CANDIDATE INFORMATION PACK STEERING GROUP COMMITTEE MEMBERS Candidate Information Pack | Steering Group Committee Members, RAISE: Arts, Culture & Heritage
in partnership with
INTRODUCTION RAISE: Arts, Culture & Heritage is a four-
Aspirations for the Steering Group
RAISE Steering Group
Membership of the Steering Group
year programme funded by Arts Council
The aspirations of the Steering Group are
The Steering Group will work with the
The Steering Group will comprise between
England and delivered by the Institute of
that it will:
RAISE programme team and the wider IoF
6 to 14 members including:
Fundraising in partnership with the IoF
Review the strategic issues around
to add value to all aspects of the RAISE
Cultural Sector Network (a Special Interest
the programme (rather than the
programme, including:
will be a Member of the Institute of
Group of the IoF). The programme supports
operational detail);
Supporting through the provision of
Fundraising and active in arts, culture &
guidance, advice and expertise;
heritage) ;
fundraisers and development professionals
Link what the programme is doing,
working in arts, culture and heritage
and its future plans, to developments,
through networking events, peer-learning,
issues and opportunities in the wider
mentoring and access to onward education.
cultural sector;
The RAISE programme aims to embed
Promoting the RAISE programme to a
wider audience; •
Representation from the IoF Cultural Sector Network, the IoF’s principal partner in RAISE;
Providing sector insight to maximise
Encourage and strengthen links
the relevance and reach of the
cultural sector fundraising throughout the
between the programme and other
programme partners: Young Arts
English regions of the IoF. It is being rolled
relevant communities, which may
Providing a forum for discussing the
Fundraisers; Black Fundraisers UK; IoF
out step by step across the Institute’s
include other parts of the IoF, other
evaluation of the programme;
Regional Groups; and (in the future)
ten regions located within England, with
organisations and professional bodies;
Supporting key outcomes of the
other Special Interest Groups;
special focus on those organisations and
The Chair of the Committee (who
Representation from the other RAISE
Review and act upon the wider impacts
individuals working outside Greater London.
programme, in particular enhancing
of the programme in the context of the
dialogue and understanding between
reflects the diversity, size and scope
During the first year, starting in April
cultural sector’s relationship to other
arts, culture & heritage fundraisers and
of the RAISE programme and of arts,
2018, the programme has been working
the wider fundraising community;
culture & heritage generally;
in collaboration with the South West and Yorkshire IoF Regional Groups and Black Fundraisers UK. Over the following years, additional Regional Groups will be added to the programme, as well as collaborations with other Special Interest Groups.
Raise important questions and ideas
Championing the profession of
Representation at a senior level that
Representation from the staff of the
and provide an unbiased perspective
fundraising and its career paths and
Institute, usually the Chief Executive
on the work of the RAISE team
opportunities, specifically for arts,
and Head of Professional Development.
as it addresses the details of the
culture & heritage;
The RAISE Programme Coordinator
Providing feedback and suggestions
will act as minute-taker and provide
for improvement (as appropriate)
feedback from programme delivery;
programme's delivery.
The programme includes events with
regarding the delivery and impact of
specific regional focus; bursaries to facilitate attendance at professional development events UK-wide, case studies and knowledge-sharing, and mentoring for early career fundraisers.
the RAISE programme; •
Ensuring that the key principles of the IoF’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy as presented in its ‘Manifesto for Change’ are also being addressed in the RAISE programme.
Candidate Information Pack | Steering Group Committee Members, RAISE: Arts, Culture & Heritage
TERMS OF REFERENCE The Steering Group will act as an advisory
Members of the Steering Group agree to
body to the RAISE team, with members
act only to represent the wider interests
contributing their expertise and sectoral
of their respective group and of the
intelligence to the development and
RAISE programme, not of any particular
success of the programme. It will provide
broad oversight in regard to the delivery
The Chair will be appointed by the IoF
of the programme and will meet three
Chief Executive. Members of the Steering
times per year, with additional contact
Committee will be appointed for one year
by email, Skype or ad hoc meetings by
initially and be expected to attend all
agreement. Members are unpaid - providing
meetings in that year.
volunteer advisory leadership for the RAISE programme - but will be able to claim necessary expenses for attending a meeting, in line with the IoF’s expenses policy. Members will act as ambassadors and champions for the programme across
Members will be expected to abide by the Institute’s Code of Conduct. Minutes of the Steering Group meetings will be shared with the IoF Board of Trustees through the usual reporting channels.
their own specialist areas and sectors.
Conflict of Interest
Operational decision-making sits with
Members shall avoid any situation that may
the IoF executive team, with day to day
give rise to a conflict of interest between
management from the IoF RAISE team
them, the Institute of Fundraising and the
consisting of a Programme Manager and
Steering Group. Members shall make full
Programme Coordinator. The Steering
and immediate disclosure to the Committee
Group will consider and provide feedback
if any such conflict should occur and
and guidance on matters referred to it by
disqualify themselves from the relevant
the Programme Manager, taking account of
elements of Committee business.
the overall strategic purpose and desired outcomes of the programme.
Candidate Information Pack | Steering Group Committee Members, RAISE: Arts, Culture & Heritage
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