Highlights Brochure 2023-24

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The view from the Chair

In the summer of 2023 the national tourism agency, VisitBritain, adjusted its annual forecast upwards to predict inbound visit figures at 92% of 2019, and spending up 9% on 2019 at £30.9 billion. Amidst the competing activity generated by tourism organisations across the globe to attract the travellers reemerging into the market, I am pleased to say that the Experience Oxfordshire team rose to the challenge of ensuring Oxfordshire’s voice was heard and its profile maintained as one of the country’s premier destinations.

Experience Oxfordshire began the new financial year with the good news that the national tourism agency had officially recognised its contribution, nationally and locally, in supporting the development of the visitor economy.

In designating Experience Oxfordshire as one of the first VisitEngland recognised Local Visitor Economy Partnerships (LVEPs), it included the county in a national portfolio of leading destinations across the country who will work on shared priorities to grow the value of tourism to the local economy. Inclusion in this select group was only possible through the support of local stakeholders, a testimony to the value placed on the excellent work Experience Oxfordshire carries out on behalf of the county in the form of marketing, business support, advocacy, partnership creation and product development.

I was delighted to take up the role of Experience Oxfordshire’s Chair, in September 2023, when Joanna Davidson CBE stood down after six years of excellent service. On my appointment I expressed my view that after several years of involvement with Experience Oxfordshire, as a Board member, I believed the organisation’s work to be essential in ensuring Oxfordshire competes effectively, both nationally and internationally, in attracting vital business and leisure visitors to the county. I am pleased to say that an increasing number of partners join me in that belief. We are proud to include Oxford United Football Club, The Oxford Collection and Activate Learning amongst our Ambassador Partners and during this year I have been pleased to welcome Professor Tim Vorley OBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor & Dean at Oxford Brookes Business School and the leader of Oxfordshire County Council, Councillor Liz Leffman, to the Board of Trustees.

Eight months into my tenure, I am more than happy to say that my admiration for the value and quality of the work delivered by the Experience Oxfordshire team holds fast, as does my belief that our Ambassadors and Partners are well served by this efficient and committed team.

If we consider 2022-23 as the year the UK’s visitor economy began its recovery from the impact of the pandemic, then in 2023-24 we saw the start of a new chapter when it became even more apparent that as a sector we cannot be a passive player. This report provides an insight into the breadth and quality of activity delivered by the Experience Oxfordshire team on the sector’s behalf. I would urge members of the county’s visitor economy to step up and join them so that we can look to 2024-25 as the year when, in Oxfordshire, the sector came together to begin its return to full health.

Stuart Crook

Experience Oxfordshire Chair

Reflections on 2023-24

With recovery forecasts riding high, 2023-24 was destined to be a year of many contrasts. Tourism authorities around the world ramped up their communications in an all-out effort to attract attention to their destinations; pent up demand was released as airlines gradually increased flight capacity; in person business meetings were back on the agenda. Meanwhile businesses at home contended with rising costs of supplies and a cost-of-living hike that demanded tough decisions, often running counter to the drive towards full pre-pandemic recovery.

Faced with this confluence of industry and market needs, the Experience Oxfordshire team has worked consistently towards our stated ambition of ensuring real benefits come to the Oxfordshire community, and its visitors, from a thriving visitor economy.

During the year we have delivered high profile marketing campaigns designed to reach new and existing audiences. The team has attended a record number of trade shows to put Oxfordshire and its assets on display to travel trade and MICE buyers from across the world (meetings, incentives, conference and events). We worked with partners to place journalists where they could create the most engaging stories to share with their readers at home and we’ve helped film crews to capture the perfect shot. The team has brought the sector together at events designed to educate, inform and entertain and with support from our partners we’ve hosted the CEO of VisitBritain, both the Interim appointment and the Chair of the VisitEngland Advisory Board and last but not least, the Tourism Minister.

We celebrated our appointment as a VisitEngland recognised LVEP and our announcement as a Finalist in the Oxfordshire Business Awards for our Marketing Excellence. We became a member of mia (The Meetings Industry Association), demonstrating Oxfordshire’s ongoing commitment as a destination to attracting the MICE sector. We’ve spoken up for the sector on TV, in print, online and on the radio. We gave evidence to the Department for Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee at the House of Commons regarding the impact of the withdrawal of the VAT Retail Export Scheme. And during English Tourism Week 2024, we brought together our local MPs with operators to ensure influencers at the highest level are aware of our sector and what the visitor economy’s ongoing contribution is.

We have worked in partnership with VisitBritain overseas, VisitEngland at home, with our fantastic Ambassador Partners to promote a collaborative approach to destination management and marketing across the county, and with our growing network of visitor economy businesses, in partnership, to seize every opportunity to keep Oxfordshire front of mind.

Experience Oxfordshire is privileged in being uniquely placed to have insight as well as oversight of our sector’s performance. We are acutely aware that these continue to be challenging times for many of our partners, whether public or private sector. With VisitBritain predicting that in 2024 we will see 97% of 2019’s record figures for tourism, with a full return in 2025, Experience Oxfordshire recognises its responsibility and will continue to follow its ambition, working efficiently and effectively to ensure that our partners and the county as a whole gain benefit from this.

Hayley Beer-Gamage

Experience Oxfordshire CEO

Destination Management

Marketing About Experience Oxfordshire


Experience Oxfordshire is the official Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Oxfordshire and is the trading arm of the parent charity, the Experience Oxfordshire Charitable Trust. We are a not-for-profit partnership organisation, committed to the promotion, management and development of Oxfordshire as a great destination to live, work, visit and do business.

We work with businesses and stakeholders to improve growth and productivity across the visitor economy and lead on destination management within the county, whilst ensuring that tourism works for everyone across Oxfordshire. We have a growing Partnership of businesses spanning all parts of the visitor economy and through effective collaboration are working to ensure that Oxfordshire maintains its profile as a world-renowned destination of choice for tourism, culture and business. We are affiliated to the national tourist board, VisitEngland, as an accredited Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP).

“As the national tourism agency, responsible for developing England’s visitor economy and promoting Britain globally, we collaborate closely with Experience Oxfordshire and congratulate them on their work in telling Oxfordshire’s story so effectively.”

Local Visitor Economy Partnership

Experience Oxfordshire was one of the first English destinations to gain Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) status in early 2023. Developed and administered by VisitEngland, the national portfolio of strategic and highperforming LVEPs support collaborative working locally and nationally on shared priorities and targets to grow the local visitor economy. The creation of LVEPs was part of the UK Government’s response to the recommendations of The de Bois Review: an independent review of DMOs in England to reshape destination management across England, reducing fragmentation and bringing coherence to its DMO landscape.

“ “ “ “

“It is heartening to hear VisitEngland’s commendation of Experience Oxfordshire and its work and the reminder of the importance of collaboration across the sector. Tourism is such a vital part of our local economy and we must work together to ensure that the benefit is county-wide.”

The Value of Oxfordshire’s Visitor Economy

Number of trips 26.5 million


(Experience Oxfordshire Economic Impact Survey 2022)

Tourism and the visitor economy are vitally important to life in Oxfordshire, contributing economically and supporting services and experiences enjoyed by local residents. Prior to the pandemic the county welcomed some 31 million visits, generating £2.5 billion in spend which in turn supported 42,000 jobs.

2022 is the last full year for which economic impact information is available. Visit figures totalling 86% of those welcomed in 2019 indicate a welcome recovery, however value in real terms is still 17% down on 2019.

Business Confidence

At Experience Oxfordshire we monitor national and local trends and survey visitors and businesses to measure the performance of the destination. In our 2023-24 Business Survey the information we gathered from a cross-section of businesses operating within Oxfordshire’s visitor economy showed a sector seeking to benefit from the post pandemic market recovery. 80% of those responding said that business overall had improved on 2022 with 43% saying performance was much better.

Although most visitors no longer expect the same level of restrictions they faced when travelling during the pandemic, patterns of behaviour established during that time have become entrenched e.g. booking closer to trip departure dates and expecting corresponding flexibility from operators. Meanwhile businesses continue to face ongoing economic and social challenges impacting on potential business growth. 75% of respondents expressed a level of confidence for trading in 2024 with the remaining 25% of respondents less sure.

expressed confidence in 2024 trading 70% experienced rise in last-minute bookings

(Experience Oxfordshire 2023-24 Business Survey)

Our Ambition Statement

Experience Oxfordshire’s ambitions are to:

Work with businesses and stakeholders to improve growth and productivity across the visitor economy; leading effective destination management, whilst ensuring that tourism works for everyone across Oxfordshire

Encourage visits that offer the best balance of impact and contribution to the county

Work to deliver a joint vision of pride in place across the city and county that engages with both residents and visitors to improve welcome and experience

Spread the tourist season throughout the year to decrease the impact of seasonality and to encourage visitors to explore the whole county

Increase overnight stays from both international and domestic visitors ensuring an increased spend per visit

Encourage and enable the exploration of cultural treasures across the county by local people

Advocate for the importance of the sector and influence stakeholders to address issues that hinder productivity and growth and to encourage skills development and job creation

Drive growth across the visitor economy by increasing the value of visitor expenditure by 5% year-onyear

Encourage long term investment and support from the public and private sectors to ensure that the county has a sustainable DMO that can deliver our destination management ambitions and drive growth

Grow the Experience Oxfordshire partnership and make it work for small and large businesses, offering a flexible value for money proposition

Experience Oxfordshire will deliver this by seeking investment from partners and stakeholders and providing a range of services for partners. The organisation prides itself in being a partnership where every business has a place and everyone can benefit.

A Professional Approach to Partnership

Experience Oxfordshire works with a growing partnership network of some 200 businesses spanning a variety of sectors linked to the visitor economy: attractions, accommodation providers, public and private transport, retail, restaurants, language schools, tour companies, executive transport services and many unmissable events and experiences. It delivers a partnership programme aimed at supporting, developing, and promoting all types and size of business and through effective collaboration works to ensure that Oxfordshire enhances its reputation as a leading destination for tourism, culture and business.

Partners access a range of exclusive benefits and business development support, from marketing opportunities, a website presence and inclusion in our social media through to networking events, research & insights and ‘Perks for Partners’, our discounts programme available to partners and their teams. The team provide a unique communications channel providing partners with news and information impacting directly on their operations. In response to current staff recruitment issues within the hospitality and leisure sectors, we offer a free facility for advertising vacancies on the experienceoxfordshire.org website.

The joint ambition is to make tourism work for everyone and to drive growth across the visitor economy by increasing the value of the visitor expenditure year on year.

Contact the Partnerships Team for more information on partnering with Experience Oxfordshire: partnership@experienceoxfordshire.org https://www.experienceoxfordshire.org/partner/partner-benefits/partnerpackages

Website Media

All partners have a dedicated page on our website, experienceoxfordshire.org, which had over 1.4 million page views in 2023/24

Partner Discounts

Our Perks for Partners programme offers exclusive partner only discounts on things to see and do in Oxfordshire

Business Support

Offering practical advice and expert guidance; signposting funding sources and grant streams; identifying productive leads and brokering introductions

Hundreds of press enquiries are serviced each year from local, national and international journalists, bloggers and social media influencers


The official Local Visitor Economy Partnership for the county, championing Oxfordshire’s visitor economy at local, regional and national level

Social Media

Promoting partners’ businesses through our Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn accounts

Networking & Events

Exclusive access to our year round programme of partner meetings, seminars and networking events

Discounted Marketing Venues

Partners receive discounts on marketing campaigns including the annual Oxfordshire Visitor Guide

Promoting partners’ meeting, conference or event venues through our dedicated buyer website

Promoting Oxfordshire to visitors

During 2023 Experience Oxfordshire maintained an ongoing conversation with our established audiences whilst extending our reach through the delivery of an exciting programme of high-profile marketing campaigns. We have seen a steady 14% increase in social media followers throughout the year.

We issue targeted monthly e-newsletters to visitors, travel trade, MICE buyers (meeting, incentives, conferences and events) and group organisers. We operate a website dedicated to promoting the county and our partners and produce annual digital Visitor and Venue guides. We have strong relationships with local and national media and support initiatives managed by VisitBritain and VisitEngland. We deliver partnership marketing campaigns which extend our reach and create legacy assets including content, film and photography.

“Newsletters issued Page views Social followers

649,106 1,386,168 42,694

“The global tourism market place is highly competitive and Oxfordshire needs to ensure it has a clear story to tell prospective visitors. Experience Oxfordshire fulfils this role, offering excellent value through its work communicating across our sector and reaching out to visitors.”

Experience Oxfordshire On-going Promotional Reach “

Dominic Hare, Chief Executive of Blenheim Palace and Experience Oxfordshire Board Member

Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme

Experience Oxfordshire successfully bid to Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) to deliver a series of strategic marketing campaigns between 2022 and 2024 as part of the Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme (VERP). These high-profile activations across multiple digital and broadcast channels were designed to raise awareness of Oxfordshire as a destination with audiences considering off-peak leisure breaks. As well as delivering on this objective, the programme produced a legacy in the form of media assets, improved online provision, increased reach and the business and consumer facing initiative, The Oxfordshire Welcome.

Spring into Summer

The Spring into Summer campaign was rolled out across multiple digital channels over twelve weeks during the 2023 off-peak spring/early summer period. With a focus on the arts and cultural sector, the campaign was designed to encourage residents and visitors to explore Oxfordshire and take advantage of the rich range of events and experiences on offer, from exhibitions, festivals and performance through to talks, walks and workshops. An online Arts&CultureHub was developed to allow organisers of free and bookable events across the county to upload their information at no cost and allowing potential visitors to search by date, category and location within a redeveloped What’s On section.

Spring into summer campaign results

Events uploaded Number of Engagements

Visits to campaign pages Newsletter sign-ups

750 10.3 million 105,000 1,000

Winter Breaks

The third in the cycle, Only in Oxfordshire, Winter Breaks kicked off with a focus on Oxfordshire as a destination for late autumn breaks followed by Christmas shopping, and finally January “sales”, special priced offers from some of Oxfordshire’s top destination hotels. The campaign encouraged visitors to explore the depth and breadth of Oxfordshire, highlighting accommodation, itineraries, things to do, food and drink and shopping opportunities available across the county. In addition the campaign placed a special emphasis on the quality of welcome offered and visitor economy businesses were encouraged to pledge their support to The Oxfordshire Welcome.

Winter Breaks campaign results

Video views Number of Engagements

Visits to campaign pages Newsletter sign-ups

111,000 12 million 107,000 4,000

The Oxfordshire Welcome

As part of the OxLEP (Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership) led Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme (VERP) Experience Oxfordshire was asked to develop an initiative which would support the visitor economy in building back confidence amongst potential visitors. Although our own research had shown that fear of Covid was no longer of significant concern to those considering travel, desk research indicated a number of operational issues concerning travellers and affecting confidence in the sector. Experience Oxfordshire’s response was the development of The Oxfordshire Welcome, an initiative inviting visitor economy businesses across the county to align themselves with 14 pledge-points confirming their commitment to delivering great customer service embracing inclusivity, accessibility and sustainability. The scheme is self-assessment, free to operators and is supported through online publicity.

To date over 150 visitor economy related businesses across Oxfordshire have signed The Oxfordshire Welcome pledge, stating their commitment to deliver great customer service and demonstrating their confidence in the sector’s future. For more information scan the QR code or visit: experienceoxfordshire.org/the-oxfordshire-welcome

Working with the Travel Trade

VisitBritain’s research into consumer booking habits shows that while many consumers organise and book their trips directly, the travel trade remains highly effective in reaching larger numbers of potential clients in multiple markets via alternative channels and opportunities. Building strong relationships with the travel trade can therefore facilitate many valuable opportunities – such as gaining increased visibility, accessing new markets or extending reach within an existing territory and maximising marketing budget.

Experience Oxfordshire partners joined us at Wembley Stadium for the Excursions Group Travel Show. Now in its 50th anniversary year, the longest-running domestic group travel show was an opportunity for Oxfordshire to meet with group travel organisers, coach and tour operators to connect and inspire. We were delighted to be joined by stand partners City Sightseeing Oxford, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM), Holiday Inn Oxford and Mollie’s Motel & Diner Oxfordshire.

Britain & Ireland Marketplace (BIM) returned to London bringing together the networks of ETOA (The European Tour Operator Association) and UKinbound with the national and regional destinations across the UK and Ireland. Experience Oxfordshire held meetings throughout the day with international tourism buyers showcasing the amazing array of experiences our partners can offer for inclusion in operators’ itineraries in the coming years.

At Destination Britain North America (DBNA) Experience Oxfordshire conducted over 50 meetings and appointments with buyers and media from across the valuable North American and Canadian markets, showcasing Oxfordshire as a fantastic destination to visit. We also had the opportunity to talk with VisitBritain Americas offices updating them on partners’ products and gaining insights and feedback to help improve our targeting and conversion rates within this market.

Experience Oxfordshire connected with travel buyers from overseas markets including the USA, China, South Korea, India, GCC, Germany to promote Oxfordshire and Experience Oxfordshire’s Partners’ products and experiences at Showcase Britain 2024, VisitBritain’s B2B hosted international leisure buyer programme.

As part of Showcase Britain, working with our partners, Experience Oxfordshire welcomed a Japanese trade group for a three-day immersive visit to better understand the breadth and quality of experience offered within the county.

VisitBritain Nordics Workshop 2024, held in Stockholm, was an effective platform to connect and enhance the county’s profile with the Nordic travel trade. Experience Oxfordshire presented Oxfordshire to operators from Denmark, Norway and Sweden, a valuable and growing market.

Working with the Business Visits, Meetings,

Incentives, Conference & Events sector (BVE/MICE)

In 2022, business visitors in Oxfordshire stayed on average three nights in the county, accounted for 23% of all visits and 20% of spend. Despite operating in a highly competitive global marketplace, Oxfordshire is a destination which attracts great interest from the BVE/MICE sectors and activity in this area delivers tangible results.

VisitBritain’s research shows that business visits contributed £5.1 million (19% of inbound spend) to the UK economy in 2022 with business visits reaching 59% of 2019 levels. A significant proportion of this is generated by the MICE segment.

At Experience Oxfordshire we continue to champion our destination in this lucrative global market, engaging with buyers and operators within the sector, in a programme of activity creating awareness, inspiring visitation and encouraging overnight stays and spend across the county. The organisation is a member of The Meetings Industry Association (mia), demonstrating Oxfordshire’s ongoing commitment as a destination to attracting the MICE sector here at home and internationally.

As part of Experience Oxfordshire Venues’ commitment to raising the profile of Oxfordshire as a destination for business events and drive enquiries, we joined The Delegate Wranglers. This is a network of over 23,000 event professionals and enables us to engage with and connect with the global events community.

Experience Oxfordshire Venues is the official venue finding service for Oxford and Oxfordshire. This free service offering a single point of contact for regional, national and international event organisers, provides bureau services and introductions to the unique venues found in Oxford and Oxfordshire.

Experience Oxfordshire Venues attended IMEX America 2023 alongside MeetEngland to showcase Oxfordshire as a great destination for business visits and events. This is the largest trade show of its kind in North America it attracted 15,029 visitors including 5,346 buyers. Despite the competition, 3000 companies from 180 countries exhibited, interest in our destination, our product and our partners was significant with a pipeline of enquiries for 2025/2026 established. Attendance at this event was supported by the OxLEP managed Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme.

Every year thousands of organisers, agencies and corporates flock to International Confex at London’s Excel to be inspired by over 200 suppliers offering the latest products, services and venues that can help them run better, safer and more creative events. Experience Oxfordshire Venues were pleased to fly the flag for the county introducing potential buyers to the eclectic range of venues our partners offer and handling numerous requests for proposals with short and medium lead times.

IBTM World is the leading global event for the meetings, incentives, conferences and events industry, taking place annually in Barcelona. The event brings together the global meetings industry representing some 3,000 destinations from over 100 countries, along with some 12,000 attendees including 4,700 registered buyers. With the emphasis on building face to face connections with the right people to create better business results, Experience Oxfordshire Venues showcased Oxfordshire as part of the MeetEngland stand. This was an excellent opportunity to meet with and present the attractions of Oxford and Oxfordshire to international buyers resulting in a pleasing number of requests for proposals from potential businesses. This event was co-funded by OxLEP through the Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme (VERP).

Key tools used during discussions with trade representatives are Experience Oxfordshire Venues website and online Guide containing fifty pages of our Venues Partners’ excellent products and experiences.

We deliver an ongoing communications programme with our Venues partners and event organisers and buyers circulating the latest information about product and services across the county.

Experience Oxfordshire Events #ExOxEvents

Experience Oxfordshire offers a programme of well attended events throughout the year offering partners the opportunity to come together to share experiences, knowledge and insight. The programme also gives venues the opportunity to showcase their new products or developments to operators within the sector. We are grateful to our partners for collaborating with us and to the excellent speakers who provide their time and share their expertise.

At the spring partner meeting hosted by The Randolph Hotel by Graduate Hotels in their stunning Ballroom and Garden Bar, we were fortunate to be joined by Ross Calladine, VisitEngland’s Accessibility and Inclusion Lead, who updated partners on the national agency’s ongoing work in support of the Government’s ambition for the UK to become the most accessible destination in Europe.

A highlight of Experience Oxfordshire’s summer was the reception held to celebrate the organisation’s announcement as one of the first LVEPs to be recognised. We were delighted to partner with Blenheim Palace in the charming Clementine’s on the Lawn, where we were joined by 150 representatives of businesses from the county’s visitor economy and guest of honour, Fiona Pollard, the VisitEngland Advisory Board’s Interim Chair who said:

“LVEPs are at the heart of transforming the visitor economy landscape in England and we are delighted to welcome Experience Oxfordshire into the nationally recognised LVEP scheme. We also look forward to continuing our close collaboration as the LVEP is established.”

We were pleased to officially launch The Oxfordshire Welcome at our Autumn Partner Meeting hosted by The Hilton Garden Inn Abingdon Oxford. At the time of launch major operators in Oxfordshire had already signed the pledge and lent their support to promotional videos encouraging fellow businesses to join the initiative.

We were delighted to be given a presentation by VisitBritain/VisitEngland’s Head of Business Events at the autumn Venue Partners’ meeting hosted by Weston Library. Paul Black shared the latest insights into the BVE/ MICE markets including national and regional trends.

At the voco Oxford Thames, Sandra Eyre from the Meetings Industry Association (mia) expanded on this theme when she spoke at February’s Venues Partner meeting.

The winter networking event at the Old Swan and Minster Mill was a great opportunity to make new business connections and meet other Experience Oxfordshire partners as well as hearing updates from the Experience Oxfordshire team.

We were pleased to work with our partner, the Leonardo Royal Oxford Hotel, to arrange an exclusive evening showcasing the new Marco Pierre White Steakhouse Bar & Grill menu to Experience Oxfordshire partners.

It was a pleasure to assist Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons, A Belmond Hotel with the launch of MITICO, an artistic collaboration between Belmond and internationally renowned art gallery Galleria Continua. Many Experience Oxfordshire partners attended the exclusive launch event with Chef Patron Raymond Blanc OBE, enjoying a wonderful opportunity to view the stunning gardens during guided tours from the passionate Belmond gardening teams.

Advocating for Oxfordshire’s Visitor Economy

Experience Oxfordshire is uniquely placed to speak on behalf of the county’s visitor economy. During the year our CEO, Hayley Beer-Gamage, has been frequently asked for comment on a range of issues impacting on the visitor economy from national and local newspapers, and local radio and TV.

Topics have ranged from the effect of the rise in the cost of living on domestic visitor behaviour and spend; the benefits to Oxfordshire of Silverstone securing another ten years of Formula 1 British Grand Prix, through to the impact on inbound tourism caused as a result of the withdrawal of the VAT Retail Export Scheme. The latter was a major focus when Hayley was asked to give evidence to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee at the House of Commons as part of the Promoting Britain Abroad inquiry.

Experience Oxfordshire has a strong reputation and recognition for its work advocating on behalf of the county’s visitor economy. During the year we have welcomed visits to the county from senior influencers within the sector.

VisitBritain/VisitEngland CEO Experiences Oxfordshire

The Experience Oxfordshire team pulled together a tight itinerary ensuring as much of the county was showcased as possible when VisitBritain/VisitEngland Chief Executive, Patricia Yates, visited the county in the summer. Alongside many opportunities to meet with local businesses for discussion and feedback sessions, Ms Yates attended a roundtable discussion at Malmaison Oxford, where she was able to update businesses on national priorities and the importance of working with their official LVEP. The direct and open Q&A session with such a high-profile industry leader was a great opportunity to feedback to government on grass roots issues.

Patricia Yates said: “Tourism is an industry that can deliver growth like no other and I was delighted to work with Experience Oxfordshire on this visit and see the great activity it’s delivering with businesses and stakeholders to attract domestic and overseas visitors. It was also great to see how well engaged, informed and highly regarded Experience Oxfordshire is locally and its commitment to delivering on its recent VisitEngland LVEP accreditation, driving the visitor economy.”

VisitEngland Advisory Board Chair attends The Ambassador Dinner

One year on from receiving VisitEngland recognition as the county’s official LVEP, Experience Oxfordshire welcomed the VisitEngland Advisory Board Chair, Lady Borwick, to meet with its Ambassador Partners at a dinner and roundtable forum hosted by Gees Restaurant & Bar in Oxford.

The event was an opportunity to meet some of the leading businesses and organisations operating in the county’s visitor economy all of which support the work of Experience Oxfordshire and to discuss the sector’s differentiating strengths and opportunities.

Lady Borwick, arrived at Gees Gallery as a passenger on one of City Sightseeing Oxford’s newly launched, state of the art electric buses. She heard from entrepreneurs, hoteliers, attractions, transport operators, retail specialists, academics and local authorities. In a wide ranging discussion the group exchanged views on skills shortages and promoting careers in the sector; place narrative and connectivity; gathering evidence and making the case for external support; ensuring cross government departments understand the sector’s value and their impact on it and the importance of Oxfordshire working together to ensure maximum effect. Lady Borwick congratulated Experience Oxfordshire for its work in bringing the sector together and stressed the need for reciprocal support.

Lady Borwick said: “Our sector is about people working in partnership to create prosperity. It has huge potential for supporting economic growth across England and here in Oxfordshire you are particularly fortunate in the blend of attractions on offer to visitors, the breadth and depth of businesses operating here and the competency of the destination management organisation. Through collaboration we are all stronger and I urge the county to continue to come together around shared objectives to achieve your joint potential.”

The Experience Oxfordshire team delivered an action packed programme of activity during English Tourism Week, the annual celebration of the tourism industry. Throughout the week the social media team focussed on the opportunities offered within the sector and the fantastic range of experiences available to visitors.

Cross-party support from MPs during English Tourism Week

Local MPs were accompanied on a series of visits to a cross section of businesses across the county for in depth meetings concerning the resilience of the sector and the potential barriers businesses faced in developing the local visitor economy.

Anneliese Dodds MP attended Experience Oxfordshire’s online Visitor Economy Round-Table event, joining a record number of businesses and local authority representatives in a lively debate on key industry issues.

Tourism Minister visits during English Tourism Week 2024

Minister for State (Minister for Data and Digital Infrastructure) and Minister of State for Media, Tourism and Creative Industries, Julia Lopez MP, came to Oxfordshire during English Tourism Week 2024 to visit two outstanding examples of the investment behind the county’s success as a visitor destination.

Starting at the Schwarzman Centre, the Minister was escorted on a hardhat tour of the site of Oxford’s new “home for the humanities”. Planned for completion in 2025, the centre will be home for the University’s humanities faculties, the Oxford Internet Institute and the Institute for Ethics and AI and a new humanities library along with state-ofthe-art academic, exhibition and performance spaces.

This was followed with time at the iconic Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons, A Belmond Hotel where Chef Patron, Raymond Blanc OBE and his team discussed issues affecting the hospitality sector with the Minister and described the innovative responses Le Manoir has implemented. The hotel has long been a champion of sustainability in the restaurant sector and renowned for its work encouraging young people to consider work and careers in hospitality.

“From the fascinating history of the University of Oxford, to the first-class dining and hospitality at places like Le Manoir, it is no surprise that Oxfordshire is one of England’s top tourist locations. It’s been brilliant to visit the county and meet some of the incredible people who make our tourism industry so valuable to visitors, communities and the local economy.”

Minister for Tourism, Julia Lopez MP

Reflecting on her visit to the county, which was co-ordinated by Experience Oxfordshire

Working With The Media

2023 saw increased demand for support from consumer media with the Experience Oxfordshire team responding to requests from national media, travel journalists and content creators from across the globe. The team work diligently to match requests with the services provided by Experience Oxfordshire partners.

From Italy, Thinking Nomads published their family focussed content on X, Tik Tok, Instagram and bespoke blog posts.

France 5, one of the country’s public and cultural TV channels was supported while in the county creating a 52 minute documentary Au Bout C’est la Mer (And at the end, the sea) filming charismatic people living and working on the River Thames.

Explore is the travel section in Australia’s top regional newspapers so the team were delighted to facilitate a feature on narrowboat trips in Oxfordshire and The Cotswolds.

In collaboration with VisitBritain, Experience Oxfordshire organised tours of the county for journalists from Canada, USA, Brazil and Australia and welcomed a group of journalists from India on a whistle-stop tours of Oxford.

Experience Oxfordshire enjoys a highly productive relationship with Ambassador Partner, Greatest Hits Radio (previously JACK fm), highlighting exciting ideas and information for residents and visitors to help make the most of their time out in the county.

From Spain, crews filmed at various locations in Oxfordshire for the hugely popular Spanish TV programme Madrileños por el Mundo, a programme which captures the lives of natives of Madrid living abroad.

From Belgium, content was created for a series of publications including Belgium’s Deuzio, L’Avenir, La Libre Belgique and La Dernière Heure / Les Sports.

Due to its LVEP status, Experience Oxfordshire was invited to participate in a new initiative from VisitBritain, Global PR Connect, giving the team the opportunity to present in one go “Oxforshire for Experience Seekers” to all VB’s inhouse PR teams around the world.

Oxford Official Walking Tours

The Experience Oxfordshire operated Oxford Official Walking Tours (OOWT) is an important part of our income generating activity and acts as a helpful barometer to assess the countywide visitor economy’s performance.

During 2023 we continued to see a strong recovery and positive growth in each of our business sectors: direct sales, via our online travel agency partners and in our group and private tours.

Our guides welcomed and entertained visitors from well over 50 countries across the globe with demand particularly strong from Australian and North American visitors. We were pleased to see the return in greater numbers of near-European educational groups and an interesting trend emerging in the demand for exclusive small tours as people continue to seek unique and memorable experiences.

Specialist and themed tours remain a core element of our business, which is in every part thanks to our knowledgeable and experienced OOWT Guide Team all of whom hold a deep desire to share their affection for Oxford with its visitors. As well as telling the city’s story effectively, helping visitors better understand the life, lives and history taking place behind the walls and college doors, the OOWT guides are able to introduce visitors to local businesses, experiences and attractions, making the tour a key element of an enjoyable and enriching stay in the city.


Experience Oxfordshire Ambassadors

The Ambassador Programme is essential for ensuring that there is a Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Oxfordshire. During 2023-24 we were delighted to be joined by three organisations, which by lending their support to Experience Oxfordshire, illustrate the breadth and impact of the visitor economy:

Gary Headland, Group Chief Executive, Activate Learning commented:

“I am really excited about our new partnership with Experience Oxfordshire. As experts in applied learning our divisions are united by a common purpose: to transform lives through learning. We have a core Learning Philosophy built around developing emotional intelligence and a sense of purpose from which we work with employers in various ways to address the technical skills, training and employment needs to meet the demands of the workplace. We look forward to bringing our expertise and experience to support the development of our local visitor economy along with our new colleagues across the Experience Oxfordshire Partnership.”

Jeremy Mogford, owner of The Oxford Collection said:

“We are fortunate to live and work in a wonderful city and county, offering great opportunities, but as a sector hospitality also faces its fair share of challenges. We have previously expressed our faith in Experience Oxfordshire in representing and speaking up for the county’s visitor economy and we’re delighted to offer our ongoing support now, as an Experience Oxfordshire Ambassador. We look forward to collaborating with partners across the sector on new opportunities and we look forward to working with the Experience Oxfordshire team and are proud to have an accredited LVEP working hard on behalf of Oxfordshire’s visitor economy.”

Tim Williams, CEO of Oxford United Football Club said:

“We’re delighted to step up and take our place as an Experience Oxfordshire Ambassador. Oxford United have a global following and we believe we have a key sporting role to play when people come to visit our beautiful city and county. We look forward to supporting the Experience Oxfordshire team and collaborating with colleagues across the sector on new opportunities.”

Experience Oxfordshire thanks all its Ambassador Partners for for their continued investment and support.

Bicester Village

“Oxfordshire is an exciting destination for culture and shopping enthusiasts alike. Bicester Village is proud to work closely with our partners at Experience Oxfordshire to develop luxury products and itineraries, and, together, to show Oxfordshire to be the world-class destination it is. The role of Experience Oxfordshire in facilitating connections, as well as in cementing Oxfordshire’s reputation within the global tourism industry, is invaluable.”

Clive Doble, Tourism Director

Blenheim Palace

“We are proud to work together with many iconic attractions in partnership with Experience Oxfordshire to ensure that our wonderful heritage-led destination continues to draw visitors to the area and to generate economic value for local people in the future.”

Dominic Hare, CEO

Cherwell District Council

“We have been delighted to collaborate with Experience Oxfordshire for another year and appreciate the work they have undertaken in promoting the county to local, national, and international audiences. The visitor economy has a key role to play in Cherwell, generating income for local businesses and supporting jobs, and the district has so much to see and enjoy, both for visitors and residents.”

Ian Boll, Corporate Director Communities

GHR – Greatest Hits Radio

“GHR has been delighted to continue to support the network of local businesses across the county through our constructive partnership with Experience Oxfordshire. We value the organisation highly and commend the opportunities offered to collaborate on the great campaigns the team delivers.”

Jon Brooks, Regional Commercial Director, Bauer South

GWR – Great Western Railway

“As a transport provider we see our role in supporting destinations as an important one. We are delighted to be Ambassadors of Experience Oxfordshire and help to encourage visitors to come to the city, county, and wider Cotswolds region by train. These strategic relationships are extremely important for us as we further strengthen our network and services.”

Chris Lund, Senior Marketing Manager

Hedges Law

“With our strong and historic links throughout Oxfordshire, personal, professional, and commercial, our collaboration with Experience Oxfordshire makes perfect sense. It’s a pleasure to support Experience Oxfordshire and its partners while they work to showcase the richness and diversity within our city and county.”

Nicola Poole, Director of Culture and Innovation

Oxford Bus Company

“The Oxford Bus Company, part of the global City Sightseeing family, is delighted to play its part in ensuring the sustainable future of Oxfordshire’s visitor economy. The Ambassador Partners working together can influence the development of the sector in a hugely positive way and, as an Ambassador Partner, we commend Experience Oxfordshire for their work encouraging cooperation and collaboration across the sector.”

Luke Marion, Managing Director of Oxford Bus Company

Oxfordshire County Council

“Oxfordshire County Council recognises the significant contribution tourism makes to the economic success of the county. We’re pleased to maintain our long-standing support for Experience Oxfordshire in their work to promote the visitor economy to national and international markets by forging the partnerships that make Oxfordshire a top choice for visitors to the UK.”

Councillor Liz Leffman, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council

Pye Homes

“Pye Homes is delighted to be an Ambassador Partner of Experience Oxfordshire. We have been providing homes for people in Oxfordshire since 1927 and are proud to deliver exceptional homes for people in this area. Experience Oxfordshire work hard to ensure that this county is recognised as a great place to live, work, visit and do business in; so, they are an obvious partnership for us. It is a pleasure to be able to support the DMO for Oxfordshire.”

Graham Flint, Managing Director


“At Stagecoach we are passionate about connecting our local community and our wonderful visitors to where they want to go. We have many beautiful, unforgettable places to enjoy across our historic county. We are delighted to be Ambassadors of Experience Oxfordshire to support the county’s visitor economy. Our strategic relationship with Hayley and the team is extremely important for us as we work towards a vibrant recovery, after an unforgettable few years for us all.”

Karen Coventry, Commercial and Marketing Director

Westgate Oxford

“Westgate Oxford has transformed Oxford bringing a new dimension for tourists. We work closely with our partners at Experience Oxfordshire. Their critical role in bringing partners in Oxford together and presenting Oxford to the rest of the UK and the world is invaluable. We are proud to support Experience Oxfordshire and their efforts to inspire the rest of the world to discover and explore all that our marvellous city has to offer.”

Brendan Hattam, Centre Director

Partnerships in Practice

Bicester Hotel

"At Bicester Hotel Golf and Spa, we value the work of Experience Oxfordshire to stimulate growth in a challenging hospitality industry. Experience Oxfordshire’s support has helped reach new customers across all areas of the hotel, from Spa days to afternoon tea conferences to Sunday lunch. Their knowledge of trends and markets, aids us in driving campaigns with upcoming events, allowing our events to reach their full potential. We are delighted to continue our positive partnership with Experience Oxfordshire and champion their dedication to promoting everything our wonderful county of Oxfordshire has to offer. Thank you from the Team at Bicester Hotel Golf and Spa."

Richard Cooper, Business Development Manager

Fairytale Farm

“We have found Experience Oxfordshire to be a vital partner when operating a small tourism business. As well as the obvious marketing benefits, they have a very personalised approach to working with small attractions like Fairytale Farm. They have been very proactive at identifying grant funding sources, assisting with lobbying, organising networking, and training events and providing advice when we have needed it. I would wholeheartedly recommend that any small tourism business in Oxfordshire joins this organisation.”

The Happiness Horsebox CIC

“We engage with different partners to build awareness of our unique service and activities. Experience Oxfordshire really understands our model and the team have been very proactive in marketing the county and telling our story within that.”

Liz Morrison, Founder, The Happiness Horsebox CIC (Community Interest Company)

Mercure Oxford Eastgate Hotel

“We love working with Experience Oxfordshire, it’s fantastic knowing we have them supporting us, so we can get the best out of our local area, whether it be attending the events we host, attending their amazing events, business forums online or in person or helping out with Fam trips. The insights and knowledge we get to share is so valuable. We have really enjoyed working with Experience Oxfordshire over the last few years, and will continue to do so for many more years.”

The North Wall Arts Centre

“We are part of Oxfordshire’s extensive arts offer and we value Experience Oxfordshire’s work in promoting it to potential audiences here at home and internationally.”

Ria Parry, Director of The North Wall Arts Centre

Royal Cars

“Being a part of the local community is very important to Royal Cars and our partnership with Experience Oxfordshire allows us to be a bigger part of that community. Experience Oxfordshire play a considerable role in enhancing Oxfordshire’s standing within the tourism industry and enabling connections throughout the county and beyond. We are honoured to be a partner with Experience Oxfordshire and their expertise and vast network have been a priceless resource for Royal Cars over the years and long may it continue.”

Nick Breakspear, Business Development Manager

The Randolph Hotel by Graduate Hotels

“The Randolph Hotel by Graduate Hotels is delighted to work alongside Experience Oxfordshire. The DMO plays a vitally important role in supporting local businesses and bringing visitors into the city. We look forward to continuing to support the invaluable work of Hayley and her team as we create experiences that celebrate the optimistic energy of the local community and pay homage to the city’s heritage and history.”

Philip Lewis, General Manager

The Sandy’s Group

“Thanks to Experience Oxfordshire for their ongoing work championing the visitor economy and bringing the industry together during English Tourism Week. It was good to meet with local MP Anneliese Dodds at The Oxford Wine Cellar and discuss the hospitality sector’s contribution to the county. There are lots of challenges with our industry at the moment off the back of Brexit and Covid so all conversations with our representatives are valuable.”

George Sandbach, Founder and MD, The Sandy’s Group


“Ours is a new, ambitious project, so we appreciate being part of Experience Oxfordshire’s network of Partners and the opportunities that brings. It’s a pleasure to work with the team and we value their support. During English Tourism Week it was helpful to meet with our local MP, Robert Courts, here on site at TreeDwellers to discuss some of the challenges faced by businesses operating in the visitor economy as well as the opportunities we create.”

Tim Rees, Founder CEO, TreeDwellers

Wake up to Woodstock

“As a group of volunteers and partners committed to sustaining the local visitor economy, Wake up to Woodstock collaborates with independent businesses in the town to share knowledge and information. We are therefore delighted to work with Experience Oxfordshire, VisitEngland’s official Local Visitor Economy Partnership for Oxfordshire, in promoting local cooperation and collaboration on shared objectives and goals.”

Nickie Rogan, Chair


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