The EXIT Achiever - Vol. 10 Iss. 1

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“Sponsor in Every Year and Wear Diamonds!” REAL TALK:

Tips for running a successful real estate business with EXIT CEO, Tami Bonnell T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F E X I T R E A LT Y C O R P. I N T E R N AT I O N A L


“If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them. If someone is being ignored, find a way to include them. If someone has been knocked down, lift them up. Always remind people of their worth. Be the person you needed when you were going through hard times. Just one small act of kindness could mean the world to someone.”

PUBLISHER Steve Morris EXIT Founder & Chairman

GRAPHICS & PRODUCTION Corporate Graphics Dept.

2345 Argentia Rd. Ste. 200, Mississauga, ON L5N 8K4 T: 1.888.668.3948 xt. 4058


The EXIT Achiever is the exclusive corporate publication of EXIT Realty Corp. International. Not intended to solicit agents or franchisees already under contract with other franchisors. Each EXIT office is independently owned and operated. Any use of the contents of this publication without the express written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited. Despite the care taken in reviewing editorial content we cannot guarantee all written information is complete and accurate. Subsequently we assume no responsibility for any errors and/or omissions. We cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited material. The opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Publisher.

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ach and every one of us was born with special gifts, and everyone has a unique purpose and reason for being. Yet somehow, we assess ourselves and others by using a one-size-fits-all, preconceived mold. And it doesn’t seem to matter whether we’re in a good or bad frame of mind; we judge the good and we judge the bad. We’re constantly evaluating ourselves or somebody else. Best-selling author and shame researcher, Brené Brown, explains in her book Daring Greatly, “Research tells us we judge people in areas where we’re vulnerable to shame, especially picking folks who are doing worse than we’re doing…We’re hard on each other because we’re using each other as a launching pad out of our own perceived deficiency.” We make assumptions based on what we see, but it’s just a glimpse, not the whole picture. Everybody has a story; is fighting their own battle or facing their own truths. The reality is, we’re judging things we know nothing about. Just because someone shows up late and disheveled for a meeting doesn’t mean you should pride yourself on punctuality and judge them as inconsiderate or in need of better time management. Perhaps they’re caring for an ill parent and working two jobs to stay afloat. Maybe they’re suffering from clinical depression and simply getting out of bed is a major victory. We’re all guilty of it, even me, and these times have made it all that much easier.

L E T ’ S S TA R T B R E A K I N G T H E


This is where EXIT Realty truly shines; where we’re unlike any other company in the industry. We genuinely get to know one another, and so many of our people are quick to extend their servant heart. We lean on one another, and rally together, which is why so many are flocking to EXIT right now. We genuinely care about holistic well-being and the remarkable totality of human potential. We learn, share, mentor and have become the most amazing family that just so happens to specialize in real estate. Awareness is the first step towards change. So pay attention to your thoughts. Let’s keep breaking the judgement mold by filling it with understanding.

Volume 10 Issue 1 3

EXIT Realty Corp. International has paid out


in Single-Level Residuals FInd out how you can get a piece of the action by visiting

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Photo by asoggetti on Unsplash

Today we live in a world, that in many cases, has desensitized us with internet content and media language affecting every age, race, creed, and lifestyle. No one is exempt. To agree or disagree, that is the question. CEO, Tami Bonnell, always says, “Do you want to be successful or do you want to be right?” Being a strong, dominant personality, of course I always want to be right, but I also have enough open-mindedness and compassion within me to know that you get more by giving more. I love to negotiate to a point where everyone feels like they get what’s important to them. The art of negotiation is where both sides walk away feeling like they’ve won. In our industry, whether you’re an agent working with customers, or a broker working with agents, the importance of an open mind is crucial. Human nature means we don’t all choose to behave the same way. There’s much to learn and gain from exposure to and working alongside those with a different perspective and reality in life, who experience things and react a bit differently than you do. It’s our culture at EXIT to help, encourage, and come together. I believe you can have strong principles and views yet still come together for a common good and find common ground. This topic can draw serious opinion especially across generations, because the older we get the more we seem to realize the importance of peace and giving back to help others. It’s true, the way I was born and raised is different than my daughter, and even more so my grandson, but that’s life isn’t it? It’s a world of growth, and innovation, and change. Without change there can be no progress. Our company will continue to be progressive through acceptance, encouragement, and accountability. We will always strive to do what is right, not necessarily what is popular. We will continue to treat our people as they should be treated in business; like the assets of this company, and we have a strong, driven leadership that leads by example. I am hopeful that you, our EXIT Nation, continue to do the same. Strive for greatness.

“Our company will continue to be progressive through acceptance, encouragement, and accountability. We will always strive to do what is right, not necessarily what is popular.”

Volume 10 Issue 1 5


POWER WITHIN Everything you own, you once said “yes” to, whether you like it now or not. Stop and look around. What do you see? Whatever it is, it was once just a thought—an idea in someone’s mind, designed through a combination of ideas, thought out to create that exact product. Some argue this is true of everything that makes up who we are and our daily experience. For something to remain in your experience, whether it be that toaster that doesn’t work on your counter, or your dearest friend, choices are made every day about what we can live with and what we can’t live without. Understanding this is knowing that true power resides within us. It’s our ability to choose, our ability to direct our experience and create a future that better serves us.

“If you focused on just one thing to improve, acquire or attract, what would it be? What would lighten you, make you feel alive, or exude joy from your very soul?” Thinking about what you want is the birthplace of all manifestation. It starts with the realization that something is missing or not working for you anymore whatever the reason. Identify what you don’t like, decide what you want, then focus on it. Examine and imagine all the ways it would improve your life and build it up to the point where you love the idea, and then act. The idea of having it, starts to change how you feel. The idea of getting say, a new toaster is simple. You add it to your shopping list and look for it next time you’re out or online. You don’t ask yourself how to get to the store or computer to order the toaster, yet when it comes to manifesting our big dreams, this is what we do. When you fall in love with something, there is a pulling power to it. The resources or help either find their way to you or you to them. This is because your focus is on feeling good about what you want to the exclusion of all else. Asking effective questions helps direct you on the road to your destination; doubt has no place in the creation of what you want. Doubt is negative. It interferes with, and limits, your potentiality and creativity to manifest the very thing you want. Doubt causes you to question value or worth and what the outcome will be and look like. It’s too easy to mentally handcuff yourself, putting on the brakes before you even hit the gas pedal. Typically, the only point of interference between you and what you want, is you. Try just one thing, asking for and falling in love with the idea of that one thing, and thinking about it to the exclusion of all else. See yourself achieving or acquiring it, and sense how good it feels—believing you already have it. Now go out and get it.

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Photo by Fachy Marin on Unsplash


Photo by Edgar Soto on Unsplash

Be a collaborator. Compound your income. Start sponsoring 3 into EXIT every year and...

We have the Formula to better your future.



Log in and access our marketing, training, technology and administrative resource hub for all things EXIT. Get leads, connect to them instantly, and send property information on-the-go with our fully branded mobile app. Our comprehensive real estate consumer website designed with intelligent lead capture. Our career website enables you to share our story, our mission and the benefits of membership with prospects. The very best way to share your contact information digitally and provide consumers with property information. Log in and explore customizable digital and print EXIT marketing pieces to send to clients and prospects.

EXPERT MARKETING SUITE™ - Maximize your listing’s exposure, generate and capture leads through virtual tours, flyers, custom listing websites and more! AGENT/BROKER WEBSITES - Hit the ground running with a complimentary customizable EXIT branded website to build your digital footprint and get noticed.

EXIT AD CENTER - Our integrated, best-in-class advertising tool, backed by Facebook and available exclusively to EXIT associates to promote listings, events and careers. SOCIAL CHANNELS AND BLOGS - Like, join, follow and subscribe! Our active social channels and blogs provide daily shareable real estate, wellness and lifestyle content.

MEMO - EXIT Realty’s central database and the secure, online engine behind our unique business model, the EXIT Formula.

DIGITAL PRESENTATIONS - Designed to start or restart a conversation with a prospect or client, the Seller and Buyer Guides, as well as the Sponsoring Package can be sent through the Resource Center or EXIT Realty Connect App with just a few clicks. EXIT SHOPTOK - This online application helps franchisees write and distribute their own press releases or select from pre-built templates. GEOLOCATION SMART SIGN™ TECHNOLOGY - Empower your lawn sign with geolocation technology and text code marketing so potential clients can receive immediate property information on their mobile device.






Facebook® Names EXIT Ad Center

BEST IN CLASS Toronto, ON - After fewer than 18 months since its launch, EXIT Realty Corp. International’s EXIT Ad Center was recently named Best in Class by Facebook. More than 15 million impressions and more than 50,000 leads have been delivered through EXIT’s enterprise relationship with the social media giant. The partnership means EXIT has insight into their algorithms that aren’t available through native Facebook advertising, resulting in better targeting and best practices and therefore more and better quality leads for EXIT associates. According to Scott Shapiro, Client Partner, Industry Relations with Facebook, EXIT Ad Center has, “the tools and strategy Facebook feels will deliver success to you and your business.” Rob Dipiero shared that 50% of his business comes as a result of the EXIT Ad Center, saying, “Over the past year I’ve generated over 1,000 contacts from the EXIT Ad Center and I’ve branded myself to more than 341,000 people during that time.” Inspired by his personal success with the tool, Rob developed a program for EXIT Realty Specialists where he serves as manager to help new agents start producing right away. They now attribute one extra deal per month to participating agents as a result of leads generated through EXIT Ad Center. While the majority of associates use the EXIT Ad Center to market property for sale, advertising options reach far beyond listings, including events, branding and positioning EXIT as the right choice for real estate professionals considering a change in brokerage. “We had a lot of leads that came just from the first month of ads,” said Vincent Ekuban, Broker/Owner of EXIT Realty Enterprises. “I already have four agents who I’ll be sponsoring as a result of this ad. I’m very excited to continue running the ads and I love how it’s automated. The return on investment is significant.”

“I already have four agents who I’ll be sponsoring as a result of this ad. I’m very excited to continue running the ads and I love how it’s automated. The return on investment is significant.” VINCENT EKUBAN BROKER/OWNER, MD

Volume 10 Issue 1 9

Experience the EXIT difference

PREPPING POWER Photo by volodymyr-hryshchenko on Unsplash


Whether it’s gearing up for a New Year with resolutions, setting SMART goals, or simply setting the coffee maker the night before, people everywhere understand there’s power in preparation. For some it looks like a color-coded and labeled world of organization that brings utter satisfaction and focus, for others it’s an uphill, tedious battle that has no identifiable start, leaving them with their head in their hands silently asking, “Is there no end?” The good news is if you’re the latter (or fall somewhere in between) there are strategies you can learn, but like any skill, the end brain game is practice makes permanent. But you don’t have to listen to me, Zig Ziglar said it best when he coined the phrase, “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.” Time is relative when it comes to preparedness, and time is also money as they say, but many still cling to this notion that they don’t have the time for planning. We all want to be successful at our endeavors, right? So, MAKE the time, and give it the undivided attention it deserves. 1. The more you practice preparing, the less you panic under pressure, which matters on a physiological level because it’s our body’s chemical and delayed stress response that inhibits our brain’s ability to actually retrieve information. 2. Take it one goal at a time in the beginning and create one of my personal favs…lists. There’s magic in lists, and studies show that putting pen to paper with a goal makes achieving it that much more likely, and they’re also a powerful way to set down some of that mental baggage we all carry. 3. Don’t want to re-invent the wheel or know where to start? You can find any number of planners with an online search but my favorite is the Legend Planner, made specifically to support goal setting and achievement in a handful of core areas in an individual’s life. Pen and paper too old-school? Use apps like Google Keep or iPhone Notes. Organizational over-achievers can take it up a technological notch with a productivity app. We can’t plan for everything, life shows us that daily, but there’s no reason why we each can’t get a little piece of the success pie. Prioritize planning and the results will speak for themselves.

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A Better You Betters Business. EXIT Realty Has An App For That. You may eat right and exercise but when was the last time you reinforced who you are as a human being? Who you believe yourself to be forms your beliefs, which manifest in actions. Every action begins with a thought and we owe it to ourselves to pay close attention to and nurture the thoughts we’re thinking. Visit or download the Prompter!™ app today to help you achieve your full potential and a better life, in just three minutes a day, with the power of affirmations.



As the owner of your own real estate company, you’re a CEO and it’s up to you to pay attention and execute from every angle in order to build a bulletproof business. These are my 10 best tips to help you succeed.


What do you want for agent count? Who’s on your target hit list? What’s your goal for per-person productivity and for transaction count? What do you personally want to earn? Are there holes in your current business you can fill with opportunities in your specific market? When determining what you want, it’s important to learn the power of Yes and No. Say Yes to all things that make sense for your goals and No to things that won’t take you there, including agents in your office who aren’t a good fit for what you’re trying to build.

Photo by clark van der beken on Unsplash

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“We have a depth of relationship with one another, our regional owners, broker/owners, associates and administrative team at EXIT that’s uncommon in most industries. And it all started with Steve Morris who believes in the power of the subconscious mind pushing you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and making you feel safe enough to grow.”


How well do you know your agents, and their dreams and goals - both personal and professional? How well do you know the agents you hope to bring into your office and those whose companies with which you hope to merge or acquire? How well do you know your Dirty Dozen? Personalize your interactions as much as possible. When you focus on people you can help boost them when you know what makes them passionate about going to work. They have a dream and a vision of where they want to go, and it’s your job to help them get there.


Rate yourself out of 10 on all relationships in your life – agents, friends, family, outside business peers, leaders in the communities you serve – all of them. If you’ve got some low ratings, ask yourself how you could raise them one more point. Reflect on improving every relationship so they feel connected to you, valued, heard and understood. People want to be part of something better. What can you do to let them know you care?


After you’ve set your goals and developed your business plan, share them with everyone. How can your agents be involved? When you share your goals with them, with agents out in the marketplace, or with someone whose company you’d like to acquire, there may be ways they can help you succeed.


One size doesn’t fit all. According to a 2018 study, 74% of Americans prioritize experiences over products or things. When you personalize an experience and you really put yourself in the other person’s shoes – whether a potential client or prospective recruit – they feel like they matter and they’re valued.


The more value you provide to those who get in front of you, the more income you’re going to generate. When you provide value, the law of attraction sets to work bringing people, income and opportunities in your favor.


Utilize everything provided by the system with which you’ve chosen to associate. At EXIT, that means utilizing all the technology, resources and training at our disposal, as well as the Formula. If everyone in

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your office focused on sponsoring 3 agents this year, how much more successful would it be? If your agents utilized our Smart Signs™, Mobile Business Cards™, Expert Marketing Suite™, EXIT Realty Connect app, and attended all webinars and training opportunities we offer, how much would that strengthen their business? The goal is to help people achieve true financial freedom - which I see as all bills covered before getting out of bed in the morning. If your bills/ overhead total $50,000/year, sponsor enough to earn that in residual income. Then you can focus on leading with pure passion, and going to work with less pressure.


Leaders must continue to grow or people won’t follow. Personal and professional growth is how you stay passionate. We have a Miracle Morning™ Facebook group at EXIT that encourages members to read along with the other activities prescribed in Hal Elrod’s routine, helping members take control of their day and grow as individuals. As leaders grow, they begin to attract like-minded people to their cause.


Keep a look out for ways to add value and grow, not only your colleagues, family and friends, but people in the communities you serve. Suggesting a way to improve a process or approach, or a nudge towards an opportunity could benefit someone’s quality of life. Just like compound interest at the bank, you could have a compound interest in everyone around you. Know the pulse of your community and pour yourself into what’s really important.


I’m involved in a couple of CEO groups where I’m the sole representative for real estate. It’s awesome to hear people from another world and adapt their successes into your business. If you’re around the same people all the time and you don’t trigger new conversations, you’re not going to continue to grow. Get involved in a charity, civic events, or spiritual community and breathe some life into your thinking, and…


“You are only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination.”

People grow in an environment where they feel safe to grow. When a company has a people-first mindset and leads from that perspective, profit follows. Lead for profit and people will leave. The fact that EXIT’s Executive team has been with the company, on average, for over 16 years is a testament to what Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, has built: a company based on human potential. None of our major competitors have such longevity in leadership. Most have a revolving door of people who join just for a stock package and golden parachute when they leave.

Volume 10 Issue 1 15

“The most expensive real estate in the world is in

YOUR MIND. Don’t allow just anyone or anything to stay there for free.”

free your mind l

Photo by visualsofdana on Unsplash

— Unknown

EARNERS OF EVERY AGE Interviewing some of EXIT’s top earners made it evident that real estate continues to prove itself as a rewarding and prosperous career choice at any age. Learn not only what these powerhouses from different generations have in common, but how they think, do business, and find ways to collaborate.


Age: 81 Years in RE: 42 Why RE: I wanted a flexible schedule that allowed me to take time off if my kids needed me. Why EXIT: There’s a caring management team, enthusiastic crew of salespeople and a very friendly environment at our EXIT office. Steadfast Strategy: I think first-time home buyers are the key to a successful career. I prepare step-by-step packages, do a pre-closing inspection, and take photos with each, I follow up days later with a housewarming gift to ensure a smooth move, months after to drop business cards and ask for referrals, then every 3-4 months after with a little note. I also personally deliver calendars to all my buyers and sellers each year. New School Tool: Dotloop is extremely convenient and I enjoy visual, drone tours for my listings. Young Inspiration: I mentor many new agents, but Kimia Nejat provided a different outlook on younger generation buyers, Andrew Stephens provided a fresh outlook on advertising, and Jim Smardon got me involved in clean energy, which is very important in the public mind. Mindset Mantra: 100% service. Service, service and more service. Next Gen Advice: Refer to my mantra.

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“I truly do admire all the young agents in my office for their initiative and their determination to be successful.” MARY ELLEN MCCAMUS, FRANCHISEE, ON


Age: 70 Years in RE: 36 Why RE: After my youngest of four went to school I got into real estate. It felt like putting on a fine leather glove. It just fit me perfectly. Why EXIT: I was introduced to EXIT and the whole system made total sense. I bought into it with a salesperson’s mindset, thinking about my kids and their future, not even thinking about building an office. Steadfast Strategy: Keep moving forward, thinking about the next area of growth and how to get there. New School Tool: Social media is very helpful if used effectively. I keep learning about the new technologies. Instead of being afraid to admit we don’t know how to use them, JUST LEARN! Young Inspiration: I truly do admire all the young agents in my office for their initiative and their determination to be successful. Mindset Mantra: No one can ruin my day unless I allow them to do so. Next Gen Advice: Don't get discouraged. Look at the big picture. Always keep your clients or agents in the forefront of your mind and let them know they’re important. Remember to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN.


“Be kind and real. Care about the people more than the job and the money will follow.” SANDRA HUSSEY SALES REP., ON

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Age: 52 Years in RE: 8 Why RE: I love working with people and love homes. It was a good fit after retiring from the Armed Forces. Why EXIT: The retirement benefits, family unit, training, technology and branding. Steadfast Strategy: Postcard mailer marketing in neighborhoods surrounding my sold listings using the Canada Post tab in the Resource Center. New School Tool: Use the tools EXIT Realty gives us and start with Prompter!™ Young Inspiration: Natalia Gallucci because she shows the importance of trusting others and delegating. Mindset Mantra: Never stop learning. Be organized, follow-up and follow through. Next Gen Advice: Be kind and real. Care about the people more than the job and the money will follow.


Age: 42 Years in RE: 17 Why RE: There are so many different facets of real estate, and to me there’s no ceiling. Why EXIT: After meeting my managing brokers, Sheryll and Marc White, I grew to love this company more every year. Steadfast Strategy: Always be consistent with everything you do. New School Tool: I believe in video. My 2021 goal is to post each week and generate more leads through YouTube. Inspiring Mentor: I’ve always admired how Sheryll White manages so many people and personalities with a smile on her face. She’s always there when I need her. Mindset Mantra: Don’t take things too personally. Be as objective as possible and problem solve. Next Gen Advice: Yes, you need to work smart and hard. I didn’t get here without a lot of hours, hustling, sacrifice, and holding myself accountable 24/7.

TANYA MYRE Assoc. Broker, ON

Age: 33 Years in RE: 10 Why RE: The flexible hours help in raising a young family. Why EXIT: EXIT focuses on the individual. It’s an empathy-driven company. Steadfast Strategy: Focus on building relationships and trust with clients. New School Tool: I frequently use Matterport technology and backlit signs. Inspiring Mentor: Joyce Paron! She’s a powerful leader and speaker in our industry. She motivates me. Mindset Mantra: Nurturing seeds produce a good harvest. Next Gen Advice: Change happens. Be ready to be flexible.

“Yes, you need to work smart and hard. I didn’t get here without a lot of hours, hustling, sacrifice and holding myself accountable 24/7.” TATYANA STURM ASSOC. BROKER, CO


Age: 24 Years in RE: 2 Why RE: It’s a hustler’s game. You’re rewarded for your efforts. Why EXIT: The dynamic this company offers and residual income. Steadfast Strategy: Maintain good, positive relationships at all costs. You never know when it will pay off. New School Tool: Facebook and digital marketing. Inspiring Mentor: Nicole Leblanc with her efficient time management, work ethic and personality! Mindset Mantra: “How bad do you want it?” Next Gen Advice: Relationships and technology are your two biggest allies.

Volume 10 Issue 1 19

Exciting New Chapters &

EXPANSIONS Stacy Strobl Regional Owner

Max Coleman Regional Owner

Kenny Lynn Regional Owner

Award-winning and record-breaking EXIT Southeast Regional Owners, Kenny Lynn and Stacy Strobl, were recently named Regional Directors for EXIT Realty in Texas. This is in addition to their EXIT Southeast territories of Kentucky, Florida, Georgia, as well as Tennessee, and they have immediate plans to rapidly grow brokerages in the state. “Texas has some of the most talented REALTORS® in the region and tops all the real estate lists from livability and quality of life as well as a booming real estate market. We’re so excited to connect opportunity for growth with talent and Texas is the perfect addition to EXIT Southeast,” Kenny said.

Tina Coleman Regional Owner

Ideally situated in Hamilton, Montana, Regional Owners, Max and Tina Coleman, were recently awarded sub-franchisor rights to the state of Idaho, with aggressive growth plans in this new market. After joining EXIT Realty in 2006 as the franchisee of EXIT Realty Bitterroot Valley, Max grew the operation into three locations before becoming the regional owner of Montana in 2012. His wife, Tina, joined him in 2013. “Max and Tina have demonstrated great leadership in Montana, so it was a natural decision to give them the opportunity to acquire Idaho. We look forward to building with them for years to come,” said Tami Bonnell, EXIT CEO.

Michael Wohl Regional Owner

Michael Wohl, current regional owner of Massachusetts has acquired the subfranchisor rights to the states of Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire, to create the entity now known as EXIT Realty New England. Wohl has projections to expand into several new markets in the coming years saying, “All our offices across the four states are excited and look forward to adding to our excellent group of brokers and agents as time progresses.” In an emotional changing of the guard, EXIT franchisees expressed appreciation and gratitude to former Regional Owner, Ted Bateman, who will continue with the company as franchisee of EXIT Realty Leaders in Ossipee, New Hampshire.

“Today is your tomorrow. It’s up to you to shape it, take control and seize every opportunity.”

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CDN DIVISION Eastern Ontario A.J. Plant 613.706.0633

U.S. DIVISION Alabama/Mississippi Kathy & Troy Dooley 855.811.3948 Arizona Deanna & Keith Weaver 602.628.3060 Arkansas & Oklahoma Craig Witt - 1.888.668.3948 Colorado Margaret & Kevin Hamilton 720.507.3474 Connecticut & Rhode Island Melissa Shea 631.343.8700

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

3X THE CULTURE MIKE MCCARRON, SUPERVISOR GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT - CAN Northern Ontario Kristen Trembinski 705.942.6500

South Western Ontario Lynn Findlay 519.312.8644


Greater Toronto Area Marie Kozak 647.404.5691

CRAIG WITT, PRESIDENT - U.S. DIVISION 1.888.668.3948 Delaware, D.C., Maryland Pennsylvania & West Virginia Janett & Jonathan Rundlett 240.450.2061 Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee & Texas Stacy Strobl & Kenny Lynn 615.364.8122 Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, North/South Dakota & Wisconsin Bill Pankonin - 612.414.4022 Idaho & Montana Tina & Max Coleman 406.375.9251

Louisiana Wayne Hall 337.463.1000

New York Metro Hector Castillo 631.421.3948

Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire & Vermont Mike Wohl - 617.318.7933

Virginia Bernadette Cole, Koy Banks & Randy Barrows 800.906.3948

North & South Carolina Michael Washburn 843.343.3947 New Jersey Jack Da Silva & Shana Meyer 973.466.0003

Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Hawaii & California Rick DeLuca 541.312.3076

New Mexico & El Paso, Texas Chris Harrison - 575.496.0141 Joseph Arnone - 575.644.6300

Visit to be a part of our regional growth that’s going fast! Volume 10 Issue 1 21



Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, announced that the company’s trajectory and growth would be compounded by the power of 3 after issuing a challenge to every EXIT associate to successfully introduce 3 people into the company every year for the rest of their career.


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So why 3; why not one, two or four? To answer this question, I took a long hard look at the number three and came to realize that for such a small number, it seems to be a hugely intrinsic part of our lives, and perhaps that’s because it’s within us all at a molecular level. Lovers of mathematics can find it when taking a shallow look into Fibonacci numbers, or the Golden Ratio that’s found in our very DNA, which is also one of 3 major macromolecules necessary for life. Our pattern loving brain is also not only made up of 3 major areas, but 3 just so happens to be the most basic pattern. Research out of the University of Missouri has also shown that most people can only retain 3 things at a time in their short-term memory, up to five if you’re above average. Our brain response to this number has also made 3 a part of our daily lives, calling some of the largest and most successful companies to study the rule of 3 in purchasing decisions. Have you ever wondered why we’re greeted with 3 size options by many food service giants? That’s because they’ve done their homework and found that when given choices, four feels like too many, but when faced with 3 we almost always split the difference.

EXIT’s defining uniqueness is our business model allowing every day real estate professionals the ability to earn passive income, retire, and leave a financial legacy through the act of sponsoring.

Instances of 3’s are found throughout all the arts. Visual arts and photography subscribe to the rule of thirds or the golden ratio in composition and stage plays follow a three-act structure in theatre. Most pop hits are built around the idea of using only three musical phrases at one time in songs, and in writing, stories don’t just have a beginning, a middle and an end, but also where it’s been found that the use of trios in one’s craft makes for a more memorable, pleasing, and rhythmic style. It’s why phrases like, me, myself, and I, or life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness come so easily. Three, or rather the triangle is the most stable physical shape as well, so you find it often in construction and engineering, including in some of the strongest bridges and oldest megalithic structures still standing around the world today. We have 3 tiers of government, and we award our champions bronze, silver, and gold medals. In fact, sports are riddled with the number 3 as well. There’s the Triple Crown of horse racing, three-pointers in basketball, 3 strikes and bases in baseball, the hat trick in cricket and hockey, and football field goals counting as 3 points. In real estate, just as at EXIT, you often find 3 types of relationships: agents working with clients, brokers working with agents, and regional leaders working with all of them. At EXIT, our uniqueness is based on 3 aspects: taking listings, making sales, as well as sponsoring. And the very act of sponsoring at EXIT opens up the possibility to earn residual income over and above the typical real estate commission structure with 3 tiered levels of bonuses: 10% sponsoring, 7% retirement, and 5% beneficiary. To date, EXIT Realty has paid out over $500,000,000 in single-level residuals to its associates, of which $750,000 were in benefits to beneficiaries. These monies have helped EXIT associates and their families save for dream vacations, homes and cottages, vehicles, charitable work, weddings, and college educations. We help our agents earn for their dreams of today and tomorrow, not to mention, continue to support spouses or future generations posthumously, when they can no longer be there. Turn the page for a look at EXIT’s Formula of sponsoring and how it works:

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Earn a bonus equivalent to 10% off the top, of each transaction closed by new agents you introduce into EXIT, payable directly to you via EXIT’s head office as a thank you for building the company. This single-level Sponsoring Bonus is not subtracted from the new agent’s commissions, and continues perpetually for as long as the new agent stays with EXIT and generates sales.


In traditional real estate you’re only as good as your last transaction, but not at EXIT. You can take a break or retire from selling real estate, and your 10% Sponsoring Bonuses convert into 7% Retirement Benefits to become a “pension plan.” You can also enhance your retirement by continuing to sponsor salespeople into the company.


Should anything happen to you, at EXIT we ensure you have a predetermined beneficiary in place. Your Sponsoring Bonuses that you’ve established over the years convert into 5% Beneficiary Benefits, which continue providing added security for your family, as long as the agents you sponsor stay with EXIT and generate sales.

Retirement Beneficiary

Not only do we live on the third planet from the sun, in a 3-D world, where time is measured in past, present, and future, but the number 3 has long been studied for centuries, from Aristotle to the Pythagoreans, Freemasonry to theology. No matter what you believe, the power of 3 is hard to deny, and its roots are deep in many different cultures around the world, not just North America. Three invites us to open up and examine the in-between. It’s a collaboration that brings about strength, which is what the heart of sponsoring really represents at EXIT. Perhaps you can think of it like the Latin phrase “omne trium perfectum” that suggests, everything that comes in 3’s is perfect, or, every set of 3 is complete. EXIT’s defining uniqueness is our business model allowing every day real estate professionals the ability to earn passive income, retire, and leave a financial legacy through the act of sponsoring. If you haven’t experienced it, you can’t honestly say your journey is totally complete. *To a maximum of $10,000 per person sponsored, annually.

“Three invites us to open up and examine the in-between. It’s a collaboration that brings about strength, the heart of what sponsoring represents at EXIT.”

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Over $750,000 paid out in Beneficiary Benefits. That’s dreams fulfilled, quality time spent, lives enriched, memories made and saved for.


You invest in us.

We invest in you.



Real estate is defined by building trust with clients and fellow associates, but with the very reason for the business being relocation, it’s not always going to be with agents in your office or company brand. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) reports that 41% of sellers who used a real estate agent found them through a referral by friends or family, and that 74% of sellers would use the same agent again, so if referral business is important, your reputation for service and acumen are arguably even more so. You need not search for long on today’s social media platforms to find referral groups of all sorts and sizes. EXIT’s Facebook Referral Network group was established nearly 10 years ago, for agents to refer across state, province, as well as the border. Sales Representative, Paula Rodriguez of EXIT Realty Champions keeps the real estate conversation going in several different social media avenues. Her broker directed her to EXIT’s Referral Network after joining as an entirely new agent to the industry in 2018, and it turned out to be a beneficial catalyst for her career. “My very first deal was a referral from the EXIT Facebook group. It was a listing, and since then that agent has continued to think of me anytime someone is looking to relocate to Orlando, Florida. It confirmed for me that I really wanted to do this, that I had a great support system,” she shared. “Aside from the referral group, I’ve been able to connect with other people who are in the market for a home in Facebook Marketplace, as well as other groups and business pages.”

“You need not search for long on today’s social media platforms to find referral groups of all sorts and sizes.”

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With a real estate career spanning 39 years, and spending almost 15 of those with EXIT, Associate Broker, Melinda Harris has built an impressive network that generates roughly 90% of her business. A member of the EXIT Referral Group since its inception, she has witnessed how digital platforms have decentralized these transactions. “Using social media has put the responsibility of the referral in the hands of the agents. It used to be that most major real estate competitors had a referral division. Those referrals were disseminated out to the agents, and generally came with a cost,” said Melinda, who along with her daughter and Sales Representative, Amy Lais, make up The Harris Team out of EXIT Realty Alliance in California. At 39, Amy is admittedly the more “social” of the two, and they use a tag team approach to handling online referrals. Where Amy watches notifications and comments with their contact info, Melinda solidifies with a follow-up call to the referring agent or broker. The call is key according to Melinda, to see if their team is the right fit for each referral, and if not, she further recommends those she knows in the area. A self-confessed “joiner,” who puts caring before commissions, Melinda’s advice is to create a network both offline as well as online. She makes it a point to connect with people wherever she goes, belonging to several social media groups, for moms and women, as well as real estate referral groups, in addition to participating in organizations like her Rotary Club, chamber of commerce, and country club. “Agents who sit at their desks, thinking they’re not getting any business are right, because you have to go out and get it,” she said, but she also reminds that, “it goes back to the people that know, love, and trust you. They’re the ones who are confident in their referral of you. Communication in this business is key. If you don't communicate what you do, who is going to know? Treat them like they're a referral source and market to them.” The real estate industry will always be a relationship business with collaboration at its heart, proving that no matter how times and technologies may change, the importance of a strong and vast referral network will not.

“Establishing yourself with other agents, in EXIT offices where possible, to refer back and forth is important.” MELINDA HARRIS ASSOCIATE BROKER, CA

Join EXIT’s Facebook Referral Groups Today: Residential


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Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

BE YOUR BEST CLIENT BY MELANIE ROBITAILLE, SR. STAFF WRITER & GRAPHIC DESIGNER If you’re in real estate, chances are you either have personal or professional experience with income properties, or at the very least, have thought about it. EXIT Realty’s Director of Brokerage Development, Janice Petteway, has been following her own rules when it comes to this topic since opening her first EXIT Real Estate Results office, and the moment she first took advantage of EXIT’s Formula of sponsoring.

“I made a commitment to use residuals only to purchase real estate. I’m somewhere in the $1.2 million range of residual income and that portfolio is worth about $3.4 million in equity now.” JANICE PETTEWAY, DIRECTOR OF BROKERAGE DEVELOPMENT So how did she do it? By being a “sponsoring machine,” as she calls it, and assigning her residual income to specific tasks. The real key was not touching it, while compounding her sponsoring and production efforts from one year to the next. “You have to learn to put your money to work for you, so you don’t have to work so hard. I guarantee you, no matter what amount of money you earn, if you spend all of it or a dollar more, you’ll never be a millionaire,” she quipped. “A teacher who gets out of college and puts away $342 every month for their whole career, and doesn’t touch it, will retire as a multi-millionaire.” So, she proposes that you think of sponsorship a little bit differently and assign sponsoring income to that task for you. “I had heard Janice talk about investing before and I had been interested in it for a while. I knew my residuals added up each year, but I never saved them for a purpose until I earmarked my sponsoring bonuses for my daughter’s wedding during 2017 and 2018. I was able to pay for her wedding, and in 2019, when I went to Janice’s Convention Breakout Session, everything clicked,” explained EXIT Realty by the Bay Franchisee, Jennifer Anderson. Jennifer has since purchased her first investment property, and is putting her residual income to work on a second in the near future.

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Janice’s Recommended Approach: 1. Learn the difference between good and bad debt, eliminating bad, personal debt first then shifting toward creating personal emergency savings. Once personal affairs are in order, apply the same approach to your business. 2. Create multiple accounts. Money comes into your business account and stays there to pay bills, so you know what your overhead is every month. When it has six months of reserves in it, then a second account comes in for anything over and above your overhead and six months’ worth of reserves. But don’t touch it! 3. Research all things income properties. Think outside the house here, as short-term rental trends show people will rent out moored boats, refurbished RV’s and other tiny dwellings. Look at things like the NAR® report on the top places where people are buying vacation homes; learn where most vacation homes are purchased, and where people in your town come from. 4. Join EXIT’s Facebook Referral Network Group and set up referral relationships and cross marketing with the EXIT offices and agents in the areas and states which refer back and forth to yours most. 5. Attend investor meetings or classes in your area, as well as read books on the topic regularly in order to learn the language and terms used on this side of the business. 6. Consider learning to teach this at your office. Whether or not being a landowner or landlord is for you, put your newfound knowledge to good use benefiting both your agents and their families. There’s no other vehicle like EXIT’s Formula of residual income that can help you live mortgage free and compound your earnings faster in this business. As a real estate professional, you’re already ahead of the buying and selling curve, all you have to do is be your best client.


“Abundance is not something we acquire. It’s something we tune into.”

Janice’s Recommended Reading: Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan Rich Dad Poor Dad book series by Robert Kiyosaki The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley Ph. D

Volume 10 Issue 1 29

Be coachable. Learn forever. Keep reaching because...


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash_hello

YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING BY MELANIE ROBITAILLE, SR. STAFF WRITER & GRAPHIC DESIGNER Winners are called go-getters for a reason; they go after what they want in order to be the best. They train consistently and effectively because that’s what it takes to be successful in any endeavor. In real estate, when the fish are jumping in the boat faster than a Mississippi River carp derby, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to keep pace and put off refining your sales skills. You get used to clients seeking you out, instead of knowing where to find them, knowing how to ask for their business, and knowing how to build trusting referral-worthy relationships. After 11 years of being an EXIT Realty MIND-SET Trainer, Erica Nasby knows that many agents lack the confidence to do these things on a normal day. She has witnessed real estate markets ebb and flow. So, what do you do when listings in your market are all seemingly fished out? Top Real Estate Coach, Author and Speaker, Brian Buffini suggests that, “There’s not a shortage of inventory, there’s a shortage of listed inventory,” and that essentially there’s plenty of fish, (or houses in this case) just not enough agents going out and asking for the business. Where the great online, social media world of today can leave you waiting to be found amidst a sea of search results, ads, and news feed posts, getting one-on-one time in front of potential clients is invaluable because as Buffini also shared on a recent exclusive EXIT webinar, even though 97% of sales start with online searches, 94% still end with a real estate professional’s help. “Technology provides a softer way to do business. Most agents are looking for that because we’re afraid of rejection, and stranger danger has been ingrained in us our entire lives. Technology is certainly an easier way where we’re hiding behind a screen, but the reality is, the fastest way to inspire somebody is through face-to-face interaction,” Erica said, explaining why her door-knocking training is so important right now.

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Door knocking leaves a lasting impression that cannot accidentally be deleted or tossed in the recycling like an e-blast or mailer. You build a recognizable business presence, a refined negotiation vocabulary and presentation skills, as well as a productive inventory pipeline.

Most truly successful agents build a strategic real estate career where good digital marketing is secondary to the power of interpersonal skills, but the plain truth of the matter is that more and more people are struggling with face-to-face communication because less and less actually use it. It’s unlikely you’ll sell a house via text or Snapchat, and clients still want personal attention as well as a trustworthy real estate advisor. There’s no greater way to be that to someone than by going right to their door. “I think you build your chops in a market like this, especially if you’re working with buyers, but a boom like this eventually goes away. We saw it in Vancouver, Canada in 2017 and with the mortgage bust in the U.S. in 2007. You had to go out and hunt for business again. Anybody who can hunt for business will always have a job. Anybody who can go out and prospect will always have a job; and not just prospect, anybody who can go out and build a relationship will always have a job,” she said with certainty of dealing with uncertain times. “Remember during both of those scenarios it didn’t stop people from getting married, getting divorced, having babies, moving into care facilities. At the doors you’re only looking for people who have to move, it’s never working to convince people, but you’re simultaneously building relationships with those who aren’t moving, so when they do need to consult a real estate expert, you’ve already been in front of them multiple times qualifying them. That’s what you do at the doors, you qualify buyers and sellers looking to move within the next 12 months.” Door knocking leaves a lasting impression that cannot accidentally be deleted or tossed in the recycling like an e-blast or mailer. Prospecting will help you build a recognizable business presence, a refined negotiation vocabulary and presentation skills, as well as a productive inventory pipeline. It provides a huge

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confidence boost, knowing you’ll have 12 months-worth of strong leads in your pocket. It also helps build a knowledgeable market perspective and a powerful farming practice, helping to ease stresses around pricing, and turning you into a market expert that other agents often seek out for advice and farm area info. These are all vital pieces of the backbone that keep champion REALTORS® standing tall no matter the market. This is how EXIT Realty’s Field Day Training or online Performance Training with Erica Nasby can help you and teach you how to build people skills, better habits, and self-confidence, so you can take that into the field and knock on doors. A renown personal coach and TEDx Speaker, Erica not only furthered her late father, Bill Nasby’s legacy of a back-to-basics method to real estate, she expanded on it with her inside-out approach that specifically deals with agent inhibitions, creating a training that no one, no matter how “new school” should miss. “I teach agents how to work with and through their own emotions, so the stress and fear don’t override them. I also break bad habits by teaching agents how to recognize the subconscious patterns that keep them stuck. We look at how to read personalities at the doors, how to create the habit of door knocking and follow up, how to set goals, how to communicate more effectively, and how to deal with integrating your everyday life with the demands of real estate. I hold you accountable, both in thought and action. It’s a recalibration every week to stay on track, and starting in spring 2021, I’m offering a new performance training company-wide,” she explained of the two-part course. “Next, (and I do this online with performance training, but we’ve always done this in addition to the doors in person), I actually sit on the call with agents as they go to the doors and correct their process.” Just ask some of EXIT’s top agents like Marcella Poitras, Pamela Norman, Jennifer Hortin, Gary Trembinski, Mellanie Thorum, Stephanie Dickson, Nalin Nandrajog, and Cathy Korpi. Not only are most consistent award winners, but they all prospect as part of their regular business practices. The doors aren’t dead, they’re part of the foundation upon which this business is built. Through consistency and hard work, they put you right in the middle of the game as the star player. So, ask yourself, where would you rather be, sitting inside your head in a cubicle or home office on the sidelines, or spending a day taking control of your productivity by owning your day? Because as Emerson said, “He is only rich who owns the day.”

Top Real Estate Coach, Author and Speaker, Brian Buffini suggests that, “There’s not a shortage of inventory, there’s a shortage of listed inventory.”

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“Real Estate had always been in the back of my mind because I loved the flexibility it gave my father as I was growing up, and as a peopleperson I knew that I would enjoy the customer service side of the business.” KIRK GROOMBRIDGE FRANCHISEE, ON

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BY MELANIE ROBITAILLE, SR. STAFF WRITER & GRAPHIC DESIGNER By helping the changing lives of so many through buying, selling, and relocating, real estate is naturally about family. It’s an industry where you commonly find relatives at the heart of many teams and sometimes several generations that call this profession the family business. EXIT Realty CK Elite Franchisee, Kirk Groombridge, is one such third-generation real estate professional with his grandfather and several extended family members in the business, who recently teamed up with his father, Associate Broker, and 50-year industry veteran, Dale Groombridge in Chatham, Ontario. “In many respects [my father] has been, and always will be my main role model both in real estate and in life in general. For me, and our entire team at the office it’s an amazing advantage we have in him because we know we can go to him with any questions or get advice on something we might be encountering for the first time that he has likely come across before,” Kirk proudly shared. “Even from a brokerage standpoint, he has been there, done that, running multiple brokerages and managing dozens of agents, which is a huge benefit for me right now as we begin growing this new franchise.” Throughout Dale’s five-decade career he’s been an owner of his own firm, a broker with two major competitors as well as an independent. He was on the ground floor of the making of the Chatham-Kent Real Estate Board, serving as past President and remaining on as a member ever since. He has also been awarded his Fellowship of the Real Estate Institute of Canada (FRI) designation and served as a Canadian Residential Appraiser (CRA) with the Appraisal Institute of Canada for 12 years. “In those early days a ‘Multiple Listing Service’ as we know it was non-existent, and very few, if any, listings were ever ‘shared’ between brokers. Small business computers were unheard of. Rather, those were the days of telephone land lines only, photocopiers, three-ring binders, and 48-hour photo processing; no internet, digital platforms, or social media,” Dale reminisced. Having the chance to partner with his son was an exciting prospect that was “like a tonic” Dale admitted. And as it turns out Kirk is a regular chip off the old block because the people aspect is precisely what has kept Dale attracted to the business for so long as well saying, “Real Estate had always been in the back of my mind because I loved the flexibility it gave my father as I was growing up, and as a peopleperson I knew that I would enjoy the customer service side of the business.”

“Uppermost in my enjoyment of and love for real estate is without question, the people. I enjoy the fact that no two days are ever alike. You are forever interacting, wearing different hats it seems.” DALE GROOMBRIDGE, ASSOCIATE BROKER, ON

“Uppermost in my enjoyment of and love for real estate is without question, the people. I enjoy the fact that no two days are ever alike. You are forever interacting, wearing different hats it seems,” Dale mused. “I learn from and am constantly challenged by Kirk, my team members, friends and respected competitors; not to mention the many lawyers, bankers, appraisers, home inspectors and mortgage professionals. In dealing with all of them, both professionally and personally, I’ve always strived for integrity and mutual respect.” In his mid-seventies, a husband, a father of four, and spending the better part of his life in real estate, Dale doesn’t feel like he’s ‘worked’ one day in his career, but rather considers himself blessed to enjoy what he’s done for over 50 years. His advice to those also looking to build a life-long real estate journey? “Never stop learning,” he said. “Always be willing to learn and adjust without compromising your own personal standards, beliefs, and aspirations.”

TWO OF 3 GENERATIONS OF REAL ESTATE: Father, Dale Groombridge (L) with son, Kirk (R).

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“I wouldn’t suggest copying other brokerages in your area – instead, do something they’re not.”

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Nowhere in business is it more imperative to carve out an identity for yourself than when you’re an entrepreneur, which is why many opt to call the EXIT Realty brand home. Not only does it offer tried and true marketing technologies and tools, but a strong and unique brand identity unlike any other. Franchisees, Steve Yoston and Carol O’Hanley were immediately drawn to this when they first took over their EXIT Realty PEI franchise in 2015, because when your market is a small island province, of just over 150,000 people, you want to be noticed. “EXIT’s advertising is fresh and innovative and catches attention. We liked the consistency of the messaging as well as the leadership and feedback we were given starting out,” Carol shared. “EXIT is present on many social media platforms as well as in various print and TV media outlets in our area. We were given lots of resources to help create consistency in our market, and we always appreciated the speedy responses and helpful advice from head office when we have any questions about branding.” Wanting their office to look innovative and fresh, Steve and Carol took a look at what other competitors on the island were doing and endeavored to be something different, because to them a professional, strong, and consistent image is a direct expression of their business integrity. “Our image reflects our values as owners of our brokerage. We want to ensure what we do and how we present ourselves is on par with those beliefs. We want everyone delivering the same message to the public and we want clients to know and recognize

our brokerage when they see our logo so when we show up – no matter where we show up, it’s always the same,” Carol explained. As the office’s chief marketing idea generator, Carol always wants her agents up front, saying, “The agents ARE our brand and we want people to see that,” so she strives to put them in lights wherever and however possible, successfully merging individual marketing identities with the EXIT brand and including agents in the marketing brainstorming process. And speaking of process, she knows that great marketing takes time; time and the help of an even greater professional. “We were lucky to hire our marketing coordinator fresh out of college after completing a two-year marketing course. He works magic with any idea we send his way and creates a polished look for us every time. This is especially important to clients who want their properties highlighted in the best way and it means our agents look good anywhere we include them. We know we couldn’t create the ads and posts that he does with such ease,” she proudly admitted. With a dynamic website, engaging video content, and an active social media presence, EXIT Realty PEI is always reaching out to potential clients as well as agents, and they’re always EXITized. They’re constantly sharing EXIT’s Design Guide and communicating guidelines with their agents and coming up with distinctive ways to market. “Some examples are our Tuesday Testimonials where we post client testimonials about our agents, or testimonials from agents on why they chose EXIT. We do anniversary posts for agents, and we had Saturday shout outs where we posted something awesome an agent had done in the community,” she shared. “We normally run a campaign for a month or two until we feel it’s lost its punch. Some run for longer like the client testimonials because we are consistently receiving those from customers through a client experience survey link, we send out in an email after every closing.” Though social media allows them to do a lot of marketing for free, well-rounded promotion comes with a cost for which they budget each year to cover everything from regular print publication ads, to their weekly Chatting with Charities video campaign. Check them out at and if you like what you see, reach out, because Carol is a big proponent of offices working together, trying similar ideas in separate markets, and is always looking for fresh ideas, saying, “Don’t be scared to try new things! They say different is better than better. I wouldn’t suggest copying other brokerages in your area – instead, do something they’re not.”

“Carol always wants her agents up front, saying, ‘The agents ARE our brand and we want people to see that,’ so she strives to put them in lights wherever and however possible, successfully merging individual marketing identities with the EXIT brand.”


Email: Cell: 902-394-5986

Moving you in the right direction.

Volume 10 Issue 1 37

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

Stop compromising your freedom and your dreams of tomorrow. Live your why. Find your flow. Earn limitless income, and...


500 MORNINGS AGO I first read about the Miracle Morning™ routine in a Facebook post written by Nick Libert, the Broker/Owner of EXIT Strategy Realty in Chicago. After listening to the book on Audible, I decided to try the 30-day challenge myself and I considered asking my EXIT Family to join me in the challenge. The conversation in my head went like this: Me: I wonder if any EXIT folks would want to do this with me. The Universe: They might, but if you put it out there, you realize you’re going to actually have to do it for 30 days, right? Me: That’s true, but it’s only a 30-day commitment and I don’t have to continue beyond that. The Universe: Do it. My life works best when I do what the Universe tells me to do, so I posted the challenge on Facebook, and to my delight, several of our associates expressed interest. I created an EXIT-only Miracle Morning™ Facebook group for the participants to keep in touch. The Miracle Morning™ routine involves waking up earlier than usual and spending a period of time on each of the following activities first thing in the morning: Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading and Scribing (ie journaling). The acronym spells SAVERS. Thanks to the guidance of EXIT’s Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, our company is holistic and believes that productivity will come as a natural result of strengthening the individual first, so some of these activities were already part of my daily routine, but not all and not first thing in the morning. The challenge helped me to formalize my commitment. Members of our group are encouraged to complete their SAVERS daily, post in the group and engage with other members. There are participants in every role at EXIT: administrative staff, agents, broker/owners, regional owners, head office staff and executives. Regardless of our role with the company, each individual is striving to become the best version of ourselves. Sometimes we do well and sometimes we struggle, and the group is warm and supportive regardless. Mid way through our initial 30-day challenge, I started to experience the positive aspects of the routine. My affirmations were manifesting, I was meditating and walking daily and so on. Other members reported similar results and because we were also enjoying the camaraderie of the group, we collectively decided to continue beyond the initial 30 days. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the routine and daily interaction with the group kept me grounded in a positive mindset of prosperity and gratitude. Fast forward to March 15, 2021; our group was 500 days old, I had completed the SAVERS routine for 500 consecutive days and I have continued since. The positive impact of both the routine and participation in the group have compounded for me in life-changing ways. I believe there is always something to be grateful for, and in my life, those things include my EXIT Family and the Miracle Morning™ routine.


When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the routine and daily interaction with the group kept me grounded in a positive mindset of prosperity and gratitude.

Volume 10 Issue 1 39

KEEPING IT REAL Why is it that no matter how great things are, we can still get sidetracked by negativity? There’s not a single one of us who can claim we’re happy 100% of the time, so honestly, why is it easier for us to believe the self-doubts, to get caught up in the gossiping, or to hang onto past hurts? Do we all have some penchant for the shadowy side of life, or is there something else at work here? Psychologists call this phenomenon the negativity bias, which traces back to our most primal instincts. Keeping an eye out for the bad kept you alive evolutionarily speaking, but studies over the last few years are just starting to show how these responses change our very DNA and then subsequently pass through the generations. Research also shows that bad events elicit greater neurological activity responses in our brains as opposed to their good-vibing counterparts. THE HARD TRUTH The body’s most powerful computer, the brain, controls decision-making, reasoning, and judgement. Once biased, we start to see people differently, expect poorer outcomes, and eventually because we assume the worst, we can talk ourselves out of even taking the risk. A 2011 National Library of Medicine report linked negative biases with depression, add a global pandemic and it’s no wonder The World Health Organization reports that, “globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression [which] at its worst can lead to suicide.” Over the past year help lines have been ringing off the hook across North America, and the Boston University School of Public Health ran a first-ever study that found “27.8% of U.S. adults had depression symptoms as of mid-April [2020], compared to 8.5% before the COVID-19 pandemic.” OPENING UP THE DIALOGUE Larry Gardner, a charismatic EXIT associate who’s known for his strong attitude of gratitude admits that even he’s had a hard time feeling the “love” over the last year saying, “In this social media reality and world of constant need to portray confidence no matter what’s truly going on, is it okay to keep it real and let people know that things are a little funky?” he questioned, “Having the best year of my career in full transparency, I’ve been depressed…since September. On a

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Photo by Finn on Unsplash


conscious level I’ve felt melancholy, and just haven’t been motivated. I’m starved for so many things I realize now that I took for granted. There’s a real need for us all not to be afraid to reach out, because we are all worth it, we are all loved, and we are all amazing! Keep showing up for yourself no matter what.” TURNING THE TABLES No stranger to mental illness and a recovering alcoholic for 36 years, Larry keeps making the positive come backs by doing what he just did…talking about it. Awareness is the first step. Small moves like focusing on lessons learned from past mistakes instead of the mistakes themselves or re-framing negative thoughts in the moment help, as do affirmation apps like Prompter!™. Negativity also has a kryptonite, and we come by it naturally. Make endorphin-producing activities like exercise, laughter, or musical inspiration part of your plan to help shake off the blues. NEXT STEPS Looking to lead by example at the brokerage level? According to’s Dealing with Mental Illness in the Workplace article, offering mental health coverage to your staff and educating them on those offerings, in addition to aligning with and supporting local mental health organizations are excellent ways to teach staff and reduce the stigma surrounding depression and other mental illnesses. As an option, see if some programming can be extended to clients because, as many know, not all real estate transactions are a dream come true. When the time is right, and you’re ready to set some SMART goals and put some good intentions in motion, Larry challenges you to join him in a practice he’s been doing for years, writing a letter to yourself. Each year, he writes a congratulatory letter to himself for all the things he accomplished in his life that year, and the content runs the gamut of personal and professional goals. Using the buddy system, he invites you to mail your letter to him (along with a self-addressed and stamped envelope) so when the year mark rolls around, he can mail it back to you and you can witness the power of manifesting and cultivating your very own positivity. Keeping it real means acknowledging the good AND the bad, not joy-washing everything until something or someone (namely you) falls apart. It’s okay to not be okay, just as long as you always know and remember you’re never alone.

Send Your Letters To: EXIT Realty All Pro c/o Larry Love 269 West Main St. Bayshore, NY 11706



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Volume 10 Issue 1 41

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NEW BEGINNINGS BY MELANIE ROBITAILLE, SR. STAFF WRITER & GRAPHIC DESIGNER When you consider how many people will be a part of at least one real estate transaction in their lifetime, you can see the far-reaching impressions of this business, and why the industry is made up of those from so many others. It’s why EXIT Realty CEO, Tami Bonnell, often likens real estate to the island of misfit toys. The harsh reality is that not all who choose this profession succeed at it, and without good support out of the gate, the first years can often be the toughest. If that weren’t enough, imagine getting your license only to find yourself walking into the most unpredictable times the world has seen this side of recent history? That was more or less the story for several EXIT associates this past year, only these two women aren’t only new, they’re killin’ it. Despite the odds stacked against them joining in late 2019, each has earned over $100,000 in gross commissions, or much more, in their fledgling years with EXIT Realty. Misfits they most certainly are not, but true to Tami’s analogy, each came to EXIT from an outside industry.

Volume 10 Issue 1 43

Both agree that the unique and positive vibe found at their EXIT offices, from Wisconsin to Colorado, has made that much more of a difference in launching their careers.


“I picked up the phone to call people and check in with them,” explained Associate Broker, Kendall Roth-Sukach of EXIT Realty Mountain View of the ingenuity thinking that kept her ahead of the changing COVID times. Known for her creative and sometimes quite literally up-side-down social media presence, real estate was part of a major life shift for Kendall. After working her way up and running a success pediatric dental office for 20 years in Florida, she fell in love with Colorado Springs and her second husband after shedding a life-changing 207lbs and embarking on a fitness journey. And though dentistry seems like the farthest thing from real estate, she brings much of what she learned in those years to her career today. “It taught me the value of loyalty, hard work, commitment, communication and determination,” she shared. “You learn to be quick, think on your feet, plus, how to be the calm in a tough situation. Managing an office of over 10 staff means knowing how to talk to people differently, as well as how to handle drama, ego, and attitude.”

Assoc. Broker , CO


44 Volume 10 Issue 1

Prior to her career in real estate, EXIT Realty XL Sales Representative, Tara Ruppelt, was a middle school teacher turned stay-at-home mom. In 2018, after initially looking for part-time work outside the home, she found the opportunity to work for a prestigious luxury new construction builder in the Milwaukee metro area, a venture that proved to have opportunities far beyond a part-time commitment. Once licensed, she joined her husband, Mark at the EXIT office where he worked and hit the ground running. “I began receiving a plethora of referrals from all of the relationships and contacts I made through my new construction position. I’ve been able to capture a niche in the industry having the knowledge and experience with new construction,” Tara explained. “Being able to help a client find land, to assist in the design of their dream home, and then to list their existing home when their new one is almost complete allows me to be a one stop shop for my clients.” Tara is the first to admit that her success hasn’t come easy. In fact, both women echo one another in the importance of making contacts, staying connected and nurturing relationships as pillars of their business practices. “Real estate provides tremendous flexibility and limitless income potential but there are many long days, late nights and work on weekends and holidays. Hard work combined with a passion for helping people and showing genuine care for your clients is a winning formula,” Tara imparted. With successful and determined examples of greatness like these, it’s no wonder that 65% of the over 1.4 million real estate professionals in the National Association of REALTORS® are female. And perhaps, Eleanor Roosevelt said it best when she stated, “A woman is like a tea bag. You never know just how strong she is until you put her in hot water.”

Photo by Gursimrat Ganda on Unsplash



For many this past year has been unlike any before with one extreme after another. Although, when you think about it, we’ve also witnessed and experienced many positive outcomes as well. Looking at these five areas, it’s evident that some changes were more a happy surprise than they were terrible. Environment With less human intrusion it seemed that wildlife thrived. People in 337 Chinese cities benefited from better air quality and those in northern India could view the Himalaya Mountains for the first time in 30 years. Animals came inland in droves, with more turtles hatching on beaches and curious wildlife in towns almost wondering where we went. We in turn noticed more nature, because we were home to see and hear it. Innovation It’s amazing what changes can occur when there’s no other option. We saw many businesses rapidly switch to online or curbside services, partly to stay afloat but mostly to continue serving the people they’ve come to know and love. And while Amazon had us covered, many rallied in their communities to place phone or online orders to support local retailers. Deciding what’s for dinner became the new chore, but many restaurants now offer curbside pickup or delivery, like Takeout Tuesday was always a thing! Education If anything has changed, it’s schooling. While many struggled with this switch, tons of educators stepped up their game to find virtual and creative ways to connect with their students. Still, some families got organized quickly, finding a household rhythm that worked and an enjoyment in being involved in their child’s day. Work Environment Being at home instead of an office, in some cases, felt like those four walls were closing in, but in some cases eating lunch with family and a less stringent dress code were welcome. We gained a new level of appreciation for the essential workers who remained in the field, and the many healthcare professionals who literally couldn’t go home. Quality of Life When things change in so many ways, and especially so quickly, it can be scary, causing people to re-examine priorities. We’re back to spending more time with family and loved ones, connecting with nature, and focusing on home. People have taken up hobbies, learned new languages or skills they’ve always wanted to thanks to a new platform of sharing knowledge through social media, apps, or online services. These are just a few glimmers of light we’ve seen in the past year. Think about which is most important to you, or others you may have noticed. I ended this list with priorities on purpose. If we want to hold on to these silver linings, while wanting to rush back to business as usual, we have to find ways to do so without losing what we’ve gained in the process.

Volume 10 Issue 1 45



David Attenborough’s recent witness statement, A Life on Our Planet sends an urgent message of both a man and planet nearing the end of their lives.

46 Volume 10 Issue 1

Growing up over the last 40 years, David Attenborough’s unmistakable and mellifluous voice was the narrated soundtrack to my budding environmentalism; a passion that earned me the nickname Granola. Over his extraordinary 94-year lifespan, he quite literally became the voice of planet earth and his most recent witness statement, A Life on Our Planet sends an urgent message of both a man and planet nearing the end of their lives. There were those familiar, vibrantly colorful, and intimate moments of nature going about its day, to which most of us remain oblivious, with poignant and personal moments of his relationship with this planet dating all the way back to his boyhood, when he first fell in love with fossils. The difference, this time, was the juxtaposed weight of footage featuring the harsh realities of what he calls man’s “unleashed” impact on nature and our single-handed destabilization of the planet’s biodiversity. “We had broken loose. We were apart from the rest of life on earth. Living a different kind of life,” he explains of our rapid idea progression versus typical animal evolution, which transformed what a species could achieve. “Our predators had been eliminated. Most of our diseases were under control. We had worked out how to produce food to order. There was nothing left to restrict us. Nothing to stop us unless we stopped ourselves.” There’s an acceptance and understanding of the brutality of natural selection, knowing nature is running its course, however it’s an entirely altering experience watching scenes of whale poaching, time lapses of devastating deforestation, and watching a polar bear swimming out into the blue oblivion in search of sea ice and food. As you follow Attenborough through his various explorations and travels, the timeline of his life is used as a backdrop to show the stark statistics of world population, atmospheric carbon amounts, and remaining wilderness percentages dialing up and down respectively as he experiences, learns, and tries to educate the world on the interconnectedness of life. He and his crew, he solemnly admits, were among the first to capture bleaching of the coral reef before scientists even understood the enormity of what was taking place. Almost as if he’s reminiscing, he speaks of our Holocene, our “Garden of Eden” as he calls it; a measure of time when the natural world worked so cohesively following

Photo by Conor McDonnell/WWF-UK

“We had broken loose. We were apart from the rest of life on earth. Living a different kind of life...There was nothing left to restrict us. Nothing to stop us unless we stopped ourselves.” DAVID ATTENBOROUGH

the last of several extinction events on our planet as evident in the Earth’s strata. This compared to the new, and still-questioned epoch of Anthropocene that humanity is potentially entering now, where our species’ impact at a geological level is being researched and debated at this very moment. After making it clear that the faster we progress as a species, the faster the climate changes, you’re left somewhere just before all hope is lost. But, like the people’s climate champion that he’s become known as, he gives us the very seeds of solutions that he believes will change our course; some examples of which he shares from smaller, successfully sustaining eco-systems and populations around the world. He reminds us, as the camera zooms out and away from him standing amidst a now wild, unhindered, and overgrown Chernobyl, Ukraine - we are a part of and reliant upon nature’s delicate balance, and that Earth is more than capable of re-wilding itself, our choice is to act upon whether it does so with or without us.

eco real estate tips - Work with EcoBroker® designated real estate professionals - If buying new, seek out homes built with LEED® certification or by LEED® certified builders - Look for homes equipped with ENERGY STAR® appliances, energy efficient updates and retrofits like geothermal heating and cooling or alternative power like solar or wind REMEMBER: BUYING RESALE HOMES IS RECYCLING!

Volume 10 Issue 1 47


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