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CONTENTS 05 FROM THE EDITOR A statement from Exposure Mag's founder announcing Exposure's 5th Year Celebration in 2018 and the new face of Exposure Mag.

13 DARRIN D HENSON Hollywood actor Darren D. Henson granted us an exclusive interview read more ..

17 FOOD OR HORMONES? The Rise of Exposure Magazine: Meet Our Editors and new Co/Ceo

23 HOW TO SAY GOODBYE TO WASTED RELATIONSHIPS It's Tam spilling the tea and standing with no filter screaming loud from the mountain top.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA Sex trafficking is a form of modern slavery that exists throughout the United States and globally. Sex traffickers use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, and other forms of coercion to compel adults and children to engage in commercial sex acts against their will. Under U.S. federal law, any minor under the age of 18 years induced into commercial sex is a victim of sex trafficking—regardless of whether or not the trafficker used force, fraud, or coercion. Globally, the International Labor Organization estimates that there are 4.5 million people trapped in forced sexual exploitation globally. In 2016, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children estimated that 1 in 6 endangered runaways reported to them were likely sex trafficking victims.




founder's note @TAM LAWRENCE

The importance and the impact of the media,

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MEDIA PARTNERSHIPS Exposure Magazine Media Partnership adds digital, print and most importantly brand visibility value. We are open to learning more about your brand or event. To learn more about Exposure Magazine's Media Partnership opportunity email TL@RLASSC.COM to schedule an appointment. Visit www.exposure-magazine.com





"It is our moral obligation to record history to insure our children and their children have our side of the story." - Ms. Lawrence So much so good, but, what we notice today, with the freedom of the press taking new proportions, the media is becoming slightly out of control and also partial. The latest trend in the media is that it has become tainted with signs of extreme partiality. I personally feel that, the media is at times overstepping its limits and to some extent misusing its freedom. The job of the media is just to give information of what happens and not to add its own partial views to the information. The job of the media should remain restricted only to reporting facts as to when and how they occur, and leave the readers to form their own opinions. However, this is no more true of the modern trends of the media. They get news and paint them as per their own personal leanings and beliefs. This I’d say is not correct reporting as, it is likely to color the views of the readers/ viewers.

The task of the media is just to report and not color the views of the people. This is the position of the media because of the obvious political leanings and influences, and this I daresay should not be allowed to grow. It must be remembered that, the media plays a very important link between the people and organizations/Government. Thus, if a report is not correct or painted the common man gets a wrong picture of facts. In this way, the media is harming itself and tarnishing its image in front of the common man. If the common man loses faith in the truth of the media, it will be a bad symptom and a bad day for all. It would be good if the media restricts itself only to passing On correct and exact information only, without any comments for or against any political party it would be doing its job correctly and sincerely. Political masters should be only heard and not followed by a media which is good and impartial.


e c n e r w a L m a founded by T




By LeNora Millen Contact: FB @LeNora Millen

Ralph Waldo Emerson—American essayist, lecturer, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century once wrote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” At the risk of leaving a trail where a path does not exist, one has to embody the vision and courage to stand firm in his or her convictions by refusing to allow fear or unwavering hostilities to thwart efforts. Enter Colin Kaepernick—described by political pundits and journalists across the airwaves as the most polarizing figure in American sports. Depending on the query in popular culture, Kaepernick’s name often triggers raw emotions, characteristic of labeling the former 49ers quarterback as both scorned and appreciated. Armed with the power of “silent protest” to galvanize or divide, discussion about “taking a knee” during the anthem does not come without debating Kaepernick’s narrative vs. public NOMADIC | 24 perception.

COLIN KAEPERNICK In an exclusive interview with NFL Media last year, when asked about his reasons for not standing during the national anthem, Kaepernick said: “This is not something that I am going to run by anybody.” “I am not looking for approval. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. . . If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right.” The Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback made national headlines in 2016 by “taking a knee” during the national anthem to protest racial inequality and police brutality. Despite facing NFL backlash paired with not landing a job with an NFL team this season, Kaepernick refuses to allow intimidation or humiliation to impede upon his efforts. The wheels of activism, like a "welloiled machine," created an uncertain political path leading to the thenpresidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, who said in his attempts to label Kaepernick as a traitor— “Maybe he should find a country that works better for him.” More commentary on the president later in this reading. Described by his closest confidants as somewhat mysterious and private in sharing his thoughts, the embattled activist has spurred much debate and controversy in the “court of public opinion” because of his stance to kneel during the national anthem. Outside of politics, Kaepernick’s actions shrouded by a formidable movement, unlike any other movement within the sports world, sent ripples throughout the NFL.

Evolving within the quagmire of a league intent on silencing his voice, in a much-publicized protest, Kaepernick remains steadfast and unapologetic in standing on principle in the face of adversity and ostracism. Despite not having an appearance on an NFL football field since the backlash stemming from taking a knee during the national anthem, the unsigned “free-agent” has reignited a spirit of activism, which has become more politicized because of conflating Kaepernick’s narrative on “social issues” to that of solely disrespecting a flag. GQ magazine recognized the activist football player as one of the magazine’s people of the year for its December issue. Making the cover as the magazine’s “Citizen of the Year” in recognition of his decision to kneel during the national anthem (first done in 2016), Kaepernick would also set into motion an impetus for similar protests throughout the NFL. Taking a knee against inequalities to bring about more awareness on societal ills and stigmas affecting communities and people across the nation— Kaepernick’s protest which centered on racial injustices and police brutality recaptured the attention of editors at GQ magazine. Touted by GQ as one of the best football players in the world in 2013, Kaepernick rode the NFL wave to success, void of controversy until the fateful day the 49ers quarterback decided to protest systematic oppression.

by LeNora Millen

Colin Kaepernick sends out a strong message without uttering a single word. Taking his protests back to the lyrical genius of Tupac with a shirt that reads, “Me against the World.” Photo Credit/TMZ Editors at GQ said Kaepernick selected ten people to write about social activism and protests, as well as the subject of equality, all in the context of Kaepernick’s own attempts to bring about more conversation on those issues. Included in the article — activist and singer Harry Belafonte, Selma director Ava DuVernay, Women's March co-organizer Linda Sarsour, and rapper J. Cole. The sleeping “apolitical” giant throughout the NFL and the sports industry moved in the direction of a more “politicized” NFL, placing Kaepernick behind the proverbial “eight-ball” with his name indelibly engraved. Lost within the haze of political rhetoric lending itself to a narrative about disrespecting the "flag," a paradigm shift to reset the narrative's concept loomed on the horizon. Kaepernick shared with the editors at GQ that he wanted to “reclaim the narrative of his protest,” specifically after the original intent and message of the act was overshadowed by losing a job in the NFL amid persistent backlash from those who view the protest as disrespectful. From presidential candidate in 2016 to president—Donald Trump led the attack against anyone in the NFL kneeling, telling NFL owners in a September rally in Alabama to fire players for taking a knee during the national anthem.




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COLIN KAEPERNICK Inciting the crowd, Trump said that if fans would “leave the stadium” when players kneel in protest during the national anthem, “I guarantee, things will stop.” Placing the responsibility for a kneeling player into the hands of NFL owners, Trump added—NFL owners should respond to the players by saying, “Get that son-of-abitch off the field right now, he's fired. He's fired!” Drawing national attention for refusing to stand during "The StarSpangled Banner" before kickoff, in an exclusive interview with NFL Media in August 2016, the former quarterback stated the following: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” sparking both support and backlash. By taking a stand for civil rights, Kaepernick joins other athletes, like the NBA's LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, and several WNBA players in using their platform and status to raise awareness to issues affecting minorities in the U.S. Appearing on The View in September 2016, one of the most respected rappers in hiphop, “Common,” spoke out in support of the San Francisco 49ers quarterback, not only relating to Kaepernick's stance but also comparing him to the late, great, sports legend Muhammad Ali. “I think the courage that Colin Kaepernick is showing is phenomenal,” Common said. “I mean, one of my heroes is Muhammad Ali, and I haven’t seen an athlete take that type of stand since Muhammad Ali.”

by LeNora Millen

Though Kaepernick declined to be quoted directly in the article, GQ described how perspectives from Kaepernick’s closest confidants were interwoven to share some of his innermost thoughts. Why take a stand… by taking a knee? A league dominated by African-American athletes should consider the larger social context in which players are immersed and acclimated within a culture tainted with societal ills that some people cannot relate. Not talking about racial inequalities, stigmas and stereotypes, will not erase or destroy the stigmas. With the growing number of minorities who are now using the NFL as a platform to discuss racial inequality—despite the NFL’s best efforts, the league has politicized itself by failing to allow its players the freedom to express themselves peacefully under The First Amendment (Amendment I). Rules and laws should apply in no uncertain terms, especially when taking a knee continues to spark a national debate over racial equality and the appropriateness of protesting during the national anthem. Colin Kaepernick, credited as the first player to disrupt the league’s social order, continues to make national headlines. He protested the overwhelming number of unarmed black men killed by police officers in recent years, often with little to zero consequence. The harsh public criticisms and NFL owner backlash only seemed to embolden Kaepernick, who has taken on the role of leader for a growing political movement in the league.

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Colin Kaepernick Stands for Justice by Political Columnist LeNora Millen

Before taking a knee in protest during the national anthem, Kaepernick reportedly discussed his feelings and concerns with his family, proclaiming that after months of witnessing civil unrest broadcast across various media outlets, he decided to become more active and involved in rights for African Americans. Kaepernick, who is biracial, was adopted and raised by white parents. Kaepernick’s unemployment with the NFL is not without criticism from both NFL owners and patriots for what they perceived as disrespecting the flag, while attempting to explain away, why they believe Kaepernick’s unemployment is justified —as a reaction to his protests, when he and others knelt during the playing of the national anthem.

Those in support of Kaepernick’s “right to protest” state the issue should not be one player’s politics but should be pointed in the direction of possible collusion among the 32 NFL owners. Collusion, not politics, is what the players and the players’ association should vehemently be pushing back against. As a free-agent, Colin Kaepernick filed a grievance under the latest collective bargaining agreement against NFL owners for collusion in October 2017 according to his attorney, Mark Geragos.

The filing, which demands an arbitration hearing on the matter, cites the NFL and its owners “have colluded to deprive Mr. Kaepernick of employment rights in retaliation for Mr. Kaepernick’s leadership and advocacy for equality and social justice, and his bringing awareness to peculiar institutions still undermining racial equality in the United States.” Not one to back down to challenges, Kaepernick will likely prepare himself for an uphill battle. Kaepernick’s attorney sent a copy of the complaint to the NFLPA, as well as the NFL and the 32 teams. Kaepernick tweeted in October that he filed the grievance “only after pursuing every possible avenue with all NFL teams and their executive.” From the moment last season that he took a knee during the national anthem, Kaepernick has worn the “Scarlett Letter” of vexing issues around patriotism, racism, and a matter of when and where dissent is appropriate.

Moving beyond last season’s debate, when Kaepernick protested in silence by taking a knee, the most pressing issue for players in the face of an unsigned Kaepernick should be a concern around the willingness of 32 NFL owners black-balling a Rather than obtain an attorney player whom they locked arms against because he through the NFL Players Association, took a stand against social ills and inequalities.

Kaepernick hired Geragos, who has been credited with representing several high-profile clients, including the former “King of Pop” Michael Jackson, singer/songwriter Chris Brown and former NASCAR driver Jeremy Mayfield.

Colin Kaepernick changed the face of American sports by protesting against what he views as unjust in a society laden with bigotry and systematic oppression. The man—the movement represents a powerful symbol of activism and resistance setting a new path and new trail for future generations to come.


Darrin D. Henson

Exclusive by Elvira Guzman

Darrin D. Henson is a successful choreographer, author, actor, director and producer! He is best known for playing Lem Van Adams on the hit Showtime TV series Soul Food, which is the longest-running drama with a predominantly African-American cast in television history. He’s also known for his instructional dance video Darrin’s Dance Grooves and for being one of the top choreographers in the business. Darrin has choreographed for celebrities like Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Prince, The Spice Girls and many others. He has starred in hit films like The Express, Black Coffee, Chocolate City, Kiss The Bride and Stomp The Yard. I was excited to interview Darrin for Exposure Magazine so I could share his inspirational story with all of you! Enjoy!

Exposure Magazine: You moved from New York to Los Angeles to pursue your dreams. Making such a big move would intimidate many. What gave you the courage to take that leap of faith? Darrin D. Henson: I signed with an agent and I had a lot of meetings and auditions in Hollywood. I would literally fly out every week! With the amount of money I was spending on flights and hotels, I knew I could get a condo or an apartment. Clearly it was time to make a move, and one day I took a deep breath and said, “Let’s go!” It was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my career. Exposure Magazine: Congratulations on your MTV award for choreographing NSYNC’s music video Bye Bye Bye. When did you realize you had a gift for dancing?

Darrin D. Henson: I realized that I loved dancing when I was 5-years-old. Growing up in the Bronx where hip-hop was created I was surrounded by music constantly. I was surrounded by Afrika Bambaataa and the Universal Zulu Nation. My love for dancing really kicked in when I started to watch Saturday Night Fever in High School. I just knew dancing was my path. I loved watching music videos from the Jackson‘s, and dancing was something that I became very passionate about. I practiced before school, after school and sometimes during school. Exposure Magazine: Did your family support your dream, or did they prefer that you go the so called “normal route” and become a doctor or lawyer? Darrin D. Henson: I realized that I loved dancing when I was 5-years-old. Growing up in the Bronx where hip-hop was created I was surrounded by music constantly. I was surrounded by Afrika Bambaataa and the Universal Zulu Nation. My love for dancing really kicked in when I started to watch Saturday Night Fever in High School. I just knew dancing was my path. I loved watching music videos from the Jackson‘s, and dancing was something that I became very passionate about. I practiced before school, after school and sometimes during school. Exposure Magazine: Did your family support your dream, or did they prefer that you go the so called “normal route” and become a doctor or lawyer? Darrin D. Henson: Growing up I was kind of on my own when it came to what I desired to become. I’m very close to both of my parents now, but growing up my dad wasn’t there. I don’t even look at it as being unfortunate because no one was in my way telling me what to do. My mom was focused on me doing well in school and she’d make sure I did my homework. She would tell me to read my books and she was more concerned about keeping me out of trouble. That’s what I would get from my mom. If I didn’t get a good grade on my test I was in trouble and me and her belt got really close. There was a lot of readjusting in my house. I’m grateful to my mom for keeping me in line. She never pressured me into any career, so I had a clear path to do what was in my heart. Many times I feel that people feel sorry for others who are raised in a single parent household, but sometimes that is the path of least resistance. When you have parents telling you what to do all of the time it hinders the children. Often parents want their children to live out their dreams and the kids get confused about what they want to do. I’m happy I didn’t have parents like that. I was allowed to pursue what I wanted to do versus what they thought was best for me.

Exposure Magazine: How important is God and faith when trying to realize your dreams?

More with Darrin Henson

Exposure Magazine: Was it difficult to transition from dancing to acting? What was your first big acting break in Hollywood? Darrin D. Henson: My first opportunity to act was on Broadway. I did a show called Stand Up Tragedy that was directed by Ron Link. I was blessed by a man named Adolfo Quinones also known as Shabado. He knew my work, and he made a call to Ron who was looking for a young guy who could play a Dominican kid who went to school on the Lower Eastside. The character was a troubled youth. I auditioned for the role and booked it when I was just 21-years-old. After the Broadway show was over I had a dream of doing choreography and so went back to dancing. In 1999 I choreographed Jordan Knight’s music video called Give It To You and it was nominated for an MTV Award for best dance video. It was up against Ricky Martin’s Living La Vida Loca and we lost to Ricky. Although Ricky is a great guy to lose to I was upset and angry about the loss, and I decided to quit choreographing music videos. I thought the natural thing to do next was to act. That’s what Gene Kelly did, that’s what Debbie Allen did and that’s what John Travolta did. They are all people I looked up to and I wanted to follow in their footsteps. I focused my energy on acting, and five months later I booked Soul Food. I transitioned careers out of positive frustration. I had worked with Michael Jackson, Prince, Spice Girls and so many others and I said I was done with dancing. While filming Soul Food I got a call to choreograph for NSYNC and the song was Bye Bye Bye. I accepted and that got me the MTV Award that I was looking for. Exposure Magazine: It almost seems like God gave you that obstacle so that you could be pushed into acting, but then God wasn’t done with your dancing career. Darrin D. Henson: I believe that, and that’s exactly how I phrase it. God wanted me to take my mind off dancing for a while so that I could transition into acting. God has a great way of guiding us.

Darrin D. Henson: God and faith is everything! How can you do anything unless you believe it’s going to work out for you? If you don’t believe it’s going to work out for you then you don’t want to see the next day. Those people that take their lives just really believe that it’s not going to get better. I always believe it’s going to get better. I always believe that everything is going to work out for me. Faith is what gives me the energy to do it. We have to get aligned energetically before we can manifest it physically. My faith is everything to me because without faith you won’t take the first step. Exposure Magazine: I love both of your books, “Intimate Thoughts” and “Ain’t That The Truth”. I literally could not put the books down once I started to read them. Very inspirational! What motivated you to become an author? Darrin D. Henson: It was a stepping stone. I’m a conversationalist and I’m a thinker. When I read about history I find that each society has its own great thinkers, and I decided to become that for my society. I love having conversations with people to teach them what I’ve learned so they can manifest their dreams but because of what I do I can’t talk to as many people as I’d like. Through my books I can reach many people and that brings me joy. I want to be able to help people so they can help themselves and others. I want to apply positive pressure to others. I want to give people the keys they need to be become successful. Exposure Magazine: Aside from inspiring others with your books you also spend a lot of your time doing charitable work. Why is it important to you to help others? Darrin D. Henson: We’ve got to be the change that we want to see in the world. If each one teaches one, then maybe we can reach one. What goes around comes around and we always get what we give. I’m grateful for what I have and I want more of it so I give more. My prayer, desire and hope is that the people that I help, help others.

Exposure Magazine: You went from being someone who had a dream to make it in the entertainment industry to someone who is an award winning choreographer, actor and author. What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue their dreams but is afraid to fail? Darrin D. Henson: Go back into your childhood and think of the things that you were scared of. It might’ve been swimming, riding a bike or getting on a roller coaster and you were scared before you did it but you did it. Look how much fun and joy it brought you once you got past the fear. Whatever it is that you’re fearful of see yourself doing it and see yourself celebrating that you got past the fear. When you get past your fears your life changes for the better. Everything that you really want to do is on the other side of fear and you can’t let fear stop you. Fear is a door that keeps you locked in but when you open the door the whole world outside that has been waiting for you is there. Don’t let fear be the reason you don’t chase your dreams. Exposure Magazine: I’m excited about your upcoming films Zulu Wedding, The Family Business and Choir Director. When will those movies be out and what can you tell us about the films? Darrin D. Henson: I just got some great news this morning that the international film I starred in, Zulu Wedding, is coming out February 23, 2018. It’s a film I did in South Africa and there’s quite a few amazing South African actors in the movie. Carl Payne from the Martin show is also in the film. I’m very excited because it’s my first international film. The Choir Director will be out sometime in March and The Family Business will be out September 2018. Exposure Magazine: If you had to credit one key of success to making it in Hollywood what do you think it has been for you? Darrin D. Henson: Believing and knowing that I can do anything. Knowing that someone else did it before me means that I can do it too. I believe in me! Everything that we desire we can achieve. Exposure Magazine: Is there anything else you’d like to tell our readers?

Darrin D. Henson: You too can achieve whatever it is that you imagine in your mind. Visualize it in your mind, feel it in your heart, and then take the steps towards getting it done and feel good about it! Align yourself with the emotion of feeling great about it already happening, and watch it unfold before your eyes. Exposure Magazine: Congratulations on all of your success and we at Exposure Magazine wish you continued success in everything that you do! Keep motivating us to chase our dreams!






by Willie Washington Speaking from experience of course... I want to bring to the forefront the importance of a father being in his daughter's life. Not to diminish the fact that a son needs the same attention. I am sure you're aware of the saying "Daddy's little girl..." In my world my daughter is truly just that. From day one, I have loved, protected, and shared my wisdom with her. She is now 25yrs old, very independent, married with two beautiful children. I am so proud of her, she's accomplished so much in her life from marriage to maintaining a good job. I share this with other fathers, to insure they understand we are important and needed.

Willie Washington


If children don’t have a biological father available, they look for fathering from the men in their lives. Fathers aid significantly in the social, emotional, and intellectual development of their children. Kids With Good Dads Are More Intellectually-Inclined Research has shown that fathers — or the absence of fathers — are just as important as mothers in child development. In a 2002 review of various studies on the father’s role in child development, researchers found consistent evidence that children of involved fathers were more likely to show cognitive competence and educational success than those whose fathers weren’t engaged, and were also more likely to enjoy school and take part in more extracurricular activities. For daughters, the lack of a father figure has been correlated with a greater risk of teen pregnancy or early marriage before education is complete. Fathers act as protectors both physically and emotionally; as the traditionally strong, manly figures in the family, they may act as barriers to anything from bullying to child abuse. According to a 2009 study using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, children without their biological fathers were more likely to be abused or neglected, oftentimes by the non-biological father or the man dating their mother. When a biological dad is around, kids are more likely to be protected.

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What were your beginnings like coming up as an artist in the eyes of your peers and family? Ever since I was 4 years old I can remember just being able to see things in my mind and able to draw or paint them. As a stillborn, or miracle baby, my mother told me it was my gift from God, and I should thank Him and give Him the glory for it. As far as my abusive deadbeat-dad, well he thought I was gay because I liked to draw, paint and design things, so he never supported me. All of my friends in school thought it was cool, and most of my teachers always gave me extra credit for helping decorate the hallways, classroom boards and special events at the schools.

What was the experience like having your work being featured at the Olympics? The experience was awesome, exciting and bittersweet because of all of the attention that I received, and standing on the stage in New York with the rest of the other very famous artists I felt that I had arrived and reached one of my goals. Because I was so young and unknown, because most of the other artists were established and their bodies of work were older than I was, I had no sponsorship. So I could not travel on tour with my art to Torino, Italy. I looked at it on the positive side, that at least my art would represent me. Overall, it was a wonderful experience.

Olympic Artist Jesse Raudales Internationally acclaimed celebrity artist How did that experience affect you as a person? It was very exciting, and different. I ended up having 5 managers and an agent, and I was invited to TV shows, Red carpet events, Oscar parties and so many VIP events. My son, 6 at the time, was able to attend a lot of these experiences with me. I painted his face with a dove as a symbol of peace and that was the piece that was selected for the 2006 Olympic Games titled “Peace For The Children Of The World”. People started just recognizing me everywhere that I went and asking for autographs. It was pretty cool. As my son got older it got to a point where he finally asked me to cut my hair and just be a dad, not the artist all the time. So I gave him his wish and cut my hair.


If there was anything you would change about your early start, what would it be? Yes, I would have signed and taken some of the deals I was offered by Hanna Barbara and other companies regarding my art. Hanna Barbara wanted to make changes to my artistic creativity that I should not have been so sensitive about. It’s better to have 50% of something instead of 100% of nothing. That’s business. I wish I would have paid more attention to the business side of things when I was younger. As they say, knowledge is power! How important are the arts in terms of impacting how we view ourselves in society? The artists who created hieroglyphics tell a story and teach us about our history. Without them we would not know as much as we do about our past and our ancestry. We would not have all of these modern day inventions because a lot of the artists from our past were also the inventors of what we have today. Michelangelo for an example, or Leonardo da Vinci. The Arts impact our lives tremendously!!!

Do you feel the arts are being suppressed to place others at a disadvantage? Why or why not? Yes, I do because the Arts are the first to go when the government does its cutbacks, and they have made art schools very expensive to attend. I think it’s done to weed out the poor and make a privilege for the wealthy. Studies show that children who are allowed to express themselves through art in schools have a higher graduation rate and are more successful in their careers and life in general.

How important is nurturing the artistic ability in our children? Why do the arts matter to young minds and who they become? Art helps you express yourself and is also an outlet for us. If you research The Importance of Art in Child Development by Grace Hwang Lynch you will learn how, “Learning to create and appreciate visual aesthetics” may be more important than ever to the development of the next generation of children as they grow up. Developmental benefits of art include motor skills, language development, decision making, cultural awareness and improved academic performance.

Can you tell us about your initiative to help children on your platform? And how can others get involved? Yes, I always try to reach out to nonprofits and donate or create pieces for different charities as well as fulfilling the mission of my non-profit “Keeping Art Alive.” Since my Olympic piece is titled “Peace for The Children Of The World” it just makes sense that I work with a lot of organizations that work with children. Whenever I can, I donate my services as an artist to different agencies like the DSS, Make A Wish, BSAK, Inc. and other non-profits. I also provide pieces for auction to non-profits who bring awareness to issues associated with domestic violence. Others can get involved by supporting me or other artists that are out here making a difference.

Thank you so much it was an honor to be interviewed by your magazine and I can be reached at www.jesseraudales.com

JUSTIN DUKES Exposure Magazine Sports Editor

Based out of Chicago, I cover the beat on the sporting world for Exposure. Writing for the magazine for just over 2 years, my goal has been to go beyond just raw stats and go in depth to one of the microcosms for our world today. Being in this profession for several years, Exposure has been the ideal spot to establish a foundation for my career, and with being surrounded by other talented writers and industry professionals, I look forward to their contributions just as much as being able to provide my own.Â


We know pushups are a great core exercise, but one amazing gentleman decided that his pushups could do more than strengthen his core. Patrick Parker, also known as SGTPUSHUP, helps strengthen our hungry children so they could go on to fulfill their own dreams. Parker served in the Army in Operation Desert Storm from 1988-1991 and received two bronze stars. He always loved doing pushups and one day, it occurred to him that he might be able to do more than build his body doing them. Sherri: How did you decide you wanted to pursue this mission? SGTPUSHUP: I love doing pushups and I wanted to do something to bring attention to the fact we have a major problem with childhood hunger. According to http://www.feedingamerica.org/hu nger-in-america/child-hungerfacts.html there are over 13 million children who struggle with hunger every single day. I thought if I can do pushups and people would contribute per push up, I could make a difference in this number. Sherri: Do you have a goal you are working to accomplish? A number in mind? SGTPUSHUP: My goal is to do 3000 push-ups a day. If I could encourage people to donate $1 a push-up, together, we can make a huge impact on hunger. One dollar will provide 3 meals for a child. I have committed to doing 250,000 pushups which means that would provide 750,000 meals to hungry children.


TSGTPUSHUP: I would love to do this full time and focus on feeding children all over America whether as a partner with a not-forprofit or wherever I may be led! If you would like to support SGTPUSHUP in his mission please follow him on social media https://www.facebook.com/ groups/292075844476811/ and also on Instagram as SGTPUSHUP.

ENDING HUNGER! by Sherri Strohecker Leopold Sherri: We can always do more together. If you could partner with anyone to help share this mission what kind of person or partner would that be? SGTPUSHUP: I would love to have corporate partners that would offer matching donations such as Chick-fil-a, Mission BBQ, McDonalds, Sugarshack, or even a toy store. I am open to hearing from corporate sponsors---places that children frequent---where others could learn more about the mission. My ultimate dream would be to partner with big entertainers such as Luke Bryan, Beyoncé, U2, or other musical groups. I see myself doing pushups throughout the concert and having the artist encourage their concert goers to donate during the performances.

You will find donation links at both sites. You can visit http://sgtpushup.com to support his various efforts in support of children. As Patrick Parker, SGTPUSHUP continues to strengthen his core, he continues to strengthen the core of this great country through his mission of feeding the future of our country: our children!

SHERRI LEOPOLD Exposure Magazine Health & Wellness Editor

Sherri Leopold Healthy Lifestyles Editor from Springfield IL thrives on sharing current trends on staying healthy. These topics includes diet, exercise, and social and emotional health and sharing people who excel within these realms. Sherri is a top leader in Le-Vel which is a health and wellness company. Helping people to a healthier space is a passion for her. She strives to encourage people through introducing amazing people, experiences and places! Her number one goal is to help all people thrive not just survive!


A Horrific Trend That Needs To Be Addressed Civil Rights Attorney Daryl K. Washington Goes In Cedric Nettles Senior Editor

Qualified Immunity: Could you explain the notion of qualified immunity and what that means for citizens? Qualified immunity protects public officials from being sued for damages unless they violated “clearly established” law of which a reasonable official in his position would have known. It aims to protect civil servants from the fear of litigation in performing discretionary functions entrusted to them by law. Wrongful Death Cases: The obvious tragedy is the deaths. Is the underlying tragedy of these cases the elephant in the room that goes unnoticed? The tragedy of the deaths are generally the victim who is placed on trial. If the individual has a criminal background the focus becomes the deceased's background and not the wrongdoing of the officer. The really unfortunate thing is that there are so many people in this world that believe an individual with a criminal background deserves to be dead. It's a horrible way of thinking.

Social Media: Is it enough to protect innocent bystanders in court? if not, why? Social media can be great, and it also can be harmful. I advise my clients not to post anything on social media that they would not want their grandparents to read. I use social media as a research tool at times because there are folks who will post any and everything about their daily lives. Profiling: Did you ever have an experience that you felt threatened or wrongfully profiled by the police? I've been profiled on occasions simply for driving while black, but when it's discovered I'm an attorney, demeanors often change. I often get strange looks when I'm taking the depositions of officers. It let's me know that I'm asking the right questions.

Jurors: We spoke earlier about jurors in cases. How important is the ethnic make up? What is the problem you find with jurors who are briefed before cases? Having a diverse jury is so very important. You need individuals who are able to see both sides and understand the culture of individuals. Oftentimes, there are jurors who have made up their minds before opening statements which is why it is so important for us to weed out jurors who are not looking to be fair.

Attitude With Police: What would be your message to young black men when confronted by the police? My advice is to be as cooperative as possible even when dealing with a hostile officer. There are officers who are looking for a reason to harm someone. I would prefer going to trial with my clients alive than having to represent the estate.


Individuals looking for aid should look for organizations in their cities that assist with the payment of legal fees. I will be re-launching the Unequal Justice Legal Defense Fund. The website is www.ujldf.com. I hope to be operating in the first half of 2018.

Home - Unequal Justice Legal Defense Fund www.ujldf.com

LENORA MILLEN Exposure Magazine Political Editor

LeNora's mantra in life is simple; never compartmentalize thinking to limit one's ability to apply learning to various aspects of life. As the “political editor” with Exposure Magazine, LeNora describes her role as not only a blessing, but one of the most fulfilling roles that push her to not shy away from controversial topics within the political arena.


The United States is the world’s leader in incarceration. There are 2.2 million people in the nation’s prisons and jails—a 500% increase over the last 40 years. Changes in law and policy, not changes in crime rates, explain most of this increase. The results are overcrowding in prisons and fiscal burdens on states, despite increasing evidence that large-scale incarceration is not an effective means of achieving public safety.

How did this happen? We started sending more people to prison. A series of law enforcement and sentencing policy changes of the “tough on crime” era resulted in dramatic growth in incarceration. Since the official beginning of the War on Drugs in 1982, the number of people incarcerated for drug offenses in the U.S. skyrocketed from 40,900 in 1980 to 469,545 in 2015. Today, there are more people behind bars for a drug offense than the number of people who were in prison or jail for any crime in 1980. The number of people sentenced to prison for property and violent crimes has also increased even during periods when crime rates have declined.

Harsh sentencing laws like mandatory minimums, combined with cutbacks in parole release, keep people in prison for longer periods of time The National Research Council reported that half of the 222% growth in the state prison population between 1980 and 2010 was due to an increase of time served in prison for all offenses. There has also been a historic rise in the use of life sentences: one in nine people in prison is now serving a life sentence, nearly a third of whom are sentenced to life without parole. Mass incarceration has not touched all communities equally

America's NEW slavery grounds prison & jailTam Lawrence

The racial impact of mass incarceration Sentencing policies, implicit racial bias, and socioeconomic inequity contribute to racial disparities at every level of the criminal justice system. Today, people of color make up 37% of the U.S. population but 67% of the prison population. Overall, African Americans are more likely than white Americans to be arrested; once arrested, they are more likely to be convicted; and once convicted, they are more likely to face stiff sentences. Black men are six times as likely to be incarcerated as white men and Hispanic men are more than twice as likely to be incarcerated as non-Hispanic white men. Where do we need to go from here? Just as a bicycle works best when it uses different gears based on the terrain, we need a justice system that has different responses for different situations—shifting gears to treatment, prevention, and long-term public safety solutions as appropriate. By taking a practical approach to criminal justice reform, we can decrease crime, enhance public safety, and make more responsible use of our resources.

In 1994, 24-year-old Kemba Smith was sentenced to 24.5 years in prison for her participation in her boyfriend’s illegal drug activities. She had no prior criminal record, and she was 7 months pregnant.






Elder Abuse: When Caregiving Goes Wrong

There are no federal regulations covering

Every day, in millions of homes across the

home-care workers, other than broad

country, legions of home health aides are

standards for care provided under Medicaid.

helping to meet the basic needs of America's

Only about half of all states require home-care

older adults — cooking, cleaning and assisting

agencies to conduct any sort of training for

with activities of daily living. Nearly 10 million

their employees. Just 15 states require

adults age 65 and older receive care at home

agencies to conduct periodic in-home reviews

or in residential care settings other than

to make sure workers are doing their jobs.

nursing homes. That number is projected to

Most states require criminal background

skyrocket as the 65-plus population rises from

checks of home-care workers but do not

40 million today to more than 70 million in

require agencies to check records in other

2030, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures.


Research suggests that 1 in 10 Americans 60

the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

and over have experienced some form of elder

found that less than a third of home-care

abuse. But even as prosecutors around the

agencies screened their employees for illegal

country target elder abuse, many cases go

drug use, and just 16 percent tested for basic

unreported. Some older adults fear that if they

knowledge about providing care in the home.

complain, they will end up in a nursing home. Those with dementia may not be able to

Personal care aides and home-health aides are

remember that they have been abused:

the nation's second- and third-fastest growing

Studies show that more than a third of people

occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of

with dementia suffer psychological or physical

Labor Statistics. That has not led to higher pay

abuse at the hands of people providing care.

or benefits for workers.

Meanwhile, their natural advocates and watchdogs — family members — often live

One in 4 home-care workers live in households

hundreds or thousands of miles away.

below the federal poverty line, and a third lack health insurance


ELDERLY ABUSE Affordable Care Act (ACA), six states, including Michigan and California, are working to develop more rigorous standards for training and assessing home-care workers. And several nonprofit groups have created registries to match the needs of seniors living at home with aides who have specialized skills, such as working with people with dementia or Alzheimer's.

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R.A. will not limit me Moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a lifelong condition that causes your joints to hurt and swell. About 1.3 million people in the United States have it. Aquatic exercises are especially gentle on painful joints because water helps to support your weight, which reduces joint stress, and exercising in warm water helps to reduce stiffness. Water also provides a natural resistance so you can get an aerobic and strengthening workout. Use water weights for more of a challenge.

From my perspective, swimming and water aerobics are great because it feels good and my joints don’t swell up afterward. It’s also something that I can do even when I’m having a flare. My shoulders creek a little and my muscles get sore, but I recover usually within a day, much more quickly than I do with harder land-based activities like lifting weights and walking. Also, I’m very conscious of really reaching, working my triceps and stretching my arms during the strokes. Swimming laps builds lung capacity and endurance. And water aerobics does build muscle and really helps me stretch.

Where can I find a pool or water exercise program?


Why I spend my mornings in the pool at Elite Sports Club?




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Closing out the 2016 season recovering from back surgery, Watt has been as eager as anyone to return to the field. As one of the faces of the NFL, Watt has easily been on one of the best players at his position. Statistical analysis aside, a mere eye test of Watt on the field would show the distinct passion he has for his craft. "I messed up my finger a little bit... Just busted the bone through the skin. Noting bad, just tape it up" Watt told Bleacher Report after the Texans season opener against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

As NBA legend Charles Barkley declared himself unfit to be a role model because he dunks basketballs in his 1993 Nike commercial, a four year old Justin "J.J." Watt in all likelihood was paying no mind to the remarks of the NBA star as they played nationwide. Presently standing as the Star defensive end for the Houstin Texans, Watt would probably concur that batting down footballs doesn't make him a role model either, just as he begins to

LAST In the weeks prior to the Texans' season opener, Hurricane Harvey had been laying waste to many cities in Texas among an even

total the 31 millions dollars in

longer list of other locations. With dozens

charitable funds he's gathered to

confirmed dead, the ugly financial triage in

dissolve the wreckage of one of the

governmental relief efforts and countless

biggest natural disasters in United

homes and other possessions lost, the belief

States history. Hurricane Harvey was

among select Texans players was that the

the first major hurricane to hit land

season opener could be a unifying occasion

in the United States since 2005 and

for the city and state. “For us to play that first

has caused a record setting

game at home, it would smooth a lot of

estimated 190 billion dollars in

things over. I’m not saying completely, but I


believe it would help.” linebacker Brian Cushing explained to the Houston Chronicle.


"A lot of fans would explain to us that this was their break from their reality," said former Saints linebacker Jonathan Vilma to CBS Sports in the teams' 2009 championship season." In a tone fairly similar to Cushings he added "So they wanted to go and get there early, tailgate, get away from whatever problems that they had going on." However where the comparison falls flat is the differing stages of recovery from New Orleans to Houston. While the citizens of New Orleans were finding their footing with several years having passed since Katrina, the residents of Houston are still attempting to keep their heads above water which is an entirely different reality that Vilma alluded to.

Receiving public donations from names like comedian Ellen Degeneres and Tennessee Titans owner Amy Adams Strunk who both donated 1 millions dollars each as well as contributions from many others, the fundraiser has shown the side of society unable to be washed away by any hurricane. “Absolutely incredible,” tweeted Watt recently. “The most difficult times bring out the best in humanity.”


Launching the non-profit J.J. Watt Foundation in 2010, Watt's goal was to assist underfunded athletic programs in Texas and his home state of Wisconsin to aid middle school students in realizing his reality as a pro athlete as well as their many other aspirations are within arm's reach. "Dream Big Work Hard" has been the motto for the foundation, and yet despite the wonders it has worked for Texas schools, the unfortunate narrative ushered in by Hurricane Harvey established that no dreams will be taking place without a bed to sleep in which is when a video appeared one afternoon in late August from J.J. Watt. "I'm sitting here watching the news and checking the internet and seeing everything that's going on with Hurricane Harvey and the damages its causing back at home." said Watt "It's very difficult.

It's very difficult not only because we have family and friends back there. Some guys have young kids. Some guys have wives and families. That's our city. It's very tough to watch our city get hit by such a bad storm and not be there to help, not be there to help with the recovery, not be there to help with the process. It's very tough so what I do want to do is start a fundraiser." Aware that as unifying as the upcoming season opener could be for the city of Houston, Watt's biggest realization came in accepting that a healing had to take place in addition to the positive reinforcement the Texans could provide. Exemplifying Watt's dedication to a cause bigger than himself, the figures displayed on Watt's YouCaring Fundraiser page show a still rising 31 million dollar amount, exceeding Watt's $200,000 goal as well as his own salary for the year.

Sharing a petition of 66,000 signatures to have rename a Texas highway the J.J. Watt Parkway, Texas Governor Greg Abbott among many has taken notice of Watt's actions, and while this won't be the cities top priority, the reciprocation of unconditional love and support has become contagious and will be the fuel that restores Houston to what it once was. A three time defensive player of the year award winner, Watt enters the 2017 season as one of the favorites for the award despite looking to bounce back from injury. Charging onto the Texans' field for their season opener, Watt arrives to a booming welcome from the crowd fit more fitting for an MVP. Regardless of the award he receives to conclude the season, Watt will forever be a champion in Houston for his selfless acts in his adoptive home's time of need. However with much more work to be done, while not tending to his duties with the Texans, Watt can be spotted doing his part in the communities of Houston and Wisconsin and wherever else he can continue to be a motivating presence. While Charles Barkley disqualified himself as a role model with his words, the funny thing about actual role models is how they are revealed by their actions.

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