The Box – Issue 2 (Original)

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What Does



The Team.

Tuusa Eriksson & Rebecca Kiiski - Editors Lewin Schmitt - Video-editor Nikolaos Avramidis Lauma Niedrite Anette Piirsalu Olga Sitinska Silja Tuovinen Gustaf Westin



First Degree Murder by Gustaf Westin


f someone from Europe were to come up with a plan on how to sabotage African farming, it would probably look something like the following. We would start by forbidding Africans from selling more than a certain amount of agricultural goods to us, by introducing quotas. As a second step we would introduce a tariff on African agricultural products, making them a lot more expensive than they normally would be. Thirdly, we would start giving out large subsidies to our own farmers. By forcing taxpayers to send money to European farmers, it becomes a lot easier for them to compete with their African counteryou are encouraging them to produce more goods than we need, and the result rican agriculture, we would then dump our surplus on the African market at a considerably lower price than what it is actually worth, making it impossible for poor African farmers to compete with European ones, not only in Europe, but in their own countries as well.

This would be an excellent sabotage plan. The sad thing is that this is exactly how

icies kill.


tive agriculture is a very good base with which a country can rise from poverty. today, 70 % of which are located in the poor countryside. These people have absolutely no chance of climbing out of poverty if their products are refused in other countries, and if they have to compete with subsidised European products at home.

European consumers either. The average European cow gets paid more than farmers’ income. Estimates of the Swedish government approximate that


when global competition is getting harder and harder among emerging ecotors in which we don’t have any competitive advantage, such as agriculture. which rich and developed countries like ours have advantages in the form of, for instance, educated populations.

who have received hundreds of millions of euros in subsidies since the turn

loud for any real changes to take place. The economic, social, ethical and

to be put in front of the interests of the poorest in the world. To say that it doesn’t feel very good would be to use the understatement of the century.


id you hate or love your art classes in -

Long Liv

were your drawings as real as a photograph?

to write your own songs or sing in a band?

heart of human development and civilizadespite all the effort that has been put into scribed as beauty that gives a unique kind skills transformed into an aesthetic result, as we know, only humans are able to create is one of the main conditions of life, which every person will encounter at some point. The art history of Europe stretches all the way from prehistoric times to modern art. classical art including Minoan and ancient

“Ars longa, Vita brevis� Europe as a continent has a very coherent art history, which endorses European integration

religious imagery, as religious belief thrived roque, mannerism and rococo were born to its’ idolisation of perfection. Similarly, for instance realism and neoclassicism derived from a counterblow against rococo art. 6

before Europe was united on an economic level or before it was considered as a unit on the level of economic interests and trade, culture united all the countries of Europe. The arts, literature and music are the connecting link of Europe.

cultural dimension of European integration was recognised in the Maastricht treaty. This

ve Art?

by Silja Tuovinen

industries have a great value in economic and social development due to their contribution to employment, innovation, education, international mobility and other key policy areas. kind of agenda for culture policy in 2007 based on cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, culture as a catalyst for creativity as well as culture as a key component in internahad a considerably small budget. Having 27 Member States, a great variety of different -

Taking into account the positive effects of creative industries and their contribution

- Art is Long, Life is Short was the formal way of stating that Europe the legal basis for the cultural policy of the pean culture heritage to be brought to the front of cooperation between Member States. in European integration, much more attention has been paid to cultural industries during the

mon European heritage should be valued through supporting the broad discipline of life of an artist is not easy. Many artists are often left outside the borders of welfare in society and suffer from poverty, unemploything as well as in art, it is sad to realise that the potential of humankind is not being last argument is almost impossible. However, artists should be enabled to self-actualize themselves as much as possible, since well as in the whole of Europe. Viva el arte! 7

EUROPE - THE CRADLE OF D by Nikolaos Avramidis

n the latest elections for the European Parliament, several parties with far-right agendas managed to win seats in the upcoming composition of the Parliament. Some of these parties are openly neo-Nazis with anti-Semitic agendas, and all of them have adopted anti-immigration campaigns, mostly due to

political ideas are no different to other farright parties regarding their rhetoric, and

in their rhetoric, but all of the far-right parties have one thing in common: euroscepticism. The austerity policy, together with the perception that the European integration progress undermines the national identities and sovereignty of states, euroscepticism has proven to be a milestone for the popularity of

to exploit the vast crisis that Europe is fac-

parties truly like? Let’s meet the most popular and extreme ones.

opted a strong rhetoric against immigration

anti-immigration related slogans. The members of the party seem to have an obsession with enforcing the strictest law-enforcement

by blocking policymaking in the Parliament, with full democratic legitimacy.

The undisputed winner of this year’s Eurocurrent leader is Marie Le Pen, the daughter of the party’s founder Jean-Marie Le Pen. towards less extreme ideas, the party is set on an anti-immigration agenda. Some of its most important members for example deny the holocaust by considering the number of deaths nor detail”. To make things worse, Jean-Marie Le Pen suggested the ebola virus would be protected economy, with the state being the to National Socialism. Marie Le Pen’s most prominent ally in -


organising military training for its members, attacking immigrants, as well as arranging the murder of a left-wing rap artist, Pavlos the party’s leaders being imprisoned, with the accusation of forming a terrorist organisation.

the background. The party’s MPs are also degrading the importance of the holocaust. They even referred to Hitler as an important rewarded with three seats in the European Parliament with the title of the third most Equally radical solutions to Europe’s prob-


Party, which won one seat in the Parliament. They have adopted many racist and anti-imfull”. There have been several attempts to ban the party in the past but none of them have been successful. Yet again, the party’s most prominent members are constantly denying the Jews’ genocide and accusing the

members have called the Hungarian Jews a The party is also promoting discrimination tion, their members do not try to hide their pro-Nazi feelings as they make public appearances with swastika tattoos. political parties that can be found all across -

neo-Nazis have a strong fort in Eastern Eupro-Nazi Jobbik party managed to get the ganising anti-Semitic protests, Jobbik asks

poses a clear treat to the fundamental values times, however, this is not an excuse to support such extreme and discriminating ideologies. Europe should have learned its lesson once, 70 years ago, and letting this lesson be repeated would be catastrophic.



CULT - Full of Badasses. by Lauma Niedrite

The one who swam in the sea with sharks.

The one who once poured cereal before milk

The one who did a bungee jump

The one who is funny

The one who was in an egg fight

The one who steals food


The one who lived for a month in Italy

The one who went diving in Italy

The one who only slept one hour before the session

AFCO by Anette Piirsalu Wimbledon

session game, which from now night committee bonding time they invented a game a bit similar to tennis only with some stead of the net they used chairs and instead of rackets they found

25 things to do with Tim by AFCO 2. Sing karaoke 3. Earn money with him

make sure that from this moment on you all could play and essential rules for playing the game:

8. Make him go to Statoil for hotdogs

ning event game, you should try not to be too hard on the oppo-

replay. 2. To ensure that maximum number of people will be able to eninclude as many players to game

22. Seduce him 23. Take a shower together

at each side or more. 3. To make sure that the game is

25. Play Wimbledon together

sides half way through game. -

The Names of INTA by Gustaf Westin

Names are something that can give a perourselves with our names and therefore our names are a big part of how we see ourselves. if the meanings of the names can perhaps be seen in the individuals possessing them.

Two of the committee members’ names, Lisa which is a form of the old biblical name Eli-

Marek, or Mark, is originally derived from crated to the god Mars”, but can also mean by, among others, the patron saint of Venice, Saint Mark, who wrote the second gospel in the New Testament.

Ter ze is the Latvian variant of Theresa, which is derived from the greek verb therizo, saints, an example of which is Teresa of Ávith

words hruod, ry” and behrt,



to the cosmic movement of the earth and to the solstice.

with glory”.

The name Linda has a few different potential meanings, one of which is derived from the celtic word for a linden tree, which means


indicates having a gentle personality.


In the game of AFET, you win or you die‌ by Nikolaos Avramidis This is a presentation about the committee, roes in a different way.


Antons, Eddard Stark: He is honorable, honest, and fair. He will protect his resolution until his last breath. He is prepared for everything

Anna, Melisandre of Asai: She is the priest of the god of light and she is dangerous. However you need her supporting your resattack speeches.

Alise, Catelyn Tully Stark: She was raised to do committee work and she knows how

Throne is hers by right, and she shall claim

Elza, Sansa Stark: She might be surrounded by enemies, but she knows how to survive. No matter how hard you try to break her she will endure. Her arguments have turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steal.

Marta, Daenerys Targaryen

Sandra, Margery Tyrell: She might seem to be quiet and innocent but do not get confused. achieve that.




her only resolution, she will try to kill your resolution, and it will hurt‌ Vinetta, Arya Stark: She is a badass and you will be added to her list of pray and






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Twisted ENVI by Silja Tuovinen


How Hannes and Ilvija Died by Olga Sitinska

pened; something so bad that every single EYP issue since then has contained an article

was in prison. Now that he had a reason to escape, he managed to cut the metal bars of

her cancer. Everything seemed good, despite the dead chairs and Marta who was left alone without any piano to play on.


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People often ask us: what is EYP? Even after years of being involved, we still don’t have one clear answer to this question, and we probably never will. Explaining EYP begin EYP for different reasons, go to different sessions all individuals, and this creates a unique EYP world for each and every one of us. You, dear delegates, are all at the start of creating your own EYP worlds. Now that you have experienced this weekend, people will ask you what EYP is. Hopefully after this experience, you will be one step closer to discovering what your answer session and the productions of the Media Team and go home with many warm memories. See you in Europe!


Tuusa and Rebecca




PAND ORA’S Latgale Vidzeme

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