Image Credit: Shutterstock, Juan Gaertner
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LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Immunology is a young, dynamic and important
Despite these strengths, there are challenges. We are
discipline. Although many of our members are cutting-
highly reliant on income from our academic journals
edge researchers working in universities and industry,
and academic publishers are under pressure from
immunologists are increasingly involved in converting
new developments such as open access. Given its
fundamental insights into treatments that prevent or
evident importance and the pace of discovery within
ameliorate ill-health in humans and animals.
the discipline, immunology is under-recognised
It’s an exciting time for immunology, with new
and underappreciated by those planning curricula,
treatments being launched for asthma, allergic disease, immune deficiencies and autoimmune disorders all based on discoveries in immunological laboratories over
healthcare and science strategies. We are constantly looking for new ways to raise the profile of immunology by reaching out to the public, influencing funders and
the past 30 years. These treatments have come about
key decision makers.
because of innovations in immunology, many of them
We are looking for a dynamic, experienced interim CEO
from our members.
with a strategic outlook who can contribute fully to our
The British Society for Immunology is the largest (and
mission and support and engage with our staff, Trustees
wealthiest) immunological society in Europe, with a strong, enthusiastic and growing membership of approximately 3,500. We are currently mid-way through an ambitious 5-year strategy, which aims to support current and future generations of immunologists throughout their careers while also influencing high-level policy and research priorities and strengthening public
and members to achieve our potential. In addition to a strong track record (for example, in charity work, finance, business, or management), we are looking for an inspiring and empathetic leader with a commitment to public service who can build on the excellent work of our departing CEO. This is an excellent opportunity to make a significant contribution to one of the UK’s major
understanding of immunology. We work closely with our
and most ambitious charitable organisations.
international counterparts and are proudly outward-
Thank you for your interest in joining us.
looking, responsive and keen to support those entering
Peter Openshaw
the field. Although based in London, we have a global membership and a network of regional and affinity
President, British Society for Immunology
groups around the country. Our meetings and journals showcase the world’s best immunology, regardless of national boundaries.
Image Credit: Shutterstock, Sebastian Kaulitzi
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
INTRODUCTION The British Society for Immunology
Immunology is an incredibly exciting
(BSI) is the leading UK membership
and fast-paced area of research, at the
organisation for scientists and clinicians
cutting edge of our knowledge on how
who study the immune system. Our
to prevent and treat disease in humans
friendly and accessible community of
and animals. The BSI’s members work
3,500 members comes from academia,
throughout the entire immunology chain,
industry and healthcare. We aim to
from the laboratory bench right through
work with our members and partners
to the clinics and hospitals in which
to promote immunological research
patients are treated – from discovery to
and application around the world and
delivery. Areas covered by immunology
support immunologists throughout their
include vaccination, infectious diseases,
careers. Founded in 1956, the BSI is a
allergy, immunotherapy, transplantation,
registered charity with an innovative,
and autoimmune disease to name
outward-looking focus and an ambitious
but a few. The BSI plays a vital role
plan for how we can advocate for
in bringing together these streams of
immunological science and health for the
work and sustaining and expanding UK
benefit of society.
immunology’s future. In doing so we are
The BSI aims to give a powerful
Immunology is a global science and
voice to immunological science and
international networks are key to
health, advocating on issues for the
generating research success. The BSI
benefit of society. Key to this stream
aims to facilitate international links for
Based in Holborn, London, the BSI’s staff
of activity is our work enhancing
our members by working with sister
of 17 work closely with the Society’s
public understanding of immunology,
organisations from around the globe
Trustees, committees and members
influencing policy and decision makers
to increase engagement opportunities
to deliver our strategic priorities. Our
and engaging with the media. The BSI is
and collaborative networks. Additionally,
annual Congress regularly attracts
also committed to providing education
our two official journals – Immunology
over 1,200 delegates and we also run
and careers support to our members
and Clinical & Experimental Immunology
many smaller, specialist events through
throughout their careers. We recently
– publish cutting-edge studies from
our engaged network of Regional and
published an in-depth report examining
researchers around the world. They form
Affinity Groups. Additionally, the Society
the current state of immunological
a key part of our work to disseminate
distributes a significant proportion of
careers in the UK and are in the process
research with the aim of promoting
our funds to members through our grant
of developing several ambitious projects
and advancing immunology to foster
schemes to support their research, help
as a result of this.
future innovation as well as providing
acutely aware of the need to continually innovate and advance.
Image Credit: Shutterstock, Juan Gaertner
Image Credit: Shutterstock, Creativa Images
them attend conferences and assist with
a significant proportion of the Society’s
public engagement initiatives.
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
2016 - 2020 STRATEGY The UK is a world leader in immunological
Our current ambitious five-year strategy
research and we are now witnessing how
runs from 2016–2020 and has a focus
decades of investment and research into
on supporting our members as well
immunology is yielding breakthroughs
as raising awareness and influence of
in the treatment of critical disease areas
immunology in the wider world. The BSI’s
such as infection, cancer, autoimmunity
strategic priorities are:
and allergy.
To harness the collective strength
The British Society for Immunology is a
of our membership, growing
key stakeholder in the global success of
our numbers and increasing our
immunology, with a mission to promote
excellence in immunological research, scholarship and clinical practice in order
high-level policy and research
to improve human and animal health.
priorities, communicating effectively
We accomplish this by: •
generations of immunologists. •
understanding of immunology. •
the media.
To offer support to current and future generations of immunologists
Sharing our passion for immunology through meetings, publications and
and strengthening the public’s
Working with our members to support current and future
To shape the future by influencing
across their careers. •
To invest in the Society’s future and build on its rich heritage, forging
Building up an understanding of our
new partnerships in pursuit of our
work by engaging with the public
and those working in the research and health environments. •
Working with partners in pursuit of our mission, building on common interests.
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
THE ROLE IN CONTEXT Over the last three years there have
With the current CEO leaving at the end
been significant changes at the BSI. The
of May 2018 and with the search for her
charity has moved to new and improved
replacement beginning in March 2018, it
offices in central London, the Trustee
is anticipated that the new CEO will be
Board has been restructured, a new
starting at the BSI later in 2018. The BSI
website has been created, an internal
is therefore looking for an Interim CEO
restructure has been done and new
to hold the fort until the new CEO starts.
appointments have been made. We now
This interim term will be for a minimum
have an excellent, strong and effective
of 3 months, up to a maximum of 6
senior management team. A recent
months. The role will be a caretaker one,
SWOT analysis indicated a motivated and
ensuring that the BSI continues to run
happy atmosphere in the office with the
smoothly, maintaining momentum, until
sense of freshness and ‘can do’. We have
the new CEO starts. It will not require
exciting times ahead.
bringing changes to the current strategy
Jo Revill, the current CEO, was appointed
or policies but will include overseeing their implementation.
in 2015 with the specific remit of bringing about these changes by laying new and solid foundations on which to build and develop a new 5 year strategy for the BSI. These changes were brought about with the full support of the President, Professor Peter Openshaw, and the Board of Trustees.
The Interim CEO is appointed by the Image Credit: Shutterstock, Fusebulb
Board of Trustees and is responsible to the Board of Trustees for the delivery of
Now that these solid foundations have
the BSI strategy, advising the Trustees
been laid, everything is in place for the
of perceived risks and opportunities and
new CEO to build on and develop new
overseeing all aspects of the efficient
and exciting plans for the future of the
management and running of the BSI’s
BSI. Priorities include: improving and
operations and activities. They report
diversifying services for new income
directly to the Board of Trustees on all
generation streams, reviewing the
matters and are line-managed by the
membership strategy, building research
Chair of the Board (The President).
capacity, exploring the impact Brexit will have on the BSI’s work, developing the relationships which are ongoing with China and other international partners, Image Credit: CCBYNCND, Sanofi Pasteur
developing work with the Board and other committees, and with Congress.
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
Image Credit: Shutterstock, Point Images
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
Board of Trustees
17 staff including 6 direct reports
Give direction and leadership to staff to achieve the BSI’s mission, its five-year strategy, to meet its annual goals as determined and
The BSI is a dynamic research membership organisation, working with scientists and clinicians from academia and industry to promote immunological research and application around the world. Our friendly, accessible community of more than 3,500
approved by the Board of Trustees. Promoting the BSI externally to senior stakeholders in the UK and overseas including key opinion formers in Government, industry,
immunologists gives us a powerful voice for immunology.
academia, media and other organisations.
Based in Holborn, London, our staff of 17 work with our trustees,
To protect and enhance the reputation of
members and other organisations to achieve the organisation’s
the Society, ensuring its voice is heard, that
aims. The BSI’s mission is to promote excellence in immunological
its impact is maximised and its mission
research, scholarship and clinical practice to improve human and
animal health. We do this by: • •
managed, that the finances and resourcing
generations of immunologists;
of activities are sustainable and that the BSI
Sharing our passion for immunology through meetings, publications and the media;
Building up an understanding of our work by engaging with the public and policy-makers in life sciences and healthcare;
Ensure that the BSI investments are well
Working with our members to support current and future
Working with different partners in pursuit of our mission, building on common interests.
attracts income from diverse sources, as well as maximising income from its journals (Clinical and Experimental Immunology and Immunology). To support and enable good governance of the organisation, keeping up with charity and company law, advising trustees of any
The Interim Chief Executive is appointed by the Board of Trustees
changes needed in governing documents and
and is responsible to the Board of Trustees for the day to day
working to ensure well-run elections and a
running of the organisation and delivery of the strategy, overseeing
good volunteer base for committees.
all aspects of the efficient management and operation of the Society and its activities. The Interim CEO reports directly to the Board and is line-managed by the Chair of the Board (The President).
To work closely with the President, supporting and enabling the Trustees in all operational matters.
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
Image Credit: NIAID
To lead the implementation of the strategic, policy and operational work in liaison with the Trustees and the Senior Management Team (SMT). To lead, motivate and harness the skills of the SMT, ensuring that the BSI’s values and objectives are communicated through them to the wider team, and to promote high levels of achievement. To support the development of staff to reach their full potential through HR resources and staff training, ensuring that the Society is a good, happy place of work. To be responsible for ensuring that the BSI has the resources (human, financial and office) to operate effectively and efficiently, in accordance with its charitable purpose. To advise on and deliver the strategic and operational goals and KPIs linked to the strategy with regular updates for the Board. To line-manage effectively the Finance and Business Director, Head of Conferences and Events, Head of Publishing, Head of Communications and Engagement, Policy and Public Affairs Manager and Committees and Governance Manager. All but the Policy and Public Affairs Manager constitutes the Senior Management Team. To identify potential external risks for the BSI, actively seeking opportunities to mitigate such risks.
External relationships
To ensure that the reputation of the BSI is protected and enhanced. To work with other learned societies, science and healthcare bodies including research charities and support the development of partnership initiatives. To liaise with CEOs of our international partners and advise the Board on forthcoming meetings, opportunities or challenges. To work with the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the landlords, to ensure good sharing of relevant information relating to the office management and the building.
Legal and
To serve the Board and other committees, ensuring transparent and timely reporting of progress against the strategic and business plans, reporting on developments in
the research or healthcare environment, and flagging up areas of importance. To ensure that the society complies with the requirements of current legislation and that both Trustees and staff are aware of their legal responsibilities. To supporting and enable the Trustees to follow the principles of good governance. To ensure that committees are running effectively, with clear plans, terms of reference and reporting responsibilities. To ensure that the Society’s governing documents, its Rules and Articles of Association are up to date and appropriate.
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
To give priority to delivering quality to members, in line with the BSI’s mission. To engage actively with members, growing the membership across all fields of immunology and at all career levels. To oversee the running and development of membership services, working with the Finance and Business Director to ensure that the services remain well run, relevant, high quality and affordable. To keep the membership offer and subscription rates and policies under yearly review, updating the Board on any developments, looking for full engagement of different career grades and sectors within the immunology community.
Core activities
To support the elected Chair of Forum, head of the BSI’s policy development committee, to develop workstreams and activities for our members relating to policy, public engagement, public affairs, communications, marketing, education and careers. To keep Forum and the Board up to date on external developments of relevance by supporting the team to bring items of relevance, including the BSI response to the Brexit arrangements and the government’s Life Sciences Strategy.
Events and meetings
To work with the Head of Conferences and Events to ensure that there is appropriate planning, development and efficient implementation of a yearly programme of events and meetings attended by members, including the annual Congress. To update the Board on plans for Congress as well as the support for international immunological society meetings and updates on the yearly cycle of regional group activities, working with Head of Conferences and Events to ensure that there are robust plans for sponsorship and exhibitors and for attracting delegates through marketing. To liaise with the Congress Secretary and Regional Groups Secretary to discuss work plans and any developing issues.
President and trustee support
To support and enable Trustees and others to act as ambassadors for immunology, working through communications, policy and public affairs to seek opportunities to expand and promote the role of the BSI, both nationally and internationally. To support and enable the President to be the public face of the BSI and engage with a broad range of stakeholders including government, industry, the media and organisations active in the field. To attend meetings and conferences on BSI’s behalf and maintain effective networks with related organisations.
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
To oversee all Journals and Publications activities, working with the Head of Publishing to ensure that BSI journals (currently published with Wiley), are well run; that Editors-in-Chief are supported fully and that we work to strategic aims. To liaise with senior publishing partners and others to maintain a good knowledge of current and future challenges, including new technology and Open Access changes. Assess new opportunities in publishing with the Head of Publishing to bring in new revenue streams, which also align with our membership needs.
To safeguard the BSI’s financial interests to provide a sound base for the current and future delivery of its work. To liaise with the Treasurer and the Finance and Business Director in the preparation of the annual income and expenditure budget for submission to the Finance subcommittee and the Board. To ensure effective and appropriate management of the BSI’s financial resources, and regularly monitor overall levels of expenditure in line with agreed budgets, introducing cost-cutting measures where necessary. To act as Company Secretary, cheque signatory and to take authority for signing contracts in compliance with the BSI’s Scheme of Delegation. To explore and maximise income-generation opportunities ensuring that there is a diverse income stream to fund existing and future activity.
Events and meetings
Be responsible for staff recruitment, advising the President and Board concerning vacancies and roles, enlisting Trustee support for senior management appointments. To oversee the pay and remuneration system for staff, ensuring that the Board can make an appropriate annual pay award. Ensure that best and appropriate HR practice is adhered to in the areas of staff recruitment, the setting of terms and conditions of employment of staff, appraisals, supervision, training, development, performance and discipline. Responsible for ensuring that the Society’s pension scheme is appropriately administered in conjunction with the Finance Director and FSC. To promote equal opportunities for staff as enshrined by law, and to continue to run a workplace that fully supports the best equality and diversity practice.
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
Dynamic, interactive and sociable
Experience of charitable work and
Experienced team manager and decisive leader Excellent mentor to staff Demonstrable ability to manage competing priorities Good listener, attending to the concerns of BSI Members, Trustees and staff Takes guidance and advice appropriately Broad strategic vision combined with attention to detail Highly organised and methodical
knowledge of charity regulations Experience of working within a membership organisation Experience of providing vision and direction to a team Experience of working with the press and media Experience of running meetings and conferences Experience of effective project delivery Experience of financial management Influence and contacts in government and in funding organisations Evidence of effective lobbying on behalf of a cause Evidence of developing organisational strategy Academic background (ideally in immunology)
Knowledge of academic publishing
Image Credit: Gagandeep for IAVI
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
Image Credit: Shutterstock, A and N Photography
MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES FOR SMT MEMBERS The role holder will be expected to evidence competence in the following areas: Values and Ethics: Integrity and Respect Demonstrates respect of people and principles. Maintains a respectful, diverse and inclusive work environment where decisions and transactions are transparent and objective. Holds themselves, their employees, and their organisations accountable for their actions. Strategic Thinking: Analysis and Ideas Offers advice and creates plans based on analysis of issues and trends, and how these link to the responsibilities, capabilities, and potential of their organization. Scans an ever-changing, complex environment in anticipation of emerging crises and opportunities. Develops well-informed advice and strategies that are sensitive to the various needs of multiple stakeholders and partners, reflect the strategic direction of the department and position the organization for success.
Engagement: People, Organisations, Partners Engages people, organisations, and partners in developing goals, executing plans, and delivering results. Mobilises teams, building momentum to get things done by communicating clearly and consistently, investing time and energy to engage the whole organisation. Uses negotiation skills and adaptability to encourage recognition of joint concerns, collaboration, and to influence the success of outcomes. Follows and leads across boundaries to engage broad-based stakeholders, partners, and customers in a shared agenda and strategy.
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
Management Excellence: Action Management, People Management, Financial Management
Resource Management: Budget Management and Management of other Resources
Delivers results by maximizing organisational effectiveness and sustainability. Ensures that people have the support and tools they need and that the workforce as a whole has the capacity and diversity to meet current and longer-term organizational objectives. Aligns people, work, and systems with the business strategy to harmonize how they work and what they do. Conscientiously assigns performance goals, offers regular performance feedback, and conducts timely performance discussions and reviews.
Accesses and reviews standard budget reports; creates yearly spending plan for all budget accounts working with the Finance and Business Director; keeps appropriate records of organisational spending and tracks it against spending plan; reallocates resources as organisational change occurs. Gathers and organises data to make a business case for changes and additional resources.
£80,000 - £90,000 pro rata
Length of contract
3 - 6 months
Annual leave
28 days pro rata
Pension eligibility
Defined contribution pension scheme with up to 5% employer contribution
34 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4SG
EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY A copy of the British Society for Immunology’s Equality of Opportunity and Diversity at Work policy can be viewed HERE
APPLICATION PROCESS Please apply by submitting a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a covering letter highlighting your suitability for the position by email to:
Candidate Information Pack | Interim Chief Executive Officer, British Society for Immunology
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