It is our greatest pleasure to launch the open call for the members of the Board at the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Armenia for 2014-2015. Work at the European Youth Parliament – Armenia is implemented on the voluntary basis and depending on the sponsorship, as well as types of the project may also imply salaries. The general workload is 1 hour a day and doesn’t require the presence of the Board Member at the Office (implies work from home). Nevertheless, EYP Armenia Board Meetings take place every Saturday and last for 4-5 hours. By becoming a part of EYP Armenia Board, you will then be in charge of the organization coordination and decision making process, thus implying a huge responsibility and a rewarding experience. Each elected Board Member is allowed to choose certain number of assistants who will help him/her to fulfill his/her mission in the scope of the position.
Why to apply? A great asset to the section “Working Experience” on your CV; Be a part of the decision-making process in the European Youth Parliament – Armenia Get equipped and develop existing professional, communication skills; Meet different high officials in Armenia, and the EU; Organize big-scale events in Armenia and not only; Have a vote in the decision making of the EYP Armenia, as an organization; Present our organization at the Board of National Committees (BNC) Meetings in Berlin; Become a part of an enthusiastic team of young and professional people; Participate in the evaluation process of thousands of applications; Develop the youth sector and sector of non-formal education in your community, city, country
The call is opened for the following positions:
President Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To lead the National Committee of EYP Armenia in accordance with the general EYP policies approved by the Governing Body and Board of National Committees; To develop a development plan to advance the mission and objectives of the EYP Armenia; To represent EYP Armenia at state bodies, committee meetings and perform the formal representation of the National Committee; To chair the Board meetings; To perform day-to-day coordination of EYP Armenia activities according to EYP policies and decisions of the Board; To write and present the annual report of EYP Armenia to the main stakeholders; To work out the short-term and long-term strategy for the organization; To present annual budget allocation; Etc.
Preferred skills: managing experience, well-developed understanding of EYP Structure and strategy development, strategic thinking, advanced knowledge of English Number of assistants allowed: max. 1
Vice-President on External Relations Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To implement needs-based market research to identify potential partners; To design a strategy on development of external relations of the National Committee; To settle cooperation with high schools, universities and International Organizations in Armenia (mostly in Yerevan); To work out the school-based schemes (teachers, classroom, delegations) in Yerevan; To coordinate the international relations and involvement of the National Committee in international projects; To propose schemes/projects to sustain the existing partners and strengthen the bonds To get in touch with potential supporters of EYP Armenia for further cooperation; To arrange meetings with different stakeholders that fundraisers propose; To perform the functions of the President in his absence according to the Charter; Etc.
Preferred skills: market research experience, experience in working with schools and universities, good communicator and presenter, well-developed writing skills, advanced knowledge of English Number of assistants allowed: max. 2
Vice-President on Strategy Development and Fundraising Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To write position papers showing EYP Armenia position on various geopolitical, local and regional matters; To work out the EYP Armenia policy and matters discussed during the BNC meeting in Berlin; To represent EYP Armenia at panel discussions, officials meetings, etc. in Armenia and the EU; To develop a strategy and concept for fundraising (grants) for the planned sessions, trainings and projects; To seek for the grant opportunities in Armenia to apply for the implementation of the EYP Sessions; To write grant proposal (in Armenian, in English) to attract local and international funds from the International Organizations, Funds, Embassies; To work on the Erasmus+ applications with partners of EYP Armenia; To write out the budget for the upcoming sessions, trainings and projects; Etc.
Preferred skills: experience in writing position papers on geopolitical matters, experience in writing grant proposals, well-developed analytical and writing skills, advanced knowledge of English Number of assistants allowed: max. 3
Vice-President on Regional Development Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To contact and settle cooperation with the Civil Society Organizations, NGOs in the regions of Armenia; To reach out high schools and universities in the regions of Armenia; To work out the school-based schemes (teachers, classroom, delegations) in Yerevan; To initiate and coordinate EYP Regional Sessions; To work out strategy for a better involvement of Armenian youth from regions in EYP Armenia projects/sessions/trainings; To propose funding/crowd funding schemes for the projects in the regions targeted at developing youth engagement (in close cooperation with Fundraiser); Etc.
Preferred skills: experience in working in the regions, good understanding of the situation in the regions, flexibility to travel within the regions of Armenia, advanced knowledge of Armenian (writing and speaking) Number of assistants allowed: max. 11 (number of regions + NKR)
Fundraiser Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To closely work with various private enterprises for sponsoring EYP events; To conduct market research to reveal the potential private enterprises for the events sponsorship; To develop information packages containing details on benefits of the EYP event sponsorship; To settle meetings with private enterprises and present EYP events commercial packages for sponsorship; To ensure sustainability in the funding schemes offered by the private enterprises; Etc.
Preferred skills: experience in work with private enterprises, developed connections with local businesses, understanding of the peculiarities in the work with businesses, good communicator, advanced knowledge of Armenian (writing and speaking) Number of assistants allowed: max. 4
HR Officer & Alumni Coordinator Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To manage the database of EYP Armenia members and Alumni; To disseminate calls received from other EYP representations to EYP Armenia Alumni through the mailing list and respective FB groups; To develop various EYP Armenia Alumni events/gatherings and present to the Board for approval; To coordinate the organization of the proposed Alumni events/gatherings; To develop official calls, online application forms for the National Selection Conferences, International Forums and other projects of EYP Armenia; To present to the Board of EYP Armenia the compilation of the application forms submitted (in 1 excel file) for National Selection Conferences, International Forums, and other projects; To send out the notification letters to the accepted and rejected participants for the National Selection Conferences, International Forums, and other projects; To take part in the assessment process of the submitted application forms for the different projects of EYP Armenia; To seek for non-EYP events and notify the EYP Armenia Members on the participation possibilities; Etc.
Preferred skills: highly knit and responsible, advanced organizing capabilities, creative way of thinking, out-of-box approaches, advanced knowledge of Armenian and English (writing and speaking), great communicator, personal approach to every EYPer Number of assistants allowed: max. 3
Local activities Coordinator Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To coordinate the overall organization of the Regional Sessions, National Selection Conferences, International Forums implemented by EYP Armenia; To take care of the logistical matters for the organization of Alumni Gatherings To conduct the overall coordination of the EYP Sessions organizers in terms of the venue, meals, accommodation arrangements; To implement info sessions about EYP Armenia in universities, schools, organizations; To closely cooperate with the fundraisers on the local activities; To make sure that the development plan by the President and Vice-President are maintained in the given dates; To get the updates from Vice-President on external relations and be present at the organized meetings with potential partners, school & universities representatives; To report to the Board the fulfillment of the development plan; Etc.
Preferred skills: highly responsible and handy, advanced organizing capabilities, creative way of thinking, experience in logistical matters, experience in many EYP Sessions/projects Number of assistants allowed: max. 3
PR Manager Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To work out the re-branding plan for EYP Armenia and report it to Board (working closely with creative manager/photographer and videographer); To undertake the implementation of the re-branding plan of EYP Armenia (working closely with creative manager/photographer and videographer); To develop Logos and Mottos for the EYP Sessions, Forums, Trainings, etc. (working closely with creative manager/photographer and videographer) To develop ideas for the posters, banners, promo materials of EYP Armenia and present it to the Board, along with budget To maintain the overall promotion of EYP Armenia on national and international levels; To work out the program of EYP Armenia Corporate Social Responsibility and present it to the board on the monthly basis; To spread the calls for participants in the EYP Armenia Events through the local and international youth networks (ARMSCOOP, ARMACAD, Mladiinfo, Eduactive, HeySuccess, as well as various FB groups) after receiving the calls from the HR of EYP Armenia To communicate with local youth movements, NGOs, clubs to raise the awareness and involvement of the latter in EYP Armenia projects; To propose certain events (especially on the holidays, days of commemoration) targeted at large public that will promote EYP Armenia as a brand; To develop a strategy for work with the media (including TV channels) in order to provide the coverage of the EYP Armenia Conferences, Sessions, Forums and Projects; To issue press releases on the EYP Armenia events and send out to the media representatives; To manage EYP Armenia FB page, twitter (PR-related posts); Etc.
Preferred skills: experience in PR techniques, experience in writing press releases, working with press/media experience, great communicator, out-of-box thinking, advanced knowledge of Armenian and English (written and spoken) Number of assistants allowed: max. 3
Communication Officer Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To manage EYP Armenia web-page, FB, news updates (communication related posts); To respond to daily e-mails, FB messages coming from non-EYPers; To coordinate the FB profile of “EYP Arm” To develop a plan of info sessions about EYP Armenia in universities, schools, centers and present it to the Vice-President on External Relations for approval; To keep in touch with the Alumni Coordinator on various news/achievements coming from Alumni to make respective coverage in the format of interviews; To coordinate and conduct visits to schools and Universities for raising awareness and involvement among youth; Etc.
Preferred skills: experience in working in wordpress (for webpage updates), flexibility in communication, knit and responsible, advanced writing skills, advanced knowledge of Armenian and English (written and spoken) Number of assistants allowed: max. 1
Creative Manager/Photographer Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To make the photo-coverage of EYP Armenia events, gatherings, projects; To initiate and implement photography projects to increase EYP Armenia visibility and social responsibility; To make the design of logo, posters, banners and other promo materials of EYP Armenia; To be the Head of the Evaluation Committee for the Media Team members at EYP Sessions; To assist PR manager on branding in the photo shooting-related areas. To coordinate the work of the Media Team members at EYP Sessions; Etc.
Preferred skills: be a professional photographer, out-of-box thinking, creative approaches, knowledge of corel draw/photoshop software packages Number of assistants allowed: max. 4
Videographer/Editor Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To prepare the teasers/trailers for the EYP Sessions, Forums, etc; To initiate and implement shooting of videos on awareness of social matters and issues; To prepare video materials on our sponsors; To conduct video preparation to present the ideas of EYP projects to larger public; To assist PR manager on branding in the video-related areas; Etc.
Preferred skills: be a professional videographer/video-editor, knowledge of Adobe After Effects software package, knowledge of various video-editing tools/softwares, out-of-box thinking, creative approaches Number of assistants allowed: max. 3
IT Officer Key Responsibilities and Duties:
To ensure secure maintenance of the web-page and FB page of EYP Armenia; To propose to the Board various ways the webpage can be improved in the future to ensure higher number in the outreach; To report to the Board on the statistics of the visitors of the webpage and work out the trends EYP Armenia is experiencing on the monthly basis; Work out new IT-driven products for EYP Armenia activities; Etc.
Preferred skills: knowledge in IT sphere, experience in developing mobile applications, be professional in sustaining web-security Number of assistants allowed: max. 3 General eligibility criteria: Age: 15-30 Citizenship: Armenian (or ethnicity – Armenian) Languages: fluency in Armenian and English languages Experience in EYP: participation in at least 1 EYP event (or EYP Armenia member) Skills: good communication and professional skills, team-work and MOTIVATION Application procedures: To apply for the above-mentioned positions, please fill out the online application form that can be found here: IMPORTANT: After registration, please submit one of you photos that you believe is the most suitable to be placed in the Elections Booklet to The deadline for the application is February 6, 23:59 Armenian Time.
ELECTION PROCEDURES: The elections will be held in the following stages: 1. After the application submission deadline, all the applicants will be registered. 2. A letter from presidency of the previous Board with the recommendations to all the registered Alumni will be sent. 3. In case, only 1 candidate has applied for a certain position, he will not be voted upon, but his approval will be implemented based on the previous Board Decision. 4. In case, nobody applies for a certain position a person who was holding the position in the previous board will be offered to continue his/her term. 5. A joint booklet will be created on Board Elections which will comprise motivation letters, EYP experience, photos, any other information on all the candidates for the specified positions. 6. EYP Armenia Alumni will get to know the candidates, go through the prepared booklet, thus checking the motivation and experience of the candidates. 7. The online voting will be launched in the scope of which all the EYP Armenia Alumni will be voting on their preferred candidates; 8. The online voting will last for 5 days, and will be considered legitimate in case more than 50% of EYP Armenia Alumni take part in it; 9. The Independent Committee will be monitoring the online voting process and will publish the results right after it closes. 10. After being elected in the Board of EYP Armenia for 2015, each Board member will be allowed to choose several assistants who will help the Board member to accomplish his/her mission in the given position. 11. The assistants chosen should be EYP Armenia Alumni/Members or can be non-EYPers, but should be approved by the Board of EYP Armenia for the latter case. 12. All the Board Members will be contacted by the elected President and informed about the 1st Board Meeting in the scope of which the knowledge transfer will be made, including a more detailed information on the functions of the Board members.