CONSERVATION ACTIONS FOR THE RED KITE (Milvus milvus) IN THE EXTREMADURA REGION. PERIOD 2015-2020. Sánchez, A.1, Caldera, J.1, Abad, J.M.1, González-Villalba, C.1, Sánchez, A.L.1, García del Rey, M.2, Rodríguez, A.2 Servicio de Conservación de la Naturaleza y Áreas Protegidas. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas Agrarias y Territorio. Junta de Extremadura. Av/ Luis Ramallo s/n, 06800 Mérida (Badajoz) Spain E-mail: 2 Parque Nacional de Monfrague. C/ Arroyo Valhondo, nº2- 1ª planta, 10071 Cáceres (Cáceres) Spain 1
INTRODUCTION The region of Extremadura has a key role in the conservation of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) in the Iberian Peninsula since it hosts approximately 14% of the breeding population and 17% of the wintering population, as estimated during the II National Census (Cardiel, I. E., 2006). It hold the second most important wintering population of Spain, after Castilla y León. Nonetheless, while the conservation status of the wintering population maintains similar levels to 1994, the species’ breeding population has suffered a severe decline. The decline has been estimated at 70% for the period 1994-2015 and at 27% for the period 2004-2015 (Data compiled by Junta de Extremadura), whereas its causes remain unknown. In order to enhance knowledge of the species’ biology, identify the causes of its decline, as well as attempt to secure the positive trend of its wintering population and reverse the negative trend of its breeding population, a series of measures, included in various lines of work, have been launched. LEGAL MEASURES Development of the “Strategy against the use of illegal poisoned baits in Extremadura” The aim of this strategy is to prevent the poisoning of wildlife by direct and indirect (rodenticides) poisoning. The strategy is based on five main guidelines:
Update the species’ status in the Regional List for Endangered Species. At present, there is an ongoing process for the change of the species’ protection status, from the current “Vulnerable” to “Endangered”, based on the unfavourable conservation status of its breeding population, as well as the inclusion of the species in the List of Species under Special Protection, which forms part of the National List of Endangered Species. This change is expected to become effective in early 2016.
Increase and flow of information exchange and improvement of knowledge. Development and implementation of specific operations aimed to prevent and dissuade. Investigation and prosecution of criminal activity. Penal and administrative proceedings. Complementary actions: predator control and implication of the hunting and livestock sectors in the fight against the use of poisoned baits.
Approval and elaboration of the “Red Kite Recovery Plan in Extremadura”. The “Red Kite Recovery Plan in Extremadura” will be approved and launches following the species’ status update to “Endangered”. Its main purpose is to advance in the knowledge of its problematic and develop the necessary countermeasures to allow the gradual recovery of the species. It is expected to be approved along early 2016.
Development of the Decree regulating the feeding of certain wildlife species on animal subproducts not intended for human consumption (Decree 38/2015) Decree establishing how and where animal subproducts not intended for human consumption (SANDACH) can be administered to scavenger species in Extremadura, including Red Kite. Additionally, it constitutes and promotes the Supplementary Feeding Points Network for Scavenger species in Extremadura (RAENEX). MONITORING PLAN Breeding population study Annual monitoring of the population and its breeding parameters: Starting 2016, a monitoring program will be launched to locate and intensive monitoring of breeding pair. Its aims will be to provide: precise information on their breeding parameters, trends over time and detection of mortality events and threats. This program will commence in the area of Monfragüe, where the higher density of the species has been observed, and will subsequently be developed in the entire Region. Species’ health status analysis: Microbiological and toxicological analyses (antibiotics, intiinflammatories, organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals) will be performed, in order to identify the level of pathogens and chemical substances present in the breeding population. These chemical substances, that originate from crop protection products or hunting ammunition, can appear in sublethal levels causing negative effects in health and biological efficiency of the species. Species’ diet study: By analyzing pellets and prey remains present in controlled nests or nearby perches.
Figure 1.- Red Kite admition causes in Wildlife Recovery Center of “Los Hornos” (Cáceres) and AMUS (Badajoz).
Trapping and tagging program: Since 2014, two individuals of the breeding population have been tagged, one by SEO/Bird and one by the Regional Goverment, with GPS/GSM transmitters. Current data provide insight to the behaviour and use of territory of the breeding individuals, which appears to differ from the use observed in wintering individuals. The continuance of this program will contribute enhancing available information on fundamental aspects for the species’ conservation: movements, foraging areas, use of territory, areas of special importance for the species, mortality factors, etc. During 2016, the program will be intensified by the Regional Goverment, aiming to capture and tag 10 more Red Kites in different parts of the Region. As a complementary action, it is expected to tag with metal rings and colours marks (plastic rings and/or wing tags), 20-30 individuals more, adults and juveniles, also belonging to the breeding population. Periodic monitoring of the Red Kite wintering population Continuance of the existent annual monitoring program of the Red Kite wintering population by census of roosting sites.
DIRECT CONSERVATION MEASURES Establishment and maintenance of the Supplementary Feeding Points Network for Scavenger Species in Extremadura (RAENEX) At present, this network consists of 18 supplementary feeding points for scavengers. Throughout the year 2015-2016, at less 3 points more will be established, that will cover a higher percentage of areas with regular presence of the target species. Agreements with landowners in important areas for the Red Kite These agreements will aim to conserve and/or improve the areas of importance for the Red Kite (breeding sites, foraging sites, roosting sites, etc.), by promoting agricultural and/or hunting activities compatible or favourable for the species. AWARANESS MEASURES Environmental education- dissemination campaigns Information and dissemination on the species and its problematics, aimed at the society in general, with special emphasis on student population, as well as the hunting, agricultural and livestock sectors. These campaigns will take please mainly in those areas with greater presence of the species, and will include itinerant exhibitions, educational material for students and teachers, brochures-manuals on the species and its relation to the hunting and livestock world, etc. Figure 2.- 10x10 km positive squares Red Kite distribution and supplementary feeding points for scavengers in Extremadura region. Red Kite photo in a supplementary feeding pont. REFERENCES AEMA 2015. Censo de la población reproductora de milano real (Milvus milvus) en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura. Año 2015. Informe inédito para la Junta de Extremadura. Mérida. Cardiel, I. E. 2006. El milano real en España. II Censo Nacional (2004). SEO/BirdLife, 2014. Acciones para la conservación del milano real en Extremadura, y su plan de recuperación. Informe inédito para la Junta de Extremadura. Mérida.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the Wildlife Recovery Center of “Los Hornos” and AMUS for the data provided on the Red Kite admition causes in these centers, and Ada Kouri for her help editing the english version.