Experience Oxfordshire Highlights Brochure 2022-23

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www.experienceoxfordshire.org/partner 2022/23 HIGHLIGHTS Award winning destination management across Oxfordshire

Award-Winning Destination Management

Experience Oxfordshire is the official Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Oxfordshire and is the trading arm of the parent charity, the Experience Oxfordshire Charitable Trust. We are a not-for-profit partnership organisation, committed to the promotion, management and development of Oxfordshire as a great destination to live, work, visit and do business.

We work with businesses and stakeholders to improve growth and productivity across the visitor economy and lead on destination management within the county, whilst ensuring that tourism works for everyone across Oxfordshire. We have a growing partnership of businesses spanning all parts of the visitor economy and through effective collaboration are working to ensure that Oxfordshire is a world-renowned destination of choice for tourism, culture and business.

Local Visitor Economy Partnership

In March 2023 Experience Oxfordshire was announced as one of 15 English destinations to gain Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) status. Developed and administered by VisitEngland, the national portfolio of strategic and highperforming LVEPs support collaborative working locally and nationally on shared priorities and targets to grow the local visitor economy. The creation of LVEPs was part of the UK Government’s response to the recommendations of ‘The de Bois Review: an independent review of Destination Management Organisations in England,’ to reshape destination management across England, reducing fragmentation and bringing coherence to its DMO landscape.

The Value of Oxfordshire’s Visitor Economy

(Figures relate to 2019 pre-covid)

Jobs Supported Economy Worth Day Visitors Overnight Stays £2.5 billion Overnight Domestic Overnight International 42 thousand 28 million 2.8 million £446 million £378 million

2022-23 A Year of Recovery

As we prepared this latest edition of Experience Oxfordshire’s Highlights we were delighted to hear that the organisation had been recognised by VisitEngland as a Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP), currently one of only 15 in the country. I am delighted that the Experience Oxfordshire team has been recognised in this way by the national tourist board for its ongoing work in supporting national initiatives and by local stakeholders for the sterling work the organisation carries out on behalf of the county.

Over recent years the mettle of Experience Oxfordshire has been truly tested. In 2019 Oxfordshire’s visitor economy enjoyed a record-breaking year, achieving a 9% growth in economic value and job creation on the previous year. Visitors numbered some 31 million, contributing £2.5 billion to the economy and supporting 42,000 jobs. Experience Oxfordshire were poised to build on this success, spreading the benefit across the county.

When the global covid pandemic struck in 2020, we were one of the first DMOs to survey businesses to assess the impact that the resulting travel restrictions and lockdowns had inflicted. The results were shocking. Our subsequent Economic Impact Report for 2020 showed a 59% decline in the value of tourism and a 51% drop in trip volume. The numbers of jobs supported had dropped by 39%.

Throughout these months the team at Experience Oxfordshire, supported by the Board of Directors and Trustees, worked to ensure Oxfordshire businesses received the latest advice and support available. Marketing communications flexed to ensure residents and potential future visitors were reminded that Oxfordshire was a desirable place to visit and enjoy, once free movement was again possible.

The summer of 2021 heralded a wave of innovation across our hospitality sector as every outdoor space and free-standing heater was mobilised to create socially distanced eating, meeting and being-together space. But autumn brought the Covid Omicron variant and a return to limiting contact and a fear of indoor spaces.

During 2022 the world gradually reopened for travel. I’m proud to say that the Experience Oxfordshire team were quick off the blocks, once again working tenaciously and effectively. Our most recent economic impact survey shows the recovery has begun, but that there are long-lasting impacts from these turbulent times.

On behalf of the Board and my fellow trustees, I am proud to say that the organisation has risen to the challenges presented and continues to deliver award-winning services which attract praise at the highest levels of the industry. The organisation featured as a best practice case study in The de Bois Review of Destination Management Organisations in England and the LVEP recognition is rightly deserved. I wish Hayley and the team continued success and extend thanks to our Partners and Ambassadors for their continued support.


Reflections on 2022-23

During the past year, as with businesses across the country, Experience Oxfordshire has continued to adjust its operations to respond to the challenges of working within the post pandemic environment.

As international travel became more normalised, our priority was ensuring the county remained top of mind amongst potential visitors. Whilst maintaining a steady stream of communications to engage potential visitors, the team successfully bid to deliver strategic marketing campaigns in partnership with national tourism agency, VisitEngland, and on behalf of Oxfordshire’s Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) and GWR (Great Western Railway). The associated funding enabled the creation of new marketing assets and access to new targeted audiences, (in turn producing record results), through the Escape to Oxford, Only in Oxfordshire and Spires & Shires campaigns, respectively.

Throughout the year every opportunity was taken to engage with the travel trade, at online pitching events and in person exhibitions, as well as with journalists and media influencers hosted with the support of Experience Oxfordshire Partners and Ambassadors.

English Tourism Week 2023 gave our Partners and supporters the opportunity to engage directly with Oxfordshire’s MPs who in turn demonstrated their support for the sector with onsite meetings across the county and by joining a cross-party visitor economy virtual round table discussion.

We were at last able to offer a full year of in person Experience Oxfordshire Partner events providing welcome opportunities for networking and sharing experiences. At our first Ambassador Dinner since 2019, hosted by The Oxford Collection at Gees Restaurant, our guest of honour, BTA Chairman Nick de Bois CBE, warned

the sector that, having had almost a year of exclusive access to the domestic market (due to travel restrictions) the highly competitive global tourism marketplace had reopened. To maintain a destination’s position businesses and agencies needed to work together and re-focus on consumer needs.

The Economic Impact Report commissioned by Experience Oxfordshire shows the visitor economy, although recovering, is still performing at 36% below 2019 levels in terms of value. The Business Survey commissioned at the beginning of 2023, however, shows operators expressing a level of cautious confidence for the year ahead which is supported by the level of interest in visiting the county expressed in the accompanying Visitor Sentiment Survey.

As we work towards the goal of full recovery, we must remember the BTA Chairman’s warning. To capitalise on the growth in interest amongst our home-grown visitors, fostered during the pandemic, and the latent desire to travel amongst potential international visitors, it is essential that our sector comes together to deliver experiences that meet and exceed our visitors’ expectations. Experience Oxfordshire, with Partnershipworking as our cornerstone, looks forward to further collaboration with our Partners from across the sector to create innovative opportunities and spread the benefits of tourism for all.

I personally remain extremely proud to represent such a wonderful destination and would like to thank the entire Experience Oxfordshire team for all they do to support our Partners and destination management and marketing across the county. We all look forward to continuing to work with Partners and stakeholders throughout Oxfordshire to achieve sustainable productive growth across our visitor economy.

Hayley Beer-Gamage, Chief Executive, Experience Oxfordshire


Promoting Oxfordshire to Local, National and International Audiences

Experience Oxfordshire maintains an ongoing conversation with new and established visitor audiences through extensive use of social media and we grow our reach and influence through partnership marketing. We issue targeted monthly e-newsletters to visitors, travel trade, MICE (meeting, incentives, conferences and events) buyers and group organisers and our output has grown by 93% from 400,000 to nearly 772,000 over the last year. We have a website dedicated to promoting the county and our Partners and produce annual digital Visitor and Venues guides. We have strong relationships with local and national media and support initiatives run by the national tourist boards, VisitBritain and VisitEngland. We deliver partnership marketing campaigns which allow us to extend our reach and create legacy assets including content, film and photography.

From its Dreaming Spires to its Green Grass Shire

The early spring Spires & Shires partnership campaign with GWR highlighted the value and ease of travelling by rail from Paddington Station to destinations across Oxfordshire. With GWR offering up to 50% off selected tickets, the campaign landing page provided advice and inspiration from discovering the iconic sites of Oxford to exploring the county’s great outdoors, thriving towns and enjoying its many family-friendly attractions.

followers E-newsletters issued Page views of experienceoxfordshire.org 772 thousand 37 thousand 2.2 million
Social media
Experience Oxfordshire On-going Promotional Reach

Escape the Everyday, Escape to Oxford

Following the success of the 2021 Escape the Everyday national campaign, in spring 2022 VisitEngland invited destinations to support its national campaign with a locally created city campaign. Experience Oxfordshire successfully bid and delivered the high performing Escape to Oxford campaign designed to attract a younger demographic to enjoy the city’s attractions during the summer months. The campaign, which resulted in 1500 bookable conversions was a finalist in the Marketing Excellence category of the 2023 Oxfordshire Business Awards.

Escape to Oxford campaign results


in Oxfordshire

Experience Oxfordshire successfully bid to the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) to deliver a series of strategic marketing campaigns (2022-24) as part of the Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme (VERP). The first Only in Oxfordshire: autumn into winter campaign ran for three months across multiple digital channels including Facebook, Instagram, Google Search, display, native, YouTube, press and radio. The off-peak short-break campaign was designed to increase dwell time and support local business recovery. Content created focussed on the county’s range of unique attributes and experiences - all Oxfordshire districts were well represented.

Only in Oxfordshire campaign results

Video views Engagements Clicks to /only-in-oxfordshire 11 million 440 thousand 104 thousand
Impressions Reach Clicks to /escape-to-oxford 5.3 million 27 million 246 thousand

English Tourism Week

Experience Oxfordshire pulled out all the stops to promote the county’s visitor economy extensively during English Tourism Week 2023 (ETW), the annual national celebration of the tourism industry. Throughout the week the social media team shone a light on the fantastic range and quality of tourism venues and experiences on offer across the county. Oxfordshire’s MPs lent their support, accompanying the Experience Oxfordshire team to meetings with businesses within their constituencies and joining a virtual round table discussion with Oxfordshire stakeholders to debate issues facing the visitor economy.

Working with the Media

As the interest in travel reignited the media’s thirst for content was revived. The Experience Oxfordshire team respond to a constant stream of enquiries and requests from national media, online journalists and influencers. We work across the Partnership to match requests and gain maximum exposure for Partners. Amongst the 200 indepth enquiries dealt with, high profile pieces appeared in The Sun, The Telegraph, the New York Times and multiple international blogs.

Experience Oxfordshire enjoys a highly productive relationship with Ambassador Partner JACKfm. Together we delivered a number of audio campaigns promoting the county as a visitor destination to local residents. Stay Local broadcast in early September reminding listeners of the range of experiences to be found on their doorsteps and as part of our Christmas campaign, ads focused on seasonal events and the great range of pubs, restaurants, distilleries and cafes in which to enjoy time together.


Working with the Travel Trade

As international routes reopened communication with the travel trade was essential to ensure Oxfordshire remained on potential visitors’ preferred destination lists. Experience Oxfordshire represented the county at VisitBritain’s sales missions and travel trade shows and events, in person at Destination Britain Nordics, at ITB Berlin where our CEO attended the Ambassador’s Reception and with back-to-back speed appointments via ExploreGB Virtual updating trade and media from across the world on the latest developments and experiences on offer within the county.

Experience Oxfordshire Venues

Experience Oxfordshire Venues is the official venuefinding service for Oxford and Oxfordshire. This free service offering a single point of contact for regional, national and international event organisers, provides bureau services and introductions to the unique venues found in Oxford and Oxfordshire.

Our Venues Partners are encouraged to come together regularly to share best practice and hear from sector leaders from outside the county. Recent speakers included VisitEngland’s Head of Business Events, Paul Black. We work with VisitEngland’s Meet England team to gain international exposure for Partners.

Experience Oxfordshire attended industry events including the early summer Meetings Show at London’s Excel, to pro-actively promote the county’s MICE offer (meetings, incentive travel, conference and exhibitions) to targeted markets. We are delighted to once again be receiving inbound enquiries through this service from USA, China and Sweden.



Oxford Official Walking Tours

The Experience Oxfordshire operated Oxford Official Walking Tours is an important part of our income generating activity and acts as a helpful barometer to assess the county-wide visitor economy’s performance. Guides welcome and entertain visitors from across the globe with an extensive programme of award-winning experiences.

During summer 2022 visitor numbers began to recover, mostly UK residents and near European independent travellers. Visitors from the USA were thin on the ground and European school groups sadly noticeable by their absence.

As well as telling the city’s story effectively, helping visitors better understand the life, lives and history taking place behind the walls and college doors, walking tours offer visitors an introduction to local businesses, experiences and attractions and are marketed as a key element of an enjoyable overnight stay. During this year’s Christmas season a new tour was introduced targeted at locals and linked to festive outings and celebrations.

The Oxford Official Walking Tours consistently receive 5-star TripAdvisor reviews and has been awarded their Certificate of Excellence for eleven consecutive years.

An affiliate scheme has been launched with local hotels to sell Oxford Official Walking Tours, and offer added value to their guests. As Experience Oxfordshire seeks to partner with more hotels, further information can be obtained through:




Championing Oxfordshire’s Visitor Economy

Experience Oxfordshire has a strong record of recognition from government for its work on behalf of the county. It was cited in the 2021 de Bois Review of Destination Management Organisations in England as an example of best practice for its work assisting the county’s businesses during the pandemic. In the written consultation Experience Oxfordshire received praise from respondents with one commenting that it represented ‘an example of resilience and entrepreneurialism working against all the odds.’ We are delighted to have received Local Visitor Economy Partnership status from VisitEngland in March 2023, and look forward to representing the county as such in future national programmes.

Business Confidence Survey

The visitor economy is vitally important to Oxfordshire. Prior to the pandemic we welcomed 31 million visitors to the county who spent £2.5 billion locally which in turn supported 42,000 jobs.

Economic Impact Survey

At Experience Oxfordshire we monitor national and local trends and survey visitors and businesses to measure the performance of the destination. The 2021 Economic Impact Survey we commissioned shows a significant recovery in volume of trips and related expenditure compared to 2020, but the sector was still operating at 36% below 2019 levels in terms of value.

Value: £1.6bn = 56% increase in value on 2020 (36% down on 2019)

Trips: 23.3m = 56% increase in trips on 2020

Day trip expenditure is down 26% on pre-pandemic levels and overnight expenditure down 51%

Employment: 28.8k = 13% increase in jobs supported (33% down on 2019)

2022 data has been commissioned but not yet available

Our new year 2023 Business Survey provided an excellent overview with two thirds of businesses responding looking forward with confidence. 84% said their performance for 2022 was better than expected and just over a third said prebookings for 2023 were either higher or much better than expected. To meet the challenges posed by rising operational costs and issues relating to staff recruitment and retention, however, business (23%) had introduced new practices including shortening their operating hours and introducing mid-week closures. Over half of businesses (53%) had increased prices by up to 10% and just over a quarter (28%) were delaying business developments.

Visitor Sentiment Survey

Meanwhile our Visitor Survey showed that 90% of past visitors and 76% of potential visitors see the county as an appealing place to visit. The survey indicated a pent-up demand with 80% of past visitors keen to return to Oxfordshire this year (in addition to 66% of the respondents who had yet to visit).

Robert Courts MP meets with trustees at Cogges Manor Farm during English Tourism Week

Residents’ Perception Survey

For the first time we surveyed local people in our Residents’ Perception Survey and were pleased to see that a large majority, 95%, recognised that tourism is important or very important to the local economy. A quarter of respondents viewed its contribution to local residents’ quality of life positively although a similar number viewed its impact negatively with 61% thinking tourism is detrimental in terms of traffic and 32% thinking it impacts negatively on the environment.

English Tourism Week

This “State of the County” was discussed in great detail when Experience Oxfordshire hosted a cross-party virtual round table discussion as part of English Tourism Week, bringing together three of the county’s MPs with Partners, operators and local authorities from across the visitor economy to consider the current issues facing the sector.

Experience Oxfordshire pursues every opportunity to work in collaboration with institutions and authorities locally, regionally and nationally. We were delighted that our work with Oxford Brookes Business School and its Help to Grow management programme was cited as a best practice case study in DCMS’s recent update report on the Government’s Tourism Recovery Plan.

Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme

We are equally proud of our work delivering against the Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme on behalf of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP). Delivering strategic marketing campaigns over an eighteen-month period will ensure that Oxfordshire remains top of mind with past and current visitors and enable us to reach out and develop relationships on behalf of the county with new audiences.

Facilitated by the Experience Oxfordshire team, the county’s MP’s also took time to have individual in depth meetings with a selection of operators on site to hear in greater detail of the issues and successes involved in running their businesses.

David Johnston MP visits Mollie’s Motel & Diner during English Tourism Week Layla Moran MP joins the team at the Crown & Thistle Abingdon during English Tourism week John Howell MP meets team members at Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons, a Belmond Hotel, English Tourism Week

A Professional Approach to Partnership

Experience Oxfordshire works with a growing Partner network of some 200 businesses spanning a variety of sectors linked to the visitor economy: attractions, accommodation providers, public and private transport, retail, restaurants, language schools, tour companies, executive transport service and many unmissable events and experiences. It delivers a Partnership Programme aimed at supporting, developing, and promoting all types and size of business and through effective collaboration together works to ensure that Oxfordshire enhances its reputation as a leading destination for tourism, culture and business.

Partners see a range of exclusive benefits and business development support, from marketing opportunities, a website presence and inclusion in our social media through to networking events, research & insights and ‘Perks for Partners’, our discounts programme available to Partners and their teams. The team provide a unique communications channel providing Partners with news and information impacting directly on their operations. In response to current staff recruitment issues within the hospitality and leisure sectors, a free facility for advertising vacancies has been introduced with 130 positions being advertised over the last year.

The joint ambition is to make tourism work for everyone and to drive growth across the visitor economy by increasing the value of the visitor expenditure year on year. Experience Oxfordshire is working with its Partners to deliver a joint vision of pride of place across the city and county that engages with both residents and visitors to improve their experience and welcome.

Contact the Partnerships team for more information on partnering with Experience Oxfordshire: partnership@experienceoxfordshire.org www.experienceoxfordshire.org/partner

Website Media Social Media

All partners have a dedicated page on our website, experienceoxfordshire.org, which had over 2.2 million page views in 2022/23

Hundreds of press enquiries are serviced each year from local, national and international journalists, bloggers and social media influencers

Promoting Partners businesses through our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts

Partner Discounts Networking & Events

Our Perks for Partners programme offers exclusive Partner only discounts on things to see and do in Oxfordshire and is a great way to drive additional local business and a fantastic employee benefit to offer

Offering practical advice and expert guidance; signposting funding sources and grant streams; identifying productive leads and brokering introductions


Championing Oxfordshire’s visitor economy at local, regional and national level

Exclusive access to our year round programme of Partner meetings, seminars and networking events

Business Support Discounted Marketing Venues

Partners receive discounts on marketing campaigns including the annual Oxfordshire Visitor Guide

Promoting Partners’ meeting, conference or event venues through our dedicated buyer website and promotional package


Partnerships in Practice

Fairytale Farm

“We have found Experience Oxfordshire to be a vital partner when operating a small tourism business. As well as the obvious marketing benefits, they have a very personalised approach to working with small attractions like Fairytale Farm. They have been very proactive at identifying grant funding sources, assisting with lobbying, organising networking, and training events and providing advice when we have needed it. I would wholeheartedly recommend that any small tourism business in Oxfordshire joins this organisation.”

Mercure Oxford Eastgate Hotel

“We love working with Experience Oxfordshire, it’s fantastic knowing we have them supporting us, so we can get the best out of our local area, whether it be attending the events we host, attending their amazing events, business forums online or in person or helping out with Fam trips. The insights and knowledge we get to share is so valuable. We have really enjoyed working with Experience Oxfordshire over the last few years, and will continue to do so for many more years”.

Royal Cars

“Being a part of the local community is very important to Royal Cars and our partnership with Experience Oxfordshire allows us to be a bigger part of that community. Experience Oxfordshire play a considerable role in enhancing Oxfordshire’s standing within the tourism industry and enabling connections throughout the county and beyond. We are honoured to be a partner with Experience Oxfordshire and their expertise and vast network have been a priceless resource for Royal Cars over the years and long may it continue.”

The Randolph Hotel by Graduate Hotels

“The Randolph Hotel by Graduate Hotels is delighted to work alongside Experience Oxfordshire. The DMO plays a vitally important role in supporting local businesses and bringing visitors into the city. We look forward to continuing to support the invaluable work of Hayley and her team as we create experiences that celebrate the optimistic energy of the local community and pay homage to the city’s heritage and history.

Wake up to Woodstock

“As a group of volunteers and partners committed to sustaining the local visitor economy, WUTW collaborates with independent businesses in the town to share knowledge and information. We are therefore delighted to work with Experience Oxfordshire, VisitEngland’s official Local Visitor Economy Partnership for Oxfordshire, in promoting local cooperation and collaboration on shared objectives and goals.”


Experience Oxfordshire Events


Experience Oxfordshire runs a year-round programme of events much-valued by its Partners. This year, in addition to online events including a Virtual Round-table Discussion with Oxfordshire MPs and a Venues Partner meeting with VisitEngland’s Head of Business Events, we were delighted to return to a full programme of in-person meetings.

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of Oxfordshire’s annual Artworks festival, the spring networking event was held at John Lewis & Partners, Westgate Oxford. In the summer Partners gathered for a convivial meeting in the sunshine at Cogges Manor Farm, in the autumn we were hosted by Leonardo Royal Hotel Oxford (formerly Jurys Inn) and the Courtyard by Marriott Oxford South welcomed Partners in the winter.

At all events, in addition to learning more about the host venue, Partners hear from other businesses working in the visitor economy, share experiences and insights and have the opportunity to network with Partners from across the sector. Guest speakers from Experience Oxfordshire’s extensive network of contacts provide Partners with access to industry leaders who bring a national context to local challenges and opportunities.

The annual Experience Oxfordshire Cultural Platform is part of its continuing commitment to promoting the county and its assets. In March the first in-person Cultural Platform to be held since the pandemic took place at Oxford Brookes Business School and welcomed Professor Helen McShane representing the team of the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. The OBRC was awarded the Freedom of the City of Oxford in 2023 and the audience was enthralled and inspired to hear of their critical work in the development of a covid vaccine and of their ongoing work in combatting disease. It was also a clear reminder of the important contribution our research and scientific community make to Oxfordshire as a top destination in which to live, work, visit and do business.


Experience Oxfordshire Ambassadors

The Ambassador Programme is essential for ensuring that there is a Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Oxfordshire. Experience Oxfordshire extends its thanks to all Ambassador Partners for their continued investment and support during such challenging times.

Bicester Village

“Oxfordshire is an exciting destination for culture and shopping enthusiasts alike. Bicester Village is proud to work closely with our partners at Experience Oxfordshire to develop luxury products and itineraries, and, together, to show Oxfordshire to be the world-class destination it is. The role of Experience Oxfordshire in facilitating connections, as well as in cementing Oxfordshire’s reputation within the global tourism industry, is invaluable.”

Blenheim Palace

”We are proud to work together with many iconic attractions in partnership with Experience Oxfordshire to ensure that our wonderful heritage-led destination continues to draw visitors to the area and to generate economic value for local people in the future.”

Dominic Hare, Chief Executive Officer at Blenheim Palace and Experience Oxfordshire Trustee

Cherwell District Council

“It’s clear to see that really valuable work has been undertaken by Experience Oxfordshire to promote the county and support the visitor economy. The council looks forward to continuing to collaborate with them and with Banbury’s Castle Quay Waterfront, Bicester Village and Bicester Heritage, Cherwell has a significant role to play in drawing visitors to Oxfordshire.”

Councillor Barry Wood, Leader of Cherwell District Council

The Evergreen Agency

“We’re hugely proud of our Oxfordshire heritage and have strong local roots here with our client base and team, so partnering with Experience Oxfordshire is a natural and obvious step to be involved even more on a local level. We’re looking forward to sharing our digital marketing expertise and helping grow its site reach and online visibility, as well as being an ambassador for such a credible organisation!”

GWR – Great Western Railway

“As a transport provider we see our role in supporting destinations as an important one. We are delighted to be Ambassadors of Experience Oxfordshire and help to encourage visitors to come to the city, county, and wider Cotswolds region by train. These strategic relationships are extremely important for us as we further strengthen our network and services.”

Hedges Law

“With our strong and historic links throughout Oxfordshire, personal, professional, and commercial, our collaboration with Experience Oxfordshire makes perfect sense. It’s a pleasure to support Experience Oxfordshire and its partners while they work to showcase the richness and diversity within our city and county.”

Nicola Poole, Director of Culture and Innovation and Experience Oxfordshire Trustee



”JACKfm is committed to being at the centre of all things local, and our partnership with Experience Oxfordshire enables us to do that. Across our three stations, JACKfm, JACK 2 and JACK 3, we’re able to share news of all the events and exciting work that Experience

Oxfordshire is delivering to promote the county. We are delighted to work alongside Hayley and her team to help maximise Oxfordshire as a destination.”

Oxford Bus Company

“We are proud to have been a founding Ambassador of Experience Oxfordshire. We believe passionately in working with partners to deliver high quality bus and coach services for our county, and Experience Oxfordshire helps us to connect with new partners, to promote the services we offer to both domestic and overseas tourist markets and to help make tourism in our county more environmentally sustainable.

As a major attraction operator in our own right - through our City Sightseeing Oxford tours - Experience Oxfordshire is always there to provide advice and useful trends and tourism statistics for us to ensure that we stay up to date with what appeals to both domestic and international markets, so we can tailor our products accordingly.”

Luke Marion, Managing Director, Oxford Bus Company, Thames Travel, Carousel Buses and City Sightseeing Oxford

Oxford City Council

“Experience Oxfordshire plays a central role in the city’s rapidly growing tourism and hospitality economy. Their ability to bring together the many businesses across the sector, and to promote tourism to both international and domestic visitors makes a vital contribution to the Oxford brand across the globe.”

Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council.

Oxfordshire County Council

“Oxfordshire County Council recognises the significant contribution tourism makes to the economic success of the county. We’re pleased to maintain our long-standing support for Experience Oxfordshire in their work to promote the visitor economy to national and international markets by forging the partnerships that make Oxfordshire a top choice for visitors to the UK.”

Councillor Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Travel and Development Strategy and Experience Oxfordshire Trustee.

Pye Homes

“Pye Homes is delighted to be an Ambassador Partner of Experience Oxfordshire. We have been providing homes for people in Oxfordshire since 1927 and are proud to deliver exceptional homes for people in this area. Experience Oxfordshire work hard to ensure that this county is a great place to live, work, visit and do business in; so, they are an obvious partnership for us. It is a pleasure to be able to support the DMO for Oxfordshire.”

Stagecoach Oxfordshire

“At Stagecoach West we are passionate about connecting our local community and our wonderful visitors to where they want to go. We have many beautiful, unforgettable places to enjoy across our historic county. We are delighted to be Ambassadors of Experience Oxfordshire to support the county’s visitor economy. Our strategic relationship with Hayley and the team is extremely important for us as we work towards a vibrant recovery, after an unforgettable few years for us all.”

Westgate Oxford

“Westgate Oxford has transformed Oxford bringing a new dimension for tourists. We work closely with our partners at Experience Oxfordshire. Their critical role in bringing partners in Oxford together and presenting Oxford to the rest of the UK and the world is invaluable. We are proud to support Experience Oxfordshire and their efforts to inspire the rest of the world to discover and explore all that our marvellous city has to offer.”


Our Ambition Statement

Experience Oxfordshire’s Ambition Statement was developed before the global pandemic, at a time when Oxfordshire welcomed 31 million visitors each year generating more than £2.5bn for the local economy and supporting some 42,000 jobs. The principles outlined in the Ambition Statement remain equally relevant, if not even more critical, as we look forward with hope to a recovery of the sector and a return of domestic and international business and leisure visitors to Oxfordshire.

Experience Oxfordshire’s ambitions are to:

Work with businesses and stakeholders to improve growth and productivity across the visitor economy; leading effective destination management, whilst ensuring that tourism works for everyone across Oxfordshire

Encourage visits that offer the best balance of impact and contribution to the county

Work to deliver a joint vision of pride in place across the city and county that engages with both residents and visitors to improve welcome and experience

Spread the tourist season throughout the year to decrease the impact of seasonality and to encourage visitors to explore the whole county

Increase overnight stays from both international and domestic visitors ensuring an increased spend per visit

Encourage and enable the exploration of cultural treasures across the county by local people

Advocate for the importance of the sector and influence stakeholders to address issues that hinder productivity and growth and to encourage skills development and job creation

Drive growth across the visitor economy by increasing the value of visitor expenditure by 5% year-on-year

Encourage long term investment and support from the public and private sectors to ensure that the county has a sustainable DMO that can deliver our destination management ambitions and drive growth

Grow the Experience Oxfordshire partnership and make it work for small and large businesses, offering a flexible value for money proposition

Experience Oxfordshire will deliver this by seeking investment from Partners and stakeholders and providing a range of services for Partners. The organisation prides itself in being a partnership where every business has a place and everyone can benefit

Experience Oxfordshire www.experienceoxfordshire.org Experience Oxfordshire Partnership www.experienceoxfordshire.org/partner Experience Oxfordshire Venues www.experienceoxfordshire.org/venues Oxford Official Walking Tours www.oxfordofficialwalkingtours.org Experience Oxfordshire, Langford Locks, Kidlington, OX5 1HZ partnership@experienceoxfordshire.org 01865 686439 /experience-oxfordshire @ExperienceOxBiz /ExperienceOxfordshire @experienceoxfordshire

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