Dear EYP Armenia Alumni and Members, It is our pleasure to let you know that we are organizing one of the biggest EYP Gatherings of this year in cooperation with our partner Aeon Anti Café. This is a closed event only for EYP Armenia members and Alumni which intends to gather around 75 people, so the places are very much limited. The Gathering will comprise movie screening and playing various board games (can be found below) in the 9 pre-selected group. The Board games available are the following:
Carcassonne (strategy, 5 people) Dixit (strategy/story telling, 12 people) Ticket to ride (strategy, 5 people) Alias (guessing words, 14 people) Cluedo (detective investigation/murder mystery, 6 people) Catan (strategy, 8 people) Jungle Speed (cards/speed, 10 people) Monopoly (strategy/business development, 8 people) Mafia (cards/strategy, 12 people)
More details on the Board games can be found throughout the pages 2-9. Go through the games and make your choice on the groups. The Gathering will take place Aeon Anti Café ( 3A Teryan Street, on October 25th (Saturday) and start at 20:00. The unlimited amount of coffee, tea, cappuccino, snacks, cookies, biscuits will be provided throughout the gathering. We know that some of you play guitar, saxophone, violin and other musical instruments, so we would be glad if you are able to bring those and make the evening even more unforgettable. There is also piano available at Aeon. REGISTER NOW BY OCTOBER 23, 12:00 here: Participation Fee for the event is 1500 AMD. Sincerely, Hovsep and Tatev.
Type: Strategy Number of players: max. 5 Short Description: The game board is a medieval landscape built by the players as the game progresses. The game starts with a single terrain tile face up and 71 others shuffled face down for the players to draw from. On each turn a player draws a new terrain tile and places it adjacent to tiles that are already face up. The new tile must be placed in a way that extends features on the tiles it abuts: roads must connect to roads, fields to fields, and cities to cities. After placing each new tile, the placing player may opt to station a piece (called a "follower") on a feature of that newly placed tile. The placing player may not use a follower to claim any features of the tile that extend or connect features already claimed by another player. However, it is possible for terrain features claimed by opposing players to become "shared" by the subsequent placement of tiles connecting them. For example, two field tiles which each have a follower can become connected into a single field by another terrain tile. The game ends when the last tile has been placed. At that time, all features (including fields) score points for the players with the most followers on them. The player with the most points wins the game.
Type: Strategy/Story Telling Number of players: max. 12 Short Description: Each player starts the game with six random cards. Players then take turns being the storyteller. The player whose turn it is to be storyteller looks at the six images in his or her hand. From one of these, he or she makes up a sentence or phrase that might describe it and says it out loud. Each other player then selects from among their own six cards the one that best matches the sentence given by the storyteller. Then, each player gives their selected card to the storyteller, without showing it to the others. The storyteller shuffles his or her chosen card with the cards received from the other players, and all cards are then dealt face up. The player then secretly guess which picture was the storyteller's, using numbered voting chips. If nobody or everybody finds the correct picture, the storyteller scores 0, and each of the other players scores 2. Otherwise the storyteller and all players who found the correct answer score 3. Players other than the storyteller score 1 point for each vote their own pictures receive. A large part of the skill of the game comes from being able, when acting as the storyteller, to offer a title which is neither too obscure nor too obvious. The game ends when the card deck is empty.
Type: Strategy Number of players: max. 5 Short Description: At the beginning of the main game, players are dealt four train car cards as their playing hand. They are also dealt three "destination ticket" cards, each of which shows a pair of cities on the map. These become goals, representing two end-points which players are secretly attempting to connect. The player must keep at least two of these destination cards and discard unwanted tickets to the bottom of the stack, if any. Once kept, a destination ticket may not be discarded for the rest of game. Each player also selects a group of 45 colored train pieces with a matching scoring marker. On his or her turn, a player can claim any route anywhere on the board that has not already been claimed, regardless of whether the route helps to complete his or her destination tickets. The routes score points by themselves, as mentioned above, but routes not connected to a player's destination do not help him or her in reaching the destination or completing his or her destination ticket.
Type: Guessing Words Number of players: max. 14 Short Description: The game is played in teams of varying size, and fits well as a party game for larger crowds. The game is very competitive. The game contains 8 numbered groups. The game is divided into turns of about one minute of length. The teams play in turns, and on each team's turn, one of the team members has to explain words on word cards to the other team members. The other team members take guesses at the word, and words that have been correctly guessed earn the team one point per word. Explanation mistakes (meaning the explainer uses the word to be explained, part of it, or a derivative of it), and words passed over without being guessed take points away. The players move on the board as many places as they have earned points on their turn. If, for example, the team lands on the number 7, the word to be explained from the cards is word number 7. The first team to reach the goal wins. The game is recommended for players over 7 years. Type: Detective investigation/ murder mystery Number of players: max. 6 Short Description: At the beginning of play, three cards — one suspect, one weapon, and one room card — are chosen at random and put into a special envelope, so that no one can see them. These cards represent the facts of the case. The remainder of the cards are distributed among the players. Players are instructed to assume the token/suspect nearest them. In older versions, play begins with Miss Scarlett and proceeds clockwise. In modern versions, all players roll the dice and the highest total starts the game and then proceeds clockwise. Players roll the dice (some versions contain one and others two) and move along the board's corridor spaces, or into the rooms accordingly. The aim is to deduce the details of the murder; that is, the cards in the envelope. There are six characters, six murder weapons and nine rooms, leaving the players with 324 possibilities. While determining the details of the murder, players announce suggestions to the other players.
Type: Strategy Number of players: max. 8 Short Description: The players in the game represent settlers establishing colonies on the island of Catan. Players build settlements, cities, and roads to connect them as they settle the island. The game board representing the island is composed of hexagonal tiles (hexes) of different land types which are laid out randomly at the beginning of each game; [4] new editions of the game also depict a fixed layout in their manual, which has been proven to be fairly evenhanded by computer simulations, and recommend this to be used by beginners. Players can trade resource cards among each other; players may also trade off-island (in effect, with the non-player bank) at a ratio of four of one resource for one of any other. By building settlements in certain spots on the edge of the board (ports), players may trade with the bank at three-to-one (3 of any single resource type) or two-to-one (two of a specific resource) ratios, determined by the port's location.
Type: Cards/speed Number of players: max. 10 Short Description: Cards are shuffled and dealt to each player face down, ensuring that all players have an equal number of cards in their stacks. A wooden cylinder called a Totem is placed in the center of the table, equidistant from all players. Any remaining cards that cannot be distributed equitably are placed under the totem in an area known as the Pot. Players take turns playing the top card from their stacks in a clockwise rotation. Each player does this by flipping their card over in the direction of their opponents, so that their opponents get the first glance at their card to avoid unfair advantage. The card is then quickly placed in front of the player's pile. Thus players form discard piles in front of their piles of cards as the game progresses. When a player plays a card that matches the symbol of another player's top card, the two players must duel to grab the totem in the center as quickly as possible. The loser of the duel takes both players' played cards (their discard pile plus the card currently in play), as well as any cards in the pot, and places them at the bottom of his deck. The loser of the round plays the next card.
Type: Strategy/ Business Development Number of players: max. 8 Short Description: Players take turns in order, with the initial player determined by chance before the game. A typical turn begins with the rolling of the dice and advancing their piece clockwise around the board the corresponding number of squares. If a player rolls doubles, they roll again after completing their turn. If a player rolls three consecutive sets of doubles on one turn, the player has been "caught speeding," and the player is immediately sent to jail instead of moving the amount shown on the dice for the third roll, ending the player's turn. A player who lands or passes the Go space collects $200 (unless they automatically go to jail). Players who land on either Income Tax or Luxury Tax pay the indicated amount to the bank.
9. MAFIA. Number of players: max. 12