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CANDIDATE INFORMATION PACK: w ne rs hi p rt pa in




BACKGROUND The University of Manchester Our vision is for The University of

About the Division of Development &

The University of Manchester has great

Alumni Relations

ambitions for further philanthropic

Manchester to be one of the leading

In the Division of Development and

universities in the world by 2020.

Alumni Relations, our aim is to help

The University of Manchester is part

everyone connected to The University of

of the prestigious Russell Group of universities, with outstanding facilities and the widest range of courses. We are highly respected across the globe

Manchester to make a positive impact in the world. •

to fulfill their potential, regardless of

as a centre of teaching excellence and innovative research. With 25 Nobel Prize winners among our

their background. •

brilliant discoveries, from splitting the atom to giving the world graphene. We’re committed to world-class research, an outstanding learning and student

We help our researchers make new discoveries and breakthroughs to

current and former staff and students, we have a history of world firsts and

We help the brightest young people

improve our world. •

We help alumni, donors and others to stay part of the Manchester story, wherever they might be

growth, and with consistent, strategic investment, we are aiming to raise £150M between 2016/17 and 2020/21. This income includes grants made to the University by independent organisations such as the North American Foundation for the University of Manchester (NAFUM) and the Hong Kong Foundation for the University of Manchester (HKFUM). Beyond philanthropy, in the past six years we have worked with over 6,000 alumni volunteers who are engaged in programmes that bring current students and alumni together in order to enhance the student experience

The Division aims to provide an

and take the University’s commitment

outstandingly communicative, engaging,

to Social Responsibility to new levels.

stimulating and rewarding experience

These award-winning and award-

The University of Manchester was the

to donors and alumni who wish to play

nominated programmes include the

first and most eminent of the civic

a partnership role in taking areas of

Manchester Gold mentoring programme,

universities, furthering the frontiers

shared interest forward. The University

‘meet the professionals’ careers events,

of knowledge through research and

benefits from the interest and support

School Governors programmes, work

teaching, but also contributing to the

of the UK’s largest alumni community for

placements and an international Global

well-being of its region and society more

a campus-based university, maintaining

Graduates Scheme that provides

widely. These aims have guided the

contact with more than 390,000 of its

students from low income backgrounds

institution ever since and continue to

alumni in over 190 countries.

with the opportunity to visit major

drive our strategic vision.

Annual philanthropic gift income has

global cities to meet with alumni across

experience, and social responsibility in everything we do.

grown from £2M in 2004/5 to over £19M in 2016/17.

a variety of sectors, providing a global perspective on their future career.

Candidate Information Pack | Development Officer, Science & Engineering, University of Manchester


THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (FSE) The University has a history of breaking

Each school has a powerful legacy of

new ground in science and engineering.

research and teaching success, and an

Rutherford began his work here on

interdisciplinary, collaborative approach

splitting the atom (and later received

to their areas of expertise. With some of

the Nobel prize in 1908 for his work

the highest quality staff and facilities and

on radioactivity). The ‘Baby’, the world’s

a broad spread of academic subjects,

first stored-program computer, and

the Faculty competes with the best

Manchester Mark 1 came into being

universities in the world. With a total

here. It is the birthplace of Chemical

income of over £200m per annum, over

Engineering. The world’s first steerable

9,500 students and over 1900 academic

The bringing together of industry

nanotechnology and particle physics.

radio telescope at Jodrell Bank was built

staff, the Faculty is equivalent to a

and academia to translate

It now wishes to build on this success

here by Bernard Lovell. Since 1906, when

medium-sized university in the UK.

revolutionary biotechnology

by broadening its major donor pool in

former student Joseph Thomson won the

A significant proportion of the research

discoveries into business

support of the vital work it undertakes


in addressing major national and

Nobel prize for physics, the Faculty has produced 19 Nobel laureates.

undertaken in the Faculty is worldleading in terms of quality, as shown

Key research areas include: •

The development of advanced materials that can transform – and even replace – existing technologies and materials

Wide ranging work that will lead to the development of more sustainable energy solutions

Within the University of Manchester, the

Donors to the Faculty of Science and Engineering since 2004 have supported a wide range of priorities ranging from PhD scholarships and early career research fellowships through to major research institutes. The Faculty has attracted a number of landmark gifts from donors over this period in pioneering areas such as

international issues including:

Today, the Faculty of Science and

by the results of the UK Research

Engineering comprises nine academic

Excellence Framework (REF) in 2014, and

Schools: Chemical Engineering and

by the award of the 2010 Nobel Prize

Analytical Science; Chemistry; Computer

for physics to two of our professors,

Science; Earth, Atmospheric and

Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov.

Environmental Sciences; Electrical

The University of Manchester’s

and Electronic Engineering; Materials;

research beacons are examples of

Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil

pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary

Engineering; Mathematics; and Physics

collaboration and cross-sector

new computer revolution in artificial

and Astronomy.

partnerships that are tackling some of

intelligence and data science; and

Faculty has strong collaboration with

Using novel engineering solutions

colleagues in the other two faculties:

to address inequality in food,

Humanities and Biology, Medicine

healthcare and infrastructure;

and Health. Many research activities in FSE are carried out in national and international collaborations.

the biggest questions facing the planet.

Securing our energy future;

Leading the revolution in industrial biotechnology;

Playing a major role in leading a

Developing new advanced materials that will transform the world.

For more information on the Faculty visit

Candidate Information Pack | Development Officer, Science & Engineering, University of Manchester




Senior Development Officer (FSE)

The Development Officer (Science & Engineering) will provide advice, consultancy and active input to private donor programmes. You will initiate contact and build relationships with prospective donors, actively develop and lead gift proposals for donors wishing to support the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and be a key relationship manager at University-wide level with private individual donors leading them towards support for agreed University philanthropic priorities.

Candidate Information Pack | Development Officer, Science & Engineering, University of Manchester



To identify areas of shared interest held by prospective/current private donors and the University and develop pathways of interest, participation and involvement that lead to tangible support for the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the University, principally through philanthropy

To establish and manage the University’s relationship with a portfolio of donors and potential donors (typically giving £1,000 to £100,000 per annum), towards agreed targets and performance metrics. This will involve initiating contact, regular face to face and telephone discussions with prospective and current donors in the region, London and the rest of the UK, and occasionally internationally

To work closely with the Senior Development Officer (Faculty of Science and Engineering) to identify emerging priorities and projects, prepare powerful and compelling written proposals and develop, commission and edit appropriate materials aimed at relevant donor audiences

To understand the research themes and priorities of FSE, whilst being aware of and able to articulate key messages in other priority areas

To lead, prepare and facilitate gift proposals for Faculty and University priorities to individuals and organisations in co-ordination and consultation with academic and DDAR colleagues. This will involve liaison with key stakeholders and high level copy writing to produce timely proposals by summarising detailed and often complex academic programmes in a style which is accessible and motivating for the audience

To manage the processes involved in gift proposals and subsequent gift agreements, including detailed activity plans and associated multi-year budgets for donor-funded programmes, ensuring appropriate agreement and sign-off at Faculty, School and divisional level for all major gifts

To provide consultancy and support to senior members of the academic community to facilitate their becoming successful in all aspects of major donor communications

To act as an ambassador both internally and externally for the University

To undertake travel across the UK as required, and to be flexible to work outside normal hours where necessary

To undertake other such duties as may be required from time-to-time by the Senior Development Officer and Head of Philanthropy: Campus Masterplan and Interdisciplinary Research

Candidate Information Pack | Development Officer, Science & Engineering, University of Manchester



Have proven experience of successful fundraising with high level private personal donors and philanthropists, or experience of income generation through relationship management

Have proven experience of managing customer or client relationships with demonstrable ability to develop this skill to interact with ease with mid to senior level executives and/or philanthropists

Have knowledge and understanding of philanthropy and charitable giving

Have outstanding written and oral communication skills with experience of writing and presenting effective, clear and persuasive proposals

Have a very high order of interpersonal skills with the necessary listening, influencing, negotiation and diplomatic skills to represent the University at senior levels

Have excellent educational qualifications, ideally to degree level or equivalent; accompanied by a demonstrable interest and passion for securing funding aligned with the priorities of the Faculty of FSE


Be a catalytic team player who is committed to achieving shared goals and gains satisfaction from a team result

Have enthusiasm and energy to act proactively, and the initiative, drive and commitment to work individually when required

Have a resilient, can-do attitude with the tenacity and patience required to achieve fundraising outcomes

Have a good eye for detail

Have the ability to work under pressure and to effectively prioritise a varied and diverse workload

Have a high level of computer literacy

Be willing to work outside normal hours when required and undertake UK-based travel as necessary

Have an empathy with, and understanding of, the worlds of business and academia

Have knowledge of issues in UK higher education funding

Have knowledge of, and interest in, the University’s scientific and engineering research priorities and how to most effectively communicate these to a lay audience

Have experience of working with a wide range of colleagues from a variety of disciplines across a large and complex organisation

Candidate Information Pack | Development Officer, Science & Engineering, University of Manchester



HOW TO APPLY For further information and to apply for this role, please visit

Candidate Information Pack | Development Officer, Science & Engineering, University of Manchester


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