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b ha e at pp ho y m e

This issue of Expectation is all about #BeHappyAtHome. From the first day of December to Christmas you will have an ide a of h ow t o w a it f o r t he sweetest day of the year with creativity, making your own decorations and traditions. Moreover, for each day there is a suggestion to rediscover spontaneous happiness of children into your life.

Break the Habit of Being Judgmental. Children do not have a prejudicial outlook towards the world. The criticizing and judging of others is a misguided manner that has room for negativity. Stop now.

Smile You lose our charming spirit when you smile, so go ahead and smile more because smiling release endorphins that reduce stress... and then boosts your immune health... Moreover, smiling is contagious!

Your Creativity is Happiness. Kids always want to hear stories about magic, dreams and the impossible. For one day try to don't train yourself to be more left-brained and analytical, but dream again. In winter is easier if you sit down in front of the fireplace, take a cup of tea and think about magic so that your endorphins are released and your mind and body will feel a natural good mood.

Be just You. Everyone of us is born different from everyone else. And being different is what makes every person unique and special in their own little way. Let your uniqueness be and appreciate your distinctive qualities. Grow your characteristics to follow your happiness road.

Be a hero. Remember that time when you wanted to became a police officer, a firefighter, an astronaut or a ballerina... today set out to change the world and increase happiness.

Love what you do. Wake up in the morning and look forward to your occupation with treasure. Having fun is not a distraction from a successful life but the stimulus to it.

Kids are not multitasking, they focus their energy on just one task. Try not to over-schedule. Simplify your task, remove yourself from some of your commitments, and stop over consuming unnecessary information. This will make you feel more content and happy!!!

Hugging contribute to being bappy. At least eight hugs a day will provide more mental stability, and twelve hugs a day will help the psychological development of a person. Children are not afraid of hugging and neither should you.

Dance. Kids love to boogie and dance when music comes alive so go ahead and let loose as if no one was watching.

The brain craves novelty so find a little out-of-the-ordinary change, a new hobby or interest and explore something new. Feel spontaneous excitement. Start by taking an unusual be glad you did.

Challenge. When children go after something, they are afraid of nothing and when they conquer a skill they feel a great sense of satisfaction. The happiness came from acquiring control. Try.

Express Yourself. Bring all the negativity out, literally. You'll cry if sad. scream if angry. Show any emotion and that will calibrates your feelings.

Re-Find the innocence in you Growing up you were told not take candy from a but hey... People is good!!! Usually people do not intend to hurt anyone, surely they do sometimes... but everyone makes mistakes so put aside your negative thought and start to coltivate care. Start today!

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Sleep. A lot of studies (es: the University of Colorado) said that people who have little naps showed more anxiety and frustration, in addition to less joy and interest. So take a long sleep for happiness!!!

Do small things that made you happy as a child. Eat chocolate, watch your favorite cartoon show, or simply reconnect with a childhood friend.

Be surrounded by happy people. Make together a wide circle of friends all different but all happy. This meeting will give a huge significant impact on your psychological well being. Share happiness!!!

Build a Bond with Nature. In winter it all seems dead but it isn't. Perspective and reassure your value in the world. Value your life and appreciate happiness that much more.

Remember the difference in wanting and needing to be loved. Let love surround you from all different directions and if there is a lack from one way you'll sure receive it elsewhere.

Being active might feel like a chore but being active simply means having fun. Do something you consider fun like plaing with your dog. As long as it makes you move and makes you happy.


Spend y ou taking car time with a pe t. It's fun lonelines re of a pet ny and reduces s and an stress, xiety so t h a t you can happier. be


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