Candidate Information Pack

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CANDIDATE INFORMATION PACK DIRECTOR OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School

in partnership with

LETTER FROM CHRIS WHEELER, PRINCIPAL Thank you for your interest in the role of

What’s different about Monkton? Aside

Director of External Relations at Monkton

from the stunning views, outstanding

Combe School.

academic results and passionate teachers

At Monkton we challenge our students

which many schools boast, Monkton

and staff to always think differently. My

focuses on the journey of each individual

introduction to Monkton Combe is below

in a way that is tangibly different.

but if you would really like to know more

As pioneers in pastoral tracking, process

about what this role is about, please get

is always more important to us than

in touch and we can arrange a call or a

outcome, and although we have high

visit to explore further…

aspirations for all of our pupils, our focus on process looks after the outcomes, as our results bear witness to. We celebrate failure (literally – in assembly) as well as excellence because performance isn’t how we measure success and authentic resilience cannot be built without it. Monkton is a small school which allows As the Principal of Monkton Combe

This key appointment will drive the

School I am privileged to be part of

creation and delivery of the external

a thriving, caring community which

relations strategy. You will be a member

fosters a balanced education, as well as

of the Executive Leadership Team

encouraging the pursuit of individual

and be responsible for the design

excellence. We pride ourselves on our

and implementation of fundraising,

lively Christian ethos, excellent exam

admissions, marketing, alumni, public

results and our strong pastoral care. At

relations and communication strategies.

Monkton, we are setting standards for

To lead, inspire, motivate and build the

life; giving young people the qualities of

team; to guide everyone who contributes

character they need.

to external relations within the School.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School

us to develop excellent relationships and really get to know our pupils and staff. We have a strong sense of family and commitment to a vibrant boarding ethos which help our students to feel unconditionally valued. We are proud to have both the opportunity and responsibility of teaching the leaders that will shape our future world. Mr Chris Wheeler Principal


THE OPPORTUNITY Building on the success of the External

The role of Director of External Relations

Relations team, Monkton Combe School

offers a career-defining opportunity for

is now seeking to appoint a Director

an outstanding people manager wishing

of External Relations who will make a

to broaden their portfolio of skills, or a

significant impact on all areas of the

commensurate professional with strong

School’s external facing functions.

fundraising and marketing skills who has

Reporting to the Principal and sitting on

experience of managing and motivating

the Executive Leadership Team, this is

a multi-disciplinary team. This is a

a significant opportunity to design and

wonderful chance to have a significant

drive the strategy of External Relations.

impact on the future of Monkton Combe

As such, this post will contribute to the


overall development and direction of the School, working alongside senior academic and support staff. This significant leadership post will grow

The Director of External Relations will be

As a Christian School, the Director of

and develop the strategy for all the areas

expected to build a fundraising strategy

External Relations will recognise the

of External Relations Marketing, Public

that will deliver the capital needs of the

opportunities and challenges associated

relations, Admissions, Alumni relations

School over the next 15 years, as well as

with this and will bring sensitivity and

and Development. As a skilled coach, the

growing funding to support the School’s

empathy to the role. They will be adept

postholder will be able to develop and

bursary programme. Encompassing the

at building strong, effective relationships

inspire people to deliver on strategy.

whole of the Monkton community –

across all Monkton stakeholders.

Fundraising, having the least focus over

from parents, to staff, to alumni – the

Leading a team of six, working across

the past year, will need the greatest

Director will be able to adapt and

admissions, marketing and development,

immediate focus but the School is

refine the fundraising message across

this is an exceptional opportunity to

looking for an individual who can bring all

all constituencies in order to maximise

strengthen and grow External Relations

the elements of the role together.

success and align this with the wider

at the School. There will also be scope

marketing strategy for the School.

to review the current External Relations team and add staffing resources should this be required.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School


EXTERNAL RELATIONS AT MONKTON COMBE SCHOOL External Relations covers all aspects of

The School enjoys a good relationship

The School has established a number of

the School’s outward-facing activities

with its alumni community and with

key capital projects that it would like to

– primarily admissions, marketing and

other key stakeholders including parents.

fulfil over the coming years, including a

alumni relations and development. The

In 2016 the School undertook a wide-

vision for the Arts for Prep and Pre-Prep

Principal, Chris Wheeler, has strong

ranging review of its strategy for the

pupils, a complete refurbishment of the

links with the local community and

future, consulting with its staff, pupils,

Assembly Hall, enhanced classrooms

media organisations, and admissions are

parents and governors. This vision for the

and indoor sports facilities, and and

strong with many pupils coming from

School which emerged from this process

transforming the existing ‘Hockey Block’

surrounding schools. Currently the School


building into a specifically purposed Sixth

is focused on increasing the number of

A community committed to working

Form Centre. Alongside this, the School

UK boarders, and strengthening relations

together, empowered by its growth

wishes to raise funds to support the

with feeder schools.

mindset, consistently evaluating and re-evaluating progress,

offers both breadth and quality of

acknowledging failure, celebrating

achievement, enhancing individual

success, setting new targets and

strengths and developing specialist

constantly improving. •

Market leading pastoral care, maintaining its role developing

achievements. •

approach to access, screen time

Christian education and ensuring

and filtering issues, encouraging

its children learn in a safe, well

thoughtful decisions and a healthy

protected environment. Academic development underpinned by self-knowledge and learning principles that aim for high achieving individuals judged against their own abilities.

Strong use of technology for learning, pioneering a sector-leading

the cutting edge of pastorally led

A co-curricular programme which

relationship with technology. •

An ambitious plan to deliver high

provision of bursary places at the School to enable more children to experience all that Monkton Combe has to offer. This follows on from a major programme of rebuilding and improvement which has been completed in recent years: a £4.5 million extension and rebuilding of Maths and Science Departments was completed during 2008, a completely remodeled £3.5m Music Department opened in February 2012, and a significant enlargement and refurbishment of the Art and DT Departments in 2015.

quality facilities for pupils, exemplary learning spaces and a programme of investment in existing facilities to upgrade and grow our boarding provision.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School


MONKTON COMBE SCHOOL Monkton Combe School, just a mile from

Monkton Combe School is seen by

the World Heritage City of Bath, is an

parents to be a caring community which

independent co-educational boarding

fosters a balanced education, as well as

and day school for pupils aged 2-18.

encouraging the pursuit of individual

It prides itself on its lively Christian

excellence. It is a friendly school where

ethos, excellent exam results and its

pupils develop their personal values

strong pastoral care. Monkton is setting

in the context of a community where

standards for life; giving young people

tradition, creativity and adventure are

the qualities of character they need.

positive features. The expression of the

Monkton is one of the country's best

School’s ethos can be found in many

known smaller independent boarding schools. Founded in 1868, it is a Christian school with worldwide connections and interests.

fine examples of Monktonians achieving The School provides a modern and broad

The School has been co-educational in

positions of leadership in the church and

education for a diverse intake of boys

the Sixth Form since 1970 and fully co-

in other areas of life both nationally and

and girls on a site which has developed

educational from 1992, with a current


significantly over recent years. The

ratio of boys to girls of about 60:40. The

Senior School enjoys a very attractive

Senior School (current pupil numbers

rural location in the Monkton Combe

are around 380) admits children from

valley, some two and a half miles south

age 13 through to 18; the Prep School

of the historic city of Bath. Nearby are

admits children from age 7 to 13 and the

Monkton Prep and Pre-Prep each with

Pre-Prep has classes in Kindergarten (3

separate Heads but part of the same

– 4), Reception (4 – 5) and Years 1 and 2

foundation. The Principal is a member of

(5 – 7). The Nursery, set within the Prep

the Headmasters' and Headmistresses'

School grounds, provides pre-school care

Conference (HMC) and the School

(ages 2 – 3). The Senior School and Prep

Values: Confidence, Integrity, Humility,

participates in the 20-strong ‘Rugby

School have a strong boarding tradition;


Group’ of independent boarding schools.

however, day pupils comprise one third of

The confidence, integrity, sensitivity and

The School was recently rated ‘excellent’

the intake of the Senior School and are in

ambition of its pupils are priorities and

in both categories (pupil personal

the majority in the Prep School.

they are eager to educate character, as

development and pupil achievement) of

Vision: Monkton inspires young people to become confident, kind and ambitious adults who live fulfilling lives. Mission: Monkton thinks differently. It starts with a proactive pastoral environment to develop academically strong enthusiastic learners within a living Christian ethos.

well as intellect.

the ISI inspection framework.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School



Pre-Prep School

Monkton Prep School was founded over

Set on the same site as the Prep School,

130 years ago. The site is located within

Monkton Pre-Prep is housed in a brand-

an area of outstanding natural beauty, is

new fit for purpose building. Like the

less than a mile and a half from Bath city

Senior and Prep Schools, the Pre-Prep

centre and within easy reach of London,

takes pride in its excellent levels of

Cardiff and Southampton. Pupils enjoy a

Pastoral Care and the living Christian

broad and excellent programme within

ethos on which the School was founded.

a framework of outstanding pastoral

Prep School facilities are available to

care, both for boarders and day pupils.

the Pre-Prep and so we are able to offer

Flexi-boarding is also an option many

outstanding opportunities for Sport

pupils choose at some stage during their

(including swimming), Outdoor Learning,

time at the School. Facilities include an

Music and Art. Prep School teachers

indoor, four lane, 25m swimming pool, a

provide specialist teaching for our

300-seat auditorium, one full-sized and

Reception and KS1 pupils. At the end of

one half-sized astro pitch, tennis courts,

KS1, the majority of pupils move on to

outstanding sports pitches, an ICT suite,

the Prep School.

two science labs and a magnificent view over the Somerset hills to the South West.

The Pre-Prep School is led by Catherine Winchcombe. Head of EYFS and Head of KS1 posts complete the Pre-Prep

The School is managed day-to-day by its

Leadership Team. The Pre-Prep staff team

Senior Leadership Team which is overseen

is strong and cohesive and committed

by the Headmaster, Martin Davis. The

to providing excellence throughout the

staff are strong, experienced, supportive

School, where possible collaborating with

and highly capable. Monkton Prep is a

the Prep and Senior School staff.

caring and vibrant community which fosters a balanced, all-round education as well as encouraging the pursuit of individual excellence. It is a friendly School which believes in traditional values.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School


STRATEGY, PERFORMANCE & GOVERNANCE Monkton Combe School’s key strategic

A single board of Governors oversees the

aim is to define and deliver Monkton

entire School (Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior)

as a leading boarding and day school

and Monkton is a registered charity and

at all levels, regionally, nationally and

is incorporated as a company limited by

internationally. Its Vision and Mission

guarantee. The Principal acts as both

will be supported by sector leading

the Head of the Senior School and as

educational thinking, an entrepreneurial

the CEO of the group of Schools. In the

business approach and a world class site.

Senior School, the Principal is supported

Monkton places thinking differently

by a Senior Management Team consisting

at the heart of its strategic vision. It

of the two Deputy Heads (Pastoral and

believes that self-knowledge, learning

Learning), Assistant Heads Academic,

from mistakes and focusing on individuals achieves remarkable results. Monkton starts with a proactive pastoral environment to develop academically strong enthusiastic students, and its innovative pastoral tracking ensures that they not only know their students well but can help them to know themselves well too.

Academic endeavours are taught within

hockey, netball, tennis and rowing for

the context of developing positive

girls. There is a choice of other sports

attitudes to learning rather than

for older pupils. There is a wide range of

achieving certain grades in exams. They

activities and societies. The School also

are increasingly and explicitly describing

has a strong Christian Union, Combined

learning as a process which is common to

Cadet Force, and Conservation and

both curricular and co-curricular pursuits.

Community Service groups.

Recent academic results have been very

Scholarships are offered at years 9 and

good. This past year, 81% of A Level

12, and the School offers fee remission to

grades were A*, A or B, 51% were A* or

a limited number of clergy and missionary

A, and 21% were A*. The proportion of

families. The School also offers a fee

GCSE grades A* - A over recent years has

remission package for children of staff

been between 60 and 70%. Over the last

in eligible positions. Admission into the

3 years, 13 of the 14 Oxbridge applicants

School in year 9 is partly assessed by a

have successfully taken up their places.

unique assessment day, where year 6

This amounts to about 6% of the Year

students participate in group activities

13 cohort. The main sports are rugby,

intended to evaluate aptitudes.

Co-curricular and Welfare, Senior Houseparent, Director of Digital Learning, Director of External Affairs and the Bursar, who oversees all the support staff. Staff CPD runs along similar principles with a focus on imagination, craftsmanship and evidence-based practice. Within this context, the School is committed to both providing all staff (teaching and non-teaching) with a peer coach with whom they can reflect on their practice, and training all staff in executive coaching techniques.

hockey, cricket and rowing for boys, and

Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School







Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School








PURPOSE OF THE JOB To develop and drive the External Relations strategy for the school including the fundraising, admissions, marketing, communications.

SPECIFIC DUTIES • Leadership – member of the Executive Leadership Team responsible for the strategy and development of fundraising, admissions, marketing and communication strategies. To be a skilled coach to inspire, motivate and build the team; to guide everyone who contributes to external relations within the School, ensuring that training and mentoring is provided as necessary. • Development – responsible for shaping and delivering the fundraising strategy for the whole school. Management of the fundraising community, including alumni relations and regular giving programmes, building strong foundations for future capital fundraising endeavours. • Pupil Recruitment – to drive the strategy for pupil recruitment, ensuring that the School’s recruitment targets are met, advising on recruitment and feeder strategies where necessary. • Marketing and PR – to shape, lead and execute a dynamic and innovative marketing and PR strategy for the whole School. • Communication – to oversee and maintain continuous dialogue and feedback with key internal and external stakeholders and to act as ‘brand guardian’, ensuring that the School communicates in a consistent, accurate, professional and prompt fashion and engages with all its stakeholders. Develop effective strategies for communication with parent communities and Alumni relations. • School events - management of / guidance on all pupil recruitment and public relations events, from open days to speech days and alumni events, including social events and special occasions. • Wider community - promotion and development of the School’s image and telling of the Monkton ‘story’ to all its constituencies including parents, feeder schools, former pupils, businesses and the wider community in general. • Planning, reporting and budget management – to take responsibility for action plans and to advise on budgets in support of marketing, admissions, communication and ongoing fundraising / development activities designed to meet the strategic needs and objectives of the School. Report on progress to Principal, LT colleagues and Governors. Note: The post holder may be reasonably required to perform duties other than those given in the job description for the post. The particular duties and responsibilities attached to posts may vary from time to time without changing the character of the duties or the level of the responsibility entailed.

Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School








• Experience of successfully managing multi disciplined teams

• Highly articulate with first class communication skills


Provided while catering facilities are functioning.

• Excellent track record of success in fundraising and development

• Outstanding interpersonal skills

• Experience of running regular and/or annual giving programmes


• Experience of major gift solicitation of top prospects • Experience in successful leadership and development of cross-functional teams, ideally in various commercial contexts • Experience of successfully managing marketing and communications functions Desirable


FEE REMISSION 65% across all schools

• A genuine and demonstrable commitment to educational excellence and an empathy with the distinctive ethos of Monkton Combe School • An ability to appreciate the Christian context of the school and to work within this successfully • Ability to work flexibly outside of typical office hours, including attendance at evening and weekend functions, as reasonably required • Ability to undertake travel as required for meetings and events

• Strong knowledge of fundraising and development, ideally in an educational setting • How to motivate and engage people • Commercial acumen Desirable • Good understanding of, and affinity with, independent education Desirable

Candidate Information Pack | Director of External Relations, Monkton Combe School

HOURS OF WORK Full time position 40 hours per week. 5 days per week Monday to Friday.

PENSION Monkton provides access to a stakeholder pension scheme as required by law. The School will comply with its obligations under the Government’s auto-enrolment scheme at the relevant time. You will be provided with details of the scheme and your right to opt out in due course.


MEDICAL INSURANCE Provided at this level

MEDICAL All employees are subject to a medical report and to undergo a medical examination, if required.

SECURITY Monkton Combe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post including checks with past employers and Disclosure and Barring Service

33 days including bank holidays

SICK PAY Membership of the School’s Support Staff Sickness Scheme.



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