Exposure Magazine June Issue

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JUNE 2017










5 Easy Ways to Gain Exposure Every successful brand has the desire to be exposed. It very seldom you will hear, "No exposure needed," from a result-driven business. Exposure is in high-demand in a crowded marketplace. Exposure is what keeps every business in business. Expert PR specialist Tam Lawrence gives us 5 expert techniques to gain exposure (1) Seek out editors or journalists covering your area of interest (2) Make the connection via LinkedIn or on Twitter (3) Create an exclusive brand story (4) Share your story with the editor or journalist (5) Follow up on any submissions. One of the most important things to consider is that media and press look for creditable sources. In closing, your submission should not sound like an AD or advertisement. Preparing your brand's story is a challenge, so it's best to have a 3rd party write the article- to insure it is not based on opinion but rather facts. exposure-magazine.com






Get Your Swim On! People Rocking the One Piece Harry Man Chest Swimsuit


It’s summer weather. Time for

(Here I was worried about if I could

BBQ’s, pool parties and the

wear white.) So I had to check out this

beach…and that means shopping

manly, hairy beast on the actual site

for that perfect, sexy, flattering

and see what the “hype” was about.

swimsuit. But this is a thumbs down

To buy to try. or not buy to try.

from me…

At $44.95, nah.

Beloved’s “sexy man’s hairy chest

Some customers comment on the site

one piece” has the morning talk

saying it’s a statement about society

shows, internet and radio shows

judging others about their bodies. That

chatting away.

statement has this beach bum scratching my head…I mean, what


does the hot dog bodysuit say about how society judges our bodies?

EXPOSE YOUR REAL ESTATE Exposure Magazine opens its pages up to real estate firms, agents, and investors

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EXPOSURE FOR REALTORS contact admin@exposure-magazine.com make this page your home


People are quick to choose a side. When disparity exists in the systematic incarceration of a particular ethnicity or race, social injustice pioneers are quick to raise historical racism as the underlying cause.


What’s the Problem?: Current Trends First

When disparity exists in the portrayal of innocent civilians being murdered by individual law enforcement officers, the number of those killed again has an affinity to a particular ethnicity or race, and social injustice pioneers are quick to raise historical racism as the underlying cause. So what makes these issues of social injustice so similar? We want the justice system to work for us. Even if we’ve never been arrested or known anyone who has, there is security in knowing if we are ever innocently arrested or charged with a crime, we would be exonerated without delay. I’m biracial but I know when people look at me they see black. I’m a law-abiding citizen, but when I enter a department store with my double stroller, toddler book bag with snacks for my 4 year old who is highly allergic to common foods, I know I’m being stared at, I know people are wondering if I’m going to steal something, and I know it just takes one ignorant person to accuse me for me to be facing leading questions from a police officer forcing me to defend my honor. This is a mild form of fear, but imagine what my boys may encounter when they get old enough to ride together in the car alone. Let’s just agree how quickly the legal system can swoop some of us up, even when we are innocently living.


Hone in on current trends in justice media and see this: Black civilians mad about white officers committing crimes against black civilians and getting away with it. Black civilians mad about black civilians accused of committing crimes against black and white civilians and not getting away with it. When justice works for us, we are happy with it. When we don’t get the results we want, we are completely appalled by it.

Do you really understand the decision making process in criminal justice?

Do you hold your views consistently or are you a hypocrite?

Would understanding how the decision making process actually works help you decide what you’re really mad about?

And what would you do about it, even in the wake of understanding?

This is the continuation of the Legal Literacy series aimed at improving

So what are we really mad about? That it works? Because a reasonable doubt standard is supposed to be so hard to prove beyond. It’s supposed to be difficult to convict because taking away someone’s freedom is a legendary injustice if it happens wrongfully. Or are we mad that it doesn’t work for us?

understanding in an effort to underline the real issues within the legal system. Join me as I continue refining society’s legal literacy by discussing hard truths about the system. -Devika L. Carr, Esq.


Ukraine hidden


Among the first things you notice as you fly over Ukraine are the fertile fields below. Dubbed “Europe’s breadbasket,” Ukraine is reputed to have some of the finest soil in the world. As a result, it’s a gastronome’s delight. Travelers are in for a delightful surprise when they visit this beautiful country, which is the second largest in Europe after Russia. AUkraine remains somewhat undiscovered by world travelers, having been hidden behind the Iron curtain before gaining its independence on August 24, 1991 following the collapse of the U.S.S.R. More recently, its war with Russia over the illegal annexation of the Ukrainian territory of Crimea prevents travel in that area. However, other regions of Ukraine remain travel friendly. Odessa is one such region and a popular weekend seaside destination for Ukrainians. A major seaport, Odessa is known as the "pearl of the Black Sea," and was founded in 1794 by a decree of the Empress Catherine the Great. The city has a rich history for winemaking and brandy production and many restaurants specialize in the delicious local seafood.


hidden gem in the Ukraine by Ann Willets Many of the area’s hotels have been built within the last few years and feature all the modern amenities and are quite reasonable due to a favorable exchange rate. For instance, the M1 Club Hotel, located at 1 Lidersovskiy Blvd. in Odessa features rooms with spacious balconies overlooking the Black Sea. Enjoy an evening cocktail on the rooftop Prosecco bar, complete with a gorgeous view, fabulous snacks and live band. Don’t sleep too late because the breakfast spread is impressive, complete with fresh oysters and, yes, more prosecco!


The region is also famous for its brandy. The Shustov Distillery, which manufactures Odessa Brandy, lies about 20 kilometers from Odessa near the village Velikodolinskoe, surrounded by picturesque vineyards and boasts a fabulous museum located in town. As the oldest brandy distillery in the Ukraine, it houses the largest production capacity in Europe with over 60,000 aging barrels made from French, Hungarian and western Ukrainian oak. Odessa is produced from spirits distilled from white grape varietals including Rkatsiteli, Aligoté and Pinot varieties. The Rkatsiteli is an ancient pale-skinned grape variety from the Republic of Georgia – one of the oldest (if not the oldest) wineproducing regions on earth. Aligoté is a white grape used to make dry white wines in the Burgundy region of France, but it is also cultivated in many Eastern Europe countries.

Above Text about the article photo would fit perfectly here.

Odessa is distilled using the traditional French “Charentais” – or double fractional distillation – in copper pot stills. The heart of the distillate is then carefully selected to be bottled and aged, enhancing the delicate and refined aroma that is the signature of its white grape varietals. The spirit ages in oak barrels for at least five years.

Aged Delight... The resulting brandy is world class. Notes of oriental spices and citrus fruit dominate the first nose, while the second follows with hints of raisins and tones of maturity. The taste carries honey and nutty overtones, while the creamy caramel finish is long and smooth. It’s a brandy to be savored. Currently, only the Odessa V.S.O.P. Brandy is available in the United States. No visit to the Ukraine would be complete without a visit to Khortytsa Island in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhe. This ancient island’s history dates back thousands of years and reaches the roots of civilization. It is a sacred place in Ukraine -considered to be the cradle and heart of Ukrainian national pride --and is one of the country’s seven wonders.

Khortytsa Island is a combination of a nature preserve and historic site. Be sure to visit the historic and cultural complex Zaporizhian Sich, a recreation of an old Cossack settlement dating from the 16th-17th centuries and exciting reenactments of Cossack riding duels and melee combat! While there, treat yourself to a stay at the Khortitsa Palace on 71A Shevcheknko Boulevard and sip the local vodka, Khortytsa Platinum Vodka, on their luxurious patio overlooking the Dnieper River. Founded by the owner Eugene Chernyak, Khortytsa is named in honor of this national treasure and it’s label features the crossed, curved swords of the Cossacks.

V.S.O.P brandy odessa BY ANN WILLET

Built in 2003, the Khortytsa (pronounced “Hor-Ti-Tsa) Distillery is among the world’s finest distilleries. It uses a local organic filter containing schungite (a unique natural mineral) which allows it to get as close as possible to the structure of natural water. The filtration process is further enhanced with special birch and alder-tree charcoal and quartz sand sourced near the famous Crystal Mountain Range.

Although new to the US market, Khortytsa (often called Khor) is well known globally. In fact, if each bottle produced was put end-to-end, they would circle the globe more than four times! Currently, there are four items within the Khortytsa line imported to the United States: Khortytsa Platinum, which is the most popular item in the line; Khortytsa Ice, specially formulated to be frozen with the bottle turning blue when chilled; Khortytsa Honey Pepper, which offers a spicy zing to a variety of cocktails, and Khortytsa De Luxe for vodka connoisseurs, which is a “super premium” vodka.

So, if you can’t make it to the Ukraine for a visit, sampling the country’s amazing brandy and vodka is the next best thing!

Photo Captions: Odessa V.S.O.P. Brandy The Shustov Museum features an antique Alembic Still Cossacks perform at Zaporizhian Sich Khortytsa Vodka Delicious Vareniki (dumplings)

DREAM INSURANCE Former NBA Small Forward Bobby Simmons’ role in preparing players of today for life after basketball. ARTICLE BY SPORTS EDITOR JUSTIN DUKES

The “fallback plan” is the last notion a young upstart on his way to making the big dollars, employed to play a game he has played for free his whole life would care to entertain. Three to four short years later, when the majority of those players’ NBA careers have ended, National Basketball Association (NBA) Career Counselor and Chicago native, Bobby Simmons isn’t necessarily advising the next crop of NBA hopefuls to prepare for a fall at their career’s end; their goal should be to remain standing. The grand NBA contracts, as rare as they are come further down a line in a player’s career. Initially NBA rookie contracts go for two years with an option for a third, showing how little time young players have to establish a foundation in the league.

The National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) aware of this somewhat startling, but very real truth proactively seeks to empower its players from negotiating collective bargaining agreements, to working with community organizations alongside NBA players to handling player retirement plans. The career development programs also provide a viable outlet of assistance for players who have likely yet to realize the luxury that they have been afforded. “I inform these guys that they should use the opportunity of playing on the big stage and meeting whoever they want to meet to their advantage in their off-court career. If they take advantage of these opportunities, they might want to venture out and explore some of their interests once their playing career is over.

If they take advantage of these opportunities, they might want to venture out and explore some of their interests once their playing career is over. A lot of times guys can get taken advantage of when people tell them what to do and how to spend their money rather than the player just doing what he wants to do and pursuing what he’s interested in.” Simmons recently expressed to Fansided. Today, the biggest downfall of professional athletes in the succeeding years of their playing careers is simply a misplaced physical and financial superiority complex. Just as young athletes believe their bodies will never break down and their careers should last forever, it is also their common belief that their finances should reflect their immortality as well. From this way of thinking, money begins getting recklessly spent, destructive habits are fortified, and dependency parasites receive their host. To worsen matters, many of these athletes possess so many trust issues and insecurities, enemies and friends can no longer be clarified.

In a position many young athletes will eventually face, Simmons built his post career on building relationships in various professional organizations on all levels of competition. Ultimately, what enabled him to sustain a level of success for many years was honing the ability to decipher alliances and to what capacity in which they would be allowed in his life. As a motivational speaker, his message isn’t in accumulating friends, but rather self-worth and competency. Those sentiments are also shared in his role as one of the four Career Development Counselors for the NBA in addition to other services for players. The NBA’s Career Development Program, facilitated by its counselors affords players insight to the world outside of basketball and assist in the projection of a career plan.


BY SPORTS EDITOR JUSTIN DUKES Players are made aware of internship opportunities through employer consultation, networking events, while counselors also stay mindful of current issues players of today face. Furthering the mutual passion that the counselors share, Simmons forged the Bobby Simmons Rising Stars Foundation, annually granting 10 scholarships for Chicago students to attend DePaul University.

DEAR BOOK AUTHORS Exposure Magazine has space for you to gain exposure and increase your book sales. Contact Us (678) 881 - 3069

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IT'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN EXPOSURE OFFERING AD-EDITORIALS MAKES US UNIQUE AND RESULT DRIVEN No, No, ADS.. Exposure Magazine offers ADEditorials. Giving companies the opportunity to talk about their "WHY?" It's a sure-fire way of gaining the consumer's trust.

EXPOSURE OFFERS A motivated community vibrant colors, edgy content and clean imaging.


"Numerous pro athletes have ventured into becoming business moguls and established themselves as entrepreneurs."

The five bedroom mansion for a single player or the seven car lifestyle just may not be realistic for all players. Throwing more money than your teammates at strip clubs or purchasing a Rolex watch for every single member of your family for Christmas just may not be financially responsible. What eventually determines a player’s career is where he places value. With his share of rookie transition programs under his belt from years past, Simmons’s consistent effort and ambition have proven to be steady pillars of the NBPA’s Career Development Program.

Presently a successful entrepreneur, owner of Simmons Entertainment & Marketing LLC, Chicago nightclub Society and Chicago sneaker boutique Succezz among other ventures, Simmons is proving that greatness can exist away from the basketball court. Most importantly, Simmons’ actions not only demonstrate to the next generation of NBA stars the value he sees within himself, but also that the sum of all he is laboring for is greater than just one individual.

You’re the Boss Applesauce! SHERRI LEOPOLD

We worry about eating well, exercising, sleeping, and being physically healthy, but we tend to forget to care for our mind health. Our mind tells our body what to do, how to respond, and ultimately creates your happiness and health. Our body is incredibly responsive to our thoughts. Stands to reason that one might want to spend some time thinking about what and who you are. Many people today enjoy telling us who we should be, how we should think, how we should dress and who we should become etc. I have some great news for you! YOU are the boss applesauce! I spent many years teaching my children to recite this very line every day before school. I needed them to understand they would decide who they were and what and how they would think about themselves. This was my way of preparing them in case they were bullied or ridiculed. Who is preparing you and protecting you from yourself? You know the voice in your head- yes, we all have one- the one that sometimes says “Wow, you look really fat”, or “How could you be so stupid?”, or maybe it’s “I wish I was as funny, smart, attractive as my sister or co-worker”. The bottom line is that negative self-talk will manifest itself in negative ways, fighting against your physical well-being. Someone who constantly degrades themselves mentally will often eat for comfort. Gaining weight results in affirming your own negative words as true. It’s a cycle no one enjoys or benefits from. Even those around you will suffer. Please be kind to yourself. Motivational Speaker, Michael Clouse explains it this way. We should never say anything to our self in our own head that we wouldn’t turn around and say to our mother or best friend. Seriously- self check here. Are you being nice, kind, patient and loving to yourself? If not, then why not? I believe strongly in the Law of Attraction: we bring about what we think about. You will most certainly manifest what you continually tell yourself, whether it’s true or not. We can only control two things in our lives - our own thoughts, and our actions or reactions. Make it easy to obtain a fulfilling and positive life by filling your mind space with positive words and thoughts. Read uplifting and joyful material and say good words to yourself. In fact, repeat them over and over. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between fact or reality but it will continue to work on whatever you feed it. Say good things to yourself. You deserve it boss!

Shine like a diamond


Creativity comes natural for me. Hell! As a single-parent mother, I had to be creative, resilient, and intuitive. All things considered, attending Marquette University helped me to "OWN IT!" However, I do believe wholeheartedly I was born to master finding solutions, connecting people to resources, advocating for others and in the end I live fearlessly. . My clients depend on me to give them straightforward solutions rather celebrity, pro athlete or politician-- I am not the "YES," girl for the job.

a t nis

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Solutionista is the premier provider of private/public communication compliance services. Lawrence has been representing celebrities, pro athletes, political parties, and authors for more than 16yrs. For more than 22yrs Lawrence has operated a success small business and expanding her practice daily. Solutionista administers both large and small projects, establishing a solution orientated outcomes for its clients. As an experienced service provider you can rely on Lawrence to make sure your experience is 100% stress-free.

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n o y

n e K

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r e v


kenyon glover /BY CEDRIC NETTLES Former NBA Player turned model, actor, and entrepreneur has a message about success and for the dads out there…And you will listen.

My impression of Glover after speaking with him was an unassuming man forged from perseverance and a value system rooted into a very grateful heart. He entered this part of his journey not unlike the silky smooth slashing lay-ups we’ve seen him do in his career. He has the self-assured confidence of a chiseled Hollywood leading man, and balances those attributes effortlessly. This is what sets Glover apart. You see he knows where he comes from and never wants to forget. He deserved to be ‘exposed’ to the world on our cover, and he shared his journey with Exposure Magazine. He’s not only a multi-talented live wire with no insulation, he is a dedicated father who instills the razor sharp focus in his home that earned him a spot in the NBA. After going un-drafted and having a stellar career overseas, the NBA called, and he answered.

“I put up some impressive numbers and was starting to get noticed by some NBA scouts. My agent started to talk to several teams and then finally got the call and the chance that I’ve worked my entire life for.” Glover says. It should not be a surprise that Glover is a model. You see his photoshoots and you are like “Of course he is a model.” He is in tremendous shape and he is that guy you happen simultaneously arrive at the fitness center counter scanning your card and your own body fat index drops a percent or two just by standing next to him. He discusses his start in modeling. “Well after my career in basketball was over, my basketball agent at the time was contacted by a modeling agent that saw some pictures of mine online and liked my look and wanted to represent me for modeling. So we did a photo shoot and he started marketing me to different brands and I was booking work on a pretty consistent basis.” Glover says.

It should not be a surprise he is an actor and producer neither. His sharp mind created his own production company called KG Films and he gleefully pulls us in his world of action and drama. His amiable persona just pulls you in, and you simply want him on your team as the NBA scouts did. Glover continues “And then as for acting, I never was really interested in acting until I went to an acting class with a friend of mine because I was just riding with him and was forced to go. I sat in the back of the class and the acting teacher asked me to fill in for a missing student. So I agreed. And after the class was over, I had fell in love with the art and signed up for the classes myself and started taking it seriously and before you know it, I booked my first audition which was a leading role in a film called "CHIP FACTOR" which was shot in Atlanta, Ga. And the rest is history.”

Because this is a Father’s Day issue, and Glover comes from the NBA culture, I had to go there. I asked him from a father’s perspective what he thought about the very much viewed controversial father LaVar Ball who has been in the headlines for heavily promoting his son Lonzo’s bid to be drafted in the NBA. Glover being the loving father he is chimed in. “Its nothing wrong with what Mr. Ball is doing for his kids.” Glover says “…And I absolutely commend him for that because we as fathers, especially black fathers already get a bad rap for being dead beat dads, missing dads, and everything else you want to call it. So here is a father that is showing that not only is he in his kids life but he is trying to push his kids to greatness. Is he a little over the top, ABSOLUTELY.

Does he go a little overboard, ABSOLUTELY. But I'm looking at it from a different perspective guess than everyone else. We need more Fathers like Mr. Ball in my opinion. He may not be setting the best example, but at least he is there for his kids and trying to do what he thinks is best to get them to another level.” Glover’s message is clear that we have to work for what we want, and as fathers of any sort we have to be our kids best cheerleader. Glover shares with us his message to you and yours. “Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Only because they didn’t achieve theirs doesn't mean you can't achieve yours. Keep positive people around you. People that are going to uplift you, empower you, encourage you and push you to be great. Never settle for anything less than absolute GREATNESS. You should strive to be the best. “

it's+ game time

Successful professional athlete, entrepreneur, father, actor /model, and model citizen…We all should get down like Kenyon. We salute you sir.



THIS WAS A DEFINING MOMENT IN RUSSELL’S LIFE IN MANY WAYS Russell Redebaugh wrote Shift the Narrative because he came to realize that there’s a very low rate of return on being a victim. He was offered the chance to be a victim at a young age — blind at 16 with most of his fingers blown off after the homemade rocket he was building exploded in his face.


tam's gifting guide

by Tam Lawrence

BY TAM LAWRENCE Versace OUD Noir for men launched in 2013 is one of the finest perfume among the very exclusive vercace brand. Top, heart and base note is the amalgamation of oriental woods and spices that reveals it virile and adorable for a strong personality. It is a hidden cologne that attract the ladies to the zone of ecstasy.



Russell Redebaugh wrote Shift the Narrative because he came to realize that there’s a very low rate of return on being a victim. He was offered the chance to be a victim at a young age — blind at 16 with most of his fingers blown off after the homemade rocket he was building exploded in his face. Despite a prolonged purgatory of some 30 surgeries he was plunged into a life of darkness and disability. He was told he was destined to the shame of ‘welfare, unemployment and dependency’.

ACTIONS AND BEHAVIORS This was a defining moment in Russell’s life in many ways. Perhaps the most transformational moment was his declaration that he would not be a victim. Russell saw education as the key to being independent and successful.

Using welfare money to attend the University of Utah, Russell finished first in his class. Sheer determination powered Russell to attend graduate business school at Wharton, after Harvard and Stanford rejected him based on his blindness, where he graduated fifth in this class. Russell Redebaugh is an extraordinary example of a life lived to the fullest founder of a high-ranking investment advisory and research firm, former Silicon Valley CEO, former Civil Rights Commissioner serving 3 U.S. presidents, Jiu Jitsu black belt and 3 time world champion, and a loving husband and father. If Russell had accepted his early narratives of being blind, disabled and dependent none of this would have been possible. Only through the lifelong journey of learning to shift the narratives that held him back did Russell achieve and prosper.







Don’t Let The Smooth Taste Fool Ya Carl Is Not Just The Son of a King

BY CEDRIC NETTLES The greater part of the world, particularly the boxing world knows his father Don King who is arguably the most famous boxing promoter ever. Yes, you know about the FBI raids, the prison time for manslaughter, and the many hits on his reputation as a businessman. We can go on and on about what you may already know, yet Carl wants you to know he is his father’s son, and there is more to him than just what you see on the surface. “I am straight up, 6 o’ clock with the arms straight up and down.” Carl says. As he loves to make sure you know he is not about to sugar coat anything. The Glenville, Ohio native spoke of many surprising things about himself. In the past weeks I developed that nephew to uncle type dialog with him. He would call me from time to time and I swear I was talking to a family member because we shared a lot in common. Let’s go over what you may not know. Carl naturally had to grow up fast, and when speaking with him about him throwing molotov cocktails at white people before his age hit double digits,it was surreal to say the least.

He saw a lot of things like FBI raids, and not to mention he endured a lot of teasing about his father’s exploits. He was a survivor of race riots and a very dangerous neighborhood filled with rage and fear. As I continued to talk to him , I had no idea of how much of a country boy he was. You see, he wants to dispel that myth of him having a privileged and posh lifestyle. He is a country boy like yours truly. We spoke of farm stuff that I was pretty familiar with thanks to my grandfather. Thanks to King I know the differences between Angus cow steaks as opposed to dairy cows amongst other things. Speaking to King is like absorbing a new life lesson that shakes your world view to its foundations. Carl is mad cool. I mean that “Big Money Grip” uncle cool. You know that uncle that cracks you up at the family cookouts. That would be him. King spoke of growing up in the boxing game, and growing up around celebrities. He even spoke of how he got to know President Donald Trump in those days.He spoke of love and peace, social justice, and educating one another about our differences.He also talked about teaching kids how to farm as he did coming up. It was quite refreshing seeing this side of him.

STATE & LIBERTY MENSWEAR State & Liberty makes the best fitting dress shirt on the market for the the athletically built man. These two University of Michigan graduates launched State and Liberty Clothing Company in January of 2015, after being unhappy with dress shirts they found on the market. By focusing on fit, feel and a professional look, they have created the best dress shirt for the athletically built guy.


THE RISE OF THE SON “I want to teach inner city kids to grow their own produce and how to live off the land.” Carl wants to take mentorship even further “I want to teach young black children and poor whites as well if they happen to be the same neighborhoods real life skills.” Carl says.

One of my all time favorite movies “Only In America” which was a biopic of his father’s rise from obscurity to fame. I just could not resist asking him about how he felt about Lorenz Tate’s portrayal of him. Well let’s just say he was pretty candid. “I ain’t no punk. They had me looking like a punk and I confronted the writers.” Nonetheless, I recommend the movie, but at least you know his stance.

The key thing he said to me that I will make my own personal mantra will follow me forever. I asked him how does he cope with attacks on his family’s reputation and his reply was staggering. “It ain’t what people call you, it is what you answer to.” King says.

In closing let me leave you with one of the most profound if not modified quotes from the movie “Only In America” “There are many fighters that entered the ring… But there is only one who is still “King”. As far as Carl is concerned, so is his father and family’s legacy. They will always be ‘King.’


Kelley Buttrick

She's the Voice Beyond the Studio

Kelley Buttrick’s voice shared what makes Country Crock dinosaur-worthy food in a national TV ad, explained the complex medical research behind a drug for Hepatitis B and welcomes passengers aboard Amtrak Acela Express trains. Kelley is a professional voiceover talent with a long-list of national advertising credits and Fortune 500 corporate narrations. What makes

Kelley not only takes a personal interest in her clients, she counts many of her colleagues as dear friends, and they often seek her out for marketing brainstorms. Her trailblazing KB4Jeep campaign defied traditional voiceover marketing rules and inspired women in and outside of her industry. "Kelley opened the doors of what is possible in promoting oneself. Her Jeep promotion blew the roof

her unique in her field is that for Kelley, it’s

off of any self marketing campaign we've witnessed as


voice talent, as freelancers, as micro-global business

“Kelley stands apart in a crowded industry. It

new standard has been set. Kelley raised the bar in the

owners,” said fellow voice actor Natasha Marchewka. “A

takes something more to build strong

most creative, empowering way possible."

relationships and that’s what she does – with a winning personality, quick wit, memorable voice, dedication to her craft and genuine level of care and interest in others,” said Jason Drass of creative agency Bull & Beard. “She’s a talented voice pro. Even better, she’s truly a joy to work with – the kind of person you try to find projects for and look forward to working with again.”



Kelley Buttrick


VoiceOver Expert interview by Tam Lawrence

WHAT IS IT YOU ACTUALLY DO? I am a voiceover talent. What is voiceover? Any time you hear a voice but don’t see the person speaking. VO is used in advertisements, corporate videos, eLearning, in-store announcements, navigation systems, interactive experiences, video games and many more places than one might think WHAT GOT YOU INTERESTED IN DOING WHAT YOU DO? I was doing voiceover before I even knew what it was. When I was the promotions director at a large radio station group, the production department brought me in to voice ads where I was oftentimes being directed by ad agency creatives. It wasn’t until one of the producers offered to do a VO demo for me as a parting gift that I realized what voiceover was and that people made a living doing it. Voiceover was the ideal way for me to capitalize on my background in marketing and experience in theater.


WHAT ARE SOME OF THE PITFALLS YOU FACE IN YOUR LINE OF BUSINESS? In the fun of getting to do what I love every day, it’s easy to forget that voiceover is in fact a business. We voiceover talents, like many freelancers working in the gig economy, are microbusiness owners wearing many hats from accounting and marketing to collections and IT. IS WHAT YOU DO DRIVEN BY PASSION? Because I’m driven by a passion for my craft, I genuinely care about every project I voice and am equally passionate about my clients’ successes. Many of my VO clients and colleagues become personal friends, and I’m always looking out for stories and opportunities that may be of interest or benefit to them. DO YOU FEEL YOU ARE LIVING OUT YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE & WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE IS?

There is no doubt in mind I’m doing exactly the job I was meant to do, but voiceover isn’t work that is going to save lives or make the world a better place. That said, it’s wonderful when opportunities arise that allow me to voice for projects and clients who are in fact saving lives and making the world a better place like The Clinique Difference Initiative, Centers for Disease Control, Amazing Women are Everywhere Mosaic, Feeding America, Goodwill, Ronald McDonald House and many others. WHO COULD BENEFIT FROM USING YOUR SERVICES? Anyone wanting to capture their brand personality’s voice would benefit from using my services. Like a person, a brand can have one voice with many different tones depending on the situation at hand and message being delivered. Over and over again, clients comment on my ability to match my tone to each of their different messages for the same brand. I can be the voice of a dear friend, corporate executive, trusted medical authority, soccer mom, sophisticated world traveler, engaging teacher, passionate fundraiser and more depending on the audience being engaged.




By booking me, clients will get an experienced voiceover talent with a longlist of national credits who will take a personal interest in their project and will do whatever it takes to deliver their messages in a way that reflects their brand’s personality.


If I could talk to my 12-year-old self, I’d say that some of life’s greatest blessings come from unanswered prayers, that you are never too old to try something new, and

the voice of reason


always go with your gut.

FULL LEGAL NAME: Kelley Buttrick, KB Voiceovers, LLC CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: 706-453-6005 SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES: Twitter: @KB_Voiceovers Facebook: facebook.com/kbvoiceovers WEBSITE ADDRESS: kbvoiceovers.com KB4Jeep WEBSITE ADDRESS: KB4Jeep.com PRESS KIT: https://brandfolder.com/kbvoiceovers/

Issue 27 | 234


What is the message among many messages in the book that you seek to convey in the book, specifically when speaking of the heart as opposed to the judgments? Don't become your mistakes, learn from them. Don't worship man, get to know God for yourself are the two biggest. Are you currently working on any new projects? Working on a new book, turning Ministers into a stage play and a women's conference. The Hurting Woman is my inspiration Give us your social media pages and website information for authors to connect with you via your website, Twitter, Instagram,and Facebook, etc. FB - Deborahsimpkins, IG - SimpkinsDeborah, www.deborahsimpkins.com

DEBORAH SIMPKINS It had to take much courage and foresight to write “Accusers of the Ministry.” The title is most certainly intriguing enough to pull a reader into your book. How does this book relate to your first book, Ministers with White Collars and Black Secrets? The way that I was treated after Ministers was why I wrote Accusers. While I put a disclaimer in the book, it is a real depiction of people I know and have interacted with in the church. Yes, those characters are real church folks!



Interview by LeNora Millen How long did it take you to write the book? I wrote the book in 2 months but took an additional couple of months to add my touches to it.

.But what drives me to continue writing is I know there are others who experience the same thing and look for an outlet to talk about it. At least this way, we can make light of it in a sense. We all know a Mother Mango!

How did you initially market your book and what were the challenges in promoting your book? Ministers had a good following so I went back to those people for my followup. Of course the church denounced the book so it was a bit more challenging to get the word out but like Ministers, nosy people contacted me to buy it.

Is it fairly reasonable to state that in exposing many of the dark secrets within the book that you were risking exposing aspects of your life that you may have preferred to keep hidden? If I may be honest - at this point in my life, I am an open book. I haven't always felt this way but today, I honestly do. How can I get better if I can't be transparent to be open, honest and correctable? I am not proud of all that I have done, but I am proud to become a better person as a result.

Who were the most significant people in your life who helped you to market your book? My team. Wendy Collins Squirewell, Elvira Guzman, and Dyshawn Simpkins. Each of these people saw the vision and took part in helping to make it a success

You speak about your affair with a married Pastor in the book, without ever revealing his name among many other people. Were you ever contacted by the Pastor or any other unnamed person, who related to the characters in the book after its release? Indeed I was! Here is a funny story. I had a book signing many years ago and a church came after me physically about trying to expose their pastor! I had no idea who they were or what they were talking about. Let's just say, years later a scandal came out this pastor and his wife is currently on a reality show. I don't know him and my book was obviously not about him but hey they thought it was!

Upon writing the book, at any time, did you think about the repercussions of what you were revealing? I often think about repercussions

Could you speak briefly about how you were not aware of this man’s wife, specifically learning that he was married only weeks before you were expecting to walk down the aisle with the Pastor? I can only attribute that to my immaturity! This man made me feel like I was his one and only. I travelled with him, he made me feel like we were out in the open. I guess his approach was the right one because I didn't know. As you know the book is embellished on my life, not all truth. We didn't plan to walk down the aisle but did speak about it often. Were you ever confronted by the wife or members of the church? Yes I was. When the wife found out about me, she contacted me and said some pretty mean things. At that point, I was too far gone. I think sometimes to make myself feel better, I reminded myself of how my husband had cheated on me. It was only a temporary excuse, I acknowledge that today..




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ministers with white collars with black secrets What was the fallout from the church and were there any threats of lawsuits? Everyone is always threatening of lawsuits. I was telling the truth so there was nothing to suit about. I didn't release the name, not because of him but because of me. I can tell my story, it's up to him to tell his. That's not my place or my call. What were the responses from family and friends who read the book, or heard about its contents? My family was not happy. When I say everyone had a bone to pick with me, I mean just that. But this isn't about them. It's about me. How did you handle the ostracism and bash lash from the book’s dark secrets, specifically the exclusion within the ministry? I had to get on my knees and truly experience my true relationship with God. He knows my intent and my heart. Through this process, I became so much stronger and wiser. My experience will help many who are suffering and are embarrassed. I can preach it without judgment because I have lived it WITH judgement! You often speak of the dark side of ministry and the opportunist, could you touch on what you mean by the ‘dark side’ from your experience without giving away too much in the book? Not everyone who is preaching, is called by God. The devil has his helpers too. How have you healed through the writing of the book and with healing, how have you helped to empower other women and men who have reached out to you? I feel this was the whole purpose of the book - to help others. Who can you talk to when everyone feels what you have done is something they would never do - NO ONE. Well, I am now that person. Women have many issues within the confines of the church that we need to start addressing. My experience and book opened the doors for me to do just that.


FORMER NFL PLAYER ADAM EDWARDS III By Sports Editor Geoffrey Knox Sitting with someone who possesses such an amazing pedigree like Adam Edwards III can almost be intimidating. It could cause one to do some self-inventory and realize that you just haven’t applied yourself well enough in certain areas of your own journey. For others, myself included, it awakens those parts of you that yearn for more than just the status quo. His is a tale of continued success that hasn’t been stagnated or pacified by simply reaching an athletic plateau. He would rather use said plateau as a springboard to newer heights. So a chance to borrow some of his time presents a dilemma. With so many layers to his success and personality, how does one go about the discussion? I don’t want to leave anything out. I don’t want to miss anything. Here’s what’s funny. Speaking to Mr. Edwards is almost like talking to an old classmate or friend. From the word go, I was treated to someone both open and honest, both poignant and intellectual and engaging.

He’s played football both in the NFL and internationally. He’s the owner of three B.S. degrees in health promotions, business management and criminal justice. As if that all isn’t enough, he worked his way up the ladder of several Fortune 500 companies and became a member of the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) when his playing days were over. Exposure Magazine: Safety, head injuries and concussion protocol have found their way to the top of the NFL’s priority list. Where are we now and would you allow your son to play in the current NFL? Edwards: With the recent concussion lawsuit settlement and formation of the Pro Football Retired Players Association, enormous progress has been made. Although, some of us take issue with the new targeting rule and its subjective nature, we respect that the rule protects defenseless players and hopefully lessons CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) cases to allow players the quality of life any retiree deserves, post-career. However, I would have some reservation of allowing my son (if I had one) to play the game I love. Exposure Magazine: Is there any truth to the rumors that there may be a proposal to change the substance abuse policy to include some recreational use of marijuana? Edwards: As for the rumors on allowing marijuana use, albeit recreational or medical, I’m not optimistic and see union rules remaining steadfast, just as they are in non-professional unions. Again, just my opinion.

FORMER NFL PLAYER ADAM EDWARDS III Exposure Magazine: How do you respond to the person that says professional athletes are overpaid and selfish? Shouldn’t we celebrate the fact these guys are making more money than they ever have? Edwards: If someone truly believes that all athletes are overpaid and selfish, that’s their individual opinion. However, the fact is there’s a small minority of NFL players that get guaranteed multi-million dollars contracts and endorsements, while the majority make league minimum or except a supporting role on practice squad or special teams. Not mention, most dread Tuesdays (team roster reduction days) for a large portion of their career.

it's game time


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The sacrifice to our bodies and minds, plus the risk of life-threatening injury is certainly a choice we make, but we do it also for our fans. Can anyone imagine life without football, even temporarily as it happened in 2011? For this, we certainly expect our fans to call us out when we make mistakes, but to also allow us to be human, while living life in the public eye and in some cases, dying to entertain our loyal fans. To most of us, this means much more than money. Exposure Magazine: In your opinion, why are so many of these guys going broke so quickly after their pro careers end? What advice would you give the younger crop of athletes coming into the league to ensure this doesn’t happen to them? Edwards: The trend of 60% of NFL players going broke, 1-5 years post career is very simple. Here’s an example: The league minimum ranges from $435,000 – $820,000. “Jock Taxes” are paid to every state a game is played in, making the effective tax rate almost 50% Most players purchase homes and real estate that cost 3 to 10 times the median home average They take out bad loans or make them to others They put too much trust in agents and advisors who violate the fiduciary oath to protect their players This becomes the recipe of going broke without truly intending to do so. At iMatch Franchise and Global Investments, we work extensively with the NFL Player Engagements Business Academy to help mitigate this for current and former players, 1-5 years removed. Our belief is that empowerment and education are keys to a successful transition. We strongly advise interested athletes to gain industry knowledge and conduct intense research before getting involved in any business.

Finishing your college degree will open many doors that stretch beyond your athletic career. Find a mentor to provide coaching and advice about career paths or franchise opportunities. This positive outlook is essential to achieving life-goals beyond the GAME. Exposure Magazine: Personally, I can’t imagine the Chargers in Los Angeles or the Raiders in Vegas. Is having two teams in Los Angeles good for the league in your opinion? Edwards: Change in any case can be very difficult, slow and uncomfortable, but worth it long term. Does anyone remember the Baltimore Colts or the Cleveland Rams? The Chargers will do just fine in Los Angeles. The Raiders will do just fine in Las Vegas. Let’s face it, in my opinion, LA is the entertainment capital and has the infrastructure and fan fair to support two amazing franchises. The Raiders in Las Vegas is just as interesting. Get your popcorn ready!!!

We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us. BY TAM LAWRENCE



It’s summertime, which means the kids are home — and they’re hungry. This is the season I get extra creative and crafty with my dishes. I don’t want to spend the season inside cooking and between summer camp, trips up to the pool and work, my schedule flies out the door. Instead, I rely on quick meals like chicken and pasta and my favorite summer treat of strawberries served on top of those sugary cake shells that are always piled up in the produce section at Kroger.

By Tam Lawrence





DISRUPTING PUBLIC RELATIONS Written by Kathy Barron Photos by Tam Lawrence Kathy: Tam tell me more about why you decided to expand your practice to include corporate communication, problem solving, and business affairs? Tam: Expanding my practice made sense based on the needs of my clients. When meeting with new clients, I found that many have very little experience with working with a publicist. As a result, I find myself handling "public and private," details prior to launching their PR campaigns.

FOLLOWING YOUR PURPOSE The small print dismal could cost you more money, in the end. For the past several years, I’ve been battling with the ability to [strategically breakdown systems and find solutions]. Hell! Just ask Sprint, Time Warner Cable, Experian, Equifax, Trans Union, mortgage lenders, and etc… how I managed to find flaws within their system.

Tam: I went to school for communication and became known as a guru in public relations. All though, I have a love for PR, I continue to find myself more in tune with creating proactive solutions for my clients. It is fascinating to see others achieve their highest potential. When assisting clients to proactively address areas that may cause conflict within the private and public sector. The 3 most important communication factors in business are +Creditability +Accountability +Liability When consulting with new clients it's important to listen to their objective. Once you've discovered their means to an end, it's easier to them develop a road map. Ironically, I’ve learned over the years various business owners will downplay the need for supportive services. Needless to say, owners who cannot get out of their own way. They may be perfectionist, greedy, self-righteous, paranoid, indignant or insecure. You get the idea. Sometimes, you can even tell these owners the problem, and they will recognize that you are right — but continue to make the same mistakes over and over. ———- Ms. Lawrence


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The Healthy Lifestyle BY KATHY BARRON Companies hear a lot about public

Anybody will tell you that investing in

Investing in traditional marketing is

relations; often PR is the popular buzzword

hiring a public relations firm can allow

immensely expensive. It can be tough

in marketing and advertising. Although

you to reach new heights as a brand

to have so many options to advertise

and attain marketing without

but knowing that it all costs so much

traditional strategies.

upfront. Public relations agents can

most know it’s important the benefits are not always understood, so I want to share with you the true benefits of public relations and why it should be important to

help with advertising your business Most people don’t even understand

organically without actually doing

what the word “public relations”

traditional strategies. They can form

Public relations seems so glamorous, after

means. A basic definition of what

campaigns and programs to help your

all, what company would not want to say

those in public relations do for

company thrive. You are saving

we just hired a PR firm? Public relations if

companies, organizations, and brands

money when you work with a public

done right can reach a large audience

are that they can help shape and

relations specialist because there is

mold their image. They utilize the right

no more need to invest in the old

marketing strategies to allow for your

marketing of yours that may not work..


without the expensive cost of traditional advertising and marketing. Building your company and reaching

company to be heard and seen,

media outlets can be the ultimate way to

whether that’s through organic

growing your brand and gaining new

magazine spots or connecting a brand


to other media outlets.



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