# 001 JULY 2014
IDA FROSK * Food on Instagram -PP 8-PP GOOGLE ART #TheStreetArtProject
-PP 18-
TIGHT BUDGET / PLEASED HOME #makeyouhappyathome BE YOURSELVES #makeyourselfhappy
-PP 26-
-PP 30-
-PP 31-
HUGGING LIONS * Kevin Richardson -PP 32-
-PP 36-
AGAINST ALL ODDS * Thando Hopa -PP 38-
BOYAN SLAT Cleaning up the oceans The plastic pollution problem Millions of tons of plastic have entered the oceans (UNEP 2005) Plastic concentrates in five rotating currents, called gyres where there is on average 6x more plastic than zooplankton by dry weight (2001) Ecological effects At least one million seabirds, and one-hundred thousand marine mammals die each year due to plastic pollution (1997) Lantern fish in the North Pacific Gyre eat up to 24,000 tons plastics per year (2011) The survival of many species, including the Hawaiian Monk Seal and Loggerhead Turtle, could be jeopardized by plastic debris (2002) Plastic pollution is a carrier of invasive species, threatening native ecosystems (2005) Economic effects Marine debris causes an estimated $1.27 billion (U.S) in fishing and vessel damages in the APEC region annually (2008) The costs of removing debris from beaches is on average $1,500 (U.S), and up to $25,000 (U.S) per ton (2009)
Health effects Toxic chemicals (including PCBs and DDTs) are adsorbed by the plastic, increasing the concentration a million times (2001) After entering the food chain, these persistent organic pollutants bioaccumulate in the food chain (2013) Health effects linked to these chemicals are: cancer, malformation and impaired reproductive ability.
From: http://www.theoceancleanup.com http://www.boyanslat.com
Ever since the plastic pollution problem gained widespread attention at the beginning of this century, there have been many ideas for cleaning it up. But these all involved vessels and nets that would for plastic. Not only would by-catch and emissions likely cancel out the good work, but also, due to the vastness of areas in which the plastics concentrate, such an operation would cost many billions of dollars, and thousands of years to complete. In
2012, Boyan Slat 17 years proposed a passive concept that could overcome these challenges. The Basic Principles
Passive collection Why move through the oceans, if the oceans can move through you? Attaching an array of floating barriers and platforms to the sea bed enables us to concentrate the plastic before extracting it from the ocean collection process 100% driven by the natural winds and currents. Capturing plastics, not sea life Instead of nets, we make use of solid floating barriers, making entanglement of wildlife impossible. Virtually all of the current flows underneath these booms, taking away all (neutrally buoyant) organisms, and preventing by-catch, while the lighter-than-water plastic collects in front of the floating barrier. Highly scalable The scalable array of moorings and booms is designed for large-magnitude deployment, covering millions of square kilometers. Thanks to its projected high capture and field efficiency, a single gyre can be covered in just 5 years (or longer, depending on the chosen deployment strategy).
19-year-old Boyan Slat combines environmentalism, entrepreneurism and technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. After diving in Greece, frustrated by coming across more plastic bags than fish, he wondered; why can't we clean this up? While still being on secondary school, he then decided to dedicate half a year of research to understand the plastic pollution and the problems associated with cleaning it up. This ultimately led to the passive clean-up concept, which he presented at TEDxDelft 2012. Working to prove the feasibility of his concept, Boyan Slat currently gives lead to a team of about 100 people, and temporarily quit his Aerospace Engineering study to completely focus his efforts on The Ocean Cleanup. In 2012, The Ocean Cleanup Array has been awarded Best Technical Design at the Delft University of Technology, and became second at the iSea sustainable innovation award by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. Boyan Slat has been recognized as one of the 20 Most Promising Young Entrepreneurs Worldwide (Intel EYE50).
GIVE YOUR HELP https://fund.theoceancleanup.com
IDA FROSK best mum on Instagram
Fun and healthy food art made by the Norwegian Ida Skivenes on Instagram under the username idafrosk
From: http://instagram.com/idafrosk
idafrosk on Istagram
GOOGLE ART #TheStreetArtProject Amit Sood is the man who brought the most important museums in the world on the web, from the Hermitage in St. Petersburg to the Met in New York with "Google Art Project". This is an online system that between images in high resolution and "Street View" allows cultural tours directly on PC, tablet or mobile phone.
From 2011 to today, Google Art Project has grown to become a network of 345 partners including museums, foundations, cultural institutions of the United States, France, Italy and from new markets such as China, Russia and India. Today on Google Art is possible to browse through the collections of the Tate Gallery in London and the Palace of Versailles, see the works of Cezanne, Rembrandt, the Egyptian temples or the '' Birth of Venus" painted by Botticelli in the Uffizi. The most clicked is always ''The Starry Night" by V. Van Gogh. Thanks to the mapping of the interior of indoor Street View, as well as browse the works you can also walk in the halls of 110 museums, but all this is becoming bigger and bigger. Google also wants to uncover the best of the global street art with a new project called "The Street Art Project" to admire an extraordinary repertoire of street art techniques and themes. Cities and suburbs, artists and writers are a wealth of varied art, meanings and messages that are not always easy to get physically, but now are free on every PC. Google also offers its users the possibility to share their experiences of street art using the hashtag #thestreetartproject
Art Basel has been described as the Approximately 300 leading galleries from North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa showed the work of more than 4000 artists, ranging from the great masters of Modern art to the latest generation of emerging stars. The show's individual sectors represented every artistic medium: paintings, sculpture, installations, videos, multiples, prints, photography, and performance. Each day offered a full program of events, including symposiums, films, and artist talks. Further afield, exhibitions and events were offered by cultural institutions in Basel and the surrounding area, creating an exciting, region-wide art week.
From: www.artbasel.com
TIGHT BUDGET / PLEASED HOME #Makeyouhappyathome When on a tight budget, it not always easy to find items to compliment your home. Here are five options to spice up your apartment in no time.
1. Poster art Art necessarily have to be Collect all the frames (in different have laying around and visit Etsy easy to find an endless stock of frame.
expensive. sizes) you online. It's posters to
2. A big plant An uninviting corner in the living room requires a touch of green. Large plant that grow towards the ceiling like the Musa (banana plant), Ficus Lyrata or the Sansevieria are very popular this season.
3. A geometric rug or kelim Whoever came up with the knowledge rug ties the room was a wise man. When your home office/bathroom/living room keeps looking quite empty, a good choice to buy a timeless, but daring rug or kelim. You can switch rooms to find out where it looks best.
4. A one of a kind industrial clothing rack Go to a DYI shop and buy some tubes, rope and screws to make a one of a kind industrial clothing rack. You may either choose rusty rose gold, copper or a silver looking tube.
5. Eye popping wallpaper To give a smaller space in your home an update, an option to paint the walls in a bright color or try working with an eye popping wallpaper. Brands like Ferm Living and Hygge & West are specialized in all kinds of lovable prints
From: Ferm Living
BE YOURSELVES #Makeyourselfhappy Feelings, emotions, fears and thoughts are all that we call mind, that part of us that we believe the focus. We live in the belief that we are our thoughts. "Cogito ergo sum", but Descartes was wrong and we make mistakes too. Our thoughts are only external influences that we make our own. The science has proven it several years ago. It is not our mind to choose which emotion to try, but, most of the time, are external events that mark us and cause us feelings. We are not the ones to decide and moreover we allow ourselves to be controlled. For example, if we are given a wrong or a person tells us something unpleasant we are sure to be the ones to feel angry or hurt, but science has shown that it is not. Are the person in question or the fact that activated us as a remote control that is able to establish itself on every device. Our feelings are in the "hands" or better in the "mind" of external factors. As the science has proved, placing an electrode at a particular center of the brain, it is possible to stimulate any feeling and emotion on somebody. It 's something very strange because it has not really happened a significant fact in the life of that person, but an input can stimulate her anger, joy or any other emotion. In everyday life it can happen to a man to meet a woman and immediately think "she is beautiful!" and sense a pleasant feeling. His mind keeps track of something outside of himself and reacts. The emotional state of everyone is at the mercy of other people with whom we share life and to get out of this mechanism is an really difficult act, although very challenging. The words that are being addressed, the gestures that are made by others are recorded by the mind and then we react accordingly. Psychologists think that the mind is the place where all consciousness takes shape, but if we can recognize an emotion as a reaction we could go beyond this simple mechanism that sees us only as actors in a play. If we can observe the emotion that we feel immediately without reacting accordingly, if we can understand that we have a chance to become our directors in our history, we can finally experience the joy of feeling ourselves without other's interference.
Continuing with constancy to observe the effect that the world has on us, we can free ourselves from the constraints. Anything but our minds, we, in our overall shape, can choose not to be influenced by what happens outside and to fulfill our nature. How would we act if we had not won by emotions caused by others? Even in front of an insult it is possible to record this offense and choose the serenity ignoring the insult. This does not mean to act with the tactics of indifference, much in vogue in recent times, to hit your opponent because it would still be a simple reaction to a wrong suffered. That would still be a form of reaction "vindictive". The aim is not being influenced by any reaction of others. Be ourselves without fear and chase the serenity with awareness.
SPEAR TIME Deckchair Reading
HUGGING LIONS Kevin Richardson After graduating with a BSc in Anatomy and Physiology, Kevin began his career in postoperative rehabilitation. He made a dramatic career switch when he was given an opportunity to work with lions at a local lion park, sixteen years ago. As a self-taught animal behaviourist, he has broken every safety rule known to man when working with these wild animals. Flouting common misconceptions that breaking an spirit with sticks and chains is the best way to subdue them, he uses love, understanding and trust to develop personal bonds with them. His unique method of getting to know their individual personalities, what makes each of them angry, happy, upset, or irritated-just like a mother understands a child-has caused them to accept him like one of their own into their fold. unique relationships with these large predators have opened many doors and captivated the imagination of many people throughout the world. He has presented and produced several documentaries that detail his relationships with the animals and highlight the plight of lions both in captivity and in the wild. Kevin has also written a book appropriately named, "Part of the Pride" detailing his work over the years Through his remarkable relationships with the animals he has also made a name for himself in the feature film industry as one of South leading animal handlers and advisor; he has worked for many local and international News Networks, Newspapers, Magazine... including Sky News, CNN, ABC News, NBC, CBS, Carte Blanche and Top Billing. His most ambitious project to date was a full length dramatic feature film called whereby he fulfilled the role as both producer and lion wrangler. The film took over four years to make and is about the life of a young white lion, who survives against all the odds to become an adult and find a pride of his own.
From: http://www.lionwhisperer.co.za
Vision Statement The Kevin Richardson Wildlife Sanctuary transforms the way humans think, interact and behave toward the keeping of large carnivores. The ultimate goal is to minimize the number of large carnivores being kept in captivity and to highlight the direct link between the cub petting industry and the hunting industry, by educating the unsuspecting public to the horrors associated with this unscrupulous practise. Ultimately we would like to see both practises made illegal. The sanctuary aims to maximize efforts towards keeping carnivores in their natural habitats and is currently home not only to lion, but spotted hyena, striped hyena and black leopard. The lion population occupies less than 20% of its former range in Africa. Numbers are estimated between 15 000 and 30 000 depending on who is asked. This is alarming on its own. If allowed to carry on declining at the current rate we will have no lions left in the wild in as few as 20 years. Our vision is to raise awareness about the plight of lions and other carnivores in the wild and help prevent their habitat loss via human encroachment and conflict (revenge killing), unscrupulous hunting and illegal trade. The efforts are buttressed by its many collaborative efforts with other like-minded international organizations that provide care, support, academic and scientific research and other such programs that support the shared values of the sanctuary. The sanctuary provides the animals in its care the ability to live out full lives, in an open and natural environment, by providing cutting edge enrichment programs and health care. Education of both adults and children are at the bedrock of how the sanctuary aims to accomplish its goals via documentaries, social media and tourism. In its local area of Tswane, it aims to help raise awareness of the plight amongst school children and their parents by teaching them that biodiversity and the future of wildlife is in their hands and the difference they can make both individually and collectively. It is through education that the sanctuary aims to be able to transform attitudes and misconstrued ideas of carnivores, and illuminate the desperate plight of the lion and their carnivore cousins.
GIVE YOUR HELP http://www.lionwhisperer.co.za
Burgdorf-based artists Sabina Lang ( 1972, Bern) and Daniel Baumann (1967, San Francisco) have been producing work collaboratively as Lang/Baumann or L/B since the beginning of the 1990s. Informed by both the legacies of Pop Art and the Bauhaus, practice combines graphic design, architectural interventions and relational strategies. While celebrating beauty, participation and spectator enjoyment, their work critically engages with the notions of mass-consumerism, fashion, democracy, and technology. By occupying the increasingly sparse interstices between private and public space, their pieces highlight the formal and informal norms that govern these sites. infamous single-room pod (2002-2008) addresses the privileged access afforded by greater means. Open to the general public during museum hours, the piece serves as an exclusive luxury hotel suite after closing hours for those who are lucky enough to have booked the room for one night.
Lang/Baumann have recently presented solo exhibitions and are represented by Galerie Loevenbruck in Paris. Lately Lang Baumann painted the pavement through five blocks of a small town in Switzerland, near where they are based. The picture are from this last street art work.
From: http://www.mutualart.com http://www.loevenbruck.com and the book "More is More" by: Cathrin Langanke/Reinhard Spieler, Akiko Miki, Fabrice Stroun, Sue Williamson editors: Sabina Lang, Daniel Baumann Release Date: May 2013
Thando Hopa is an albino girl born in South Africa 23 years ago. She has put aside a promising career as a lawyer to make the model. A choice which stems from deep-seated reasons, combat prejudice, starting from the covers of glossy magazines. "It 's just a different way to continue to defend civil rights. she says in an article published in the journal by Paolo Marelli, named 'Africa' And denounce the marginalization to which albinos are condemned in our society". She rejected three proposals in the fashion world before accepting and move out on this new career. Her sister helped her a lot to think about the making visibility that the fashion world can donate to her and to her message in favor of albino people who are often discriminated and sometimes killed in Africa.
From: https://www.facebook.com/tsatsi
Thando Hopa black&white
Photograph: Hannes Danzfuss