and is currently fundraising for a joint appointment of a Professor of 20th Century History and Politics, attached to the Archives Centre. The Centre is funded from three major Trusts which the College manages and from a number of project-specific grants such as one awarded by the Wellcome Foundation recently to fund the cataloguing of the papers of Sir Aaron Klug. Allen Packwood, the current Director, has successfully raised most of these funds without need of much support from the Development Office. The capital campaign to mark the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the College is coming to a “soft” close this summer. The primary objective of the campaign was to fund a new court to house 68 undergraduates.

Planning permission has

just been obtained and about £5.7million of the £9.6 million estimated cost has been raised. The College has borrowed money to cover the gap but any additional funds raised would be welcome. The College is also extending the Møller Centre, with the help of a donation of £3 million from the Chastine and Maersk McKinney Møller Foundation which donated the original building to the College in 1990. The College is investing £3.4 million in the project.


Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

Alumni and Development Office continued

Other recent and ongoing campaigns, reflecting donor wishes, include: •

The Hahn Fellowship in Economics (after a founding Fellow of the College, the economist Frank Hahn, who died recently)

Take a Seat – the original chairs in the main Dining Hall were all replaced last year (350 chairs) and alumni were invited to sponsor a new one and name it if they wished.

Apart from the gap in funding for the new court, the greatest needs perceived at the moment by the College for funding are bursaries to help undergraduates and studentships to support graduate students. In particular there is a real shortage of funding for UK Arts M.Phil and PhD students and normally those wishing to do a PhD are required to do a Masters degree first. Secondly there is a need to build more graduate accommodation.

With the new court we will be able to house

undergraduates throughout their time in Cambridge. We aspire to house Advanced Students for at least two years. The ideal target for fundraising might therefore be £10 million to endow bursaries and studentships and £3 million for a new graduate building by 2019. The College’s buildings were the subject of a national competition in 1958 and were some of the first 1960’s buildings to be listed. They attract a great deal of attention from architects and architectural historians and have inspired many events in that sector. As part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations, small books commemorating the building of the College and its history, the first Chaplain, Noel Duckworth, the third Master, Sir Hermann Bondi, and the Archives Centre were produced.


Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

Duties and Responsibilities •

Review the Development Strategy for the College and build the case for support;

Recommend and gain acceptance from the Fellowship to strategies and tactics for fundraising, reporting to College Council and Governing Body as appropriate;

Manage and lead a professional fundraising office for the College, including setting the priorities, administration and budget control of that office;

Research and execute fundraising campaigns for the College;

Steward existing donors through individual meetings, reports and regular communications;

Work with the Master, Fellows and students to build effective relationships for the longer term;

Increase the number of legacy pledges;

Manage the College’s relationship with its alumni, and communication and events in support of that objective;

Represent the College on the relevant inter-collegiate bodies;

Maintain a public profile for the College, in conjunction with the Master, Bursar and Senior Tutor.

Any other reasonable duties that may, from time to time, be required by the Bursar.

Skills and Person Profile The job holder will have: •

demonstrably good leadership skills and experience in a sales or service-related management role;

the ability to manage priorities, set and maintain standards, deal with routine administration and communicate across a complex organisation;

ideally at least five year’s fund-raising experience;

some administrative experience

the ability to communicate with a wide range of people from all around the world, of all ages and backgrounds

a good degree or equivalent professional qualifications and experience in a role which demonstrates the above.


Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

Terms and Conditions

All non-academic posts at Churchill College have been evaluated using the HERA (Higher Education Role Analysis) job evaluation scheme. This post has been assigned to Grade 8 on the Churchill College pay scale, but also attracts a market pay supplements. The salary for this role is competitive. After six months’ service, the College will contribute to a defined contribution pension scheme, and will match contributions on a 2:1 ratio up to a maximum of 14% employer contribution. The post is also attached to a College Fellowship. This makes the holder a member of the Senior Common Room and the Governing Body of the College. The material benefits include free parking on site, one meal a day and six guests a quarter at College expense, and the use of a Fellow’s guest room up to 12 nights a year, subject to availability. There are also extensive sports facilities on site. There are 25.5 days’ holiday per year, of which half a day is taken on the day before the Christmas break.

How to Apply

in partnership with

For a confidential discussion about this role, please contact Churchill College’s executive search consultant:

Mairi Shirley



+44 (0)20 3589 0468

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Candidate Information Pack Development Director, Churchill College, Cambridge

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