MY Authentic Life Magazine November 2017

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Loving Meditations


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Maria Rea As the founder of MY Authentic Life Magazine, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read our extraordinary publication. We aspire to empower and inspire you with articles written by our amazing writers. I believe we are all here for a reason greater than ourselves and to serve a divine purpose. It’s how we choose to react to what is placed before us that allows us to succeed.

Jennifer Knutson

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Authentic Life


MY Authentic Life magazine is a monthly publication that encourages others to live their best life. MY Media and Publishing Group makes every effort to provide accurate information in advertising, editorial content and placement: however, we do not make any claims as to the accuracy of information provided by advertisers or editorial contributors and will accept no responsibility or liability for inaccurate information or placement. No content can be duplicated without the permission of MY Media and Publishing Group. For inquiries e-mail 10 | MY Magazine

contributing writers

Kathryn Andries Patrick Andries The Dream Experts

Amanda Butler Slade

Liberty Forrest

Sharon Carne

Tamara Green

Mella Barnes

Liz Bull

Annabell Cohen

Wini Curley

Dr. Nekeshia Hammond

Brittany Burkes Doctoral Student

Kerri Hummingbird

David Larson

Judy Lipson

Lisa Marie Platske

Corey Poirier

Kate Sholonski

Dr. Kate Siner

Janette Stuart

Gary Stuart 11

from the publisher

Lead With Gratitude Welcome to the November issue of MY Authentic Life Magazine, I am so happy you are here. There are many things to be grateful for this year, and some might find this odd, but the most profound, yet difficult experiences are the ones I’ve learned from most of all. It hasn’t been an easy year, they seldom ever are. But this last year has taught me well, as it went by so far. It has taught that others may not act as though we’d like them to, but they do their best, to get along as most of us all do. That going through hard times often makes us strong, and although our intention is never meant to hurt, there are always times prolonged. Life is ever changing, lessons always taught, it’s what we do with our experiences that help us grow a lot.

“True forgiveness is when you can say, “Thank you for that experience.”

—Oprah Winfrey

Being grateful for and learning from, gifts taught along the way, will not only allow us to live our lives in peace but to put our judgment hats away. No one ever knows, what one goes through in life, so before you project your might never judge their light. When you walk by someone different, and you want to judge their bumps, remember that they are just like you, with just a few more lumps. Below is a beautiful story of kindness and gratitude that I would like to share. A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: ‘ I am blind, please help.’ There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words. Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write? “ The man said, “ I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.” I wrote: ‘ Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it.’ Both signs told people that the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people that they were so lucky they could see and were not blind. Be grateful for the blessings in your life and remain judgment free. I wish you a wonderful holiday season.

Maria Rea – Publisher 12 | MY Magazine

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page 18

Tamara Green & David Dachinger Loving Meditations

16 | MY Magazine

MY Authentic Life


Simply Spiritual

28 How to Survive Thanksgiving and Black Friday as an Introvert

54 Talk to Tamara Univeral Laws

82 The Dream Experts What Does Your Dream Mean

34 Your Season of Appreciation

60 Walk Through the Fire in Grace

38 Raising Your Love Vibration for the Holidays

58 The Power of Choice

66 Self-Care for the Military Mother

44 Accepting Abundance

70 The Attitude of Gratitude

46 Giving Thanks This Holiday Season

74 Why

November 2017

78 Learning to be a Better Giver to Myself

84 Asking for Help is a Blessing 88 Shadow Work 94 Growing Gratitude Among Silence

Wealth Consciousness 100 Why is Finding Your Purpose So Important?

Healthy Living 106 Sound Support for Flu Season 110 Great Sides To Go with Your Turkey

Loving MEDITATIONS by Maria Rea

Tamara Green & David Dachinger 18 | MY Magazine


avid Dachinger and Tamara Green, LCSW are the co-founders of “Loving Meditations.” David is a featured author and Grammynominated composer who has scored inspiring music for America’s most celebrated sporting events and television shows. Over 1.5 billion people have heard his music on CBS broadcasts of the Super Bowl, The Masters, and NFL games. David is a survivor of stage IV head, neck, and lymphatic cancer. Tamara is a psychotherapist, author, speaker, and trainer, whom Elle magazine referred to as “the soul-centered psychotherapist and meditation facilitator.” Tamara combines her many years of professional training and her life experience as a caregiver to create powerfully effective guided meditations that have helped thousands to achieve peace, love, and well-being. Together, this married couple has created transformative mindfulness programs that help patients and caregivers to dramatically reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and discomfort throughout their medical ordeal.

WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT It was a chance meeting one weekend when David traveled from Boston to see his sister who was attending USC (University of Southern

California). He arrived at the dorm and headed towards her room when he saw this beautiful blonde woman standing in the hall. “Our eyes locked and the connection happened immediately,” David shares. “We spent the next 72 hours together, stayed up all night and watched the sun come up the next morning.” Love at first sight? Some may think so, but as luck would have it, Tamara and David lived on opposite ends of the country. All in divine timing. It wasn’t until 17 years later that the two were married and they recently celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary. “When we finally did reconnect, we were living at the same numeric address just three blocks apart in Manhattan. She was 150 W 84th street and I was 150 W 87th,” shares David. David and Tamara created a wonderful life together and have been blessed with two beautiful children, their daughter, Sarah, and son, Mark. Sarah lives in Boston, and is a math and computer science major in college. Mark is a junior in high school.

WHEN TRAGEDY STRIKES In September of 2013, David was diagnosed with stage IV, head, neck and lymphatic cancer. 19

“I was walking around with a mass in my neck and didn’t know I had it. I went to get my hair cut and my barber said, what’s that? What? I replied. What are you talking about? I looked in the mirror and saw a lump about the size of a walnut. I couldn’t believe it! That was when my journey with cancer began.” David shared. “I remember when David came home from that hair appointment, he showed me the bump on his neck, David said ‘I must have strained my neck muscles during a workout, I’m sure that’s all it is.’ That’s when I said, well, let just go to the doctor to make sure, and before we knew it, our whole world had turned upside down.” Tamara shares. When a patient is diagnosed

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with a lifethreatening disease, there is a huge amount information to take in. Having an advocate there to listen and to help navigate through, is an important part of the process. “It is so crucial to have someone with you, not only to support you but also to be awake and aware enough to absorb all the details you are bombarded with,” David shares. “When I first heard the diagnosis and when the reality hit, it was all I could do to come to grips with what was happening, I knew that I was not present enough to receive all the information. I was overwhelmed thinking, - I can’t work, I can’t workout, and my life, as I know it to this point, is over - at least until I get through all of this. It is so important to have the assistance of your significant other, family member or friend. I appreciate

how Tamara was able to collect the information, ask the necessary questions and then keep it all organized. Tamara was a phenomenal caregiver and I have to credit her with being there a thousand percent and helping me get through it all. It was so much easier than it would have been had she not had all of her amazing gifts and positive energy.” The next few months were challenging as David was put on a seven week treatment plan of Chemotherapy and Radiation to the head and neck area. Affecting his salivary glands, tongue, inside cheek, taste buds, skin and teeth, David found that nothing he ate tasted good resulting in weight loss. It was Tamara who really stepped up, making health shakes that were filled with nutrients, which played an instrumental part of keeping David healthy. This journey was truly a team effort.

“My attitude from the start was that I was going to do this one hundred percent. I was committed to doing this the best way that I could. So, I showed up and did everything that was required and asked of me. Unfortunately, the mass did not shrink to the level that the doctors had hoped, so surgery was highly recommended. Fortunately, I met a doctor early in the process who turned out to be a Godsend. I had to have a complicated surgery involving the carotid arteries, jugular vein, and nerves that ran through my neck, and he was the best doctor for the procedure. He

did a miraculous job and I feel very blessed to have had him on my surgical team.”

GOD ONLY GIVES US WHAT WE CAN HANDLE Tamara was tested in her ability as a caregiver not once, but twice in the same time frame. “I have never been a worrier or a stressed out person; but simultaneously, our son, Mark, at the age of 13, was having terrible headaches and weird joint pains. When I saw the rashes on his body, I knew I had to take him to the doctor. As it

turned out, he was diagnosed with Lyme disease four days prior to David’s diagnosis of “Stage IV” Cancer. Needless to say, I was pretty overwhelmed. I couldn’t wrap my head around what was happening to both of my boys. My son was so sick, and then my husband was even sicker. I kept thinking, David is so healthy, he works out, and he eats right! What is going on? It was scary and overwhelming. There was a lot to do, arrangements, appointments, and making sure that neither one felt abandoned, it took up most of my time,” explains Tamara. 21

the mindfulness techniques that I had been teaching to become very present in each and every single moment. I found that in presence, there’s a calmness that comes over you with the complete “knowing” that everything is going to be okay. “ One of the techniques that Tamara created to help David through the treatment process was a mantra and visualization of love and loving energy. This became known as the Loving Touch Process. “I would start by hovering my hands over his feet and focusing there, then move up to his ankles, knees, thighs, stomach, and heart, all the while I would say the words, ‘May I be blessed, may you be blessed.’ It was just amazing to experience what happened as he calmed down. I would watch him slowly drift into sleep, he was at peace so I was at peace.”

Armed with information, Tamara jumped right in to make sure ‘her guys’ had everything they needed for a complete recovery. It wasn’t until 2 weeks later that Tamara felt the pressures and realized she was working from fear. “If one of my clients came to me with this scenario, what would I say to them? What do I really want from this? Who do I desire to be through this experience?” Tamara pondered. 22 | MY Magazine

It was then that she knew she had to take care of herself by returning to her daily practice of meditation and focusing on what she was grateful for. What she decided was to become extremely focused on being at peace and grounded, and by doing so she could give of herself one thousand percent. “When I stopped to think about things, I kept hearing the word, presence, presence. So I decided that I would use all of

Four months later Mark had a full recovery from Lyme Disease and David, after his long journey, was now in remission and cancer-free.

LOVING MEDITATIONS As a couple, David and Tamara had always practiced meditation techniques. Before their cancer experience, they had created guided meditation programs together on a number of topics, including calming the mind and changing the mindset, which is something the two of them practiced often. So when David went in for a post cancer follow-

up visit, it was no surprise that his oncologist wanted to know how David got through it as well as he did. When he explained that he and Tamara created and used mindfulness techniques and meditations, his doctor wanted to have something like this so that he could help his other patients have the same great result. “Tamara and I looked at each other in that moment and a light bulb went off. We had been through the cancer experience as a patient and a caregiver; we had the experience of doing the meditations, why don’t we create meditations for the cancer communities. It became our way of paying it forward. Sometimes you don’t realize why things happen in your life while you’re going through it, but then at a later moment it all comes together in a synergistic way,” shares David.

medication anymore, or that they were nauseous when they started the meditation but by the end, they no longer felt sick. Then for the caregivers, we have meditations for energizing, calming anxieties, worries, to overcoming fears, etc. When you log into the app, you have an option to go into it as the patient or the caregiver. We are very proud of what we’ve created!” shares Tamara.

the positive things that life has to offer and helps to create a mindset of life growth rather than the end of life.

The app also has videos that are uplifting and focus on the positive aspects of life. Being diagnosed is a very scary thing and tends to shift your focus on the negative. Loving Mediations shifts your focus back to all of


This program also has Mindful Minutes, tips for patients and caregivers that can be done anywhere at anytime. To learn more or to download the Loving Mediations App, please visit

On November 30th, 2017, David and Tamara are launching a new book, Live Calm With Cancer (and Beyond…) on Amazon and Kindle.

Examining some of the physical and emotional pain points that both David and Tamara had experienced through their journey they decided to create an app that delivers meditations and tips to help those living with cancer. “The Loving Meditations app offers powerful guided meditations with stunning visuals and soul-reaching music that takes you on a journey to heal specific concerns that patients and survivors may have such as physical pain and discomfort, sleep, scanxiety or exhaustion. People have shared that since they’ve been listening to our meditations, they don’t have to take sleep 23

experience of his life has allowed me to grow with him. – Tamara Green

Having cancer may seem like a wrongness, a mistake in your life plan. Certainly, it wasn’t the reality we had in mind! But what if cancer is also a gift? An opportunity to press the reset switch? In Live Calm With Cancer (and Beyond…), stage IV cancer survivor David Dachinger and his wife, Tamara Green, talk straight about their cancer journey and how you, too, can navigate the choppy waters of diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Through stories, mindfulness tips, and meditations, they show the way to anyone who is experiencing cancer-related stress, anger, sadness, isolation, or fear. In these pages you’ll discover: • How to release depression and anxiety • How to experience the tremendous power of love and presence 24 | MY Magazine

• How to choose and protect your inner peace Major illness is life-altering. If you or a loved one desire less stress and greater ease, this book is for you.


Regardless of what you’re going through, show love and be kind to the one that is going through the experience. Stress and fear can play a large factor when someone you love is in pain. The truth is, that it is really hard to be a human on this planet and if you can make a practice of giving yourself lots of kudos for having the strength to get up and out of bed in the morning to face another day, it will make your journey a little bit easier. Being married to my husband for the last 23 years has been a huge gift to me, having the strength to help him through the most challenging

One of the lessons that we’ve learned or had reinforced during our Cancer experience was to be in allowance. Allow what is, rather than fighting it. Doing this allowed us to regroup and figure out what the next step was. Approach things with gratitude, even at your worst when you hit bottom, you can always find something to be grateful for. Tamara and I would do that quite often. We would go out for gratitude walks, and alternate statements back and forth about things in our lives we were grateful for. That alone shifted us so dramatically out of negativity and helped us to focus on the positive. We allowed ourselves to see that things were not a hundred percent terrible and that there were good things in our lives that we were deeply grateful for. In every experience look for the gifts, some of the most negative and difficult things in our lives can give us some of the most valuable insight and amazing opportunities to reinvent ourselves. It allows us to press the reset button and to try something different. – David Dachinger To learn more you can visit their website at or contact them at

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Our Vision is a universe that models integrity, cultivates creativity and embraces uniqueness. Together we create a world where everyone has a sense of purpose, lives their passion, and celebrates community by empowering others to live their best life.

Maria Rea

Create your own magazine & be a part of the movement! 25 FOR MORE INFORMATION, E-MAIL MARIA AT MARIA.MYMEDIAGROUP@GMAIL.COM

Loving MY Authentic Life



28 | MY Magazine

by Mella Barnes


f you’re a regular reader of MY Authentic Life, you’ll know I’ve previously written about introvert self-care for things like parties and family vacations. I want to talk about Thanksgiving and Black Friday this time because these are huge events that stress me out and I’m sure they stress others out too. Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday. I don’t mean to sound like I’m not thankful for things (I keep a gratitude journal and totally love and appreciate my life) but a day of nonstop interaction with distant relatives is actual torture. For some reason, people think life as a session singer is interesting. It is not. I spend all day, every day in a booth. People want me to tell them wild stories of famous people, and I have none, yet they ask each year. Then there’s the blaring TV playing football (I’m from Michigan so not watching the Lions play is an offense worthy of death) and people are screaming at the players, despite knowing that the players cannot hear them. Even if they could, what are the odds that the player in question is going to take your advice over their coach? It’s an odd ritual and I don’t enjoy it. Yelling makes me nervous. When I was a child, we each had to go around the table and announce something we were thankful for. I hated this because it meant all eyes were on me, expectantly waiting for me to say something profound. My answer was usually “I’m thankful that we don’t have school this week,” which was met with groans and a request for me to “be thankful for something that MATTERS.” As a 6-year-old, what matters more than not having school? It made me hate being the center of attention even more, and also gave me a deep-rooted fear of Thanksgiving. This ritual of announcing our thanks was ended a few years ago, and for that, I am truly thankful. 29

On top of Thanksgiving, the very next day is Black Friday: A day to shove people out of the way while trying to save $5 on something you can buy on Amazon for less. I don’t do well in crowds. When those crowds are angry and competitive, I feel like I might pass out. Granted, Black Friday isn’t a requirement for the holiday, but many of us introverts are sucked into the “fun” by family members who enjoy it. So, let’s talk about how to survive all of it, shall we?

1. Set Firm Boundaries

This is not the easiest thing to do, so it will take some practice on your part. You know what topics upset you, and you know what topics are bound to start an argument. You also probably know what relative is most likely to bring these things up. Practice what you’ll say to let them know that topic is off limits. You might also need to just limit your contact with that person altogether. Find a place to sit with enough distance between yourselves.

2. Research Current Events

Keep an eye on what’s happening in the news that is lighthearted, funny or interesting. NO politics, NO religion, nothing that will start an argument at the table. Again, you know what these topics are. Find something that your relatives will love to talk about and find interesting ideas they might not know about yet. This will also help you when setting boundaries because you can seamlessly move into a new 30 | MY Magazine

My Black Friday tradition is to stay in the house literally all day and start decorating for Yule. I put on music and transform the place into a wonderland, and I’m so excited to do it every year. I also have created “Dranksgiving,” where I sit at home, binge-watch Netflix and make cocktails for myself. I don’t do this every year, but having this little tradition for myself is awesome when I can’t see family. What customs can you create for yourself? Feel free to steal mine if you want! topic while directing them away from the off-limits topic.

3. Know Your Limits

This applies to everything: Food, Alcohol, Uncle Steve, etc. You know what you can and can’t tolerate, and you know when you’re tapped out. If you sense yourself nearing the end, make a graceful exit if possible. If it’s not possible, see #4 below:

4. Explain Your Limits

Your family probably knows you’re an introvert (or they just think you’re weird, like my family does) but it’s totally okay to explain your limits to them! “I get overwhelmed after socializing for five straight hours,” is a lot easier to explain

than staring off into space for the rest of the evening. Tell your closest relative and see if they can help you out by steering you into the guest bedroom or ushering you out the door. A well-timed, “hey, didn’t you have that thing in the morning?” might be just what you need to make an exit. Last, but not least:

5. Say No

They might not admit this, but your family will survive if you don’t make it to Thanksgiving. Your friends will not hate you if you don’t go Black Friday shopping (if they do, good riddance). Honor your boundaries this holiday season.

I firmly believe that after surviving a stressful Thanksgiving and maybe also Black Friday, you must reward your introvert self. You made it through and you deserve to stay in all day and read, or whatever it is you like to do.

Mella is a session singer, songwriter and producer living in Nashville, Tennessee. Also an animal lover, she has three dogs, a rabbit, and any number of foster animals in various shapes and sizes. She is the author of Way Less Cowbell, a book on communicating with session musicians. If you would like more information or to hire her onto your project, please visit 31


32 | MY Magazine


C.H.A.N.G.E. Creating Hope and Awareness and Nurturing Growth through Empowerment The St. Clair Butterfly Foundation was founded to inspire a movement of C.H.A.N.G.E. by providing all children and youths with the tools to overcome any adversity and help them to realize their full potential to soar! Based in Oakland County Michigan, this nonprofit organization offers: Community Outreach Programs Creative Art Programs Scholarship Programs Legislative Initiatives Your donation goes directly to helping kids find their voice The St. Clair Butterfly Foundation has successfully helped to change laws in several states to better protect children.

Each year 1-in-4 girls and 1-in-6 boys are victims of abuse. Let’s help these children find their voice. Founded in 2007 by Chip and Lisa St. Clair, and based on his bestselling memoir, The Butterfly Garden, the St. Clair Butterfly Foundation utilizes the power of creative arts, literature, and overall well-being to impact the lives of children facing adversity. Listen to Chip and Lisa’s radio show: The Divine Frequency: Turning Your Passion Into Purpose Tuesday at 9:30 am Eastern Time on Empower Radio

Your donation gives the greatest gift to a child! 33 It shows that they are loved and that they deserve to be heard.



arilyn is a wife, mother of two, and a middle manager for a consulting company. She was determined to hold it together this year. She wanted to break

34 | MY Magazine

her pattern of being stressed every time she thought about the upcoming holidays. Here is her story. “I used to love Thanksgiving

and the whole holiday season. Peace on earth and goodwill to men always sounded like a great idea to me. It still does. But now I feel like there is no peace for me as I get everything ready

pretty much get along. And I am truly grateful for all of that. I even enjoy cooking. Why is this so hard and upsetting for me? It just doesn’t make any sense.” As we talked through what stressed her out and what she was thankful for, it became clear that Marilyn’s challenge was not that she wasn’t grateful for the good she had in her life. Instead, the issue was that she was not feeling appreciated or recognized for her contribution. Perhaps you can relate to Marilyn’s experience. You may not be the one creating the holiday gatherings. It may not be your job to direct or lead the project at work. Or maybe it is. Regardless of your role or responsibility level, every-day life and work is more stressful and less joyful when you feel overlooked or unappreciated. Do you feel appreciated? If you are like me and most of my clients, your answer is likely to be “It depends”. You may feel appreciated at home but not at work, or exactly the opposite. If you think you are being taken for granted, that is the opposite of being appreciated. Feeling appreciated is a basic emotional need for most of us. When we believe we are valued – another word for appreciated – we typically are more motivated to do and to be our best. for the family to come over and celebrate. When I was young, I loved the gatherings with my cousins and all the relatives. Now, I almost dread them. What is wrong with me? Yes, we have

some typical family tensions, but it’s nothing compared to some of the challenges other families face. Everyone is healthy and safe, people are doing okay financially, and we

The big question is how do you fix feeling unappreciated? As you may have already discovered, letting your frustration build to an emotional outburst where you blurt 35

out ‘nobody appreciates me’ doesn’t usually improve anything. It is a double-edged sword. You want, even crave, appreciation and recognition. At the same time, you want appreciation to be offered freely, and not have it be expressed because you orchestrated or requested it. If you are experiencing this conundrum, I recommend you try the following experiment for 21 days. That is how long it takes for a new habit to form. It is a simple process, but it may not be easy. The objective is to stimulate the existence of appreciation in your world and see how your experience shifts as a result. Use the following three practices to create your own Season of Appreciation.

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Express Appreciation. Whenever you are motivated to say thank you, take yourself off of automatic pilot. Be specific about what you appreciated in the person you are thanking. For example, if you are checking out of the grocery store, you may say to the clerk “Thank you for your help today. I appreciate how efficient (or careful, thorough, pleasant, etc.) you have been.” What you say needs to be authentically true for you. Spend the extra 10 seconds this way. You won’t regret it. Take their surprised expression or smile in return as appreciation for you. By being alert and generous with praise, you have the power to make someone else’s day. This practice is even more important with people you care about and/ or work with.


Appreciate Yourself. At the end of each day, spend a few moments and take Appreciation Inventory. Identify at least one thing that you are proud of yourself for doing or being during that day. Write it down and see how the list grows over time. It is important to allow yourself to feel good about yourself for something each day, even when things did not go perfectly. Do this right before you go to sleep to anchor that good feeling for the next day. Little things count every bit as much as big things. It can be as big as closing an important deal or having a meaningful conversation with someone important to you. It can be as small and simple

Use the three practices in this experiment to create your own personal Season of Appreciation. The more aware and focused you are on both giving and receiving appreciation, you will notice that it becomes more and more present and available to you. What you focus on expands. If you focus on the absence or lack of appreciation in your world, you get to be right about that. Why not focus on an abundance of appreciation, and be right about that?

as remembering to take your vitamins or thanking the grocery store clerk with appreciation. (Are you beginning to see how this all fits together?). As this practice becomes familiar, there will likely be several items on your daily Appreciation Inventory.


Accept Appreciation. This may be harder than it sounds. Just like you have to be alert and generous when you are offering appreciative thanks, you need to be alert and receptive when someone thanks you or offers you a compliment. Once again, abandon automatic pilot. Allow yourself to feel appreciated. Notice if you try to deflect or dismiss praise or acknowledgment. Shift that attitude and behavior of resistance toward acceptance. It may take some practice. Then, for your Appreciation Inventory, you can be proud each time you are receptive to appreciation. This was the practice that made the most positive difference for Marilyn.

If you like measurable results, during your daily Appreciation Inventory, estimate the percentage of your day when you felt appreciation, and track it for the 21 days. As your awareness of appreciation sharpens, and you become more receptive, it is likely that your percentage for feeling appreciation will increase over the 21-day experiment. For a truly advanced move, work on appreciation for someone with whom you have a conflict. I believe the true power of this process is to create better connections between people, especially when they are on opposite sides of an issue. When you can appreciate something about the opposition, and further, when you can express that to them, it creates a common ground where respect and communication can open and perhaps flourish.

Wini Curley, Ph.D. is a Resilience Expert, Speaker, and Executive Coach. She shows leaders and their organizations how to energize their next win - whether they are on a roll or in a hole. In 2002, Wini became an entrepreneur and left a 20-year corporate career cleaning up environmental hazardous waste sites. Now, she helps clients clean up toxic habits, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that contaminate their path to success. Clients say Wini’s keen intuition, judgement-free approach, and energy techniques all help free them to release frustrations and blocks and accelerate toward what they really want. Wini has coached successful leaders and entrepreneurs across 3 continents. Clean up the toxicities big or small at the leadership level, and watch the business and its people grow and flourish. Learn more about Wini and her programs at and 37



or many of us, the holidays can be a challenging time of year as we take a pause from our hectic lives, reconnect with our families, and come face-

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to-face with certain realities in our relationships. Statistics show that most couples file for divorce in early January, right after the holidays, and finalize sometime in March; followed

by a close second of August divorces (The Atlantic, Why Divorce Spikes in August and March). What these statistics show is that many people are facing huge life transitions every

years ago I ended my twentyyear relationship because after decades of psychotherapy sessions and trying to work it out, it was a disaster. I was a disaster. I was at the lowest point of my life and feeling incredibly desperate for love… from anyone. (My memoir, Awakening To Me, tells the whole sordid story in case you’re into fact-checking!) Now, just six years later, I’m remarried to the love of my life. He reflects, to me, the most powerful love I have ever experienced: a love that encourages spiritual growth while embracing interdependence. I am free to be me, exactly as I am, and he loves it all…even the parts I don’t appreciate fully about myself. I started seeing him in my dreams just a year before we met. I heard his voice, I saw his face, I just had no idea where he was (until the Universe knew I was ready and sent him to me totally by surprise). Trust me, this is a miracle. I often feel I am living in a dream world. And I know this miracle is repeatable because I’ve shared these tips with others, and it has helped them claim the drivers’ seats in their Love-mobiles.

year around the holidays, and feeling vulnerable, exposed and alone. If this is you, or if you are spending yet another year

as a single person, I’d like to share with you some in-thetrenches tools I used to get myself through this very difficult experience and into feeling love no matter what. You see, six

Before I reveal to you my secret formula, let me first say: I get how discouraging it can be to hear about other people’s happiness when you’re feeling alone, betrayed, and awkward. If that’s where you are, I fully encourage you to tuck this article away someplace safe for when you’re ready to embrace 39

hope. Be where you are. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready to move forward. (If you want to ‘help’ someone going through these challenges, see the end of the article for suggestions.) Keys to raising your L.O.V.E. vibration: 1. LISTEN. Rather than distract yourself with being busy, slow down and listen deeply to yourself. What does your heart need from you? How can you support your body and nervous system during this transition? Pay attention to your desire for a friend to listen to you and hug you, a masseuse to touch you with healing energy, or nature to support you with long walks. Gift yourself daily nourishment. Be selfish about taking care of yourself. Create space for downtime that relaxes and comforts you; in my own transition, I started taking nightly bubble baths by candlelight as soon as I put the kids down and I still do it. It’s such a gift for the end of my day. Discover what soothes you by trying out self-nurturing strategies and listen to your body and heart to feel what really hits the spot and puts coins in your own love bank. If you notice something ‘out there’ that you desire, find a way to bring that feeling to yourself; even if only in your imagination. The brain does not know the difference between real and imagined, so you can have a love affair in your mind and your brain will

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totally believe it’s happening. This sounds ridiculous, but I gifted myself imaginary love experiences and I believe it helped me create a vibration of love within me that eventually led to being in love with life no matter what. 2. OPEN. Wrestle control from your monkey mind and avoid those constricting thought tunnels of shame, blame, and guilt. Trying to figure out who was right or wrong, or why you still don’t have the relationship of your dreams, will send you into a downward spiral that only serves to keep you stuck in an unsolvable conundrum. I will save you some work and reveal the punchline: it’s not your fault, it’s your lesson. You just graduated from the master’s degree program of intimate partnerships, or are taking the Ph.D. in learning to love yourself. Open your clenched hand and let all the unmet expectations fall out into the Earth. Trust you will understand why this happened as you open and listen to your heart and higher power. Open your perspectives by reading self-help books, listening to inspirational podcasts, and taking personal growth classes. Join communities of people going through similar transitions for camaraderie and compassionate witnessing. Write about your experience and all the lessons you learned; I wrote an entire book dissecting what I learned from my 20year relationship and it was so healing (From We To Me). Learn to meditate and

open to guidance for how to heal your heart and invite love to flow again. Seek a mentor to fast-track you over the hurdles and into the honey pot.

bursting into tears. Eventually, the tears dried up and I felt so supported whenever I looked into my own eyes. This was the beginning of my own self-love.

3. VALIDATE. Your feelings are absolutely real and powerful. Validate that you are having an incredibly difficult experience by allowing yourself to let these emotions flow through you when they arise. Stuffing the emotions actually prolongs the recovery process; however scary it may be to feel your emotions, I invite you to create a safe space for yourself every day to let the feelings out. (Avoid attaching stories to the emotions; notice how telling stories about the feelings makes more feelings.) Mirror time is extremely healing and nurturing during this challenge. I would stand in front of the mirror every night with my hand over my heart and repeat “There is worth here” until I stopped

4. EVOLVE. Take control of your destiny by claiming responsibility for the experience you are having. This is not about blame. It is about empowering yourself to respond, to choose. When a relationship fails, or when we’ve kissed one too many toads, it’s so tempting to blame the other person for the painful situation. However, if we make the other person responsible, we lose the power to change our destiny. When you claim responsibility for your part of the relationship, you also claim the wisdom that will evolve you so that you avoid repeating this pattern the next time around. (And no matter what your current state of mind, we both know there will be a next time, someday.) Embrace your evolution by declaring 41

the qualities of your next love relationship in a journal. Focus on the experiences you want to share with this person, the way this person makes you feel, and the characteristics of this person that you love. Pour jet fuel into your manifestation by BECOMING the person you just described in your journal. Like attracts like. Just ask my sweety: he has read my memoir and confirms that he would never have fallen for me until I became the person I desired to love. When I finally let my flower grow (without searching, striving, demanding and forcing love), I turned into the fiery passionate redhead he fell in love with when he walked into my firewalk just two years ago. Learning to L.O.V.E. yourself is a journey that unfolds layer by layer. Each layer of yucky that you shed through the 42 | MY Magazine

process I’ve described expands the channel of love that can flow through your life. If you stick with it, you’ll eventually realize that the source of love is within you all the time; the stuff outside of you that you think ‘gives’ you love is actually just inspiring you to open the love channel within yourself. The love you feel belongs to you; no one can take it away. When you learn how to unplug the love channel within yourself, you can drink from your own love on demand at any time. The miracle is that you become the love of your own life. From this wholeness, a partner to reflect your love to you is the icing on the most delicious cake you can imagine. Supporters of people in love transition: The best thing you can do to support someone in a love

transition is to simply listen. Listen without trying to downplay, fix, change, or deny. “I hear you are having a difficult transition. I feel for you during this time. How can I support you?” People in love transition need a lot of witnessing; if you find you are exceeding your bandwidth for holding compassionate space, you can set boundaries on the sharing. For example, “I want to be here for you, and in this moment I do not have space to fully be present. Can I return your call at time-day?” If you find yourself overwhelmed by the needs of your friend in love transition, support yourself with extra self-care and let go of the need to fix things so that you do not assume energy that does not belong to you. Regular salt baths are a great idea to cleanse your energy! Read samples of Awakening To Me and From We To Me at http:// kerrihummingbird. com/my-magazinebook-samples Kerri Hummingbird Sami is a soul guide, shamanic healer, award-winning author and inspirational speaker. Kerri has over 20 years of experience in leading by inspiration and a special passion for empowering women to be the artists of their lives. She mentors women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

“Faith Is Taking the First Step Even When You Don’t See the Whole Staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

BE UNSTOPPABLE & CHANGE THE WORLD Have Maria Rea, The Publisher Of MY Authentic Life & CEO of MY Media & Publishing Group Speak At Your Next Event TOPICS SUCH AS: • The Power Of Living Your Courageous Life • Empowering Women To Let Go Of Self-Doubt & Fear • Living In An Ego Driven World Contact Maria at



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hile recently perusing some photos from a two-week work assignment at a luxurious Jamaican resort, I was reminded of a lovely lesson in accepting the abundance that surrounds me. When I first arrived at the resort, I was hesitant to take full advantage of what was available. For instance, even though my business partner and I were on an inclusive plan, meaning we could eat and drink whatever our heart and tummies desired, I noticed I was avoiding the highest priced items on the menu. For the first day or so, I did not order dessert, since my meal tab was already way above my usual selfimposed top limit. I declined a drink before dinner, believing it was extravagant and I could get by without it. I hesitated to accept a golf cart ride to our villa after dinner, which was a normal offering from the resort bellman. Fortunately, it didn’t take me long to understand that I was staying in luxurious surroundings while holding a limited ability to accept the abundance that was being offered. In order to more fully enjoy what was available, I needed to make a shift in my perspective.

life consisted of more simple pleasures which did not include palm trees, a private beach, mango coladas and a maid to turn down my bed in the evening. I learned there was no shame in enjoying the many beautiful gifts that life can offer on a daily basis. In fact, it began to make sense that when I am able to allow abundance to be part of my life regardless of any current situation, the more I will have to share with others. Thankfully, I now know that my living in lack does not improve the life or situation of anyone else. Accepting abundance in life is like saying we are grateful for all that is present at any given time. . . the big things and the little things. It acknowledges we see ourselves as worthy of being cared for, loved and served. What I also now know is the more love, kindness, and care I allow into my life, and the more gratitude I feel and express, the sweeter life is and the better I am able to pass it on. Kate Sholonski transitioned from a 28 year nursing career to life coaching and as a personal fulfillment workshop leader in 2001. After many years of coaching people from all walks of life, she and her business partner repeatedly heard requests from their clients to combine joy and fulfillment with leadership principles.

By day two, I began focusing on feeling deep appreciation for every luxury, every beautiful slice of scenery, every act of kindness given by the wait staff, my maid, the desk clerks, and concierge. I focused on the beauty of complete gratitude for all of the blessings that were available to me throughout each day. As I practiced this joyful celebration of all that surrounded me, I noticed I felt more at ease in welcoming the many amenities that were being offered.

It was that concept that led them to create their business, Triumph Leadership Group, where they focus on training teams from all sized businesses to build positive and productive cultures.

I soon realized this lesson was one that would serve me well to take home where my normal

They believe when relationships don’t work, the business doesn’t work and that workers who share heartfelt connections will help business thrive on every level.

Kate and her business partner, David Larson have coauthored two books, Wide Awake: Three Minutes a Day to an Inspired Life and Heartfelt Leadership: Creating a Culture of Connection. 45


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by Gary Stuart


ell, they’re back!!!! You just survived Halloween and now it’s Thanksgiving Day dinner. Let’s not forget to mention the forthcoming December Holidays too! My Advice? Lock the doors and RUN for your LIFE!!!!! All kidding aside now is the perfect time to take stock and learn to practice new and strong boundaries. Please bury the hatchet before it’s used on another Turkey of sorts, your dinner guests. November is the time for gratitude and to give thanks. Always try to remember we would not have this feast day if it were not for the kindness of the First Peoples who inhabited North America for many, many Centuries. This was long before the throngs of pale-faced Europeans set foot on their self-proclaimed “New World”. This essay is not about guilt as much as it’s about gratitude. Lest we forget that the millions of First peoples were here from Coast to Coast, and from Canada to Alaska to Cape Horn in South America. Many lost their lives and villages and experienced cultural appropriation by the “settlers” in their New World where millions of indigenous people perished.

Think of the vastness of the Americans compared to little old Europe? The diversity of cultures and tribes were amazing yet thought of as worthless (except for resources). It was the nations and tribes of First Peoples who collectively lost LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS long before The Declaration of Independence ink, was dry. Much of this unspoken history is not taught in American schools’. What’s even more tragic to those millions still unaccounted for is the lack of recognition as historical fact, or that it even happened. As Americans’ we need to rebalance the scale of this genocidal injustice. Try to compensate by sending money to support First Peoples holiday on any Reservation within the USA. You can donate to the Southwest Indian Foundation or any other charity that serves the underserved Native Americans living within North America. By taking personal action, we can heal the wounds of the Past in the Present for a better Future! The soul of America needs millions of little actions so we can heal the historical wounds of our roots. These actions will make the Tree of American Life stand taller, and strengthen the IDEALS that 47

Thank Full Thanks To the great, great ones who any of us wouldn’t be here without their many joys, sweat, suffering & toil Thank you To the grand ones For simply birthing my parents Only to have new heirs apparent Thank you Dear parents For enjoying your selves amidst life’s unpredictable circumstances Thank you all dear elders you deserve all my respect and so much more with the many gifts, I have to countless to ignore Thank you Older siblings and all those who came before You help me know my place in time and space As we assemble our family within humanity Thank you Younger & little ones For looking up to me I’ll do my best to lead and not stumble As you try to follow me? With humblest thanks I treasure the profound opportunity to participate in this wonderfully paradoxical experiment of the divine Called life! All I can do is give thanks to all those who came before and learn my lessons, try to be happy and not much more while excited to see what the creator has in store THANK YOU! America represents in the world. This is where true national greatness emerges from. These historical dynamics are also true for the Civil War wounds as well. As we have seen recently 48 | MY Magazine

in Charlottesville, Virginia is that Confederate passions with racial tensions and prejudice still run deep. It’s not OK-K-K to let racial hostilities fester any longer.

If we’re too mature as a nation and move past our troubled history then both sides need to express civility whether it’s Union or Confederate. Unfortunately, reactionary responses rule the day. Everyone deserves a voice at the table. This is what truly makes America great, First Amendment Rights for ALL. Whether we like what’s said or not, there is a fundamental right to any opinion, good, bad or ugly. Let’s also not forget it’s called Freedom of Speech for good reason. Let’s also not forget that America’s wealth was built on the backs of Black slaves and other enslaved minorities of many diverse colors and creeds. Pale-faced invaders became rich because of their sweat and toil.

Ultimately, the collective fate of our nation resides in a more enlightened state of consciousness of each individual. Remember, “Positive Action is the KEY not Negative Reaction!” Any kindness or compassion toward any perceived “other” can result in healing and harmony across the land. Every inhabitant deserves to be respected just as those of their own ancestral line. Many generations before us suffered so that we could be here having this experience in the 21st Century. Let this holiday season be one of a bounty of love, forgiveness, inclusion, and hope. That’s a big change for our nation which was intended to be indivisible with EQUALITY for one and all. Now there can be new, stimulating conversations over

Turkey dinner! Our European, African now American forbears experiences, and family history pale in comparison to Ancestral plights they faced daily to survive here. The biggest thing everyone needs now is APPRECIATION! This applies to ALL those who came before and ALL present with you today on this November Day of Thanksgiving. This year take a look around the dinner table to see who is with you? Some at your table may not be present as soon as next year. Many unexpected things can happen and death of a loved one seems ever-present these days. I implore you NOT to take anyone or anything for granted. Try to appreciate every aspect of the holiday experience as if it could be your or their last. For some at the dinner table, it may

very well be? Do you want to remember something negative that happened or something unpleasant about the same old, same old argument? When did an unresolvable, ongoing family drama ever serve anyone? This year try a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for who is present and what connection is being shared will fill the bill? After all, isn’t it about making lasting memories? Ultimately, it’s up to you (the host) to set the tone (especially if it’s in your home). Maybe it’s time to take charge or try something new like having a family go-around on what they are grateful for this past year, or better yet for each other! Also, educate the kids to know why 49

APPRECIATION Take time to appreciate. Don’t stop or hesitate. You never know when it will be too late, And you could end up in an unpleasant state, Much worse off than you could dare estimate, If you don’t take time to appreciate. Be thankful for all those little things That wouldn’t mean much to those, not in touch With the delicate balance that intimacy brings. Appreciate sharing those moments of caring, For those are the times that will often most shine When the ones you love have gone to meet the Divine. Those moments have meaning and value and worth. They’ll surprise and supply you with goodwill and mirth, As you think back, with appreciation, to their time on Earth. Appreciate the joy they left behind, And to their memory always be kind, Even if sometimes they seemed to be blind. They will appreciate you back, in kind, For no one else might have taken the time To appreciate them, which so often reminds us that love’s precious value appreciates with time. So don’t hesitate to appreciate. It’s a wonderful way to clean the slate. And someday it will be too late. Why just wait and trust to fate? Take time now to appreciate! 50 | MY Magazine

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated and who is responsible for your family THRIVING! This sad but true American history is not taught too much in American schools’ anymore. A myth or a sanitized version of Pilgrims breaking bread with their half-naked native American feathered friends in moccasins and loincloths are for coloring books only. Take time to celebrate all aspects of the day with deep gratitude, appreciation, and honor for those who suffered decades before. They too surely deserve thanks. Don’t forget to celebrate all the Turkey’s that gave their lives too for your dining pleasure. Gobble up in their memory, or else! Gary Stuart Speaker, Author, Constellation Facilitator, Teacher has been documenting his healing experiences over the past several decades. As a young student of Primal Therapy and Shamanism, his insightful writings provide a unique perspective on the correlation between the micro and macro-cosmos, between our inner and outer worlds. His first book on Constellations Many Hearts, One Soul set the stage for his latest book Master Your Universe: How to Direct & Star in Your Own Life on Kindle or paperback at

Lynn Darmon PSYCHIC MEDIUM REIKI PRACTITIONER Lynn is a Psychic Medium born with clairvoyant, clairaudient and precognitive abilities. She first became aware of this gift at age five. As she grew older her abilities developed, receiving messages from the Other Side, first from family members who’d passed and then messages from loved ones of people around her. Lynn describes this gift of guidance from Spirit as “Second Sight.” During a reading, Lynn will take you on a journey from your past where she will peek into your childhood, to the present and offer you channeled guidance from Spirit as you continue on your Spiritual Path into your future. Serving as a conduit between the Spirit World and this world, Lynn conveys messages from those who have passed with the intention of providing validation, healing and further guidance to their loved ones here. Most recently featured on

Lynn has been featured on ABC’s 20/20, The Huffington Post, AOL, Yahoo News, The Oakland Press, The Detroit Jewish News, Eydis Magazine, MY Magazine, Body, Mind, Spirit Radio, the Lisa Bousson Show, and has been featured in the recently published book, “Everyday Oracles,” by Ann Bolinger-McQuade.

31224 Mulfordton • Ste. D • Farmington Hills • 248.860.1121 • Facebook: Medium Lynn Darmon SERVICES PROVIDED: In person • By phone • E-mail • Skype

• In home 51

Self-Growth 52 | MY Magazine

Talk to Tamara

Tamara, the relationship whisperer, is like a walking instruction manual for all of your love, dating. and relationship questions. Ask her your burning questions and she’ll guide you in the direction that is right for you. by Tamara Green


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Hi Tamara, Just like last month’s reader, I have been having relationship problems. However, I read your column about the Universal Laws, did the exercises as you suggested and I’m already getting a better understanding as to why we’ve been having so many difficulties. Therefore, I’m looking forward to reading more about the Universal Laws and doing even more homework! Signed: Willing To Do The Work 55

Dearest Willing To Do The Work, Great job! I’m so happy to hear that you’re doing the exercises from last month, and as a result, getting an understanding of what’s going on in your relationship. Welcome to the next part in this series on the Universal Laws how using them can help improve the relationship you have with yourself and your partner. Last month, I shared that Universal Laws are principles by which everything in this Universe is governed and that when you apply and align with them, your life flows with ease and grace. The four Laws from last month are:

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Divine Oneness – We are all One and deeply connected to everyone and everything else.

Vibration - Everything in this Universe vibrates and moves

Action - What materializes in your physical world is a result of your actions.

Correspondence - As above, so below.

Let’s get the nitty-gritty on the next four Universal Laws.

Understanding Universal Laws and Putting Them Into Practice:

Cause and Effect – Nothing happens by chance or outside Universal Laws. Attention: Your every action, including thought, has a consequence. This is also referred to as the Law of the Circle. Energy is magnetized and used and always returns to its original sender. For example, if one experiences happy energy, the original source of that energy was used in a constructive way.

“Through the eyes of love, every ‘problem’ has a benefit, is an opportunity and even a gift.” —Tamara Green, LCSW (@tamaragreen4u)

If one experiences unhappy energy, the original source of that energy was used in a destructive way. In other words, you reap what you sow.

Attention: Where your mind goes, energy goes. The images you hold in your mind will materialize. Energy follows thought and intention.

Compensation – Abundance is your inalienable right as the Divine Being that you are.

Exercise: Visualize, in detail, an outcome you’d love to experience. For example, let’s say it’s been a long time since you and your boyfriend went out dancing. For the next 30 days, commit to visualizing that you’re having the time of your life while dancing by his side. Smile as you’re envisioning the happy expression on his face because he’s with you. Feel excited as you anticipate one of the best nights of your relationship.

Awareness Exercise: On a blank piece of paper, write a list of all the things in your life that are flowing in abundance, such as gifts, money, love, blessings, etc. Next, write a list of all the things in your life that are not flowing in abundance. For the next seven days, keep track of your time spent focusing on the what’s flowing or what’s not flowing. It’s good to be aware of what you’re focusing on.

Attraction – Like attracts like. Attention: Positive energy (high vibration frequency) attracts positive energies or outcomes. Negative energy (low vibration frequency) attracts negative energies or outcomes.

Perpetual Transmutation – Energy constantly moves into physical form.

Stay tuned for more in next month’s column where I’ll uncover the meanings and uses of the next four Laws: Relativity; Polarity; Rhythm, and Gender. Understanding them will dramatically help any troubled relationship. For those who are going through the cancer experience, feel calm in minutes by downloading the free Loving Meditations App. For more information, go to Want free relationship advice

Copyright 2017, Tamara Green, LCSW. All Rights Reserved

right away? Take advantage of Tamara’s free 45-minute guidance session where you will finally get clarity and relief from your dating or relationship struggles. Whether you are single or are experiencing relationship upset, by clicking here, you no longer have to figure this out alone anymore. Yay! Elle Magazine dubs Tamara Green, LCSW “The Soulcentered Love Expert.” She is an author, speaker and trainer, helping thousands of people to navigate the waters of love, dating and relationships – all while falling madly in love with themselves in the process. Trained as a Love Mentor® by Dr. Diana Kirschner, Individual and Couples Psychotherapist, Meditation Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Tamara’s coaching is highly effective as she combines her many years of professional training with her gifts as an energy healer, intuitive and seer. As a result, Tamara creates an exciting catalyst for deep emotional healing, giving her clients greater success in life and love. She has devoted her life to helping women rise out of pain and fear so they can finally experience the long lasting and loving relationship of their dreams. As well as working 1-on-1, Tamara offers free weekly meditation audios that take you on a journey of love with ease and joy. Please follow Tamara Green, LCSW (@tamaragreen4u) Join Tamara’s community at; Facebook TGreenLoveExpert; youtube: UC9MqTnZEJYNEpKnwrjsZ40A 57

THE POWER OFChoice by David Larson


hile I was on a flight from Minneapolis to New York, I noticed a little girl coloring a picture a few rows ahead of me. She was really cute, perhaps two or so, barely able to hold a crayon, and certainly not able to “stay in 58 | MY Magazine

the lines.� She was talking to her mother and telling her how excited she was to give this picture to her grandma. I smiled. It was touching.

to get anxious, as it seemed impossible I would make my connection in Detroit, which would get me to my destination as scheduled.

The plane had its difficulties prior to takeoff and we were nearly an hour late. I began

To my right was a teenage girl sitting next to the window. She had her headphones on,

performance! I smiled again. The joy spilling out of her was a sheer delight. When our plane landed, the gentleman behind me got up and began stringing together the longest collection of swear words I had ever heard. He was ranting about how he had now surely missed his connection too, and how terrible the airline was because it was screwing up his schedule. The thought came to me in that instant: all of us were on the same plane, having the exact same experience. Yet the two girls were totally in the moment, enjoying themselves regardless of whether we were late or on time. At that point, I realized that if three people of different ages and sexes could each create the feeling of their choice while having the same experience, then surely I could choose my emotional reaction as well. I hustled through the airport terminal, searching for my connecting gate. When I arrived at the check-in counter, I found out the next plane on which I was scheduled was also late in leaving. I had not missed it after all!

listening to what must have been one of her favorite songs. It seemed that way anyway since she was singing out loud at the top of her lungs, oblivious to the fact that those around her could not hear the music she was hearing, and that she was quite alone in her a cappella

A few minutes later, a disgruntled passenger approached the ticket counter complaining about the lousy service of this particular airline. I looked up to see that this was the same man who had been using the colorful language on my previous plane. He was going on the

next flight, too! As I watched the gentleman stew in his anger for the remainder of the trip, I was more solidly clear that, like the three companions that had been traveling with me, I had a choice regarding my emotions. As it turned out, the second plane made up the time we’d lost on the first leg, and we arrived in New York on time. None of us who were flying that day knew whether or not we would reach our destination as planned. However, each of us had made a different choice about how we were responding to the situation emotionally. Since that day, I have known that my life situation, my circumstances, or whatever is going on in the moment around me, has very little to do with how I feel about it. The emotional response has far more to do with how I choose to respond to what’s happening rather than what’s happening itself. That day I was reminded how powerful I was to choose my emotions. I had learned what it meant to be emotionally free. David is a licensed psychologist in private practice who has been leading people into life fulfillment for more than thirty years. His work with Kate Sholonski at Triumph Leadership Group involves creating and sustaining healthy and productive relationships in the workplace. David is a contributing author to four books, has been a TV talk show host, and resides in rural Minnesota with his wife, Carol. 59

Connecting You With You

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ne thing is certain, nothing ever stays the same. Change is a constant. Change is something you can always count on. And, as most have found, if you resist change, you can find your Self-struggling and in confusion, chaos and/or crisis. What you resist will persist, so it is important to pay attention. Many are now experiencing sudden and unexpected changes throughout the world related to wildfires, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, mass shootings or bombings, political discourse, sexual harassment disclosures, divided countries and global unrest. This can be extremely jarring and disconcerting affecting you in ways you

may not even be aware of … physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually. When you experience a traumatic event like the wildfires we have had here in California, one instinctively reverts to a ‘fight or flight’ response. Survival becomes the focus as some are literally running away from the fires to save their lives. Their adrenaline increases to give them the strength to do what’s necessary until they’re safe. As a result, the nervous system stays in a hyper-vigilant mode (even after the initial experience) which creates an unsettled and ungrounded feeling as they come down from their adrenaline rush. The nervous system is frayed and your energies are scattered.

Suppressed emotions can be stuck within the physical and emotional bodies. The mental body is trying to keep a person safe and find security and stability. Many become ill, depressed, cry uncontrollably, or project anger because they feel out of control, or are still in reactive mode. Many have underlying PTSD symptoms which may not show up for days, weeks or even months later. It’s important to be in Self-care and take care of your Self. Self-care is different for each of us … for many it’s meditation, massage, nature, movies, comfort foods, connecting with loved ones and friends, to name a few ways. Above all else, be sure to give your Self-time to rest, reflect and respect what you have been through even if you 61

a whole new life, new vocation, new relationships. The change can lead you to a new way of ‘BE’-ing and ‘DO’-ing. This is true for anyone who is directly experiencing a crisis, or even as a witness to a crisis from afar. We have seen an outpouring of love, kindness, and generosity from others and even from those in the midst of their own crisis. We have seen individuals and communities come together to support one another, sometimes at the risk of their own safety and lives. And we’ve seen people find the strength within themselves that they may not have known they even had.

GRACE ©2015 Keenawah & Associates, LLC

GRACE from The Diamond Co-Creative System™ GRACE … Generating Radiant Action to Create Eternity (Eternal Possibilities) The Cosmic Energy Form of GRACE from The Diamond Co-Creative System™ provides energetic vibrations to help you activate your Soul Codes of Destiny and Success. This sacred geometry technology can help you tap into the energies of Universal Source and activate your Soul Code of GRACE. It assists you to find a place of GRACE within your Self which allows for the energetics of GRACE to lead you through any personal ‘circumstance’ or world situations. Thus, you ‘BE’come MORE aligned with your Soul’s energies and the Universe’s Highest Potential that is held for you. weren’t someone who was directly in harm’s way. This is especially true for Empaths who feel what’s going on around them and the energies of mass consciousness.

crisis, you can be in control and empowered. Understand all of what we’re going through is a call to shift into your MORE and our MORE as a collective.

It feels like you’re not in control, but even in the midst of the

The situations are a way to AWAKEN you to a refinement, or

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Many of these changes are unexpected and lead to the unknown so how do you navigate through it? Here are two energies that can help you find that strength, resilience, and empowerment to move through the changes … GRATITUDE and GRACE. I AM in GRATITUDE of the Past. Your past has given you experiences, lessons and gifts. You can move forward into new energy when you let go of the past or a current ‘condition’ and feel GRATITUDE for the lessons, and gifts it has brought. This allows you to expand into your MORE … Moving Onward Respecting Eternity. GRATITUDE is an expansive energy and one of the highest vibrations you can feel. GRATITUDE is MORE than conceptual … allow your Self to feel GRATITUDE.

You can also utilize the energy of GRATITUDE to break the habits of the past. Habits and patterns such as judging, naysaying, doubting, worrying and controlling can be interrupted by the energetics of GRATITUDE. Feeling sad, upset, stressed, disempowered or victimized can be shifted when you FOCUS on what you DO have, not what you don’t, or what isn’t. You may be asking your Self how can you move into GRATITUDE, especially when you’re in the midst of a crisis? If you are in a place where your current ‘conditions’ or ‘circumstances’ are challenging, or you’re witnessing a crisis that surrounds you, find one thing or one person (including your loving pet!) you are grateful for.

Ask your Self, “What’s something I can feel grateful for even if it’s small?” I always think of the love and joy I feel from my dog and kitty cats because it is so unconditional and they’re always there for me. As you tap into the feeling of GRATITUDE, you will find your energies shifting in a positive direction. You will feel energized, uplifted and inspired. How many times have you’ve read or watched the news when someone has lost everything and the first thing they say is how grateful they are to be alive? Or how grateful they are for the first responders, someone who saved their pet(s), or those who helped them in a small way that made all the difference in the world?

When you focus on the lesson, healing or gift that a challenge or crisis has brought you, by evoking GRATITUDE and focusing upon what you DO have, the Eternity energy of possibilities are awakened. You can then create new habits that will Truly support you in co-creating your MORE. By feeling GRATITUDE in the present moment, it can help you create a new attitude and then vibrationally with it. Invite in the feeling of GRATITUDE for all experiences, positive or negative, and know that each experience holds a gift for you. Invite in your Soul’s Essence to connect with your personality/egoic Self so you may feel and know the GRATITUDE 63

that the Universe has for you. Activate your Soul Code of GRATITUDE so you can feel and know its energy! Suggested Meditation: I activate my Soul Code of Gratitude and I feel GRATITUDE in all that I AM and all that I cocreate in the past, present and future … I AM GRATITUDE. Living in the GRACE of the Present Moment As you hold the energy of GRATITUDE, you can walk through the fire of change and/or the crises we are experiencing locally and globally by living in the GRACE of the Present Moment. Part of our Evolution and Expansion in the midst of change can be experienced through the energetics of GRACE. You can live and ‘BE’ GRACE no matter what is going on in your life. It is simply a choice.

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Recently, I was in CVS and witnessed an elderly couple who were sharing their harrowing experience of escaping from the fires in Santa Rosa, CA. The woman was so calm and serene. She radiated GRACE as she spoke about their narrow escape from their neighborhood that was burning down all around them. He spoke about the GRATITUDE they had, even though they lost their home and all of their treasures. GRACE is an expansive energetic vibration which supports you to navigate through any experience, whether positive or negative and step into your MORE! You have the opportunity to Live in the GRACE of the Present Moment … GRACE Generating Radiant Action to Create Eternity

Remember, you are an Eternal Spiritual being … and have access to infinite possibilities and probabilities. There are no limitations except for the ones we sometimes buy into or put upon ourselves or others. Connecting to your Soul’s Essence and moving into GRACE will shift any challenge or crisis. You have the opportunity to stand in and live in the GRACE of a Present Moment, even if it’s a difficult or challenging time, person or situation. Take a deep breath and connect with your Soul’s Essence to activate your Soul Code of GRACE. When you do so, you are plugged into your Etheric energy (your Soul’s Essence and Universal Source) so it can flow as Radiant energy within your Energy Bodies of Consciousness … Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. As you allow your Etheric inspiration, ideas, and information to flow into your Bodies, you can vibrationally align with your Highest Potential. You can feel, know and ‘BE’-come your MORE. Anything such as a habit, pattern or the past and anyone out of alignment with your MORE will also reveal itself so you have the opportunity to heal and shift. Imagine experiencing, even MORE, love, joy, passion, grace, compassion, prosperity, and manifestation of your desires.

of your life … your MORE awaits you! Suggested Meditation: I take a deep breath and connect with my Soul’s Essence to activate my Soul Code of GRACE so I can travel and live within the energy of GRACE in the Present Moment. I AM GRACE. You can make a Conscious Choice and Decision to take Radiant Action to allow for the vibrations of GRACE to be infused, integrated and assimilated within your Energy Bodies of Consciousness to feel and know GRACE so you ‘BE’come GRACE. As you take another deep breath, you ‘BE’come Vibrant within the Eternity energy. The result is you can live in and create through the vibration of GRACE in the Present Moment. You can travel in GRACE at any time … it’s a Conscious Choice. You can live in GRACE at any time … it’s a Conscious Choice. You can ‘BE’ GRACE at any time … it’s a Conscious Choice. Are you willing to be AWAKENED to your next level of consciousness and Highest Potential? Are you willing to give up your ‘old’ way of ‘BE’-ing, your

‘old’ thoughts, feelings, beliefs and perceptions which have molded your habits, behaviors and attracted the type of results you currently manifest? Are you willing to give up your chrama (chaos + drama), judgment, victimhood, not enough, negative Self-talk and/or emotional baggage from the past so you can co-create your MORE? When you say YES, your MORE begins to reveal itself. Regardless of your current ‘circumstances’ or ‘conditions’, stand and own the Divine Truth of your Soul’s Essence and allow it to Radiate throughout you. Allow GRACE to help you walk through the fire to take Radiant Action, so you are empowered to create your MORE through the energy of Eternity. It’s your Conscious Choice … you ARE the Master Co-Creator

Amanda Butler Slade is the Architect of The Diamond Co-Creative System™ and since 2001 has assisted thousands to heal their present and past life energetics, while activating their Soul Codes of Destiny and Success, so they create an integration and vibrational alignment between their Soul’s Essence and personality/egoic Self. The results … they feel connected with their authentic Self, True purpose, passion, joy and love with the ability to fulfill their Highest Potential and live their MORE! For More about Amanda and how a Soul Reading can help you, go to soul-reading-special/ createyourdiamondlife 65

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SELF-CARE FOR THE MILITARY MOTHER by Nekeshia Hammond, Psy.D. and Brittany Burkes, M.A.


ovember is Military Family Month, which means it’s time to stop and recognize the challenges and sacrifices that military families make for our country. You may be a military mother reading this article, or you may know someone who serves as a military mother. Either way, be sure to thank a military family this month because the “thank you” can mean so much to a family. Not only does an active duty service member serve the country, but so do the family members who stay behind. It takes a “team effort” to help the military members be successful in their jobs. There are tens of thousands of mothers actively serving in the military, and there are some family structures that provide support. Unfortunately, there are some families that are unable to manage the stress effectively. A significant contributor to the stress of being a military mother is the lack of self-care. 67

Most moms already struggle with finding the time for selfcare, but military moms face a unique set of challenges. Sometimes traveling to new places can be exciting, but for other moms, it can be an isolating experience due to not having enough social support in their new environment. Dealing with a spouse or partner deployed can often make a military mom serve in a “single parent” capacity for extended periods of time as well. Still, depending on the military member’s role, military moms may be juggling work-life

balance and caring for children, while also worrying about their partner who is away from home in a potentially dangerous location/situation. Reporting to work in the same attire as everyone else and facing challenges that most people cannot endure, is merely a day-in-the-life of an active duty service member. At the beginning of each service member’s military career, they take an oath to serve and protect their country. Consequently, while fulfilling this powerful commitment,

some military moms lose sight of another critical mission – taking care of themselves. During training, members are taught to be selfless and to be team oriented, which more often than not causes personal needs to be all but overlooked. However, when one does not take care of themselves it is harder for them to take care of others, let alone serve the needs of the greater good. Many women who serve face an additional challenge, motherhood. Military mothers must balance serving and protecting their country with raising their families. With the constant push and pull of their time for different outlets, military mothers can become consumed by the daily demands, and forsake their needs altogether. Some military mothers may not engage in self-care because they view it as being selfish. Self-care should not be seen as being selfish, however. In truth, it should be seen as a necessary step towards being the best that they can be in their work and lives overall. Though military mothers struggle with finding the time to engage in self-care, it’s important for them to make it a priority. Not engaging in self-care puts these women at a greater risk

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Being separated from their family, especially on a first deployment, may cause some military mothers to develop depressive symptoms such as becoming easily irritable, lacking motivation, and extreme sadness. To help manage these symptoms, self-care by way of counseling may be necessary. Additionally, using a self-care book or writing in a journal may assist with targeting and addressing their problems.

of illness, fatigue, and in the worst cases complete burnout.

dates for their children, which will allow them time to relax.

Self-care is crucial because it helps balance a person’s mind and body. It’s worth noting that it does not have to be exceptionally time consuming or expensive. For example, a military mother can partake in self-care during her lunch breaks by using a mindfulness technique, such as meditation.

Another hardship many military mothers have to endure is being deployed away from their families. Going on deployment is difficult for all service members, but they are especially hard on single mothers. Military single mothers who are preparing for deployment can become stressed about who will take care of their children, how they and their children will handle being separated for an extended period, and what they will do in the event an emergency occurs.

Furthermore, since free time is limited for military mothers, they can use their commute as a time to reflect and decompress. Instead of listening to talk radio or intense music, for instance, you could listen to an inspirational podcast or soothing music. This reflection and decompression time may prevent stressors from the environment to weigh heavily on your heart and mind. Moreover, self-care does not have to be done alone. Military mothers can establish play

To help with transitioning to this new stage in their life, planning and self-care are even more important. Having a talk with their children and caretakers before deployment brings awareness to the new changes, and may alleviate some of the worries.

No one ever said it would be easy to be a military mom, but just because you’re in a life of service doesn’t mean you should stop serving yourself. Regardless of the branch of the military, you’re serving in, selfcare is the only way to show up 100 percent in your role. It can feel impossible to do, but you must make self-care a priority for the sake of yourself and the people you serve.

Dr. Nekeshia Hammond

Brittany Burkes Doctoral Student

Nekeshia Hammond, Psy.D. is a psychologist, speaker, an author, and the owner of Hammond Psychology & Associates. Dr. Hammond has been featured on WFLA News Channel 8, Tampa Bay Times, Essence, Tampa Bay Parenting, CBS Boston, Ebony and other media outlets sharing her expertise on children and parenting. Brittany Burkes, M.A. has completed her master’s degree in psychology and is looking forward to fulfilling her dream of earning a doctorate degree in psychology and helping military families. Check out the Hammond Psychology blog at www. 69


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s we approach our traditional and uniquely American holiday of Thanksgiving, we often focus solely on the festivities and food (Oh! the FOOD!). The Pilgrims had very good reason for celebration in 1621. After all, they were still alive because of the kindness of the Wampanoag Indians. Half of the colonists had perished that first year. We tend to forget how grave their situation was. The “attitude of gratitude” root of this holiday is often lost... amidst the turkeys, hams, pumpkin and mincemeat pies. Yet, it turns out that being thankful is actually beneficial on a day-to-day basis in today’s world, not just for one-time events- like avoiding starvation in a new world. Still, many of us are often wrapped up in “what’s wrong with the world/ my life” and some mighty “pity parties”. The lower light levels of winter can sometimes provoke these feelings... but that is another topic. While it can be a challenge to avoid self-pity and playing “gee, ain’t it awful”, try swapping it for an attitude of gratitude. While Thanksgiving is one day devoted to being grateful, I find a daily practice can make a huge difference. In truth there are some scientifically proven benefits... among them, lowering stress levels and improving sleep.

Get better sleep. I love Bert Jacobs’ mother. Bert is one of the founders of Life Is Good. Bert’s mom would ask her sons to tell her three good things that happened each day.... every single day! Writing in a gratitude journal improves sleep, according to a 2011 study. So, spend just 15 minutes jotting down three good things before bed...and get better zzz’s!

More kindness. Even when others behave badly or give negative feedback, grateful people are more likely to behave in a prosocial manner and less likely to retaliate against others. Participants in a 2012 study experienced more sensitivity and empathy toward other people. In short, gratitude fosters kindness.

Gratitude helps make new friends. Saying “thank you” is just good manners. Not only that, showing appreciation can help you win new friends, according to a 2014 study. According to this study, thanking a new acquaintance makes them more likely to seek an ongoing relationship. No doubt about it, acknowledging other people’s contributions can lead to new opportunities. Remember to thank a stranger for holding the 71

door and send a thank-you note to that colleague who helped you out or to clients for their business. •

IMPROVE YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH. According to a 2012 study, grateful people experience fewer aches and pains. They also report feeling healthier...and they are more likely to take care of their health... going for regular check-ups and exercising more often. IMPROVE YOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH. Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions: resentment, frustration, regret and envy... to name a few. Prominent gratitude researcher, Robert Emmons, conducted multiple studies on the link between gratitude and well-being. His studies confirm that gratitude effectively increases happiness and decreases depression.

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BOOST YOUR SELFESTEEM. Self esteem is an essential component to optimal performance. In a 2014 study, it was found that gratitude increased athletes’ self-esteem... and hence their performance. Other studies have shown that gratitude nixes the tendency to “keep up with the Joneses”... comparing ourselves unfavorably to others, which drags down self-esteem. Appreciate other people’s accomplishments, rather than becoming resentful toward people who have more money or better jobs. INCREASE YOUR MENTAL STRENGTH. Research has shown that gratitude reduces stress. Yes! There is also evidence that it may play a major role in overcoming trauma. A 2006 study found that Vietnam War veterans with higher levels of gratitude experienced lower rates

of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Further, another study found that gratitude was a major factor in resilience and recovery following the September 11 terrorist attacks. Acknowledge that you have things to be thankful for ...even in the face of tragic and traumatic times. Count your blessing to foster resilience and mental strength. Developing an “attitude of gratitude” is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life. This Thanksgiving, take inventory of everything you have to be grateful for. Start with three good things. With her innovative signature program she works with her clients to release their limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears, and helps them tap into their natural abilities and their bodies’ wisdom, making weight loss easy and safe. A Medical Intuitive, Master Theta Healer and Certified Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner , Liz has long been fascinated by the important role mind, body, and beliefs play in our lives. Her other studies and certifications include EFT, Psych-K, Matrix Energetics, Access Consciousness, QiGong, NLP and Transcendental Meditation. She has transferred her successful healing/mindset work with businesswomen to the arena of weight loss because she has experienced first-hand the havoc and misery that obesity creates not only for the sufferer but for their families.

Interested In Writing? We are changing the world one article at a time! 73

WHY by Corey Poirier

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PASSION + WHY = SIGNIFICANCE (profits and impact often result automatically)

I also didn’t realize that a person could discover their WHY at any age, and that some go their entire lives without discovering their WHY. I didn’t discover mine until I was in my late twenties, but figured I was a late bloomer.

From my perspective, the difference between the two is that passion is what you’re doing (i.e., keynote speaking), and your WHY is why you’re doing it (i.e., to inspire people, while entertaining, educating, donating and motivating them).

hen I started interviewing thought leaders more than 10 years ago, I had no idea of the importance of discovering one’s WHY.

I didn’t even know what ‘having a WHY’ was at the time. If you’re in the same boat know, you could insert the word purpose in place of WHY and it’s really the same thing. Some people call it their purpose; some simply say it’s their calling. In a nutshell, it’s your reason for doing what it is that you do when money isn’t your motivator. So, here’s the question you may have at this point. If some people never discover their WHY, why bother striving to find yours in the first place? When you have discovered your WHY, you become excited to wake up and start each day, you can battle colds and flus more readily, you smile more, your heart sings, and people can’t help but feed off your positive energy, and impact. You may be wondering at this point, what’s the difference between your passion and your WHY since they sound eerily similar? They both work together very well, and in fact, I use a formula to describe the result of combining the two:

So, in my case, my passion is Keynote Speaking and my WHY is that drives me is inspiring, motivating, educating, donating and entertaining people so that they can become the best versions of themselves. Using a more well-known example, Disney’s WHY, as defined by Walt himself, was “to make people, especially children, happy.” Perhaps realizing that adults are simply big children, Disney has changed its WHY statement in the years since. It is now “to make people happy.” I believe that since Disney’s cast members know their employer’s WHY, they can serve in a way that continues to make it the “happiest place on Earth.” This is the power of knowing one’s why. It allows me to serve and make decisions that stay aligned with my purpose, and it does the same for Disney and their employees. Let’s shift the focus to you, and discuss how you can find and work toward your WHY. First, you must discover your passion, and you can use the video directly below to help you do so, so don’t skip this step. 75

Once you know what your passion is, then you can set out to create a WHY statement, or at least discover your own WHY. My belief is that once you know what your passion is, determining your WHY is a whole lot easier. Oh, and why should you have a WHY statement once you determine what your WHY is? Almost every successful company (ones you have worked for perhaps) has a clearly defined WHY statement (they probably call it a mission statement), and I would argue it’s even more important for each of us to have an individual one. This holds true even more so for those of us who are self-employed. Let’s begin! This exercise is really simple, albeit profound and very powerful. All you need to do is fill out the following statement: My name is ______________, my passion is ______________ and, therefore, my WHY is ________________. To make it easier, I’ll give you an example.

My name is Corey Poirier; my passion is speaking to audiences about passion, purpose, legacy and customer service; and my WHY is to inspire, motivate, donate, entertain and educate. This may take you some time, but if you can figure out and fill out this passion + why statement accurately, the profits, productivity, fulfillment and other benefits will soon follow. Here’s another demonstration of how powerful it can be to understand your why. Steve Jobs wanted Apple to be the company that was more than just computers. HarleyDavidson eventually realized they were a lifestyle company, not a motorcycle company, and they wanted to sell experiences

rather than motorcycles. Their whys? Apple wanted to be a more innovative computer company that both put a personal computer on every desktop and offered people solutions they didn’t even know they needed. Harley wanted to create lifestyle experiences rather than just sell motorcycles. These whys are so powerful that competitors of these firms (which mostly focus on what they do, not why) have essentially played second fiddle. So now the question is WHAT’S YOUR WHY? If you want to explore this even further, you can learn more about my latest book, The Book of WHY! at And remember, you’re just one WHY away!

Corey Poirier is an award-winning Keynote speaker, multiple-time TEDx, PMx and MoMonday’s Speaker. He is also the host of the top rated ‘Conversations with PASSION’ Radio Show and a newer top rated speaking related podcast, founder of The Speaking Program, he has been featured in one-hour television specials on Eastlink TV and TeleTelevision and he is a columnist with Entrepreneur Magazine, Progress Magazine. He has also appeared / or been featured in Global TV, CBS, CTV, NBC, ABC, CBC TV, Second City, and is one of the few leaders featured twice on the popular Entrepreneur on Fire show. Corey has interviewed over 4,000 of the world’s top leaders in search of success traits. One of his most recent talks took him to New York City where he had the extreme pleasure of speaking to At-Risk Youth at the Brooklyn Navy Yard Boys & Girls Club. 76 | MY Magazine

“Faith Is Taking the First Step Even When You Don’t See the Whole Staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

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o many of us on the spiritual path need no help in learning to give to others. We give and give and give some more. Some of us give to others until we are 78 | MY Magazine

depleted, and until there is nothing left to give. How often has this happened to you, dear one? How often have you put yourself on the bottom of the list? I know for many years, I

certainly did. It is especially easy to fall into this trap of depletion if you are busy working, caring for aging parents, raising a family or experiencing health or financial issues.

that you can better navigate your responsibilities. Perhaps you are also learning to be a better giver to yourself. By replenishing our reserves, we are better able to negotiate our obligations and to move more easily through the stressors that crop up. We are more efficient and happier, and as a result of this self-care, so are those around us.

We are rapidly approaching the season of Thanksgiving here in the United States. This year, how can you be a better giver of thanks to your precious self? How can you move yourself up on the priority list? This Thanksgiving, celebrate the gift of you. Give yourself some loving self-care and learn to be a better giver to yourself. I am so glad that self-care seems to be more mainstream. It is now acceptable, and even encouraged, to care for yourself; to fill your cup up so

As we are reminded in the preflight message: ‘Should the need for oxygen arise, place the mask on yourself first, and then place one on your loved one.’ That is an excellent reminder. We are unable to care for others if we are depleted. I often giggle when I receive the message on one of my electronics when the battery is low stating, “connect to power source.” What a splendid idea. God is my “power source”. I am so grateful. Today, your invitation is to ponder ways that you can easily incorporate self-care into your life, to be a better giver to yourself and to keep your inner well bountifully blessed. This is an especially important practice as the holiday’s approach.

Here are a few self-care ideas: •

Treat yourself to a few minutes of solitude

Enjoy a special treat

Enjoy an Epsom salts bath

Take a walk in nature

Play with your children, grandchildren or pets

Listen to music you enjoy





Create something beautiful

As you can see by this list, the items need not be expensive, extravagant or time-consuming. A few minutes of self-care can work wonders as you learn to be a better giver to yourself. Here’s to you, dear one. Blessings for a bountiful season and may you incorporate more self-care into your days as you learn to be a better giver to yourself. One of the ways I incorporate more self-care into my life is by reading uplifting content such as this article above which is based on my book “On a Path of Joy”, Vol. Two, Day Three, available on Amazon worldwide http://bit. ly/2OAPOJbook.

I’m Janette Stuart, Founder of Angel Angles which is my labor of love. I have wanted to express my soul’s work in a more visible way and am now devoting more time to Angel Angles since my retirement in 2015. Angel Angles exists to spread more love, joy and peace into the world. I have always loved to write, I write every day. I write longhand in several different journals as well as type electronically. I have always loved handwriting, the sending of cards and notes, the keeping of a journal or diary. My first book, “On a Path of Joy” will be available in September. I am thrilled. My hope is that the book will help the reader develop or enhance their relationship with their Creator. I am a grateful member of and core blogger for The Wellness Universe. The Wellness Universe is an evolutionary community of members who are positively impacting the world in one or more of the 7 areas of wellness. As a lifelong empath, I have experienced people’s feelings deeply. I have a deep compassion for my fellow man and love deeply. I choose to live a joy filled life each day and hope to help others do the same. Joy is my focus word for 2016. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband of 33 years, Mark, and our rescue boxer dog, Spike. We have a grown son, Max, who is happily serving in the Coast Guard. I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor as well as an angelic practitioner. Besides writing, I am a lifelong learner, who reads daily, I also enjoy walking in nature, sky watching, cooking, RVing along the California Coast and visiting with friends and family. Some of my most requested recipes are Asian Chicken Salad and Sticky Toffee Pudding. 79

SIMPLY Spiritual


What Does Your Dream Mean? by Kathryn and Patrick Andries

Dear Dream Expert,

Dear Dream Expert,

I look in the mirror and I have a huge tattoo all over my face. It is black and so is my hair (in waking life I am blond). I hate the tattoo and my dark hair. I am very upset that I got the tattoo and I want to get rid of it. I don’t know how I will get rid of the tattoo.

I dreamt I am at a mechanic’s shop. There is a girl there who is a lesbian. She says her car is the best. This female mechanic was saying what a good job she does fixing cars. However, someone else looked at a car she worked on and said she missed doing some things to the engine.

Sincerely, Tattooed

Dear Tattooed, When you look in a mirror in a dream you are self-reflecting. Your face is your identity since this is how others identify you. A tattoo is a permanent change in your expression. In this case, it is not something that you like about how you are expressing yourself and your perception is that it is permanent and that there is nothing you can do about it. Also, you don’t like how you are expressing your thoughts (hair). Based on this dream, affirm to yourself that there is nothing that is permanent about your self-expression. You can begin to change how you express yourself by changing your thoughts. Use visualization to imagine yourself how you desire to be. 82 | MY Magazine

Sincerely, Mechanically challenged

Dear Mechanically challenged,

Your car in a dream represents your physical body. Going to the shop indicates doing some work to maintain or improve your body. The lesbian mechanic is a part of yourself that understands how to take care of your body but also does not understand the whole mind-body system (conscious and subconscious mind). This part of yourself believes that this approach is best, but another part of yourself is aware of where improvements can be made. Based on this dream learn more about your spiritual nature.

Dear Dream Expert,

Dear Car Troubled,

I drove our old Ford to a sporting event in Chicago. The campus was beautiful and large. I followed the people going to the field house and paid no attention to where I parked the car. I went to the field house where some kind of sporting event was going on. I bought a box of new parts into the field house and the box broke open. I taped the box back together, then I picked up the parts and put them back in the box. When the sporting event was over, my wallet and car keys were missing. Some strangers tried to help me find them, but we had no luck. I could not call anyone because the cell phone I had belonged to someone else. After the event was over I tried to find my car, but I had no luck. It did not matter because I did not have the car keys. An elderly couple helped me by taking me to my cousin’s apartment. She got me a ride home. I could not call anyone because my immediate family was in Paris on a trip.

You are focused on your body (car). You are also giving attention to how you compete in life (sporting event). You are out of touch with your body; however (can’t find where you parked or your car keys), and you are also confused about your value and identity (loss of wallet). You recognize that your body may need something (box of parts). There are familiar parts of yourself that you feel could help you at this time (immediate family); however, they are not accessible to you at this time (on a trip). Eventually, you connect with a part of yourself that has wisdom (older couple). This wise part of yourself helps you connect with body wisdom (your cousin’s who are able to get you a ride home). Based on this dream you need to get more in touch with your body through meditation, understanding your thoughts, and affirming your self-value.

Sincerely, Car Troubled

Kathryn and Patrick Andries are the dream experts. They are the authors of the recently released book from Ozark Mountain Publishing, Naked in Public: Dream Symbols Revealed, and The Dream Doctor. If you would like a dream interpreted, please send it in the body of an e-mail to: Learn more about their books at 83


Blessing by Liberty Forrest

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ecently, I was remembering one morning when I was living in rural England. I was awakened by the sounds of some poor soul quite obviously in distress. The cries were more frequent. They increased in pitch, as the distress became more urgent. I wondered what was wrong, wondered what was causing such desperation. But there was nothing I could do but be grateful that I wasn’t the one in trouble. Could I not have picked up the phone and called Emergency Services? Could I not have gotten up, got dressed, gone out to see if I could help? No, on both counts, because the distress was coming from one of the cows across the lane. The farmer is there. He could hear it even better than I, and he knows his cow things so he would tend to it as he’d see fit. Besides, I’ve not got a clue about broken cows. Sick or injured people, yes. Cows, no. As I listened to this poor cow’s increasing suffering, I thought about how lucky we are as people to be able to seek help when we need it. At least, those of us who don’t live in Third World Countries, those of us who are privileged enough to have friends and family, telephones, doctors, hospitals, support groups, alternative health care options, emergency services, neighbours, even strangers who sometimes appear out of nowhere and make a huge difference in our times of need. 85

I thought about how lucky we are to be able to verbalize what’s wrong. What hurts, what’s missing, what’s so urgent. We’re so blessed to be able to speak up and get the help we need, yet so often, we don’t. For many of us, it is difficult to say, “I need help.” We don’t want to be weak. We don’t want to bother anyone. We’re afraid of being dependent. We don’t deserve it. The list goes on and on. Like many others, it’s certainly been one of my downfalls. I learned very early in life that there was no help for the 86 | MY Magazine

worst of my suffering. I was not protected in my home and suffered at the hands of those who were meant to care for me. There was nowhere to go for help. It never even occurred to me to ask because I had been taught that I did not matter. And I grew up not asking. I spent my adult life not asking. And even when it was offered, it was like amputating a limb without anesthetic to say “Yes, please.” Why? Well, a variety of reasons. I had been taught I didn’t deserve anything good,

I didn’t deserve to be heard. I was not important. My feelings and needs did not matter. And I was flat out told repeatedly that I was not as good, as valued, or worth as much as other people. I know I am not alone. Far too many people have been treated the same way. This problem with not accepting or asking for help is multi-faceted and it’s one of the most difficult lessons for many people because it sits right on top of those core issues that are deeply rooted in childhood.

who wanted to help in ways I needed desperately at that time. My first instinct was to say “No, thank you.” But I bit my tongue. I saw that the universe was trying to help me. It was saying, “Here you go! Lessons on learning how to receive! Hurry up, because we have Big Things to give you if you’ll just learn how to accept them!” So I choked on “Yes, thank you.” And many times since then, it’s been stuck in my throat but I keep swallowing and eventually, it gets easier. And the miracles have begun. The universe is responding to my willingness to ask for help, and to receive it gratefully when it is offered, even when - and especially when - it comes in a way that I didn’t expect.

When you start forcing yourself to say “Could you please help me?” it feels like you’re wearing shoes that are two sizes too small. But better to do it than not. I remember a time several years ago when it occurred to me that I’d been asking the universe for certain blessings. Pretty basic stuff, really. Being with my family, having the ability to support myself, and devoting my life to charity work in a very big way. I needed a miracle (or two) to make all of that happen.

Suddenly, I realized that I’d been putting up a huge stumbling block and if I didn’t remove it, I was never going to get my miracle. Throughout my life, I’d been a “giver”. But I wasn’t very good at receiving. And if I didn’t know how to receive, why would the universe bother to give me what I wanted? What was extra interesting is that as soon as I realized that I needed to learn how to receive, I was given some huge lessons in how to do it. There were massive offers from friends

How blessed we are to be able to verbalize what we need and to get help when necessary. It is far too precious a gift to be wasted. Liberty Forrest is an award-winning inspirational author and Huffington Post contributor. For five years, she did frequent phone-ins on the BBC as a psychic/medium. With a background in social work and counselling, Liberty’s unique program uses a highly creative multifaceted approach to get people unstuck so that they can move forward in their personal and spiritual evolution. 87


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by Judith E. Lipson, M.A., LPC


f you’ve ever been involved in therapy or self-improvement you have unknowingly been involved with your shadows. Additionally, you might be surprised to know that if you have ever been angry with another person, you were likely interacting with your own shadow in that situation. The shadow is that part of you that you’d prefer to not admit to or look at. Interestingly, after doing your shadow-work you may find it easier to accept your humanness, and even accept your imperfections, and yourself, as being ‘just perfect’. Shadow work may seem like the hardest work that you have ever done, but it is also the most profound for providing insightful life-changing transformations. Here are techniques to begin your shadow-work. Since many people want to ease into making life-changes, you can begin with the more traditional self-improvement efforts that you’ve already considered. Are any of your actions now habits that are not serving a beneficial purpose? Do you want to take control of that now? Dealing with 89

these issues will familiarize you with the process of making changes and allow you to realize that though there might be emotional discomfort, it is temporary. Confidence and security are paramount when you are addressing the tough issues that you wish you didn’t see – your shadows. When you have adequately tackled one or more of those habits/behaviors and are ready to dig deeper, consider the following questions that were shared at a recent retreat by Karlta Zarley to identify a potential shadow issue for your exploration. •

What is no longer needed?

What is no longer wanted?

What is no longer in your best interest?

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What are you afraid to look at?

What have you never even considered?

What is not tangible, yet you still know it’s important (for instance, an intuitive knowing)?

What have you not seen at all (obviously one of the hardest to find)? Although shadow work can seem daunting, I urge you to consider the importance of this work and engage. Acknowledging, addressing and healing these deep issues can positively affect your:

Relationships Anxiety Depression Self-worth

And even the inter-generational patterns that have affected you. But beware of the shadowsleaze. The shadow sleaze will pipe up with a rationale that will tempt you to think that you are justified. Here’s an example of shadow work and the shadow-sleaze: Let’s imagine that you realize you have a problem with anger and have decided that your angry eruptions, especially at work, are not in your best interest (see bullet #3 above). When you dig deep into your shadow, you begin to recognize that this anger you experience at work is similar to how you frequently feel or felt in the presence of your father (or mother, or siblings, or teacher, or someone else). Good for you! You are now acknowledging

your own connections to this anger. You are realizing that your historical self is getting triggered, and therefore your response is not just about the individual at work. But just as you begin to take responsibility for that part of it, so you will have the potential to respond instead of react, your shadow-sleaze pipes up and says, “Are you kidding? You have every right to be angry! This is not about YOU.” If you listen to the message of your shadow-sleaze you will miss your opportunity to feel calmly in control, by responding instead of angrily reacting. Rather, talk back to your shadow-sleaze and assure it that you don’t need to respond with your old angry pattern to

defend yourself; the truth is that you never were truly protecting yourself. Continue your important work of identifying your shadows and getting to the roots of your issues. You will then be more able to access a wider range of emotional and behavioral responses, have calmer relationships, experience reduced anxiety and depression, and have a greater sense of self-worth. If you are reading this, you may intuitively know that you are being called to begin your shadow work. You may also be recognizing the shadows in society coming to the surface. Since this is a time for deep healing – of societal

patterns and individuals – all issues must be brought out of the shadows in order to be seen and subsequently addressed. Though it may seem uncomfortable in the short run, the benefits are substantial and well worth it. Judy Lipson is a licensed, professional counselor and educational strategist in West Bloomfield, MI. She helps clients of all ages who have learning difficulties, work or school related anxiety, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorders. Contact Judy at 248.568.8665 and, and visit for more information.

This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to replace medical care. 91

Write For MY Authentic Life Magazine

“The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.” 92 | MY Magazine

–Gustave Haubert 93


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arlier this year, I treated myself to a glorious week-long self-guided silent, meditative retreat. If you’re like many of the people who I’ve been friends with for years, you’re may be wondering why I used the words “treated” and “silent, meditative retreat” in the same sentence. Silence is the absence of sound and the gifts I received from being in silence for that long were immense. Going to the retreat center wasn’t a means of escape from busyness or an effort to relax, it was a reconnection to myself – my own consciousness. You may not even be aware of the impact of noise. •

The constant din of traffic in the background outside of your office window.

The continuous hum of electronics in your workspace.

The chatter from people who walk by your cubicle.

In today’s world, noise is part of the landscape. Even as I sit at my desk in my home office, I can hear a helicopter in the distance and the sound of the birds chirping outside my office. Studies show that noise isn’t good for us. Loud, incessant noise actually increases our risk of cardiovascular disease – and it decreases our mental well-being making it difficult to think and process information. 95

The silence I experienced was more about stillness and less about quiet. It was more than having less clamoring around me or turning down the volume, it was the ability to empty myself out so that I could experience what mattered most. The visual I imagined was that the fog lifted, and the magnificent view that was once hidden was not visible. And, it was from this place that I experienced gratitude like I’ve never felt before simply wash over my entire existence. I love to send cards and give gifts. When I do this, it is an outward expression of my gratitude.

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Wherever I travel, I seek out special presents for my closest friends, clients, and colleagues.

manner because I value the relationships in my life and want to let the people I love feeling my love in a tangible way.

The woman who produces my annual Design Your Destiny Live event has become a close and personal friend.

There are times when I don’t get an acknowledgment of the card or gift I sent, let alone a thank you.

We share our personal lives and faith journey – and I get the added benefit of engaging in business together.

Every time, it makes my heart hurt as I wonder if they ever received it or even noticed my intended thoughtfulness.

Several years ago, she gave me a wall hanging that reads, “Gratitude: To be present in the appreciation of life’s abundance and to share that light with others.”

And, I realize we all show appreciation differently.

Whenever I walk by that piece, I read it and my heart smiles.

Looking back, I understand why my grandmother shared that she stopped sending gifts to some of my relatives because she never heard back from them or received acknowledgment.

I express gratitude in this

Yet, for me, I continue to send

gifts and cards because this is about me being present in the appreciation of life’s abundance. This is about me fully sharing the light of gratitude with others. This is about me honoring the people who have been sent into my life for a purpose. And, more of that came up for me when I was surrounded by silence. You and I are connected for a special reason. This is my belief. Nothing happens by accident or chance. Not you reading this article. And, certainly not you being given your big mission and calling. You have talents, gifts, and abilities that weren’t packaged up and given to anyone else but you. You have a genius and brilliance that lives within you that the world needs now. I am incredibly grateful that our lives intersected and that you’re reading this article at this moment in time. I don’t take our connection lightly.

In fact, you are one of the reasons I went on my retreat. As you move through this week, please take my love and gratitude with you. I’ll be praying for you -- and cheering you on. You are one of a kind - and the world needs you and your brilliance. And, I invite you to identify where in your life you could benefit from silence. I also invite you to step into what you are most grateful for right now. What will you do to express your gratitude? Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance.

Lisa Marie Platske left her action-packed life as a Federal law enforcement officer to become the CEO of international leadership company, Upside Thinking, Inc. An awardwinning leadership expert and #1 best-selling international author of 4 books, she takes her law enforcement journey which began on the piers of New York and ended post 9/11 and shares what exceptional leaders do differently and how to be positioned as an expert in order to seize big opportunities. As a certified master coach, Lisa Marie coaches women in business around the globe. With experience working with clients in over 20 different industries, her proven 7-step formula has resulted in her clients being seen, heard, and recognized for their work without having to change who they are. The founder of Design Your Destiny LIVE (www.DesignYourDestinyLive), she lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her loving and supportive husband Jim and their two pet foxes. 97

Wealth Consciousness

Manifest your destiny

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ver wonder, “Why is finding your purpose so important?” It seems like it requires a lot of effort (all that personal development work ), time (all those hours spent doing that personal development work), and even money (you probably pay someone to guide you in your work). So, is it worth it?

Well, yes. There are two ways to go through life: We can strive to be conscious of our purpose and pursue it, or we can leave that call unanswered. When we choose to be more conscious, we live the same peaks and valleys of life as everyone else, but we experience them differently. The peaks and valleys in the life of a conscious person inform them, strengthen them, and ultimately lead them to greater well being.

If we live an unconscious life, without purpose, life just happens to us. “Finding your Life Purpose means that you feel good with the way that you are situated in the world and your actions in it have a sense of meaning to you. It does not mean that you have suddenly discovered that you are going to

be the person to cure cancer (although that is a possibility). Our purpose is, more often than not, not one act, or one career, but a greater sense that our inside self and our outer life are in alignment.” [Excerpt from 4 Giant Ways Your Life Changes When You Find Your Purpose Please link to ]

Why is finding your purpose so important? Here are 7 reasons why:

1 2

Meaning. Finding your life purpose creates a sense of meaning in your life. You know what you love to do, what you are good at, and how you can contribute to the world. Place. Finding a sense of meaning to life gives you a sense of place. When you have found your purpose, it is easier to know where you belong. You also gain an understanding of the environments and communities that you benefit from connecting with.


Choice. When you know your life purpose you are more easily able to exercise choice in each moment of your life. You know better whether a situation or person really fits in your life because you know why you are here and what you want to do.


Sense of self. Knowing your life purpose gives you a clearer sense of who you are. It is as if you have distilled your life down to its essence by connecting with your purpose.


Ease. Believe it or not, knowing your purpose makes life easier. You know what to pay attention to and what is less important. You spend less time and energy caught up on the things that don’t really have an impact.

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Positive Impact. Knowing your purpose allows you to have a much greater impact on the world. Your purpose allows you to have the most profound impact – but only if you actually live it. Find your purpose and help contribute to a better world.


Confidence. When you know your life purpose you are more confident. You know that you are here for a reason and that your contribution counts. Be confident in the knowledge that we ALL have a purpose, whether we have found it yet or not.

Dr. Kate Siner is an award-winning Entrepreneurial and Personal Development mentor, speaker, author, and radio show host. Kate has a Ph.D. in Psychology and years of both clinical and coaching experience. Her passion is to help people move past whatever holds them back so that they may embrace all they can be. Kate has developed a series of successful personal development programs, newest of which is Group Healing Intensive. Learn more at or at UPCOMING EVENTS:

Integrative Transformational Coaching; Registration now Open!

It’s time to work smarter, not harder, by becoming a Coach so you can add intrinsic value to your healing or helping practice. Registration for Dr. Kate’s new six-month Coaching Certification program is now open. The program is the fruit of years of Dr. Kate’s own work as a coach and mentor. It builds on the success of her past program, Master Transformational Coaching, but provides an, even more, user-friendly format, drills down into the essentials, and gets you up and coaching as fast as possible. Embrace your potential, define your integrative style, and become the master of your success with Integrative Transformational Coaching. Learn more → 103

Healthy Living


FLU SEASON by Sharon Carne

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It’s flu season again! Every year, during the peak of flu season, I offer a free download of my recording called, “Reset.” Back in November of 2009, Calgary was inundated with illness and fear. There was a major flu epidemic in the making and an almost total lack of vaccine. This created an aura of fear in the whole city. As a response to all this fear in the air, I created a track called “Reset.” It contains some of the most powerful healing sounds I know. My intention in creating this sound is to allow people to ‘reset’ their body, mind, emotions, and spirit to a higher vibration. And to stimulate the natural healing ability of the body. Music and sound have been shown in scientific studies to lower the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in 10 minutes. Ten minutes!! That is strengthening the immune system. Here is a list of the powerful healing sounds in “Reset” and why they are there: WATER There is an almost universal response of relaxation to the sound of gently bubbling water or waves. You’ll hear the sound of softly bubbling water to calm you, reconnect you with nature and wash away what is no longer desired. 107

The perfect fifth tuning forks: C (256 Hz) and G (384 Hz):

• Circulation is improved.

In 1998, three research scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering that our cells have a natural cycle that is essential to our health and wellbeing. This cycle is called the Nitric Oxide cycle.

• And more.

Here are some of the benefits you experience when the nitric oxide cycle is operating normally:

Research conducted on this set of tuning forks discovered that the sound of the perfect fifth stimulated the production of nitric oxide in both live cells in a petri dish and in human subjects in less than 30 seconds! Completely naturally.

• Relief from stress. • More energy and stamina. • The autonomic nervous system is balanced giving you better clarity of mind. • Less depression. • A strong immune system.

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• Digestion is improved. This natural cycle is suppressed whenever you are stressed, overtired or ill. Since 1998, several medications have been produced to stimulate the nitric oxide cycle in the cells.

Because these tuning forks support our health in such a powerful way, we carry these in our online store.

THE MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA “Mantras are essential ‘thought forms’ representing divinities or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by means of soundvibrations.” (from Wikipedia) They have been used by numerous cultures around the world for millennia. Scientific studies have confirmed the benefits of mantra to include: boosting the immune system; reducing heart rate and blood pressure; the release of dopamine, oxytocin, and melatonin; increased levels of Nitric Oxide; and reduction of stress. You’ll hear me chanting the Medicine Buddha Mantra along

The energy of diamond represents brilliance, soul, truth, clarity, integrity and high vibration. The rose quartz softens the brilliance of the diamond with heart energy.

with the sound of the Perfect fifth Tuning Forks. Several years ago, I was deeply honored to be present at a Medicine Buddha Empowerment offered by a respected Tibetan Lama during which he transmitted the Medicine Buddha Mantra to those present. It was my first introduction to the enormous healing power of this mantra.

spine, your immune system and it supports your overall physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well-being. A DIAMOND / ROSE QUARTZ SINGING CRYSTAL BOWL This bowl is made of quartz crystal with diamond and rose quartz bonded to the outside of the bowl.

THE 528 HZ TUNING FORK The frequency, 528 Hz, is used by genetic engineers to repair DNA. It also supports your heart and your heart chakra.

Marcel Vogel was IBM’s most prolific inventor. He spent years conducting research on liquid crystal displays and quartz crystal application in electronics. After retiring from IBM, he continued his research on quartz, particularly documenting its healing properties when combined with human thought and intention.

The heart chakra is the ‘grand central station’ of your entire energetic system. Among its many functions, it governs your circulatory system, your respiratory system, your thoracic

The sound of quartz crystal singing bowls have many benefits, including the reduction of stress, relief from pain, deep relaxation and stimulation of the natural healing ability of the body.

This mantra calls in assistance for healing at all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The sound of this quartz singing bowl connects you at a very high spiritual level through the field, providing a strong connection to your soul. You will hear the sound of this bowl along with the sound of the 528 Hz tuning fork. The link to Reset is below. If these sounds appeal to you, try listening a few times. See if it makes a difference in how you feel. reset Keep this track in your playlist for when you can really use a boost.

Sharon Carne is an author, speaker, musician, recording artist, sound healer, Reiki master and consultant. Sharon is the founder of Sound Wellness and the Sound Wellness Institute. Through the Sound Wellness Institute, holistic health practitioners receive the highest level of competency training in using sound and music to support their practice. Sound Wellness programs are at the forefront of education in how sound and music can be easily applied to your everyday life - to reduce stress, help you concentrate, energize you, inspire you and support your health. 109

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s I often say, a woman cannot live on turkey alone. Thank goodness! Because though there are so many methods of cooking a turkey, the best opportunity for creativity and for culinary excitement comes from what you serve with the bird. In fact, there are some who prefer side dishes to the turkey itself. I’ve included here some of my favorite side dishes that are perfect for this harvest day of giving thanks. Since this a holiday all about abundance, I think that a profusion of popular options is called for. When choosing your menu, keep in mind that colorful foods with a variety of textures will make the normally “brown and beige” meal (turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy) varied, healthier and visually stunning. Use these as a guide. Substitute seeds for the nuts. Fresh fruits for the dried fruits. Make them less sweet … or sweeter. And by all means, throw in a colorful salad to brighten and lighten the entire meal. Although these recipes are created to typically serve about eight people, if you’re like me, and make a half dozen (or more) side dishes, these recipes can “stretch” to accommodate even more. These recipes may not exactly be considered pilgrim fare, but then again, they didn’t have supermarkets back then, did they? 111

Ginger Mashed Squash with Roasted Pears Makes 8 servings Potatoes: 1 Tbsp. freshly grated gingerroot 3 pounds (about 2) butternut squash, halved, peeled, seeds scooped out and cut into 2-inch chunks 2 Tbsp. olive oil or melted butter Pears: 2 peeled pears, cut into 1-inch dice 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon Salt and pepper to taste

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Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment. Set aside. Bring a pot of cold water to a boil over high heat. Add sweet potatoes and cook until tender, about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, toss the pears with olive oil and cinnamon and arrange on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 10-minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Drain squash well and mash or whip until smooth with olive oil (it’s okay if there are a few lumps left). Season salt and pepper to taste. Fold in the pears. Transfer mixture an ovenproof serving dish that’s been sprayed with nonstick cooking spray and keep warm at 250ºF. covered with foil that’s also been sprayed with nonstick cooking spray, until ready to serve.

Garlic and Sesame Herbed Green Beans and Red Pepper Makes 8 servings Quick roasting keeps these crunchy, and because there’s so little oil, they never look “greasy.” Serve the beans at room temperature for greatest ease. 1 1/2 pounds green beans, stem ends trimmed (do not trim the pointed ends) 2 red bell peppers, sliced into thin “matchsticks” 1 tsp. sesame oil

Preheat oven to 450ºF. Toss all the ingredients, except sesame seeds, together and arrange on a baking sheet or in a disposable pan that’s been sprayed well with nonstick cooking spray. Roast, uncovered, for 10 minutes (a little more if you’re using the disposable pan). Remove from oven and allow to cool on the baking sheets. Place in a serving dish until ready to serve (do not refrigerate unless you plan to reheat these later). Serve at room temperature.

1 Tbsp. olive oil 1/2 - 1 Tbsp. fresh minced garlic Kosher salt and pepper to taste 2 tsp. sesame seeds, garnish 113

Maple Potato Puree with Praline Topping Makes 12 or more servings 14 cups (approx. 5 pounds), peeled and cubed sweet potatoes or yams, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks 1/4 cup half-and-half 2 Tbsp. maple syrup 1 tsp. vanilla extract 3/4 tsp. salt 1 large egg, lightly beaten Topping: 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter or margarine cut into small pieces 1/2 cup chopped pecans Prepare the potatoes Place cut potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium and cook until tender, about 12-15 minutes (check tenderness with a fork). Drain the potatoes very well. Preheat oven to 375°F. Spray a 9x13-inch baking dish (or equivalent) with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside. While the potatoes are draining, combine halfand-half, maple syrup, vanilla, salt and egg in a large bowl and whisk well to combine. Add the potatoes and, using an electric mixer, beat the mixture until smooth. Transfer this mixture to the prepared baking dish. Make the topping: Combine flour and sugar in the bowl of a food processor and pulse a few times. Add the butter pieces and pulse a few more time. Add the pecans and pulse a couple of time to combine. Sprinkle this mixture over the potatoes. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 15 minutes. Uncover and bake for 25 minutes more. 114 | MY Magazine

Walnut Apple and Raisin Wild Rice Makes 8-12 servings 2 Tbsp. olive oil

1/2 cup chopped parsley

2 cup chopped onions

Kosher Salt and Pepper to taste

1 tsp.minced garlic 1 cup wild rice 4 cup water 1 cup long-grain brown rice 1 cup golden raisins 1 1/2 cup finely chopped Granny Smith apples, unpeeled 1 cup chopped walnuts, lightly toasted 1/4 cup apple cider

Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onions and garlic and sautĂŠ until tender, about 5 minutes. Add wild rice and water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Mix in brown rice; cover and simmer about 30 minutes longer, until both kinds of rice are tender. Drain the rice to remove any excess liquid and transfer to a large bowl. Add remaining ingredients and season generously with salt and pepper. Serve hot (reheat in microwave on high temperature in a covered microwave-safe container for 10 minutes) or at room temperature. 115

Sweet Balsamic Glazed Brussels Sprouts Makes 8 servings 2 pounds Brussels sprouts, stem ends trimmed (and halved if the sprouts are large)

Bring a pot of water to a boil over high heat. Add the Brussels sprouts and cook for 10 minutes. Drain well.

1/2 cup water

Bring water, butter or margarine, and brown sugar to a boil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Stir until sugar dissolves and cook until the mixture is reduced by half. Add Brussels sprouts and vinegar and cook, turning the sprouts constantly, until the vegetables are well glazed. Serve hot.

1/4 cup (1/2-stick) butter 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar Kosher salt and pepper to taste

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Mushroom and Water Chestnut Stuffing in a Pumpkin Makes 8 or more servings 1 medium pumpkin (about 10 pounds) 1/4 cup butter 2 cups chopped onions 1 1/2 cups chopped celery 2 cups thinly sliced mushrooms 1 cup sliced water chestnuts (drained if canned) 12 cups good quality coarse crumbled toasted bread (or bagged stuffing bread) 1 tsp. dried sage 3-4 cups chicken or vegetable broth Salt and pepper Cut off the top (stem end) of a medium-sized pumpkin (keep the “lid”). Scoop out the seeds and fibers. Set aside (you may do this a day ahead and keep the pumpkin with lid replace chilled (a cold garage is a natural refrigerator). Preheat the oven to 350°F. Heat butter in a large nonstick skillet over mediumhigh heat. Add the onions and celery and saute until very soft, about 8 minutes. Add the mushrooms, if using, and cook, stirring every few minutes, until the mushrooms are softened and have released all their liquid. Combine all the stuffing ingredients (including the liquid from the mushrooms) – EXCEPT broth, salt, and pepper – in a large bowl and toss well. Pour 2 cups broth over the mixture and toss well with your hands. Add more liquid, as needed, to make for a moist mixture (not wet or soggy). Season to taste with salt and pepper. Spray a baking dish large enough to accommodate the pumpkin with nonstick cooking spray. Spoon the stuffing into the cavity of the pumpkin and replace the pumpkin “lid.” Bake until the pumpkin is brown and softened (it will collapse a bit), about 1 hour. Transfer the pumpkin to a serving dish and serve hot. 117

Apple Cranberry Ginger Chutney Makes 12 servings 1 bag (12 ounces) fresh or frozen cranberries 2 cups diced Golden Delicious apples 1 cup chopped onions 1/2 cup sugar 2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar 2 Tbsp. water

Orange Pecan Cranberry Sauce

1 Tbsp. fresh minced ginger

Makes 8 or more servings

Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes or until apple is tender. Remove from heat and cool completely. Chill until just before serving. Serve at room temperature.

1 can (about 14-ounces) mandarin oranges with juice 3/4 cup white sugar 1 (about 12-ounces) package fresh cranberries 1 cup chopped pecans, lightly toasted in a 325°F. oven for 10 minutes 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan over high heat and bring to a boil. Cover, and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat, and allow to cool to room temperature before chilling until ready to serve. Let come to room temperature before serving. Annabel is a foodie. She’s a writer. A cooking instructor. An explorer. She’s a aesthete. She knows how to cook. Until fairly recently, Annabel only cooked for people she knows. Her catering, articles, blogs and ANNABEL COHEN COOKS DETROIT Facebook page have earned not just kudos, but awards as well. She was chosen as a Crain’s Detroit Business Magazine “Most Passionate Cooks” and has been profiled in: The Paper, HOUR Detroit, The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, The Big Idea, Oakland Press, Royal Oak Tribune, The Detroit Jewish News, Style Magazine, “LIVE in the D,” among others. She won “Best Caterer” in 2015 in The Detroit 118 | MY Magazine

Jewish News, and in 2014 in HOUR Detroit magazine. She was voted “Best Brazilian Food” by Detroit Monthly magazine. Among countless television and radio appearances, Annabel was the deciding judge on the Travel Channel’s “Food Wars” for a Detroit episode pitting rivals Lafayette Coney Island against American Coney Island. Annabel is an author. She co-authored “Eating for Acid Reflux” in 2003 and in 2013 created all the recipes for 2014’s “Fast Diets for Dummies.” As a stylist, Annabel has assisted in countless photo shoots and tested and styled recipes for ads, articles and even a few books she didn’t write. She’s also a cooking instructor and writer/columnist with articles that focus on her favorite things — food, travel and lifestyle.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.