Director of Development Candidate Information Pack
in partnership with
Contents Welcome from the Dean
Vision and Values of St Paul's Cathedral
Structure and Governance
Staff Diagram - Departmental Structure
Development at St Paul's Cathedral
Development Team - Current Staff Team
Job Description
Person Specification
Terms of Employment
How to Apply
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
St Paul’s Cathedral is a cathedral, institution and
St Paul’s is seeking to appoint a Director of
community unlike almost any other. Today it has a truly
Development to help us to move forward into the next
global reach.
phase of our corporate life. The appointment comes
With a history that goes back some 1,400 years, being
at a time which is rich with opportunity and challenge.
built and rebuilt perhaps five times over these centuries, it is an iconic building for London and the nation. The building is there because of the purposes it was made for: it was built not for looking to the past but for service for the future. We host not only daily and weekly Christian worship and prayer, but also major diocesan and national services, as well as being a venue for visitors and worshippers from around the world. We help to educate thousands of children and young people, take music
There is so much that we need to do and so much that we want to do. We are aiming to unlock the support which will enable us to ensure that St Paul’s continues to achieve the highest possible standards in everything it does; fulfilling our vision as a spiritual focus for London and beyond, and as a centre for welcome, worship and learning that inspires successive generations to engage with the richness of the Christian faith, its heritage and the common good. We are looking to welcome someone inspired and
out into London schools and churches, and put on St
inspiring to join us in making the future a reality.
Paul’s Institute and other Adult Learning events here
Let us know if you think that’s you.
and elsewhere, which challenge and change the world around us. We offer support and encouragement to people in times of need and in times of joy. We are not
The Very Revd Dr David Ison Dean of St Paul’s
just a building, but a living community in the heart of a dynamic world city. Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
St Paul’s Cathedral is both an important cultural
The Cathedral also has an international reach; there
institution and one of the most iconic buildings in
are links with the USA through the American Memorial
the world. It is the seat of the Bishop of London and
Chapel and the annual Thanksgiving Day service. It also
the mother church of the Diocese of London. It is
contains the chapels of the Order of St Michael and
also a significant venue for concerts and exhibitions
St George, the Order of the British Empire and the
throughout the year, and has an important collection of
Knights Bachelor, as well as being a centre for worship
art and historic artefacts.
and thanksgiving for national organisations such as
For more than 1,400 years, a Cathedral dedicated
the Order of St John. There are diocesan connections
to St. Paul has stood at the highest point in the City. Frequently at the centre of national events throughout Britain’s history, traditions have been observed here and radical new ideas have found expression under
with the Berliner Dom and the church in Angola and Mozambique. It is also a major international tourist attraction. Together, well over a million visitors and worshippers every year from all over the world visit St
the iconic dome. In many cases these events have left
some physical record as well as echoes in the intangible
As London develops on both sides of the river, St Paul’s
memory of the building. The present day building, the
continues to thrive, both to represent the interests
masterpiece of Britain's most famous architect Sir
of the Church of England and engage with the diverse
Christopher Wren, is at least the fourth to have stood
community of the city. During the 2012 Olympics and
on the site. It was built between 1675 and 1710, after its
Paralympics, the Cathedral held open evenings which
predecessor was destroyed in the Great Fire of London,
attracted hundreds of people looking for quiet space.
and services began in 1697.
The current strategic plan includes the development
Today, St Paul’s Cathedral is a centre for worship,
of more effective engagement in inter-faith relations as
mission and teaching. It draws together in its ministry and daily life a complexity of activities, projections and
St. Paul’s retains its significance as an important part of London’s culture and British national identity.
aspirations. Amongst other roles, it is the Cathedral of the Diocese of London, a national church, an icon of resilience in the face of adversity, an architectural heritage centre, a partner in the City of London, a school and place of learning as well as debate and challenge, a space of worship and holiness, an international spiritual focus, and a commercial enterprise. It is a Christian church and seeks to share the Christian Gospel, yet is also ‘owned’ by many who would profess no Christian faith. Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Vision and Values of St Paul's Cathedral Vision •
St Paul’s Cathedral seeks to enable people in all their diversity to encounter the transforming presence of God in Jesus Christ.
As a community of worshippers, staff and volunteers, St Paul’s works with care and imagination to be a centre for welcome, worship and learning which inspires successive generations to engage with the richness of the Christian faith and its heritage.
St Paul’s Cathedral aims to do this with confidence, compassion and creativity, promoting dignity and justice for everyone.
St Paul’s Cathedral works with the Bishop and Diocese of London and the wider church, as a spiritual focus for London, the nation and the world.
Values •
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control;
To uphold integrity, honesty and openness in what it does;
To aim for the highest possible standards in everything it does, acknowledging that it cannot do everything;
To make its operations as just and as sustainable as it can;
To foster and encourage diversity, being inclusive and challenging to itself as well as others.
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Structure and Governance
The members of the Chapter, the Council and the College of Canons together comprise the Corporation of the Cathedral Church of St Paul in London, which is the legal entity responsible for the life, work and witness of St Paul's. Chapter
Cathedral Council
The Chapter is the principal governing body of St Paul's.
The Council receives the Cathedral’s accounts and
Its members include the Dean (as its Chair) and the
annual budget, holds the Chapter responsible for its
four Residentiary Canons together with up to four
stewardship of the Cathedral’s vision, and advises the
Lay (not ordained) Canons.Vision, strategy and policy
Chapter as appropriate; membership of the Council
are overseen by Chapter on behalf of the Corporation
includes people with significant gifts and expertise
of St Paul's, to which it reports, and are developed in
whose advice is of particular value to the Cathedral.
consultation with the Bishop and the Cathedral's other governance bodies.
College of Canons
The Chapter is responsible for oversight and
The College of Canons consists of Chapter members,
management of worship and prayer, mission and
area and suffragan bishops, archdeacons and 30
education as well as buildings and finances. The
honorary prebendaries, and is required to receive the
Residentiary Canons (Precentor, Chancellor, Treasurer
Cathedral accounts; also associated with the College
and Pastor) oversee the development of the Cathedral
are lay and honorary canons and, together, the College
in complementary areas of its life: the Precentor looks
assists the work of the Cathedral through advice,
after worship, welcome and events; the Chancellor
advocacy and support for its ministry.
is responsible for theology, education and outreach including Schools and Family Learning, the Institute, the Adult Learning Department and the Collections, and oversees Visual Arts policy; the Treasurer oversees finance, fabric, interpretation and IT; and the Pastor engages in outward-looking pastoral care including developing training, communications and fundraising, and exploring how the Cathedral can connect better with its diocese. The Registrar, Emma Davies, is the Cathedral's principal administrator and lay officer, and assists Chapter in carrying out its work, overseeing more than 150 fulltime staff and hundreds of volunteers. Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Staff Diagram - Departmental Structure Chapter
Cathedral School Headmaster
Lay Canons
Theology, Education and Outreach
Worship, Welcome and Events
Training, Communication and Fundraising
Fabric, IT, Finance and Interpretation
Treasurer Committee Secretary and PA
Director of Institute
Head of Schools and Family Learning
Director of Development
Head of Finance
Head of Collections
Dean's Virger
Head of HR
Clerk of Works
Head of Adult Learning
Director of Music
Director of Visitor Services, Marketing and PR
Head of IT
Events Co-ordinator
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Surveyor to the Fabric
Development at St Paul's
The appointment of a Director of Development (to succeed Matthew Lagden who stepped down at the end of last year) is the first stage in an exciting step-change in fundraising at St Paul’s Cathedral. The Cathedral has ambitious plans to continue improving the fabric of the Cathedral, developing its education and outreach programmes, its music department, and the important collection of art and historical artefacts. The Director of Development will work closely with the Chapter, the Registrar and the Heads of Department to develop a case for support aligning the development strategy with the overall strategy of the Cathedral. The Cathedral is looking for an exceptional individual to lead its Development team in planning and executing this step-change, attracting and engaging with very high level prospects and donors around the globe who will share and wish to contribute to its vision. The Director will be joining a highly ambitious, engaged and motivated senior management team.
S/he will have managed a high-performing fundraising team, preferably in an institution with a complex senior management structure (such as a university college); completed a successful high-profile capital campaign; and have a proven track record of developing strategy and securing 7-figure major gifts. S/he will have experience of all aspects of the fundraising process including prospect and donor management, major grant applications (ideally including Heritage Lottery Fund), corporate partnerships, regular giving and legacies. Reporting to the Registrar, and working closely with the Canon Pastor, the post holder will manage and grow the team, currently comprising three other colleagues.
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Development at St Paul's
This is a unique chance to join a world-renowned Cathedral and an outstanding opportunity for a motivated, strategic, entrepreneurial senior manager to make their mark by contributing to the protection and development of one of the most iconic buildings in the world. S/he will play a vital role in enhancing the Cathedral’s role as an important cultural institution, and enabling St Paul’s to continue to retain its significance as a major centre for worship, mission and teaching. The last major capital fundraising campaign, between 2000 and 2011, raised £42 million and paid for an extensive cleaning of the fabric of the building, both within and without. Overall the fabric is in good shape, but there needs to be ongoing work in dealing with issues identified by the forthcoming Quinquennial Survey, as well as known problems with roofs and drains. The Cathedral is also planning some major projects over the next five years, following the completion of Chapter House renovation early in 2015. Conservation work is needed on the Library, Trophy Room and historic collections to provide better educational access, and the Cathedral is working on how to develop better ways of welcoming visitors and improving facilities for them.
The Cathedral has had largely healthy finances in recent years. Only sightseers are charged an entry fee to visit. Income from this source funds the running costs: there is no other significant source of income from Church or State. At its height, in 2013, of the 2.2 million people estimated to have visited St Paul’s Cathedral, 940,000 were paying visitors. The number of paying visitors is just under 700,000 now, whilst the cost base remains much the same. Increasing self-generated income annually through tourism, appropriate business enterprise and an active fundraising effort, are vital ingredients of the coming years if St Paul’s is to continue to thrive.
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Development at St Paul's
Message from the Canon Pastor
Message from the Registrar
As the Canon with oversight for the area of
As one of the more recent newcomers to St Paul’s, I
Development it is my hope that our new Director of
can easily recall my excitement at sitting in the Quire
Development will be intrigued and energised by the
at Evensong, marvelling at the fabric of the building
possibilities which exist for building on what has gone
whilst enjoying the highest standard of music. Since
before and for moving forward confidently. I hope you
then, I have been able to see better some of the work
will be captivated by the story of what happens in this
to put on services that in the very early mornings may
complex and multifaceted place.
only attract tens of people, or that may be an event
Until then, I’d like to offer a hint of some of the human
of national importance and seen by an international
stories which make this a very special place and which underline the significant task that our new Director of Development will have in helping us find the resources to continue the wide range of ministry offered here. Our glittering mosaics and wonderful soaring carved interiors easily catch the eye, but it takes a little time to also see the lives enriched and transformed here: the woman sitting at the early 7:30am service with a suitcase having left an abusive partner overnight who, not knowing where else to go, found our doors open; the man whose wife had died two hours earlier at a local hospital and needed human contact before returning home; the student who wanted to ask important life questions; the artist who finds inspiration
audience. In addition to the Worship, as a leading visitor attraction, work goes on to welcome around 700,000 paying visitors a year to the Cathedral, displaying ground-breaking artwork and managing key historic treasures. Behind the scenes our schools and family learning department and musical outreach help a diverse range of young people come into contact with the Cathedral and literally touch their history, whilst our Adult Learning and Institute, the latter through a programme of inspirational events which address some of the most urgent and ethical spiritual issues of our times, provide food for thought, and often challenge. And then there is the building itself; iconic, beautiful, demanding. None of this can happen without the money
here and returns time and again; the people of all faiths
to take it forward.
and none who find a quiet space for rest and renewal;
Under the strategic guidance of Chapter and the Canon
the inquisitive and breathless teenage conqueror of the
Pastor in particular, I am committed to supporting
Dome staircases.
the new Director of Development in developing their
These are some wonderfully exciting opportunities
team and the environment required for success. I look
ahead of us and I am looking forward to working with the Director of Development to deliver them. Reverend Tricia Hillas Canon Pastor
forward to welcoming the person who will be able to help us extend what St Paul’s offers today, and make it available to future generations too. Emma Davies Registrar
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Development Team - Current Staff Team Director of Development
Deputy Director of Development
Supporter Services Manager
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Development Executive
Job Description Job Title:
Development Director
Line Manager:
Responsible to:
Canon Pastor
Operational and management •
to create a prospect pipeline. •
which will maximise gift and grant income from
to be sought. •
their contribution to the achievement of demanding fundraising goals.
with St Paul’s ethical fundraising policy. •
the process of ‘making the ask’ to a number of
prospects. •
impact of each gift on the Cathedral’s finances and
aspects of the Cathedral’s operations. Develop a fundraising strategy that will attract a plurality of support whilst continuing to develop
Develop, and keep under review, a programme of cultivation and stewardship, that fairly reflects the
the case for support is embedded throughout all •
Provide training and support where necessary to Chapter and senior staff in how to solicit gifts and
Main Duties
for support, and ensure that a clear expression of
Develop effective methods of working with key senior volunteers (yet to be appointed) to maximise
endowment needs of the Cathedral, in accordance
Work closely with the Chapter to establish the case
Ensure that detailed and current project information is available on all projects for which funding is being/
all sources to support the revenue, capital and
Support Chapter in identifying and prioritising suitable projects and activities for development.
Purpose of the Job To create and implement a fundraising strategy
Develop and resource a prospect research function
mission. •
Manage a set of prospects and donors to achieve
links with City institutions as appropriate and
personal fundraising target:
delivering to significantly increased income targets.
Revise that strategy as circumstances require.
prospect or donor to secure the desired grant/
Devise and agree a communications plan to support
gift/sponsorship and deploy senior clergy, senior volunteers and senior management as
the above. •
appropriate to secure those gifts.
Working closely with Chapter and the Registrar,
identify a unique senior volunteer to spearhead a
acknowledged, thus maximising the likelihood of
the role of campaign chair, and with them identify
them making further gifts.
candidates to form an effective expanded fundraising board. With the support of the Chapter and the Registrar, align the Cathedral’s various fundraising structures in order to make it attractive and easier for donors
Steward each donor following their gift and ensure that their gift is appropriately
major fundraising campaign for the Cathedral in
Devise cultivation-solicitation plans for each
Develop and manage the team, agreeing individual fundraising targets and work plans and overseeing their performance to achieve departmental objectives.
to give and ensure that the administrative burden of supporting these bodies is minimised.
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Job Description Main Duties Monitoring and evaluation
Monitor and report on progress in growing the donor pool, moving donors up the ladder of giving
senior management or Chapter may request from
and meeting income generation targets. Regularly
evaluate all aspects of the fundraising strategy in order to increase return on investment in both the short and long term. •
Ensure that all fundraising complies with relevant legislation.
Any other appropriate duties that the line manager,
The job description is an operational document that does not form part of your contract of employment. It may be that from time to time you are expected to perform tasks that may not be expressly in the job description but are nonetheless necessary in the day to day performance of your duties. St Paul's Cathedral reserves the
Maintain an overview of developments in the
right to amend the job description as may from time to time be
fundraising sector and a perspective on how St
necessary to meet the changing needs of the organisation.
Paul’s is performing relative to the competition. Keep Chapter and senior management abreast of these issues so that they are best equipped to exercise their duties in relation to income generation.
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Person Specification
• •
Demonstrable success in leading revenue, capital
and reconcile data and to act independently and
An appetite to significantly grow grant, gift and
decisively when the situation demands it. •
management, fellow Heads of Department, other Cathedral colleagues, senior volunteers and donors,
effort. The ability to promote interest amongst prospective donors in the goals of the Cathedral and an
funders and sponsors. •
prioritise and switch from one task to another on
The capacity to understand the external context
a frequent basis. Meticulous with detail and able to
relation to external relations and development, and
work well and with accuracy under pressure. •
to understand the structure of the Cathedral and the division of responsibilities between the various bodies by which the Cathedral is governed. An ability to think both strategically and tactically about the relations between potential donors and in the areas of major gift, trusts and foundations,
Flexible approach to work; prepared to work out of regular hours and to travel.
Senior management experience.
Qualified to degree level or equivalent.
Knowledge of fundraising best practice and benchmarking processes.
fundraising goals, to provide specialist expertise
Extremely well organised with the ability to
its world-class status. in which the Cathedral operates, particularly in
Self-motivated with excellent communication skills, both oral and written.
ability to ask for, or arrange for others to ask for, significant gifts to assist the Cathedral in maintaining
Personable, with a collaborative style able to get the most out of the team, clergy and senior
Experience of building a strong cohort of senior volunteers who actively support the fundraising
The ability to plan strategically, monitor budgets
and (ideally) endowment fundraising. partnership income for St Paul’s. •
The successful candidate will be in sympathy
corporate, and legacy fundraising and to develop a
with the aims and Christian mission of St Paul’s
long term strategy for the solicitation of major gifts.
The ability to work with the Chapter and senior management colleagues in the cultivation of prospects and in the solicitation of gifts, with the capability to manage and develop relationships with volunteers, donors and prospects; good listening skills are essential.
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Terms of Employment Salary
Competitive Salary.
25 days’ holiday per year plus 8 bank and public holidays.
Pension Scheme
Auto-enrolment compliant Defined Contribution Group
Appointment is subject to satisfactory references.
Personal Pension scheme. The standard contribution starts at 5% from the employer with a compulsory 1% from the employee. Increased optional employee contributions are matched by the employer up to a joint total maximum pension contribution of 11%.
Probationary period The appointment is subject to a probationary period of 6 months and is then subject to confirmation. Other Benefits Policies on: interest-free season ticket loan; childcare
Life Cover Life Assurance policy at the employer’s cost with a death-in-service benefit currently 4 times pensionable salary.
vouchers; staff discount in the Cathedral’s shop and café and local businesses; provision of refreshments; Employee Assistance Programme; flexible working policy; annual allocation of free sight-seeing tickets for family
and friends; access to a Credit Union; sustainability
Full-time; you are expected to work a minimum of 35
- accredited Eco-Church; learning and development;
hours per week between Monday and Friday. Normal
professional membership fees paid if required by your
office hours are 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
job; access to tickets to events, concerts and services;
You will work such hours as are necessary to carry
opportunities to support our selected charities etc.
out the duties and responsibilities assigned to you. By the nature of this role, frequent evening and occasional weekend work and travel with occasional overnight stays will be required.
How to Apply Please apply by submitting a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a covering letter highlighting your suitability for the position by email to: For an informal conversation prior to applying to this role, please contact Execucare, St Paul’s Cathedral's executive search consultants: Mairi Shirley
Nicky Reames
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, St Paul's Cathedral
Execucare UK 71-75 Shelton Street London WC2H 9JQ United Kingdom (44) 20 3409 8981 Execucare USA (Shirley Associates) 200 North Larchmont Boulevard Los Angeles 90004-3707 USA (1) 323 4606202 Execucare New Zealand Level 1 97 Cuba Mall Wellington 6142 New Zealand (64) 4385 1904
Candidate Information Pack Director of Development, Paul's Cathedral Candidate information pack created by theSt Execucare design