Exposure Mental Health Magazine

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The Contents 03 13 07

Letter From Publisher

Exclusive with Nicole Wilson

Poem Vondell Green



how you feel and the space you occupy. The chi or flow of energy within the environment

Have you ever walked into a room and felt

influences how you feel in a space. Are you ready

over whelmed or weighed down?


to create a home environment that promotes

feelings can be a result of the colors in the

positive energy flow, good health, prosperity,

room, placement of objects in the space, and

and well-being? Consider giving your home a

the amount of clutter. The design of a space

fresh vibe and check out 4 fung shui design tips

can affect your mood and disrupt the sense of


balance that flows through it. The ancient art of Chinese space alignment, fung shui is the

1. Create Space

one design principal that focuses on creating harmony between people, their environment,

Having too much stuff in your space can cause

and their lives. According to the philosophy of

your mind to feel cluttered which can lead to

fung shui there is a direct correlation between

feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed.



April Green Publisher





J O S H S U M M E R S , S TA F F W R I T E R



REJUVENATE YOUR SPACE WITH FUNG SHUI C l e a r i n g o u t yo u r s p a ce a n d c re at i n g

plants such as succulents, and pathos.

organization can change the flow of positive energy in the room. Taking simple steps like putting items back where they belong after use and putting the laundry away will help you feel less overwhelmed in both your physical and mental space. 2. Use Natural Sources of Light There are many benefits of the use of natural sunlight. Natural sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, which helps boost your mood. Natural sunlight also helps with seasonal depression and improving quality of sleep. Do

4. Design your Bedroom for Relaxation and Rejuvenation Your bedroom is the place where your mind and body relax and rejuvenate after a long day. Creating an environment that fosters relaxation is key. Refrain from having televisions and other electronic devices inside your bedroom, as they do no help to create a tranquil environment conducive to rest and relaxation. Keep your bedroom dĂŠcor simple, incorporating elements such as soft lighting, aromatherapy, and plants.

not be afraid to let the sunshine in and reap the benefits mentally and physically. To increase the amount of natural sunlight in your space consider ditching the curtains. Curtains are nice to look at but they often block the natural sunlight from radiating inside.

April Green FB: April Green IG: 4aprilgreen www.exposure-magazine.com

Within the design philosophy of fung shui, it is all about the chi or flow of energy and natural sunlight is a source of energy. 3. Bring Nature Indoors There are multiple benefits of adding plants in your space outside of aesthetics. In feng shui plants embody life energy. Plants are living and breathing and can add life and vibrancy to you and your space. Other benefits of having plants in your environment include the improvement of air quality and boosting your mood. If you do not have a green thumb try low care house



E XC LU S I V E B O O K F E AT U R E The book It’s Going to Be AUlright, presented by visionary author April Green is a collection of stories written by twelve mothers whose children are on the autism spectrum. This collaborative anthology was created to provide a platform for mothers of loved ones living with autism to share life struggles and lessons learned that will encourage others. Our authors provide real stories, advice, and resources that will help readers achieve personal goals and take action. We want our readers to feel inspired to be bold, not be afraid to try non-traditional approaches, and not fear the diagnosis of autism but rather embrace it and rebuild their lives. Excerpt from It’s Going to Be AUlright “Through the pain, I began to rely on my faith to help me find my peace. I found peace with knowing that my three babies were living with autism, peace with knowing that they all have differences that impact with how they see the world and understand that people don’t always understand that. I found peace in knowing that although the road may be rough at times, that it is a rewarding road with purpose”.

-Visionary Author-April Green



EXPOSURE VONDELL GREEN ABUSED THROUGH EXPOSURE: I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT At the age of 7 while hanging under the arm of my father, caught in the middle of a shoot out I didn’t need to see that My brother being shot by the hands of the one who carried him in the womb I didn’t need to see that Watching my dad call my mother over just to hawk spit in her face

I didn’t need to see that

The aggression, the violence and looks of disdain

At age 8 or 9, that skin flick I didn’t need to see that Dad climbing the balcony in rage saying “B, so you going to lock me out” I didn’t need to see that Joints burning in the ashtray and coolers filled with weed Your trap house, that baby bottle cooking that yack, that white powder that filled that sack I didn’t need to see that

The pain in mom’s eyes that to this day still remains Abused through exposure I can go on and on but I must move on Although there are so many things that I wish I could un-see I refuse to let those experiences turn into a vicious cycle for my seeds




Sometimes I drift into memories or maybe

Only seven years old looking for answers

they are emotional scars

from God

Honestly asking myself is there was really

As time passed the truth hit me low and

a bond

caught me off guard

Even though you abused me you was my

See this was back in 89’ when you was in

moms, I had “MAD love” for you when pops

between jobs and you used to come home

said he was gone

and beat us down cause things was so hard


THE ART OF WORDS We still got the marks on our chest from

criminals teach, you tried to preach, you

them curtain rods

knew that I was out of your reach

You use to cuff us to the banister like we

This aint love, love you know what, it still

was some dogs

baffles me, made straight A’s in school and

I remember being butt naked tied like a

you said it came naturally

hog As your youngest son you shattered my world and cut me with the shards

Damn I love you Von, I can’t believe it’s been that long since we was young-ins riding bikes

My grand mom up in Pennsylvania used

in Anacostia park

to send us stuff She didn’t know when Christmas came

Sometimes we used to stick fight in the back

you were crapping on us

of the yard playing He-Man and Skeletor with

magical swords

I’m not lashing out to you, I’m just spitting the facts

We used to shoot our slingshots from off the bike

Took twenty years to pass off what was

shop roof and watch pops cook up crack when we

holding me back

was out Southview

You was living out Maryland, I was

Smelling incense and refer smoke listening to

staying in D.C age thirteen wilding out

Steel Bill singing “aint no sunshine when she’s

straight robing the streets


Clutching the heat, learning what the

It’s still real .


BREAKING THE SILENCE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BY APRIL GREEN Domestic violence (also called intimate partner violence (IPV), domestic abuse or relationship abuse) is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or socio-economic status. Domestic violence can occur between married individuals, those who live together and those in intimate relationships. Forms of domestic abuse includes physical harm, verbal abuse, intimidation, sexual violence, and economic deprivation. In the beginning, you may not even realize that you are in a domestic abuse situation as sometimes the warning signs are overlooked.

Some signs that indicate the presence of domestic abuse within your relationship include a partner who: •Shows extreme jealously when you are away from them •Keeps you from or discourages you from spending time with family and friends •Makes you feel like you cannot do anything right •Pressures you to have sex and do sexual acts that make you feel uncomfortable •Threatens to harm you physically •Destroys your property •Prevents you from working or attending school •Tells you, you are a bad parents and


threatens to harm or take away your children No one deserves to be subject to domestic abuse. Experiencing one or two of the signs may be red flags and an indication that you are experiencing domestic violence within your relationship. If you have, concerns about your relationship and domestic violence do not ignore the sign and seek help. There is life and hope after experiencing domestic abuse. We had the opportunity to catch up with domestic abuse survivor turned author and advocate Adriene Odom. Below she shares with us about her experience overcoming and healing from domestic abuse and what inspired her to write the book, The Making of A Soldier. AG: Adriene, share with our readers about yourself and what drives you

Breaking the Silence of Domestic Violence AO: I am a mother, author, disabled veteran, and domestic abuse survivor, and advocate as well at the founder of the non-profit Career Growth after Domestic Violence Abuse. After completing one tour to Afghanistan with the U.S Army, I began to come to realize who I was and what I was put here on earth to do which was, become a soldier not just in the U.S Army but for battered and abused women and men who are too afraid to speak out for themselves. What drives me most is my children and my family as well as my passion for supporting others who are in an abusive situation or in recovery. I am also driven by my faith and stand firm on what the bible says in Matthews 6:6 “But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you”. AG: You are the author of the book The Making of a Soldier, what inspired you to write this book? AO: The Making of A Soldier is my story of survival of obstacles that many women have to face daily. I had to rely solely on my faith in God to carry me from a state of brokenness as a teenage mother, and domestic abuse survivor to becoming a soldier in the US Army and now a disabled veteran, author and advocate for domestic violence. I was inspired to write this book so that I would no longer live in bondage, guilt, and shame. I wanted to become free of things that once haunted me. I had to come to realize that there is no real growth without true transparency. I had to become transparent and tell my truths to help heals others through my story. In my book, I expose my darkest and most intimate secrets in hopes to inspire others to tell their stories so they like myself would no longer have to live in bondage and become free by their own words. AG: What advice would you give someone living in an abusive situation afraid to leave? AO: “Never Stop Fighting”, take everything, all of the hurt, pain, insecurities, all the lies,

Adriene Streater-Career the vulnerability, the abuse, ball it all up and use it as your strength to fight to become stronger and wiser than you were before all of these traumatic events happened. Fight to become free from things that were never yours to carry. AG: Have you found that speaking and sharing your testimony and encouragement with others has helped you to continue to heal? AO: Yes, I have. For me speaking gives me the strength I need to continue to fight battles that I still face daily. Knowing that I have people who are looking to me for strength and God chose me to be a voice and support to men and women who have suffered abuse at the hands of someone who was supposed to protect them definitely helps me through my continued

journey to heal and give hope to others. Adriene Odom’s book The Making of A Soldier can be found on Amazon FB: Adriene Streater-Career Growth After Domestic Violence Email: adrienestreater@gmail.com If you find yourself in a relationship where domestic violence is present and are looking for support, The National Domestic Violence Hotline can help, they can be reached at 1-800 799- SAFE (7273) / 1-800 787-3224 (TTY). April Green FB: April Green IG: 4aprilgreen www.exposure-magazine.com


Nichole Wilson Autism spectrum disorder/ASD is a condition related to brain development that affects how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interactions and communication. ASD also includes limited and repetitive patterns of behavior. The term “spectrum� in ASD refers to the wide range of symptoms and severity. A study conducted at the University of North Carolina found that fifty percent of mothers with children living with autism had elevated depression scores, compared to 15 percent to 21 percent in the other groups. Single mothers of children with disabilities were found to be more vulnerable to severe depression than mothers living with a partner. Many contributing factors can lead to feelings of depression after you receive a diagnosis of ASD for your child.

Parents often experience a sense of grief and have a hard time accepting the diagnosis while trying to cope with the different dynamics that come along with raising a child or multiple children living with ASD. Daily occurrences such as putting them down for bed, going to school, dressing, bathing, and mealtime can be a challenge and can cause stress and anxiety, which may contribute to feelings of depression in a parent of a child on the autism spectrum. If experiencing feelings of depression do not be afraid to seek support from a professional, support groups, and family and friends. I had the opportunity to sit down with Nichole Wilson, Autism mom, founder of Autism Moms Are Beautiful, and founder and Editor-in Chief of AMAB magazine.


Shea butter is a natural oily fat that comes from the seed of a shea tree. This natural source is full of vitamins A and E and is regarded be an excellent skin moisturizer with healing benefits. According to a study published by The National Center for Biotechnology Information, shea fat (shea butter) constitutes a significant source of anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor promoting compounds. As we move towards being more conscience about the different toxins and substances found in lotions, and moisturizers, many consumers are moving towards the use of natural products such as shea butter for their skin and hair care needs. If considering switching to shea butter remember that not all shea butter product is equal, be sure that your shea butter product is of quality grade.



JD: A few years before starting Melanin Magic, I was diagnoses with Stage 0 breast cancer. After dealing with my diagnosis and getting back to good health, I decided I wanted to cut out toxins in my life that I could control. I learned that our everyday lotions have unnecessary toxins and I wanted to find an alternative for my family, and myself which is why I began making shea butter. My shea butter hobby then turned into Christmas gifts that my extended family looked forward to. The requests became more frequent, my family started to tell me all of the benefits that they were seeing using my products and from there, my quest for health conscious endeavors began. AG: Are Melanin Magic Shea Butter Products for use by the whole family? JD: Yes, my entire family uses my shea butter, I even use it on my 3-month-old son. The purpose of my shea butter is to provide a chemical-free product. I use natural products that I infuse with essential oils & fragrance oils. My product is for everyone. I have fragrances for women and men. AG: What are some of the benefits of using shea butter over other skin moisturizing products such as lotions?

The American Shea Butter Institute warns that the category grade of the shea butter affects the quality. When purchasing shea butter products, look for Grade A, as it has the highest amounts of cinnamic acid, the main healing components of shea butter. I had the opportunity to catch up with the owner and operator of Melanin Magic Shea Butter Products, Jasse’ Dickens. Below Jasse’ shares what inspired her to go into the skin care business, and gives us the inside scoop about her shea butter natural skin and hair products. AG: Tell our readers what inspired you to create Melanin Magic Shea Butter Products.

JD: I believe that the earth provides us with everything that we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. By using an organic resource, you are reconnecting with the earth’s natural moisturizer. The benefits are endless; shea butter treats blemishes, is anti-aging, restores elasticity to your skin, reduces stress marks, and reduces skin inflammation. A consumer would have to purchase several products to combat what one bottle of shea butter can do. AG: What keeps you passionate about helping others take care of their skin care needs? JD: After my cancer diagnosis, I realized that it was a necessity to remain healthy. I am aware that there are other people in a similar situation. My driving force is being able to use my creativity and innovation to help others maintain a healthy lifestyle To order Melanin Magic Shea Butter Products send email to contactmmsb@gmail.com Follow Jasse’ Dickens the owner of Melanin Magic Shea Butter on IG: @shopmmsb




Nichole has experienced firsthand how a diagnosis of autism can lead to feelings of depression in parents. Check out the interview below. AG: You are the founder of Autism Moms Are Beautiful/AMAB Magazine, what was the driving force behind creating this platform? NW: The driving force was being tired of living depressed and hating my life. I had to figure out an outlet to help me get from under depression. I started with going to school and counseling. I then shifted my focus helping other moms going through this same thing and wanted to give them an outlet of love, laughter and support.



AG: What is the mission of Autism Moms Are Beautiful? NW: AMAB (Autism Moms Are Beautiful) Magazine is a magazine created for autism moms to help and support other autism moms by sharing encouraging and uplifting articles. We want autism moms to know we support them through the stresses and challenges that come with the dynamics of raising a child living with autism. Our goal is to provide a safe haven for all autism moms. Autism Moms Are Beautiful is here to assist with love, compassion, and understanding.








AG: From your experiences, how has the dynamic of autism affected your mental health? NW: My mental health is for sure not the same. In the beginning, I felt I was losing my mind because I did not understand or knew how to help my daughter, but as time went on, I found different avenues to help get me through the tough moments. I will watch comedy shows, go for a walk, go sit in a movie even if I have already seen it, and I take natural stress relief products to help manage. AG: What advice would you give to a parent who is struggling with accepting that their child has been diagnosed with Autism? NW: The first thing I would say to them is “not accepting is for sure normal and we have all been there”. If you need to talk, please contact me or seek out a support group.

in Communications. Nichole is a single mother to a beautiful, vibrant daughter diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Nichole is also the founder of Autism Moms Are Beautiful and Editor-in-Chief for AMAB Magazine. Nichole’s passion for encouraging autism moms inspired her to create an anthem entitled, “Autism Moms Rock” which has over 70,000 views on Facebook. The “Autism Moms Rock” music video features autism moms and their children who live on the autism spectrum. Recently, Nichole participated in the 2020 Texas Regency Pageant as Ms. Pearland where she was 1st Runner Up as well as the People’s Choice Award winner. Get in Contact with Nichole Wilson FB: AMAB Magazine-Autism Moms Are Beautiful

Do not be afraid to reach out to other autism moms to discuss your feelings. As time goes on this may help with acceptance because there is a support team there for you regardless if you are ready to accept the diagnosis or not.

FB: Autism Moms Are Beautiful with Nichole Wilson (private group)

Nichole Wilson is a certified sign language interpreter who currently resides in Pearland, Texas.

Web: www.amabmagazine.com

IG: autism_moms_are_beautiful Email: amabmagazine@gmail.com

She is a graduate of Northeastern University in Boston Massachusetts with a Master’s degree in Leadership/Nonprofit Management and currently working on her Master’s Degree


FB: April Green IG: 4aprilgreen www.exposure-magazine.com

autism month

April Green

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