FOCUS ON BUSINESS Story and Interview by
Business in Uncertain Times A Sales and Performance Coach Perspective
ur world has changed drastically within a few months. Our way of life is completely different. We do not go out unless we work in essential services, and we must socially isolate and keep to social distancing. What does this mean for business? How will this affect the economy – locally and globally? These are the questions that many economists and politicians are now asking. No one knows the answer to these questions as we are in uncharted territory right now. We don’t know how long we are to socially isolate. We don’t know the impact. We do know; however, businesses are changing or needing to change (if possible) to adapt as much as they can if they are to survive. With all that is going on in the world with COVID-19, the business world has been in a huge upheaval and is in the process of adjusting to this new world. Technology is enabling many businesses to adjust, pivot their focus or completely change direction. The agility of business to respond will likely make or break them. It is also sadly a time that many businesses have had to close their doors if other options were not available. This then has flow-on effects of people losing 58 | eYs Magazine, Winter 2020
jobs and people losing livelihoods. In approaching this month’s piece, I was torn. Who should I interview? Would the business I interview close its doors? How hard would businesses be hit? The more I thought about it; one woman kept coming to my mind. She wears many hats. She is a respected and world-renowned sales, marketing and business coach. She prides herself on being of service for most of her adult life as an entrepreneur and coach. She is deeply honest, is on your side and shoots from the hip with honest and tack that you don’t get to see much these days. She is a dynamic and empowering person who is an advocate to promote and support women in business. Her name is Georgiana Kovell. Who better to ask about the business climate right now than one who coaches entrepreneurs, salespeople and empowers women with a group called “Millions of Women Strong.” Welcome, Georgiana. Thank you for being a part of this interview for our magazine. Thank you.
You’re a woman of many talents. Could you briefly tell our readers a bit about your background and what made you start your consulting business as well as Millions of Women Strong? Yeah. I’ve been a serial entrepreneur. I started my first business when I was 16 years old. I show jumped horses, and with horses comes all the bells and whistles that everybody wants, it’s all the fad. And my dad said, “I’m paying for your horses. I’m paying for your shows. You want all the bells and whistles, get a job.” So as soon as I turned 16 and could drive, I created a business. Horse’s manes and tails needed to be braided for horse shows. And so, I learned how to braid the horse’s manes and tails, and I would go out at three o’clock in the morning and go braid all the horses’ manes and tails before the show, just to make some extra money. That was my first sales business or my first business that I had to sell myself. And it kind of went on from there.