September 2016 Eydis Authentic Living Magazine

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EYDIS Authentic Living











EYDIS Authentic Living

Warrior Woman Goddess of the Island Giver of Good Fortune & Gifts

Imagine All the Possibilities

EYDIS Interview EYDIS Contributor EYDIS Sponsorship EYDIS Licensee

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The Auric formula is an additive for water that provides micronutrients to the body and has a natural alkaline pH. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals, which although only required by the body in small amounts, are vital to development, disease prevention, and well-being. These substances are the “magic wands� that enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones and other substances essential for proper growth and development.

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Be The Creator Of

Your Own Destiny

Start Your Own Magazine And Inspire Your Community • Create your own financial abundance • Become the leader in your community • Train with a dynamic group of people • Have a positive influence on educating, empowering and inspiring others • Be apart of a growing group of publishers

No Publishing Experience Required /be-successful 8 | Eydis Magazine 9


Maria Savoy The founder of Eydis, has been in the marketing and media arena for over 20 years. She has created a local magazines as also a global magazine creating an awareness around articles that are thought provoking and inspirational, leaving others to feel confident and empowered. As a wealth prosperity coach, Maria helps others to live the life they desire.

Kathryn Andries Patrick Andries The Dream Experts

Mella Barne

Liz Bull

Amanda Butler

EYDIS Authentic Living


Eydis magazine is a monthly publication and makes every effort to provide accurate information in advertising, editorial content and placement: however, we cannot make any claims as to the accuracy of information provided by advertisers or editorial contributors and will accept no responsibility or liability for inaccurate information or placement. No content can be duplicated without the permission of Eydis Media. For inquiries e-mail

10 | Eydis Magazine

Sharon Carne

Vanessa Chamberlin

Sari Cicurel

Annabell Cohen

Tamara Green

Andrew Savoy Webmaster

Elaine Grohman

David Larson

Judith E. Lipson

Jennifer Knutson Art Director

John and Carrie Schalter

Kate Sholonski

Cindy Nunnery

Ellen Rogin

Gary Stuart

Janette Stuart

Rachel Tipton 11


Have a safe and wonderful school year.

from the publisher

Manifesting Joy In Your Life I have heard many times over the last couple of years that I am a master at manifesting, and humbly I would have to agree. I have manifested things in my life over the last 5 years that some would only dream of. Manifestation #1: I have met and have been with my perfect guy for last 2 ½ years, however, to find him was no easy task. Here’s how I did it. I got very clear and I wrote 5 (yes 5) pages of characteristics that I was looking for in a man and put them on my vision board. After all, I might as well put it all out there, what did I have to loose? Well, I’m happy to report that most on that list, he fulfilled. Manifestation #2: We then decided to move, so we created a vision of what we wanted and where we wanted to live, not a specific town or city, but an area of what it would look like. Within 2 months we found our dream home, or more specifically our dreamland, as we are surrounded by 2 acres of gorgeousness. I truly wake up every day feeling as though I am on vacation, listening to the bird’s sing and watching the squirrels playing surrounded by a plethora of trees. We are so blessed.

“Every thing is energy. Your thought begins it, your emotion amplifies it and your action increases the momentum.” Unknown

Manifestation #3: My business continues to flourish as I continually manifest new things into my life. I am meeting the most extraordinary people, many of whom are contributing to the magazine. After over 25 years of experience in advertising, sales, marketing, and public relations, owning 5 businesses and selling 2 of them, I am now expanding my business to include a coaching program that will help entrepreneurs and small businesses to become abundantly wealthy in all areas of their lives. When your spirit, your family, your friends and your business are all in alignment, miracles arrive at record speed. So, what is this manifesting thing anyway? It is literally altering the reality you live in. At the root of all matter is energy, and when you alter the energy, you change your reality. So in the simplest of terms, if you block out the negative and allow joy and happiness into your life, you will live a joyful life, for that is what you are attracting. If you are always negative, complaining about your life and others, then you will attract more of the negative. Change your thoughts. Change your reality. Sounds easy right? Well not so fast. It doesn’t change overnight, and it does take some skill to train your mind to look at things differently, but when you do, the rewards are crazy good. Here is something you can try. Go through one day; pick the day now, maybe it’s today, and only think positive thoughts. No matter what happens to you throughout the day, find a blessing somewhere. Yes, it can be challenging, so please allow me to give you some guidance. I use a method that was given to me by my good friend Ellen Rogin, and it works! When a negative thought sneaks into my mind, recognize it as something that does not serve you and simply say delete/clear (you don’t have to say it out loud, others might look at you funny), and visualize that thought literally leaving your mind and replace it with a happier one. Just try it, it’s actually fun, and notice how your day becomes different and what you are attracting. I’d love to hear how this method worked for you. If you would like to share, you can e-mail your experience to me at

Maria Savoy – Publisher 14 | Eydis Magazine

your path your dream Own your own local Eydis magazine /be-successful


page 18 Caroline Sutherland is internationally known for her gifted ability, as a medical intuitive. She is a radio host and the author of “The Body ‘Knows’ series. With her vast clinical background, Caroline offers a unique combination of insight and practical guidance, specializing in breaking through the body’s health and wellness code. Caroline’s expertise is in healthy aging, hormone balancing weight loss, Candida, and food allergies, as well as providing insightful guidance to help you feel your youthful best.

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Eydis Living


Simply Spiritual

28 I Am Single Again and Hope To Meet A Man

44 Connecting You With You The 5cs of Consciousness

62 The Dream Experts What Does Your Dream Mean

30 Autumn’s Celebration

50 A Metaphysical Explanation of Hate

64 Fall Is Fast Coming Upon Us

56 Ask the Life Coaches Stay In Your Three Foot World

70 The Secret to Abundance

34 MonkeyPlay 38 From Chaos to Calm

58 It Doesn’t Make Sense

74 What Is An Angel Card Reading?

Wealth Consciousness

Healthy Living 90 Laugh Off the Weight 94 How To Use Plant-Based Eating 100 Apples, Apples and More Apples 106 Get Intentional About Your Health 108 Why Do You Workout?

80 Can Gratitude Make You Rich?

September 2016

84 How to Support Artists Without Breaking the Bank 17

Photo by Susy Holtz

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Medical Intuitive, Author, Radio Host, Teacher & Innovative Leader In The Fields Of Nutrition & Energy Medicine


aroline Sutherland is internationally known for her gifted ability, as a medical intuitive. She is a radio host and the author of “The Body ‘Knows’ series. With her vast clinical background, Caroline offers a unique combination of insight and practical guidance, specializing in breaking through the body’s health and wellness code. Caroline’s expertise is in healthy aging, hormone balancing weight loss, Candida, and food allergies, as well as providing insightful guidance to help you feel your youthful best. For almost three decades, she has lectured internationally, and her intuitive impressions have positively impacted the lives of thousands of people.

What is Medical Intuition?

“Medical intuition is the ability to see beyond the normal levels of perception into the

by Maria Savoy

subtle levels that lie below the surface,” Caroline shares. “The key to medical intuition or any other intuitive ability is a quiet, receptive mind. The rational or trained mind becomes the filter through which the intuitive impressions are received.”

an online training program to teach others to do just that. She teaches this through a practical methodology to help others to receive impressions through their increased awareness. This information is very practical and useful for others to implement.

Caroline’s gift does not revolve around the emotional or spiritual levels, she focuses on the physical. As a child, both her father and grandfather were medical doctors, and it was because of her family blueprint, and her ability to tap into the energy of others that her future career was seeded as a medical intuitive.

The practice of meditation, quieting your mind, is also a prerequisite for anything in the healing arts. By having a simple mediation practice every day, you are able to access your inter wisdom and guidance that will help you to become more aware.

“As soon as I connect with the person, I receive a flood of information,” Caroline Shares. “I’m fully aware, and the practical suggestions drop into my mind.”

Many of us believe that our journey begins at conception, however, it is through our experiences of trial, tribulation, and triumph that give us the ability to help others.

When asked if others could learn to be a medical intuitive, she explained that she believes that medical intuition is a teachable skill. Caroline offers

Caroline’s Journey

It was in the 1980’s when Caroline fell ill and was suffering from symptoms of blackouts and confusion, amongst other ailments 19

serious illness can result. This overgrowth of candida is called candida yeast syndrome or chronic candidiasis. Within weeks of detoxing and changing her diet, she had more energy, lost weight and felt incredible. You can learn more about Caroline’s detox program at or by continuing to read this article. It is no surprise that with this experience Caroline became a physician’s assistant and allergy-testing technician working for a clinic devoted to environmental medicine.

Caroline’s Intuitive Gift

Caroline’s intuitive gift came quite suddenly. She had been training in the use of highly specialized allergy tested equipment when she began to hear a very distinct inner voice guiding her to areas of the patience bodies that were not ordered on any of the test forms. in her body. It was so extreme that she felt it was the beginning of Multiples Sclerosis (MS), as one of her friends with this disease had similar symptoms. After seeing her doctor and eliminating the fear of MS, she was referred to a physician who specialized in environmental medicine. There, she underwent extensive testing for food allergies, airborne inhalants and molds. As a result, they found 20 | Eydis Magazine

that Caroline was highly sensitive to most of the foods she was eating, and was diagnosed with candida yeast syndrome. Candida yeast syndrome ~ Candida is a type of bacteria that lives naturally in the gut, vaginal tract, mouth, and skin. When this natural yeast is in balance with other living bacteria in your body, all is well. However, when candida grows out of control and gets into the bloodstream,

“I shared the information that I was hearing with the physician and being open minded, he agreed to evaluate its validity,” Caroline shares. “It was not long after that, and because of the finely tuned results, that people began to get well causing a wait list a year out to see the doctor.“ It was with the experience of the candida yeast syndrome, the power of mediation, learning the process of muscle

testing (Kinesiology), and being spiritually linked in, that helped her to get impressions about people and their bodies.

Life Changing Moment

Louise Hay of Hay House Publishing in California, became captivated by Caroline’s process after Caroline gave her a reading back in 1999. Because of the accuracy of the reading, Louise Hay began her coaching program and soon after encouraged Caroline to write her book, “The Body ‘Know’” series ~ how to tune into your body and improve your health, which then catapulted Caroline’s career.

Caroline and Louise Hay.

“Louise told me that I fulfilled a dream of hers, that she actually dreamt that someone was going to come to help her with her health, and that was me.” Caroline shares with a smile. When asked about medication usage, Caroline advises that you should always take the guidance of your physician, however, she states, “If you nourish the trunk of the tree, then the fruit will be in full flower.” By teaching others through diet, for example, cholesterol levels and blood

pressure levels can be lowered therefore lowering the need for medications. “Everyone is different and the way they handle things are different, and that is the art of medical intuitiveness.” That is what helps Caroline to customize programs for each individual. By recommending specific supplements, dietary needs and honing in on imbalances through the intuitive process, she is able to help correct what the body needs. Caroline has written many articles on, addictions, adrenal fatigue, menopause, heart health, liver support, food allergy and weight gain, gluten sensitivity, goal 21

settings, and self-care to name a few. You can read these articles on her website.

Detox your Life

Optimum health takes a deeper level of commitment than some people are willing to make and I find as a medical intuitive, that the unraveling of this multi-layered puzzle can be both disturbing and rewarding. ~ Caroline Sutherland. Caroline believes it is very important to detox your body yearly if not more. Many have the impression that when you do a detox program you will automatically have to suffer through with foods that you probably won’t like, or the program will leave you feeling hungry thought out the process. Caroline does not believe in lack, she believes in feeding the body but feeding the body in the right way. Caroline offers a 7-day detox program three times

Caroline and James Van Praagh.

a year, September, January, and then one in the spring. What’s different about her detox program is that there is no need to feel deprived or hungry. On her program, you can eat as much food as you would like as long as you stick to the foods that are on the list.

Another unique factor of this program is you don’t have to do this alone. Every two days there is a teleconference to coach and motivate you from Caroline herself. She shares that within the 7 days you will lose on average 5-7 pounds, have more energy, and be able to think more clearly. As you feel better any pain in your body will actually begin to subside. Caroline’s next detox class is September 14th.

The Virtual Gastric Band

Neil Donald Walsh and Caroline.

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The Virtual Gastric Band program came to Caroline about 3 1/2 years ago very serendipitously. Caroline reached out to a physician’s assistant in Michigan and wanted to feature him on her radio show to talk about homeopathy.

Caroline studied this concept under the founder Sheila Granger from England and has been performing this procedure successfully for over 600 people for the past three and a half years. Caroline offers the Virtual Gastric Band each month by teleconference. The process is done through hypnosis with amazing results. She has helped thousands of people to reach healthy weight loss goals through this program.

Caroline and Hay House author, Greg Braden.

“Here is an example of the power of serendipity, the power of coincidence. I wanted to talk about homeopathy and instead found out about the Virtual Gastric Band,” Caroline Shares. He explained that the Virtual Gastric Band was an amazing hypnosis procedure that was developed in England. It is a procedure for weight loss that mimics the idea of going into the hospital and having a band put around the top part of your stomach constricting your food intake. This is all done through hypnosis, through the power of the mind. As a trained hypnotherapist and relaxation therapist as well as an intuitive health coach, Caroline was intrigued. All of this was based on the fact that the mind does not know the difference between something that you

actually experience or something that you imagine experiencing. “If a person is standing by a red sports car or they imagine standing by a red sports car, the mind does not know the difference as to whether you are actually there or not,” She shares.

To find out more about the Virtual Gastric Band or how to become a facilitator, visit her website at Caroline Sutherland truly is a gifted woman, and her gift helps to teach others how environmental factors such as hormones, the GI tract; immunity, allergies and weight problems may be out of balance.

Wayne Dyer and Caroline. 23

I am the founder and publisher of Eydis Authentic Living. I have been experiencing Caroline’s Virtual Gastric Band procedure for the last couple of months and the results have been amazing. Besides obvious weight loss, I have more energy, more clarity and I feel amazing. It has caused me to look at food differently, I now eat when I feel hungry, not just because I am bored, and I stop when I am full. I recommend this program to everyone as it is truly life changing.

Maria Savoy The information she offers is very specific. The imbalances are only part of the picture. Perceptions regarding “correction” or what may be needed to bring the body back into balance in terms of diet, supplements, botanicals, homeopathy, lifestyle changes and associated modalities are what she evaluates. 24 | Eydis Magazine

Optimum health is not a mystery • Would you like to know the source of your pain? • Are you ready to address your food allergies once and for all? • Would you like to know how to select the right supplements? • Looking for a way to demystify menopause & hormone balancing? • Do you want practical, lasting solutions for weight loss? Visit


Reach Your Target Market /advertise 25

Authentic Living

Talk to Tamara Tamara, the relationship whisperer, is like a walking instruction manual for all of your love, dating. and relationship questions. Ask her your burning questions and she’ll guide you in the direction that is right for you. To ask your questions go to’s home page and click on Tamara’s picture, under our “Let’s Talk” section.

by Tamara Green

“Most people have difficulty imaging what is possible. The key is to dream really big and expect even more.” Tamara J. Green, LCSW

Dear Tamara I am single again and was hoping to meet a man organically, but it hasn’t happened. Therefore, I’ve decided to try online dating. How do I even begin to write a great profile? HELP! Signed, Perplexed Dear Perplexed, Congratulations on your great decision! Research is showing that for those over the age of 26, the number one way to meet your life long partner is through online dating. To create an amazing online dating profile, it helps to think of it as your own miniature autobiography, giving the 28 | Eydis Magazine

reader a window into your inner world. The best profiles are rich with description of character, attributes, thoughts and dreams.

What are you passionate about and why?

To help you formulate this with ease, answer the following questions:

Do you BBQ, cook or bake? If so, do you have a signature dish? What do people say about it?

What’s your favorite book or movie and why to you love it?

What has been some of your favorite traveling destinations? What was the

What would your friends and family say are your personality traits and attributes?

highlight of that trip and why? •

What are your hobbies? How do you feel when you’re engaged in them?

Describe the relationship you desire to have with your beloved.

List experiences you’d love to have with your partner.

Add anything else that describes you, how you live, what you love, what makes you laugh, etc. Here is a sample of a great profile, filled with interesting and lovely details. Feel free to use this as a temple to create your own. Friends and family love me because they say I am loyal, kind and great fun to be around. I’ve also been told that I’m easy on the eyes. I enjoy entertaining and have great conversations, especially with smart men. I’m always up for the next adventure, big or small--an

explorer who loves to appreciate the morning sun, the warmth of waves against my skin or someone sharing a sweet secret in my ear. Hopefully, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a taste of my freshly baked homemade bread, steaming and topped with triple-cream brie, followed by a nice glass of Bordeaux and much more. I love the life I’ve lived so far, the life I created for myself. Having lived on two different continents and traveling extensively, I have the benefit of being able to fit in almost anywhere and relate to people from many different walks of life. Despite being worldly I am old fashioned in many ways and have respect for traditions, family, and moral values. I am physically active, healthy, stable and grounded. You are a good man who is strong and masculine. You are open with your thoughts, somewhat traditional and just as loyal as I am. Honesty and a sense of humor score big points with me. Not a deal-breaker, but would love for you to be outgoing and worldly,

enjoy attending cultural events, going out to dinner, dancing, and theater. I respect you because you are a man of your word and know how to treat a lady. What do I bring to the table? Excitement, sincerity, tenderness, backbone, sensuality, charm and passion. I’m looking forward to our connection! Stay tuned for next month’s column where I share invaluable secrets regarding your online dating profile photos. Men will find you absolutely irresistible! Good luck on your wonderful dating adventure and remember to have fun!! Want free relationship advice right away? Take advantage of Tamara’s free 45-minute guidance session where you will finally get clarity and relief from your dating or relationship struggles. Whether you are single or are experiencing relationship upset, by clicking here, you no longer have to figure this out alone anymore. Yay!

Elle Magazine dubs Tamara Green, LCSW “The Soul-centered Love Expert.” She is an author, speaker and trainer, helping thousands of people to navigate the waters of love, dating and relationships – all while falling madly in love with themselves in the process. Trained as a Love Mentor® by Dr. Diana Kirschner, Individual and Couples Psychotherapist, Meditation Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Tamara’s coaching is highly effective as she combines her many years of professional training with her gifts as an energy healer, intuitive and seer. As a result, Tamara creates an exciting catalyst for deep emotional healing, giving her clients greater success in life and love. She has devoted her life to helping women rise out of pain and fear so they can finally experience the long lasting and loving relationship of their dreams. As well as working 1-on-1, Tamara offers free weekly meditation audios that take you on a journey of love with ease and joy. Join Tamara’s community at; Facebook TGreenLoveExpert; youtube: 29



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by Elaine M. Grohman


utumn is a time of celebration. Nature’s canopy is adorned with the finest garments of gold, yellow, red and orange, colors whose vibrancy were seen in Summer in the Beauty of flowers and sunsets now splash across the landscapes canvas in a symphony of beauty for as far as the eye can see. Without fanfare, blue waters that have made the lush foliage of Spring and Summer possible, now retreats back into the living earth, as the blue of water releases from the green leaves producing the rich golden jewels of Fall. Autumn is not merely a time for begrudgingly raking the fallen leaves. It is a time of preparation, a time in which we clear out our gardens, thankful for the beauty that has graced our lives. We can offer our gardens a shallow blanket of herbal tea in the form of decaying leaves that steep under the approaching downy snow. If we are wise, we will stand in deep appreciation of the evidence of life’s gifts to us, recalling how in Winter we expectantly awaited the first buds of Spring as they burst through the ground. Then Spring turned the pages of its ancient wisdom to offer us the wonder of Summer and the joys of warm days and starry nights. Autumn stands as a reminder of the great beauty that we had just witnessed in Spring and Summer and as a sentinel of approaching Winter. Autumn, formerly known as Harvest, shares a cornucopia of earth’s edible wonders so that we might prepare for the quiet mystery of “Winter’s blanket of White,” with food in our pantries and warm fires to reminisce by. It is easy to forget that white holds within it all of the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet,

the marvel of the spectrum of light, never changes it perfect order. As we move through the white blanket of fallen snow remember that this mysterious white holds the possibility of all of the Life that is preparing to be seen in the coming seasons. As time turns days into years, and years into decades, we would be wise to awaken from our amnesia about the true meaning of the seasons. Life’s important wisdom has been clouded by manmade celebrations that can easily distract us from the perfect cycle that life offers. It is good to celebrate our traditions so long as we never neglect the gifts that we could never be wise enough to create. This Autumn, take the time to recall the gifts that life has offered to us all. As the Seasons blend one into another, they have such important messages to share. When we learn to listen to the life that emerges, offers and releases, we will begin to think differently about our own time here on Earth. Like the seasons, we grow and change. Our own life begins as tiny buds and soon blossom into lives that strive for the warmth of inclusion and knowledge. As the years unfold we approach our own Autumns and the mysteries of what lays beyond. The seasons of life offer us all so much. Let’s look differently at all we do and see, so that appreciation becomes the magical elixir that changes everything that we perceive.

Elaine Grohman is a speaker, author, energy healer and angel reader. She has a private practice in Farmington, MI. For appointments please contact Lainie Rubio at 248.320.6532 or visit her website at 31


C.H.A.N.G.E. Creating Hope and Awareness and Nurturing Growth through Empowerment The St. Clair Butterfly Foundation was founded to inspire a movement of C.H.A.N.G.E. by providing all children and youths with the tools to overcome any adversity and help them to realize their full potential to soar! Based in Oakland County Michigan, this nonprofit organization offers: Community Outreach Programs Creative Art Programs Scholarship Programs Legislative Initiatives Your donation goes directly to helping kids find their voice The St. Clair Butterfly Foundation has successfully helped to change laws in several states to better protect children.

Each year 1-in-4 girls and 1-in-6 boys are victims of abuse. Let’s help these children find their voice. Founded in 2007 by Chip and Lisa St. Clair, and based on his bestselling memoir, The Butterfly Garden, the St. Clair Butterfly Foundation utilizes the power of creative arts, literature, and overall well-being to impact the lives of children facing adversity. Listen to Chip and Lisa’s radio show: The Divine Frequency: Turning Your Passion Into Purpose Tuesday at 9:30 am Eastern Time on Empower Radio

Your donation gives the greatest gift to a child! 33 It shows that they are loved and that they to be heard.


BRING BACK THE JOY OF MOVEMENT Children’s staggering rates of inactivity are affecting their health, education and academic results by Sari Cicurel


totally new and innovative program addressing childhood inactivity, MonkeyPlay, has officially launched in Michigan area daycares and preschools. MonkeyPlay brings back the joy of movement into the lives

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of children while encouraging them to embark on a healthier, more physicality active path.

How much activity will my child experience throughout the day?

What parents might want to ask the daycare of preschool:

Are the staff trained to implement physical activity programs?

Do you offer a physical literacy program?

Are they role modeling healthy behaviors?

and physical activity intervention to minimize current health risks and those that may be faced later in life.

Ruth Habrecht, the founder of MonkeyPlay and Hutan, the non-profit dedicated to improving world health through education, research, and programming that connects adults, children, the community and corporations to relevant, conservation and health issues. Hutan promotes human health through outdoor play, physical activity, and a connection with nature, which bring about a multitude of cognitive, social and emotional benefits, while simultaneously tackling the issues of childhood obesity, attention deficit disorder, and impaired social skills. Through educational public health programs, Hutan provides facts, statistics, and other related data on causes, current efforts and solutions to curtailing environmental degradation from various means and by

providing alternative solutions for a sustainable healthy future in regards to both the environment and human health. Programs also assist families and schools with nutritional

Pick up a toy monkey. Throw it high in the air and catch it. Scale the rainbow forest like a squirrel. Balance on one leg like a flamingo. Forage for fruit like an orangutan. Sprint across the savannah like a cheetah. Feel your heart pounding. “This type of imaginative activity is just the tip of the iceberg during MonkeyPlay,� explains Ruth regarding MonkeyPlay. “The 4O-minute sessions not only gets children up and moving, they present valuable lessons about healthy eating, outdoor active play, wildlife diversity, and 35

movement patterns. For example, a child can walk on all fours like a squirrel on the ground, along a balance beam or over obstacles. The cognitive concepts associated with physical activity and their relationships to a healthy lifestyle are also reinforced. If we run fast like an antelope and our heart pounds are hearts are getting stronger. Our heart is a muscle. Designed to help children develop confidence and ability along with a foundation of movement skills for the purpose of long term well-being.

geography.” The underlying principle is that children are innately interested in connecting with and mimicking wild animals. MonkeyPlay is an interdisciplinary, multicomponent program that incorporates this principle to increase both positive physical activity and an interest in nature. After reviewing the program, Dr. Amy Miller from the University Of Michigan Department Of Family Medicine commented, “Finally, there is something to compete with the tired choices of dodge ball and screen time. The MonkeyPlay program helps to promote the optimal 36 | Eydis Magazine

development of the whole child getting them started on the right track with the potential to keep them in a lower health risk category as they begin primary school. MonkeyPlay creatively incorporates time to play, imagine, think, move and socialize while introducing physical activity for the sheer fun of it.” MonkeyPlay blends repetition and variation by providing numerous unique learning experiences that emphasize the same motor skill, across different environmental contexts, allowing for the development of specific

For children as young as two years of age, the program invites children to take on the identities of every animal under the sun, from tigers and leopards to orangutans and lemurs. Central components to the MonkeyPlay program are the dynamic animal stations that focus on key movements and the obstacles that are positioned around the stations. MonkeyPlay creates a multisensory environment that encourages children to reason, problem solve, predict, use language, think with imagination, and interact with others, all while enjoying some plain old fun. Certain stations may include nature-based objects such as rubber insects, plastic eggs, nesting materials. Between animal mimicry children maneuver over and around the “rainbow jungle” of colorful balance beams, textured balance disks, noodle weave poles, hula-hoops, and

tunnels. All of these amusing props add an opportunity for creative self-expression. Childhood obesity and physical inactivity are epidemics in the United States 33% of children today are overweight or obese and the numbers continue to rise. Unstructured play opportunities, physical activity, and direct contact with nature bring a multitude of cognitive, social, emotional and health benefits to children–these are the very behaviors that have diminished significantly over the past 25 years. Decline in these healthy behaviors have direct correlations with drastic increases in the prevalence of not only childhood obesity, but also attention deficit disorder, and impaired social skills including low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Most recently we have seen weightrelated Type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis in children as young as 2 years of age!

programs for daycares so they may incorporate the programming into their own curriculum. Physical literacy is the desire, confidence, and ability to be physically active for life. It involves the development of fundamental movement skills that permit a child to read their environment and make appropriate decisions, allowing them to move confidently and with control in a wide range of physical activity situations. Through education, fieldwork, and partnerships, Hutan for World Health’s mission is to conserve an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources with the goal of ensuring a healthy planet for the well-being of all life, indefinitely. It’s called living sustainably. Hutan works to enlighten and inspire communities so they begin to value global

biodiversity through programs that encourage a reconnection with nature. This movement toward improving health in people and the planet will spark an ambition in those around us to live in a sustainable manner. Award-winning video producer, publicist with proven track record in written communications for creating local and national news and feature stories, raising the visibility of my clients through the development and execution of strategic media and community relations programs and initiatives. Working with all media - Print, TV, Radio and all social media platforms. My company will execute media relations plans, fundraising programs, publications, special events with a proven ability to build non-profit and corporate marketing campaigns, and web content.

“The significance and value of movement during early childhood is being acknowledged as never before. It is indisputably the primary medium for young children’s learning,” acknowledges Ruth. “During this developmental time period, many children do not receive the appropriate kinds of experiences to develop these skills and may not only start kindergarten with developmental delays but also, with premature onset of healthrelated problems.” MonkeyPlay incorporates physical literacy in their programming in which they offer certification 37


to Calm

by Sharon Carne

What does tranquility mean to you? To me, it is a calm, peaceful, quiet, serene state of being. In these tumultuous times, it can also be challenging to create this calm state of being. At times, it feels like we are inundated by chaos and fear. Yet the experience of tranquility supports your health and wellbeing

38 | Eydis Magazine

down, lowering your blood pressure. As your heartbeat slows down so does your breathing and brainwave state. Your muscles relax. A ‘neural cocktail’ of hormones enters your nervous system like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and hormones that support your immune system and overall wellbeing. So how can you create this wonderful state easily in a hectic life? Your natural wiring for sound makes it almost automatic! Have you ever wondered how people can remember the name and singer of a song in seconds? Radio stations host all kinds of contests where the fastest caller gets the prize. Experiments in the field of neuroscience have found that many of us can do this in a fraction of a second to two seconds. That’s remarkable! Yet your brain is wired to do this.


in so many ways! We usually associate tranquility with an emotional response of calm. It is also a physical response.

Have you ever listened to a song and it brought you right back to when you first experienced it? It might have been a special moment with a boyfriend or girlfriend. So many couples choose a favorite song. Hearing it takes them right back to the moment when they declared the song as their favorite.

When you are in a tranquil state, your heartbeat slows

Think about some of your favorite songs from your

past. I have a bunch of them. “Chattanooga Choo Choo” recorded by Glenn Miller and his big band brings me right back to my childhood with my parents singing and dancing around the living room. My mom used to sing all kinds of songs during long car trips. “One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater” got us through some pretty long stretches. It always brings me back to the fun we had as kids singing with Mom. You have to ‘Google’ that song to believe it! “Twist and Shout” will bring me right back to school dances as a teen and I just can’t sit still for that one! Every one of has a long list of these songs. The interesting thing is that your emotional response to the memories triggered by the song also has a physical response. This physical response usually stimulates that ‘neural cocktail’ of hormones that I mentioned earlier.


Finding the songs or sounds that create a sense of calm or tranquility can be a bit more challenging. Make a list of any of these songs or sounds that remind you of this. It might be a lullaby you heard as a young child. It might be the feeling and sound of ocean waves on a family vacation. Or a hike through a beautiful forest and all the sounds around you that created a sense of tranquility and calm. 39

If you have difficulty recovering some of these memories, the cool thing is that you can create a new musical or sound memory with the right sound for you. What are your favorite sounds or music that will take you to that tranquil place? One of my favorite sounds of all is that of wind chimes. I find their sounds so beautiful. Over the years, I have been blessed with gifts of so many different kinds from family, special friends, and students. Every one of them is treasured. Some of them have also found a place in my recordings. Wind chimes are actually among humanity’s oldest instruments. I was surprised to learn this at first, but once I found out more about how they 40 | Eydis Magazine

were used, it made so much sense. Wind chimes appeared in different cultures all over the world. Some of the earliest chimes were made from bones, shells, stones, bamboo or wood. As mankind developed the ability to work with metals of different kinds, wind chimes were also made out of metal. Bells and metal singing bowls made their appearance around this time too. The oldest wind chimes, so far, have been found in South East Asia by archeologists. They date back to about 5000 years ago. It’s a fascinating synchronicity that the ancient Chinese people created their musical system about 5000 years ago.

And it did maintain harmony. For millennia. It makes a lot of sense to me that the wind chimes would also assist in maintaining harmony by playing these harmonious tones whenever the wind blew. Wind chimes also had other functions. Hung around homes and sacred places, they were believed to ward off evil influences and spirits. The intention was to welcome good luck, helpful influences, and harmony with the sound of the chimes. They were used in this way in many cultures around the earth. The wind chimes made from hollow metal tubes are my personal favorites. The scales and tunes that can be created with the metal tubes are endless. My favorite is a set of wind chimes my sister gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago. They are based on an ancient Chinese pentatonic scale. The sounds take me right to that place of peace and tranquility, from the first note and every time I hear them. Some sources say that the fundamental sound the ancient Chinese system was based on was the sound of the earth. The other notes of the scale were based on their relationship to this sound. The first emperors were custodians of this all-important fundamental sound, The emperor would travel around the country to listen to the music in each community. If the music was harmonious, then all was well with the land. There were strict guidelines for the creation of music in ancient China. Its function was to not only to create harmony in each community but to maintain it. Anything sounding disharmonious was believed to create disharmony among the people of the community.

I encourage you to explore sounds that can take you to that tranquil and calm place. When you find one or two or more, keep them close to you. Upload them to your phone. Use them whenever you need a moment of ‘ahhhh.’ It can completely shift your day. Sharon Carne is an author, speaker, musician, recording artist, sound healer, Reiki master, and consultant. Sharon is the founder of Sound Wellness, whose programs are at the forefront of education in how sound and music can be easily applied to your everyday life - to reduce stress, help you concentrate, energize you, inspire you, support your health and so much more. 41


Connecting You With You


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by Amanda Butler


here’s a lot happening in the world, wouldn’t you agree? Do you understand it, feel it and aware of all the changes? Are you ‘BE’-ing Conscious as you walk through your life and as you experience it? ‘BE’-ing Conscious means are you FULLY Aware? Are you ‘BE’-ing deliberate and purposeful in what you think, feel, believe, perceive, say or do? Or are you on ‘automatic pilot’ or thinking, feeling, saying or doing things by default and old habits? Observe where you are Conscious, or when you go unconscious … disconnect, check out, go numb or put your head in the sand like an ostrich … as you move through the day. Who or what seems to take you out of your connection, centeredness and balance? Who, what, where, when does this disconnect occur within your personality/egoic Self and with your Soul’s Essence and the Universe? With the energetics of Willingness and Commitment, you are opening the doorway to Conscious Awareness. By you being Willing and Committed to be Aware of what energetics ... past experiences, patterns, programming and conditioning that may be ‘running’ you, it opens the door to Higher Consciousness. Be open and honest with your Self, and let go of any judgments about who you are, or what you’re doing or not doing, or what you’ve done in the past. Through Conscious Awareness, you can then enter into Conscious Choice, rather than operating on automatic pilot or by default. This can create freedom within you and around you so you can co-create your MORE and Highest Diamond Potential!


Conscious Awareness is the first step to create any shift and change within you and with any aspect of your life and relationships. Be open to 45

this more and more, this will become a natural way of ‘BE’ing and ‘do’-ing. Your Soul’s Essence is your True Self … the vibration of LOVE and your original Divine Blueprint, which is you as an outbreath of Divine Source. Connect with and breathe in the vibration of your Soul’s Essence today so you feel and get to know your True Self and your MORE!


Connection ©2015 Keenawah & Associates, LLC

Image: Connection from The Diamond Co-Creative System™

The Universal Energy Form of Connection from The Diamond Co-Creative System™ provides the energetic vibrations to help you activate your Soul Codes of Destiny and Success. This sacred geometry technology assists you to connect within and to align with your Soul’s Essence and the Universe’s Highest Potential that it holds for you.

become MORE Aware of what you’re thinking, feeling and believing on the personality/ egoic level, even if it’s not what you want to see, hear or feel.

with and need to resolve on a personality/egoic and cellular memory level in order to move on, or to expand into your MORE!

It’s okay ... let go of any judgment, anger, upset, dislike, or even disgust that you may have with your Self. It’s time to accept ‘what is, is’. By becoming Consciously Aware, you now have the opportunity to shift and change. Now, you know what you have to deal

Allow your Self to become MORE Consciously Aware of your Soul’s Essence and what your Soul wants to share with you. In doing so, you can find a sense of peace and clarity in what to do next. You can feel a knowing within you as to how to proceed. As you practice

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You always have a choice. You always have a choice whether you want to Accept ‘what is, is’ or not, or to take responsibility for your co-creations, or not. Responsibility is your ability to respond. It’s not a burden or four letter word as many perceive responsibility as. And here’s the rub, you’re responsible anyway whether you want to admit it or ‘own’ it, so why not be Conscious about it? Your choice is to live your life through LOVE … Living Only Vibrant Energy, or to have the past, ‘shoulds’ or fears ‘run’ you. If you find your Self being ‘ran’ by fear … finding evidence that appears real, then it’s time to make a Conscious Choice to change. You’re not a victim due to someone else, your ‘circumstances’ or your ‘conditions’. You are actually an active or passive participant in what you co-create and manifest. No one or no thing can do anything ‘to you’, even

if you would like to believe this or to blame others or circumstances. You allow it by giving your power way to a person, ‘circumstances’ or ‘conditions’, and/or you’re disconnected from what’s True for you and your Soul’s Essence. It’s always a Choice, but it’s up to you whether you make a Conscious and deliberate Choice, or if you operate via default and status quo. To Live Only Vibrant Energy, means making a Conscious Choice to shift when you and your life doesn’t feel good, or it doesn’t work for you, or it’s not what you want or like. In this, you’re taking a stand within your Divine Power and making a Conscious Choice. What do you want, what works for you, what do you like? What is in energetic alignment with LOVE and your True Self … your Soul’s Essence? What is out of alignment with who you Truly are and your intention?

with what you think, believe, feel and do.


‘hold’ what you want at the exclusion of every thing and everyone else.

Once you have made a Conscious Choice, then it’s time to tap into your Conscious Will. Your Will is not about forcing a certain outcome, or imposing your Self on someone else. With Conscious Will, you do not use the ‘old’ definition of will power to ‘make it happen’.

It is a Conscious Choice and the Conscious Will to not be distracted by ‘shiny objects (or person)’ which can take you off course, or have you be influenced by other’s agendas or opinions. It is staying True to what you know about your Self and what you desire to manifest.

To utilize Conscious Will, you instead claim your Divine power within (your Diamond Brilliance) and allow for the co-creation to unfold as you ‘show up’ FULLY in a stance of your MORE and being open to receive your intention!

You can Consciously Choose not to procrastinate so you follow through and keep your Commitment no matter what by FOCUSING your Conscious Will to co-create what your desire and your MORE! Your Soul’s Essence can assist your personality/egoic Self through Conscious Will to keep FOCUSED on your vision, and to see it already done in your daily meditation and visioning it ‘as is’.

It is about having an intentional, deliberate and purposeful motivation and inspiration to co-create what you desire. Conscious Will is the ability to FOCUS and to energetically

You are the Master Co-Creator, so if you created X thus far, then you certainly can co-create Y. It is a Choice as to continue to play in the same vibrations, or to choose differently … it’s up to you, not others, not your ‘conditions’ and not your ‘circumstances’. You have the power to shift your results! And remember, Every relationship is Any relationship. All is in a relational energy and vibrations that match or don’t match your intentions. You and what you desire is in energetic vibrational alignment or not 47


Now that you have a Conscious Awareness and Will to co-create what you desire, it’s time to make Conscious Decisions based on your Conscious Choice and Will. The Conscious Awareness has allowed you to become FULLY Aware of what you’re energetically ‘BE’-ing and what you’re ‘do’-ing or not ‘do’-ing, and possibly as to ‘why’ it is so. Your Conscious Awareness is showing you what you’re creating due to the energetics you’re operating by and living within (heart, mind, environmental, the past). It has also shown you, or will continue to show you, what is in energetic alignment or not with your intention and visions. When you add more FOCUS and energy to your Conscious Choice and Will, you can then make a Conscious Decision to claim True energetic ownership of your desires. Feel into your choices and decisions you are making … are they Conscious, or by default? To help your personality/egoic Self make Conscious Decisions, be sure you connect with your Soul’s Essence and the Universe to emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually feel and know what’s in your Divine Order and Highest Diamond Potential. While standing in the present moment and claiming energetic ownership of knowing and believing from your Soul’s Essence what your Conscious Choices, Will and Decisions are, 48 | Eydis Magazine

you can then step into Conscious Action and your MORE!


To step into Conscious Action, you are living your life to its fullest with intention and creativity of your Highest Diamond Potential. You are living and loving life at its fullest Potential and you do not let others, your ‘circumstances’ or ‘conditions’ get in your way. Your Conscious Actions are inspired by your Love, Joy, Passion, Purpose and Conscious Will versus ‘shoulds’ or fears, including the fear of ‘failure’, making the ‘wrong’ choice and sometimes even the fear of success, or thoughts, feelings and beliefs such as these … “I’m not enough” or “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not of value” or “What do I offer of value?” “I’m not worthy or deserving due to ________” or “Am I doing enough?” or “Is it perfect or am I perfect?” Through your Conscious Choices and Decisions, you naturally want to step into your MORE … Moving Onward Respecting Eternity while you Live Only Vibrant Energy. Remember, MORE not because you feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled, but MORE because you can. The Universe itself is always expanding. Humankind and all species look to evolve into their MORE as does the Universe.

As you connect with your Soul’s Essence, you expand into MORE Consciousness of who you Truly are and what can be. Eternity is the unbounded Potential and Possibilities the Universe has to offer you. Today, take Conscious Action … purposeful and deliberate … to co-create MORE life. MORE Love. MORE Joy! MORE Passion! And your MORE!


Today, I activate the 5Cs of Consciousness so I can easily connect and align with LOVE … Live Only Vibrant Energy and co-create my MORE. NOTE: Utilize the Connection Universal Energy Form in your meditation, or hang it in your sacred space to help you create your intention.

As the Developer of The Diamond CoAmanda Butler is the Architect of The Diamond Co-Creative System™ and since 2001 has assisted thousands to heal their present and past life energetics, while activating their Soul Codes of Destiny and Success, so they create an integration and vibrational alignment between their Soul’s Essence and personality/egoic Self. The results … they feel connected with their authentic Self, True purpose, passion, joy and love with the ability to fulfill their Highest Potential and live their MORE! For more about Amanda and The Diamond Co-Creative System ™, go to: http://cocreateyoursuccess. com/28dayjourney/ createyourdiamondlife

Live your authentic life

Take the road less traveled 49

A METAPHYSICAL EXPLANATION OF HATE Hate is not the opposite of love. Hate is a manifestation of fear.

by Judith E. Lipson, M.A., LPC

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ooking at something metaphysically includes understanding it from a broader perspective than we are accustomed to doing. The interesting thing is that we often recognize the metaphysics internally, at a place that is hard to access with our thinking mind. And even when we do recognize it cognitively, we tend to only be able to use the words that we know from this threedimensional existence in which we live.


Our past. We used to be one with others and with the Divine. But then separation occurred, and this separation is a very uncomfortable sensation. Most of us are aware of this separation only subconsciously, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t unconsciously remember how it felt to be connected with the energy of All That Is. This connection felt (and feels) wonderful. Whole. Complete. In fact, it feels like our gestalt (which means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts) becomes complete. We are actually evolving to return to Oneness, but some of us don’t realize that yet. And some who are attempting to achieve Oneness are misdirected. As a result of separation we generally follow two paths: Abundance Seeker or Scarcity Follower; and scarcity followers might be inclined to follow Opportunists.


Some people experience separation and seek ways to connect with the Divine by seeking goodness, love, and true connection with others. They seem to always see abundance.

I and others have already written about hate’s inability to see the commonalities of seemingly different people (gender, ethnicity, faith, etc). When I look at hate from a metaphysical approach, I see a deeper misunderstanding that each of us is also experiencing.


For others, separation creates a different path. Rather than seeking the Divine connection as the abundance-seekers do, they get bogged down in the continued experience of separation. They then find 51

themselves seeking connection with anything that in the short-term feels valuable. But these connections never fulfill their Soul’s need and so they continue to feel separate, becoming ever more desperate, and thus seeing and focusing on scarcity. (Scarcity is the belief that there is not enough for all of us, so one had best become competitive to protect one’s own assets.)


Opportunists achieve their own quasiconnection by rallying others to follow them. Opportunists thus prey on those who see scarcity, maintaining the latter’s focus on separation, and making it even more difficult for their followers to see the light. When people continue to experience separation without the emphasis on abundance, they can be drawn into fear, which can then manifest into hate.


Unity and oneness will return for us all. The question is how soon we will usher it in. The choice and the speed of delivery is given to each of us. There is a Cherokee parable about a man with two wolves inside of him. He is asked which is stronger: The wolf of goodness and love, or the wolf of fear and hate? His answer: “The one that I feed.” Each of us has the opportunity to change from scarcity-follower to abundance-seeker. Reflect on your own attitudes and behaviors. Which ‘wolf’ do you feed? Have you focused on abundance or scarcity? When you encounter people in your day, greet them with a smile. Smiles are contagious and, like love, what you send out you get back in return. The Beatles understood this when they wrote, “The love you take is equal to the love you make.” (The End, Abby Road) As you identify all that is good in the world and in your day, write them daily into a gratitude journal. 52 | Eydis Magazine


If you are already living with a focus on abundance, it is easy to fall into an “us vs. them” framework when you interact with or observe someone who is mired in fear and hate. But this generates more separation. Instead, hold compassion for those who focus on scarcity and understand how difficult it is for them at this moment to make the shift toward abundance. In life and in meditation, reach out with grace and compassion. As you avoid judgment, it is perfectly acceptable, if needed, to respond with boundaries. As Marianne Williamson says, “Sometimes the loving response is ‘no’.”

During these challenging times, it helps to see the metaphysical perspective of what is occurring. In order for us to individually and collectively achieve oneness, we must first recognize separateness. When hate and fear are this apparent, we see what can no longer be hidden behind the smoke and mirrors. Instead, it is made visible, front and center, to observe and address which is a necessary step for change. Now is the time for compassion, for grace, and when necessary for boundaries. Now is the time to create this change.

Namasté The light in me acknowledges the light in you.

Judy Lipson is a licensed, professional counselor and educational strategist in West Bloomfield, MI. She helps clients of all ages who have learning difficulties, work or school related anxiety, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorders. Contact Judy at 248.568.8665 and judylipson@, and visit SpiralWisdom. net for more information. This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to replace medical care. 53

The Butterfly Moment What is a “Butterfly Moment?” There is an incredible “HAPPENING” that occurs when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. The caterpillar is encapsulated by a cocoon of its own making. It is imprisoned in a state of total immobility and darkness. Understandably, it must be a time of pain, panic and despair. However, as a certain life force of “allowing” takes over, this creature instinctively “lets go and lets God” an incredible transformation occurs. It is a transformation and struggle that is totally personal. Scientist tell us that if you help a caterpillar by cutting it out of the cocoon it will die because this struggle pushes life giving energy deep into its growing wings. In other words, “no pain…no gain.” As life energies slowly break loose the caterpillar from the cocoon, an incredible moment occurs. This caterpillar has a realization. It is a moment when it finally understands that all of this pain, panic and despair were for a reason. The caterpillar is not what it thought it was! It is one of the most beautiful insects in the world… that can fly!

Can you think of a more “AHA!” moment that this?



John Schalter and Carrie Hall (married) are professional Life Coaches, who specializes in personal growth, relationship and career coaching. Their solution-focused coaching techniques offer a highly-personalized program tailored specifically to you. With compassion and understanding, they work with you to help build on your strengths and attain the personal growth you are committed to achieving.

Specialized Areas: • Personal Growth

• Confidence & Personal Power

• Professional Development

• Inner Peace

• Relationship Coaching

• Achieving Balance

• Communication Skills

• Health & Weight Issues

To hear more Butterfly Moments from John and Carrie, listen to Empower Radio, Tuesdays at 9:00 Eastern Time. To find out more about Quantum Leap Coaching go to or call 586.997.4357 10% of all proceeds are donated to the St Clair Butterfly Foundation where John sits as the Board President To find out more about the St Clair Butterfly Foundation visit


Stay In Your Three Foot World by John Schalter and Carrie Hall Schalter

Dear John and Carrie, I am going through incredible challenges in my life. Divorce, bankruptcy and health issues. I feel frozen with fear and don’t know where to turn. Help. Jane C.

56 | Eydis Magazine

Dear Jane, Thanks for the question and congratulations on your decision to create a better life. Actually, the last word of your request speaks volumes. “Help.” In today’s world, there is no reason to “go it alone.” There are literally armies of people you can reach out to for support, advice and even solutions. Take advantage of this fact. Sometimes we may need professional help, other times we may only need the help and support of a good friend.

find the next handhold, and climb your way out.” Here is the big take away. Life is incremental. Our heart beats one at a time, our food is eaten one bite at a time. Sometimes if you look down you will only see how far you might fall. If you look up your mind will probably be log jammed with reasons you can’t go that far. However, there is a good chance you can go to the next hand hold. You can reach to the next three feet.

Seal instructor believes in his comrade. Know that you are learning life lessons you need to learn and you will soon be on to bigger and better things.

In the meantime, always remember that “it all good” and “we are all too blessed to be stressed.” Peace and Prosperity, John and Carrie

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” by Mother Teresa Serious problems warrant serious attention. I have a doctor friend who used to work in the Emergency Room. He calls it “stop the bleeding.” Get the emergency room fixes first. I can also give you a “mindset” that I guarantee will help. I learned it from the book “No Hero” by Mark Owen. It is something he discovered as a Navy SEAL that came during a rock climbing trip when he froze 300 feet up. The instructor made his way over to him. “Hey, buddy. Stay in your three-foot world.” “What are you, what the hell are you talking about?” He says, “Look, you can’t affect anything outside of three feet around you, can you?” I’m like, “Well, no.” “So stay in your three-foot world. Look inside your three-foot world,

Most of the time we need to ingest the biggest challenges in life in the smallest of pieces. Any progress or tiny steps can be motivating. Don’t you usually feel better when you write down your list of things to do and incrementally check them off as they get done? Remember what Newton’s first law, “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion.” Look around you. What is your three-foot world? What are the things you can do today…or even this minute? Do something now! Get into action and know that things are unfolding as they should. Know in your heart that things are going to be just fine. Align with friends and associates who believe in you like a Navy

John and Carrie * are Life Coaches and available to help you with almost any life challenge. You can listen to their radio who called “The Butterfly Moment” on the Empower Radio Show to listen to their shows every Tuesday morning for archived on this website (empowerradio. com) If you would like to discuss private sessions call them at 248-568-7021. The first session is always free and their gift to you. You can email questions to Or got to 57



by Kate Sholonski


can clearly remember sitting in the front pew of our parish church at age five. I played with the streamers on my bonnet as I listened to the sermon, which made God sound pretty scary. To my innocent mind that believed God loved me unconditionally, this message didn’t make sense. I just figured the priest made 58 | Eydis Magazine

a mistake, God would forgive him since that’s what he does, and everything would be okay. Throughout my formal church experience, even though there were some mixed messages related to forgiveness, I went on to follow the teachings that aligned with love, not fear. It just made sense.

When I was a pre-teen in the early 1960’s and observed the discrimination against blacks, it didn’t make sense to me that an entire race was being condemned because of the color of their skin. I had learned all about slavery in our country’s early years, but I thought Abraham Lincoln had

that handled after the Civil war. It didn’t make sense, so I chose to be extra friendly to the kids in my junior high classes to hopefully make up for those that didn’t know that all people were equal. In high school, I began to learn about homosexuality. Some kids were “coming out” and were being open about their sexuality. I admired their courage to be so open, knowing that there were many people that felt justified in judging them. Once again, it didn’t make sense, since one’s sexual orientation was a personal thing, and not a threat to any heterosexual. I also knew my friends that were Gay were kind, considerate and sensitive people. Remembering that God loved us all, Gay bashing did not make sense. As I continued to mature and eventually reached adulthood, I personally experienced discrimination for being female. Sexual harassment on the job was a behavior that was accepted as normal rather than seen as demeaning. Not receiving equal pay for my work was also irksome. It just didn’t make sense and seemed

obvious to me that universal respect should be the norm. As I look back through all those decades, the only thing that makes sense to me now is that all unloving actions are born from fear. Over the course of our lifetimes, many of us learned that the goal in life is to be seen as better than someone else and to treat others that do not match our beliefs or background as inferior. Comparisons are made between races, religions, political groups, geography, and gender. Once again, it doesn’t make sense since comparing, condemning and judging does not bring out our best, but it does hurt others and keeps us in a state of fear as we defend our “rightness”. I’m glad I had that figured out at age five, since whenever I notice myself judging another for any reason, I just have to check in with myself to see what I’m afraid of. Once I know that I can forgive myself for forgetting we are all one and ultimately connected and that is what makes sense.

Kate transitioned from a 28 year nursing career to life coaching and as a personal fulfillment workshop leader in 2001. After many years of coaching people from all walks of life, she and her business partner repeatedly heard requests from their clients to combine joy and fulfillment with leadership principles. It was that concept that led them to create their business, Triumph Leadership Group, where they focus on training teams from all sized businesses to build positive and productive cultures. Kate and her business partner, David Larson have co-authored two books, Wide Awake: Three Minutes a Day to an Inspired Life and Heartfelt Leadership: Creating a Culture of Connection. They believe when relationships don’t work, the business doesn’t work and that workers who share heartfelt connections will help business thrive on every level. 59

SIMPLY Spiritual

M A E R S D T E R E TH P EX Dear Dream Experts, I dreamtII am was with my husband westreet were talking this lady. She Dear was asking questions, and my husband Ron was answering them. He I dream walking downand the and tosee Time Warped, was giving great answers, so I told him “You are blowing me away!” The lady said she heard some noises around my husband and said “It’s this lady pushing a baby carriage. I look inside probably those entities around that want to be your babies. I know you just had sex.” My husband agreed. and the baby is actually a friend of mine. In my You recognize that an aspect of yourself Sincerely, waking life my friend is 35 years old, and in the has regressed (your friend). The quality that Embarrassed dream, she is a baby, but her face appears as a 35 Helen represents for you is expressing itself year old. I ask the lady how old her baby is, and in a very immature way. That part of yourself she says one year old. The baby smiles and still that was once mature has regressed to the Dear Embarrassed, has noareteeth. I ask if herthat name is Helen stage ofand infancy. This part ofpart yourself also You focusing on athe partbaby of yourself you are committed to (husband) you recognize that this of yourself is quite (my friend’s name) andpart theofmother says yes. lacks the ability to assimilate (noin teeth). brilliant. There is another yourself that you have not identified (the lady). See if you can describe her one or twoTo words. This (lady) part of yourself has something to do with inner listening (hearing the entities that want to become babies). Babies better understand the dream, identify what represent new ideas or new ways of being. You have set into motion the potential to create some new ideas (sex). These new ideas Sincerely, Helen represents to you. How would you are getting your attention. Time Warped describe Helen in one or two words? Then notice why you have neglected this quality or allowed it to regress.

Kathryn and Patrick Andries are the dream experts. They are the authors of the recently released from Ozark Mountain Publishing, Naked Public: DreamofSymbols Revealed, Kathrynbook and Patrick Andries are the dream experts. Theyinare the authors the recently released and The Dream Doctor. If you would like a dream interpreted, please send it in the of an book from Ozark Mountain Publishing, Naked in Public: Dream Symbols Revealed,body and The e-mail to: Learn more about their books at Dream Doctor. If you would like a dream interpreted, please send it in the body of an e-mail to: Learn more about their books at 62 | Eydis Magazine





I am walking down the street and look down and realize I am only wearing a shirt. A guy says to me, “woah”. I go to the bathroom and a girl says to me “you have a problem with your shirt. I say, “well it is old and the zipper is kind of broken. “ Then we went up to the sink and my shirt was all the way on the ground and I didn’t notice it had slipped off. Then I put it back on, and I walked back home. I had to go to the bathroom and there were no toilets, so I went openly on the street. A policeman came by and gave me a ticket. I felt angry that I got a ticket for that since I couldn’t find a bathroom. Sincerely, Naked

Dear Naked, You are being open and honest in your selfexpression, and there are parts of yourself that are okay with this, and other parts of yourself that dislike your openness and honesty. At times you feel you can’t control your open expression (shirt falling off). You have thoughts that you want to release but feel again that you have to be open about it. You recognize the need for discipline in the way you express and release your thoughts. You feel you don’t have the proper attitude to do so.


rick An and Pat n y r h t a by K

I am at a gathering of some sort with people of all ages. There is a toilet in the middle of the room. A little boy comes up through the toilet. He has poop on his legs and feet. I clean him off with a towel. Then I notice there is poop all around the toilet on the floor. I shove some of the poop back down the toilet and clean up the floor. Everyone else leaves the gathering except the boy that came out of the toilet. He is staring at me. I feel like I need to get away from him. I run out the door as fast as I can to escape. Sincerely, Poopy

Dear Poopy, Many subjects, such as poop, are difficult to discuss; however, when it comes to dreams, anything goes! Nothing is literal in dreams, so poop simply represents unneeded or unwanted thoughts. The value from the knowledge (food) has already been extracted, and what is left (waste) is no longer useful for you. You have many aspects of yourself present, but the aspect that captures your attention (boy) brings up old, wasteful thoughts (poop). You recognize the need to remove those old thoughts that cling to this part of yourself and put them where they belong, the toilet. This is a function of your mind that releases unneeded and unwanted thoughts. You are apprehensive about this part of yourself that brings up old unwanted thoughts (boy). You run away from this part of yourself, hoping to avoid what it is showing you. 63


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v Did you seek a career change? v Did you want better health? v Did you plan that much needed and deserved a vacation? At the start of the year, these may have been just desires, goals or dreams. Did you forget to manifest them or did daily life help you lose track? Goals are like seeds you plant with an intention and they need your positive attention and support to grow no different than a plant or flower. Some goals and ideas wither and die over time. Did yours? There’s still a chance for them to blossom as there a few months left before the old man of 2016 turns into the newborn baby of 2017 on New Year’s Eve.


an the fall season be here already? 2016 is flying by faster than thought possible on New Year’s Eve! September is known as the time of harvest this also makes it a good time to stop and take stock of where you are and more importantly where you are going for the balance of 2016. 66 | Eydis Magazine

v What seeds did you plant or intentions did you set earlier in the year?

v What plans changed course? v Did you plan to be happier? v Did you plan for more success? v Did you plan for a great romance?

2016 has sailed by us like a summer yacht on still waters there is still time to take hold of the rudder and steer it in the direction or destination that you desire. You’re always in control and in command. So Captain what’ll it be, choppy waters? Weathering the Storm? The glorious sunshine on glistening waters? It’s all up to you. As you know, life will throw bad weather at you that makes you twist and turn but never lose sight of the destination. Remember, half the fun is the journey it takes to get there. Ask any mother who has given birth, going from incredible pain to unbelievable joy in an instant! Life is the same way and guiding ourselves to the destination we chose is no different.

Some of us like in the Homer tale of Ulysses’ have Sirens to distract us off our course. The waters can be filled with guilt or shame of blame as distractions to take us off course. I’m writing this to help you stay the course and not lose sight of your intended finish line. I want you to get there before this year’s end as much as you do! As we know life has a million distractions but in between them often hides unseen opportunities. Let’s use this energy to propel our yacht back on course to its original destination. Then you’ll see what you accomplished and focused on by 2017 when the journey starts all over again. Take stock now as September is as good a time as any to make the adjustments needed to modify your course or trajectory as you speed to your desired destination by year’s end. Most often I see past experiences cloud our clarity or get in the way because we all know old habits die hard and it seems twice as hard to install choices that benefit us quicker. I recommend writing down your intended goals that you may have thought of earlier in the year, if not start now. This ensures that you can track your progress or at the very least be aware of what you’d like to see accomplished before 2016 ends. In many cases, linear is best which moves forward on a logical timeline. You can track completion dates and add progress reports too. There are many digital tools for datebooks and programmable calendar

reminders to alert you when time is running out or better yet, alter your course. It’s your ship and your destination. Take charge so that you can get you where you want to go, or at the very least move forward in a timely fashion. Never let the murky waters of indecisiveness slow you down. There are many ways to get some fresh wind in your sails:

v Ask some friends to coach you to remember your destination.

v Let others know your successes to cheer you on as go get closer to the destination.

v Tell others what your destination is so they can help you keep your eye on the prize.

v Converse with friends on how your goals may serve you better by getting feedback from those who care. The journey you choose to take is up to you. Remember, you’re the captain of your own yacht or ships destination. Let the new habits you’ve learned in 2016 get you there quicker. All hands on deck! Take my New Happiness Test at www.TestYourHappiness. com and get a FREE Live Consultation! Gary Stuart Speaker, Author, Constellation Facilitator, Teacher has been documenting his healing experiences over the past several decades. As a young student of Primal

Therapy and Shamanism, his insightful writings provide a unique perspective on the correlation between the micro and macro-cosmos, between our inner and outer worlds. His first book on Constellations Many Hearts, One Soul set the stage for his latest book Master Your Universe: How to Direct & Star in Your Own Life on Kindle or paperback at www. He leads healing workshops and trains, both nationally and internationally and resides in Los Angeles. He’s be facilitating Constellation Healing workshops in the Detroit Metro area this September and November 2016. Distance Constellations are his healing specialty! His FREE E-Book: and online Gary Stuart, Author, Constellation Facilitator, Teacher, Lecturer, has been documenting his healing experiences over the past several decades. As a young student of Primal Therapy and Shamanism, his insightful writings provide a unique perspective on the correlation between the micro and macro-cosmos, between our inner and outer worlds. His first book on constellations, Many Hearts, ONE SOUL, set the stage for his latest book, Master YOUR Universe: How to Direct & Star in Your Own Life on Kindle or paperback at He leads workshops and trainings nationally and internationally and resides in Los Angeles. Visit or 67

The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe. –Gustave Haubert

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Write For Eydis Authentic Living Magazine 69



t was from going to church as a kid that I learned the concept of tithing – giving back to God a portion of what one is privileged to earn. The guideline recommended was 10%. That takes some discipline, and yet as with many 70 | Eydis Magazine

activities or commitments in life, discipline pays off in big results. With discipline, most of us can “afford” to give back 10% of what we earn to causes that support those less fortunate than ourselves. And those of you who practice this

know the joy that is inherent in developing a practice, a habit, a routine, of giving. But it’s not just in the financial arena that tithing spews out its benefits. What occurred to me this morning was that tithing my time

has similar, priceless rewards. My life got away from me a little this summer, too busy with business deals, travel, taking care of our home, and a death in the family. These things pecked away at my previous

habit of morning devotional time. Spending time in the quiet, connecting with God, and aligning myself with love and peace each day, has always paid off in emotional and spiritual benefits unknown to those who have not experienced it.

But I got out of the habit, out of the routine, out of the discipline. And, of course, I paid for it in more anxiety, more stress, less focus, and mismanagement of eating, exercise, and connecting with friends. 71

Aligning with the Love that is our source clears up a lot, and although tithing 10% of our day to reconnect with my purpose, my goals, the things most important in my life pays dividends beyond expectation, I have found even a smaller portion, a half hour daily of returning to my Source, is an investment well made. A monetary investment that returns 10% is considered pretty good in the financial world. I have found the payoff for tithing devotional time to return much more than that – contentment, appreciation, peace, joy, smiles, gratitude, clarity – all things that 72 | Eydis Magazine

make my life infinitely better. It’s a time that enriches everything else I do, time that allows me to love more deeply, serve with greater commitment, and have the satisfaction of every moment staying on purpose. That’s my wish for you today – the blessings of a tithing habit in time with God. You deserve the blessings, the freedom, the joy that comes from such an investment. And there will be no words that can explain the bliss you receive in return. It will be your little secret to success in life, and people will wonder as they observe you, “How do you create the marvelous life you have?”

And you will smile, knowing it’s available to everyone, and appreciating that you have found your practice, your habit, your discipline, that gives your life back to you.

David is a licensed psychologist in private practice who has been leading people into life fulfillment for more than thirty years. His work with Kate Sholonski at Triumph Leadership Group involves creating and sustaining healthy and productive relationships in the workplace. David is a contributing author to four books, has been a TV talk show host, and resides in rural Minnesota with his wife, Carol.

Have your dream interpreted by Kathryn and Patrick Andries, authors of the recently released Naked in Public: Dream Symbols Revealed, and The Dream Doctor. Please send e-mail to: Learn more about their books at 73

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had no idea what an angel card reading was when I first heard the concept. Was it magic or witchcraft? What is scary? Would I be in a trance? Would I see dead people? Would I be haunted? Would it jeopardize my faith? Thankfully the answers to all of those fearful thoughts were NO. It was a loving, beautiful experience for me I am happy to report. So much so, that within six months of my first angel card reading, I was investigating being an angel card reader myself in service of others.


An Angel Card Reading is a method of receiving guidance from the Divine using Oracle cards as a tool. There are 100’s of oracle card decks available and many people choose a variety that suits their passions such as Archangels, Dolphins, Fairies, Butterflies, Guidance… the most well know creator of oracle cards is Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Some readers even create their own card decks. The type of card deck doesn’t matter, what does matter is that you receive a reading from someone you feel a connection with and that you have faith that the messages will come forth for you. There is a Certified Angel Card Reader™ designation available through Dr. Doreen Virtue. This certification can assure you that the reader has undergone a rigorous course of study to ensure the best experience possible for the client. 75

The angel card reading generally begins with prayer and uses the Law of Attraction principles to receive the correct cards for the client, cards are drawn from the deck and the reader shares the intuitive guidance the card brings forth for the client. Since we are all energy, the exchange of energy between the client, the reader, the angels and the cards produces the customized experience for the client. No two readings produce the same results. There are several formats of readings, from a single card up to ten cards or more. The most common is a three card drawing. The three cards can represent the past, present or future depending on the outcome the client is looking for, the types of questions they

ask the reader or silently ask the Universe during the reading. Examining the cards individually and as a series is an important part of the reading. Anything that happens during the reading is part of the reading. If a door slams shut during the reading that is an important factor and guidance for the client. The reader needs to put aside their ego and focus upon their higher self in order to best serve the needs of the client and to give the best reading possible. An angel reading is a gentle, beautiful way for you to connect and receive guidance from God’s divine messengers; your angels. It’s like having a warm, inviting conversation with a trusted friend or loved one where you leave feeling uplifted and surrounded and filled with love.

You can even perform an angel card reading for yourself as part of your daily spiritual practice. Most card decks come with a booklet to further explain the cards in much more detail. I’m Janette Stuart, Founder of Angel Angles which is my labor of love. I have wanted to express my soul’s work in a more visible way and am now devoting more time to Angel Angles since my retirement in 2015. Angel Angles exists to spread more love, joy and peace into the world. I have always loved to write, I write every day. I write longhand in several different journals as well as type electronically. I have always loved handwriting, the sending of cards and notes, the keeping of a journal or diary. My first book, “On a Path of Joy” will be available in September. I am thrilled. My hope is that the book will help the reader develop or enhance their relationship with their Creator. I am a grateful member of and core blogger for The Wellness Universe. The Wellness Universe is an evolutionary community of members who are positively impacting the world in one or more of the 7 areas of wellness. As a lifelong empath, I have experienced people’s feelings deeply. I have a deep compassion for my fellow man and love deeply. I choose to live a joy filled life each day and hope to help others do the same. Joy is my focus word for 2016. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband of 33 years, Mark, and our rescue boxer dog, Spike. We have a grown son, Max, who is happily serving in the Coast Guard. I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor as well as an angelic practitioner. Besides writing, I am a lifelong learner, who reads daily, I also enjoy walking in nature, sky watching, cooking, RVing along the California Coast and visiting with friends and family. Some of my most requested recipes are Asian Chicken Salad and Sticky Toffee Pudding.

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Authors Page Feature Your Book 77

Wealth Consciousness

Manifest your destiny



regular focus on gratitude is proven way to boost your financial happiness and maybe even your bank balances. Gratitude is the no-cost magic elixir to cure many financial (and general life) ills. Focusing on what you 80 | Eydis Magazine

are thankful for has been shown to improve overall well-being and happiness. You may have heard before about how turning your attention to what you are grateful for can help you improve your health, experience less stress, sleep better, and

maybe even live longer. But did you know it can actually boost your happiness levels more than doubling your income does? A practice of focusing on what you are grateful for just five minutes a day can make a big positive

beautiful sentiments such as “I’m grateful for my teachers,” “I’m grateful for my friends,” and “I’m grateful we are happy, healthy, and safe.” One night, when he was ten, our son Benjy said: “Mommy, I am so grateful you and Daddy are magnanimous, that we live in such a utopia, and that our life is so fortuitous.” I gave him a quizzical look and he replied, “Those are Mrs. Kramer’s spelling words this week.” Why did I start this practice with our children? I knew of some of the benefits of gratitude, but I also had a financial education motive in mind. Over the years, I’ve observed that people who were over- spenders talked a lot about what they didn’t have in their lives. In contrast, the good savers talked about what they were thankful for. Here’s what some recent research shows: Gratitude can reduce materialism. And materialism seems to reduce happiness at every income level. So by focusing on gratitude, not only will you help yourself be less materialistic, you’ll probably naturally spend less money and be able to save more. difference in your life. These can be really big things, such as the health of your family, or smaller things, like the warm cup of tea you’re drinking as you are reading. I started a gratitude practice with our children when they

were very young. Each night as I tucked them into bed we took turns to share five things we were grateful for. When I first began this bedtime ritual, I expected to hear about their toys and electronics. Instead, our son and daughter shared

Grateful people are great to hang out with. Think about the people you most enjoy, the ones you just love spending time with. Chances are they aren’t the whiners and complainers. They are likely glasshalf-full people who make you feel good about yourself when 81

you’re in their presence. We bet they’re grateful people who focus on what’s working well in their lives. I remember fondly a woman named Eunice who passed away a few years back. At her funeral, Eunice’s daughters and son-in-law commented on how she would always call them after family functions to let them know how much she loved and appreciated the time they spent together. She’d share the specifics of what she enjoyed and how grateful she was to have them in her life. As I heard this, I realized that was one of the reasons I enjoyed Eunice so much—Eunice constantly told me what she appreciated about me and how important I was to her. Eunice’s gratitude not only was good for Eunice, but it also made me feel like a million bucks.

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This likability factor helps make grateful people better managers, which may help boost their career success. Grateful people have also been found to be more focused and productive—traits that certainly help in career advancement. If you are grateful and therefore happier, you may also make more money than your grumpy counterparts. One study revealed that students between ages sixteen and eighteen who described themselves as happier had greater life satisfaction at age twenty-two and earned more by age twenty-nine. Those who described themselves as “very happy teens” ended up earning 10 percent more than the average of people in the

study. Gratitude has also been shown to raise optimism levels as well as self-esteem. And people who are highly positive and have strong self-esteem have higher incomes. Again, we can’t promise that focusing on gratitude will increase your income, but why not give it a try? You certainly have nothing to lose. One of the reasons gratitude yields so many benefits is that when you are intentionally focusing on what’s working well in your life, you’re less likely to also focus on what sucks or what you have no control over. The gratitude pushes out the negative thinking. So when the stock market is going down and your anxiety level is spiking up, take a worry break and focus on

what you are grateful for. You can start with being grateful for having money to invest to begin with, because many people don’t. More than half of all Americans have less than three months’ emergency (“solutions”) cushion in savings, and 27 percent have no savings at all. Almost two-thirds of people are living paycheck to paycheck. If you happen to be one of them, what can you focus on that’s working well? If you have a job, be grateful for that. No job right now? How about your health? Even if everything seems to be crumbling down, can you be grateful for something in this moment? The sun shining or the sounds of the birds? Even in the darkest of times, there’s always something to be thankful for.

Here are some ideas for incorporating more gratitude into your daily life: •

Spend five minutes daily writing about what you are grateful for in a Prosperity Notebook. Try to find at least one new thing each day to add to your list.

If journaling isn’t your thing, spend time thinking about what you are thankful for. I like to review my blessings each day when I conclude my meditation. A woman at a workshop in Denver shared with me that whenever she’s stopped at a red light, instead of fiddling with the radio or checking her phone, she uses the time for gratitude thinking. What kind of gratitude practice can you build into your life?

Feel grateful. As you are writing or thinking about all that rocks in your life, actually feel grateful. My friend Mary calls this “vibrating gratitude.” Give the gift of gratitude. Each and every day express your gratefulness. Saying thank you and sharing your heartfelt appreciation will not only make you feel good but will benefit the recipient as well. Write thank-you notes. When we say “write” we mean actually write. E-mail

notes of appreciation are good, but handwriting a note will surprise and delight the person who receives it. •

Say thank you when you have the opportunity to pay a bill. Most people hate paying their bills. If you still write out your checks by hand, print “Thank you” under your signature in recognition of your gratitude for having the money to pay. If you pay your bills electronically, add your words of thanks in the memo or description section if you have the option. If no option is available, say a word of thanks out loud as you hit the “confirm” button.

What we appreciate in life, appreciates. If you catch yourself complaining, stop. Then find something you can be thankful for instead. Growing the seeds of positive thinking and thankfulness isn’t a guarantee of future financial success, but it is worth a try. There is no downside to gratitude, and the upside can be quite big.

Ellen Rogin, CPA and CFP®, is an Abundance Activist® and author of the New York Times best seller, “Picture Your Prosperity: Smart Money Moves to Turn Your Vision into Reality.” Learn more about Ellen and her programs at. 83


Breaking the Bank

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by Mella Barnes


hances are, you’ve got a savings account or are making one. Or like me, you keep thinking about doing it and hope that should be enough to make savings appear somehow. Saving is one of the important aspects of being a responsible adult (which is why I don’t have one). Between the high costs of living and wanting to have a safety net, we feel a constant need to save money on everything. We have look for deals anywhere we can. Music is considered a luxury to many. Why pay for it when it’s readily available for free? This started with programs like Napster and Limewire in the early 2000s. Although artists fought back against the free music movement, it is still easy to obtain free music today. YouTube offers free streaming of music videos, Spotify is relatively inexpensive with unlimited access to music, and Pandora is a free service that streams music. This comes at a cost to artists, who depend on sales to live. Obviously, I’m biased because I’m an artist, but hear me out: One of the writers of “All About That Bass,” Meghan Trainor’s breakout hit, says he made only $5,679 from royalties on the song after it was streamed 178 million times (Butterly, 2015). According to my trusty calculator, that equates to roughly 0.000031 cents per stream. Chances are, you or someone you love has been Rickrolled a time or two. You know, the old prank where someone sends you a link, you click on it innocently, and suddenly you’re watching the video of Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.” The song was streamed over 150 million times in 2008 alone (Nosowitz, 2009) and the songwriter earned a whopping $16. My calculator wouldn’t even compute this. It just shook its head in disgust and shut itself off. It may have died of a broken heart. 85

The world is making many progressive movements toward living more ethically. You may be trying to recycle, buy organic, or even just reading about how to do these things. How can we add music to these worthy causes? How can we enjoy music ethically, while still supporting the artists and making sure they get their dues? This may be something you’ve never even considered, and that’s totally okay, but I’d like to discuss a few ways to support artists that help them make a living and help you continue to grow your savings. BUYING THE ALBUM This is an obvious one, but chances are you’ve heard a song you love on YouTube, 86 | Eydis Magazine

Pandora, or on the radio. If you check out a few more songs by the artist and enjoy them, why not buy the album? The artist might not make much off of it, but it’s more than nothing (and album sales impact their record label negotiations later as well). Your major options are usually iTunes or Amazon, and there are ways to get discounts for either. You could check for promo or discounted gift cards, or ask for gift cards for your birthday or the holidays. Sometimes you can buy the album directly from the artists’ website, or they have a special site you can purchase from. You might have a harder time getting deals on smaller sites, but it’s worth a try! Additionally, you can buy a physical album at the artists’ show, which brings me to my next point:

ATTEND LIVE SHOWS Artists usually make more money off of live shows than they do the album. Your presence is important! Venues gauge whether or not to have the artist back again based on how many tickets they sell. Plus, it’s never fun playing to an empty room. You can check Groupon for cheap concert tickets, or sign up for the venue’s mailing list for discounts and freebies. You can also volunteer to work the merch booth for an artist in exchange for seeing the show for free. You’re still helping the artist so it’s a win-win! BUY MERCHANDISE This is a great way to show support for the artist and advertise for them also. Your friends will ask where you got

the shirt/keychain/sticker, and you might be able to convert them into a fan. It’s rare to get any kind of discount here, but if you’ve saved money on the show you might be able to splurge on something at the table. It’s also a great way to meet the artist and maybe sign up for their email list. STAY CONNECTED Artists need fans for more than just financial support. Your Facebook “like” or Twitter follow might not seem like much, but artists value their fans and the connections they form with them. You never know when an artist might need votes for a contest, an opinion on their new song, or to invite fans to a special show. You’ll be the first to know if you’ve signed up to be in their inner circle. The best part of this is that it’s completely free to you and valuable for the artist! Of course, if you aren’t sure about any of these, there is one simple solution:

to review it. Singles usually cost about a dollar so it’s worth it to support the artist if you truly like their work. At the end of the day, I don’t want anyone to feel bad about using Spotify or Pandora. Those are legitimate companies and you’re doing nothing wrong. However, if you would like to be more involved with an artist and you truly value their work, it’s easy to help them out on their artistic journey while staying true to your financial path. When you consider the vast amount of time, energy, and money that goes into a studio album, it’s well worth it to support the artist if you enjoy what you hear. Every fan is appreciated and every bit of support, whether financial or otherwise, is important. SOURCES: Butterly, Amelia. “All About That Bass Writer Says He Got

$5,679 from 178m Streams.” BBC Newsbeat. 24 Sept. 2015. Web. 21 July 2016. <http:// article/34344619/all-about-thatbass-writer-says-he-got-5679from-178m-streams>. Nosowitz, Dan. “Never Gonna Give You Up” Songwriter Paid Only $16 by Youtube.” Gizmodo. 11 Apr. 2009. Web. 20 July 2016. <http://gizmodo. com/5208172/never-gonnagive-you-up-songwriter-paidonly-16-by-youtube>. Mella is a session singer, songwriter and producer living in Nashville Tennessee. Also an animal lover, she has three dogs, a rabbit, and any number of foster animals in various shapes and sizes. She is the author of Way Less Cowbell, a book on communicating with session musicians. If you would like more information or to hire her onto your project, please visit

ASK THE ARTIST This only works for small/ local artists (and the major artists are usually doing fine financially anyway), but feel free to reach out to the artist and ask how you can support them! They may need help on their street team, or you could take some flyers and put them up for a show. Maybe they just released a single and would like you | 87


hy Living


90 | Eydis Magazine

by Liz Bull

Laughing beats rowing machines. Really. Did you know that laughing 100 times is equivalent to a 10-minute workout on the rowing machine or 15 minutes on an exercise bike? YES! So what is laughter anyway? Laughter is made up of a series of short vowellike sounds repeated every 210 milliseconds (1000th of a second ). There are two styles of laughter: the “ ho-ho-ho” style and the “ ha-ha-ha” style. The two are never mixed. (It’s a physiological thing.) It’s important to remember that humor and laughter are two different things. Remarkably, up to 80% of laughter is not in response to a joke. It mostly occurs during a pause at the end of the phrase or at the end of the sentence. Women laugh 125% more often than men. (mmmm....) Kids laugh four hundred times per day, on average, while adults might laugh around fifteen times. Sad, but true! There is much evidence that laughter is medically beneficial. Norman Cousins (Editor-In-Chief of the Saturday Review, author, and winner of several peace prizes), who was suffering from a crippling disease of the connective tissues, checked himself into a hotel room and watched one funny show or movie after another. He laughed and laughed and laughed! By doing this, he found that 10 minutes of 91

Laughter makes us feel good both physiologically and psychologically. Here are the surprising benefits of laughter: • It reduces anxiety and tension • It boosts the immune system by stimulating the thymus gland • It reduces levels of stress hormones • It gives you a fullbody, aerobic workout by working the diaphragm as well as the abdominal, respiratory, facial and back muscles • It gets positive endorphins pumping! • It invokes feelings of happiness and joy • It promotes creative thoughts • It stimulates both sides of the brain • It creates bonding with other people

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really big laughs gave him two full hours of pain-free sleep. He also found that laughter, in time, cured disease/illness (more than once).For more information on this amazing man, check out Anatomy of An Illness. In a study at the University of Maryland, it was found that we laugh three times more often in social situations than when we are by ourselves. Nothing is better than a shared laugh! I love that Laughter Yoga exists! And I often recommend to clients that they take laughter breaks during the day, the way I do! Check out Comedy Central or the Laugh Factory’s Joke of the Day, or Ready to replace that rowing machine with a good hoot? Try this exercise instead. Look into a mirror. Your face is a reflection of your mind. So what do you see? Relax into the “inner you”. Look into your eyes and smile at yourself. Make sure you smile with both your eyes and your mouth. Now close your eyes and breathe deeply. Relax your shoulders. Smile softly and feel your brain. There is a direct connection from your heart to your brain! When your brain relaxes and rejoices, your heart sings. It may dance as well! Now try frowning. You may notice that as soon as you twist up your face, your heart and brain connection gets blocked. Your brain will feel tense. As we know, smiling and laughing affect your brain in a positive

way; therefore this makes sense. Repeat this exercise a few times. The first smile, then frown. This will stimulate your brain. Now try laughing as hard as you can. Just shake in every part of your body. Focus on your face, then your chest, your belly, your knees and finally toes... laughing the entire time. This good laugh will open up your energy centers. Do this exercise daily and see how your life will change. And remember that laughter is contagious. So spread it as far as you can!

Because life is for laughing! Liz Bull helps women (and brave men!) who are fed up with weight loss programs that don’t work to finally get a body and a life they love. She is dedicated to busting up the myths, misconceptions and misinformation about obesity. With her innovative signature program she works with her clients to release their limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears, and helps them tap into their natural abilities and their bodies’ wisdom, making weight loss easy and safe. A Medical Intuitive, Master Theta Healer and Certified Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner , Liz has long been fascinated by the important role mind, body, and beliefs play in our lives. Her other studies and certifications include EFT, Psych-K, Matrix Energetics, Access Consciousness, QiGong, NLP and Transcendental Meditation. She has transferred her successful healing/mindset work with businesswomen to the arena of weight loss because she has experienced first-hand the havoc and misery that obesity creates not only for the sufferer but for their families.


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know the Eydis Authentic living crowd is concerned with all things delicious, beautiful, and healthy. Readers tend to be fabulous foodies who are concerned about what they put into their bodies, and want more information on living a nutritious life. That’s why I think we can have a frank discussion about what it really means to live a plant-based lifestyle, and how that can positive affect other parts of your life.


First off, a lot of people ask why I use the term “plant-based” instead of vegan. That’s a pretty easy one to explain: vegan food can be very unhealthy. Plenty of cookies are vegan, corn-based convenience foods can be vegan, and weird pseudo-meats that contain very little real food—those can be vegan as well. But changing the dialogue to “plant-based” shifts the focus to what food is, instead of what it isn’t. So it isn’t meat or dairy, but it is coming out of the ground, or from something that doesn’t “have a face.”


Once you’ve established that you want to make healthful, informed choices for how to fuel your body with high-quality, plant-based foods, you can start to shift the rest of your lifestyle to positively affect all aspects 95

Lemony Artichoke Quinoa Salad Makes 8 servings. 1 cup onion, chopped 1/2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped 1 9-oz. pkg frozen artichoke hearts, thawed 1 cup vegetable broth 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa 1 cup fresh parsley, chopped 5 tsp grated lemon rinds 1 1/2 TBS fresh lemon juice 1/4 tsp sea salt 2 TBS toasted pine nuts, for garnish Sauté the onion & thyme together for 5 minutes or until the onion is tender. Add the artichokes and sauté for 2 more minutes or until heated through. Add the broth & the quinoa; bring to a simmer. Cover & cook for about 18 minutes or until the liquid is completely absorbed. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in the lemon juice, lemon rind & sea salt. Can be served warm or at room temperature. 96 | Eydis Magazine

of your life. You just need to be open to the idea that, if you’re not happy with part of your life or if you think it could be better, you may have to work to change it and improve it. If you’re ready for that, it will happen. Use your energy and positive attitude gained from plant-based eating as a way to ignite your passion for improving yourself!

eating fresh, whole foods make you feel like you can take on anything. Sometimes, once we get used to something, we don’t realize the positive benefits. When you get done eating and you feel good, you don’t think about it, right? Take a minute to think about times in your life when you haven’t lived so healthily. How did you feel?


Following a plant-based diet makes you glow, from the inside out. Fresh eating gives you energy and vibrancy, improves your outer beauty, and makes your soul happy knowing that you’re living a more sustainable life. Remember that!

I’m sure you’ll agree that eating well makes you feel good. Unlike a greasy trip through the drive-thru that leaves you feeling tired and bloated for the rest of the day (or longer!),


What readers may not know is that a lot of other struggles and issues can be fixed with plant-based eating. On top of lowering risk for chronic disease in the long term, and making your body feel good immediately, plant-based eating can be focused to help you love yourself. I want people to see how this kind of eating can aid their other goals and lead to confidence, passion, and self-love like they’ve never felt before. Maybe plant-based eating is the first step in changing to a whole goal-driven lifestyle for you. Whether it is something dietary like losing weight, or something totally different like changing your career—eating well is something you can control and use to fuel your other passions. Also, food is not just a way to sustain yourself, but is a way to

show care for yourself. Plantbased eating is a guilt-free, joyous celebration of food that you get to experience every day. Why? Because you deserve it! Because it’s what’s best for you, your heart, and the environment. I’ve seen many women overcome selfesteem issues and problems with self-love because they started with plant-based eating that made them feel like they were worthy of that attention.


Now, there are two additional areas that I think need to fit into a plant-based lifestyle in order to really make you a happy, whole person: stress management and exercise. They can easily be tailored to your plant-based life. It’s one thing to eat to work out, but it’s another thing to eat in a way that you are overflowing with energy and self-love, so much that you can’t help but work out! Use

your excess energy to find an exercise routine that makes you feel fabulous. Then, once you’ve fueled your body and burned off your wonderful kinetic energy, do something that makes you feel grounded. Find relaxing ways to wind down and bring calm into your everyday life. Whether it’s religion or spirituality, journaling, an art form, or simply giving your mind much-needed quiet time to reflect and refresh, managing stress through finding calm is the perfect final step to using your plant-based lifestyle to fulfill your purpose in life. As a bonus to Eydis Authentic Living readers, here is one of my favorite recipes from my book The Fire Driven Life. Visit my website for more information, and weekly Meatless Monday recipes! Vanessa Chamberlin is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Lifestyle Coach and author of The Fire-Driven Life: How to Ignite the Fire of Self-Worth, Health, and Happiness with a Plant-Based Diet. For more information, please visit and connect with her on Facebook Twitter @vkchamberlin. 97

Get Your Happy On! Ways to create a longer happier existence

• Meditate/Quiet your mind

• Focus on Fitness

• Eat proportionally/Don’t over eat

• Have date night

• Turn off the TV

• Get Social/Girl talk

• Drink in Moderation • Have fun! /be-successful

100 | Eydis Magazine

Apples Apples & More Apples by Annabel Cohen


ichigan is the third largest apple producing state in the union. More than half of these yearly 30-million bushels are transformed into commercial products (not just desserts!) and the other half make it into our tummies either through restaurants, local products including that delicious cider available right now, raw (eaten out of hand) or in these recipes. 101

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Sautéed Chicken with Apples Makes 6 servings.

This may sound complicated, but it’s not. Best of all, you can make it a day in advance. I like to serve this over noodles or mashed potatoes. • 6 boneless and skinless chicken breasts (about 2 ½ pounds) • Kosher salt and pepper to taste • 1 cup flour, for dredging (you may use gluten-free flour if desired, but your recipe may require more oil) • 1/4 cup olive oil (not extra-virgin) • 2 cups white wine (any kind) or chicken broth (canned is fine) • 1 cup chopped shallots or onions • 2 Tbsp. apple brandy • 2 large apples, your favorite variety, unpeeled, cut into 1/2-inch chunks • 1 Tbsp. grained Dijon mustard • 1 Tbsp. dried parsley flakes • 1 tsp. dried thyme • ¼ cup fresh minced parsley Trim excess fat from chicken breasts and season them with salt and pepper. If the breasts are thick, more than an inch, slice them HORIZONTALLY to make 2 thinner fillets. Place flour in a shallow dish and dredge the chicken breasts in it. Pat the breasts to remove excess flour. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat and brown the chicken breasts on both sides. You may have to make this in batches if your skillet isn’t big enough. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Pour the broth, brandy, mustard, thyme and parsley in a large glass or ceramic baking dish. Stir well. Arrange the chicken in the dish. Sprinkle the apples over and around the breasts. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 1 hour. Remove the foil, add the peas and cook the chicken for 30 minutes more, or until the sauce is thickened. 103


There are more than 7500 apple varieties More than half the apples grown in the US are sold for commercial uses Honey Crisp is the most popular eating variety. Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Jonagold, Fuji, and Gala are right behind.

About 20 varieties of apples are grown in Michigan on a commercial basis

A small apple (about 5 ounces) has about 80 Calories and about 3 grams of fiber

Apples have no fat, sodium or cholesterol

The phytonutrients in apples can help you regulate your blood sugar

It takes about 36 apples to make 1 gallon of cider

104 | Eydis Magazine

Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal Apple Crisp FILLING: 3 pound Granny Smith apples, peeled or unpeeled, and cut into 1-inch chunks. ½ cup real maple syrup ¼ cup cornstarch 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 tsp. ground cinnamon TOPPING: 2 cups old-fashioned or rolled oats (not quick or instant oats) 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. Kosher or sea salt ½ cup (1 stick) olive oil or melted butter

Preheat the oven to 350℉. Spray an attractive 9x13-inch (or equivalent) baking dish with nonstick cooking spray (the crisp will be served in the baking dish) Combine the filling ingredients in a large bowl and toss well to coat with syrup. Transfer to the baking dish. Bake while you prepare the topping. Combine topping ingredients in a large bowl (use the apple filling bowl!). Crumble the topping over the apples. Bake for 45-55 minutes more, until the topping is golden and the apples are softened. Allow to cool for 30-minutes before servings. Makes 12 servings.

Kale Apple Pecan Salad

Makes 6 or more servings.

10 cups thinly shredded kale (tough stems removed) 2 apples, any variety, unpeeled and diced into ½-inch chunks 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup chopped parsley 1 cup chopped red or Bermuda onion 1 cup chopped pecans, lightly toasted 1/2 cup golden raisins DRESSING: 1/3 cup olive oil 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup apple cider 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard Kosher salt and pepper to taste Combine the lettuce, apples, celery, parsley, onion, pecans and raisins in a large bowl and toss well. Combine the oil, vinegar, cider and mustard in a small bowl and whisk well. Add 1/2 the dressing to the salad and toss well. Add more dressing as desired and season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve immediately. Annabel is a foodie. She’s a writer. A cooking instructor. An explorer. She’s a aesthete. She knows how to cook. Until fairly recently, Annabel only cooked for people she knows. Her catering, articles, blogs and ANNABEL COHEN COOKS DETROIT Facebook page have earned not just kudos, but awards as well. She was chosen as a Crain’s Detroit Business Magazine “Most Passionate Cooks” and has been profiled in: The Paper, HOUR Detroit, The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, The Big Idea, Oakland Press, Royal Oak Tribune, The Detroit Jewish News, Style Magazine, “LIVE in the D,” among others. She won “Best Caterer” in 2015 in The Detroit

Jewish News, and in 2014 in HOUR Detroit magazine. She was voted “Best Brazilian Food” by Detroit Monthly magazine. Among countless television and radio appearances, Annabel was the deciding judge on the Travel Channel’s “Food Wars” for a Detroit episode pitting rivals Lafayette Coney Island against American Coney Island. Annabel is an author. She co-authored “Eating for Acid Reflux” in 2003 and in 2013 created all the recipes for 2014’s “Fast Diets for Dummies.” As a stylist, Annabel has assisted in countless photo shoots and tested and styled recipes for ads, articles and even a few books she didn’t write. She’s also a cooking instructor and writer/columnist with articles that focus on her favorite things — food, travel and lifestyle. 105


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Do you want to be healthy?

I’m here to tell you no matter where you are or what your past, you can make it happen! You’re at the nail salon and you hear two other ladies chatting about their diets. The first one says, “I want to be healthy and feel great.” The second one says, “I intend to be healthy and feel great.”

Which one do you think is going to get healthy and feel great? You guessed it –

it’s the one who intends it.

Do something to make your desire happen. Let’s say you want to increase your vegetable servings to four servings of vegetables a day. Your first action may be to go purchase a few veggies you can have as a snack or cook for dinner. Prep them immediately after purchase and have the recipes picked out in advance to make it easy for you to be compliant with this goal. Celebrate your achievement! Don’t forget to congratulate yourself for meeting your goal. There’s nothing like a bouquet of flowers on your kitchen counter to remind you of achieving your goal.

Wanting is simply wishing you can have or do a particular thing. Intending means you’re committed to achieving it and this intention fuels you to make a plan for success – and then stick to it!

How to Have a Great Day... Every Day!

The Fuel for Desired Health Results

Try this “Setting an Intention to Succeed” exercise used by professional athletes, speakers, politicians, and performers:

The key to intention is action. Here are a couple ways you can build your intention muscle: •

Get clear on what you want. Create a vision board. Gather images and words that pertain to your goal, and glue them onto a large piece of paper, bulletin board or even your refrigerator. Hang the collage in a spot where you’ll see it often – where you put your keys, in your office, or even in your bathroom. You can also use an online service like Pinterest to create a digital vision board.

Rather than diving into your day first thing and hope you’ll achieve your day’s big goal, take a moment and set yourself up for success.

Upon waking, lie in bed and think about what you have planned for your day (or, find a quiet spot to sit and contemplate).

Think about your desired outcome. Take a deep breath and visualize yourself succeeding.

• •

Replay your success several times in your mind. Next, add other senses, including sounds, smells, and touch. For instance, as you replay your success, you

now also hear the director offering you the gig, or you feel the physical sensation of your finger hitting the “send” button on your latest assignment. •

Lastly, replay the scene again, adding emotions. Feel your elation at getting the part, or your pride at finally finishing your work.

You can perform Setting an Intention to Succeed throughout the day as desired.

Get Even Healthier! Do you intend to lose weight, eat healthy, and feel fantastic? Make a plan to succeed by getting the support you need! As a Health Coach, I specialize in helping people make their own healthy changes. Ready to get started? Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today – or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Email me at cindy@ or visit my website at www.cindynunnery. com and get your free copy of 5 Foods That Will Help You Slim Down Naturally. Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Advocate for Living Lives We Love Everyday—Happy, Healthy & Energized! Email: Website: Like/Follow My Facebook Page: Follow Me: @cindynunnery Get Linked with Me: 107


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Y DO YOU RKOUT? by Rachel Tipton

I posted this question on Facebook the other day: WHY do you workout? I was amazed at how many people responded. I assumed people would say that they workout to lose weight, get skinny, or look good. I was way wrong! The majority of comments were about how exercise makes you FEEL. Check out some of what my friends and followers had to say about WHY they workout: •

To feel alive

To feel more energized

To challenge myself

Stress relief

Weight control

“Physically moving my body helps me stay mentally focused.”

To try to stay young

To prevent a heart attack and disease

“It’s my therapy.”

For mental decompression

For mood enhancement

For “me time”

To stay limber and youthful

To be around nice people at the gym

To control anxiety

To feel less guilty about eating what I want

To feel stronger 109

right quality, and it will sort itself out. The problem is that change takes time. Change takes patience. Change takes persistence. All of these things are difficult to nearly impossible to achieve if you do not have a good strong reason WHY. You need a reason to keep going when you feel like giving up. Everyone hits the wall when they are trying to reach a goal. It’s inevitable. If you have a strong WHY, it will power you through the tough times. •

To boost endorphins

To improve sleep

To sustain a higher energy lifestyle for work AND play

To make the outside world disappear for a while

To have the endurance and stamina necessary for me to fulfill my PURPOSE in life each day

“Because it is something I get to do today and knowing that one day I will wish I still could.”

All of these are awesome reasons to workout! I encourage you to take the time to figure out exactly why YOU want to get focused on your fitness goals. You know WHAT you want: you want to get into better shape than you are right now. You know HOW: start and exercise program and improve your nutrition. But, WHY do you want these things? Getting fit and losing weight are actually very simple things to do. It’s a math equation: start burning calories, eat the right amount of calories in the 110 | Eydis Magazine

How do you nail down your WHY? Take out a piece of paper. You can do it on a note on your phone, but paper and pen are always better. Set the timer for 5 minutes and start writing. Write down what you want to achieve: lose 10 lbs, run a marathon, fit in a size 10, lower your blood pressure, etc. Once you have that specific and measurable goal, start digging deeper into WHY you desire that outcome. So, you want to feel better….WHY? You want to look better….WHY? You wish to extend your life…WHY? This is where it gets good. Perhaps the real reason you want to get into shape is because your marriage is on the rocks. You want to ignite your partner’s passion for you again by getting yourself “together” physically. Perhaps you are hoping to attract a partner. Maybe you have a wedding or a reunion coming up and you want to show up looking great and filled with confidence. If you have had a health scare, or discovered some startling

numbers at the doctor’s office, you may feel strongly about saving your own life so you can be around for your family. Want to make more money, but lack the energy to show up as your best and most productive self? Whatever it is that is truly nagging at your heart and compelling you to take steps in the direction of better health, get it down on paper. Look your WHY dead in the eye. Accept where you are right now. And, get excited about where you are headed. You can achieve ANY goal. You can make any dream come true. It might not be easy, and you will encounter obstacles. Once you have your WHY down on paper, you can post it everywhere: on your bathroom mirror, on the fridge, on the back of the front door, on the dashboard of your car. Place reminders of your WHY around your home where you will see them. Put a note on your phone. Enlist a friend or a trainer or a mentor to help encourage you. Your WHY is unique to you. Let it drive you to success!

Rachel Tipton is a fitness coach based in Pawleys Island, SC. Her background in dance gives her a unique perspective on all her specialties: aerial fitness, golf conditioning, and general personal training. Her goal is to help people overcome their personal obstacles so that they can live the most fulfilling and productive life possible: The UltraFitLifestyle. For more tips, or to contact Rachel for assistance on enhancing your fitness journey, please visit or call 843-424-0995

Live in the moment

Believe that you can do anything


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