newspaper very special issue milano 2010
tools for togetherness
Š design by Dirk Wynants
Given its successful participation in last year’s Milan Furniture Fair, the Belgian design company Extremis will also be present at this year’s edition. At its stand Extremis will be showing a mix of new products and classics from its constantly growing product range. Its new products include the high table Abachus, a parasol called InUmbrina and the cube-shaped Since the 1st of April the roof of Ex- ÀRZHUSRW $OHD DOO WKUHH GHVLJQHG tremis headquarters in Gijverinkhove by Dirk Wynants, the driving force is covered with solar panels. The sun behind Extremis. Another newcomer is Romeo & Juliet, a bench created panels provide green power to the FRPSOHWH ZRUNVKRS DQG RI¿FHV (B.C.) by the designer trio Koen Baeyens, Stijn Goethals and Basile Graux. Its LQWHJUDWHG ÀRZHUSRWV DGG D WRXFK RI EXTREMIS IN THE WORLD greenery to any indoor or outdoor environment. As the popularity of the Sticks space Extremis is proud to announce the dividers is still growing, Extremis is opening of two new showrooms, in launching two new versions: Sticks Tokyo and New York! Curved, a curved based version Read more > page 13 allowing you to create circles and curved lines, and Sticks Enlightened, WWW EXTREMIS BE an LED illuminated version.
Modelkits with product licences
Abachus table and InUmbrina parasol
The timeless ExTempore range is also welcoming a new addition: ExTempore Patchwork. Its hardwood strips are cut to different lengths creating a beautiful tabletop pattern.
The ever innovative Belgian company Extremis takes a new approach to the market and gives consumers the choice to buy an actual Extremis product or to buy the rights to make a replica of the product they desire. There are multiple reasons for this radical approach. (D.W.) Read more > page 3
extremis NING FOR ALL EXTREMIS LOVERS Because we want to get more close with our fans, we created an internet network called Extremis Ning. It is a platform in the “Extremis togetherness� style on which we can easily communicate with Extremis lovers and the lovers can also talk to each
other. Each person has his own personal page on which he can upload pictures, video’s and other fun stuff. On our Ning there is space to talk about less serious stuff and meet soul mates who really care about having fun, enjoying life, drinking beer, ‌ (L.M.) Curious? Join the Extremis network on
ROMEO JULIET PHOTO SHOOT FOR LOVERS Somewhere around Valentines day we went to Bruges - the city of love & chocolate – with our Romeo & Juliet bench. We invited couples who passed by to sit on our bench and do a declaration of love to each other. Surprisingly, one of the men proposed his sweetheart ‌
= particular - extremely - exceptional - highly - special - eccentric - greatly - ultra = extremis + revista
and the answer was ‌ YES. Another couple was on a love trip in Bruges. They met each other on the internet and were in Bruges IRU D ORYH WULS LW ZDV WKH ¿UVW WLPH they saw each other in person. They kissed on every bridge and stopped by the Romeo and Juliet bench to bring their story. (L.M.) Check the pictures and the videos on
contact & info extremis weegschede 39b
creative direction: dirk wynants
be - 8691 gijverinkhove
editor in chief: frank stekelorum
design: laure martroye & bram coudijzer
copyright Š 2010
copy-right BUY AN OFlCIAL LICENSE TO BUILD ONE TOOL FOR TOGETHERNESS The ever innovative Belgian company Extremis takes a new approach to the market and is offering consumers a choice between buying an actual Extremis product and buying the rights to make one themselves. There are multiple reasons for this radical approach.
On the one hand, it’s a test case in Extremis’ search for the ultimate ecological production system‌ If people can build Extremis furniWXUH WKHPVHOYHV QR ¿QLVKHG JRRGV need to be shipped. On the other hand, it’s a statement DI¿UPLQJ WKDW WKH YDOXH RI ([WUHPLV products does not only lie in the products themselves, but that the protected creative work behind them also has its value. Right from the start, Extremis has set out to only launch products that really make a difference,
and has therefore built its structure around its creative heart led by Dirk Wynants. Dirk’s fascination for scale models has led to the concept of selling model kits including the detailed GHVLJQ SODQV DQG DQ RI¿FLDO OLFHQFH to re-create one piece of Extremis furniture. He is fully aware of the controversial nature of the idea, but he is curious to see the public’s reaction. It will for sure provoke conversation, and in case of serious interest, Extremis will further explore this business model.
Dirk Wynants is even considering developing products that are easier to manufacture by a non professional. By focussing on the core business of his company – the creative work - he sees further potential for reducing the eco impact of his designs that are used worldwide. Imagine the joy a licensed EXTREMIS “tool for togetherness� can bring if you have built it with your own hands! (D.W.)
Š design by Dirk Wynants
gargantua + inumbra photo remake
gargantua adjustable benches
munication level as the adults seated around the same table. And as the Wynants’ family adores inviting friends and family the dimension of the table had to be adjustable as well. Finally, as Dirk attaches much importance to sustainability, the table had to be very robust, so it could last for a lifetime, and uncountable nice memories could be remembered being spent at the table. +RZHYHU 'LUN FRXOG QRW ¿QG D WDEOH which combined all of these features. Fortunately. In the hot summer of 1994 Dirk and GARGANTUA THE his family decided to spend their summer holidays at home because EXTREMIS CLASSIC his wife Hilde was well-advanced in pregnancy. During that holidays Dirk Wynants, founder and owner the idea of THE round, multifuncof Extremis had been looking for tional table, on which Dirk had been the perfect garden table for years. He was searching for a table that not breeding for a while took shape. He had made some prototypes before, only had to look nice, above all it had to be functional. As a real family EXW WKH ¿UVW ¾RI¿FLDOœ VHULHV RI WDEOHV man he wanted to optimize the time was realized during that summer. Dirk produced the tables in his spent with his children. That’s why garage with the kind assistance of he wanted the benches to be adjustable in height: it enables the children his pregnant wife. They even took care of the transport themselves. The to be seated nice and comfortable tables were packed very carefully and puts them on the same com-
DQG WUDQVSRUWHG WR WKH ¿UVW ([WUHPLV clients on the roof of their car. 1994 wasn’t only the year in which their daughter Tine (on both pictures: WKH ¿UVW JLUO IURP WKH OHIW VLGH VDZ WKH OLJKW RI GD\ EXW DOVR WKH ¿UVW *DUJDQWXD WKH ¿UVW ¾WRRO IRU WRJHWKerness’ was born. Who could have thought then that Gargantua would become the design classic it is nowadays? Meanwhile, 16 years passed by and sales of Gargantua are still increasing. The range has been extended with back rests, cushions and the InUmbra parasol and is being distributed in about 50 countries worldwide. (M.H.)
5 © design by Dirk Wynants
A NEW TABLE EXPERI ENCE WITH ABACHUS Extremis introduces the new “Abachus” table, a high table with a little extra: while standing, you can lean against one of its six arms, providing the minimal comfort you need to honor Bacchus with friends. The optional integrated ashtray prevents the ÀRRU WR EHFRPH RQH -XVW OLNH LWV ELJger brother Gargantua, the Abachus table is extremely robust and perfect to use in all seasons. The table can stay outside and you no longer have
to struggle with chairs since the DUPV WR OHDQ DJDLQVW DUH ¿[HG RQ WKH WDEOH $Q RSWLRQDO ÀRRU ¿[DWLRQ makes Abachus to the perfect street furniture, and InUmbrina is the ideal shader to combine it with. (D.W.) Abacus (latin,m.) counter or table of precious material. Bacchus (latin,m.) name adopted by the Romans for Dionysos. He is the patron deity of wine and fun. The divine mission of Dionysos was to mingle the music of the aulos and to “bring an end to care and worry”. abachus with inumbrina
abachus optional ashtray
curved Š design by Hsu-Li Teo & Stefan Kaiser
EXTREMIS BESTSELLER RANGE 3TICKS KEEP ON EXTENDING In addition to the LED illuminated Sticks which were launched recently, Extremis is presenting yet another version of its famous space divider: Sticks Curved. The name speaks for itself; this version has a curved base. The various possibilities with Sticks curved are really inexhaustible: when combining for example 20 bases, you can create a 4 meter GLDPHWHU FLUFOH ZKLFK ÂżWV H[WUHPHO\ well around all round shaped furniture.
Š design by Hsu-Li Teo & Stefan Kaiser
By alternating the direction of the bases, Sticks Curved can be used to create beautiful curving lines. Their organic shape transforms your interior into your personal isle of peace and calm, even if your surroundings are hectic. This new version of Sticks clearly offers a multitude of possibilities to playfully divide up a room. Just as with the other Sticks all rods are available in different heights (120 FP FP FP DQG FP and different colours: white, light mint colour, black, wood colour and green. The number of sticks needed WR ÂżOO D FXUYHG EDVH LV LGHQWLFDO WR the number needed for a standard 60 x 30 cm base. For the moment it is only available in wood but other versions might follow later. (L.M.)
enlightened Š design by Hsu-Li Teo & Stefan Kaiser
ENLIGHTENED STICKS AS A PLAYFUL SPACE DIVIDER Extremis now delivers Sticks with LED lighting as well. The illuminated Sticks, on a base of 60 on 30 cm, can be placed separated or in line. The illuminated effect in the space and also on the ceiling is amazing. The Sticks are available in all lengths and colors. (C.V.)
Š design by Dirk Wynants
Š design by Dirk Wynants
NOW AVAILABLE FOR BIGGER TREES THE EXTREMIS ALEA The big Alea measures 90 x 90cm and the small one 52 x 52 cm. Both sizes are available in 5 colours; white, black, ivory, beige grey and red. they are very hard to move. Alea offers the perfect solution to WKLV SUREOHP 7KH ÀRZHUSRW FRQVLVWV of a wheeled frame that carries the THE FUZZ ABOUT IT � ÀRZHUSRW DQG D FXEH VKDSHG JODVV ¿EUH FRYHU 7R PRYH WKH ÀRZHUSRW Alea, one of Dirk Wynants’ latest GHVLJQV PD\ ORRN OLNH D UHJXODU ÀRZ- this cover can easily be raised, so the erpot, but the big cube-shaped cover wheels are free and the plant can be rolled to the desired spot. After the hides a clever system. ÀRZHUSRW KDV EHHQ PRYHG WKH FRYHU :LWK WKH GHVLJQ RI WKH $OHD ÀRZHUcan be lowered again to hide the pots Dirk wanted to solve a frewheelstructure and make an elegant quently occurring problem of large decorative piece. (J.S.) ÀRZHUSRWV /DUJH ÀRZHUSRWV DUH usually great decorative pieces, but
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© design by Koen Baeyens, Stijn Goethals and Basile Graux
ROMEO JULIET IS NO ORDINARY BENCH It not only offers passers-by a comfortable place to sit and relax, but it also adds a touch of green to the environment. The bench is made of long square strips of wood. Two round holes in the seat create room IRU ODUJH ÀRZHUSRWV FRQWDLQLQJ D small tree. The bench seems to literDOO\ ÀRDW EHWZHHQ WKH SRWV The Romeo & Juliet benches are perfectly suitable for both private gardens and public spaces. They add a natural touch to areas with little
or no greenery. They can also easily be integrated in larger projects. If several benches are put in line, the distance between the trees is identical, creating architectural harmony. 7KH SRWV DUH PDGH RI JODVV ¿EUH DQG have a nice shine. They consequently contrast beautifully with the mat wood. The benches are 320 cm long DQG FP ZLGH 7KHLU QDPH µ5RPHR & Juliet’ refers to the two trees. Just as Romeo and Juliet could not be with each other nor live without each other, the trees are destined to be together without being able to touch each other. (L.M.)
WHAT IS &3# CERTIlED WOOD EXTEMPORE hPATCH WORKv A M TABLE MADE OF HIGH QUALITY HARDWOOD Patchwork, the latest addition to the timeless ExTempore collection, becomes Extremis’ longest
table with it’s length of 4,5 meters. The patchwork table is made with wooden slants of different lengths which are arranged in a “patchwork� pattern. This pattern makes it possible to create extra long tables. Tables of these proportions are ideal to bring big groups of people together. The longest version of the table for example easily seats 14 persons. Just like the rest of the ExTempore assortment, the Patchwork tables are
made with materials of the highest quality. The jatoba wood used for the table is a very durable and stable hardwood with an attractive reddish colour. Like all other wood Extremis uses, the selected jatoba wood is FSC FHUWLÂżHG 7KH IUDPH RI WKH WDEOH LV made of anodised aluminium. This makes it durable and relatively light. $OVR WKH HQYLURQPHQW EHQHÂżWV IURP this selection since aluminium is 100% recyclable. (J.S.)
FSC stands for “Forrest Stewardship Councilâ€?. FSC is an organisation that promotes responsible management of the worlds’ forests. Its main tools for achieving this are standard setting, LQGHSHQGHQW FHUWLÂżFDWLRQ DQG ODEHling of forest products. This offers customers around the world the ability to choose products from socially and environmentally responsible forestry.
extremis in the world We are proud to announce the openLQJ RI µRXU¶ WZR QHZ VKRZURRPV LQ Tokyo and New York!
Nova Distribution, our new agent for the United States and Canada will open a 120 m² Extremis showroom on the 1st of May in the prestigious Architects & Designers Building in Manhattan, right in front of Central Park and Bloomberg Tower, Next to that, Nova has 2 other showrooms on Long Island. Want to visit the new showroom? Here is the address:
On 24th of March Extremis’ agent for Japan, TisTou , opened a brand new showroom in Tokyo. Agents Michiko, Akko and their team organized a huge opening event to which Dirk Wynants attended as a guest speaker and as a resident cook. He regaled the Japanese audience with his favorite barbecue dishes, RQH RI WKHVH GLVKHV LV µ$VSDUDJXV RQ the barbecue’. On the barbecue the asparagus gets a QLFH VZHHW DQG MXLF\ ÀDYRU 7HPSWHG by this yummy dish? Read the complete recipe here: People who would like to visit the showroom are welcome at the following address:
NOVA Distribution, LLC Architects & Designers Building 150 East 58th Street - 3rd Floor NY10155 New York
TISTOU Tokyo 3-24-3-2F Asakusabashi Taito-ku Tokyo 111-0053 #7UDLQVSRW )DFWRU\
Both of the agents got an elaborate product training during our international agent meeting in March. You bet they are more than ready to spread the Extremis word and the µWRROV IRU WRJHWKHUQHVV¶ JRVSHO
SHANGHAI WORLD EXPO WITH EXTREMIS TOOLS FOR TOGETHERNESS Between the 1st of May and the 31st of October 2010, Shanghai expects 70 to 80 million people to visit the pavilions of more than 200 participating countries and organisations – a record number in the more than 150-year history of the World Expo. The theme of the World Expo is ¾%HWWHU &LW\ %HWWHU /LIHœ D FDOO IRU a better existence in our cities of the future through a well-considered ur-
ban planning policy and sustainable development. The Belgian project has gained the support of more than 80 partners - companies and authorities, and is the host for Europe.
Š Conix Architects
Š Conix Architects Š Conix Architects
2010 world expo
terrace you will be able to seat at the ExTempore tables and chairs or the PicNik tables.
Belgium will also be showcasing some of our country’s most typical products, with highlights including: Extremis is proud to be one of the ‡ WKH &KRFRODWH &RUQHU ZKHUH Belgian companies who has a partchocolates will be handed out to visinership with the Belgian Pavilion. At the entrance of the pavilion there tors on a daily basis. ‡ WKH 'LDPRQG &RUQHU ZKHUH JHPV will be a line-up with Gargantua & InUmbra and Abachus & InUmbrina. and showpieces will be displayed In addition to that, Sticks have been LQFOXGLQJ WKH (&& WURSK\ SROLVKHG and sold. Visitors will also draw lots integrated in the Belgian Essence with the chance of winning diarestaurant where 12 gourmet chefs monds each week from the different provinces will ‡ D %HOJLDQ %HHU &DIp RIIHULQJ PRUH be promoting Belgian gastronomy. Finally, when you have dinner on the than twenty different beers
The staff of the Belgian EU pavilion, around 300 hosts and hostesses, will be wearing a design by Natan, which is collaborating with JBC to provide elegant and comfortable uniforms in red, beige and a cheerful print.
All Chinese Extremis fans can buy the collection at HN Lin, Extremis’ partner for China: HN Lin Enterprise Co., Ltd Shanghai, No. 3758, Qi Xin. Rd. Qi Bao Town, Min Hang District 201101 Shanghai Tel: +86 21 64663066 E-mail:
ext ads WANTED Camp¿re sonJs from your country to sing around Extremis’ Qrater ¿UH GLVK 6HQG WKHP WR PDULHNH# Extremis aJent for Sweden. Required skills: goodlooking + has to love beer. If you are a guy, send your resume with picture to marieke@, if you are a girl, send it to Weld unit to build a gargantua P\VHOI \HV , GLG EX\ D OLFHQVH Pls contact me via i-m-a-diy-er@ Location for Exterieur (extremis DIWHU KRXUV UHVWDXUDQW ORXQJH EDU during Interieur 2010 (International 'HVLJQ %LHQQDOH LQ RU QHDU WKH city of Coutrai. Contact marieke@
3 more friends M/F to occupy remaining seats on Extremis Patchwork table. Have friends, but table is really big. Will provide food for company. Extremis collector looking for BiJJer Jarden. Lack of space because of new product launches.
ANNOUNCEMENT The proud father Dirk Wynants announces the birth of a little sister for InUmbra: “InUmbrina. Here are some pictures of the new born:
M 46 y/o is looking for M/F 30-55 y/o to help building Extremis product. Have one license only, but fun will be shared. 5RPHR 0 ƒ ORRNLQJ IRU Juliet (F) to spend time on beautiful bench. Preferably from Verona region. DifÂżFXOW IDPLO\ LV D SOXV Looking for nice pictures of Extremis products. All pictures of can be posted at Pref. Pictures that include people.
criss cross ACROSS 4 the Âżrst born extremis table 6 the patron deity of wine and fun (hint: noozn10 page 28) 8 important Belgian design fair 10 location new extremis showroom 12 material of Sticks outdoor base 13 easy to moYe Ă€ower pot 15 english translation for the West Flemish word ‘kiekens’ (hint: www.extremis. be/lessons) 16 Hotel in the USA with yellow PicNiks (hint: noozn10 page 8)
DOWN 1 little sister of InUmbra 2 new ExTempore table 3 ideal bottle cooler for all parties 5 Dirk Wynants’ favourite dish 7 Àanders design capital 8 one of the three Extremis principles 9 wood ExTempore range 11 award for sustainability 14 label for ecological wood 17 lover boy
SOLUTION: Create a word with the letters in the yellow boxes. Mail the answer to and make chance to win an Extremis gift.
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