well. We all have had to live our life with the ups and downs regardless of a pandemic. Always I have said that time is our gift.
ife changed for everyone around the world since our last edition of eYs Magazine. The pandemic of the Corona Virus has touched all our lives in some form or other. Some of us watched on from the safety of our own homes whilst many worked as essential. No one has been spared really, especially with our emotions being in turmoil perhaps with fear of the unknown and yes that one thing that we all had and did not realise that meant so much in our life, being the freedom taken that we had grown to know and value in our life becoming something that was taboo and regulated. Restrictions slowly are being lifted with guidance in place and hope that all would be controlled with a great outcome. It perhaps will be the unknown for quite some time of how life will continue to function around our country Australia where I live and the world. It’s important for my husband and me to STAY HOME being immune compromised. I have been struggling with an autoimmune disorder since 2017 and have endured the highs and lows of this and know what it is like to strive in keeping as well as can be. At times my husband became the person to take care of me when I had massive flare-ups that allowed me to do little, so he had also experienced the STAY HOME. In the midst of learning to deal with the changes of organising living and doing things differently like Telehealth and shopping for essentials online etc., my husband took ill and very quickly tests revealed he needed an emergency operation. It was a shock. Thankfully I am back to driving, and I could only take him to the hospital and drop him off as I am too compromised with my health to have been there. Such concern grew, but thankfully all went well, and he has been recovering 64 | eYs Magazine, Winter 2020
Time has certainly been a gift, especially when it’s known many have lost life during this present pandemic journey. The sadness of loss is heartbreaking, especially when loved ones can’t be together. So, the hours turn into days and weeks here at my home, and I’ve appreciated more than ever my humble surrounds. I must admit though I have missed simple things we take for granted like enjoying coffee and chat catchups with friends and feeling those real hugs. So, these days have been spent knowing and feeling compassionate of the emotions of those that have been affected in health, work and a new way of living to truly appreciate my home and surrounds more than ever. My outdoors at home has been so valued. How the Decor has been applied with furnishings and pots laden with botanicals has been welcoming as my daily escape ritual from the indoors, so Decor is not only for the internals of your home and external rooms or spaces can be an addition to your lifestyle and play a huge part of living. I know I am blessed with living in a North Queensland, Australian tropical paradise. I while away time when I have needed to rest from the days of troubled pain from my immune disorder with a coffee and at times imagine I am anywhere in the world in the haven we have created. I have never been to Paris, but now and again I do play that game of imagination and sometimes take to adding items of Decor to include such of that location. In these many weeks, it’s been a time to catch up and enjoy the feel of what is surrounding in the outdoors as we are blessed with weather beautiful one day and perfect the next. The blue of the sky, the green of the botanicals and watching the sway in the breeze, butterflies fluttering about and the birdsong have been magic. Do you feel