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INSIDER KZRS’11 October 27th—29th 2011 Kuldīga, EYP Latvia

Some Shocking Discoveries About EVERYONE

A Must –know for Every EYPer

Crazy EYP!

The Wisdom of The HOs

Watch Out— There’s A Dragon in AFCO!

Inside A Stalker’s Mind “Try to stalk, my imaginary friend, and, if you succeed, then call me back on my nonexistent phone number. “ Stalking is the most entertaining distraction on the planet for Homo sapiens in his/her free or not so free time. If you do not believe me, then try it. The members of the press team have done so and they have done well. You may ask how it is to succeed in people stalking? – SIMPLE!”






Kuldiga, The gossip committee on journalistic affairs or should I say the press team is still working hard to provide each of you with the superior quality news on officials and your personal for other eyes hidden - daily

find the juiciest secrets for our

love that never ends.

pretty-lovely readers.

It could be your first experience in EYP, but I am sure not the last one. We are going to meet again someday, at least for the sake of remembering these wonderful memories from the

We could not dream of a bigger excitement than working together, overcoming the difficulties and reaching our aims, that is digging up more and more gossip. I bet you are not going to miss this chance of educating yourself in such an informal

We all believe that the randomness is not random and that people were granted the chance to stalk each others moves and minds. Stalking is a part of our work; it is a way of meeting new, awesomely funny people with fascinating habits and lifestyles. This helps us create new gossip stories especially for you

way as reading this issue.

my friends.

Not always and not everything goes the way you might wish, but that is not about us. We are quick, aware at all times, we use our God-given imagination and we always, I admit, always

All the sweat that we poured during the journalism in KZRS’ 11 were custom-made for you and your minds. We worked hard to convince you, that EYP gives addiction, addiction of

EYP life.


session. Stay connected with us; do not forget to stalk your friends.

XOXO, Your reliable PRESS TEAM by Juris Gogulis

THE GOLDEN RULES OF KZRS I bet that for some of you guys this is the first time attending an EYP session and several of the terms you have encountered with are still a bit unclear. Here you can find out their true meaning and proper use for these terms will find you everywhere, even in toilets. So let’s get started, shall we: EYP – European Youth Parliament (I bet you already knew this one); KZRS – Kurzeme-Zemgale Regional Session TB, CW, GA – an EYP session is nothing without Teambuilding, Committee Work and General Assembly. (Mark these letters and memorize them.); CJO’s – the team of chairs, journalists and organisers (some of us call them “officials” – if you need something feel free to ask them); Head organiser – this person is recognizable even from far distance, because he/she let this session happen;

proposing the solutions for the problem (Please do not confuse these two terms); Circle (a.k.a. the Magic circle) - the official geometrical figure of EYP

Imagine – the unofficial anthem of EYP, ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon is in the hearts of all true EYP delegates and officials;

The GOLDEN RULE of all times – lets just say that EYP is a place where new people meet and where relationships can start (though sometimes it’s best to leave your feelings in your suitcase).

Press room – this is the room where all magic happens, home of journalists; Resolution – a written document that represents the work of each committee and is debated on in GA (If you have red this article carefully you should already know what GA stands for);

And these are the terms that we all use here. Start to memorize them and if there are still some unanswered questions, ask the orgas they will know what to do.

Introductory clauses – first part of a resolution where the current situation and outlines of the challenges are stated;

XOXO Yours only,

Operative clauses – second part of a resolution

Alvis Bless


EMPLoyed by the EYP With all the commotion during the session, nobody can be everywhere at once, but EMPL wants it all – the knowledge, the friends, the work and the fun, regardless of free time or sleep. With all of their diversified members, they just might have succeeded.

EYP can be stressful for anybody, but the delegates of EMPL have the perfect remedy and it is not a big fat pony or their own secret team of scientists. Their answer is an enormous amount of accumulative support for each other and if they preserve this quality long enough they might even win The Game one day. The backbone of the committee is definitely Matīss. He radiates an aura of friendliness and leadership, and it is just fun to be around him. What really

stands out in this committee is the shared enthusiasm for successful collaboration. Linda and Lauma, both having courage and high expectations for the session, are willing to participate and contribute. But that is not all – EMPL has some impressive personalities, like Līna and Kerija. Līna has been a folkdancer for almost ten years, representing strong character and patriotism. Kerija hopes to be an actress one day and she displays strong public speaking skills. On the other side, EMPL has Kristaps. He seems quiet, but once he opens up, Kristaps shows his profound nature, and has a lot to offer. EMPL can present two of the most social girls one might ever encounter – Marta and Ieva. Both are confident, smart and they almost instantly became friends with each other. When looking for a person with a different per-

spective, Samanta immediately pops in mind. She has relatives in the UK, where she likes to spend a huge portion of her time, so her ideas are pleasantly fresh. It is hard to ignore the fact that EMPL, without their dynamic duo of chairs, would just be a bunch of random people in a room. One of the co-chairs is Daniels and, although being young, he immediately won the respect of EMPL. He also has formed quite the bond with his co-chair – Elisa – the Italian girl with lots of EYP experience. She has also been captivated by a KISS concert, where she had a place in the front row. All in all, EMPL is a colorful crowd that is fun to be around with. They display the EYP way of working together with an astounding consideration. There is a bright future for members of EMPL in the EYP community with enough determination and integrity.

Your journo, Niks Matusevičs


Quick tips on how to make new friends

5. Have an opinion! People with backbone will love someone like them, but those with no attitude will think of you as their hero.

So you want to have new friends, but you don’t know how? Don’t worry! You have found strength in you to learn and guess what – you already are halfway there. Read some friend-making tips from Queen B and you will collect new friends even faster than your grandmother bakes pies!

6. Emphasize your qualities! I believe you have very much to offer, if you don’t, then just fix your nose or get a boob-job. If you are poor, then get some money. One way how to get a lot of money - make a charity campaign in your school for kids. Then just spend it on a plastic surgery.

1. Smile! Yes, it is that simple. Everyone wants to be friends with someone, who smiles and brings positive emotions, even if there are only evil things on your mind.

Remember these rules and if you want to make new friends - don’t be mean, because you are awesome and awesome people need to have awesome friends. Stay relaxed, you will succeed because you know you love me.

2. Compliment others! People want to feel highly valued, and who can do it better then you? Feel free to compliment them almost about everything and believe me, they will be flattered. 3. Help everyone! Share your talent and others will help you back. If you show interest in someone’s work, they will actually believe that you care. 4. Dress nice! People love seeing pretty things, those Louis Vuitton shoes will always win you attention! Work hard, earn some money, buy the shoes and people will love you.

XOXO, Justīne Leitarte, also known as Blair


Interview With the MUMMY and DADDY Friday evening with the headorganizers; mysterious gossip secrets; Two in one – GuNick.

N: I would have organized the session anyway; it had to happen sooner or later and I am fan

a bath? GuNick:

69, if the position is


of Gundega.

Good afternoon,

G: Because Niks has a special

What are you not going to do

Are you well informed about the reason why we are spending these days in Kuldiga? The ones responsible for this are Gundega and Niks – we need to blame them for these awesomely amazing days.

place in my heart.

after the session?

First of all, being a headorganizer is a BIG responsibility towards the job you are doing. Particularly they are in charge of us and our duties. We owe them lots of hugs and kisses. Enjoy reading: What is most tiring thing when being a head-organizer? GuNick:


GuNick: If you could change one of Niks/ Gundega’s qualities, what would

- We are not going to order Pēteris and Marsi (aka. Batmen

it be?

and Robin) around anymore;

N: Dye Gundega’s hair brunet, so her brain could work faster

- We are not going to make Ance to prepare any more

G: I would like to get a backrub


from Niks every 20 minutes.

- We are not going to blame Miks for wearing green pants;

What time is bed time?

- We are going to let Mārtiņš

GuNick: When everything is done, therefore, there is NO



Your organizer number one? GuNick: The Printer

How many babies can you fit in


around! What is the best part of being a Head-organizer? GuNick: We are allowed to go to the shop during the session. How did you decided to organize the session with each other?

Xoxo, by Juris Gogulis


VOTING DRAGONS There are many types of dragons. There are metallic, chromatic and the ones, who want to vote before the age of 18. The little political dragon that sits inside each of us can not be measured by their age. Sometimes it can be so big, that the teenager is freaking out, because his birthday is a few days after elections.

AFCO's mission impossible was to find out the value of the underage monster. Do you need to change a system that has been working for so long? Some of them say yes, some disagree. The thing is - everyone had their opinion and it was a great start for something that could change the little dragon’s lives. The first scene of the show was quiet, but then the mother-dragon sent in Edgars and Klāvs and the guys knew, how to benefit from the simple games. The goal was to find out every delegates talents, experience and random facts, that would transfer them from

Their keystone is Līga, who is excellent at finding a common denominator for all the committee. The help for all the little dragons out there was not that far! Chairs made sure, that the energisers were not the only thing that kept dragons alive, they also managed to have Alex in their committee. He was an energizer in person - very positive, experienced and just a lovely partner as well. One of the beauties of committee work is that you experience funny, random, dragon moments that stay with you as positive memories. We were lucky enough to have as easy and friendly person as Nils with us, because his Cody impressions were amaz-

strangers to really good friends. To have Anna, who had two ponies in the kindergarten, and Mārtiņš, who is a born dragonlover and whose enthusiasm has no limits, it is hard not to smile all the time. However, the AFCO dragons where determined to find the best arguments possible and put them in the resolution.

By Justīne Leitarte 7

ing. His dragon has a good energy that no one can resist. What’s more, no ones palms could escape ultimate Ninja Kristiāna a.k.a. Čiekurs. Kika also loved the Evolution game, especially the snake move, because she knows how snakes taste like. And lovely Katrīna, she always could justify her view on everything and that is a really useful talent. So, if you are a little political dragon, everything is going to be as it should be. There are big AFCO dragons out there, they will protect the little ones and help them become the best and smartest voters the world has ever seen.

You Can Escape From Jail, But Not From Gossip What is the difference between gossip and a scandal? So glad you asked the Upper-East Side of Kuldīga. Anyone can commit a minor indiscretion and generate a day's worth of buzz, but in order for gossip to birth a true scandal, it requires the right person to be in the wrong place.

Gossip Girl: Be careful - once darkness descends true natures emerge and everything's a fair

Someone told me that Journo team makes up fake rumour.


Gossip Girl: Sticks and stones

I heard that someone steals our underwear and wears them on head. Gossip Girl:

may break bones, but a poison pen is the best revenge. Dream on…

Looks like World War III has just broken out and it's wearing underwear. Choose

Whenever Edgars sees Titanic he cries all his eyes out.

your side or run and hide.


Gossip girl: the brightest stars

Alvis Bless asked Ance Rudzīte if she was single. Wonder why?

burn out the fastest. Or at least that's what I heard. Waiting for

Gossip Girl: But most of the

A little birdie told me the organiser Māris was almost about to break the golden rule with a delegate from CULT. Sexual education, eh?

I heard that Alvis likes to sing “Someone like you” in the shower and he’s got the moves like Jagger while dying his hair.

a star to fall?

times it takes just one person, who is truly afraid to show what they feel, getting an opportunity

Gossip Girl: Total eclipse of the

Gossip Girl: Hold on to your

We heard that Klāvs finally managed not to wake a girl up.

they never thought possible.

floppy cable-knit hats, kids. Secret is out and this one's a

Gossip Girl: One good scandal

Miks Strazdiņš secretly wants to marry Gundega Ēlerte.


Gossip Girl: It seems like Miks

If there's one thing I've learned it's that there would be no gossip without secrets. You might be brave enough to reveal your secret only to have it used against you. Or someone else's secret might affect you in unexpected ways. There are some secrets that are just too enjoyable to keep. Others surface only to be buried away deeper than they were before. But the most powerful secrets are the truth you thought you could never reveal. That once spoken,




who's going down next?

is on the fast track from Lonely

Did you know that actually the Golden rule isn’t golden? Maybe that’s why some of us might think of breaking it? Gossip Girl: True love and betrayal. Revenge and more revenge. A heroine with an impossible goal. If only Mozart had lived in Kuldīga. But you can keep your magic flute, Amadeus. All this queen wants is a golden ticket to Yale.

Kerija was enjoying the “coin game” too much.

Boy to Gundega’s Only Boy.

On our way to Kuldīga Daniels (Chair, EMPL) and Signe (Journo, ENVI) seemed to really hit it off, but now he has been seen flirting with Ance (Orga)...What a playboy... Gossip Girl:

Looks like the virgin king isn't as pure as he pretended to be. Two girls in one week, talk about doing the nasty, or should I just say being nasty.

changes everything.

Collected by Signe Groznija


The Hotties of EYP Today it’s all about looks. Everybody wants to hang out with these good looking people. They are elite of EYP and all the gossips are always about them. It is no surprise they are in our list too. All of the major fashion magazines want them. Do you really want to know them? Do you? That’s because they could hurt your eyes with their sexiness. So here they are.

The one and only Miks. You can recognise him by his sexy smile and fabulous clothes. Some say that he is one of the best dancers in EYP. His eyes always attract more and more people. He is like a cherry on the top of the ice-cream. Always remember he likes people who photograph each his step. Running away from paparazzi is his life style.

Queen of EYP. The fashion diva. The soul of fashion. Gundega always is on the edge of glory. Her outfits blow our minds. Her smile shines through darkest windows and smallest gaps between our doors. She is the idol of EYP. Her jokes always lighten the day. There is nothing to say about beauty like this. You only have to see it to believe.

Mysterious man in the suit with glasses. Or you can say – it’s Niks. The problem solver and mood lifter. Even his reflection is jealous about his looks. Some say that he is the face of the year. He is the Romeo of EYP. Even the Universe thinks so. His dressing style has inspired well known fashion designers. Now all of the Milan dresses like him.

By Alvis Bless


We cannot see a rainbow without a little rain A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc. Rainbows caused by the sunlight always appear in the section of the sky directly opposite the sun. This explanation basically describes Committee of Environment and So-

Red – Passionate King of the dance floor, rainbow lover -

Always remember – We cannot see a rainbow without a little



cial Affairs. Glossary based on committee of ENVI. Throughout these days ENVI made a wonderful rainbow. It was not easy, they had to struggle with rain, but at the end, the sun came out and from the 7 separate colours created a beautiful rainbow. It would not have happened if the two supportive clouds had not been holding them at the crystal-

Orange – Bright and original journo terrorists - Intars and Alvis.

Thank you for being so nice, you made my first journo expe-

Yellow – Sunflower loving, al-

rience unforgettable.

ways positive - Solveiga. Green



And, of course, the cherry on

leading - Ieva and Marta.

the ice cream:

Blue – Calm and prudent Indigo – Mysterious deep waters with great ideas - Dagnija and

Anonymous:” You remember- I said that I like rainbows over my committee ... I really hope, that they will not think that I am



Teiksma and Daiga.

Violet – Energetic and sports loving - Solvita. 2 supportive clouds – awesome chairpersons, who were the cause of an open environment and success.

clear sky. Rain – symbolises struggle, difficulties and hardships throughout committee work. Sun – bright success when the whole committee finally feel like one united team. 7 colours:


Your journo, Signe

More Tea, Sir! It is nice to have a nice coffee break with your hot, steaming cup of coffee. Just finding a cosy corner and enjoying our coffee with a few people of the gang. Like always we talk about what is happening and what is the newest and freshest gossip. But this time we tried to find out some interesting facts about or delegates and officials. So here are the spiciest and funniest answers to our questions.

- Do you have a new gossip? - Yes but that’s the secret I never tell. /Marta, ENVI/

- What would you do if your chair would keep constantly staring at you? - I would punch him in the face. /Elīne, CULT/

- If you were a dog would you lick yourself and where?

- Where is the best place to plank?

- You bet I would. And you are asking where I would lick myself...hmm definitely my private parts. /Mister X/

- To plank on the top of Gaizins. /Ance/

- Could you tell me how much money do you have in your bank account?

- What is the worst way to wake up? - To wake up next someone’s ass. /Gossiper/


- You wish! /Gundega/

-`If you were a superhero what kind of special ability you would have? - I would have the ability to change people into chocolate or pizza, it depends on my mood. /Jelena/

- What is your favourite cursing word? - Douchebag. /Macy/


The king of gossip, Alvis Bless

CLAP FOR REGI – CLAP, CLAP In medieval time period, when the highest institution were king’s monarchy, people learned tolerance – before the fight, knights had to remove the gloves and shake each other’s hand. This tradition we have saved till now days, but only the meaning of this symbol is forgotten – “I am coming with peace”! During medieval times people accepted one more principal rule – wherever you go, ladies go first – not for the kindness of the strong gender, but just to be sure that there is no danger; if something was going to happen –it would happen with female. Some



I would not say this if I would not had a chance to see this by my own eyes. As evidence I would like to present you the

committee on Regional Development also known by the much cooler


Uģis – opinionated in all ques-

the last Crispy milky.

tions; Folk culture connoisseur;

Inviolable, fabulous and extremely creative – describes

Dinārs – Calm; has born with an

outside look of the female side of the committee – always ready to gossip with each other and to take off the last Crispy milky

Artūrs – inner active person;

that boys had desired.

Magnificent, indispensable and with incredibly BIG heart – chairperson pair of luck – Jelena and Mārtiņš - always strict in own decisions and never not going to take the last Crispi milky desert. Anna – little, gorgeous bunny riding on a horse; Zane – angels are singing the




informal atmosphere and run for


Talented, charming and obviously unpredictable – these

songs by her help – God’s gift; Līva – wisdom is hitting out of her, just give her chance and you not going to regret; Mārtiņš – mountain of muscles in a physical as well as emotional point of view; TOWER GUY; Arkādijs – the brain is working on 120% - ideas generating machine with flesh and bones;

three adjectives are used by the whole press team when gossiping takes place. I am afraid that REGI is taking over taking our stalker positions. Wherever I go, wherever I look – REGI is always there.

Fast, loud and talkative – describes inner emotions of the strong gender in the committee – always ready to talk in an

Truly your journo Juris


eternal smile on the face; the biggest laughs owner; Equality is the number 1 golden rule of the committee. After equality, charming REGI members have decided to stay SEXY whatever it takes! The third session life part is based on the Coin, Tower and Ninja game. Being/lying on each other, feeling how the heart of others is beating is the most inspiring view of the session- LOVE in the all meanings of this word. While playing magic ninja game we are learning how to protect ourselves and I can currently say, that REGI are the best amongst all session ninjas – sweetest of the sweetest pies that we could wish for. Keep your spirit, stay active, love me and keep on gossiping. Thank you for being “my shadow” guys – xoxo

Facebook Profiles of The Board

Klト」s Galenieks

Masoumeh Moridian

Elisa Martinelli




Age: 19

Age: 22

Age: 20

Country: Latvia

Country: Austria

Country: Italy

First EYP session: LNC 2010

First EYP session: LINZ 2005

First EYP session: National

Best gossip of this sessi-

Best gossip of this session:

Selection PIACENZA 2007

on: There is a rumour that

Niks and Gundega are in love

Best gossip of this session:

problems with water on the

Relationship status: It is com-

Daniels and I are basically

first day were caused by the


sharing the same mind

dragon who escaped from the

Celeb crush: Benjamin Bratt

Relationship status: Single,

AFCO bedroom.

The maker doesn't want it; the

but married in EYP life

Relationship status: Looking

buyer doesn't use it; and the

Celeb crush: Derek Sheperd

for the one.

user doesn't see it. What is it?

from Greys Anotomy

Celeb crush: Olivia Wilde and


The maker doesn't want it;

Emma Watson

the buyer doesn't use it; and

The maker doesn't want it;

the user doesn't see it. What

the buyer doesn't use it; and

is it? Apple pie.

the user doesn't see it. What is it? Poisonous gas

By Justトォne Leitarte


Imaginary Session Everyone has their own expectations about the session before the arrival. We all want it to be unforgettable and let’s be honest, perfect as well. Let this article be like a mind-blowing story about how extraordinary session can be, if the sky was the limit. When the sleeping beauty Atlántida will rise up one day, it would only be because a session would take place there. Officials, who are Ninja beans, would arrive earlier then Cool beans, also known as delegates. Yes, not people, but actual beans. All beans like a good energiser. Cool beans like to ride on unicorns and Ninja Beans know that. That is why their first TB activity would be a ride a unicorn in a field, which is full of hamsters. Little hamsters should sing some chilling songs in that flimsy voice, that they have. Probably classic energisers would be welcome as well. In the huge house, where all of the beans would live, the Journo team could have an extra modern IT room. From there they could see every detail of the session. They

could write the best articles, because they would not miss anything. Organisers would have a big bed for each and one of them, because they would always be working very hard to keep others positive and motivated. Chairs could always do everything in time and be extremely happy, because they would have a personal SPA centre. Every procedure in there would be superfast and very effective. But the Cool beans would have the best session ever, because their officials could give them everything they need. After the TB the Ultimate Ninja beans would organise a meal. Sure, it would be everything, that they could imagine being put on an EYP table. Now take a minute and imagine all that food you would love... Done? Great! After TB and dinner there is something, that even in real life would look like an awesome science-fiction and talent mix tape. The Euroconcert - it could be hosted by Ryan Seacrest and there would be tons of talented beans. After the concert there

would be a party. Since even in a perfect session everyone is not a perfect dancer, Ninja beans could effectively take care of this awkward situation by hiring professional dancers, that would dance with all of the Cool beans. Activity could let all of the beans take some good memories with them and that would definitely be awesome. The party is behind us, so let the committee work begin! It would be perfect as well, but we know, that our real delegates are very smart. Cool beans, so there just cannot be big changes in CW. After the resolutions would be done, the beans could have a great GA in big fat pony. The science-fiction session sounds a little strange, but interesting at the same time, and it seems that our session is not so far from perfect.

By Justīne Leitarte


The Monster CULT Is Here! They are the kings and queens of tomorrow!

They met only on Thursday, but after a few hours they were ready to make the biggest Sonic boom ever. Some even gossip that this committee has the strength of ten giant elephants. Their first steps sounded strong and confident in the halls of Viļa Plūdoņa gymnasium. It is time for CULT to show you their true colours. The same as in new families the start is always bumpy and full of surprises. At first the committee of CULT had problems with making a proper solution for given issues which almost evolved in a big and bloody Ninja game. That is because their characters are different (like you would never lave cats and dogs in a same room). But after a while the icy blocks melted and they surprisingly started to listen to each other. After a while they started to connect more and more but they preferred physical contact. That is no surprise – their topic for this session is sexual education. CULT loves to solve logical tasks but their opinions do not match when they are talking about relationships. But everything can be changed. The committee has a big problem with their strategies – they usually do not work out. CULT probably is the best committee when they have to make a fast

decision without getting the best outcome. What is interesting about CULT...hmm! They like to tickle each other and s o m e t im e s use phys ical strength to get to the goal. Imagination for CULT is a gift from the universe. Imagine that you are in the desert and you have to choose the most necessary things for surviving. What would you take? Well CULT chose not to take pills that clear the water from diseases, but drink their own pee (yummy). The funny fact about CULT is

that Elīne doesn’t know how to use the compass. Some of them thought that there are magical hotels in the middle of the desert. This would be great for those who got lost there. The never ending problem with Street fighter is that some of us can’t pronounce the different defence moves. Top 4 mistakes for CULT were Tiger knapikot, Tiger rapikot, Joga blame, High huken. Sticky toffee was the longest game which was played in CULT room. This game took persistence and knowledge how to tickle your partners right. Some say that committee of CULT has a lot to give. And by the end of the day CULT will rock the room with their loud laughs and smiles worth of millions of dollars. Show them what you are made of!

Yours truly, Alvis Bless


How To Freak Out Your Friends How to freak out your friends There are some situations when you feel like you want to blow up the whole world or just mess with your friends. I have quite an experience with making some ridiculous things, which will freak out your friends. Do you know that it is really easy to make fake poop? Nasty! Funny!Fun! I have been hiding my secrets for a really long time, but now I can not be quiet. So read carefully and try this at home! 1.) Get an empty toilet paper roll and a bowl of water 2.) Unroll the toilet paper roll and submerge it underwater until it is soggy. 3.) When you think it's soggy enough, take the roll out of the water and start squeezing it into a poop shape. Squeeze! Nobody has ever made good poop without squeezing.

will create brown when they are combined equally. Stir the mixture well to make a homogeneous paste. Place the dough onto bakery paper. Use your hands to roll the dough out into an oval-shaped log. Allow the dough roll to air-dry completely. As it dries, the dough will crack slightly, which will make it resemble feces even more. In conclusion I want to introduce you with my latest poop invention- how to make chocogummy poop, which actually is really tasty and great idea for a birthday present. You will need 1 bar of chocolate,

gummy bears, abowl with hot water or just a microwave. Melt chocolate by putting it into a bowl and than into the hot water or just into microwave for some time. Than add gummy bears, mix it together, make a form which looks like poop or whatever you want. In the end put chocogummy poop into the fridge and wait 5 minutes. And woooolaaaa- your chochogummy poop is ready! It is a great feeling to make your friend and family laugh. Try my advices, just do not get addicted, be careful and have fun!

BUT, it is not the only way how you can make really good poop. I will introduce you with a more complicated method that may sound like grandmother’s Cookie recipe, but it is not! Combine flour, water and salt into a bowl, then stir the mixture with a spoon. Add red and green food coloring – five drops of each. Since red and green are complementary colors, they

Yours truly poop friend, Signe


World is full of weirdoes From what I hear, so is EYP

Different opinions expressed during the session I could play the coin game forever, with or without clothes.

golden rules.

fat pony. I will flip out if I ever see a delegate sleeping during the GA again.

The best place to pass



If I could plank anywhere, I would be continuously planking 3 feet above Niks Bērziņš head.



out would be in the same room with Klāvs Gale-

would be the one that Palms are my favorite

If I could have a dead person as a best buddy, I

part of the body. With them you can play with others and yourself and

would pick John Lennon and then make my own

they are really useful in The Ninja game.

personal version of the song Imagine.

If I could have any resolution instantly approved, I would implement huge

If I would have to have a dinner with officials from the session, I would compile all their personalities in one, and then spend an evening with the most

penalties for fraping. I hate it when I wake up, and there is a Journo in the dark with a camera.

lasts forever.

awesome person in the world. I’d really like to ask the My favorite kind of a flying animal is a flying big

Journos – why isn’t there a book about EYP containing inside jokes or

By Niks Matusevičs


Post EYP Depression The Session After The Session STOP! Do not hang yourself or go on a crazy fraping spree! Just take a deep breath and SCREAM. The official session has been dismantled, but do not worry – EYP goes on. Though it feels like the emotions are fading, remember your persona has been changed forever. Whether a turning point, a stepping stone or just a time well spent not sleeping, the session leaves deep memories.

realization that you are not alone in this situation. A good idea after the session is to look up a fellow participant, whether a new found friend in your committee or a much admired chair, and just take him out for a drink. That is a good reminder that the bonds which you had during the session still remain. Furthermore, two people feeling depressed together already make a couple.

Moving on too fast is not the

Bursting with emotions, take a look in to the future. Not

answer. Take a second to dwell on the avalanche of pictures, facebook updates and emails from officials. Shed a tear. It is perfectly reasonable. Remember, after denial, anger and depression comes the best part – acceptance and hope. What actually just finished is so much more than just a piece in your collective memory. The laughs, the smiles and the looks – savor those things in people, but the experience and the lessons – save those for yourself. Afterwards, one of the most soothing feelings is the

only the EYP community is active in Latvia and in Europe, but also it is a great pathway to explore yourself and discover new opportunities. Gather the courage and take a leap! Volunteering, Youth NGO’s, debating, Tellus – there is so much to experience, to learn, to feel! The options are there, and the people are open and although it is difficult to imagine, every official was once a delegate and every delegate can be an official. So think the session through. How did the General Assembly feel? How much fun was Teambuilding? How much sleep a person actually needs? If you are like me, EYP seems stronger than crack. You just want more and more, and sacrifice a lot of your free time so it would be possible to spend time within this amazing universe just a little bit longer. EYP contains so much life and no matter how hard the PED hits, the best feeling is to get back with the people from EYP.

By Niks Matusevičs 18

Scandalous revelations Well, well dudes, you really thought that you will get through by not being noticed. I was spying on you. And now I have shocking news for everybody. Some people here in Kuld朝ga are faking their personalities by acting like they are not celebrities. It is time to end these lies!

Nice, nice sweethearts, but you cannot fool me, Katherine Heigl- you are a great actress, but you have failed this time.

Charlie - really? By changing your hair cut and putting glasses on you are not going to escape from getting caught.

There is no need to explain how I found the truth out about you, Elena. I am not sorry for betraying you, stars of my article. My dear readers, if you are huge fans of those It is said that silent waters are deepest ones. You

people - you can manage to ask for an autograph

can stop to act, Lindsay.

and take a picture with them, hurry up. And if they are lying again about their personalities - do not




sources of information are indisputable. Xoxo, Greetings

I bet some of girls already recognised you, Justin B.





Motion for a Resolution By the Committee on Gossip Affairs New threat in Europe. Recently, a study conducted by the leading EU scientists indicated that the number of socially-active organisations in the coming years will sky-rocket and by the year 2050 there will be 6 organizations per person whithin the EU. Keeping in mind that people are willing to get the most from the organisation they are a member of, how should the EU proceed?

Submitted by:

Signe Groznija (ENVI), Alvis Bless, (CULT) Juris Gogulis (REGI), Justトォne Leitarte (AFCO), Niklト」s Matuseviト行 (EMPL)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Realising that there is a vast amount of organisations with very similar goals; B. Further examining the inefficiency of many organisations; C. Emphasising that every organisation enforces their values upon their members; D. Observing the fact that people have less time to spend with their loved ones; E. Believing that people have so much fun in these organisations they have almost no time left to sleep;

1.Calls for the unification of organisations by: i) Dividing all of the organisations in to separate committees, each responsible for a different aspect that concerns the EU ii)Giving the organisations individual names consisting of four letters, 2. Encourages creating a large tax on participating in an organisations with less than 5 active members, 3. Notes that people should consider how much free will and room for thoughts each organisations offer, 4. Expresses its hope that in the future the amount of rules in an organisation will not affect the amount of relationships, 5. Reminds that lengthy organisation events leave permanent negative consequences on the human health.


You Know You Love Us xoxo Journo Team


9th Regional Session of EYP Latvia Kurzeme-Zemgale 2011 27th-29th October


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