VISIT OUT WEBSITE FOR DETAILS OF CLASS REQUIREMENTS, PACKAGES & FEES: WWW.AQC.COM.AU AQC classes are available to convention delegates only. Classes can only be booked as part of a package and several convention packages are available. The most economical and all inclusive option is the fourday Gold Pass, $999 booked before November 30, 2016. There are also two-day passes available. LINKS Read about the Package fees and inclusions here. To check class availability, click on the timetable here. Before booking your class, read the booking conditions and class requirements carefully (requirements will be available to download under each class description).
ONE DAY CLASSES SCREEN PRINTING & FABRIC DESIGN TUTOR: SAFFRON CRAIG SKILL LEVEL: BEGINNER TO ADVANCED MATERIALS COST: $85.00 Note: REPEATS on Friday but you can choose to do both days (Thursday and Friday) of screen printing if you wish to learn more advanced techniques.
In this fun and inspiring workshop Saffron Craig will teach you how to create your own original colour palettes and colour combinations using special inks. You will create a motif and print that motif by hand onto linen creating your own original fabric. With loads of tips and tricks to learn along the way it’s a full day of fun, inspiration and knowhow. Your design can be used to print your own fabric or panels to be used in quilting or for a bag. You'll learn how to use paper cutting or tearing to create your own fabrics. By folding, cutting, ripping and tearing paper you will design your own fabric print designs. Using your favourite colours you'll be able to create strikingly bold designs. Learn the process of making fabrics by hand. Class includes:
How to set up your own print table at home
The history of making fabrics
How to create your own motif or geometric design to be used on a silk screen
How to use both the positive and negative designs, as well as floating pieces in the designs
Create a panel design with the use of images
How to squeegee ink through a screen
Applying a motif to a screen and printing using the overlapping of colours and screens
How to set the design
How to take care of the screens. By the end of the class you will have an understanding of both the paper cutting technique and photo transfer technique. With enough skills to be able to further develop your style at home on a small or large scale.
You will print on white ‘prepared for print’ fabric. Saffron uses white fabric as it allows the colours to glow.
TAKE AN ELEMENT BAG TUTOR: MARGARET SAMPSON-GEORGE SKILL LEVEL: ALL LEVELS Marg has designed a drawstring bag to encompass all the shapes and techniques you might like to try in a bigger project, but without having to start a new quilt in a one-day workshop which can be quite daunting. Techniques include paper piecing, needle turn appliqué and broderie perse. Working out suitable placement for all your little ‘elements’ is a stepping stone to placement possibilities in a future quilt. Patterns for everything on the sample are provided but feel free to add anything pertinent to you.
CLOTHES TO QUILTS TUTOR: LUKE HAYNES SKILL LEVEL: ALL LEVELS We are going to take clothing or just our own stash and work organically to create a small quilt top. Luke will walk the class through a series of steps that will deconstruct and reconstruct fabric into something greater than the sum of its parts. We will be working with abstract forms and learning how to harness fabrics that may be a little outside of the normative quilting oeuvre.
GEMSTONE TUMBLE TUTOR: EMMA JEAN JANSEN SKILL LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE The Gemstone Tumble is an eye catching quilt design, with flowing patterns and colours, creating a modern and interesting look. The blocks are made using foundation piecing, which ensures perfect sharp points every time. There are many ways to foundation piece, but in this class you will learn the technique of freezer paper foundation piecing, which is an accurate and easy method once the technique is learnt. It is expected that one to two blocks will be completed in this class.
DISTINCTIVE DOORWAYS TUTOR: GLORIA LOUGHMAN SKILL LEVEL: ALL LEVELS Doors have an intriguing and beguiling story to tell us. Some doorways are elaborate, others commonplace and many are in various stages of disrepair. They are created from many different materials and showcase a range of stunning colours and textures. Some of the more interesting doors are in less than perfect condition. They show their age as the materials weather, the paint fades and peels and the metal rusts. In this class, we will create a small quilt based on a doorway, with the choice of two patterns. As part of the construction technique, we will outline the main features with a thin dark line to create a more graphic image. After this class, you will have the skills to create your own series of doorways, based on your own photographs of your travels.
BIAS APPLIQUÉ TUTOR: WENDY NUTT SKILL LEVEL: ALL LEVELS This workshop will teach you several bias appliqué techniques to create simple and stunning designs. Working with several tools, Wendy will show you how easy it is to make your own bias strips and prepare them for an endless range of design possibilities. Although this is a techniques based workshop, you may choose to make blocks for cushions, a tote bag, or a panel for a table runner.
SWEET SIXTEEN BOOT CAMP TUTOR: PAULA STORM SKILL LEVEL: BEGINNER Do you own a Sweet Sixteen or are you thinking about buying one? This is a jam packed class that guides you through all of the features and benefits of the Sweet Sixteen; you will feel totally comfortable with the machine by the end of the class. Gain confidence and pick up some new free motion quilting designs too.
TWO DAY CLASSES MODERN COLOUR (COLOUR FOR QUILTERS, WITH A MODERN TWIST) TUTOR: JULIE HADDRICK SKILL LEVEL: BEGINNER TO ADVANCED MATERIALS FEE: $20 INCLUDES NOTES AND FABRIC SWATCHES Learning about, understanding, using and appreciating colour is a lifelong artistic challenge and that is in part, what makes it such an exciting and important element to use in quilt making. It is impossible to know everything about colour and many quilters struggle with, or lack the experience or confidence with choosing and using colours. Day One: Colour wheel quilt: Understanding and knowing basic colour relationships can be a great starting point and in this class, Julie will guide students through a series of fun and easy exercises that are based on a colour wheel. Julie provides all of the fabric swatches for each student to cut segments (using a 30 degree wedge ruler) to make a 12 segment colour wheel with tints and shades and this panel can then be extended into a small art quilt to hang and use in the sewing room. Students may wish to work further on this by adding borders or begin some colour samples using different colour schemes, tonal values, temperatures, colour ratio and proportions. Day Two: Half square triangle colour scheme quilts: Understanding colour and knowing how to use it successfully and powerfully is a great skill to have and on this second day uses many of the different colour schemes to create small half square triangle quilts (HST). Students will learn how to create certain colour schemes that are powerful, dramatic, subtle and or unique. Assembling small quilts enables students to really understand the ways that colour can work in modern quilts. Students will work predominantly in plain fabrics with minor feature prints. Discussion will include how to use stitch; machine quilting to enhance a modern quilt.
BOUQUET OF DAISIES TUTOR: MICHELLE MARVIG SKILL LEVEL: ALL LEVELS MATERIALS COST: $30.00 Pieced, modern daisies bloom in this 60” x 60” quilt design. The daisies are cut with acrylic templates and sensational effects can be achieved by fussy cutting your prints. ‘Y’ seams are required to piece this block and techniques will be shown to give a flat finish to these seams. The centre octagons will be hand stitched in place. The daisies float on a variety of grey frames and we can ‘audition’ these fabrics before we cut and piece them in the design, as the main daisies can be stitched independently of the darker grey fabrics.
THE VIEW FROM ABOVE: ADVENTURES IN TEXTILE MAP MAKING TUTOR: ALICIA MERRETT SKILL LEVEL: ALL LEVELS. CONFIDENCE WITH THE SEWING MACHINE REQUIRED. Maps and map-making are as old as civilisation and as contemporary as satellite navigation. We use maps in our daily lives, and we are fascinated by views from above. In this workshop we will explore the world of maps and aerial views, devise our own cartographic symbols, play with colour, line and shape, and explore a variety of techniques: strip piecing, fine line piecing, fused appliqué, collage and lettering. Each participant will design a map to suit their own imagination, and construct it in textile materials. Quilting will be started in class but will need to be finished at home.
THREAD PAINTED PET PORTRAIT TUTOR: SONYA PRCHAL SKILL LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE OR KEEN BEGINNERS MATERIALS COST: $10.00 Magically transform your pet’s portrait photo into a beautiful thread painting with this clever technique. Discover how to select the best thread colours to produce realistic shading and highlights on your pet picture. Learn how to draw with your needle and gain confidence as you create the natural fall of fur direction with fun free motion stitching. Explore some of Sonya’s secrets to enhance accents to get a more outstanding finish. Find out a magical way to attach your stitched portrait to a background with natural results and see how simple quilting creates a truly 3D effect. Some free motion stitching experience is recommended for this class. At the end of the first day you will have gained confidence in free motion stitching natural fur direction and be starting to select the colours needed unassisted. By the end of day two you will be well on the way to completing your Pet Portrait. Some will have their quilt together and be starting to quilt. Please note. In order to complete this class a photo of your pet must be emailed to Sonya by March 10 to
PHOTO-REAL FIBRE ART TUTOR: MELISSA SOBOTKA SKILL LEVEL: ALL LEVELS Photo-realism is a genre of art that encompasses painting, drawing and other graphic media, in which an artist studies a photograph and then attempts to reproduce the image as realistically as possible in another medium. In this class, Melissa will share her award winning techniques for transforming a photograph to fibre art that has the reality of a photograph. You will learn to see as an artist does, select appropriate fabrics, build a pictorial quilt from an image of your own choosing using a raw edge appliqué method. Then enhance your work by adding depth, dimension and detail with inks. Note. Image represents the technique, not the final project.
FOUR DAY CLASSES LAYERS – COLOUR, SHAPE, TEXTURE & FORM TUTOR: VELDA NEWMAN SKILL LEVEL: SUITS ALL MATERIALS FEE: $30 This class throws all the rules of stringent design out the window. First explore machine stitching techniques for texture and shape. Next will be the basic lessons for how to paint on fabric. Using acrylic paints, learn how to get ‘colour, shading and form’ into a piece. Learn to use other mediums, such as resist, pencils and Copic inks for detail work, and to work with an overhead projector. This will give a choice of sizes (up to 90cm x 90cm) to choose from, for the composition. Bring photos of simple, defined shapes, such as flowers, fish, fruit, veggies, birds; these ideas work best for this class. Stuck for ideas? Velda will bring some design sheets that you may purchase for $10.50 a sheet (optional).