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Candidate Information Pack

Consultant - Business Development The Perse School

in partnership with

The School

Founded in 1615, The Perse School in Cambridge is

The School provides a very rounded education, with

one of the country’s leading independent day schools.

first class opportunities in sport, art, music and drama

The values that define the School community are

and a large number of thriving clubs, societies and

intellectual curiosity and scholarship, endeavour,

extra-curricular activities in which all pupils participate.

breadth and balance, and valuing one another.

The pastoral system is strong and supportive, the

The Perse School Foundation is fully co-educational, educating boys and girls from 3-18 on three sites:

student body is diverse, and the atmosphere is open and friendly.

the Pelican Nursery and Pre-Prep (ages 3-7) in Glebe

There are currently 1130 pupils in the Upper School;

Road; the Prep (ages 7-11) in Trumpington Road; and

280 pupils in the Prep; and 150 pupils in The Pelican.

the Upper (ages 11-18) in Hills Road. Children thus

The permanent staff of the School, sub-contract

progress through three different schools, but have all

catering staff, peripatetic music, sports coaching and

the benefits of being part of one larger institution with

other specialist staff number over 400.

an integrated curriculum and pastoral care system. More details about the School can be found on :

Candidate Information Pack Consultant – Business Development, The Perse School

Background to the consultancy

The Perse as a former direct grant school has always

The Perse School is uniquely situated at heart of this

prided itself on educating talented children from a wide

exciting growth and development across the city. Just

range of backgrounds so affordability is a key concern.

minutes away is Addenbrooke’s hospital, which is

The School has successfully delivered a major strategic

undergoing major expansion as the new Cambridge

development plan over the past decade which has led

Biomedical Campus is built. This will be a world-class

to significant increases in pupil numbers, bursaries

centre of excellence in biomedical related research,

and facilities. It is one of the larger independent

patient care and education, with pharmaceutical

schools in the country and is financially robust. It is

giants such as GSK and AstraZeneca building new

now looking to develop and increase its revenue from

headquarters nearby. By 2020, it will be one of the

non-core activities in order to be able to further assist

leading biomedical centres in the world. The expansion

those without the financial means to attend as well as

has also led to major housing developments in the

to continue to be able to provide the best teaching,

area as Cambridge becomes an increasingly dynamic

facilities and opportunities for its pupils.

and desirable place to live and work.

Cambridge is one of the world’s fastest growing

The postholder will be responsible for delivering

business clusters, with a population of only 120,000

recommendations on future commercial initiatives that

the city has more billion dollar companies than much

The Perse could deliver in order to increase non-fee

larger UK cities, near full-employment and productivity

income. These might include but are not limited to;

levels 30% above London. It is rapidly becoming

the development of a state-of-the-art fitness centre

the most exciting technology cluster in Europe, with

and swimming pool which would provide a private

companies such as Microsoft and Apple alongside

sport and fitness club run on commercial lines for the

exciting start-up companies, with a total of some 4,000

local (business and residential) community as well as

knowledge-intensive firms. The city has one of the

offering excellent additional facilities for the School; the

highest concentrations of Nobel prize-winners in the

development or acquisition of a language school; the


operation of schools overseas by franchise or other means; and the extension of existing after school clubs / holiday activities. This position is offered in the first instance on a 6 month consultancy basis.

Candidate Information Pack Consultant – Business Development, The Perse School

Job Description Reporting to

Principal Contacts


Head and Bursar

Main Duties and Responsibilities •

Identify new commercial activities to drive income to include but not limited to: •

Produce analysis and report on existing ’high end’ fitness suites and swimming pool

income generation opportunities to include their

facilities in the area to include their scale

scale and method of operation, competition in

and method of operation, the services they

the region and propose possible (structural /

offer, the fees they charge and the costs they incur in order to run them, and available space in the market. Propose a possible

operational and financial) models for the Perse. •

include financial projections.

for the Perse, to include possibilities for joint •

opportunities that might arise in the future.

Produce analysis and report on existing language schools in the area to include their scale and method of operation, the courses they run, the fees they charge and the costs

Make recommendations to ensure that The Perse is at the forefront of identifying and realising the

operators. •

Prepare a detailed business case on the basis of the above supporting the recommendations to

(structural / operational and financial) model ventures with fitness club providers and

Produce analysis and report on other commercial

Additional Duties and Responsibilities •

Work with the Development Director to assess

they incur in order to run them, and available

the development potential of The Perse through

space in the market. Propose possible


(structural / operational and financial) models for the Perse, to include possible acquisition(s) as well as a Perse start-up. •

Produce analysis and report on existing models of overseas schools. On the basis of the analysis, make suggestion for involvement in the market, including favoured countries for a Perse overseas operation and suggested route(s) to taking development of overseas operation forward.

Candidate Information Pack Consultant – Business Development, The Perse School

Person Specification

Knowledge, skills and experience required for the role Qualifications

Personal qualities

Degree level or equivalent (D)


Experience and skills •

Experience of developing commercial operations ideally within a school or education setting or a setting with a similar range of drivers and complexities (D)

An instinct for business development opportunities

Exceptional interpersonal and management skills, comfortable working collaboratively across the School in a “hands on’, pragmatic and highly engaging manner (E)

Senior management experience gained also ideally within a school or education institution or a setting with a similar range of drivers and complexities (D)

Experience of developing income generation opportunities (E)

Strong analytical and market research skills (E)

Proven track record in creating and writing strategies, policies and guidance (E)

Strong experience of project management (E)

Strategic internal and external communications planning and delivery experience (E) D = Essential E = Desirable

Candidate Information Pack Consultant – Business Development, The Perse School

Outline Terms and Conditions Salary

Working Hours


This post is full time for 37.5 hours per week. Normal working hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 am – 5.00 pm, with a half hour lunch break (unpaid). You may be required to work additional hours as the needs of the job require.

Application Safer recruitment

Relevant Policies

The Perse School is committed to safeguarding and

The following document is available for your

promoting the welfare of children and applicants

information on the School website, or by request from

must be willing to undergo child protection screening

the HR Department:

appropriate to the post, including references from previous employers, and a Disclosure and Barring Service check at the enhanced level as well as

Recruitment, Selection and Disclosure Policy and Procedure

compliance with Sections 15-25 of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (eligibility to work in the UK). Interviews will be conducted in person, and they will explore candidates’ suitability to work with children.

To apply Please apply by submitting a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a covering letter highlighting your suitability for the position by email to: For an informal conversation prior to applying to this role, please contact Execucare, the School’s executive search consultants: Nicky Reames

Joanna Logan





execucare Execucare UK 71-75 Shelton Street London WC2H 9JQ United Kingdom (44) 20 7470 8865 Created by the Execucare Design teamDevelopment, The Perse School Candidate Information Pack Consultant – Business

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