Exposure Magazine Holiday Issue

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Kanye West announced that his New York Fashion Week Yeezy show would be screened in theaters internationally

Ms. Lawrence

I was built to win.. it’s in my dna ceo of exposure


With all of this going on I was battling bouts of depression, loneliness and feelings of abandonment. All I can say is, but God.

Talks with Exposure Magazine Interview by Ms. Lawrence

Q: Was there ever a time in life you wanted to give up? If so, please not only explain the moment but also share with me “How did you made it through...the moment?” A: There has been a time when I wanted to give up. I was in a very bad place it seemed like my world was crashing all round me. A failed relationship, lost my job, I had a miscarriage and to add insult to injury this all happen in less than a year.

My prayer life increased and I found one person that was not judgmental that I could talk to that gave me words of encouragement I started to look for jobs and most of all changed my thoughts from victim to victor. I began to write in my journal more, read more positive literature to strengthen my mind. Then I developed a vision board and started to work on my vision. I also just kept repeating to myself “It will get better,” “There is more out there for you,” and “Just keep pushing.”

Q: Define your life’s purpose? A: My life’s purpose is to encourage women to reach their fullest potential. They don’t have to stay in their situation and most of all their past does not define them. It lays the track down for them to move on towards their success. Q: What are you most passionate about? A: Encouraging my students to reach their fullest potential and exposing them to new things so they know that they don’t have to stay where they are. Q: Are you where you want to be right now? A: I’m not where I want to be, but I do feel I am well on my way. Q: If you could revisit your 12 year old self .. What words of encouragement or advice would you give you? A: If I could revisit my 12 year old self I would tell her to never give up. Believe in yourself and most of all don’t let what others say about you change the person in you that you love the most. Q: Tell me about your happiest moment in life?

Within less than one year I had a new job, wrote my first book “adjectives” and hosted my first women’s empowerment sessions, “Hats & Heels”

A: The happiest moment in my life would have to be when I received my undergrad degree. That feeling of accomplishment and to be the first one to graduate in my immediate family with a college degree.

Q: What was the hardest struggle in life you had to overcome?

To have my parents and grandparents there was phenomenal. Oh yeah, I was 27 when I received my first degree.

A: The hardest struggle that I had to get over was accepting myself. Learning to love “the me” I was and not “the me” who others thought I should be.

Q: In short, you’re the artist.. “What do you see as your future design?”

Q: How did you manage to make it through? Share some of the techniques or ways you worked through hard time...

My future design would be a mosaic. There are a lot of pieces of different colors and shapes that have come together to make a beautiful design. Although, I have been shattered and thought to be worthless, I put myself back together again to reflect the different aspects of my life.

A: Techniques used: Prayer Vision Board Reading Journaling Staying Positive

Deborah Franklin is Available for Bookings Contact Publicist For more details (414) 856-5330 Purchase book Adjectives Visit the link below: http://www.deboroughsstore.weebly.com/







Randy Jones

2016 7th District Alderman Candidate

TALKS LIVE WITH PUBLICIST MS. LAWRENCE Q: If we’re sitting here a year from now celebrating what a great year it’s been for you in this role, what did we achieve together? A: I would celebrate the district becoming a community again

- Residents feeling safer in you neighborhoods - Improve infrastructure - Residents become productive, responsible and caring citizens - Empower the residents Q: When have you been most satisfied in your life? A: 15 years ago when I was hired at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee, having the chance to make a small different in someone’s life. I know this may sound corny; the satisfaction of just helping another human being gives me joy. Q: If you got hired, loved everything about this job, and were paid the salary you asked for, what kind of offer from another company would you consider? A: At this time when I become Alderman of 7th District-I will be working in the position I believe my life was designed for. I truly love helping people, Ms. Lawrence and I have every plan to uplift my community. Q: Who is your role model, and why? A: I have a number of role models in my life, but at this point I would have to say my high school Track & Cross Country Coach, John Bowen Q: Why? A: Where do I start? High school, for the majority of teens is a time when adolescence are trying to find their identity. After spending nearly 12yrs in the foster care system, living in seven different homes. continue on the next page




Finding my identity was a little more difficult. Meeting John Bowen at one of the lowest times of my life, when I thought no one cared. My frame of mind was everyone was out for themselves. He was a true blessing from God. When I could have when left or right in life he directed me to hope. He showed me, people do care and didn’t have a hidden agenda. He was there for me my voice, my sound mind, my rational thinking and my life line. He never asked, for anything in return so, I thank him for instilling this characteristic in me, by passing it on to every young person I met.

Q. What things do you not like to do? A: I am the type of person that gets joy from seeing something small grow into greatness and just to know I help someone who is in need.

He went on to serve as The Head Track & Field Meet Referee for Wisconsin Badger State Games for four years.

Q: Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider being the most significant in your career.

Thereafter he went on to Wisconsin’s Interscholastic Athletic Association and an USA Track & Field National Level Referee for eight years

A: In 2004 I was elected President of USA Track & FieldWisconsin Association for a two year term during my administration in 2005 Wisconsin was voted the most improved association in the Nation.

In 2002 Randy was voted Vice President of the USA Track & Field Wisconsin Association where he served three two year terms.

Q: What’s your superpower, or what’s your spirit animal? A: My superpower is simply my faith in God

Who is Randy Jones? Born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for over 45 years. He is the second oldest of five children and the youngest twin. Randy and twin grew up in the Foster Care system from the age 3yrs to 14yrs old living in seven different homes Randy attended South Division High School in Milwaukee where he served on the Student Council, Senior Class Commission, State Class A Championship Track & Field Teams. After graduation years later Randy started college at University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee as a young father. Randy, volunteered as a Track & Field Coach at South Division, shortly after he was hired as a Girls Assistant Coach at Nicolet High School and Supervisor Aide. Three years later Randy was hired as an Assistant Boys Distant Coach at South Milwaukee High School for three years. Randy volunteered as an Assistant Track & Field & Cross Country Coach at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee after one year he was offer the Head Men & Women Cross Country & Track & Field position at Milwaukee Area Technical College doing his Five years he produce four NCJAA All-American Athletes. He was voted in 1995 &1996 by his colleagues Region XIII Men & Women Track & Field & Cross Country Coach of the Year During this time Randy also served as Volunteer Track Coach for the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center for eight years.

Randy, was nominated for the president in 2009 where he won defeating the incumbent of 12 years. During his term the Wisconsin Association was awarded with the most improved Association in the country by USA Track & Field Governing Body. In 1997 Randy was employed with Milwaukee Public School for three years.. He was hired in 2000 by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee as a Physical Education Director at the Roger and Leona Fitzsimonds Branch where he is presently employed. Randy is also a leader with Common Ground, Attends of Milwaukee Church of Christ and is a member of the Crowd Pleasers Motorsports Club. It is no surprise that Randy’s passion is serving people in the Milwaukee community. Randy has being working a second job driving a school bus in the a.m. to assist funding his campaign

Q: If you could go back in to time and talk with your 12 year old self—What you say to you? A: It may seem like your life has no future, but keep praying, keep your faith in God. God always use the broken for his good. Don’t give up God has you in training for his good and perfect will.



James Methu Candidate


Mayoral Candidate James Methu Talks Live with Publicist Ms. Lawrence Q: What’s Your Why? A: Because every day could be my last! I hope not to come off as a Tupac Shakur type with that comment but I have lost many family and friends, and it still shapes me to this day.

I personally don’t take life for granted, so for my why is because life is so great and every second I am truly thankful to be alive.

Q: Was there ever a time in life you wanted to give up? Q: No. I made a promise to myself at a young age to never give up. My grandpa used to own a grocery store here in Milwaukee, but when he had to sell it, he still sold fruit out of his van. My mom has multiple illnesses including lupus, arthritis, sickle cell, and still worked

over 30 years in the American workforce and raised 2 kids! My dad migrated from Kenya with 40 dollars in his pocket. I watched my brother rebuild his life after getting shot. I figured if they could do it so could I. Q: If so, please not only explain the moment but also share with me “How did you make it through...the moment?” A: The hardest moment I ever had to make it through was being dead broke

“Temporary employment agencies shouldn’t be the powerful employer in the city that it is. The city will take a stronger role in temporary employment when I become mayor of Milwaukee” Mayoral Candidate James Methu

after college but I was in graduate school, I couldn’t get a decent job in the recession.

Q: Share some of the techniques or ways you worked through hard time... Define your life’s purpose?

Q: What was the hardest struggle in life you had to overcome?

A: I worked through hard times by imagining what the good times would be like. I guess like Peter Pan would imagine food, or playing in Neverland.

My brother was in college, and my mother was incarcerated and sick. I was worried that she would die behind bars and I would never hug her again. She had many incidents where she would faint or etc. I honestly don’t know the person I would have been if things went south from there. But they didn’t. Q: How did you manage to make it through? I promised myself and God that if I made it through those moments and he let my family get through the tough times, that I would become the best version of myself possible. I would do all in my power to make my family and community proud. I had seen so much death and despair before age 21 that I prayed for life more than anything. And I got it!

It was very whimsical I know. But that kept me from the very real and intense worry of losing loved ones. I worked hard every day to discover who I was a person and what mattered to me. My life’s purpose I think is to lead or play a lead role in a revolution. My father came from Africa to America, my mother is the lineage of African Americans. Two different histories but one future. Call me crazy but that’s how I look at the “black experience”, many different histories (African vs African-American) one future. I’ll even get political and say Milwaukee has a diverse history but one future. Part of my life’s work is progressing our humanity. But I learned it the hard way!

Q: What are you most passionate about? I am most passionate about helping people and economic empowerment! Q: Are you where you want to be right now? I would say that I am where I want to be right now minus the student loans. I am truly frustrated to be burdened with such debt and not having a mortgage attached. Q: If you could revisit your 12 year old self .. What words of encouragement or advice would you give you? I would tell the 12 year old me: Never let anyone down you, you are everything you think. You are the greatest ever. Please get good grades and get a scholarship, and focus on playing point guard in basketball, and play football too. Tell me about your happiest moment in life? In short, you’re the artist.. “What do you see as your future design?” My happiest moment was getting married! I married the woman of my dreams in Vegas! What more could you want lol. And watching my brother graduate college. I don’t know what my future design is, and I’m very excited to say that.



David Crowley

Takes a Moment with Publicist Ms. Lawrence

Q: What’s your why?

A: My why for everything is because of God. God gave me the gift to experience life. Throughout all that I’ve experience I’ve learned that my purpose is to always give back and invest in my community. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for my community. So, my drive to make change and touch the people in my community comes from God

But if you did, you wouldn’t have thought he would be alderman some day. I could be anywhere in life rigt now but I am in this position, at this moment, for a reason So, I am happy with where I am today but that’s not to say I wouldn’t have made different decisions either.

My drive to do that as an elected official comes from the lack of leadership we have at the local level. This city has no vision for itself.

Q: If you could talk with your 12yrs old self what would you tell him?

We need to focus on investing in communities, fixing broken homes, and rebuilding in families.

A: I would tell him two quotes I live by today..

Q: What’s your purpose? A: I believe my purpose is touch as many lives as possible through myself and my family. To instill the value of giving and empowerment within my family. To do God’s work and empower his people through love, dignity, and respect. Q: What are you passion about? A: I am most passionate about the future and what it beholds for myself and this world. We have the ability to change the future by what we do now. I am passionate about living in a safe city where the graduation rate is top 20 in the country. I am passionate about building wealth in our community.

“Try means to fail with honor. Don’t try do.” “You laugh because I’m different. I laugh because you all are the same.” Q: David you’re the artist of your life story as the artist how would you pain the future? I see families building and investing in the environment around them. The design would be the true meaning of enjoying life itself.

Q: Are you happy about where you are today in your life? I am fortunate to be where I am today. A: No one ever thought the little black kid from 23rd and burlieg that attended auer avenue would work for a US Senator (Feingold) and a State Senator (Harris Dodd).


From the entire staff at Exposure Magazine

Dedicated to Dontre your life mattered


Alvin Smith Speak Live with Publicist Ms. Lawrence

Q: If you could talk to your 12yrs old self what would you say to you? A: Visiting my 12 year old self? Wow! I was the shy 12 year old that wanted to conquer the world without a clue how to.Words of encouragement are be selective in the process. Don’t follow the crowd and establish who you are. Q: What was the happiest moment in your life?

Q: What would you say is your why? A: Ah the Happiest Moments in my Life! A: Why not? Why not soar to new heights that others dream of? Why not be great? I want to

The births of my 4 children. The blessings they have bestowed

be respected and remembered as one be-

upon my wife and I have been an inspiration. I am the man I

lieves anything is possible!

am because of what my family has given to me.

Q: Was there ever a time in life you wanted to

Q: What is your future design for your life?

give up? A: My future design! A: Being drafted as a 20 year old to serve in the

To be true and focused as an Actor

US Army during the Vietnam era. I had dreams

and establish myself with no boundaries.

of going there to fight and being killed. My family and my fellow draftees gave me the assurance that I would make it through. Having people around me (my comrades) who shared the same thoughts and fears gave me the motivation and the drive to overcome any and all obstacles. Group discussions and the bond we formed living together 24/7 was the key. I never left the US and spent most of my time at Fort Monmouth New Jersey! God Is! Q: What is your life purpose Alvin? A: I’m not exactly sure what my lifes purpose is. I see great things on the horizon in my future.but but I am most passionate about my career as an Actor. I love being THAT character. I seem to shine when the lights are the brightest. I love it!


Chicago’s A-List Actor

Alvin Smith

Speak with Celebrity Publicist Ms. Lawrence

Spring 2016 Fashion “I love the darker jean with the yellow shoe it shows confidence and the green peacoat gives it that pop.� Fashion Review by:

Ms. Lawrence

6 TIPS ON HOW CELEBRITIES CAN MAINTAIN THEIR PRIVACY By: Stan Popovich Many celebrities have a difficult time maintaining their privacy. Here are a few suggestions on how celebrities can manage their private life and deal with the media. 1. Monitor Your Fame and Adjust Accordingly The first step a celebrity can do is to monitor their fame. If a celebrity becomes a house hold name then he or she should expect the kind of media exposure that is coming their way. If a famous person isn’t always in the news, he or she can expect a little less attention. Monitor your fame and adjust accordingly. 2. Develop A Plan A celebrity should have some kind of plan that will help maintain their private life. Don’t wait until the last minute to decide that you need your privacy. Plan ahead of time to avoid any future problems. It may not be fair, but that is the price you pay for being popular. 3. Be Consistent In Dealing With The Media It is important to be consistent in how you deal with the media. If the media knows ahead of time what to expect from a celebrity, then that celebrity won’t get as much attention. The media will give more 6. Learn From Others attention to those people who are always causing attention to themselves. Learn from what other celebrities on how they handled their privacy. This will help you come up with different strategies on how to maintain your privacy. 4. Stay Out Of The Spot Light Why is it that some celebrities are always in the spot light while others seem to slip under the radar when it comes to the media? A celebrity can’t have it both ways. If you want privacy then stay out of the spot light and learn to lay low. 5. Watch Your Actions

Remember that fame and popularity doesn’t last forever. If you are a celebrity who gets a lot of attention, remember that it won’t last forever. There are always other young celebrities who will catch the media by storm and they will get all the attention. The media will only deal with you if they know they can increase their ratings and make money. Use that to your advantage when you want to have more privacy.


Be consistent in your behaviors when you Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, are out in public. The media and your fans Christianity and Non Resistant Methods”.For additional information go to: www.managwill be eager to jump on anything that rais- ingfear.com es any question marks. If you want to have some privacy learn to stay under the radar and don’t give the media something to EXPOSURE-MAGAZINE.COM talk about.


I am a pretty nosey publicist. I love peeking into places in my local neighborhood especially when fashion is involved. So on a cold winter day, I wrapped myself up really tight and headed down Brady Street. It’s artsy community on the eastside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As I was walking, I noticed a little boutique with some cute fashions, so I quickly slipped in. Oh my! I found some amazing fashionable pieces at an affordable rate to add to my collection. After selecting my merchandise, I glared over and asked the woman standing in the office, “Are you the owner?” she answered, “yes.” As we continued talking the owner of the store shared with me the most amazing stories about her childhood and growing up in the neighborhood. I was pleased by her pleasant tone and hospitality. By the time I got home, I kept thinking about how kind Rena was to me. Milwaukee is known as one of the most segregated cities in America-- I believe the problem in Milwaukee is people have a problem understanding humanity and showing one another compassion. Rena proved to me race is a thing of the past and together we make a community. #AllLivesMatter

RENA’S BOUTIQUE RENA’S BOUTIQUE 1023 East Brady Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202



Rena Talks Live with Publicist Ms. Lawrence Q: A year from now what would you like to celebrate? A: If we are siting here a year from now I hope to be celebrating having an awesome website and social media following. And of course fantastic business. Q: The happiest time in your life? A: Well first would be when my kids were born, second, right now, having my own business, and loving it. Q: What was a job you take back in a moment? A: Well, I worked in Corporate America off and on, more on since high school, so to finally be my own boss, the offer from another company would have to be out of this world, I do not want anyone breathing down my neck, it is tuff owing your own business, no vacations to speak of, work much longer hours etc but in the end, its mine all mine.

Yes, I lost 5 weeks paid vacation and paid holidays, benefits and a very good salary ( I lost my job after 35+ years due to down sizing) however, the pressure and stress... ahhhhh it’s worth it. Q: Who were your role models in life? A: My parents are my role models, they are both deceased now, but I learned so much from them no college education could come close to what they taught me. I’m not a fan of bookwork, ( who would guess since I was in Banking .. LOL ) Q: Rena what is one of your most remarkable accomplishments? A: The accomplishment that is most significant is one being a strong, independent women and setting up this entire store all on my own. I did have help with some painting and drilling the shelving units, but, it is all my dreams and ideals and all done within 45 days. Q: What’s your super power? A: Superpower....hmmmmm I wish I had one, but maybe my inner strength and determination. Never give up on a dream ... no matter what your age, I’m here to prove that.


RENA’S BOUTIQUE Q: We live in an advanced techy world have you learned to adjust to using these tools to grow your business? A: This is hard to respond to-- honestly I am not a very techy person, so any help I can get I embrace it.

I could do any job in that store, cashier, stock, load trucks, meat dept, produce, but it was not meant to be and broke my heart ( to this day) My dad highly suggested I go make a name for myself and take the job at the bank. I did not understand why at the time, but, I do now. (which will remain in my heart).

Q: In business what is one of your great accomplishments? A: I think my great customer service is an accomplishment to me, however, my parents as I stated taught me everything, my mother was the most kind person, even to the haters no one ever said a bad thing about her, so I try to lead by her example. Q: In short will you Rena share some of your life story? A: Ohhhh, I could not even summarize my story. I kind of referenced it above, I worked for the family business since I was 8, after H.S. I had a friend that worked in HR at a bank, she asked what I was going to do after HS, I was hoping to stay and grow in the family business. However being from an Italian family, and having an older brother and one of my dads brothers was a partner, they thought otherwise.

However growing up in the business I always knew I would have my own some day. Q: Rena if you could talk with your 12yrs old self-what advice would you give her? A: I would tell myself to save and live your true self, and let go of the naysayers, they will always try and bring you down. ( it still happens to me today). Follow your instincts. Women we must listen to our inner-self, it took me a bit of time to do this, but, now if the gut is giving you a sign, you must react.

RENA’S BOUTIQUE 1023 East Brady Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202






Trumped by Conventional Wisdom By Raynard Jackson

While the Republican establishment continues to wait for Trump’s implosion, he continues to defy conventional wisdom by doing things no other Republican has the guts to do. Trump has actually hired a high level Black staffer and actually put out a press release to inform the public. WOW, what a novel idea. No other Republican presidential campaign had done such. I can guarantee you that most political insiders can’t name one Black person of any significance who is a staffer for any Republican campaign. Continuing his defying of conventional wisdom, Trump is the only candidate to actively cultivate relationships with the Black community. This afternoon Trump is expected to receive the endorsement of 100 Black preachers from across the country. This is unheard of during a Republican primary. Why other Republicans continue to ignore the Black vote is a mystery to me. I can tell you this; far too many Republicans are listening to pollsters like Frank Luntz.

By Raynard Jackson Columnist Conventional wisdom says don’t waste your time trying to get the Black vote. Conventional wisdom says don’t hire Black staffers. Conventional wisdom says don’t be impolitic and non-politically correct. Conventional wisdom says don’t tell the American people what you really believe on a myriad of issues; tell them what you think they want to hear. Conventional wisdom says Donald Trump will self-destruct. Whenever and wherever conventional wisdom triumphs, the American people usually lose. Conventional wisdom says the American people want open borders and amnesty for those in the country illegally. Conventional wisdom says we need more H-1B visas because America doesn’t have qualified tech workers. I have said and will continue to tell the Republican establishment that Black are looking for a reason to vote republican; but up to this point no one is even seeking a dialogue with the Black community—until now.

He is paid millions of dollars a year by Republicans to tell them that the Black vote is not worth pursuing. Conventional wisdom like this will lead to yet another electoral defeat for Republicans come November 2016. When will the Republican establishment stop wishing for Trump’s demise and begin to seek understanding of his phenomenal rise? Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski is one of the sharpest political minds on the scene today. Regardless of what happens to Trump’s candidacy, Lewandowski will be a political force to reckon with for decades to come. Regrettably, no other Republican campaign has such a forward thinking campaign manager like Lewandowski. The Republican establishment has absolutely no appreciation for how major it is for Trump to have 100 Black ministers to endorse him. This is unprecedented during a Republican primary. Trump will get massive media from this event; but also will create a lot of chatter within Black newspapers.


My readers know I am a huge proponent of Black newspapers. Republicans have continued to ignore the more than 200 Black newspapers we have in the U.S. Black newspaper report news that is of unique interest to our community in a way that is relevant; unlike the mainstream newspapers. Engaging with the Black community also sends a strong signal to White, suburban, middle-class female voters that it is ok to vote for a given candidate because they are not “intolerant.” These are the voters that will determine who the next U.S. president will be. None of the Republican campaigns have yet to do any media avails with any Black media. This is extremely difficult for me to understand; especially when several of the Black newspapers are actually owned by Black Republicans. Trump’s candidacy has upended everything we thought we knew about presidential campaigns and how to run them. Trump is saying the Earth is round; while all conventional wisdom mandated that everyone believe that the Earth was flat. You would be foolish to continue to argue that the Earth is flat when all objective evidence has proven the Earth to be round. One need only watch the video of the focus group my PAC, Black Americans for a Better Future, hosted two weeks ago: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ h1dexrsi88mppyr/BAfaBA%20-%20FOCUS%20GROUP.mp4?dl=0. Too many establishment Republicans still think the political Earth is still flat, despite what the Black electorate is saying. Who are the Blacks these campaigns consult with? Or do they even have any Blacks advising them? You have Republican campaigns that don’t even have a picture of a Black person anywhere on their website. How is it that no one even notices granular details like this? Oh, I forgot, Republicans are supposed to be colorblind! Colorblindness is a serious condition that mandates medical attention. Well, maybe, just maybe if Republicans could get their colorblindness corrected; they could actually see that the Earth is not flat; and that Blacks are open to supporting a Republican candidate, both in the primary and in the general. But conventional wisdom is the blindness that will prevent them from seeing what is staring them right in the face. Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC is an internationally recognized political consulting, government affairs, and PR firm based in Washington, DC. Jackson is an internationally recognized radio talk show host and TV commentator. He has coined the phrase “straticist.” As a straticist, he has merged strategic planning with public relations. Visit his website at: www.raynardjackson.com.


How Celebs Can Overcome Embarrassing Media Reports By: Stan Popovich

Many celebrities and entertainers sometimes have to deal with embarrassing media reports which can cause a lot of problems. Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with these kinds of media reports. 1. Determine A Strategy Beforehand Chances are that if you’re a celebrity you will have to deal with some kind of media report in your career. Don’t wait until something happens. Plan ahead of time so that when something does happen you will know what to do to prevent negative consequences to your career. 2. You Can’t Please Everybody Celebrities need to understand one fundamental truth. No matter how popular you may be, there will always be some people who will like you and there will always be some people who don’t. There is nothing you can do about this regardless how famous and friendly you may be.

3. Watch What You Say In Public

6. Develop a Strong Network of Friends

Be careful on what you say when you are in public. The media and your fans will be eager to jump on anything that raises any question marks. Play it safe and don’t say anything that will cause problems down the road.

It is important to have a strong support system in your celebrity career. You don’t want to have friends who will bail on you when things don’t go well. Develop friendships with family and friends that are not based on money. Everyone wants to be friends with a celebrity, however a celebrity usually finds themselves alone when there is trouble.

4. Learn From Others Learn from what other celebrities on how they handled negative celebrity reports. This will help you come up with different strategies on how to protect your career. It doesn’t hurt to talk to a professional who can give you additional advice. 5. Don’t Get Overconfident Many celebrities think that they are immune from negative media reports when things are going good. Public opinion can change with a snap of a finger. Don’t get too confident when things are going well in your professional career. Nothing stays the same forever.

Be aware of what you do in the present to help prevent any future problems down the road. Every celebrity has a right to live their own life, however use commonsense and good judgement in what you do. BIOGRAPHY:

Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods”.For additional information go to: www.managingfear.com


6 Ways To Handle The Media & Your Children By: Stan Popovich

4. Watch What You Say In Front Of The Cameras Be careful on what you say when you are in public. The less you say about your children the better. The media and your fans will be eager to jump on anything that raises any question marks. Play it safe and don’t say anything that raises questions.

5. Expect the Unexpected There will always be members of the media who will do whatever it takes to get a story. Be prepared and don’t assume anything. If you can beat those members of the media to the punch early enough, you can prevent a lot of things from happening when it comes to your children.

6. Learn From Others Learn from what other celebrities on how they handled their situation. This will help you come up with different strategies on how to protect your children from the meMany celebrities and entertainers have a difficult time protecting their children from the dia. It doesn’t hurt to talk to a professional media. Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with the media when it pertains to your who can give you additional advice. children. 1. Talk To Your Children Always talk to your children about your current situation regarding the attention you get from the media. It is best to be up front with your children about why they are always in the spot light and why their friends are not. Educating your children on this topic is very important.

Remember that all you can do is to do your best each day, hope for the best, and take things in stride. Proper planning and using commonsense can go a long way in preventing a lot of problems when it comes to the media and your children.

2. Develop A Plan With Your Spouse It is always important for both parents to be on the same page on how they will deal with the media when it comes to their children. It doesn’t help if one parent does one thing and BIOGRAPHY: the other parent does another. Both parents need to come up with some kind of strategy on Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, how they will deal with the media regarding their children. 3. Be Firm And Stand Your Ground Once you develop some kind of plan, the next step is to carry it out and to stand your ground. Be consistent on whatever you decide. If the media sees that you are not serious or they see you constantly doing something different, nobody will take you seriously. If the media knows where you stand when it comes to your children, a lot of them will understand.

Christianity and Non Resistant Methods”.For additional information go to: www.managingfear.com


Dear Mama Inspired by Tupac

Linda Antognini - Artist Dirty Brush Designs - Owner - http://www.dirtybrushdesigns.com Project Tupac - http://www.projecttupac.org Project Tupac is a Multimedia Project Showcasing Original Paintings Inspired by the Music and Words of Tupac Shakur. Via the Internet & In Person Events. Project Tupac - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ProjectTupac

As I recalled my past, from an early age around 7, my father became ill, very ill. I was experiencing something as a little girl , that no one around me ever experienced before. It was very isolating. My father was in and out of hospitals constantly. I was the youngest of 5 kids, understanding what was happening was difficult enough for the adults and the older kids, for me I knew it was bad, very bad, that my dad was never going to be the same ever again. As my father continued to suffer from strokes and the side effects of these strokes, those side effects intensified my own personal side effects of what I was witnessing as a little girl. Back in the 60’s the information available for stroke patients and their families were virtually non existent. You were on your own, so there I was, month after month, week after week, year after year, were spent either visiting my dad in the hospital or taking him to the doctor or hospital. Many hours were spent alone with my own thoughts wondering how I was going to live without my daddy? There was no one to talk to, you held your feelings inside, no one wanted to listen to a little girl. The only thing constant in my life was hospitals, doctors, waiting rooms, and my box of crayons that I took everywhere. It’s certain that my crayons were my emotional release at that time and continues to be an expressive form of therapy.

When I opened the message from Tam asking me to be a feature in Exposure Magazine, at that precise moment I was asking myself what is the next step for me in life? As I read her message, I felt tears beginning to develop, as my heart opened up to what I already knew was in my soul, that was to continue painting and creating Project Tupac. Before I tell you, how I came to this life’s mission, please allow me to share a bit about myself. My story isn’t any more difficult, or challenging, or loving, or more fulfilled, than anyone else’s life, it’s just my story, my words, my thoughts, my vision. The questions that were posed to me, had me thinking about my life, where I have been, and where I am going. The questions had me search my soul for real truths, unfortunately those truths can hurt deeply. I believe in order to move forward we have to understand the past, reconcile and forgive the past, in order to freely participate in the future. However, it’s the here and now, that is often most difficult to manage, challenging us because of our past. I have always been a painter, at an early age I was always involved somehow with ART, the intoxicating scent of a new box of crayons, it didn’t matter if it was the box of 8, 16 or the mother lode, 64 colorful, beautifully pointy new crayons! This question was asked, “What was the hardest/difficult struggle in life and how I overcame that struggle”?

By age 11, New Years Eve 1971 my dad passed away. Both a blessing and heartache, but now what? My secure, yet frail life was crumbling away at the foundation. I spent many days and nights expressing myself through drawing and painting, it’s all I knew to get me through the sadness and pain of losing my dad. Thank you for such a great question. I continued painting, though my youth and teen years. Then this question was asked, “Was there ever a time in my life where I wanted to give up”? That question too, had me thinking about those past life experiences that shaped, develop and sculpted me into who I am today. I was young, naive, and a very impressionable teenager. I was also young, single, pregnant, and alone, in St. Louis, in the 70’s, let me tell you, which was not overly accepted back then. The relationship I was in was physically and emotionally abusive, which only added intense drama to an already delicate situation. Sadly, and it wasn’t the first time, but it was this particular time that I ended up hospitalized with broken bones, a bruised body, a broken heart, zero self esteem, scared, frightened, abandoned, the only way my friends knew how to help me was to give me an ultimatum “him or we can visit you at the funeral home next time, because you might not be so lucky next time! It was difficult to see myself lucky as I laid in that hospital bed with a guard at my door!


Linda, you need to find your inner strength somehow, someway, you have to find yourself I thought I could fix him, even though I couldn’t barely fix myself. As I looked in the mirror I was shocked at what I saw, who was this person, there was no future for me if I continued on the same path. It was all up to me, my choice, my decision. At that moment, just a tiny sliver of self consciousness was found, and that’s all that is needed, just a little bitty seedling of self worth was planted. When I looked in the mirror again, there before me, I saw a young woman who gave birth alone, I had a son to care for, frightened and scared, yet determined to never look back, to rediscover my identity, my self worth, to believe in myself and then learn to forgive myself and end the fear of him in my life. I was so close to giving up, I am so very grateful that I didn’t give up on myself. Now to define my life’s purpose, what I am most passionate about? Inspired by recent personal events - Oct. 28, 2011 our family suffered a fire in our home displacing us for quite sometime. It was through the clean up and restoration process, working side by side with the work crews - who were so incredibly caring of our belongings, I began to develop friendships with everyone, everyday I played music, it just seemed to help. Specifically I asked one of the guys on the work crew, “Who do you listen to musically to get you through these difficult moments in life”? Immediately he suggested that I listen to a TUPAC song “Me Against the World” as inspiration to keep moving forward in times of difficulty. So I did, I listened, I mean really listened to every word, the rhythm of the music, how each word was delivered. It was incredible! I could feel the strength, I could feel the courage, who is Tupac? I really didn’t know much about him, then I listened to “Brenda’s Got a Baby” as tears rolled down my cheeks, something shifted inside me, I was filled with emotions I’ve never experienced before. What was happening to me I asked myself? Finally I stopped asking and started doing. I knew I had to do something, immediately I knew what that something was. I’m an artist! Inspiration overflowed through me. I would paint these feelings and emotions that I feel as I listened to Tupac’s music. I randomly began listening to Tupac’s songs, reading and learning as much as I could about who this person Tupac was?

It wasn’t long before I heard “Dear Mama” I connected, it touched my heart, I couldn’t paint that painting fast enough, and I can tell you water (my tears) & oil do mix. Dear Mama was my first painting. Before long I had 6 paintings, 8, 10 paintings. Now what? I called the Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation in Atlanta, GA, introduced myself, explained what I was doing, I also felt it was very important and respectful to correspond with Tupac’s mother sharing with Ms. Shakur what I was doing, in turn I was invited to attend a Hip Hop Education & Expanding the Imagination Conference at Atlanta University Center. This is where I began developing friendships that has taken me where I am today. Project Tupac was born and given a name. Project Tupac is blending visual artwork and the lyrical message and words of Tupac Shakur. Project Tupac showcases original oil paintings inspired by Tupac’s brilliant body of work. It has been 3 years since I painted - Dear Mama - Today I currently working on my 20th painting, with ideas and designs for many more paintings. During that time I am very proud of our accomplishments. And I say “our” because, I could not have done this alone, when I say this has shifted my life, I am so serious. I have met some of the most incredible people in my life creating Project Tupac, everyday I continue to expand my comfortable boundaries and express myself through ART. I held my first event at the African Diaspora World Tourism & Travel Expo in Atlanta. It was at this event that I received a special warm embrace and compliment from Dr. Martin Luther King’s Sister-In-Law - Guest of Honor Mrs. Naomi King, “Don’t stop, keep on painting, we need these paintings, they need to be seen!” She somehow validated and gave me permission to continue on with my art and Project Tupac. Created a website, developing a strong and growing Facebook Fan Page, Twitter & Instagram following. Invited to host a monthly Radio show with Sisters-In-Harmony, celebrating our two year anniversary. Featured on Africa TV 1, several printed publications, and internet articles, special guest on other radio shows. Participated in a 40 ft. Digital Display in NYC & a digital event at Miami’s Fashion week. I volunteered at Cocoon House in Seattle, at an at Risk Youth Center, every other week, I bring canvases, paints, & Tupac music, and then we paint as we listened to Tupac music. To date we have “Friends of Project Tupac” in 42 states and over 100+ countries around the globe! I have lost count. How cool is that?


Linda Antognini - Artist Dirty Brush Designs - Owner - http://www.dirtybrushdesigns.com Project Tupac - http://www.projecttupac.org Project Tupac is a Multimedia Project Showcasing Original Paintings Inspired by the Music and Words of Tupac Shakur. Via the Internet & In Person Events. Project Tupac - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ProjectTupac

Brenda’s Got a Baby Inspired by Tupac

Linda Antognini - Artist Dirty Brush Designs - Owner - http://www.dirtybrushdesigns.com Project Tupac - http://www.projecttupac.org Project Tupac is a Multimedia Project Showcasing Original Paintings Inspired by the Music and Words of Tupac Shakur. Via the Internet & In Person Events. Project Tupac - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ProjectTupac

I am most proud, that the painting “Ghetto Gospel” was chosen to be digitally featured on the flagship American Eagle building, a 40+ story skyscraper in Times Square, New York City, July 2014!! It was electrifying! Tupac literally lit up Times Square!! Project Tupac has been asked to have showings in Italy (where I am currently living and passionately working on Project Tupac at this time) and St. Lucia’s Music and ART festival. Project Tupac has definitely changed my life. These paintings are not my paintings, they belong to everyone around the globe. These paintings are telling a dynamic story of not just one man - Tupac, but stories of our neighbors in communities around the world! I am simply painting my emotions, my interpretations, as I listen to the music, my soul vibrates the sounds inspired by Tupac’s brilliant body of work, giving shape and color by means of symbolic images. Believe me when these paintings are lined up side by side they tell a dynamic and powerful story. As you can see, there has been an evolution of a little girl, a young woman, to a mature vibrant woman, who is sure of herself, dedicated to empower those around me, acknowledging those who have influenced me and my ART, my imagination is developed and motivated by my life experiences, which I am fully engaged to play every day. To have enough insight to live a less fearful life, with empathy and love as my vision grows into the universe. Yes, I am exactly where I need to be right now. Life wouldn’t have it any other way. What encouraging message would I give to my 12 year old self, would simply be, believe in a power greater than oneself, having the faith that every moment in life is an opportunity to begin again, whatever that may be, for me, every day is a new blank canvas it is my choice what I put on that canvas, my story, my thoughts, my emotions, my pain, my tears, my heartaches, my joys, my celebrations, my expression, it is with great love, honor and respect from my heart that I create. And I welcome anyone who would like to collaborate and create with me, through music, ART, exchange of ideas, in person interviews or showings. Someone once said, “I’m not saying I’m gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world.” -2Pac My brain has been ignited! Won’t you join me? Thank you so much, Linda Antognini

PROJECT TUPAC will CHANGE the WAY YOU VIEW ART!! Project Tupac ~ See the Music on Canvas at www.DirtyBrushDesigns.com Join Us at ~ https://www.facebook.com/ProjectTupac www.Twitter/projecttupac.com


Contact Independent PR Consultant (414) 856 -5330 MILWAUKEE | CHICAGO | ATLANTA | CHARLOTTE EXPOSURE-MAGAZINE.COM


Milele Coggs Speaks Live with Publicist Ms. Lawrence

Q: What’s Your Why? A: If not me then who? Q: Was there ever a time in life you wanted to give up? If so, please not only explain the moment but also share with me “How did you make it through...the moment?” A: No, I never had a give up moment, during my roughest times I have always thought that there is someone worse off than me and I must be mindful of my blessings and push harder to improve the situation. Q: What was the hardest struggle in life you had to overcome? A: My hardest struggle was caring for and ultimately loosing my mother. I was raised in a single parent household, my mother was my everything. I give credit for the woman I have become to her. Watching her deteriorate from cancer was devastating and made me feel powerless. Dealing with the loss has been challenging, but I am forever strengthened by the memories of our time together and lessons she taught me.

Q: How did you manage to make it through? Share some of the techniques or ways you worked through hard time...

Q: If you could revisit your 12 year old self .. What words of encouragement or advice would you give you?

A: I often look through photographs and have conversations with family and friends about her and on her birthday I take time to reflect on her impact on my life and the community.

A: Stay focused, and be great.

Q: Define your life’s purpose? A: I learned at a young age that my purpose is to use the gifts and talents God has given me to serve others and to help improve things for those who come behind me. Q: What are you most passionate about? A: Giving back to the community that has given me so much. Q: Are you where you want to be right now? A: Yes, I am a wife, mother of two, and I have both the pleasure and honor of serving as the Alderwoman of Milwaukee’s 6th Aldermanic district, all things I am extremely proud of, but I recognize that continued growth is vital to the fulfillment of my purpose.

Q: Tell me about your happiest moment in life? A: My happiest moments in life were giving birth to my children. No degree or election victory I have ever had outshines the joy I felt bringing my children into the world, my sincere hope is that the work I do today helps to create a better city for them tomorrow and that the love and knowledge my husband and I pour into our children helps them to become great contributors to improving our community. Q: In short, you’re the artist.. “What do you see as your future design?” A city where poverty, unemployment, incarceration, and segregation are not the norm and feelings of support, encouragement, and inspiration are felt while greatness is expected of us all.


Ms. Lawrence Public Relations Independent Consultant For Hire Contact (414) 856-5330

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