15-17 SEPTEMBER 2023
15-17 SEPTEMBER 2023
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The enchanting city of Rome has long been synonymous with history, culture, and timeless beauty. This year’s Rome event promises to be an unforgettable spectacle, where ancient grandeur and modern-day prowess converge, taking centre stage at the history filled Circus Maximus.
Nestled within the UNESCO World Heritage site, the Circus Maximus stands as a living testament to the grandeur of ancient Rome. Once the site of enthralling horse and chariot races, this sprawling ancient stadium holds an air of mystique that echoes with the whispers of emperors and gladiators. The stadium’s history-rich aura is heightened by its proximity to the imposing ruins of the Imperial Palace, perched atop the Palatine Hill, creating an ambiance that transports visitors back through the annals of time.
As the sun sets over the Colosseum, a mere stone’s throw away, the Circus Maximus emerges as a monumental venue, fusing the past and the present in a mesmerising fusion. This colossal amphitheatre, which witnessed the heart-pounding spectacles of yesteryears, is now poised to welcome the equestrian champions of today for a showcase of unparalleled athleticism and grace.
Beyond the heart-pounding competitions, the Longines Global Champions Tour and GCL at Circus Maximus promises to be a holistic experience. Amidst the exhilarating equestrian displays, the event will also showcase artistic exhibitions and performances, forming a harmonious tapestry of culture and sport. As visitors indulge in the breathtaking performances, they’ll be treated to a sensory feast, where the beauty of art and the power of athleticism intertwine.
Welcome to Rome, where the past intertwines with the present, where history echoes in the thunder of hooves, and where the world’s finest equestrian athletes come together to create an unforgettable chapter in the story of sport.
As the Longines Global Champions Tour and GCL team series unveils itself in the historic Circus Maximus, let us bear witness to a spectacle that transcends time, culture, and boundaries—a testament to the unbreakable bond between human and horse, and the enduring magic of Rome.
Three continents, 13 countries, 16 destinations, more than €36 million in prize money, two championship races, one awe-inspiring season.
From the Middle East to the Americas and world-famous destinations in the heart of Europe, the 2023 Longines Global Champions Tour cements the circuit’s powerful global footprint in some of the most spectacular venues around the world.
Once again visiting iconic capital cities, world-renowned destinations and breathtaking Riviera settings, the 2023 Longines Global Champions Tour and GCL will bring a plethora of show jumping, hospitality and entertainment at the highest level to fans around the world.
The 2023 season launched in Doha, the Qatari capital in the heart of the metropolitan Middle East, closely followed by the world-famous Miami Beach for leg two. Show jumping and sporting fans alike were then treated to a cultural smorgasbord in Mexico for the third leg.
Madrid kicked off the start of a ten-strong series of the Longines Global Champions Tour, acting as the perfect lead into the much anticipated Longines Global Champions Tour of Stockholm.
Following this weekend of top sport and premium hospitality, the tour heads to the likes of Paris and Monaco, before A Coruña and Riesenbeck - the two
latest additions to the Longines Global Champions Tour and GCL series. From there the iconic Royal Hospital Chelsea London plays host to the 12th leg of the 2023 season. The Championship race is then seen hitting a new gear at the home of show jumping in Valkenswaard, jetting off to Rome, Riyadh and the culmination of the year’s sporting action in the ultimate final showdown in Prague, Czech Republic.
Once again, precision, power and elegance are combined in two thrilling championship battles. LGCT and GCL winners, Olympic medallists and World Champions all compete in the highest echelon of the sport with the ultimate aim of a coveted podium finish at each leg of the 16-event strong season.
Embarking on the seventh year, the GCL sees 16 teams on the starting grid, with strategies and planning detailed to the finest precision, rivalry between teams is greater than ever, producing an electric atmosphere at events that truly has to be seen to be believed.
For those that can’t join the tour, all the sporting drama will unfold live on GCTV which will continue to innovate with new technology taking fans backstage with the stars at the extraordinary events world-wide.
On behalf of the Longines management, I would like to extend to you a very warm welcome to the 14th leg of the 2023 Longines Global Champions Tour in Roma, Italy. We promise you many memorable sports moments with breathtaking performances to be delivered at this eagerly awaited event.
As the Title Partner, Official Timekeeper, and Official Watch of this prestigious event, we will continue to be a dedicated supporter of showjumping and reinforce Longines’ longstanding ties with the equestrian world that date back to 1869. This year again, we look forward to supporting the foremost riders vying for success in the fourteenth stage of the Longines Global Champions Tour and attending three days of enthralling competitions, from 15th to 17th September 2023 in the unique city of Roma.
On this very special occasion, we would like to highlight the Official Watch of the event, an elegant timepiece of the Longines DolceVita X YVY line. A new identity has been given to the famous rectangular-shaped timepieces, with sophisticated leather straps. Referencing the equestrian world so dear to Longines, their design is evocative to bridles and harness.
I wish you a thrilling weekend filled with wonderful sports emotions at the Longines Global Champions Tour in Roma, where top-level show jumping meets the incredible atmosphere of this city.
Welcome to the Longines Global Champions Tour of Rome where the world’s greatest show jumpers will compete in ancient Rome’s aweinspiring Circus Maximus.
We are delighted to return to Italy’s capital city for the eighth year running as we continue to build a wonderful tradition of world-class equestrian sport in The Eternal City.
Horses will once again be in competition at Circus Maximus with its great historical significance and we are privileged to stage modern day show jumping of the highest calibre at this ancient site.
As well as top-level sport we are pleased to host a variety of thrilling entertainment once again. The Longines Global Champions Tour of Rome will be one of the last two chances for the top individual riders to qualify for the Longines Global Champions Tour Super Grand Prix at the GC Playoffs in Prague in November adding extra excitement to the event.
In the GCL team championship, the intense battle will continue here at the magnificent ancient stadium, once used by Emperors for horse and chariot races as the top four teams at the end of the season will fast track to the semi-finals of the GCL Super Cup at the Playoffs.
We are extremely appreciative of the support of the City of Rome to enable us to present the LGCT of Rome in this truly extraordinary venue, nestled in the heart of antiquity.
A special note of appreciation extends to our esteemed Title Partner and Official Timekeeper, Longines, for their enduring commitment to our circuit. Likewise, heartfelt thanks resonate with our sponsors and partners here in Rome, their contributions vital to the resounding success of the show.
Lastly, I extend warm wishes to our devoted fans. Whether you join us on the grounds of Rome or partake in the live streaming via GCTV, thank you for your support of the Longines Global Champions Tour and GCL team series.
In qualità di Presidente dell’Assemblea Capitolina e come cittadina di Roma, è con grande gioia che accolgo per la terza volta consecutiva un evento di tale rilevanza nella nostra città. L’anno precedente è stato testimone di una partecipazione del pubblico straordinaria e di un successo travolgente, il che ci riempie di entusiasmo per l’edizione di quest’anno.
È un onore e un privilegio che la nostra città ospiti nuovamente il Longines Global Champions Tour, evento che richiama l’equitazione sia massimo livello che di base e gli spettacoli equestri nel cuore di Roma. Il luogo scelto, il prestigioso Circo Massimo, uno dei siti più celebri al mondo, rappresenta un patrimonio UNESCO e incarna millenni di grande storia, avendo accolto eventi di portata epica fin dai tempi antichi.
Così come avvenuto nell’edizione precedente, questa competizione di alto livello porterà l’arte equestre nella nostra amata Roma. Sarà indubbiamente uno spettacolo straordinario, un connubio felice tra cultura, atmosfera storica e tradizione, che darà alla nostra città l’opportunità di brillare a livello internazionale e sui media globali.
Guardiamo con grande entusiasmo a tre giorni di gare, che metteranno in mostra uno degli sport più eleganti e affascinanti: l’equitazione. Questa disciplina, da sempre considerata un simbolo di armonia tra l’uomo, la natura e l’ambiente circostante, rappresenta anche valori di educazione, movimento fisico e intrattenimento sportivo.
Ritengo doveroso un ringraziamento all’Assessore
Grandi Eventi, Sport, Turismo e Moda Alessandro
Onorato e all’Assessore alla Cultura Miguel Gotor per il contributo offerto all’organizzazione di questa manifestazione. Nel trasmettere i saluti a nome di Roma Capitale, rivolgo i miei più sinceri auguri agli organizzatori, alle talentuose Amazzoni, ai Cavalieri e agli artisti straordinari che prenderanno parte alla manifestazione. Siamo pronti ad accogliere un altro straordinario spettacolo equestre che resterà impresso nei cuori di tutti noi.
As President of the City’s Assembly, I am honoured to host the Longines Global Champions Tour in Rome, for the third time at the Circus Maximus. Last year was a humongous success with a huge attendance on behalf of the public and I am enthusiastically looking forward to this year’s event.
It is an honour and privilege for Rome to host the Italian leg of the Longines Global Champions Tour in the very heart of our magnificent city.
The venue chosen, the Circus Maximus, is renown all over the world; it is a UNESCO heritage site and has been home to equestrian sports since it was built for chariot races.
Rome will shine worldwide thanks to this combination of one of the highest levels of equestrian sports mixed with culture, history, and tradition.
We are enthusiastic about the three days of showjumping competitions in which the harmony between horses and riders will be on full display.
I would like to thank Alessandro Onorato the assessor for Great Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion and Miguel Gotor the assessor for Culture for their extraordinary contribution in organizing this event.
On behalf of Roma Capitale and myself I would like to wish good luck to all the riders and horses that will be taking part in this competition. I am sure we will witness another wonderful show that will make great memories for all of us.
Siamo felici di ospitare il Longines Global Champions Tour in un luogo iconico e centrale come il Circo Massimo. Un appuntamento importante, che porta nella nostra città l’eccellenza dell’equitazione mondiale ed è capace di coniugare il grande spettacolo con i valori più nobili dello sport: disciplina, impegno, abnegazione, sacrificio per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi.
Roma ancora una volta darà prova di saper accogliere al meglio gli atleti, i tecnici e gli accompagnatori provenienti da ogni parte del mondo.
Si tratta di un’opportunità preziosa per far conoscere alle delegazioni straniere la capacità organizzativa e le bellezze della nostra città e allo stesso tempo avvicinare più persone agli sport equestri e al rispetto per il cavallo.
Sarà una bellissima festa di sport e amicizia!
We are delighted to host the Longines Global Champions Tour in such an iconic venue as the Circus Maximus, in the heart of the city.
It is an important event which brings the excellency of global equestrian sportsmanship to Rome. A great happening which combines spectacular competitions with the noblest part of sport: discipline, sacrifice and commitment.
Once again, Rome will be ready to welcome athletes, trainers, and their associates from all over the globe. For us it is a great opportunity to show our city at its best and connect more and more people to equestrianism. It will be a wonderful combination of sport and friendship.
Il Longines Global Champions Tour come vetrina per apprezzare la bellezza degli sport equestri e il fascino insuperabile della disciplina. Il circuito mondiale torna a Roma a metà settembre per consolidare il ruolo rivestito nel firmamento internazionale e far apprezzare, una volta di più, l’universalità del messaggio che è propria del movimento e amplifica la propria forza in funzione dell’importanza di chi lo onora.
Il richiamo della competizione nasconde il significato valoriale e sociale che sa incarnare questo fantastico sport, esaltando la componente umana, il connubio inscindibile tra cavallo e atleta, un unicum che connota in modo peculiare l’eccezionalità del rapporto osmotico alla base del successo e di un feeling da apprezzare per comprenderne la portata emotiva.
Il Longines Global Champions Tour mette insieme interpreti provenienti da oltre 20 Nazioni e continua a implementare i propri contenuti tecnici, catalizzatore di protagonisti capaci di fare la differenza con le loro qualità e sinonimo di sicuro spettacolo apprezzato in tutto il mondo grazie alla copertura mediatica e al diffuso interesse suscitato. La manifestazione è anche integrazione e inclusione, con la partecipazione di ragazzi diversamente abili, in ossequio al significato che riveste il nostro mondo e agli ideali che lo caratterizzano.
A nome personale, e del Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano, rivolgo il più sincero ringraziamento agli organizzatori, per l’impegno profuso nell’interesse della continuità di questo prestigioso appuntamento e, contestualmente, indirizzo un sentito incoraggiamento a tutte le amazzoni e i cavalieri in gara, certo che sapranno regalarci un evento di grande successo, all’insegna delle emozioni.
The Longines Global Champions Tour is a showcase to appreciate the beauty of equestrian sports and the unsurpassed charm of this discipline. The global circuit returns to Rome in mid-September to consolidate the role played in the international scene and to once more allow, people to appreciate the important of a message that is unique to equestrianism and amplifies the function of those who honour it.
The competition shows the social meaning of this fantastic sport, enhancing the human component, and the inseparable bond between horse and athlete, that characterizes the exceptional nature of this relationship which is at the base of success.
The Longines Global Champions Tour brings together performers from over 20 nations and continues to implement its technical content. It is appreciated worldwide thanks to the media coverage and the widespread interest raised. The event is also integration and inclusion, with the participation of children with disabilities and the ideals that characterize our world.
On behalf of myself and the Italian National Olympic Committee, I offer my sincere thanks to the organizers for their commitment to the continuity of this prestigious event and I also address a heartfelt encouragement to all the riders and horses in the competition, certain that they will give us many emotions.
È un privilegio tornare ad ospitare il prestigioso CSI5* del circuito del Longines Global Champions Tour a Roma in una cornice suggestiva come quella del Circo Massimo, luogo simbolo della storia della città e anche della tradizione equestre.
Questo evento si inserisce nella rosa di appuntamenti di primissimo livello che vedono l’Italia protagonista del grande salto ostacoli Senior per il 2023, insieme al 90° CSIO di Roma - Piazza di Siena, ai FEI Jumping European Championship Milano 2023 e validi per le qualifiche per i Giochi Olimpici di Parigi 2024 e alla tappa italiana di Longines FEI Jumping World Cup di Fieracavalli Verona.
Dal 15 al 17 settembre, per la terza volta al Circo Massimo, vedremo in azione i migliori binomi del mondo nella tappa italiana del circuito che fa tappa in sedici destinazioni in tutto il globo.
Come Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri siamo lieti di promuovere l’organizzazione e lo stile tricolore, molto apprezzati dal comparto internazionale degli sport equestri e dal pubblico che vedremo sugli spalti ad assistere alle competizioni.
It is a privilege to host the prestigious CSI5* of the Longines Global Champions Tour in Rome at the splendid Circus Maximus which is the symbol of Ancient Rome’s equestrian tradition.
This competition is one of the top level international show jumping events held in Italy in 2023:
The 90* CSIO held at Piazza di Siena in the heart of Rome, the FEI Jumping European Championship held in Milan which is one of the qualifiers for the Paris Summer Olympic Games in 2024 and the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup held at Fieracavalli in Verona.
For the third consecutive year at the Circus Maximus we will be seeing the best riders and horses in the Italian leg of the LGCT, one of the 16 legs worldwide.
The Italian Equestrian Federation is happy to promote this event in a spectacular venue for equestrians and the general public.
Get ready to cheer on the Rome Gladiators in the exciting GCL Rome, as they battle it out against the top riders from around the world on their home turf in 2023!
The Rome Gladiators have a cross section of veteran, new and emerging talents, boasting an impressive lineup forming the 2023 team. A strong start early in the season has the team hungry for success in the closing stages. The team includes a true international lineup of top riders, including Beth Underhill of the USA, the dynamic duo of Trevor and Shane Breen of Ireland, accompanied by fellow countryman Michael Duffy. Joining them sees young-gun Nina Mallevaey, plus the maestro from Belgium, Jérôme Guery.
A strong season has seen the Rome Gladiators achieve a podium finish in Cannes, Monaco and Miami Beach, as well as top 5 in Paris – no mean feat amongst sixteen world-class teams on the 2023 GCL roster.
Follow the team on social media, and subscribe to GCTV to track their results over the 2023 season, as they hear up to the GCL Super Cup at the GC Prague Playoffs this November, where the ultimate showdown in show jumping reaches its pinnacle. Don’t miss the action!
e pursuit of excellence is an unwavering journey. I take pride in my accomplishments and rmly believe perseverance and determination are vital. Greatness is earned, not given.
The Longines Global Champions Tour (LGCT) isn’t over yet, but PremiuMares Founder Milena Pappas is already celebrating some serious successes this 2023 season.
With one of her mares currently winning Young Horse classes under Germany’s Christian Ahlmann, and another climbing to a top spot in the international Hippomundo rankings, the future is looking very bright for Milena and PremiuMares’ boutique breeding operation.
With its focus on premium mare bloodlines and a dedication to respectful breeding and training practices, PremiuMares has seen plenty of change in its eight years. But evolution is the key to success for Milena, a regular presence on the LGCT circuit, who says that the ability to keep a pulse on the ever-shifting needs of the sport is what truly sets the company apart.
Q: Congratulations on a wonderful season so far. What have been some of the highlights for PremiuMares?
A: My proudest moment this year was seeing my homebred 5-year-old, Cherry Blossom PM (Calvaro x Thunder) earn second in the international Hippomundo ranking. ‘Cherry’ is a very competitive mare with a huge stride, very brave, incredibly careful, truly one for the future. This accolade is a true testament to our breeding program.
Another highlight is Pocahontas 96 (2015 Perigueux x Escudo I)—a mare I rode for two years beginning as a five-year-old—now under [Shanghai Swan] Christian Ahlmann and winning the classes for her age. To have ridden a mare that one of the best riders in the world sees as good enough for himself is more than a compliment.
Q: PremiuMares is known for its focus on performance broodmares. What do you value most in your breeding program?
A: I would say that we search for three things: health, resilience, and pedigree. Health means good x-rays, solid genetics, no hereditary health issues that can be passed on to their foals, and being ‘sturdy’ mares in their own right. For us, this is very important in order to breed healthy and sound foals that can have long-lasting careers.
Our mares also need to have a good track record in the sport. Knowing the mare’s attitude and performance
helps us determine a better-suited sire for her foals. It also gives us a better indication of the future foal’s potential and character, and increases the interest of prospective buyers at auction.
Finally, we look for a good pedigree. Though most buyers expect that the chance of success of a foal from a proven dam/damline will be higher, not all ‘proven’ damlines are created equal. For us, it’s important that we continue to follow the results and the evolution of both old and new bloodlines.
Q: How does your young horses’ performance in the ring impact your breeding decisions?
A: We are always looking to evolve along with the sport and the needs of modern showjumping. Our ultimate goal is the breeding of ‘winner’ horses at every level. That is, producing a modern horse that has the proper endurance and is fast, resilient, scopey, respectful, and adaptable. There are so many shows going on nowadays, and the venues change drastically from one week to the next.
To that end, we closely follow the results of the upcoming 5- to 7-year-old young horses and then determine both their breeding pedigrees and which sires appear more strongly and could potentially be interesting for our annual program. We typically match the proven, older sires with our younger, modern mares. We take our younger, upcoming stallions into account for our proven broodmares.
Q: Changing gears a bit, your GCL team, the Shanghai Swans, are known for their fierce team spirit. What role do you play as owners, and how do you try to foster that camaraderie?
A: As owners and friends, the four of us—Julia Tops, Alexandra Thornton, Tess Carmichael, and myself—do not interfere with the riders’ plan, as we respect our riders and trust them to make schedules that will yield the best results for all of us. But what is incredible and noble is how the riders always put the team first. And they have shown this time and again!
Continuing to be a part of a team like the Shanghai Swans, and all that our friendship and partnership means, has been one of my favorite parts of the season. It’s not always smooth sailing, but I truly believe that we all have so much solidarity, respect, and appreciation for one another. We have the same goals and ambitions, and it’s so much fun rooting on your riders and teammates.
Q: What are you most looking forward to about LGCT Rome?
A: There is not just one thing that I look forward to, as each leg of the LGCT circuit is unique. But Rome, to me, is particularly special. Having the luxury of riding myself in the arena of Circo Massimo, watching the five-star riders and my team compete—in the middle of a city with so much history, beauty, and architecture—is like bridging the past with the present, in that moment!
Q: What’s your favorite part about being a breeder?
A: Our company is based on a passion for the sport and a passion for breeding winners at all levels of show jumping. I take immense interest in watching the young horses start to evolve and prove their strength.
That moment when a foal is born is a miracle, a mixture of emotions that never fails to bring tears to my eyes. Each foal represents hope and a smile for someone in the future. To me, each one is a wonder.
Age: 9
Breeding: Toulon x Nabab de Reve
Competing With: Max Kuhner
In Four Words: Very careful, brave and top fast and competitive - a true athlete with a top pedigree!
Age : 9
Breeding:( Berlin x Kashmir van Schuttershof)
Competing With: Pius Schwizer
In Four Words: Very spectacular, huge stride and respectful. a winner with a top pedigree!
Pocahontas 96
Age: 8
Breeding: Perigueux x Escudo I
Competing With: Christian Ahlmann
In Four Words: Very careful, always looking for the next fence, very fast, a real winner!
Cherry Blossom PM
Age: 5
Breeding: Calvaro x Thunder vd Zuuthoeve
In Four Words: Very careful, incredibly scopey, brave and competitive! a horse for the future!
Uno spettacolo unico al mondo, tra le massime espressioni della fiera e gloriosa tradizione equestre italiana. Anche quest’anno la tappa romana del Longines Global Champions Tour ospiterà il Carosello del 4° Reggimento dei Carabinieri a Cavallo.
Un appuntamento con la storia, inserito nel palinsesto dei massimi eventi culturali e istituzionali della manifestazione, capace di regalare suggestioni particolari e sempre nuove nelle rievocazioni dell’impiego dei cavalli in occasione dei più antichi combattimenti.
Con ben 145 cavalli compresa la fanfara, il Carosello Storico dell’Arma dei Carabinieri è un fluido e armonioso alternarsi di figure di maneggio realizzate dagli Squadroni con grande abilità e perizia in diverse formazioni, che culmina con la carica finale a sciabole sguainate di due squadroni in campo che rievocano la storica carica dei Carabinieri di Pastrengo del 30 aprile 1848, una delle battaglie che decise le sorti della prima guerra di indipendenza.
Il Carosello del 4° Reggimento dei Carabinieri a Cavallo andrà in scena domenica 4 settembre, al termine del consueto appuntamento con il CSI5* che chiuderà la quattro giorni di manifestazione.
Like every year, during the LGCT Rome, the 4° Regiment of the Mounted Carabinieri will present their Carousel. It is one of the most unique performances in the world which recalls the glorious tradition of Italian equestrianism.
The Carousel evokes how horses were historically used in battle. The presentation, with 145 horses including the fanfare, is a crescendo of harmonious ability which ends in a dramatic charge. The two squadrons, facing each other in the arena, brandishing their swords, recreate the battle of Pastrengo which took place on April 30th, 1848 and determined the outcome of the first War of Independence.
The 4° Regiment of the Mounted Carabinieri will perform on Sunday, September 4th and will be the last event of the CSI5*.
Il Carosello del San Raffaele Viterbo torna per l’ottavo anno consecutivo al Longines Global Champions Tour di Roma con uno spettacolo testimonianza di integrazione e opportunità. I ragazzi disabili e normodotati, uniti dalla stessa passione, mettono in scena l’incanto della parità nella suggestiva cornice del Circo Massimo in un momento fortemente simbolico, foriero di uguaglianza e dignità.
Dopo un percorso di avvicinamento al cavallo, attività costituita da interventi assistiti a carattere riabilitativo e integrativo, i ragazzi disabili seguiti dalla struttura viterbese raccontano la storia del loro percorso attraverso il Carosello: dal punto di vista riabilitativo rappresenta l’obiettivo raggiunto, il momento in cui possono partecipare a eventi sportivi veri e propri nonchè l’inizio di un nuovo percorso ricco di possibilità di crescita.
Molto più di uno spettacolo equestre, il Carosello del San Raffaele Viterbo è un momento che porta con se un grande bagaglio di storia e solennità nel quale il cavallo diventa strumento di uguaglianza. D’altronde, come recita il mantra che ogni giorno ispira le attività del Centro di Riabilitazione equestre della struttura viterbese, «a cavallo siamo tutti uguali».
The San Raffaele Viterbo with its Carousel is back at the Italian leg of the Longines Global Champions Tour for the 8th consecutive year.
Special needs and able-bodied youths, with the same passion for equestrianism will give a unique show of equality. After approaching horses, assisted by their tutors, the boys, and girls from Viterbo, tell their story through a Carousel. It represents the climax of their rehabilitation: they can finally participate in a real sporting event and from there begin a new leg of their path.
The Carousel is the epitome of equality. Horses are a means to reach this goal.
The San Raffaele Viterbo Centre’s mantra recites: “On a horse, we are all one and the same”.
As the 2023 season of the Longines Global Champions Tour heads into the twelfth stage on the 16-stage calendar, horses and riders will be challenged by technical courses, new arenas, unique backdrops and fierce competition for the latter half of the season.
Top talent, both equine and human, return to the Longines Global Champions Tour in 2023 in pursuit of individual glory. Opening in Doha, the tour has spanned Asia, Europe, The Americas and Middle East, delivering unbeatable venues for the best in show jumping.
With Doha as the launch pad, the tour took to Miami Beach for the second leg. Swiftly followed by Mexico City, the tour was seen hitting a new gear heading into the heart of Europe to Madrid. Locations such as Monaco, Paris, A Coruña, Riesenbeck and London, followed before arriving at the awe-inspiring Circus Maximus, in the heart of the ancient city of Rome.
The undercurrent of all events is the race to the Final. Hosted in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s capital city, for the second year, points earned by riders on each stop on the tour contribute to the result of the overall championship finale.
Won by Ben Maher in 2022, in what was labelled the Trifecta of Championships, Maher wrote himself into the history books by taking out his third Longines Global Champions Tour Champion of Champions title.
In a secondary race for glory, riders, owners and trainers alike will be looking to get their hands on a Golden Ticket, a qualification for the Longines Global Champions Tour Super Grand Prix at the GC Prague Playoffs in November. Only 15 tickets up for grabs in 2023, with each winner earning one through a win in a Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix, if riders claim top podium position in more than one LGCT Grand Prix, the golden ticket is then handed down to the second placed rider.
As one of the highlights of each event on the Longines Global Champions Tour, the LGCT Grand Prix attracts jumping’s top riders’ team up with their best horses for individual honours in a series of spectacular competitions on the tour.
All eyes are firmly focused on the 16-leg tour this year, with the question on everyone’s lips… who will reach pole position on the leader board and earn the coveted title of Champion of Champions in 2023?
The height of LGCT Grand Prix jumps will be set at 1.60m
Riders may choose to ride the horse of theirs best suited to the event, rather than having to stick to one mount throughout the year
40 horse and rider combinations will qualify for each LGCT Grand Prix by competing in the 5* classes preceding championship day
Throughout the year, points are allocated to each of the 40 riders according to their finishing place in each event’s LGCT Grand Prix over the season. Each rider’s top eight scores count towards the overall championship ranking and a share of the bonus prize money
Riders compete to win their share in over €36 million over the course of the 2023 Longines Global Champions Tour
Each LGCT Grand Prix winner, or the next highest ranked athlete, secures a Golden Ticket and qualifies for the Super Grand Prix at the final showdown of the year, the GC Prague Playoffs.
Rolf-Göran Bengtsson & Casall Ask
Harrie Smolders & Don Vhp Z
Evelina Tovek & Castello 194
Ben Maher & Explosion W
Ben Maher & Explosion W
Olivier Robert & Vangog Du Mas Garnier
Malin Baryard-Johnsson & H&M Indiana
Christian Kukuk & Mumbai
To Be Decided
An exciting 2023 is underway, with GCL again welcoming 16 teams to the 16-event series set to battle it down in the championship race.
In the months leading up to the kick off of the 2023 season, strategy for success has been front of mind for Team Owners and Managers, who have been refining their approach to kick off what is set to be a highly charged year ahead.
This year sees a change in the GCL series with the introduction of a new weekend format, designed to benefit both horse, rider and team strategy. The biggest change will see Round 1 and Round 2 of the GCL team series now take place on the same day with again no drop score.
Launched in 2016, the GCL brings together the world’s best horse and rider combinations from across the world from different nationalities riding on the same teams, rather than decided by country. Each team must feature an U25 rider, providing young talent of today, and future world champions of tomorrow, a launchpad of opportunity to ride, train and build camaraderie amongst their idols and the best in the business.
Each stop on the tour sees the teams compete in two rounds. In true championship style, the team’s combined scores from Round 1 are taken through into Round 2. The easy format of no drop score makes it simple for new audiences in each destination to follow the team competition.
Round 1 of the GCL will see riders faced with a CSI 5* 1.55m class, with team managers strategizing for their best approach for a day of intense competition.
A short break between Round 1 and Round 2 could see strategic changes from Team Managers, who can swap in horses and/or riders between the back to back rounds, ultimately producing a highly competitive Round 2.
Round 2 of the GCL takes place straight after Round 1, is a CSI 5* 1.60m class. In Round 2, teams will be represented by two riders from their team, with scores and points at the end of the competition ultimately going towards their overall team score, and series standing.
Throughout the year teams earn points to the overall total and series standings which comes to a head in the Final in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The teams placed in the top four after the Final will be granted a fast track place at the GC Prague Playoffs for the GCL Super Cup Semi Finals, the ultimate final show-down.
The GCL competition is the ultimate teams challenge, where riders from across nations compete on the same teams in pursuit of glory
Each team can be represented by three riders at every event with only two riders competing in each round Teams are represented by two riders per round, with all scores counting to the final standings
Round 2 will see teams carry through their penalties from Round 1, ultimately deciding the starting order for Round 2
The overall winners of the GCL competition will be the team with the least combined penalties and the quickest time over Round 2
The series culminates in the GC Prague Playoffs where the teams ranked 5th and below will compete in the first day GCL Super Cup Quarter Final, with only eight teams carrying through to the next day’s competition - the Semi Final. They will be joined by the top four ranked teams in the overall season Championship, and battle to finish in the top six, making it through to the Final. Here the winning team will be crowned GCL Super Cup winners.
2017 Hamburg Diamonds
2018 Miami Celtics
2019 Prague Lions
2021 Shanghai Swans
2021 Valkenswaard United
London Knights
To Be Decided
During the fourteenth leg of the 2023 Longines Global Champions Tour in Roma, Longines is proud to highlight the Longines DolceVita X YVY line. A new identity has been given to the iconic rectangular-shaped timepieces, with sophisticated leather straps. Referencing the equestrian world so dear to Longines, their design is evocative to bridles and harness.
As the summer invites watch-wearers to bare their forearms and reveal the timepieces adorning them, the winged hourglass brand is unveiling its line of Longines DolceVita X YVY models. The Swiss watch brand has matched its watches here with subtle double straps in leather, in three shades: double beige leather, brown and with black with rivets. Adorned and reinforced with metal details, their finishes are impeccable and feature striking references to the equestrian world beloved of the winged hourglass brand.
When did your course building career start? And when did you start working with the Longines Global Champions Tour?
My caree¬r as a course designer began between 1988 and 1990. I’ve been working with Global since 1990, the second year.
How did you get into course building?
I began riding horses for Master Luciano Pavarotti… for 15 years, traveling the world with him who loved horses very much but unfortunately, I had to interrupt my career because of the death of my father so I had to enter the family business with my brother. However, very soon I realized that it was not my job.
Unfortunately, the equestrian world runs very fast and if you stay out for a few years is difficult to re-enter onto. However, I had this strong passion, so I started to ride again. A few years after, during an event in Jesi (Marche region in Italy) there was heavy rain, and the grass arena was unusable for the Grand Prix.
The only thing left was the sand arena, but the director didn’t confident to build the GP course in such a small arena so I offered myself to do that with a couple of colleagues. I did it and at the end I also won the Grand Prix - laughing!
This one was my first course to build. When I came home, I made a report to the federation. It was an accident when I got into course building but from there, I decided to take the exam and, once passed, my career as course designer started. I met many people at the beginning of my career and I had the chance to learn from them, Mastronardi was my teacher so today I can say that I have had the best teachers of the time.
Is the Rome event a special one for you?
It is the “cherry on top of the cake”: a beautiful event organized with the Longines Global Champions Tour
team, so, very high professionalism, great organization and real sport. But most of all I feel at home: a great emotion that I cannot wait in a wonderful location so full of history for each Italian who loves equestrian because the Circo Massimo was the home of equestrian sports in Ancient Rome.
From when LGCT started, to where it is now, how has your course building changed?
My approach changes every year, especially thanks to LGCT. The evolution of show jumping goes on at an incredible speed. The best horses and riders in the world, extraordinary locations - the ultimate in show jumping. This circuit offers a great opportunity for growth not only to horses and riders but also to us technicians, me first.
What are the top three considerations you have when building a course?
The horse. The first thing for me is the horse, so rider comes naturally. Then there are special locations for which it is necessary to adapt the course to the characteristics of the arena: in the LGCT circuit, we go from grass to sand, locations on the seashore, very small fields.
You must always be very careful to build courses in absolute respect of the horse.
After this comes the show: after thinking about the health of the horse we can think about the entertainment. First there is sport and then the show: if we can do sport and entertainment together, we hit the goal. That’s the aim of the LGCT and what we try to reach every time.
What is the most exciting Longines Global Champions Tour class that is in your memory?
I think I have reached 110 to 115 stages with the Longines Global Champions Tour. I remember them all but no one is the most exciting for me because every week is the most exciting.
Nell’incomparabile cornice del Circo Massimo di Roma il Longines Global Champions Tour si prepara a rivivere la tradizionale carica a cavallo dei “Lancieri di Montebello” (8°) e lo spettacolare “Carosello di lance” che andrà in scena al termine del Gran Premio.
Inserito nell’ambito degli eventi culturali come rassegna storico-rievocativa, lo Squadrone a Cavallo rappresenterà l’Esercito in uno straordinario saggio di abilità equestre che riporterà in vita la maestria, l’imponenza e l’orgoglio che hanno contraddistinto e reso celebre nel mondo la Cavalleria militare italiana.
Questa unità dell’Esercito Italiano si lega indissolubilmente alla Capitale d’Italia per aver contribuito, in modo decisivo ed eroico, alla sua difesa durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale: i combattimenti avvennero a Porta San Paolo nel settembre 1943, allorquando, in pieno collasso politico-militare italiano, il Reggimento sacrificò oltre la metà dei suoi uomini guadagnandosi l’onorificenza della Medaglia d’Argento al Valor Militare allo Stendardo.
Sarà un cameo intriso di storia, dimostrazione tecnica e cultura equestre, con le stesse scintillanti uniformi a dar lustro per l’intera durata della manifestazione alle cerimonie di premiazione delle gare internazionali.
In the spectacular frame of the Circus Maximus, at the end of the Grand Prix, the Lancieri di Montebello (8°) will perform their traditional “Charge” and “Carousel”.
It is a historical, cultural review in which the Mounted Squadron of the Italian army will bring back to life the pride and glory of Italian military equestrianism.
During WWII, this regiment defended Rome from the enemy. The battles took place in September 1943 at Porta San Paolo. The Lancieri di Montebello lost half of its men and was awarded the Silver Medal for Military Valor.
This cameo will be a demonstration of equestrian techniques and culture. The Lancieri will be wearing the same dazzling uniforms of the past and will flank the prize giving ceremonies.
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All roads on the 2023 Longines Global Champions Tour and GCL team series lead ultimately to the GC Prague Playoffs and the O2 Arena in the Czech capital this November, where the ultimate showdown for the individual and team riders will take place.
Going into battle for over €11.5 million in prize money, the final weekend of the season is set to provide a nail-biting closer to this year’s circuit.
Take 15 world-beating riders, teamed up with some of the most talented horses on the planet, and pit them against each other for the ultimate high-stakes showdown in the magical city of Prague, Czech Republic, and what do you have? The Longines Global Champions Tour Super Grand Prix — one of the most prestigious and high-octane competitions in history.
In a revolutionary concept in show jumping, the winners of each LGCT Grand Prix on the circuit are invited to compete in the Longines Global Champions Tour Super Grand Prix at the GC Prague Playoffs to decide who will come out on top of the world’s best athletes. And, with this year’s circuit taking riders all across the world— The Americas, Europe and The Middle East — and stopping
off at iconic locations such as Riyadh, Paris, Rome, London, Mexico City, to name a few, this final decider will be a truly global experience, testing the best of the best at the highest level.
The 15 winners (or highest placed rider if the winner secures a second LGCT Grand Prix win) from the 2023 season will face two formidable 1.65m tracks, set to test those who have looked on phenomenal form throughout the year.
With some of the biggest names in the sport set once again to go into battle for some of the richest prize money in the sport, this dramatic showdown looks set to be a real feast of top notch sporting action.
While the rivalry between teams reaches fever pitch this season, the GC Prague Playoffs will provide the perfect platform for the ultimate battle of the best, as teams fight for supremacy in the coveted GCL Super Cup.
All through the 2023 season, the 16 GCL teams will be fighting tooth and nail for every valuable ranking point, collected at each event on the global circuit. The GCL overall classification is based on each team’s points earned at every GCL event and the top four teams will fast-track their way to the semi-finals of the GCL Super Cup.
This final face-off will be in the minds of team managers as they choose from their roster of six riders throughout the season, playing their star strikers strategically across the very different events - from expansive grass fields of play such as Mexico City to the small sand arena nestled between Monaco’s superyachts, knowing your athletes and their horses will be crucial to a successful season-long campaign.
The GCL Super Cup will consist of team quarter-final, a semi-final and final rounds. The quarter-final, held over one 1.55m round, is open to 12 teams with three riders per team — those placed 5th to 16th on the GCL overall team standings prior to the GC Prague Playoffs. The best eight placed teams according to the aggregate time and penalties for each of the three riders then qualify for the semi-final the following day where they will be joined by the top four teams on the GCL overall team rankings and each of the three team riders will jump one round over 1.60m. The best six placed team competitions then go head-to-head in the final – held over two different 1.60m rounds against the clock without a jump-off.
With €10 million euros on offer for the GCL Super Cup alone, and the promise of passion, drama and glorythe race to the ultimate show down is on.
The countdown is on for the world’s most exceptional collection of sport horses at the inaugural Tops International Auction for an evening celebrating excellence.
Take your seats for the exclusive Tops International Auction where there will be a unique offering of the highest quality show jumping horses available to buy from the biggest range of studbooks in one evening.
A spectacular evening will unfold on Saturday September 30 in the Stal Tops Indoor Arena in Valkenswaard which is being specially designed for the first ever Tops International Auction. Fine dining with high quality champagne and wine will complement the evening’s exciting entertainment as the auction gets underway.
For the international clientele joining the bidding, it will be an incredible opportunity to secure an exceptional youngster and even some competing young jumping stars of the first edition of the WBFSH Studbooks Jumping Global Champions Trophy at Longines Tops International Arena taking place from September 29 - October 1.
The unmissable collection of Tops International Auction is selected to the highest standards of quality, potential and pedigree based on decades of experience and heritage at the highest levels of show jumping.
There will be an electric atmosphere as guests bid from the comfort of their hospitality tables hoping to secure an equine star of the future. It will be a show jumping auction second to none where the best of the best will be on parade and further information can be found through the QR code below!
As the world of show jumping eagerly anticipates the next thrilling chapter of the Longines Global Champions Tour, all eyes are now fixed on the vibrant city of Riyadh. This truly global city, Saudi Arabia’s capital, showcases the fusion of history and modernity, promising to be an exceptional host for the 2023 Championship Finals.
Nestled in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula, Riyadh stands as a testament to the seamless blend of tradition and modernity. Known for its striking architecture, rich culture, and warm hospitality, the city is an ideal backdrop for the Longines Global Champions Tour and GCL team series. This bustling metropolis opens its arms to equestrian enthusiasts, inviting them to witness the magic unfold against the backdrop of its stunning skyline.
The Riyadh Arena is set to play host to the 2023 Championship Finals, where the individual championship in LGCT, and the team’s championship in GCL collide, with the best horse and rider combinations the world has to offer will be battling it out for the last of crucial Championship points.
Beyond the arena, Riyadh offers a myriad of experiences waiting to be explored. From the bustling souks filled with the scent of exotic spices to the modern marvels that dot the city’s landscape, there is something for everyone. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture, enjoying traditional Saudi hospitality while also relishing the cosmopolitan atmosphere that the city exudes.