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KathrynMilan David L. Turner, Creative Director

COMMEMORATING One of athlete’s highly respected platforms and their relationship with its former host. By

Justin Dukes

With the inevitable, but still stunning announcement of the intentions of producer, actor, writer David Letterman to retire from his additional talent as television host of his late night comedy talk show, it evoked a great deal of emotion, particularly from the large demographic of athletes that have graced his set. 33 years of forging relationships of mutual respect and honest joy and appreciation for one another, and with the announcement of his retirement, athletes of the world could only verbalize the value of that investment. The primetime Emmy award winning show, with its’ host gone, shall still remain in the vivid memories of viewers and sports persons alike. “Alright, that’s pretty much all I got. The only thing I have left to do, for the last time, on a television program, thank you, and goodnight.” were Letterman’s last words as he closed his show for the final time. To the surprise of no one, the outpouring of encouragement, well wishes and support began way before those words were spoken, and have continued well after.

Of all the athletes that hav passed through his show, Letterman possibly attributes his overall interest in them from the NASCAR lineage of guests such as stock car drivers Jeff Gordon, Dale Earnhardt, Kevin Harvick, and Joey Logano. Growing up collecting model cars, and living a short distance from Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Letterman presently is a minority owner of his own auto racing team which had always been a dream of his.

A separate interest, which originated around the same time as the aforementioned, was sparked by Letterman’s fondness in his father’s charisma and his ability to always be the life of the party. Through that, Letterman successfully left an unforgettable career in entertainment and honed over the years, the ability to draw out some of Stars such as designated hitter for the Boston sports’ prominent and somewhat Red Sox, David Ortiz, California Storm mid- hard to reach figures. fielder Brandi Chastain, World Cup Alpine Ski Racer, Lindsey Vonn among hundreds of other Menacing, aggressive, intimidatathletes shared their fondest memories and ing are typically immediate mental gratitude for Letterman, specifically how he impressions for bystanders of any gave them an outlet to voice their story. athlete involved with the sport of boxing. Yet when former boxing Through the course of the 80’s, one of the great Evander Holyfield appeared most epic sports rivalries between basketball on the Late Show, viewers were inlegends Earvin “Magic” Johnson and Larry stead able to see the reserved Bird, left audiences captivated by their com- and easy going side of the pugilist. pelling on the court duels and their assumed disdain for one another. Perceived insulated stars such as Denver Broncos Quarterback, PeyYears later, sharing a couch on The Late Show ton Manning, retired New York Yanwith David Letterman, Bird reveals that even kees Shortstop, Derek Jeter, and though in their playing days on the court, he Professional Tennis Player, Roger wanted to knock out some of the teeth from Federer were able to put their varEarvin’s patented smile, he and Earvin off ied senses of humor on the court are actually great friends, to which display during their visits, which in Earvin cosigned with a gaudy laugh. Such has turn played a small part in future been the nature of the Late show: More than endorsements the athletes just laughs, but an in depth look into some of received over the years. sports most compelling relationships like the graceful 2012 U.S. Women’s Gymnastics team and the resilient 1994 New York Rangers championship team among others.

“We’ve done 6,000 shows, and I was here for most of them, and I can tell you, a pretty high percentage of those shows just absolutely sucked”, Letterman said in his final show, making a play on his long standing mastery of self-deprecation. Ironically, Letterman has drawn in individuals such as former Pro footballer, David Beckham and Pro Golfer, Bubba Watson who are used to being routinely showered with smothering levels of praise, which speaks more to Letterman’s driving passion. Unlike the number of industry professionals who say what wants to be heard, his focus has been bringing us all to a level playing field through his comedy.

Spanning from his regular sketches, to lighthearted athletic contests, to infiltrating sporting events, Letterman’s presence in the arena of sports has been well documented over the years.

Now, as he closes one door to his life, after opening so many for others, he transitions on to other ventures. Although faces like former Houston Rockets Center, Hakeem Olajuwon, Pro Tennis star, Maria Sharapova, New York Mets Pitcher R.A. Dickey, and former NFL defensive lineman, William “Refrigerator” Perry have been steadily evolving over the years, their friendship has remained constant, and with Letterman’s retirement, can now With his efforts, today he stands share many days in equally genuno longer as the host of the Late ine, unscripted laughter. Show, with all of his relationships still in tact.

KathrynMilan David L. Turner, Creative Director



Who needs friends ... It’s pretty much a given that being in the right crowd can make or break your life, as in the amount of happiness you feel, the amount of inspiration you get and the number of achievements you make.

are worth way more than mere words. It’s cheap talk that actually drags you down (since they normally sound so assuring and comforting.) So don’t think that you even need to validate yourself with such talk.

That is why many people advocate the idea of being in a positive environment and being with the right friends. But it can be hard though. Sometimes we don’t want to let go. We keep making up excuses for both ourselves and others. Other times, we’re blind to the fact that we’re in bad company.

3) They’re always too busy for you

Do yourself a favour and just drop the toxic friends. They’re anchors. You’ll be better off without them, plus you can easily make new friends. Here’s 7 telltale signs you’re hanging with the wrong friends 1) They make money an issue They borrow, but never return on time, if at all. They miraculously disappear all the time whenever the bill arrives. They have a job, but somehow try to make you pay for stuff. If money largely contributes to the doubt you feel in your friendships, then it’s honestly pretty clear they aren’t good friends. They’re only looking at you as a wallet. Nothing more, nothing less. Stick with a group who support each other, financially and other ways. 2) They never follow up with what they say they’d do for you In other words, they’re full of crap. Talk is so cheap that they’re willing to continuously spend on empty words to make you happy. It’s taking action and keeping to your word that makes for real character. A real friend will never leave you hanging for nothing. You don’t need a friend who constantly takes you for granted like that. You

To put it straight, busy is bullsh!t. Everybody is busy today. If you want to make time for something or someone, you’ll make that time. No matter what. If a friend is constantly too busy for you, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate that relationship, especially when you’ve put in the effort to make time for them. It’s better to be with friends who’re willing to be in your presence just for the sake of it. That’s real friendship. These are the real guys who will always be there for you. 4) They don’t care about your struggles, only what your success can give them Ever had friends who’re always so quick to say things like, “Wow you made so much money? Haha so I guess drinks are on you!” It may sound harmless enough, but think about it: How much do these friends really care about your journey to success? How much do they care about how much you’ve grown through your struggles and challenges? If they clearly don’t care at all, they’re never going to be there for you when you’re in need of help. A true friend not only would have been there for you, they’d would be proud to see how far you’ve come. Besides, friendship is about knowing each other for who they truly are, not what they are on the surface in terms of status, amount of money one has or how big his or her house is.

5) They constantly pry on you so they can compare “How big is your salary?” “How long do you last in bed?” “Oh I bet I scored higher marks in my SATs. What did you score?” As rude as these questions are, the wrong friends have no gripe in asking them. They don’t care if they make you uncomfortable or not. And guess what? They don’t care for the answers either. They just want to compare in hopes of being better than you. And when they feel they aren’t better, they’ll just ask more annoying questions. A real friend wouldn’t intentionally make each other uncomfortable. They don’t compare either. They’re only happy for each other. You shouldn’t have to put up with anything else. 6) They indulge and feed on drama This is when they constantly gossip and backstab each other. The Whatsapp group has open, on-line fights. Their Face-book statuses are bitchy and always negative. You’ll be surprised how drama can negatively impact your life. It’s tiring, draining and very disillusioning. It makes you question whether they’d turn the drama on you one day or whether they’re already talking behind your back. Real friends are mature. They’ll all grow together and settle things like adults. Your life never needs extra drama, so stay far from them. 7) You question the change in your life because of them If you ever need to start questioning yourself, your lifestyle and your life because of your friends, they’re the wrong friends. True and great friendships will elevate you. They’ll make you so happy and inspired that you’d actually wonder, and even fear how your life would turn out without them. So don’t kid yourself. Don’t lie to yourself. You know how you feel. The questions aren’t even going to solve anything. Drop the anchors. Dump the toxic friends. Move on and find better friends. Your life will be better that way. You’ll gain more success too.

Folks Lied on Me They Wished Death and Even Cursed Me and In The End GOD Revived Me

Ms. Lawrence

“You can’t kill what you did not give life”


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How To Balance Your Personal Life And Entertainment Career By: Stan Popovich Here are a few suggestions on what a person in the entertainment industry can do to balance their personal life and their entertainment career. 1.Set goals for yourself when you manage your career. When you go to work each day, try to set some goals for you to accomplish. For instance, let’s say your goal for today is to finish a project for your manager. At the end of the day, you will feel better about yourself knowing that you were able to finish that project. When you accomplish these smaller goals, you will feel happier, more confident, and less stressed. 2.Delegate part of your responsibilities. If you try to do everything, you will get stressed and anxious. A person can only do so much in a given day. Do not do everything. Learn to manage your responsibilities. If you feel like you are doing too much, then take a break and evaluate your situation.

3.Try to do things in terms of their importance. Determine what needs done right away and do those particular tasks in order of importance. Sometimes it is best to write down on a piece of paper the things you want to accomplish in a given day and then do those particular tasks. 4. Remember To Have Fun It is important to have fun even if your career becomes difficult to manage. A person needs to take a break from their profession so they can learn to relax. This will help you to refocus and be better able to deal with your problems. 5. Separate Your Career And Your Personal Life Many people make the mistake of making their career their social life. This is can cause problems in the long run. It is best if you keep your personal life separate from your profession because this will reduce the chances of anything bad from happening to your career. Set some time aside to be with your friends and leave your career separate. 6. Don’t Neglect Your Health Many entertainers sacrifice their physical and mental health over fame, money, and success. Try to focus on what life will be like when your fame disappears. Managing your stresses and anxieties in a positive way is very important for your long term health. A person can’t enjoy their successes if their health is in bad shape. BIOGRAPHY: Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods” - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to: http://www.managingfear.com/

By: Stan Popovich


Creative Director David L Turner

5 Tips On How Celebrities And Others Can Benefit From Rehab By: Stan Popovich

Many people who enter rehab for various mental health issues sometimes do not know how to take advantage of the advice given to them. Many of these people go to rehab multiple times and still are not sure how to handle their mental health issues. Here are some tips on what a person can do when they go to rehab. 1. Accept That You Have A Problem The first step a person needs to do when they go to rehab is to admit they have a problem. Once a person admits they have a problem then he or she can then take the necessary steps in getting better.

2. Listen And Follow The Advice Given To You Take advantage of the help that is available around you. The professionals who are in charge at the rehab clinic know how to fix your problems. Listen to what they have to say and follow their advice. Be grateful that there are resources and medicines available that can help solve your problems.

3. Money And Fame Won’t Solve Your Problems Money and fame will not take away your mental health issues. The purpose of rehab is for the person to learn the skills needed to manage their mental health problems so they can get better. Going to rehab is about learning the necessary skills so that a person can live a satisfying and productive life.

4. It is Your Life The person in rehab must understand that they are the ones who are suffering. The professional staff who are trying to help you are not the ones who are suffering and neither are your fans. Focus on what is best for you in the long run and make the decision that you want to get better.

5. Get Real Many celebrities think that they can go to rehab, get better in a few weeks, and then go back to business as usual. It doesn’t work like that. Your mental health issues do not disappear in a few weeks. It takes a lot of hard work to get back on track when dealing with your mental health problems. Don’t expect a quick fix. Be smart in how you deal with your fears and anxieties. Many people spend a lifetime to build up their careers, however spend little time in managing their mental health. If your fears and mental health problems are out of control, then the rest of your life will fall apart. Don’t wait until it is too late.

Hollywood Actress

Maria Howell


When you meet someone over the phone, as opposed to face-to-face, you get a very different kind of “first impression” of the person. No preconceived notions, just simple and honest ones. This is true for meeting Cedric Nettles. A mutual friend connected us, as Cedric was conducting interviews with other artists for his online magazine, “Speak Live Nation”. I was honored to oblige, and I quickly realized in our conversation, that he was a man of integrity and respect for others. His humility is almost surprising, especially in a day and time, when so many are caught up in a world of “me, myself and I”. Maybe it’s a result of his upbringing, or his life’s experiences, or his spiritual journey...or all of the aforementioned, but whatever it is, Cedric is a sum total of all that he has lived. It has made him a man of sensitivity, which is a quality that is so important to possess as an artist. When he asked me if I’d write a forward for his novel, “Torrential Waters”, I sincerely wanted to read it, not only because I would be putting my name on it, but moreover, because I wanted to support him in his dreams. It is so crucial that we actually put our actions where our mouths are, when we say we will support others. Not just say something to someone and not follow through. Well...I began reading his work and almost immediately, I felt this heart, and the time he put into it. It reaffirmed my “first impression” of him...one of integrity.

Within the first few pages, I could tell he had stories and lessons to share. Also, I somehow recognized that the main character, “Vance”, had a few similarities to the real main character, “Cedric”. His desire to always do the right thing, to be honest and to tell the truth. This theme resonates throughout the book, as well as some of life’s simple and profound lessons. Some of which, even I have heard from my own elders in my family. When I completed “Torrential Waters”, I felt I had a good grasp on the struggle that “Vance” was going through. Struggles that most of us go through. I took time, as I reached certain places in the book, to reflect on my own life and consider decisions I have made over my life. This is what one should hope for...to be affected. All art should either affect us, agitate us, or inspire us...OR all of the above. Cedric, I wish you well on your journey of artistic expression, as you continue to grow and see things that will keep you on your path, striving for excellence. God’s continued blessings!

Maria Howell

Torrential Waters Cedric Nettles Copyright © 2012 Cedric Nettles SageRage Productions All rights reserved. ISBN: 1478321490 ISBN-13: 9781478321491

CHAPTER 1 TREADING WATERS “I think we need to talk”, was all she said, and Vance knew the result. He pressed the end button and hung up the phone. Distraught and emotionally drained, the conversation was brief and ferocious. He lay back on his pillows and looked up at the ceiling. His room was the room of a typical teenage boy. Walls dark blue,...borders, a lighter shade of blue. His wall was covered in posters, with no specific arrangement. His basketball shorts hung from a dark blue hamper in the far corner, next to the closet. His desk sat against the wall next to his bedroom door, filled with schoolwork and underneath where his book sack was thrown, were sweatpants and scattered socks. Their relationship only lasted a little more than six months, but it seemed so much longer in his eyes. Everyone around him was surprised it lasted that long, given his former girlfriend’s reputation. Vance had just gotten into a fight with one of her exes at a party. The result was a black eye and minor cuts. His father was livid. “Son, are you ok?” His father asked with concern. Vance looked up at his father and tried to hide his discomfort. “Yeah I’m ok, Dad. Anything you need?” He responded, looking up at his father as if he knew where this conversation was going. “Son”...He said, and sat down on the bed next to him. Vance sat up and leaned his elbows on his legs and folded his hands. “I knew this one was not good for you since the second date. You let this girl change you, I saw it happen. Let’s be real, she wasn’t in line with how we raised you. I held back, to let this run its course.

You sometimes need to see what you don’t want to have in your life, in order to see what you need. She was troubling you from the start.” Carl states. Vance sighs and feels down on himself and depressed. “Vance, she was draining you. She took that focus that you had before and demolished it. Now I do believe that in every situation, there is a silver lining. It just depends on how you take it. You can choose to buckle and dwell on it, or you can use the lesson and the pain as fuel.” Vance squinted his eyes in confusion. “What do you mean by fuel?” Vance asked. “Use this situation to light that fire inside, to achieve what others only dream of. Turn that pain into drive and take off. Now, it would not hurt my feelings if you made it big, but it would, if you let this kill your spirit. I see that this one cut deep.” Vance nods, but doesn’t say a word. He knew he had no choice but to listen. “That party confirmed my thoughts of her. You didn’t see it?” He asked, and looked over at Vance. Vance looked down at the floor and shook his head. ”She set that one up perfectly. She knew her ex-boyfriends were going to be there. She knew exactly how you would react. Walking around with a chip on your shoulder and under her spell. Oh, what a tangled web we weave.” He explains with disgust, no longer making eye contact with Vance, just staring at the poster on the wall in front of him. “Then what does she do? She ties you to the end of a fishing poll as bait, but never pulls you back in. She knew they would get jealous. You being there wasn’t enough. She had to heighten the stakes, begging you to dance with her, so everyone could see. You were there alone with not one, but two of her ex-boyfriends, their friends, and who knows who else, watching you and her. She is so dizzy she had no idea what that could have escalated into. I know you had to feel some kind of way about being there. All of that adds up to an ass whooping waiting to happen!

Then, I would be left with a dead son lying in a casket, all because some game playing low life, decided you should pay for her ignorance. You have to be careful whom you allow into your world, especially those parasites. You know, the ones who feed on drama. It defines and consumes them and they pull anyone around in with them.” He pauses and looks over at his son. He knew his tangent was growing thin, but needed his son to understand, so he continued. “She would have been looking down in the casket blaming you for not ducking fast enough, when she instigated the whole thing.” Shaking his head and a pause in conversation, announces a new tone in the chat to follow. Vance’s father sighs loudly, like a weight lifted off of his chest. “Son, let’s just cut to the chase. This girl was not good for you since day one. Before you utter a word...” He put one finger towards Vance, who was just about to chime in, but was cut off. “...let me speak my peace. I really thought she’d be better for you than that other girl you were seeing. She was an entirely different story, a real piece of work. Her mouth was a bit too sweet for me.” He reminisced. “Too sweet, Dad?” Vance added, breaking the tension in the room. “Yeah...It was almost like she was covering up something. Her mouth was a little too sweet to me. I remember talking to her, her mouth was like syrup. I thought I was going to be a type 2 diabetic by the end of the conversation. Vance and his father giggle together. “Then you meet this girl and she is even worse.” Vance’s father looks up from the floor towards the ceiling. “Dad, look I don’t think we need to discuss this further. I just...” Vance attempts to explain but his father cuts him off in mid-sentence.

“Vance...” His father pauses and changes the subject. “I think it is time for our little field trip. Get ready for tomorrow.” he stated. “Ok Dad, sure.” Vance responds and is pretty detached and trying to cope with his breakup. Vance knew what everyone thought about her. He knew what people were saying behind his back. Vance knew that she didn’t have a clean reputation, but she made him feel good when he was around her.

CHAPTER 2 LIKE YOUR FATHERS BEFORE YOU... Vance and his father are at his high school gym, where there are kids playing pick-up basketball. Vance is an athlete, standing at 6’1, 190 lbs, physically and mentally fit. His father stood at 6’3, and though not as fit as Vance, he could still compete with the best of them. The gym is filled with students, parents and friends. The floor squeaks repeatedly, while the players scramble to get their points and the opposing squad scrambles to stop them. They find a good spot, where not too many fans are populated. Then, they climb the bleachers, take a seat and Carl begins his long awaited talk. “You ok?” His dad asks with concern. Vance is not as upbeat as usual. “I guess, Dad.” He responds, brushing him off. He wasn’t ok, but everyone thought that he should be. “Good...there is a proper way and a reckless way to handle stuff like this, and it’s my job to stamp out a pattern before it starts. I say this, to prepare you for what is to come. So here goes, Son.

How long have you been having vi- “Guess? Hell, Son. Damn what you sions?” His father hesitates, and then think! forcefully asks the question again. Tell me what you are FEELING from Vance looks at his father in shock. them. What are you picking up?” He What did his father know? probes his son to tap into his gift, to channel the power he knows he has “Son, I know. Does the word visions inside him. alarm you? Vance gazes at them for a few seconds Ok, how about another word?” His and replies.” They...” He stutters, and father ponders another way to put it, looks up at his father. while Vance tries to enjoy the game. “They are both afraid. Neither really “Let’s see…How about ‘skills’...Ok, that wants to fight. I also feel, that one has a works... girlfriend here he is trying to impress.” Do you have skills, Son?” He asks, He looks into the bleachers to see if he looking over at Vance for an answer or can tell which one is the girl. Carl’s stern even body language that will tell him look slowly becomes a proud grin. something. “Now that’s what I’m talking about, Vance looks slightly embarrassed and Son. Great. Falsehood, self-deceptions, uncomfortable, but calm. “Since I was overblown egos are emotions easiest to 5 years old.” Vance admits, and his pick up on. It has its own stench. What father smiles. “So did I. Well, mine sur- you have here are two selfish attention faced up in my twenties... whores, showing off and screwing the whole game up for everyone else. I guess God says you are due.” His father admits, proud that he was chosen Look at them, neither one of them boys at an early age. Vance just nods won- are going to swing, and if they do, they dering and wanting to know more. For are so scared of embarrassment, that so long, he thought something was the air would be the only thing beat up wrong with him. today.” His father and Vance laugh together. “I guess.” Vance states and Carl smiles. “Let’s just see where you are at now. “Your grandfather could sense emotions and physical pain; I get visions Look at those kids playing basketball. and can sense a person’s true motives. You see those two arguing? Apparently, you have the ability to sense both. Man, God really stepped What do you feel?” He challenges his his game up with you. Man oh man, gift. Vance looks at them very sheep- you are in for a ride. ishly. “I guess, Dad...they...” He pauses and looks away from the kids. Now that we know you have ‘skills’, it is time that you learn more about them. His father sharply interrupts and sternly replies. ” He states, tapping him on the shoulder. Vance nods in his aloof way. “Your gifts hold a great deal of responsibility.

The voice of your conscious will speak louder, because that is how God keeps you in His will. Seers are like his elite troops. You are armed with powerful tools, and with your gifts, come a lot of accountability. You have to remember to never use those gifts for selfish personal gain. If you do, you will pay for your actions, as God will check you on what you did. The enemy will find ways to destroy your gift. Or make it a weapon. You can do a lot of damage when you have access to what’s in a man’s soul. God is allowing you shocking access to ‘data’ on total strangers. Son, don’t think for one second, God would trust just anyone with that information.” He says with guidance and wisdom. “To know the ways of the world, you are considered to always have game, and to know the ways of a man’s soul, you are considered a game changer. Don’t ever forget that.” He scolds. Vance nods again. “I didn’t want sons like some dads, because I knew they would inherit some form of this gift. Hey, who am I to question the Father.” He states and looks up to the ceiling. “I had to learn that I walked in three worlds; the things commonly known, the things I thought I knew, and the things I wish I didn’t know. That last one will get you, because you really don’t want to know what you know, you just do.” His father continues.

“God gives you “data” on people at times, and you simply don’t know why. One very important rule is, not to humiliate them with what you know. Take that young man who just shot the ball. You see him, number 2 right there.” He points towards the court. That young man has a mother who is very sick, and he is having a hard time dealing with it. He uses this gym as an escape. Or better yet, the shallowness and insecurities that are coming off of most of these kids, I know you feel it too.” He leans over to Vance, nudging his shoulder. He continues to read the room. “The trash talk and posturing, it’s all a mask, an act. I brought you here for a reason. These kids represent a pattern of behavior that will likely follow them all of their lives. You will learn the lonely existence of being around people, that you ‘feel’ are not feeling you. They’re other things that I will have to school you on this week, in Purgatory.” Vance responds.

THANKS FOR READING A SNEAK PREVIEW of My Book Torrential Waters You can purchase the book on Amazon.com



She coordinated outreach to media, corporations, vendors, and other key constituencies.

Community Outreach: Her affiliations and memberships include: The Chicago Foundation for Women, The Executive Club of Chicago, The Junior League of Chicago and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Through her community volunteer experiences, Vera has provided assistance to many organizations for children, women in transition and homelessness. Personal motto: “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”

Mikki V. Lewis A visionary with over 15 years of corporate experience, Vera Lewis has demonstrated success in international business, marketing, new technology implementations and process improvements; with an emphasis on operations and emerging technologies. She has worked with clients within the United States and Internationally.

As the CEO and Chief Marketing Coach of Expect Marketing Success (EMS), a company that works with entrepreneurs by developing winning strategic plans, eliminating business roadblocks, or create brand awareness. EMS provides the tools and knowledge needed to overcome challenges, grow their business, reach revenue goals and turn their “passion into profit”. As the Director of Corporate Partner Development and Marketing Communications, she was responsible for implementation of internal and external communications that helped the National Black MBA Association maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the Associations’ customers were satisfied. In collaboration with membership, strategic programs, and other departments, she monitored trends that indicated the need for new products and services, and oversaw product development.


My Naked Truth By Cedric Nettles

Freda Mays was a highly touted music executive in the world of R&B and Hip-

Hop , she oversaw the careers of multi-platinum success of acts such as the 69 Boyz, and the Quad City Djs. She assisted in negotiating multi-million dollar lucrative deals with independent and major record labels; such as Atlantic Records, Elektra Records, LaFace Records and So So Def Records. She was on her game and shown no signs of slowing down. One faithful day that brought the news of being diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer, she found herself in the fight for her life.

After exploring all of her options to get rid of the cancer, she faced the reality

that she would have to get a mastectomy. She endured multiple surgeries and she beat the odds that went against her surviving because the cancer was well in its advance stages. The mastectomy ultimately saved her life.

“When I found out I needed a maceotcmy I cried for 5 days straight.” says Freda.

Through this life challenge she decided to share her story in her book ‘My Naked Truth.’ Her book not only tells of her courageous triumph over breast cancer, it tells that story from a unique perspective as a single woman.

“I wanted to write this book to share my journey as a breast cancer fighter in hopes that it will inspire someone who is going through the same thing as I am, but has given up on life. This thing called cancer is not easy, trust me, but I know that I have to keep fighting and only God will stop the fight,” says Freda.

She leaned on her faith in God for strength and hope and she won. Freda became a champion in her professional life, and her personal life. Now being a strong advocate of getting regular exams, she is adding to an amazing legacy of empowerment.

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Did you know that 89 million people in the United States are going to watch 1.2 billion online videos today? -or- that online video users are expected to double to 1.5 billion in 2016? Now how this helps to expose your brand should be evident Although, online videos lead to brand visibility (brand holders) should clearly think through the message being delivered to increase sales, awareness, and etc.. The videos that were educational, informative, and/or resourceful 65% were saved by consumers for future reference. Building transparency into your brand video, I suggest using a unique message that demonstrates the consumer’s goal.

This morning I feel lead to just (keep it real. (dot) com it’s a short message to business owners, freelancers, new and existing entrepreneurs (etc.) Listen! There’s a price to doing business and sometimes we pay or play with folks who have the wrong intent or have an agenda that does not suit our own; but that is the price we all pay. Oh! Yes.. it may leave a bad taste in your mouth and you may even feel discouraged and raped of your innocence in business. Unfortunately, there are characters who come in sheep clothing, (I get it) yes you have to be careful-- but remember this “When in doubt!” Trust in your inner (God) your Spirit Man or Woman it will guide you in the right direction. In closing.. Don’t allow your pains, frustrations, and past hurts to determine how you do business with others. You can be victorious or You can be a victim - but please be mindful of others because the choice is YOUR OWN ... In the end NO ONE owes you anything - you owe it to yourself to live outside your past negative experience(s).

Business & Public Relations Coach Ms. Lawrence By Appointment (414) 856-5330 Email: tam@exposureassociates.com

Today is a new day .. Don’t allow old ways

things that have caused you dismay.

to determine your newness - We can be victims or we can be victorious. Listen!

Being a victim to negative circumstances is a choice we all make- so today re-

I understand others have let you down,

lease yourself by getting out your own

I can relate to projects that have failed,

way. Claim and Declare your victory by

and I can over-stand having trust issue; but

never looking back- Your still breathing

(yep! but) I can also relate to not allowing

only because God has purpose for your

any negative factor(s) to determine my fu-



Business&PublicRelationsCoach When you pounder over your past hurts, disappointments, and troubles- you’re only reliving it- so today is not a day to relive those

Ms. Lawrence By Appointment (414) 856-5330 Email: tam@exposureassociates.com


Are you really looking to expand your brand? Learn how to gain access to FREE media coverage Learn how to gain exposure and attract millions Mapping Your Brand’s Storyline to Increase Brand Awareness Contact PR Expert: (414) 856-5330 by Appointment Only


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