Candidate Information Pack

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WELCOME LETTER Thank you for your interest

St Andrews stands for quality. We are

Our approach to the structure of the

in joining the Development

recognised for the delivery of excellent

Development team has also been

teaching and research, and have been

distinctive with a successful track record

in the top five of UK league tables

of providing flexible and agile working

an exciting time to join

for more than a decade. A major

for fundraising staff. The Head of

Scotland’s first university as

philanthropic campaign backing the new

Development, London and International,

strategy will underpin our ambitions as

is based from home to be closer to

a world-leading institution, contributing

the key London market (as are our

600th Anniversary Campaign

towards funding buildings, big ideas and

US team) and you will be supported

goal of £100m and planning

impactful research, and scholarships to

by dedicated staff in the St Andrews

bring on the next generation of world-

Development Office. You will have

leading students and young academics.

daily contact with the team, including

fundraising, alongside the

The remit of this role has developed

Facetime/Skype calls into staff meetings

University’s new strategic

in size and stature over the past five

and back-up whenever required. This

plan due to be launched in

years, from major gifts in London and

flexibility, combined with regular trips

team at St Andrews. It is

we celebrate reaching our

the next phase of our

Autumn 2018.

the South East (where so many of the St Andrews alumni and wider network reside) to now include our international networks in Hong Kong (Foundation launched in 2015), Germany (Foundation launched in 2017) and the Middle East. The role is at senior level, sitting alongside the Head of Major Gifts (US) and working closely with me, the Vice Principals and with Professor Sally Mapstone, Principal and Vice Chancellor, during visits to London and travelling widely to work with supporters at the highest levels.

The success of the £100m Campaign has provided a platform for us to progress to the next phase in fundraising, particularly with principal and transformational gifts. We had more than 14,000 donors to the 600th Campaign, with over 20 gifts each year of £100,000 and above, including £1m

to St Andrews to immerse yourself in the University and town, and the opportunity for worldwide travel, means it’s the best of all worlds for the ideal candidate. I hope that you are excited by this opportunity and we look forward to progressing the conversation, and to

contributions from donors in China,

expanding the Development Team.

Japan, UK, US, and Europe. With

Best wishes

over 45% of our current students and staff from outside the UK, our alumni demographic profile is similarly highly

Robert Fleming Director of Development

distinctive in the UK.

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews




The University of St Andrews is seeking

Ideally, applicants will be located in or

to build on the strength of the 600th

within an hour of London with the role-

Campaign, including the launch of its

holder working from home. The role-

Hong Kong Foundation in 2015, to

holder will be required to make regular

The remit of the Development Office is to develop and strengthen the

achieve ambitious new goals linked to the

trips to St Andrews (around once a month)

University’s position at the forefront of teaching, learning and research by

new strategic plan, including significant

and will have the ability to develop and

inspiring active participation, investment and loyalty to St Andrews. We

capital projects, greater investment in

maintain excellent working relationships

do this through fundraising for key University priorities and developing

scholarships, and strengthening alumni

with Development colleagues and

mutually beneficial relations with our 55,000 alumni, friends and

and corporate giving.

University staff, while spending most of

benefactors worldwide.

We are seeking a Head of Development

their time away from St Andrews.

The University completed its 600th Anniversary fundraising campaign in

(London and International) to operate at

The Head of Development (London and

June 2018 to exceed £100 million. It has provided a focus for a range of

the very highest level of donor cultivation,

International) will be educated to degree

fundraising projects and high profile events and activities designed to

solicitation and stewardship, primarily in

standard and will be expected to exercise

engage and cultivate alumni and the student family community, and to

London and the South East, South East

a high level of creativity, resourcefulness

develop broader contacts for the University.

Asia, and Middle East.

and decision-making with the objective of

St Andrews has big aspirations and exciting plans for the future. Now

The Head of Development (London and

securing philanthropic support capable of

is the time to work for this respected institution and to promote

International) will have proven experience

making a significant impact.

philanthropy as it increasingly supports the ambitious goals of staff and

of managing relationships with individuals

The University of St Andrews is seeking


in a highly tailored way, and a track record

an exceptional major gifts fundraiser for

of soliciting six figure gifts for a range of

this very exciting leadership position.

projects (at least five years’ experience),

The Head of Development (London and

preferably in support of higher

International) will work closely with the

education. S/he will be a creative and

Director of Development, Vice-Principal

strategic thinker, and possess excellent

and Principal of the University, senior staff

communication skills with the energy

and key volunteers to identify, cultivate

and enthusiasm to work proactively, both

and solicit significant major gifts from

internally and with alumni and friends

new and existing individual and corporate

across the world. Above all, the role

prospects for a range of key fundraising

holder must be passionate about the


role that philanthropy plays in supporting

This is a key role for the University and an

higher education for the benefit of society as a whole.

exciting opportunity with significant career potential.

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews




Founded in the early 15th century, the

The University is consistently ranked third

St Andrews provides a unique location for a very special university. It has a

University of St Andrews is Scotland’s

in the UK (after Oxford and Cambridge),

rich and colourful history with buildings both ancient and modern.

first university and the third oldest in the

and in 2017 was awarded ‘University of

English speaking world. The town today is

the Year’ for teaching quality in The Times

A picturesque city with beautiful unspoilt beaches, St Andrews is famous

known around the world as the ‘Home of

and The Sunday Times Good University

Golf’ and as a vibrant seat of learning with

Guide. In addition, St Andrews was

a distinctively cosmopolitan feel, where

ranked first in the National Student Survey

students and university staff account for

(NSS) in 2017, the ninth time in the past

more than a third of the local population.

11 years that the University has been

The University of St Andrews is a diverse

at the very top of the comprehensive

and international community of over

analysis of the views of the United

10,500 comprising students and staff of

Kingdom’s student community.

over 140 nationalities.

St Andrews is also ranked within the

St Andrews has approximately 55,000

world’s top 100 universities for research

contactable graduates in total, among them HRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond and the novelist Fay Weldon. Over its history the University has conferred honorary degrees upon Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, Rudyard Kipling, Alexander Fleming, Iris Murdoch, James Black, Elizabeth Blackadder, Tim Berners-Lee and Hillary Clinton.

for its cathedral, the largest in Scotland but now in ruins, and for its University, the third oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of the UK’s most prestigious. It is also famous for being the home of golf with its beautiful golf links, its stunning scenery and sandy beaches. There are good and frequent flights from London airports to Dundee and Edinburgh (30 and 60 minutes away respectively) and trains from London leave from Kings Cross and take 5 and a half hours.

excellence, with a QS World University Ranking of 92, and a THE World University Ranking of 36 for Arts and Humanities. Areas of particular strength include International Relations, Physics and Astronomy, Classics, Psychology and Neuroscience and Computer Science. This international renown makes it one of the most sought-after destinations for prospective students from the UK, Europe and overseas. The University is closely integrated with the town. The main Library and many academic Schools are located centrally while the growth in research-active physical and mathematical sciences has been accommodated at the North Haugh on the western edge of St Andrews.

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews





PA to Director


ANNUAL GIVING Manager Officer GIFT & OPERATIONS Officer Assistant Assistant Assistant DATABASE & IT



DEVELOPMENT (London & International)



Vacancy, Head

Associate Head Vacancy, Officer East Coast Vacancy, Officer West Coast Vacancy, Alumni, FP & Events Officer

Head ALUMNI RELATIONS Manager Officer Assistant (FTE 0.8) Assistant (FTE 0.6) Assistant (FTE 0.6) STEWARDSHIP

MAJOR GIFTS, TRUSTS, LEGACIES & MEMORIAL GIVING Vacancy, Officer Officer Unfilled post, Officer Assistant Assistant Assistant (0.5FTE)

Assistants provides assistance to

Vacancy, Officer Officer *(FTE 0.6) Assistant

Manager Officer Assistant Assistant

Officer (FTE 0.8) Assistant



Officer Assistant Assistant



Officer *Partly funded by external body.

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews




The role holder will operate at the

The role holder will undertake the following duties:

very highest level of donor cultivation,

1. Identify, cultivate and manage a pool of c. 100-150 potential high level donors with a view to securing a number of ÂŁ100k+ gifts

solicitation and stewardship in London, UK and overseas (except North America), to secure significant support (six and seven figure donations) in support of the University’s key priorities. The role holder will be located in or near London and will be part of the Major Gift fundraising team, reporting to the Director of Development. The Head of Development (London and International) will work closely with the Director of Development, Vice-Principal and Principal of the University, senior staff and key volunteers to identify, cultivate and solicit significant major gifts from new and existing individual and corporate prospects for a range of key fundraising priorities.

in support of the University and its initiatives. 2. Undertake the personal solicitation of six and seven figure gifts from prospective individual and corporate donors, focusing on face-to-face visits and strategic fundraising events. The role-holder will be expected to play a leading role in securing significant gifts to achieve the next fundraising campaign target. 3. Create and manage effective strategies to ensure positive and purposeful donor relations with major gift prospects and influencers. 4. Work collaboratively with the Principal and senior University colleagues to cultivate and solicit donors for University-wide priorities, Development Campaign Manager, Head of Alumni and Supporter Engagement, Head of Development Operations, Head of Development (United States), Director of Development. The role-holder will be required to involve appropriate University colleagues, primarily academic staff, in building and managing a productive network of relationships with prospective donors. 5. Recommend and assist with donor and prospect visits (with a focus on London and the south of England) involving the Principal, senior members of faculty, Director of Development, Campaign Board members and other key volunteers. 6. Mentor and provide day to day support and leadership to fundraising staff in the team. The role-holder will also be expected to provide training and guidance for colleagues and volunteers on face to face solicitation techniques especially as appropriate to London and international fundraising meetings. 7. Work with the Development Campaign Manager to identify, cultivate and solicit charitable trusts and foundations based in London/England and overseas with a view to raising awareness of the University’s role in a national and international context. 8. Develop and implement fundraising strategies for specific projects in consultation with the Development Campaign Manager, Director of Development and project boards/champions. 9. Work with the Events Team (including undertaking site visits) to assist with, and attend, a range of high profile events and visits in London, Hong Kong, and from time to time elsewhere overseas to inform, cultivate and steward existing and potential high level donors. This will include ensuring an appropriate level and type of cultivation/stewardship event is in place for each major gift prospect.

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews


JOB DESCRIPTION DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 10. Work with the fundraising team and colleagues (Research, Operations, Annual Giving, Alumni Relations and Stewardship) to ensure there is a regular flow of information between the different fundraising areas to maximise fundraising opportunities and ensure excellent donor stewardship at all times. 11. Develop and contribute to the development of materials (including electronic formats) designed to inspire donors and to illustrate the benefits of all forms of giving including share giving and tax effective giving. The role-holder will be expected to prepare articles about principal gift fundraising for various University publications (paper and electronic). 12. Manage and record relationships and strategy with donors (current and prospective) using the Raiser’s Edge database. The role-holder will be required to prepare regular reports using figures and statistics from the Raiser’s Edge database for the Director of Development and as required the Principal’s Office. 13. Research and prepare briefings on fundraising activities and key alumni/volunteers for Development colleagues and other University personnel (including members of the Principal’s Office), via written reports and/or team meetings. 14. The role-holder will be required to work on an independent basis from home and to manage their time effectively and productively. The role-holder will be required to account for their time and resources via agreed regular reporting to the Director of Development and to take part in regular reviews. 15. Make regular visits (at least once per month) to St Andrews to meet with Development colleagues and other key members of University staff in order to develop a solid understanding of the University’s activities and priorities. The role-holder will be expected to take proactive steps to develop and keep up to date an understanding of the University’s priorities and the role of major and principal gifts in achieving these goals. He/she will share best practice with peers at other Scottish and UK HEIs through attendance at and/or participation in user groups and networks. 16. Attend University events and meetings, on campus and elsewhere, particularly in London and the south east of England, across South East Asia, and the Middle East. The role-holder must be flexible in respect of working hours and be available to travel on a regular basis. 17. Undertake further training and development as necessary in order to meet the changing demands of the post and to keep specialist knowledge up to date. 18. Undertake other duties as assigned by the Director of Development, particularly as such duties relate to activities in London/South East, South East Asia and the Middle East. Please note that this job description is not exhaustive, and the role holder may be required to undertake other relevant duties commensurate with the grading of the post. Activities may be subject to amendment over time as the role develops and/or priorities and requirements evolve.

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews





Educated to degree level or equivalent


At least five years’ experience of working in a senior fundraising role in the not-for-profit

Understanding of, and commitment to, philanthropy as a key component within the advancement of higher education

fundraising, in particular of securing gifts of

email, internet •

contact and visits •

Flexibility to work evenings and weekends

Willingness to travel frequently in the UK and overseas from time

number of different constituents at the same time

to time

Experience of working with budgets, ability to analyse financial

Driving licence (Desirable)

proposals •

Ability to think strategically as well as creatively and analytically

Ability to work independently, make decisions in difficult situations campus and with limited direct support

organisation (Desirable)

University staff through regular

meet stringent deadlines and deliver high quality outcomes to a

and exercise good judgment often from outside the St Andrews

Working in a complex and consultative

in Development and senior

information, prepare and present budget breakdowns in fundraising

A flexible, effective and positive team player, with the commitment and willingness to join in as required (usually via electronic means)

reporting •

Ability to co-ordinate complex projects, manage conflicting demands,

alumni/membership/relational database exporting data for statistical analysis and

relationships with colleagues

University fundraising projects to these objectives

Expertise in use of Raiser’s Edge or other including proficiency in querying and

to develop and maintain good

Establish credibility and develop excellent (at times) long distance

Ability to articulate the University’s strategic objectives and align

IT literate, with high level of expertise in Microsoft Word, Excel, other packages,

Andrews campus with the ability

inclusion in print and online publications •

to work remotely from the St

University staff and students and businesses)

Motivated by meeting and exceeding targets

Experience of writing fundraising proposals for high level donors and inspiring copy for

and externally (including alumni, parents, donors, volunteers,

£100k and above •

within an hour of London and

of University Court as well as key alumni and potential donors

Proven and substantial track record in

Willingness to be based in or

effectively, and with integrity, with a wide range of people internally

working relationships with academics, senior management, members

sector, preferably in higher education •

Excellent written and verbal communication skills are required to deal

Ability to handle confidential material and discussions with tact and discretion and knowledge of the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information regulations

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews




You have a duty to carry out your

The University has identified a set of effective behaviours which we value and have found to be consistent with high performance across the

work in a safe manner in order not to

organisation. Part of the selection process for this post will be to assess whether candidates have demonstrably exhibited these behaviours previously.

endanger yourself or anyone else by your acts or omissions. You are required to comply with the University health and safety policy as it relates to your work activities, and to

Managing self and personal skills: Willing and able to assess and apply own skills, abilities and experience. Being aware of own behaviour and how it impacts on others. Delivering excellent service: Providing the best quality service to all students and staff and to external customers e.g. clients, suppliers. Building genuine and open long-term

take appropriate action in case of an

relationships in order to drive up service standards.


Finding innovative solutions:

You are responsible for applying the

Taking a holistic view and working enthusiastically and with creativity to analyse problems and develop innovative and workable solutions. Identifying

University’s equality and diversity

opportunities for innovation.

policies and principles in your own area of responsibility and in your general conduct.

Embracing change: Adjusting to unfamiliar situations, demands and changing roles. Seeing change as an opportunity and being receptive to new ideas.

You have a responsibility to promote

Using resources:

high levels of customer care within

Making effective use of available resources including people, information, networks and budgets. Being aware of the financial and commercial aspects

your own area of work/activities.

of the University.

You should be adaptable to change,

Engaging with the big picture:

and be willing to acquire new skills and

Seeing the work that you do in the context of the bigger picture e.g. in the context of what the University/other departments are striving to achieve and

knowledge as applicable to the needs

taking a long-term view. Communicating vision clearly and enthusiastically to inspire and motivate others.

of the role. You may, with reasonable notice, be required to work within other Schools/ Units within the University of St

Developing self and others: Showing commitment to own development and supporting and encouraging others to develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours to enable them to reach their full potential for the wider benefit of the University.


Working with people:

You have the responsibility to engage

Working co-operatively with others in order to achieve objectives. Demonstrating a commitment to diversity and applying a wider range of

with the University’s commitment to

interpersonal skills.

Environmental Sustainability in order to reduce its waste, energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Achieving results: Planning and organising workloads to ensure that deadlines are met within resource constraints. Consistently meeting objectives and success criteria.

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews


TERMS & CONDITIONS Special Requirements

This post requires the role holder to be based in or near London and to work from home. The role-holder will be required to undertake regular out-of-normal office hours working, including at weekends and evenings to attend meetings and facilitate events run by the Development Office, both in London, St Andrews, across the UK and from time to time overseas.



Grade/Salary Range

Grade 8, £50,618 - £56,950 – market supplement possible, depending on candidate

Hours of Work

36.25 hours per week/Full Time

Annual leave

34 days

Probationary Period

reviewed at 3, 6, and 15 months

Pension eligibility


HOW TO APPLY For further information and to apply for this role, please visit

Candidate Information Pack | Head of Development, London & International, University of St Andrews


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