Enska 403
Eyrún Björg Hilmisdóttir
Goodbye to Berlin A Berlin Diary
1. His name is Mr Isherwood. He's a teacher. 2. She's Lina's lodger. She sleeps in the living room and she does all the housework. She says that twenty years ago, if anyone had told her to scrub her own floors, she'd have slapped his face for him. 3. Bobby is a mixer at a bar called the Troika, we don't know his real name. He is a young man, he's pale, smartly dressed, worried-looking and he has black hair. Frl. Kost is a blonde girl with large blue eyes. She has a good figure. Frl. Mayr is a music-hall jodlerin. Flr. Mayr has a bull-dog jaw, coarse string-coloured hair and enormous arms. She speaks a Bavarian dialect. 4. She is a ugly sixty year old women who advertised in the newspaper for a husband. A widowed butcher for Halle applied to be her husband. Frl. Mayr wrote an anonymous letter to the butcher to stop him form marrying Frau Glanterneck, and it worked. 5. His neighbours are weird and not rich. 6. It's a west end bar. It was very calm and nice. 7. She's a really lazy pupil and she doesn't do any work. Her family is rich. 8. Hippi mentions it, but only briefly. It is quite unreal to her.