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The journalists Tatev Mkrtumyan and Lily Avetyan along with the designer/editor Armen Khudgaryan invite you to a journey through this journal to FIND out the adventurous and memorable moments of six Armenian universities during Financial Innovations for National Development EYP inter-university forum taken place on April 15-18, 2016.
Dear FINDers, since you were too busy with your topics and amazing resolutions, you must have left unnoticed some interesting and adventurous moments from the 4-day-long forum life. But your journalists are there for you! Besides preparing our awaited journal projects, we have also spotted some facts, moments and details that you might have missed. You can ďŹ nd them below the pages in this journal. So, let’s see what comes out, and remember, everything said, done, or thought can be used against you.
Spotted #1 One of our VPs loved the art of touching his nose with his ďŹ nger. Kept doing it all the time during the Opening Ceremony.
The forum could not come into reality without the hard working head organizers Sue Avetyan and Greg Torosiants and their team. What is the best way to FIND out little things that can be so easily hidden sometimes? We decided to play a little game with them to discover some facts behind the scenes.
Never have I ever been late for an organizers’ meeting. Never have I ever caught an organizer being lazy
Never have I ever been angry with my organizers
Never have I ever wanted to kill Sue/Greg
Never have I ever regretted working with Sue/Greg
Greg about Sue:”She’s the brain of the operation” Sue about Greg:”The mood and soul of our team”
Spotted #2 The head organizer Greg was rapping while playing the ball during the teambuilding. And let’s not forget the GA. Is this one of his talents other than Djing?
Spotted #3 ECON 1 needs a sleep break more than a coffee break? Well, that’s what their wish list says. It’s okay guys, we all love sleeping.
April 15. Friday. 17:00, English park. The day is sunny and warm. A group of active but weird people have occupied the park, however they seem confused and undetermined. 17:30. The group is divided into 6 committees. Some personalities claim to be chairs. They lead the teams screaming and dancing with an imaginary big fat pony. Are they crazy? 18:00. The organisers of this strange gathering are detected. They want to FIND something. But what? 18:30. A guy claiming to be the head organiser starts rapping. They say that he is not the only one. There is a girl co-working with him. But where is she? Seems like they have planned something extra-ordinary. 19:00. The 6 committees have built strong teams. They seem very determined now. Maybe something promising is coming. Who knows? 19:30. The committees claim to FIND Financial Innovations for National Development. They mention EYP all the time. What is that? Extreme Yet Perfect? Might be! Conclusion: The teambuilding of FIND forum of European Youth Parliament in Armenia is accomplished. So that's what it is! These people are something! They'll deďŹ nitely FIND whatever they are looking for!
Spotted #4 The videographer got caught sleeping on duty. Wonder what’s gonna be in the video, unicorns? Not that we mind.
On April 16, 2016, after cheerful team building activities of April 15, the official Opening Ceremony of Financial Innovations for National Development inter-university EYP forum was launched at the Komitas Museum-Institute. The forum came into reality in cooperation with Central Bank of Armenia in the scope of “My financial month” project. “Finances have a vital role in our life since childhood. We get our pocket money for school and have to properly budget it, to buy something to eat, or buy another pen, or maybe save up for a bicycle.Thus, we deal with managing our finances in every stage of our lives”,- this is how the Head of the Department “Customer Rights Protection and Financial Education center” of the Central Bank of the RA, Armenuhi Mkrtchyan explained the importance of managing personal finances, which is the ground of the forum’s and Central Bank’s project’s purposes: to educate and raise awareness in the society about financial literacy, risk evaluation and other financial skills. EYP brought together more than 60 students from the following 6 Armenian Universities: Yerevan State University, Armenian State Economic University, American University of Armenia, French University in Armenia, Agribusiness Teaching Center and Russian-Armenian Slavonic University. The students were greeted by the presidency of the forum, by the executive and governing board members of EYP Armenia, the head organizers, and other respective guests. They encouraged the participants and wished good luck by giving some advice presented in this journal.
“...Once you learn to manage your own wallet, you’ll be able to manage state finances”. -Raffi Elliott “Discussing things that are important for our society is what EYP is about. To become a good citizen is through education. Take advantage of the opportunity. And remember, “Knowledge is power”. Go on, empower yourself with knowledge”. -Armine Khamoyan “This project used to be something else two years ago, now it’s something flavored. It gives you ideas on how to improve financial success”. -Armenuhi Mkrtchyan “We fear to innovate, because we have this mindset that says “What if I fail”. And once it’s there, it needs to be transformed into “I will succeed”... Pay your way to success. Move forward into a team and save the life of all of these expressions of “What if I fail”. In Armenian the word “Hajogh” stands both for ‘goodbye’ and ‘success’. And it’s because unless you say goodbye to the fears, you can’t succeed”. -Hovsep Patvakanyan “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, but all is transformed”. -Jean-Marc Lavest “ The importance of realization to create your own way to overcome the challenges life gives you, is the key to opportunities. If you can’t find a way, then make one.” -Sue Avetyan “My heart was telling me to go have fun, get to know the other delegates, but my mind kept telling me to go as far away from this place as possible… But later during that forum I understood what a huge mistake it would have been”. -Greg Torosiants
Spotted #5 IMCO2, brains and beauty do magic! Or they make IMCO1 fall in love with them. Well well well...
FIND Committees Behind every successful resolution, no matter passed it or not, there lies a productive committee work. And behind every productive committee work stands an exemplary committee. Do you want to know what makes an exemplary committee? Get to know our committees and you’ll know it!
This is ECON1
This is REGI
ECON1 has fun working. ECON1 support each other’s ideas. ECON 1 is very coordinated. Be like ECON1
REGI is very attentive to details. REGI is raises hands to speak. REGI is respective. Be like REGI.
This is JURI
This is ECON2
JURI loves hot debates JURI brings a lot of arguments. JURI is very active. Be like JURI.
ECON2 is persistent to their ideas. ECON2 express their thoughts and respect others’. ECON2 is smart. Be like ECON2
This is IMCO2
This is IMCO1
IMCO2 is also very funny and witty.
IMCO1 boys have a crush on IMCO2 IMCO1 doesn’t announce it publicly. We (the journos) do. Don’t be like us. Be like IMCO1.
IMCO2 is very creative. IMCO2 makes a real team. Be like IMCO2
Spotted #6 REGI needs help finding Introductory clauses? Can’t help you with that one.
We know that FIND stands for “Financial Innovations for National Development”. Going deeper, the word “financial” reminds us about money, and “development” speaks for success. However, our committees believe that success is not specifically conditioned with money, there are many other components without which success could not be achieved. Thus, our creative committees came up with fascinating and unique suggestions of formulas to success.
Imco I Lim inspiration
(inspiration + stamina + motivation) humanity( )
imco ii
Spotted #7 IMCO 1 wastes no time, these guys are fast! First day and almost done with the resolution.
Econ i Success = Money + Love +
Luck 2
+ lim self conďŹ dence + Fun education
Econ II n
Hardwork Motivation +
Success = Lim Luck + n
n = number of participants (12)
(Hardwork Open mindedness) +
Success = Learn
- Laziness
REGI Success = 7x Luck + 6x Motivation + + 3x Knowledge + 9x Passion + 7x Courage + 3.5x Leadership + 8x Hardwork + 2x Patience
Spotted #8 Something was wrong with our president's voice at the GA, has he eaten icecream alone?
Diary of memories by FIND organizers
It’s not an easy thing to organize a significant forum such as FIND. We know that the organizing team has worked very hard having difficult times and of course pleasant and funny memories that make them remember everything with a pure smile only. Here we have “torn” some pages from their diaries that expose their best memories from preparational process of the forum.
14.04.2016 Dea diary, Only a day i left ti ou forum, I am very confused and excited at the same time. Howeve , one wouldn t say that while s ing me playing blot fo the t time with my cultural team during that re ful time. Ivane, Alexande (we ca him Sash) and Yura were teaching me ho t play that card game t relax and continue ou preparation . I hope, n , I am sure that everything wi g we . -Anita Ayvazyan
16.04.2016 Dea diary, We had a Euroconcert today during FIND and it wa extremely heart touching. But enjoying the moment i one thing and creating that very moment i anothe and much more pleasant. S me and one of my fe o organize Ivane decided t perform. I kne we had t perform at ou be , and we did. Ju s ing a these people scream and a laud wa an unforge able moment, it wa an unforge able concert, it wa an unforge able adventure. -Alexande Yeghiazaryan 16.04.2016 Dea diary, Although thi evening wa fascinating because of an amazing Euroconcert we had, something range ha ened t me. When me and othe organize were ru ing from one r m t anothe during the concert t make it su e ful, the woman working there showed u from behind the d and told me that we were going t die that way. P.S. I hope it me writing thi , not my soul. Anyway, I check it in the morning. No I n d t have a fe hou of sl fo tomo o ne adventurou and responsible day . -I a Devkanc 16.04.2016 Dea diary, Tonight wa the Euroconcert night. We ve prepared s hard fo making it unforge able fo ou audience, and I m sure we did, because I felt it. It wa at the end of the concert that I felt that pre ing emotion when my organize friend , Alexande and Ivane, came on the age and played pian and violin togethe . It wa something I wi neve forget. -Karin Gevorgian 17.04.2016 Dea diary, I ve told ho much I love ta y wine. S today I tried one during ou special di e and only then I unde t d why they ca ed that di e a special one. -Ivane Yesayan
Words of wisdom
from Head Organizers at the GA
Greg: “The important thing is, as days grew closer to the start of the forum, I came to a conclusion, a realization that why does our forum need to compare with other forums? Why do we have to put a scale, and then judge if our forum is on the higher part of it or the lower? I understood that each forum is unique, and there are absolutely no criteria by which we can use to judge the forum’s level of success. Success lies within each and every one of you” Sue: “You know how all those rejection letters make you feel like "not enough"? Not good enough, not strong enough application, not enough in comparison to other applicants. But I came to realize that it's not supposed to let us down and make us give up. It's the opposite. You ARE enough the second you choose to fight. The second you choose to try harder. As soon as you try so many times that failure is simply not an option anymore, that's the moment you become more than enough.”
Spotted #9 Who runs the dancefloor? The MEDIA team!
Spotted #10 Memory boxes used for date invites? Why not! EYP brings hearts together, so hope to see cute couples next time!