Candidate Information Pack

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LETTER FROM TIM HITCHENS Thank you for your interest in Wolfson College,

I began work as President this year, after 35


years in diplomacy, and am looking for a Director

We’re a college with clear values: we are unstuffy; we support graduates and academic research, and have no undergraduate community; we are international in outlook and makeup; and we are egalitarian. We are known as both friendly and family friendly, with a nursery and accommodation for young families as part of who we have been from our earliest days. Our students and fellows look like the world. Our buildings and our people are global and modern; our geographical setting is designed to give people time to think. We always strive to be in the vanguard of what a top-ranking modern college should be.

of Development to work with me for several years to come, building the next chapters in the story of this great college. You will have extensive experience in the field; enjoy working in our mature environment; and be comfortable operating in London, Mumbai or New York. You will share our passion, energy and ambition. And you will also be someone true to our founding values: collaborative, friendly, and down-to-earth. I look forward to meeting you.

Sir Tim Hitchens President Wolfson College

Our reputation, in the University and around the world, began over fifty years ago with Isaiah Berlin, our first President and one of Oxford’s greatest intellectuals. Now, we have clusters of academic excellence ranging from Life Writing to Quantum Computing; from the study of Ancient Worlds and ancient languages to the latest technologies in dealing with trauma; from strength in depth in law and justice to disruptive technologies which could challenge the way universities operate. Our development work gets some of its best leads from our inspiring academic fellows.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of Development, Wolfson College, Oxford


INTRODUCTION Wolfson College

As the oldest university in the English-

The collegiate system is at the heart

speaking world, Oxford is a unique

of the University, giving students and

and historic institution. Teaching has

academics the benefits of belonging

existed at Oxford in some form since

to both a large, internationally

1096. Oxford is collegiate: the central

renowned institution and to

University is composed of academic

bespoke, interdisciplinary academic

departments, research centres,

communities. It brings together

administrative departments, libraries,

leading academics and students

and museums. The 38 colleges, which

across subjects, year groups, cultures

are self-governed and financially

and countries, and fosters the rich

independent, relate to the central

and intense environment that enables

University in a federal system. The

it to achieve world-leading research.

University comprises 22,000 students from 140 countries, with 5,000 academic, senior research, library, museum and administrative staff.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of Development, Wolfson College, Oxford

Founded in 1966, Wolfson

Wolfson is housed in

is one of the University’s

architecturally outstanding

largest graduate colleges and

buildings, which are set in

distinctive in its academic

beautiful gardens beside

scope and international

the River Cherwell in North

reach. Wolfson has grown

Oxford. A new and impressive

and evolved over the past 50

academic wing and auditorium

years, retaining its founding

were added in recent years.

President Sir Isaiah Berlin’s

It has a strong egalitarian

egalitarian ethos of being

and democratic ethos and is

‘new, untrammelled and

increasingly known as one of

unpyramided’. The College

the most energetic, innovative,

provides academic, living,

and welcoming scholarly

social and pastoral support for

communities in Oxford.

over 600 students, studying

There is a single Common

for both master’s degrees

Room for all members of

and doctorates, and around

College, with shared dining

110 research fellows, and

facilities. Total membership

is renowned internationally

of the College is around 1800.

for its high standards of

Further information about

support. The College Motto is

the college can be found at

‘Humani nil alienum’ – ‘nothing The

human is foreign to me’; it is

Governing Body (GB) consists

international, interdisciplinary,

of around 60 Fellows.

and secular.


THE JOB IN CONTEXT The timing is therefore ideal for the

The new Director of Development

College to recruit a new Director of

will have experience in creating and

Development. S/he will create and

implementing a proven successful

implement a development strategy

development strategy, preferably in

which will be aligned to the overall

higher education, with a personal

strategy of the College. Wolfson’s

track record of creating, developing

part-time Director of Development

and taking a major-gift strategy to

has laid down the foundations, and

fruition, resulting in seven figure gifts.

the College is now looking to drive

The successful candidate will need to

development forward by investing

feel confident and comfortable with

in the appointment of a full-time

continuing to raise at least £2.5M

The College Development Office

The new President and the Governing

Director who will be a member of the

per year from philanthropic sources,

was established in 2008 and its

Body are working to develop and

Governing Body.

and to work with the new President

first Director, Bill Conner, retires in

implement a vision and strategy

April 2019. Substantial funds have

for the future of Wolfson College,

already been raised in support of

so that it continues to play its

scholarships, fellowships, research

role in enhancing the intellectual

initiatives and the building of the

centre of excellence which is the

new auditorium and academic

University of Oxford. Over the last

wing. Building a substantial base of

ten years Wolfson has built its

supporters and friends with affinities

academic reputation further with the

to Wolfson’s research interests has

establishment of “clusters”, based

been the foundation of Wolfson’s

around a theme such as Quantum

fundraising success. The alumni base

or Life Writing, but which are highly

is global and academically focussed.

interdisciplinary. A strategic question facing the college now is how to take

Sir Tim and the Governing Body understand the importance of embedding Development in the culture and workings of the College.

in developing and implementing the next chapter of Wolfson’s strategy, development and external relations programme.

There is a commitment to invest time and resources to enable Development to take great strides. The new Director of Development will work closely with the President and Governing Body to assist the post-holder in making Development thrive and succeed at Wolfson.

this intellectual work to a new level, with what kind of support from the college.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of Development, Wolfson College, Oxford



Director of Development


Development Office


The President


College Officers, Governing Body Fellows, alumni, students, University, current and potential donors, Heads of Departments within the College, external subcontractors.


The Development Team, which currently consists of two Development Officers, and for the two person Communications Team.

MAIN PURPOSE Working closely with the President and GB Fellows, the Director of Development will lead the development, external relations and fundraising effort for the College, including designing and implementing specific campaigns to secure largescale funding. The Director of Development is a Governing Body Fellow and trustee of the College, and a key member of the Senior Management team.









MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE • Managing the staff of the Development, Alumni Relations and Communications Office, ensuring that they are able to carry out their responsibilities effectively, consulting as appropriate with the HR manager through on-the-job instruction and by means of external training as necessary • Overseeing an effective division of labour in the Office, identifying targets, and developing mechanisms for achieving short, medium and long term aims • Managing the information needed to achieve the fundraising, alumni relations and communications objectives: ensuring in particular that appropriate technology and procedures are in place and properly used and that data is up-to-date, reliable and secure and in compliance with statutory, University and college information requirements • Drawing up detailed plans and schedules for the specific projects and tasks needed to be carried out in order to achieve the College’s objectives for fundraising, alumni relations and communications, and to ensure that these plans are communicated to and understood by those sections of the College which have a role in their implementation • Ensuring that accurate records are maintained of all donations to the College and ensuring compliance with the requirements of the UK Inland Revenue in respect of Gift Aid and of other national tax administrations • Overseeing the broader communications work of the college, for which the Communications officer is responsible

Candidate Information Pack | Director of Development, Wolfson College, Oxford




• Lead all development, alumni relations and communications activities, including securing support from alumni, other high net worth individuals and supporters, and various trusts and foundations

• Develop and oversee effective fundraising at all levels, harnessing where appropriate the help of Fellows, alumni and volunteers

• As the College’s lead fundraiser, carry his/her own portfolio of major gifts prospects, and have a pivotal role in the solicitation of 6/7-figure donations • Work closely with the President, enabling him to play an effective role in securing major gifts, and steward donor relationships in a strategic and creative manner to develop and enrich long-term personal relationships and affinities • Meet the President, normally on a weekly basis, to draw up and then implement a strategy for development activity, reporting back regularly to the President and to the Governing Body, including monitoring the effectiveness of development operations and strategy

• Oversee a variety of events within and beyond College, occasionally during the evenings and weekends • Travel, often with the President, but also independently, within and beyond the UK • As a Fellow, play a key role in the life and governance of the College, and seize opportunities to contribute to and enjoy the Wolfson community • Represent the Development Office on College committees • Ensure the College’s development work matches the latest best practice in methodology and technology

• Ensure the highest ethical, professional and governance standards

The position is full-time, but the College is looking for the very best candidate and

• Work very closely with Governing Body colleagues on both ‘friendraising’ and fundraising, from within and outside of the alumni body

will look flexibly at working arrangements.

• Oversee the College’s communications, including its web-site, newssheet, development and alumni publications, the College Record, and also high-quality fundraising literature • Ensure very high standards in completeness and quality of record keeping (using the University’s DARS system), and, in representing the College, be sensitive to ethical and reputational risks • Represent the interests of the College within the University, which has its own fundraising and external relations structures • Be familiar with, and operate within, the Principles and Protocols for fundraising agreed collectively by the University and the Colleges, and within the College’s financial regulations, as well as oversee rigorous due diligence on all donations • Raise sufficient unrestricted funds annually to meet at least the costs of the development office and its operations

Candidate Information Pack | Director of Development, Wolfson College, Oxford


PERSON SPECIFICATION QUALIFICATIONS • Degree • Masters [Desirable] KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE • Proven experience of developing and fulfilling a strategic plan in relation to fundraising (including experience in developing proposals, feasibility studies, fundraising plans, and creative and innovative cultivation and solicitation strategies) • A proven track record of fundraising success in an institutional fundraising environment including closing gifts of £1M or more SKILLS AND ABILITIES • Ability to lead and manage a team (including a collaborative management style, and experience of successfully managing staff in a proactive and positive manner) • Willingness and ability to travel nationally and internationally at any time in the year and to work outside normal office hours including weekends and evenings • Exceptional written and verbal communications skills • Excellent interpersonal skills • A high level of numeracy and an understanding of how to work with and interpret financial information • Ability to plan for and effectively manage a departmental budget • Awareness of, and ability to manage, the ethical, financial and reputational risks associated with fundraising, alumni relations and communications of the College • IT Literacy with experience of fundraising and alumni databases, and communications platforms PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS • The integrity, energy, professionalism and intellectual capacity to engage and sustain the respect and support of the key high-level donors and volunteers, whose professional and other roles often entail significant competing priorities

Candidate Information Pack | Director of Development, Wolfson College, Oxford



The post is full time and permanent and available from April 2019.


Working hours are 36.5 per week, and such hours as are required for the proper performance of duties, including evenings and weekends.

Annual Leave Entitlement

39 days including 8 Bank Holidays per holiday year, some of which the post holder may have to work.

Salary and Benefits

The salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience. Benefits include a generous pension scheme, free meals, an entertaining allowance, and free parking.

Notice Period

4 weeks during the probation period and 3 months thereafter.

Probation Period

A probation period of 12 months applies.

Other Conditions

The post is subject to obtaining satisfactory references, a satisfactory completion of the health questionnaire, satisfactory completion of the right to work check, and signing a contract of employment.

Equality of Opportunity

The Equal Opportunities policy of the College requires that all staff are offered equal opportunities within employment. Entry into employment will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria related to the post. Subject to statutory provisions, no applicant will be treated less favourably because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.

Data Protection

All data supplied by candidates will be used only for the purposes of determining their suitability for the post and will be held in accordance with the principles of the GDPR and the College Data Protection Policy (available at https://

Candidate Information Pack | Director of Development, Wolfson College, Oxford


For further information and to apply for this role, please visit


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