Exotic Cars Magazine February 2019

Page 37


Renault EZ-Ultimo

robo-vehicle equipped with level 4 autonomous driving capability. B y Sameer Sh a h C o i ntri buting Writer Re nau lt E Z - U LT IM O, p ro no u nced “E A SY U LTI M O”, is an alle l e c tri c, connected , au to no mous rob ove h i c l e. It is intend ed to b e of fered as a s e r v i c e for a single t r i p , a circu it or a d ay

booking. Available on-demand, EZ-ULTIMO is ideal for ex panding premium of fer ings by t ravel companies and res or t s , to enhance a s pecial moment t hrough a private t rip in a cit y or a premium tour is t ex per ience. Renault EZ-ULTIMO f ully embodies

Renault ’s her it ag e Fr enc h Des ign and Eas y Life principles . It s des ign is an ele ment t hat s et s it apar t w it hout s acrificing f unct ionalit y. Produced in t he s pirit of a “coac h 2.0”, t his vehic le is a cozy cocoon in whic h


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