Pharma Finance (2009)

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conTenTs Programme Finance & Health Together a winning network idea - Giancarlo Elia Valori Lazio, an international competitiveness-oriented system - Gianfranco Bafundi Bioscience, the ever-growing excellence of Lazio - Claudio Mancini

4 5 6 7

The Pharma Finance PromoTers Sviluppo Lazio, serving Lazio Region Italian Institute for Foreign Trade Zangani Investor Community

9 11 12

The Pharma Finance ParTners FILAS, the financial investment Agency of Lazio Region The Bioscience Technology District (BTD) Science Park of the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome (SP)

14 15 17

The Pharma Finance PaTronages AIFI Assobiotec Farmindustria IBAN National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Science

19 20 23 22 21

The Pharma Finance inTernaTional ProjecT


comPany ProFiles ITALY 3i Consulting Abiogen Pharma Advanced Computer System ANBI Angelini Antiage Onlus Bio Fab research C4T Consortium IN.BIO Consortium Sapienza Innovazione Ecobioservices and Researches Srl ErgonixART S.r.l. ENEA IBI Imunomod ISS ISS ISS ISS ISS ISS LifeLineLab Mavi Sud MBS Medi – Pragma Menarini Biotech 2

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Microbo Miros MoLiRom MuroTherapy National Research Council (CNR) National Research Council (CNR) NeuroEngage Orofino Pharmaceuticals Group San Raffaele Biomedical Park Foundation SpaceLand Srl Technology Development for Africa Unibiomedics srl University of Rome Campus Biomedico University of Rome “La Sapeinza” University of Rome “Tor Vergata” University of Rome “Tor Vergata” WetWare Concepts S.r.l. Ylichron Srl

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

comPany ProFiles INTERNATIoNAL EURoPEAN CommISSIoN Enterprise Europe Network


AUSTRALIA Austrade Australian Membrane Technologies Ceramisphere IDT PrimaBioMed

73 74 75 76 77

CANADA Alberta Research Council Allphase Clinical Research Norgen Biotech TMX Group

78 78 79 79

ESToNIA Hansabiomed OU


mALAYSIA Affilion Advisory Services Sdn Bhd Easy pha-max marketing FirstFloor Capital

81 81 82

SINgAPoRE Dawyn International


UK Merck & Co


USA Competitive Technologies Errant Gene Therapeutics Excel Life Sciences Novavax, Inc. Rodman & Renshaw The Channel Group The Livingston Group US Food and Drug Administration

84 84 85 85 86 86 86 87




Pharma Finance 2009 International Conference on Biotechnologies and Finance Rome, June 4-5 2009 Sheraton Golf Parco de’ Medici Via Salvatore Rebecchini, 39

Thursday, june 4Th 9:00 am 9:30 am Moderator:

Leonardo Santi

RegistRation – Welcome coffee confeRence opening President of the National Committee for Biosecurity, Biotechnology and Life Sciences at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Welcome address:

Giancarlo Elia Valori President of Sviluppo Lazio S.p.A. Gianfranco Bafundi President of the Commission for Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade and Crafts of Regione Lazio Claudio Mancini Councillor for Economic Development, Research, Innovation and Tourism of Regione Lazio Flaminia Saccà President of FILAS SpA Marco Cimini Director of the Department for Internationalization Promotion, ICE – Italian Trade Commssion Speakers:

Pietro Celi

Marina Del Bue

Director General for Internationalization Policies and Trade Promotion of the Enterprise and Internationalization Department of the Economic Development Ministry “The activities of the economic development ministry supporting biotech sector internationalization”. Vice President of Assobiotec “Private equity role in developing an italian biotech Pmi: the molmed case”

10:30 am


Gianluca Lo Presti Leonardo Zangani Miriam Pietropaoli

Director General of Sviluppo Lazio S.p.A. President of Zangani Investor Community Director of Microbo S.r.l.

11:00 am


First speaker:

Marco Cimini Moderator:

Director of the Department for Internationalization Promotion, ICE – Italian Trade Commission

Leonardo Zangani Wendy Sanhai

President of Zangani Investor Community FDA

Silvia Trasciatti

Director of Research and Development Division, Abiogen Pharma Managing Director of CeramiSPHERE Managing Director of Hansabiomed OU Senior Director and Head Licensing and External Research, Europe, Merck Sharp & Dohme Executive Director Prima Biomed Managing Director of Siena Biotech

Phil Myers Antonio Chiesi Margaret Beer Martin Rogers Giovanni Gaviraghi

Friday, june 5Th 9:00 am 9:30 am


First speaker and moderator:

Flaminia Saccà

President of FILAS S.p.A.

Paolo Occhialini

Project Manager of DTB “The action of the Technological District of Biosciences – DTB” Claudio Cavazza Project Manager “New technologies for Life” “The innovative project New technologies for Life” Giovina Ruberti Italian Representative of IMI - Innovative Medicines Intiative, States Representatives Group “The European initiative IMI” Roberto Del Giudice Director of Research and Study Department, AIFI “The Italian market of Venture Capital High Tech” Giuseppina Maiorano IBAN - Business Angels “The Italian market of the informal venture capital”


First speaker and moderator:

Paolo Occhialini

Project Manager DTB, FILAS SpA

Lorenzo Polenzani Giorgio Minotti

R&D, Pipeline Strategy Manager, Angelini Pharmacology Professor, University of Rome Campus Bio-Medico Giuseppe Martini Director of Life Sciences Department, CNR Loredana Cecchetelli Director of Research and Development Division, IBI Filippo Belardelli Director of the Neuroscience and Cell Biology Department, ISS Claudio Panzarella Business Scout Manager, Menarini Biotech Ugo Di Francesco Vice President, Sigma-Tau Vittorio Rosato President of Ylichron S.r.l. 1:00 pm 2:30 pm

11:00 am





Paolo Occhialini

Project Manager DTB, FILAS SpA

Ugo Di Giammatteo

Head of Business Development Environment, Advanced Computer Systems (A.C.S.) Alberto Migliore President of Antiage Onlus Rosa Cuffari R &D allergies, Radim - ATI Radim-Ecobioservices Paolo Di Nardo Member of the Scientific Committee I.N.B.A. Giovanni Antonini Scientific Responsible of MBS SrL Vittorio Colizzi Director UNECO Chair Biotechnology Giovan Battista Cozzone President of 3i Consulting S.r.l. Stefano Ciccone Responsible for the Science Park Office, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Claudio Scarponi President of Unibiomedics 1:00 pm


EXHIBITION FORUM AND BUSINESS2BUSINESS – RESEARCH2BUSINESS MEETINGS On June 4th and 5th, at the Sala Visconti hall in the Sheraton Golf Parco de’ Medici, a permanent Exhibition Forum will be set up hosting Big Pharma, PMI, Spin-off, Startup, public and private research centers, intellectual property holders, and financial experts coming from: Lazio, Australia, Canada, Estonia, Malaysia, Singapore and USA. Info:

Dallo Sheraton Golf Parco de’ Medici di Roma parte, sotto i migliori auspici, il “Pharma Finance 2009”, il congresso internazionale per le scienze della vita

The “Pharma Finance 2009” International Life Science Conference is beginning – at Rome’s Sheraton Golf Parco de’ Medici Hotel – with good omens

Finanza & Salute inSieme

Finance & HealtH togetHer a winning network idea

idea vincente di SiStema Il Congresso internazionale su biotecnologie e finanza, “Pharma Finance 2009”, si conferma punto di riferimento, consolidato e di grande interesse, in considerazione dei lusinghieri risultati conseguiti nelle precedenti edizioni. L’atteso evento, dedicato a incontri tra mondo finanziario, industriale e centri di ricerca, vede coinvolti illustri relatori, accademici, ricercatori e operatori finanziari del sistema Lazio, unitamente a tanti altri provenienti da Australia, Canada, Estonia, Malaysia, Singapore e Stati Uniti. Promosso da Regione Lazio e Sviluppo Lazio in collaborazione con il Ministero dello sviluppo economico, l’Istituto nazionale per il commercio estero, Filas e Zangani investor community, questo forum di discussione, che è aperto a piccole e medie imprese, big pharma, spin-off, start up, centri di ricerca, titolari di proprietà intellettuali, operatori finanziari e specializzati in biotecnologie, ha il dono di essere un esclusivo punto d’incontro utile a sviluppare efficaci reti di cooperazione economico-scientifica. Il cui settore delle scienze della vita ne è espressione eticosociale da promuovere e difendere a garanzia del benessere psico-fisico e, quindi, del progresso il più ampiamente partecipato. In questo senso, ritengo che questa nostra iniziativa sia utile per stimolare, sempre di più e meglio, le politiche di internazionalizzazione industriale spese nella convinzione che la salute sia il collante insostituibile tra lo sviluppo e il benessere sociale, e avendo come fine ultimo quello di ottimizzare i rapporti fra mondo delle imprese, della finanza e della ricerca.

“Pharma Finance 2009” – the International Conference on Biotechnology and Finance – proves again to be a consolidated mainstay and an initiative of great interest, given the outstanding results obtained by its previous editions. Prominent speakers, scholars, researchers, and financial operators coming from Lazio, as well as many other people coming from Australia, Canada, Estonia, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States will take part in this eagerly awaited event, where the worlds of finance, industry and research centres will meet. This Forum, promoted by the Lazio Regional Government and Sviluppo Lazio, together with the Ministry for Economic Development, the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE), FILAS S.p.A and the Zangani Investor Community, is open to SMEs, big pharmas, spin-offs, start ups, research centres, intellectual property rights holders, and biotechnology financial operators, and is a unique meeting point aiming at developing useful economic and scientific cooperation networks. Life Science is an ethical and social expression to be promoted and defend to ensure psychophysical wellbeing and, hence, widely shared progress. In this perspective, I deem our initiative useful to increasingly and better stimulate industrial internationalisation policies, carried out because we believe that health is the irreplaceable link between development and social wellbeing, with our ultimate goal being the optimisation of business-financeresearch relations.

cavaliere del Lavoro Prof. Giancarlo elia Valori Presidente di sviluPPo lazio sPa

Prof. Giancarlo elia Valori, Knight of Labour Chairman of sviluPPo lazio sPa


alla competitività

lazio, an international competitiveneSS-oriented



Le prime due edizione del Pharma Finance hanno già dato risultati concreti in termini di cooperazione tra aziende, centri di ricerca, gruppi finanziari del Lazio e internazionali. Con il Pharma Finance 2009 si vuole andare oltre e mettere a sistema le migliori capacita regionali e internazionali in termini di innovazione, sperimentazione e ricerca, capacità tecnologiche: mettere in campo quindi tutte le risorse per garantire competitività e sviluppo del Made in Lazio. Il Lazio, infatti, è la seconda regione italiana per contribuzione al PIL nazionale. La regione investe il 2% del proprio Prodotto interno lordo in ricerca a vantaggio dei suoi 11 atenei, dei parchi tecnologici e degli istituti di ricerca presenti sul territorio con investimento pari a oltre 3 miliardi di euro (2006) tra fondi pubblici e privati. Il Lazio è una regione che cresce. In questi ultimi anni, mettendo in rete istituzioni locali, enti di ricerca, forze imprenditoriali e sociali, il Lazio ha investito risorse per far emergere e sostenere lo sviluppo dei settori strategici e delle punte di eccellenza produttive. Attraverso il dialogo e l’integrazione sinergica tra le parti vive del sistema, il Lazio è protagonista sui mercati esteri, è al primo posto in nicchie produttive legate al rapporto innovazione-tradizione e primeggia in comparti ad altissimo contenuto tecnologico. Tra questi il segmento delle “Scienze della Vita”, che accoglie al suo interno il chimico-farmaceutico e che ha proprio nelle biotecnologie una delle sue espressioni più importanti; un segmento che rappresenta una sintesi perfetta tra realtà culturali e produttive dinamiche, proiettate verso le partnership economicoscientifiche. Attraverso i progetti di internazionalizzazione promossi dalla Regione Lazio e realizzati da Sviluppo Lazio in collaborazione con partner istituzionali, si vuole far leva su queste potenzialità ed incentivare sempre più il dialogo tra imprese, centri di ricerca e università, per dar vita a forme di cooperazione internazionali e mettere in rete grandi progettualità.

The first two Pharma Finance editions have already produced tangible results in terms of regional and international cooperation of companies, research centres, and financial groups. Pharma Finance 2009 aims at going further, networking regional and international innovation, experimentation, and research skills, thus mobilising all said resources to develop Lazio’s production and make it competitive. As a matter of fact, the Lazio Region ranks second in terms of contribution to the national GDP. Lazio invests 2% of its GNP in Research, allocating funds for its 11 universities, its technology parks and research institutes, for an overall investment of more than 3 billion euros (2006), including public and private funds. Lazio is a growing region. Over the last few years – by networking local institutions, research centres, business and social actors – Lazio has been investing resources in order to lunch and support the development of strategic sectors and production excellence. Through dialogue and the synergic integration of the system’s lively parts, Lazio has become a major player in international markets; it is leader in some production niches relying on the innovation-tradition relation; and ranks first in extremely technology-intensive fields. Among the latter is the “Life Science” area, which encompasses the chemicalpharmaceutical industry, and whose main expressions include biotechnology. This sector is the perfect synthesis of dynamic cultural and production actors, who are willing to establish future business-science partnerships. The internationalisation projects promoted by the Lazio Regional Government and implemented by Sviluppo Lazio, together with some institutions, aim at making the most of such potential and increasingly encourage dialogue among businesses, research centres, and universities, so to boost international cooperation and the networking of major projects.

lazio, un SiStema orientato

Gianfranco Bafundi Presidente della Commissione Pmi, CommerCio e artigianato della regione lazio Gianfranco Bafundi Chairman of the Lazio region’s sme, trade and Crafts Commission


BioScienze, l’eccellenza del lazio cHe continua a creScere Ricerca scientifica e ambiti produttivi sono un binomio che nel Lazio trova espressione d’eccellenza nel settore delle bioscienze. Un comparto strategico su cui la Regione Lazio ha puntato con decisione attraverso l’istituzione del Distretto tecnologico delle Bioscienze della Regione Lazio, che in un solo anno di vita è già decollato, registrando risultati importanti. In soli 4 mesi, abbiamo assegnato i primi 10 milioni di euro messi a bando e che sono stati destinati a 26 progetti di ricerca applicata che verranno portati avanti in collaborazione tra imprese e organismi di ricerca. Altri 32 milioni e mezzo di euro sono stati assegnati a progetti di sviluppo sperimentale attraverso la gestione del Fondo regionale per la Ricerca Sanitaria. Ma questo è solo l’inizio, perché sono già in arrivo i prossimi bandi per l’assegnazione dei fondi del Programma Operativo Regionale, dei quali 26 milioni e 300 mila euro destinati al Distretto Tecnologico delle Bioscienze. Tutto questo, solo per citare alcuni degli interventi che la Regione Lazio sta concentrando in questo ambito, sul quale abbiamo impresso il segno di un’accelerazione notevole, con scelte operative e investimenti che proseguono, seguendo il filo rosso tracciato con la nuova legge per la “Promozione della ricerca e sviluppo dell’innovazione e del trasferimento tecnologico nella Regione Lazio”, tesa a consolidare un sistema che potenzi al massimo la rete integrata tra imprese, atenei e centri di ricerca, garantendo l’efficacia degli investimenti pubblici. È quindi con particolare piacere che saluto la terza edizione di Pharma Finance - un appuntamento importante per rafforzare il ponte tra ricerca e tessuto produttivo - dando il benvenuto a tutti coloro che partecipano a questo congresso internazionale così fortemente orientato al business e che nel Lazio incontrano una realtà che si posizione al vertice della classifica nazionale per capacità innovativa, incidenza della spesa pubblica in ricerca e sviluppo, nonché per il numero di addetti alla ricerca e sviluppo, anche grazie alla presenza delle maggiori università e centri di ricerca italiani.

BioScience, tHe evergrowing excellence oF lazio Scientific research and production marry up in Lazio and express their excellence in the field of bioscience. This is a strategic sector, and the Lazio Regional Government has been placing focus and relying on it. In fact, it established the Lazio Region Bioscience Technology District, which has obtained outstanding results only one year after its creation. It only took us 4 months to award the first 10 million euros to 26 applied research projects – presented within the framework of a call for proposals – which will be carried out based on business-research institute partnerships. Some additional 32.5 million euros were allocated for experimental development projects, through the Regional Health Research Fund (Fondo regionale per la Ricerca Sanitaria). But this is just the start, as new calls for proposals are going to be launched for the allocation of funds from the Regional Operational Programme (Programma Operativo Regionale), 26,300,000 euros of which will be earmarked for the Bioscience Technology District. All this, just to mention some of the initiatives that the Lazio Regional Government is launching in this field. In fact, we are placing great focus on this area, by making operational choices and investments that will continue in the future, following the guidelines established by the new Law for the “Promotion of R&D, Innovation, and technology transfer in the Lazio Region”, aiming at consolidating and enhancing the network encompassing businesses, universities, and research centres, also guaranteeing public investment effectiveness. Hence, I am particularly pleased to welcome the Third Pharma Finance Edition – as it is an important event to consolidate bridges between research and production. I am pleased to welcome all the participants in this International Conference – which is strongly business-oriented – who will come to know Lazio as a leading Italian region in terms of innovation, R&D public spending, and number of R&D workers, thanks to the presence of major Italian universities and research centres.

claudio mancini assessore allo sviluPPo eConomiCo, riCerCa, innovazione e turismo della regione lazio Claudio Mancini Lazio regionaL CounCiLLor for eConomiC deveLopment, researCh, innovation, and tourism



Sviluppo lazio, al Servizio del territorio Sviluppo Lazio nasce nel 1999 come strumento di attuazione della programmazione regionale in materia economica e territoriale. Oggi rappresenta un indispensabile mezzo operativo per il potenziamento delle infrastrutture regionali e delle attività produttive, nonché per l’incremento dell’occupazione. L’impegno di Sviluppo Lazio si concretizza attraverso diverse forme d’intervento: promuove la cultura d’impresa, sostiene programmi di sviluppo territoriale, partecipa a progetti d’investimento nelle infrastrutture anche attraverso la promozione di partnership tra soggetti pubblici e privati. Per un reale sostegno delle attività produttive, Sviluppo Lazio opera per l’acquisizione e l’ottimizzazione di risorse finanziarie comunitarie, nazionali e private, favorendo l’internazionalizzazione del sistema economico regionale e gli scambi commerciali con l’estero. In questi ultimi anni, Sviluppo Lazio ha contribuito alla crescita socioeconomica della regione anche attraverso studi, ricerche, analisi sul territorio e sul suo tessuto produttivo, fornendo un supporto di notevole efficacia alla Regione stessa e agli altri soggetti attivi in materia di sviluppo.

l’internazionalizzazione La Regione Lazio, attraverso Sviluppo Lazio SpA, sostiene il processo di internazionalizzazione industriale delle imprese laziali attraverso l’attuazione delle linee strategiche volte a valorizzare l’export e migliorare il livello di proiezione del sistema produttivo all’estero. Attraverso la concertazione con gli attori istituzionali ed economici presenti sul territorio e la creazione di reti imprenditoriali siamo in grado di rappresentare al meglio capacità, innovazione e tradizioni del Made in Italy – Made in Lazio e di accedere ai mercati esteri in maniera innovativa e con un forte orientamento alla cooperazione internazionale.

Sprintlazio Sportello Regionale per l’Internazionalizzazione, nato da un accorso tra Ministero del Commercio Internazionale, Regione Lazio, Sviluppo Lazio e l’Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero, è lo strumento regionale per orientare e sostenere le piccole e medie imprese laziali nel processo di internazionalizzazione industriale e commerciale. Lo Sportello fornisce servizi finalizzati a: n conoscere e selezionare i mercati; n individuare opportunità di investimento e/o partner esteri; n valutare strumenti ed agevolazioni comunitarie, nazionali e regionali. SprintLazio rappresenta a livello regionale un nucleo di raccolta, selezione ed organizzazione di tutto quel patrimo-nio di informazioni, banche dati e servizi legati all’internazionalizzazione, un archivio dinamico ed interattivo a completa disposizione delle PMI del Lazio, consultabile anche attraverso il portale

address Via V. Bellini, 22 00198 Rome Italy Telephone Tel. +39 06 84568.1 Fax. +39 06 84568.332 mail internazionalizzazione@ Web


Sviluppo lazio, Serving lazio region

address Via V. Bellini, 22 00198 Rome Italy Telephone Tel. +39 06 84568.1 Fax. +39 06 84568.332 mail internazionalizzazione@ Web


Sviluppo Lazio was founded in 1999 and charged with the task of implementing the region’s economic and territorial agendas. Nowadays its primary mission is to assist in the development of regional infrastructures, manufacturing businesses and to increase employment. The agency accomplishes this mission in many ways: by promoting enterprise motivated ideology; by sustaining territorial development programs; by participating in infrastructure investment projects even by fostering partnerships between public and private entities. In order to really contribute to the manufacturing industry, Sviluppo Lazio focuses on acquiring and optimizing community, national and private financial funds to promote the internationalization of the regional economic system and to attract foreign investors. In recent years, Sviluppo Lazio has contributed to the socio-economic growth of the region by conducting studies, researches and analyses of the region and its productive fabric, providing assistance to the Region and the other active agencies in carrying out such plans.

internazionalization The Region of Lazio, by Sviluppo Lazio, bolsters the process of industrial internationalization of Lazio’s companies by the implementation of strategies meant to promote exports and increase the power of the production system abroad. Through the agreement among institutional and economic entities and the creation of entrepreneurial networks we are able to properly represent potential, innovation and traditions of Made in Italy – Made in Lazio and to access foreign markets in a new way and by strongly collaborating with international partners.

Sprintlazio The regional office for internationalization arose from an agreement among the Ministry of International Trade, the Region of Lazio, Sviluppo Lazio and the National Institute for Foreign Trade with the aim of directing and bolstering Lazio’s SME in the process of industrial and trade internationalization. This office provides services meant to: n Monitor and select markets; n Identify investment opportunities and/or foreign partners; n Weigh up community, national and regional resources and facilities. At regional level, SprintLazio represents a centre where collecting, selecting and organizing the great deal of information, data banks and services about internationalization; a dynamic and interactive archive at the full disposal of Lazio’s SME, even by

iStituto nazionale per il commercio eStero

italian inStitute For Foreign trade

L’ICE, Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero, è l’ente che ha il compito di sviluppare, agevolare e promuovere i rapporti economici e commerciali italiani con l’estero e la collaborazione industriale tra aziende italiane e straniere.

The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero) is the Italian government agency entrusted with the promotion of trade, business opportunities and industrial co-operation between Italian and foreign companies.

Negli ultimi anni l’ICE ha contribuito a consolidare il settore delle biotecnologie interagendo fattivamente con le istituzioni locali, gli operatori economici, gli investitori, promuovendo la ricerca portata avanti dalle università, dai parchi scientifici ed incubatori, settori guidati da una costante crescita negli ultimi anni.

Over the past decade ICE has contributed to consolidate the biotech sector by interacting with local institutions, business communities, investors, promoting the research activity carried out by universities, scientific parks and incubators, all driven by a constant growth over the past, recent years.

L’ICE si è profusa per massimizzare la presenza italiana sul mercato globale delle scienze per la vita anche collaborando attivamente con le regioni italiane. L’Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero ha svariate iniziative in programma, volte ad assicurare che l’offerta italiana sia recepita, unificata e che si presenti con un comune obiettivo: aziente italiane, governo e stakeholders che cooperano insieme.

ICE has committed itself to maximising the Italian presence in life sciences global market and is active in collaborating with Italian regional bodies. The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade is carrying out a program of initiatives to ensure that the Italian offer is joined up, unified and speaking with one voice – Italian companies, government and other stakeholders all working together.

Grazie alla positiva interazione con gli enti regionali italiani, l’ICE, sta supportando, in base agli accordi di collaborazione con la regione Lazio attraverso Sviluppo Lazio, Pharma Finance 2009, organizzando, selezionando ed invitando all’evento investitori esteri diretti ed operatori commerciali provenienti dagli Stati Uniti, Canada, Singapore e Malaysia. Gli obiettivi di questo progetto sono volti a creare i presupposti per una fattiva collaborazione, nazionale ed internazionale, nel settore biotecnologico, del medical device e della finanza.

Due to the positive interaction with the Italian regional bodies, ICE is supporting, within the framework of the cooperation agreement with Lazio region through Sviluppo Lazio SpA., Pharma Finance 2009, by organizing, selecting and inviting to the event inward investors and trading partners from the United States, Canada, Singapore and Malaysia.

address Via Liszt,21 00144 Rome Italy Telephone +39 06 5992.1 mail Web

The internationalisation project aims at teaming up companies of national and international biotech, medical device and finance sector.


Leonardo G. Zangani Presidente della zangani investor Community Leonardo G. Zangani president of the zangani investor Community


zangani inveStor community

zangani inveStor community

Zangani Investor Community è stata fondata con lo scopo specifico di portare all’attenzione delle comunità di investimento e delle rispettive industrie, aziende poco valorizzate e con scarsa visibilità. Durante gli anni l’ approccio della Zangani è sempre stato legato alla capacità costante di evolversi. Utilizzando le ultime tecnologie esponiamo le informazioni alle Comunità di investitori che seguono le aziende e che sono capaci di prende decisioni e individuarne il valore intrinseco. Scegliamo per il nostro portafoglio soltanto le imprese che crediamo non siano correttamente esposte. La Zangani si è trasformata seguendo il mercato e le forme delle comunicazione; internet ha cambiato considerevolmente molte cose in particolare nell’area delle comunicazioni. La Zangani ha una duplice visione: in primo luogo diamo alla Comunità di investitori in modo rapido ed accurato una visione delle aziende che rappresentiamo; in secondo luogo, diamo ai nostri clienti un pubblico educato e con un occhio esperto per le occasioni di investimento a cui li esponiamo. Crediamo che la velocità con cui le nostre informazioni sui clienti sono diffuse, riflettono la velocità a cui le Comunità possono accedere e valutare le informazioni. Facciamo questo fornendo un accesso dinamico e fluido alle informazioni pertinenti le varie situazioni.

Zangani was founded with the express purpose of bringing undervalued and underexposed companies to the attention of the investment community. Throughout the years the one defining quality of Zangani is our consistent ability to evolve. We utilize the latest technology to get your information to the community that follows your company, makes decisions and determines the value. We only take on the companies we believe are undervalued and not properly exposed. As the markets and forms of communications have changed so have we. The internet has changed many things, most notably in the area of communications. At Zangani, our vision is two-fold. First we give the investment community a voice in evaluating the companies we represent. Second, we give our clients a savvy audience with a keen eye for investment opportunities. We believe the speed at which our clients information is disseminated, directly reflects the speed at which the investment community can access and act on that information. We do this by providing dynamic and fluid access to pertinent market information.


FilaS, la Finanziaria laziale di Sviluppo Filas è la società della Regione Lazio dedicata al sostegno dei processi di sviluppo e innovazione del tessuto imprenditoriale locale e gestisce una serie di misure in favore delle attività di ricerca, innovazione e trasferimento tecnologico. Filas finanzia grandi progetti di ricerca, favorisce le collaborazioni e la creazione di un network stabile tra mondo della ricerca e dell’impresa e supporta la nascita e lo sviluppo di imprese hitech. Filas svolge un ruolo importante nell’azione del Governo locale per la creazione di distretti tecnologici. E’ soggetto attuatore dei tre Distretti Tecnologici dell’Aerospazio; delle Bioscienze e ICT per i Beni Culturali. address Via Alessandro Farnese, 3 00192 Rome Italy Telephone Tel. +39 06 328851 mail Web

Filas stimola i processi di crescita quantitativa e qualitativa delle piccole e medie imprese, attraverso la partecipazione al capitale di rischio, l’erogazione di contributi e altre iniziative per la diffusione dell’innovazione e dell’uso di internet e di strumenti di e-learning e incontro telematico tra domanda e offerta di lavoro. Filas partecipa a programmi nazionali ed europei e ad accordi con Paesi extra Ue, per sostenere le imprese dei settori ad alta tecnologia sui mercati mondiali, attraverso iniziative di cooperazione internazionale. Filas supporta lo sviluppo del comparto cinematografico e audiovisivo attraverso accordi internazionali e strumenti operativi a livello nazionale, europeo ed extraeuropeo.


FilaS, tHe Financial inveStment agency oF lazio region Filas is a company owned by the Lazio Region dedicated to supporting development and innovation processes in the local entrepreneurial sector and managing a series of measures in favour of research, innovation and technology-transfer activities. Filas funds large research projects, promotes cooperation and the creation of a stable network between the research and entrepreneurial world and supports the setting up and development of hi-tech enterprises. Filas plays an important role in the local Government’s action in creating technology districts. It carries out Aerospace, Biosciences and ICT for Cultural Heritage Technology Districts. Filas spurs SME’s quantitative and qualitative growth processes, through venture capital activities, funding and other initiatives to disseminate innovation, the use of the Internet, e-learning tools and electronic matching between supply and demand of labour. Filas participates in national and European programs and agreements with non EU countries, in supporting high tech companies on global markets, through international cooperation initiatives. Filas supports the development of the movie and audiovisual industries with international agreements and national, European and international operating tools.

diStretto tecnologico per le BioScienze (dtB) La Regione Lazio, da tempo impegnata nella realizzazione di strumenti di sostegno allo sviluppo territoriale, ha individuato nelle Bioscienze un’area con rilevanti capacità produttive di filiera ed elevate competenze in ricerca e sviluppo. Il Lazio è, infatti, una regione dove si è ritenuto opportuno sviluppare un Distretto Tecnologico per le Bioscienze (DTB): n per la qualificata attività di ricerca svolta da organismi sia pubblici sia privati di rilevanza internazionale, che costituiscono un’infrastruttura integrata, in grado di sostenere i processi innovativi, multidisciplinari e multitecnologici che caratterizzano il settore; n per la presenza sul territorio di un ricco tessuto imprenditoriale, articolato in Grandi Imprese Nazionali e Multinazionali ed in dinamiche ed innovative PMI; n per la quantità/qualità delle risorse umane impiegate nella R&S del settore. Gli obiettivi specifici del Distretto Tecnologico delle Bioscienze sono: n attivare una rete strutturata di rapporti e collaborazioni tecnico/scientifiche tra gli operatori della ricerca ed il sistema delle imprese. n rafforzare la capacità progettuale, operativa e prototipale della ricerca applicata ed industriale di sistema; n agevolare gli investimenti in infrastrutture tecnologiche e tecnico-scientifiche dedicate, in particolare tramite la valorizzazione dell’esistente; n promuovere e sostenere la generazione di nuove imprese ad alta tecnologia; n rafforzare e migliorare la visibilità del settore in ambito internazionale; n favorire la crescita formativa delle professionalità esistenti ed incrementare la quantità di risorse umane specializzate. Il progetto identifica sei aree tematiche prioritarie di R&S del DTB, altamente innovative e con applicazioni tecnologiche d’avanguardia: n Farmaceutica; n Diagnostica e Dispositivi Medici; n Neuroscienze; n Biotecnologie e Nanotecnologie; n Qualità e Sicurezza degli Alimenti; n ICT per la biomedicina ed i servizi sanitari. Il DTB si svilupperà negli anni 2008-2010 ulteriormente grazie alla definizione e

pubblicazione di bandi, finanziati con fondi della Regione Lazio (47 ML di Euro) e del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (30 Ml di Euro). In risposta al primo bando 2008 sono pervenute 80 proposte progettuali per un importo complessivo di oltre 78 ML di euro. Sono state ritenute idonee e finanziabili 26 progetti per un valore progettuale di 24.7 ML di euro ed un’agevolazione pari a 10 ML di euro. In particolare sono risultate idonee – dopo un’attenta valutazione: 4 domande (su 11 presentate) nel settore agroalimentare per la salute per un valore di 2.6 ML di Euro ed una agevolazione di 1.4 ML di Euro; 5 domande (11 presentate) nel settore delle biotecnologie per un valore di 3.5 ML di Euro ed una agevolazione di 1.4 ML di Euro.; 10 domande (su 25 presentate) nei dispositivi medici per un valore di 10.6 ML di Euro ed una agevolazione di 4.6 ML di Euro; 4 domande (su 11 presentate) nel farmaceutico per un valore di 3.3 ML di Euro ed una agevolazione di 1.7 ML di Euro; 3 domande (su 20 presentate) nel settore dell’ICT per la salute per un valore di 4.7 ML di Euro ed una agevolazione di 1.3 ML di Euro. Il secondo bando sarà emanato a breve al quinto degli interventi suddetti e riguarderà i settori del farmaceutico, dei dispositivi medici e dell’ICT per la salute. Il bando che sarà pubblicato a breve si riferisce al primo degli interventi suddetti ed i soggetti beneficiari saranno le PMI operative nel Lazio, in collaborazione obbligatoria con organismi di ricerca ed eventuale con Grandi Imprese. Il finanziamento totale del Distretto Tecnologico delle Bioscienze è pari a € 77.583.272,50, di cui: € 47.583.272,50 Fondi Attuativi della regione Lazio € 30.000.000 Fondi Programmatici del MIUR. La società regionale Filas SpA (www.filas. it) è stata individuata come il soggetto attuatore del Distretto Tecnologico delle Bioscienze. Per dare concreta e rapida esecuzione agli adempimenti previsti dall’APQ per il soggetto attuatore, la Filas ha costituito il Comitato di Distretto – con i rappresentanti dei principali stakeholders – per un confronto e glisugli obiettivi del Distretto ed ha promosso numerosi incontri informativi e relazionali presso le Università e le associazioni di categoria della Regione Lazio interessati al Distretto stesso.


tHe BioScience tecHnology diStrict (Btd) The Lazio Region, having been engaged in fine-tuning tools to support territorial development for many years, has identified Biosciences as an area with important productive capabilities and high quality expertise in Research and Development. Accordingly, the Region has deemed it appropriate to develop a Technology District of Biosciences because of a number of factors such as: n n

n n n

the qualified research carried out by internationally renowned public and private bodies, making up a comprehensive infrastructure, capable of supporting the innovative, multi-disciplinary and multi-technology processes that characterize this sector; the local existence of a rich business fabric made of Large National and Multinational Companies as well as dynamic and innovative SMEs; the quality and quantity of human resources employed in the R&D sector.

The specific objectives of the Bioscience Technology Disctrict are the following: 1.


Set up a structured network of relationships and technical/scientific cooperation initiatives between researchers and businesses. 2. Strengthen the design, operational and prototyping ability of applied and industrial research in the regional network; 3. facilitate investments in ad-hoc technology and technical-scientific infrastructure, capitalizing on existing assets; 4. Promote and support the setting up of new high-tech companies; 5. Foster and improve the sector’s international visibility; 6. Facilitate the professional growth of existing skills and increase the number of skilled human resources. The project identified six R&D priority subject areas in the Bioscience Technology District, that are highly innovative and can boast cutting-edge technology applications: n Pharmaceuticals; n Medical devices and diagnostics; n Neurosciences; n Biotechnologies and Nanotechnologies; n Food Quality and Security; n ICT for biomedicine and healthcare services. The BTD will develop even more thanks to the framing and publication of calls for

bids/proposals, funded by the Lazio Region (€ 47.000.000 for 2008-2010) and by the Ministry of University and Research (€ 30.000.00 for 2008-2010). The first exile was sent out in the May 2008, and 80 project proposals they are reached for a sum total of beyond 78 ML of euro. They were retained fit and funding 26 projects for a project value of 24,7 ML of euro and a facility equal to 10 ML of euro. Particularly resulted fit, after an careful evaluation: – 4 proposals (on 11 presented) in the Food and Agriculture area for the Health for a project value of 2.6 ML of euro and a facility equal to 1.4 ML of euro; 5 proposals (on 11 presented) in the area of the Biotechnologies for a project value of 3.5 ML of euro and a facility equal to 1.4 ML of euro; 10 proposals (on 25 presented) in the Medical Devices for a project value of 10.6 ML of euro and a facility equal to 4.6 ML of euro; 4 proposal (on 11 presented) in the Pharmaceutical area for a project value of 3.3 ML of euro and a facility equal to 1.7 ML of euro; 3 proposals (on 20 presented) in the area of ICT for the Health for a project value of 4.7 ML of euro and a facility equal to 1.3 ML of euro. The second exile will be sent out short-term to the fifth one of the abovementioned interventions and will check the areas of the Pharmaceutical, of the Medical Devices and of ICT for the Health. The first that will be published short-term is reported to the first one of the abovementioned interventions and the subjects beneficiaries will be the PMI operating in the Latium, in obligatory collaboration with organisms of research and eventual with Large Enterprises. The overall financing of the Bioscience Technology District is equal to 77,583,272.50, made up of: € 47,583,272.50 in Implementation Funds of the Lazio region and: € 30,000,000 in Program Funds of the Ministry of University and Research The regional society Filas SpA ( was individualized like the subject actuator of the Technological District of the Biosciences. To give concrete and rapid execution to the fulfillments expected from APQ for the subject actuator, the Filas constituted the Committee of District – with the representatives of the main stakeholders – for a comparison on the objectives of the District and promoted numerous informative and relationship meetings at the Universities and the associations of category of the Region Latium interested to the same District.

Sp dell’univerSità degli Studi di roma “tor vergata”

Science park oF tHe “tor vergata” univerSity oF rome (Sp)

SP nasce con la duplice vocazione di soggetto accreditato per il trasferimento tecnologico e per la promozione e diffusione della cultura scientifica. Nell’ottica di valorizzare la pervasività propria di tecnologie come le biotecnologie e favorirne opportunità di applicazioni trasversali in campi differenti, SP sostiene attività di confronto e comunicazione interdisciplinare orientata alle potenziali applicazioni. Nel settore delle biotecnologie, PS mette in campo interventi che accompagnano tutta la filiera dell’innovazione: dalla ricerca di base e applicata alle differenti fasi della sperimentazione fino alla disponibilità di strutture certificate per la produzione in GMP. SP integra da anni competenze ed infrastrutture, promuovendo al tempo stesso, collaborazioni per la sperimentazione e produzione di dimensione anche internazionali. Queste iniziative sono state sviluppate nella convinzione che l’integrazione della filiera del prodotto sia condizione necessaria per seguire la catena del valore, in particolare nel settore del biofarmaceutico in cui è presente una progressione peculiare, ed una parallela dimensione del rischio, che non ha paragoni in altri settori tecnologici. Infatti, parte delle attività del PS sono orientate verso il settore biofarmaceutico e all’interno delle nostre strutture sono ospitate realtà imprenditoriali quali: C4T, Tecnofarmaci, REDD, TDA, Polibiotech e Algares.

SP was conceived as an accredited organisation for technology transfer and as a centre for the promotion and diffusion of scientific culture. In order to maximise the vast utility of biotechnologies and provide opportunities for transversal applications in different fields, SP aims to promote interdisciplinary communication and exchange activities oriented towards the potential applications inherent in the demand for technology and the productive system. In the biotechnology field, SP aims to implement initiatives running along the entire macro-supply system: from basic to applied research, the various stages of experimentation and certified GMP structures. SP has a long experience in integrating skills and infrastructures, whilst promoting collaborations on experimentation and mass production, even on an international scale. These initiatives have been developed with the underlying certainty that the integration of the product supply system is a necessary condition to accompany the value chain. This is particularly true in the biotechnology field, which presents a peculiar progression and a parallel risk dimension that cannot be compared to other technological sectors. In this context, part of the activities of SP are directed at the bio-pharmaceutical field that also hosts various important enterprises, including: C4T, Tecnofarmaci, REDD, TDA, Polibiotech and Algares.

contact stefano ciccone + 39 06 7259 4896 Stefano Ciccone +39 06 7259 4896



le proSpettive del venture

italian venture

capital italiano

capital outlook

Nonostante la crisi finanziaria dell’ultimo periodo, il mercato italiano del Private Equity e Venture Capital continua il percorso di crescita che lo ha caratterizzato negli ultimi anni. All’interno di questo mercato, le operazioni di venture capital, ovvero gli investimenti finalizzati a supportare l’avvio delle imprese oggetto d’investimento, hanno registrato un incremento significativo in termini di capitali investiti, rispetto a quanto registrato nel corso, del 2007. Anche nell’anno appena trascorso poco meno della metà delle operazioni di venture capital effettuate è stata supportata da fondi privati specializzati nell’early stage financing, i quali si sono affiancati all’azione degli operatori di emanazione pubblica e regionale, finanziando complessivamente il 77% degli investimenti. Per quel che riguarda le imprese attive nei settori ad alta tecnologia, il numero di operazioni realizzate a favore di aziende high tech è in linea, in termini di numero di investimenti effettuati, con i dati del 2007 (89 investimenti in entrambi gli anni), mentre si segnala un incremento dei capitali investiti in queste società. Sotto il profilo della distribuzione settoriale delle imprese high tech oggetto di investimento, i sottocomparti in cui si evidenzia il maggior numero di operazioni sono il segmento informatico, medicale, media & entertainment e delle biotecnologie, che rappresentano complessivamente il 65% del sottocomparto considerato. Infine, sul fronte della distribuzione geografica, in linea con il più generale andamento del mercato italiano del capitale di rischio, gli investimenti biotech risultano concentrati nel Nord e nel Centro del Paese. In particolare, diversamente dal 2007 quando il primato delle operazioni biotech era detenuto dalla Lombardia, il Friuli Venezia Giulia è la regione italiana che ha attratto il maggior numero di investimenti in questo settore (27%).

Despite the international financial crisis, the Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Market continues the positive trend of growth started in the last years. The venture capital investments - i.e. the investments finalized to promote the start and development of the target companies – showed an increase in terms of capital invested with respect to 2007. Moreover, as well as in 2007, less than a half of the venture capital deals were financed by early stage funds that, together with the regional and public investors, financed the 77% of the overall investments. Taking into consideration the firms operating in high tech sectors, the number of deals closed remained stable (89 investments as in 2007), while, in terms of amount invested, there has been a significant growth. Considering the distribution of firm’s profile among the high tech sector, in 2008, computer medical, media & entertainment and biotech sectors attracted the higher number of investments, representing the 65% of the sub segment considered. On the geographical distribution side, investments in the biotechnology industry followed the general Italian distribution, with the highest number of investments located in the Northern and Central part of Italy. In particular, differently from 2007 when Lombardy was the leader in the biotech industry, Friuli Venezia Giulia is the region that attracted the highest number of investments in such sector (27%).


address: Via Pietro Mascagni, 7 20122 Milan Italy e-mail Web

Anna Gervasoni AIFI General Manager

Anna Gervasoni Direttore Generale di AIFI


address Via Giovanni da Procida, 11 20149 Milan Italy Telephone: +39 02 34565306 Fax +39 02 34565284 e-mail Website




Costituita nel 1986 nell’ambito di Federchimica, Assobiotec è l’Associazione nazionale per lo sviluppo delle biotecnologie, che rappresenta le imprese e i parchi tecnologici e scientifici che operano in Italia nei diversi campi applicativi delle biotecnologie, quali la farmaceutica, la diagnostica, la chimica fine, la zootecnia, l’agro-alimentare e l’ambiente. Nel 1996 Assobiotec è stata tra i fondatori di EuropaBio, organizzazione europea di cui fanno parte le associazioni biotecnologiche dei diversi paesi europei. La missione dell’Associazione consiste nel sostenere e promuovere lo sviluppo delle biotecnologie e delle nanobiotecnologie in Italia: n collaborando con le Istituzioni, sia nazionali, sia dell’Unione Europea, nella definizione delle politiche finanziarie e fiscali idonee a favorire l’innovazione; n collaborando con le Istituzioni, sia nazionali, sia dell’UE, nella regolamentazione delle attività biotecnologiche (ricerca e sviluppo, produzione, commercializzazione e utilizzo dei prodotti, proprietà intellettuale); n promuovendo programmi di ricerca di interesse strategico per la bioindustria; n promuovendo la partecipazione delle imprese italiane alle attività di ricerca e sviluppo biotecnologico finanziate dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito dei Programmi-Quadro di ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico; n rafforzando la collaborazione tra Istituzioni di ricerca e piccolemedie imprese nel campo dell’innovazione biotecnologica in ogni settore.

Set up in October 1986 within the Italian Federation of the Chemical Industry (Federchimica), Assobiotec is the Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology, representing the companies and the science & technology parks operating in Italy and involved in various biotech-related fields – pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, agrofood, fine chemicals, environment, processing industry and equipment. Assobiotec is co-founder member of EuropaBio, the European Association for Bioindustries, created in 1996. Assobiotec’s mission is to be the landmark for Italian companies involved in R&D, production and marketing of products and services derived from biotech and nanobiotech applications. The Association focuses its main attention on: n regulatory issues affecting production, marketing and use of biotechnology products and their standards harmonisation; n fiscal and financial policies aimed at motivating industrial innovation; n R&D, education and training projects and programmes. Assobiotec’s policy is mainly dealing with: n monitoring legislation in the regulatory area; n representing Italian bioindustry at National and international level; n providing a regular forum for the exchange of information and initiatives of entrepreneurial relevance; n taking active part to the reviewing process concerning the rules on industrial property. Assobiotec’s activities include: n close interaction with National and international trade organisations dealing with biotechnology; n regular contacts with Universities, fostering collaboration between academia and industry in research and education; n information services on commercial biotech applications, on patents and on R&D programmes implementation.

FarminduStria n





Fondata nel maggio del 1978, Farmindustria - Associazione delle imprese del farmaco - aderente a Confindustria, conta più di 200 Aziende Associate tra le imprese operanti in Italia, sia nazionali sia a capitale estero. Con quasi 70.000 dipendenti altamente qualificati, il settore gioca un ruolo di primo piano nello scenario farmaceutico internazionale. Il fatturato complessivo supera i 22 miliardi di euro, con una quota di esportazioni (in crescita del 200% dal 1996 ad oggi) che costituisce il 53% delle vendite totali. Con 6.230 ricercatori (la metà donne) e investimenti pari a più di 1.170 milioni di euro, l’Italia rafforza l’impegno nella ricerca farmaceutica, come dimostrano le pipeline di quasi 200 specialità medicinali italiane e i 147 prodotti biotecnologici in fase di sviluppo, anche grazie alla collaborazione tra centri di eccellenza pubblici e privati.

FarminduStria n

Founded in May 1978, Farmindustria - the Association of pharmaceutical companies based in Italy - a member of Confindustria, has over 200 member companies, both national and international.


Italy, with almost 70.000 employees, is one of leading actors in the international pharmaceutical scenario. The overall turnover exceeds 22 billion euros, with a growing export, +200% since 1996 and today 53% of total sales. With 6.230 Researchers (50% women) and steadily growing R&D investments, amounting up to 1.170 millions euros, Italy is reinforcing its chances for a Research based growth in the lifesciences, as it is shown by almost 200 Italian pharmaceutical products and 147 biotech products under development, also thanks to the increasing partnerships between public and private Centres of excellence.


Le imprese aderenti a Farmindustria, per assicurare la massima correttezza dei comportamenti, si sono date un Codice deontologico - ad oggi fra i più rigorosi in Europa per regolamentare i rapporti tra industrie e tra queste e il mondo scientifico e sanitario. Farmindustria – che aderisce in ambito internazionale alla Federazione Europea (EFPIA) e a quella mondiale (FIIM-IFPMA) – persegue la realizzazione di un contesto normativo stabile e di una politica del farmaco che riconosca all’industria farmaceutica nel Paese un ruolo vitale per la crescita dell’Economia della Conoscenza, consolidandone la presenza e gli investimenti in Ricerca e produzione. Far conoscere meglio il valore della Ricerca e delle imprese del farmaco è uno degli impegni di Farmindustria, che ha avviato a tal fine una comunicazione ad hoc, con iniziative nelle scuole, sulla stampa e con il sito “La Ricerca è vita” e più del 90% della Ricerca è sostenuta dalle imprese del farmaco.

The member companies have drawn up a Code of professional conduct - today one of the most rigorous in Europe - to define not only the relations between members but also between members and the scientific and healthcare environments, committing themselves, not only to comply with the pertinent laws in force but also to observe a transparent and ethically correct behaviour in all phases of their activities.


Farmindustria is a member of the European (EFPIA) and international (FIIM-IFPMA) federations. The Association pursues the objective of achieving a stable regulatory framework and a pharmaceutical policy that acknowledges the vital role played by the pharmaceutical industry based in Italy in the growth of the knowledge economy through the consolidation of its presence and investments in research and production.


Promoting knowledge of the value of research and of the pharma companies is one of Farmindustria’s commitments, that’s why a communication campaign has been undertaken, envisaging initiatives for schools, on the press and the creation of the web site “Research is life” and over 90% of Research is funded by pharmaceutical companies.

address Largo del Nazareno, 3/8 00187 Rome Italy Telephone +39 06 675801 Fax +39 06 6786494 Web


address Via Borgonuovo, 5 20121 Milan Italy Telephone +39 02 Fax +39 02 mail Web




Nel contesto italiano IBAN è l’Istituzione che meglio conosce e rappresenta la realtà italiana degli Investitori Informali nel Capitale di Rischio. IBAN, la cui attività è iniziata nel 1999, si sviluppa sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. In ambito europeo IBAN è membro fondatore di EBAN (European Business Angels Network), l’Associazione che raggruppa più di cinquanta reti regionali e federazioni nazionali appartenenti ad una ventina di Paesi del vecchio Continente. L’obiettivo dell’Associazione italiana è quello di coordinare, sviluppare ed incoraggiare l’attività dei Business Angels e dei relativi network, contribuendo alla creazione di programmi locali, nazionali ed internazionali e promuovendo un ambiente favorevole in termini di strumenti, attori e cultura per agevolare gli investimenti, oltre ad agire in “rappresentanza della categoria” presso le Istituzioni che si occupano di politica industriale (Ministero, Assessorati regionali e provinciali, banche, altre società finanziarie, ecc.). Dalla sua costituzione ad oggi, IBAN ha svolto un ruolo di vera e propria “cinghia di trasmissione” tra mercato, istituzioni e territorio. Nel 2008 ha registrato la nascita di oltre 120 nuovi progetti d’impresa, per un apporto totale di capitale di rischio investito di circa 31 milioni di Euro. L’Associazione riceve ed esamina circa 300 progetti d’impresa ogni anno; di questi ne seleziona in media circa 100 all’anno, poi presentati ai BA accreditati presso il proprio circuito. Da un punto di vista organizzativo IBAN si configura come una “rete delle reti” con il compito di coordinare e definire i parametri di azione entro cui le diverse strutture locali radicate nel territorio possono muoversi (BAN, Club di Angels, ecc.). L’Associazione IBAN trae grande beneficio, per il miglioramento del proprio ruolo, partecipando a vari progetti dell’Unione Europea: dopo i primi due progetti che nel 1999 e nel 2001 hanno consentito la nascita e l’avvio dell’Associazione in Italia, attualmente IBAN è stata coinvolta in altri due progetti: “EASY-Early Stage Investors” ( e “Ready for Equity” (

IBAN was born in 1999, in the framework of a project launched by the European Commission – DG Enterprise, and it is a member of EBAN board, the European Association of Business Angels’ networks. Together with AIFI, IBAN filled an important gap in the Italian world of venture capital. IBAN is the Italian National Association focused on the development and the growth of the Business Angels phenomena in Italy. IBAN’s members are BAN’s, investors clubs, business angels and professionals in matching investors (formal and informal) with entrepreneurs. In addition, IBAN has links with the Italian Venture Capital Association (AIFI) and local and national associations of entrepreneurs. IBAN’s expertise include: n Increasing the sources of financing for unlisted SME and start-ups n Scouting and helping the financing of start-ups and SMEs (investment readiness) n Recruiting BA and facilitate the setting up of BA networks and clubs (ready to invest) n Organizing investments forum between investors and companies searching for capital n Organizing Business Angels Academy training events Stimulating the exchange of experience among business angels networks and encouraging “ best practices”. IBAN has created a strong “relationship network” that links Institutions and Economic Operators Know–How and expertise, covering all “value chain” in the “early stage phase”. In this way, IBAN can really support “start–up” enterprises in their growing process. In order to reinforce Business Angel’s Know-how and support networking and exchanges of best practices among them, IBAN has established the first Business Angel Academy in Italy and then, in partnership with KPMG Italy, has published the “Guide to setting up of a business with Business Angel”. The association receives and examines about 300 company ideas per year and selected about 100 projects per year, than presented to the registered BA. In 2008 the Italian BA have permitted the creation of about 120 new enterprise projects, with a total amount of risk capital of over 31 million Euro.

comitato nazionale per la BioSicurezza, le Biotecnologie e le Scienze della vita Il Comitato Nazionale per la Biosicurezza, le Biotecnologie e le Scienze della Vita comprende fra i suoi principali compiti quello di supporto diretto al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri assicurando, considerate le rispettive e specifiche competenze, il coordinamento, l’armonizzazione e l’integrazione dei programmi, delle iniziative e delle attività dei Ministeri, degli Enti e degli organismi pubblici e privati operanti nel settore delle biotecnologie, della biosicurezza e delle Scienze della Vita. Favorisce inoltre la conoscibilità delle iniziative e delle attività svolte nel settore onde consentire forme di intervento unitarie ed omogenee in campo nazionale. Collabora infine alla definizione della posizione italiana in campo comunitario ed in campo internazionale , negli organismi in cui si dibattono problemi di biosicurezza, biotecnologie e Scienze della Vita. Nell’ambito del Comitato è istituito l’Osservatorio Nazionale per la Biosicurezza, le biotecnologie e le Scienze della Vita, che ha per compito istituzionale la raccolta, l’organizzazione e la diffusione dell’informazione scientifica, economica e normativa a livello nazionale , comunitario ed internazionale. Tale attività ha lo scopo di consentire l’accesso ai dati scientifici sia alle istituzioni, sia alla comunità scientifica e all’industria, sia al pubblico dei non addetti al settore, garantendo una informazione corretta e indipendente, di facile consultazione e comprensione. L’Osservatorio dovrà monitorare la situazione del Paese, avvalendosi delle Istituzioni competenti in materia, identificando le strutture esistenti per il trasferimento tecnologico e i risultati della ricerca. Nell’ambito del Comitato è altresì operativo il Polo Nazionale di coordinamento dei Centri per le risorse biologiche che partecipa con hub italiano all’European Research Infrastructures per le biobanche.

national committee For BioSaFety, BiotecHnology and liFe Science The National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Science encompasses among its main purposes supporting directly the President of the Council of Ministers through ensuring – once taken into account the relevant and specific expertise – the coordination, harmonization of programmes, initiatives as well as activities carried out by ministries, private and state-controlled bodies and organizations engaging in the biotechnology, biosafety and life science field. Moreover, it fosters the knowability of initiatives and activities performed in the field whereby facilitating joint and homogenous intervention modalities at national level. Ultimately, it contributes to defining Italy’s stance within the EU and at international level throughout organizations dealing with issues related to biosafety, biotechnology and life science. Within the Community, a National Observatory for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Science was established and entrusted with the institutional task of collecting, organizing as well as divulgating scientific, economic and legal information at the national, Community and international level. This activity covers the purpose of allowing access to scientific data by institutions, the scientific community and the industry, moreover, by the laymen insofar as to guarantee free and correct information, easy to be consulted and understood.

address Via della Mercede, 96 00187 Rome Italy Telephone +39 06 67795429 mail Web biotecnologie/index.html

The Observatory shall monitor the Country’s situation benefiting from the contribution of the institutions qualified in this field, devising existing facilities for technological transfer and research outcomes. Within the Committee, a National-level Cluster for the coordination of biological resource centres is also effective, which is taking part, throughout an Italian hub, in the European Research Infrastructures for biobanks..


il progetto pHarma Finance Un progetto di internazionalizzazione per le Scienze della Vita 2007 – 2009, tre anni di attività

le Premesse Negli ultimi anni le biotecnologie sono divenute un vero e proprio collettore di comparti che concorrono a costituire quell’immenso campo di attività che risponde al nome di “Scienze della Vita” e che sta coinvolgendo realtà imprenditoriali e di ricerca di differente natura: dalla farmaceutica alle nanotecnologie, dai nuovi materiali alla bioinformatica. Questa convergenza ha contribuito a dar vita ad un settore che raggruppa una realtà culturale ed economica tra le più varie e dinamiche, e maggiormente proiettate verso le collaborazioni scientifiche ed economiche internazionali. Il Lazio, dopo la Lombardia, è la realtà produttiva e scientifica italiana a più alta potenzialità nei settori direttamente o indirettamente collegati alle “Scienze della Vita”. Il Lazio è la seconda regione italiana nel settore delle Biotecnologie. Le biotecnologie nel Lazio 14.279 1069 1.685 mld 11 4 4

n n n n n n

addetti addetti nell’R&D di fatturato (2007) poli universitari, pubblici e privati tra i maggiori centri italiani di ricerca pubblici parchi scientifici e tecnologici

La presenza sul territorio di un’ottima rappresentanza industriale, accanto ai più importanti centri di ricerca pubblici e universitari, ha determinato la creazione di un asse di interessi economici e scientifici tra i più capaci e potenzialmente competitivi a livello internazionale.

il ProgeTTo Pharma Finance è il progetto di internazionalizzazione della Regione Lazio, dedicato all’incontro tra biotecnologie e finanza volto a favorire l’incontro tra il mondo della ricerca, l’imprenditoria e la finanza, nazionali e internazionali, e promuovere la costituzione di un network di interessi economici e scientifici tra i più competitivi a livello internazionale. In questo contesto si sono sviluppate le tre edizioni del progetto Pharma Finance che ha registrato attraverso risultati molto soddisfacenti, trasformandosi da manifestazione legata alla promozione delle farmaco-biotecnologie (edizione 2007) ad un’iniziativa dedicata all’intero settore delle “Scienze della Vita”. L’edizione 2008, infatti, è nata su una base partecipativa ampliata, tanto per numero di visitatori, che di aziende nazionali e di delegati internazionali. Questi ultimi rappresentati da gruppi di investimento e aziende provenienti dagli Stati Uniti, Canada, Israele ed Europa. 24

Pharma Finance 2008 è stato promosso dalla Regione Lazio e Sviluppo Lazio in collaborazione con il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, l’Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero, FILAS SpA e Zangani Investor Community. Pharma Finance 2008 ha ricevuto il patrocinio di: AIFI – Associazione Italiana del Private Equity e Venture Capital, Assobiotec, CNBBSV - Comitato Nazionale per la Biosicurezza, le Biotecnologie e le Scienze della Vita presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, ENEA – Ente Nazionale per le Nuove tecnologie e l’Ambiente; Farmindustria.

i numeri del Pharma Finance 2007 e 2008 650 partecipanti 94 aziende coinvolte tra laziali e internazionali

Pharma Finance 2009 – From Knowledge To Business Roma, 4-5 giugno 2009 - Sheraton Golf Parco de’ Medici La terza edizione del Congresso si svolge il 4-5 giugno 2009, secondo il tradizionale format che ha accompagnato la manifestazione negli anni precedenti, articolato in: 1. Congresso Internazionale di presentazione delle realtà locali al parterre internazionale; 2. Forum espositivo permanente; 3. BtoB e RtoB. a chi si rivolge: Big Pharma, PMI, spin-off, start-up, Centri di ricerca, titolari di proprietà intellettuali, operatori finanziari specializzati in biotecnologie e medical device. settori coinvolti: Biotecnologie, medical device, finanza pubblica e privata prenderanno parte all’evento delegazioni di venture capitalist e buyers provenienti da Australia, Canada, Malesia, Singapore, USA

Pharma Finance – i risulTaTi Attraverso le prime due edizioni del Pharma Finance sono stati sviluppati due progetti che hanno attivato strumenti finanziari per trasformare idee, prodotti e programmi di ricerca di eccellenza di origine laziale, in processi produttivi, e di diffonderli sui mercati internazionali. In particolare sono stati conclusi accordi di produzione e commercializzazione. 1 - Scrumbler Therapy - La Scrumbler Therapy è un sistema innovativo per il trattamento del dolore cronico sviluppato dalla Delta R&D S.r.l., valorizzato e messo in produzione a seguito del Pharma Finance 2007. 2 – Lattoglobina – E’ un prodotto impiegato nella prevenzione e nella cura dell’ipoferremia e dell’anemia da carenza di ferro, il solo capace di aumentare in termini significativi già dopo 30 giorni di assunzione orale, il numero di globuli rossi, il livello di emoglobina, i valori del ferro serico totale e della ferritina. A seguito dell’incontro avvenuto durante l’edizione 2008 del Pharma Finance, la Microbo S.r.l ha concluso un accordo di produzione e commercializzazione del prodotto sul mercato Nord Americano e Messicano.

tHe pHarma Finance international project A Life Science Internationalisation Project 2007 – 2009, three years of activities

The BacKground Over the last few years, biotechnology has been mustering a wide variety of fields making up a huge area of activity called “Life Science”, and involving businesses and research institutions operating in different sectors, including the pharmaceutical, nanotechnology, new materials, and bio-informatics ones. Such convergence has led to the creation of a sector featuring extremely varied and dynamic cultural and business trends, which is also very internationally-oriented in terms of scientific and business cooperation. Lazio ranks second – behind only Lombardy – in the list of Italian regions showing the highest business and scientific potential in Life Science-related fields. Lazio also ranks second in Italy for Biotechnology development. Biotechnology in the Lazio Region n n n n n n

14,279 1069 1,685 bn 11 4 4

workers R&D workers turnover (2007) public and private universities of the most important Italian public research centres Science and Technology Parks

The presence of major industries and outstanding public research centres and universities allowed creating a good scientific and business network, which shows remarkable skills and a very high international competition potential.

The ProjecT Pharma Finance is the Lazio Region’s Internationalisation Project, aiming at marrying biotechnology and finance by matching the worlds of national and international research, business and finance, and promoting the establishment of a highly internationally competitive business and scientific network. Within such a framework, three editions of the Pharma Finance Project have been developed, which obtained extremely satisfactory results. In fact, while the first 2007 event only aimed at promoting pharmacobiotechnology, the following ones have been dealing with the whole “Life Science” field. As a matter of fact, a higher number of visitors, national and international businesses and delegates have taken part in the 2008 edition. Among international actors were businesses and delegates from the United States, Canada, Israel, and Europe. Pharma Finance 2008 was promoted by the Lazio Regional Government and Sviluppo Lazio, together with the Ministry for Economic Development, the Italian Institute for Foreign

Trade (ICE), FILAS S.p.A and the Zangani Investor Community. Moreover, Pharma Finance 2008 was organised under the auspices of AIFI (Italian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association); Assobiotec; CNBBSV (National Committee for Bio-safety, Biotechnology and Life Science of the Prime Minister’s Office); ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies and the Environment); and Farmindustria.

Pharma Finance 2007 and 2008 Key Figures 650 participants 94 businesses involved, including Lazio and international ones

Pharma Finance 2009 – From Knowledge To Business Rome, June 4th –5th 2009 - Sheraton Golf Parco de’ Medici The third Pharma Finance edition is taking place on June 4th and 5th, consists in the traditional events that characterised both previous editions, namely: 1. An International Conference, aiming at introducing local businesses to international actors; 2. A permanent Exhibition; 3. BtoB and RtoB meetings. Targets: Big Pharmas, SMEs, spin-offs, start-ups, Research Centres, Intellectual Property Right Holders, and biotechnology and medical device financial operators sectors involved: Biotechnology, medical devices, public and private finance. Venture capitalists and buyers will take part in the event, coming from Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States.

Pharma Finance – The resulTs Two projects were developed through the two first Pharma Finance editions. They allowed establishing some financial tools aiming at turning ideas, products, and research programmes of excellence originating in the Lazio Region into production processes, and spreading them throughout international markets. In particular, production and marketing agreements were signed. 1 - Scrumbler Therapy - Scrumbler Therapy is an innovating chronic pain treatment system, developed by Delta R&D S.r.l., which was enhanced and produced through Pharma Finance 2007. 2 – Lattoglobina – “Lattoglobina” is a product utilised in the prevention and treatment of hypoferremia and iron deficiency anaemia. It is the only known drug able to significantly increase the number of red blood cells, the amount of haemoglobin, as well as total seric iron and ferritin levels after only 30 days of oral administration. Thanks to the meetings held within the framework of Pharma Finance 2008, Microbo S.r.l signed a production and marketing agreement for the North American and Mexican markets. 25

Company Profiles ITALY

3i Consulting srl


Biotecnology, Medical devices


3i Consulting Srl. (“3iC”) is a strategic consultancy specialized in life sciences and specifically in all aspects of technology transfer and strategic partnering. Clients’ portfolio include public research institutions, universities, scientists and research groups, small and big Pharma companies, established biotechnology companies & startups, academic spin-offs, venture capital companies and VC funds invested and investing in life sciences. 3i Consulting Srl. provides the following services to the international life sciences community: ■ intellectual property protection, management & marketing ■ strategic partnering and technology transfer services ■ scouting and due diligence services for industry and finance partners.


3i Consulting has launched a web based Life Sciences Exchange at The web site mission is to foster technology transfer primarily from Public Research to the international industrial community. To achieve such a goal the web site is structured in 3 sections: 1. LSX MART: a stock-market-like environment for users to trade intellectual property (IP) assets. The LSX MART is an evolutionary approach at valuing and trading IP assets. It is innovative concept and platform to list intellectual property (IP) assets, value them and offer shares of future revenues in exchange for funding within a stock-market-like environment. 2. COMMUNITY SECTION: offers a web 2.0 environment for life sciences operators (academic, companies, investors, service providers, experts) to aggregate and communicate in selfbuilt communities characterized by specific scientific interests. It offers all the basic functionalities of a social networking environment for life sciences operators. 3. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SECTION: the section, an online technology transfer office, offers most functionalities and information typical of a Technology Transfer Office. In this section users (public research and industrial) can request assistance and services for strategic partnering, pre-evaluation of (European Commission criteria and experts) and partners search for FP7 projects proposals.

Web Site: Contact Giovan Battista Cozzone President Telephone: +39 06 916505600 Fax: +39 06 89281086 Email: Address: Via dei Valeri, 1 00184 Rome Italy


The LSX MART is an evolutionary approach at valuing and trading IP assets. It is an innovative concept and platform, covered by patent and copyright protection filings, to list IP assets, value them and offer shares of future revenues in exchange for funding, within a stock-market like environment. The LSX MART comprises listing interfaces (for patents, projects, products, company stock and services), a proprietary internal search engine based on families of key words for life sciences, and a proprietary algorithm which calculates the value of IP the asset. Based on this value, the listing user sets the ASK price and the visiting user can BID against the ASK price. Settlement is done offline through direct negotiations on a legal & contractual platform developed by 3iC.


Ready for market.


Covered by patent and protected by copyright.


Partnerships with Public Research entities AND other online patent databases to develop an alternative platform to market early stage IP assets with the aim to secure funding for maturation and improvement of the IP.



Pharmaceuticals; Biotechnology


Web Site: Contact: Alberto Bresci Telephone: +39 050 3154100 Fax: +39 050 3154351 Email: Address: Via Meucci, 36 Pisa Italy

Abiogen Pharma SPA, established in Pisa in 1997 after the acquisition by Merck & Co. of Istituto Gentili, is a medium size Italian company which is involved in R&D, marketing and manufacturing (also global contract manufacturing).


Abiogen presents CNS projects and a large biotech oncology pipeline. Abio 08-01 is a first in class compound for anxiety disorders; two clinical phase II trials in GAD and in panic disorder are ongoing. Abio 09-01 is ready for an IND application for the treatment of depression. The oncology pipeline has been recently transferred to Galileo Research, a new company originated from the cooperation between Abiogen and researchers of the Southwestern Medical Center (University of Texas - Dallas) and the Wistar Institute (Philadelfia).


ABIO 08/01 is the first in a new class of non-addictive, non-sedative anxiolytic drugs, and is now in clinical development (Phase II). ABIO 09-01 is in the preclinical phase and has been shown to have potential as an antidepressant. TALL-104, as an heterologous cell therapy, are a clonal human leukemic T-cell line endowed with potent MHC non-restricted cytotoxic and cytostatic activity against a broad range of tumor cells, sparing cells from normal tissues. Immunotoxins are hybrid molecules composed of a monoclonal antibody chemically conjugated to a genetically modified ricin, with does not induce VLS, while retains full RTA cytotoxic activity. cUV3 is a chimeric monoclonal antibody specific for ICAM-1 that inhibits the disseminated growth of myeloma cells. Tetramabs are the result of a homodimerization of monoclonal antibodies which have little or no signaling activity as monomers, becoming potent anti-tumor agents when they are converted into homodimers.


There are 24.6 million people today with a diagnosis of cancer in the last five years. The cancer market amounts to $33.3bn in 2007 with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) securing greatest market shares. Abiogen aims to develop safe and effective drugs in a field where several medical needs must still be fully satisfied and too many people are still dyin. Moreover, in Anxiety and Depression Abiogen projects have the potential to become blockbuster drugs.


Phase II: Abio 08-01 (Anxiety)– Tall104 (Ovarian Cancer) Preclinical – Imtox 22 (Non Hodgkin L.) – Combotox (ALL) – cUV3 (Multiple Myeloma) – Abio 09-01 (Depression).


All the projects are associated to an extensive package of IP owned by ABIOGEN Pharma.


All the projects are available for licensing out and industrial partnership. Abiogen created Galileo Research, a spin-off company born to focusing on the oncology pipeline, also available for financial partnership.


AdvAnCed ComPuter system MARKET SECTOR



ACS is a software house founded in 1979. The company is active in the remote sensing sector and is specialised in satellite images acquisition, archiving, processing. ACS uses information mining and know-how on digital images treatment for developing applications on natural and anthropic phenomena. The huge potential opened by informatisation of medical institutions have led ACS to start technological transfer from Remote Sensing to Biomedical markets.


The FIDE project realized a search engine for diagnostic images which is able to recognize analogies between images or image fragments. The goal is to create a new query language implementing the concept of visual memory, summarizing the question: “do you remember something similar?�. Applying this criteria to diagnostic imaging, the user can insert a patology image and search the archive for those cases, and related diagnosis,whose physical carachteristics are more similar to the case he is analizing.


Big digital archive can contain hundred towsands of diagnostic images.It is easy to imagine the potentiality of a software such as FIDE, as a support to diagnosis activities and knowledge sharing. FIDE technology was succesfully applied and tested on on moles (naevus) similarity detection, using a database filled with 15.000 digital images acquired through high resolution sensors.

Web Site: Contact Fulvio Marelli Telephone: +39 06 87090507 Email Address: Via della Bufalotta, 378 Rome Italy


The FIDE product was realised for dermatology but it is already under development for istopatology images. Several biomedical sectors are feasible of a Fide application.




Covered by patent.


Technical collaboration - Commercial intermediary - Financial participation - Development of new projects - Creation of an enterprise or consortium.


AssoCiAtion of itAliAn bioteChnologists (Anbi) MARKET SECTOR



Web Site: Contact: Simone Maccaferri President Daniela Profico General secretary Telephone: +39 051 63 54 103 Fax: +39 051 63 54 103 Email: Address: Associazione Nazionale Biotecnologi Italiani Via Irnerio, 48 40126 Bologna Italy

The Association of Italian Biotechnologists (ANBI) was founded on November 17th 2001 in Bologna, thanks to the efforts of biotechnologists coming from universities of Bologna, Milan, Modena, Naples, Turin and Verona. Since the foundation, the Association has been growing continuously, presently supporting and managing several activities addressed to biotechnologists (including life long learning), and to those who want to promote biotechnology in Italy. Several acknowledgments and its presence in national and international events allow ANBI to defend and promote the professional specificities of biotechnologists, and to build a scientific community that is more aware of its responsible relationship with the society. As a matter of fact, ANBI is present through its representatives in the European Technology Platforms related to life sciences, in the European Convention for Biotechnology, in the Committees for Biotechnology active in several Institutions, among which the most important at the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministries, and the Advisory Committees of several University Schools of Biotechnology. In 2005-2006 ANBI coordinated the European funded project BIOPOP, focused on public communication of life sciences.


The activities of the Association on the valorization of the Laurea degree, the professional skills, and the creation of new opportunities for biotechnologists are the subject of interviews and articles on ANBI in national and international newspapers and magazines. The association, received an international kick-off at the Fair of Biotechnology in Hannover, in which a delegation of Italian students of National Council of Students in Biotechnology (CNSB) and several biotechnologists were representing Italy. This peculiar start-up framed ANBI since the beginning within the world-wide arena in Biotechnology. That fruitful experience has also laid the foundation for the beginning, one year later, of the Young European Network, a European-wide network of organisations and individuals engaged as students, researchers, professionals, project leaders in Biotechnology and Life Sciences of which ANBI is a founder and active member. The YEBN is also an associated section of the European Federation of Biotechnology, and it thus plays a key role as a gate for young scientists all over the Europe to be actively involved in EU scientific policy shaping and to the design of the European Research Area. ANBI is one of its fundamental members, thus offering unique opportunities to the Italian biotechnologists to catch future trends and keep international competitiveness.


The major theoretical challenge of the approach with our ScFv and nanodelivery systems is to generate an open and unifying methodology to specifically deliver a virtually unlimited spectrum of anti-tumor treatments, molecular as well as cellular, to tumor-bearing patients. The most important applicative challenge is to exploit unprecedented synergies among anticancer agents in order to overcome secondary resistance to treatment, a major pitfall in clinical oncology. The new dispensing dept. is open to give a service in at University groups, spin-off or pharma companies that are not able to prepare cGMP batches particularly for clinical trials or small productions, for both chemical and biopharmaceuticals products, using innovative delivery systems. Regarding biosimilar molecules, IBI is developing an innovative and competitive process to have large market opportunities.



Establishment of collaboration for the development of Biotech sector in Italy and Europe

â– Establishment of partnership for the creation of services and opportunities between Companies, Institutions and professionals in Biotechnology



Pharmaceuticals - Biotechnology


Angelini is a private Italian healthcare company with business in consumer and pharmaceutical markets established in Italy in the early 20th century. It is an integrated company which researches, develops, manufactures and markets drugs, medical devices, food supplements and active ingredients, covering directly 12 European territories. Angelini distributes its products worldwide in 60 territories through a network of business partners.


Angelini pipeline main projects: Clinical Stage: ■ Bindarit: a unique MCP-1/CCL2 production inhibitor. Indication: Diabetic Nephropathy and Restenosis. Phase IIB. ■ Prulifloxacin: an antibacterial fluoroquinolone. New Indications in Respiratory & Urinary Tract Infections. Phase III. ■ Trazodone: a SARI Antidepressant. Improved “Once a Day” formulation by Labopharm Contramid® Technology. Pre-Registration. Preclinical Stage: ■ Polglumyt®: Bio-Polymers for drug delivery ■ AF3485: mPGES-1 inhibitors in Inflammatory Pain & Oncology ■ AF3473: 5-HT4 antagonists in Neuropathic Pain. ■ Proprietary Compounds: MCP-1/CCL2 & selected cytokines productions inhibitors; 5-HT2A antagonists; PPARγ modulators.

Web Site: Contact: Lorenzo Polenzani senior scientist r&d, PiPeline strateGy ManaGer Walter Frosecchi Business develoPMent Email: Address: Angelini Research Center A.C.R.A.F. S.p.a. Piazzale della Stazione 00040 S. Palomba – Pomezia Italy


Angelini has more that 30 years experience in small molecules pharmaceutical R&D, from drug discovery to regulatory development. Angelini has discovered and fully developed several proprietary drugs. Two of them have reached the status of global products being marketed in more than 50 countries worldwide: the topical antinflammatory benzydamine (cytokine-suppressant anti-inflammatory drug - “CSAID”) and the antidepressant trazodone (Serotonin Antagonist and Reuptake Inhibitor - “SARI”). More recently Angelini fully developed for Europe the antibacterial prulifloxacin (fluoroquinolone), licensed by originator Nippon Shinyaku. Besides actively pursuing the development of its pipeline, Angelini is keen to in-license project and product opportunities to exploit at best its R&D skills. Angelini R&D is now engaged in developing new drugs, finding new indications for current drugs and extending its products line.


Angelini sales portfolio is well balanced between Rx and OTC products. Angelini directly covers Italy, Spain, Portugal, Central & Eastern EU markets, having a key business partnership in Russia.


All projects originated by Angelini are sustained by an IP protection strategy, exploiting both product and use patents. A detailed patents list of our pipeline is available upon request.


In licence, out-license, co-development in our key areas of interest: ■ inflammation and pain ■ infection ■ antigrip/pediatry ■ neuropsychiatry ■ oral care ■ gynaecology ■ ophtalmology



Medical devices


Web Site: Contact: Alberto Migliore President Telephone: +39 06 33585802 Email: Address: Via Cassia, 600 00189 Rome Italy

We are a team of physicians specialized in different medical fields such as Internal medicine, Radiology, Rheumatology, Physical medicine, Sports medicine who share a common interest in treating the various hip diseases with ultrasound-guided intra-articular injections.


The recent introduction of biological therapies represented an important step in inflammatory arthritis therapy. Their costs represent an important pharmaco-economic problem. One of the objectives of scientific community, as well of governments, is to understand which treatment will be more efficacious in the single patient, to avoid costs related to failing therapies. Intraarticular synovial fluid proteomic analysis may be able to reveal what is happening inside the joint. Achieving a sufficient amount of synovial fluid to analyze through simple joint aspiration is often a difficult task. The use of ultrasound-guidance may lead to obtain a sufficient amount of fluid with protein content to analyze via proteomic qualitative assay.


Proteomic analysis of fluid drained by ultrasound-guided joint aspiration may predict outcome in patients affected by arthritis. The use of ultrasound guidance allows intra-articular fluid extraction both in healthy and sick joint even when the amount of synovial fluid to extract is small. Once the fluid is extracted from the joint, qualitative proteomic analysis may allow the identification of predictor fatctors for different therapies outcomes so to suggest the more correct and efficacious therapy. This all will determine a concrete treatment personalization. For public Health care systems: Treatment personalization, obtained by the minimally invasive process of proteomic analysis of synovial fluid drained by ultrasound-guided joint aspiration, will determine a reduction in costs for treatment as it will grant the possibility of avoiding failing non-specific therapies for each single patient and the consequent loss of economical resources. Treatment personalization will allow a more rapid, efficacious and costs sparing therapeutical regimen by obtaining results in shorter times, with best efficacy available. This is particularly important for inflammatory arthritides (Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis) that affect more than 2 million of patients in western countries, where the uncorrect choice of biological therapies, that cost around â‚Ź 12.000 per year for each patient, may lead to high resource wasting. -Development, production and commercialization of new diagnostic kits for personalization of therapy in over 20 million patients affected by Osteoarthritis and especially for over 2 million patients affected by inflammatory arthritis, where therapies have very high costs. - Proteomic expression study of intra-articular mean at the beginning of disease and during therapy may also suggest new therapeutical targets, booth systemic and intra-articular. - The use of ultrasound guidance for intra-articolar fluid aspiration may determine a larger use of ultrasound machines and even the possibility of developing new ultrasound devices with specific characteristics for this methodic.




Covered by patent.


Direct investments; development of new projects.


bio fAb reseArCh MARKET SECTOR

Sequencing and research support services


Bio-Fab srl was founded in November 2005. Our principal activity is to produce and develop services with high biotechnological content to offer the necessary support for scientific growth and to improve potential investigation in the fields of medicine, pharmacology and in hospitals. The unit is specialized in Molecular Biology, and can provide a wide range of services and products to customers toward, University, lab. research Hospital and privately owned laboratories, and the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies.


At the moment, Bio-Fab is a leader in automatic DNA sequencing, the production and manipulation of DNA/RNA in all Italy and next target is to sequence the whole genome of higher organisms in a very short time (one week). Our proposal is the development of sequencing service with new generation sequencing instruments.


The new platforms represent a quantum leap in throughput and cost per base efficiencies compared to the previous generation of technolgies. Furthermore, the advances these platforms represent, along with our superior bioinformatics capabilities, enable us to provide complete genomic solutions at prices which will allow reseachers to take on projects they could only dream of a few years ago. The applications are: whole genome sequencing, de novo sequencing (procaryots & eucaryots), transcriptomes/cDNA, BAC/cosmid pools, resequencing projects , small RNA, profiling of microRNA, SAGE and ChIP; ultra-deep sequencing of SNPs or mutations.

Web Site: Contact: Fabio Riccobono Telephone: +39 06 91093370 Fax: +39 06 91093730 Email: Address: Via Mario Beltrami , 5 00185 Rome Italy


Our market is well spread throughout Italy. These new sequencing technologies will enable to study and characterize pathogens ( e.g. virus and bacteria). We believe for this reason that there will be a development both in the research field and great extent in pharmaceutical and diagnostic market. Moreover personalized therapy will be possible.






Searching for financial resources, Technical collaboration, Commercial agreement.



Drug discovery


Web Site: Contact Alessandra Topai Head of MedcHeM laB Telephone: +39 06 72594029 Fax: +39 06 72594031 Email: Address: Via della ricerca scientifica snc, 00133 Rome Italy

C4T is a Chemitech Research Centre focused on developing and delivering innovative solutions to boost the drug discovery process. Core Competences: In silico Drug Design and Synthesis/Analysis of New Chemical Entities (NCEs) By the broad array of synthetic routes, explored in several in house projects and research contracts, C4T young scientists have gained an invaluable experience. Our passion for chemistry push us forward to score higher goals. Being C4T located in the Science Park of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, a profitable collaboration with excellent academic research units is easily achieved. Our scientists take full advantage of all knowledge and facilities from the Chemistry, Biology and Medicine Departments.


C4T is custom tailored to meet the needs of its partners and clients. Our services include: Chemistry and R&D support & Custom synthesis Medicinal Chemistry Contract Research Research & Development Support services include: Libraries Synthesis (solution/solid parallel synthesis), Analogues synthesis for SAR studies, Synthetic pathway development, Exploratory studies for NCEs synthesis, Patent exemplification for IP build-up, Production of scaffolds/ building blocks. C4T performs drug discovery services including: Hit to lead, Lead optimization, Development of back-up series, Computational drug design. C4T has developed a proprietary electronic database (MoDa™) containing about 8 millions commercially available molecules useful for in silico virtual screening and drug design. This offer is proposed on a FTE contract base. This model is especially suitable in projects where emerging information often require immediate redirection of synthetic efforts.


In response to the widening gap between basic biomedical knowledge and clinical application, small/medium enterprises (SME) are focused on the development of first phases of the drug discovery process (hit identification, hit to lead, lead identification and optimization). In Italy there are about 150 SMEs strongly orientated to pharmaceutical R&D, C4T is one of them.


Biosimilar molecules: The process will be ready at the 4th quarter of 2009. ScFv: Process and activity tests should be completed after summer 2009. About innovative delivery systems, IBI has developed methods to produce nano or microparticles.


C4T patents: WO2007/099117A1; WO2008/148617A1.


Technical collaboration - Financial participation/direct investments - Development of new projects.



Pharmaceuticals - Biotechnology


The “Consortium for the creation of Biotech-innovative business Incubators - In.Bio”, was created within the Project “Creation of Innovative Business Incubators in the biotechnology field”, financed by the Ministry of Economic Development. The project duration is 48 months and its total cost amounts to about € 2.6 million. The Consortium aims to create two main incubators for the start-up of new companies (spinoffs included) linked to a network of RTD&D Centres, which will include both the Consortium members (e.g.: the ENEA Casaccia Research Centre) and other connected institutions. One incubator will be located in the Region of Basilicata at the Agrobiopolis Centre, which is part of the ENEA Trisaia Research Centre, in Matera, and the other one in the Region of Abruzzo at the Consortium of Applied Biotechnology Research – CRAB, in Avezzano, L’Aquila. The Corsortium members are: ENEA – The Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment, CRAB – Consortium of Applied Research in Biotechnology, Eurogroup Consulting, BNT Consulting, Sviluppo Italia Abruzzo, Confindustria Abruzzo and Confindustria Brindisi. Each member has been chosen to guarantee the achievement of the project goals, on the basis of their own competences providing technological equipments and financial support and favouring relationships with other international and national enterprises. The general goal of the Consortium is to support start-up and spin-off companies aimed at the development, promotion and transfer of RTD&D results achieved in Research Centres, Universities or high tech enterprises.

Web Site: Contact: Gennaro Di Giorgio Paola Polito Telephone: +39 06 30484374/3733 Fax: +39 06 30484995 Email: Address: Casaccia R.C. Via Anguillarese, 301 00123 Rome Italy

In.Bio aims to become an important point of reference as a provider of advanced technological services and facilities for innovative companies, particularly SMEs, dealing specially with biotechnologies and related applications in the agro-food sector and in green chemistry. The Consortium activities are structured into the following 5 operational areas: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Strategy and feasibility studies Selection and assessment Incubation business Training Communication and marketing.


Consortium sAPienzA innovAzione MARKET SECTOR

Research and technology transfer


Web Site: www.sapienzainnovazione. com Contact: Sofia Ingrosso Telephone: +39 06 49255635 Fax: +39 06 49255645 Email: sofia.ingrosso@ Address: Viale Regina Elena, 291 00161 Rome Italy

Sapienza Innovazione is a public-private consortium created in 2006 for promoting the link among universities, public and private research centers, trade associations and entrepreneur’s consortia. Sapienza innovazione supports the integration and the marketing of knowledge and inventions, whose high potential for innovation and commercial is now widely recognized. The Consortium Partners are Sapienza University of Rome, Filas (Public Agency), Unicredit Bank, and Business Innovation Center of Lazio (BIC Lazio).


Sapienza Innovazione aims are: ■ To promote and activate laboratories (Joint Labs) that meet the needs of the entrepreneur’s system, and that will ensure the cooperation between Universities and companies for the transfer of knowledge and technology; ■ To launch innovative enterprises (Spin-off), able to operate in sectors with a high technological impact and based on the University know-how and the technology transfer, with the participation of the University; ■ To support the process of protection and exploitation of industrial and intellectual property rights, patented and not patented, including the know-how; ■ To promote and support the recruitment of private and public funds to enable research and technology transfer ■ To organize specialized training courses for graduates to provide business competence The Joint Labs are stable laboratories, related to technological promising lines characterized by interdisciplinary nature and cooperation between public and private partners. The Joint Labs are financed by private companies as well as funds related to the participation to national and European projects. The Joint Labs asset are: technology for aerospace; technology for security; technology for cultural heritage; industrial design; biotechnology for health; genomics and cell therapy in medicine; advanced technology in pharma production; environmental quality and territorial protection; technology for energy; micro-nano technologies for industrial applications; marine vehicle technology; optical and photonic for energy and industry; interaction design e communication technology; nutrigenomic and neutraceutical center; soft matter science for nano-biotechnologies applications. As regards to the spin offs, the consortium supports the university researchers through services such as assistance in feasibility and financial plans of the business idea, identification of drivers, setting-up of business groups of the new companies. Seven spin offs have been approved by the University: ARCHI WEB s.r.l.: ICT applied to cultural heritage; ECO RECYCLING s.r.l.: sustainable waste management; Mo.Li.Rom s.r.l. fine chemicals for pharma, nutraceutical and cosmaceutical industry; SE.QU.ENV. s.r.l.: applications for environmental security; SURVEY LAB s.r.l. : ICT applied to monitoring the natural and artificial structures for public security; Tutto RFID s.r.l.: applications for radio frequency identification (RFID); UNIBIOMEDICS s.r.l.: innovative equipment for oncology. The consortium is supporting other five spin off proposals. Moreover, the consortium supports the Patent Commission of the Sapienza University of Rome in the management of its patent portfolio. It works in cooperation with many Departments of the Sapienza University. It is the coordinator of some projects financed by European Commission (7th FP).The consortium is also involved in regional and national calls in technologies areas of own interest.


eCobioserviCes And reseArChes srl MARKET SECTOR

Medical devices


Ecobioservices & Researches S.r.l. (EBSR) is a biotech research company created in 2004, based on strong multidisciplinary technological platform in sensor and biosensor science. EBSR is one of the High Tech Company partner of the “Incubatore di Firenze”, a project launched in 2003 by the Comune di Firenze for the development of Innovative Companies.


Development of diagnostic apparatuses for the fast detection of allergens and analytes related with food intolerances (i.e. coeliac disease) by means of the use of biosensors. The objective of the Company is the realisation of new diagnostic systems constituted by an analytical platform for immunochemical reactions coupled with easy-to use instrumentation. Developed devices are addressed to laboratories, hospitals, but also to other structures as a “point of care testing”.


The aim is the development of analytical instrumentations not only for laboratory controls but also for self-monitoring of food intolerances. The use of disposable immunosensors integrated with a compact analytical apparatus allows to reduce the sample pre-treatment, giving rise to an easy-to-use instrumentation addressed also to unskilled personnel


Biosensors developed by Ecobioservices and Researches S.r.l. are instruments suitable for both laboratories and on-site screening analysis, by enabling accurate, specific and/or selective analysis. These intrinsic characteristics are indispensable in all sectors where reliable and efficient instrumentations are necessary. All these properties make the solutions proposed by EBSR addressable not only to domestic but also to international markets (hospitals, clinical laboratories, medical offices).

Web Site: Contact: Francesco Tona Legal representative Telephone: +39 06 99706458 Fax: +39 06 99705324 Email: Address: Via della Sala, 141 Firenze P.le Medaglie d’Oro, 7 Rome Italy


Ecobioservices and Researches SrL keeps own intellectual property rights in its products, due to the specific know-how in sensors and biosensors development and marketing expertise.


Main interest of Ecobioservices and Researches S.r.l. is to expand its own market, and for that reason is interested to find companies as partners for product commercialisation.


ergonixArt s.r.l. MARKET SECTOR

Medical devices

Web Site: Contact: Paolo Mondini President Telephone: +39 06 97202540 Fax: +39 06 97200965 Email: Address: Via degli Esplosivi, snc 00034 Colleferro, Rome Italy


Comfortbody - innovative body for pregnant women This innovative bodysuit minimises negative effects on the vertebral column due to the weight of foetus in pregnant women, because it is able to support the extra-weight of the abdomen and to redistribute it on the whole back, uniformly, in order to get correct positioning of the vertebral column. Pregnancy backache regards about 49-70% of pregnant women and it is usually related to postural adjustments associated with the typical mass distribution changes. Comfortbody, by means of different elastic fabrics and appropriate design, is able to restore the original distribution of weighs, so that women can maintain proper posture.


The functionality of this cloth has been proved by medical tests, carried out by specialists from University and primary Italian Hospitals, according to rigourous scientific protocols. Tests got very good findings and proved that by wearing Comfortbody it’s possible to modify the distribution of weights on the vertebral column and get a more correct posture(see the review published by “La Rivista Italiana di Ostetricia & Ginecologia - December 2007 - MNL Publimed). Unique advantages come from the materials and technical solutions adopted: ■ The support and re-distribution action is realised by using, in different areas, different selected fabrics with different Young modulus, established over functionality of parts. It allows higher expansion capability, or stiff and resistant behaviour to strain, without need for sewing extra reinforcements, elastic bandages, bands or similar, so that the body is really comfortable to be worn ■ This body effectively redistribute pregnancy extra loads on the entire torso, and not only on the lower back, as instead usually made by belts or other common support devices that overcharge the usually already painful lower back. ■ Helpful even for those women who had a caesarean birth, thanks to its design.


ComfortBody is the first product of this kind, whose functionality is tested through clinical experimentation to offer a reliable product to be used serenely. Available in different colours, with Sizes range: S/XL, this comfortable, practical and feminine collection combines innovative technical solutions with high materials and excellent stylistic details in order to assure special anatomical cut, invisibility under cloths, easily we-arability and easily removability, attention to daily physiological needs. Now available also in the postdelivery breastfeeding model with frontal restrainment panel and special back supportive functions.


Already on the market.


Internat. Pat. Pend. PTC/IT2006/000609.


Commercial agreement/partnership, Business creation, Financial resources for further development & testing.


eneA dePArtment of bioteChnologies, Agro-industry And heAlth ProteCtion MARKET SECTOR



ENEA is a public research institution (nearly 3.000 researchers, ten research centres in Italy) characterized by a wide range of expertises at the service of the scientific and productive system. The Department of Biotechnologies, Agro-industry and Health protection activities are devoted to basic and applied research and technological development with specific reference to: innovative products and processes for the agricultural and food sectors, with a view to fostering sustainability and competitiveness, safeguarding and enhancing typical Mediterranean products, as well as promoting quality and environment-friendliness; living resources and ecosystems, biodiversity and desertification; food, health and ecological biosafety, evaluation of the impact on human health and ecosystems of chemical, physical (ionizing radiation and electromagnetic waves) and biological agents. The Department programmes focus on four major research areas, expected to provide significant results especially on those issues currently worrying citizens, such as biotechnologies, health protection, agro-industry, food quality and safety, agriculture and the environment and bioenergy. Thanks to the wide range of competencies, the Department is able to address interface issues such as: food, agriculture and industrial biotechnologies; agro-industrial food processing; genomic and post-genomic research, pharmaceutical and agricultural applications; health and toxicological risk assessment; radiation biology and therapeutic applications; valorisation of agro-ecosystems. Many research projects, nationally and internationally financed, are underway. They have a systemic approach and an organizational network able to link and coordinate public and private organizations, thus creating a synergic “polycentric operating system”. Projects are interdisciplinary and integrate advanced researches with industrial aspects and with product/process innovation. R&TD partners are both public and private organizations complementing the Department in house know-how in different disciplines in the two main Research Centres of Casaccia (Rome) and Trisaia (Matera-Southern Italy). The industrial partners are mainly SMEs. The Department activities are largely supported by external financial contributions mainly provided by European Union, Italian Ministries, local authorities and enterprises.

Web Site: Contact: Eugenio Benvenuto Donatella Tirindelli Telephone: +39 06 30486347 +39 06 30484016 Fax: +39 06 30486558 +39 06 30486558 Email: Address: Casaccia R.C. via Anguillarese, 301 00123 Rome Italy


To get an idea about some of the technologies developed at ENEA-BAS and applied in the field of life sciences and biotechnology, please go to: Some of them are already available for licensing or other forms of agreements: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Plant farming of antimicrobial antibodies Plant farming of antifungal recombinant antibodies Plant virus as a platform for the production of multicomponent vaccines Plants for the production of effective, safe and low-cost therapeutic anti-cancer vaccines Production of the HPV 16 E6 tumor antigen in native conditions for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.


ibi istituto biosChimiCo itAliAno giovAnni lorenzini s.P.A. MARKET SECTOR

Pharmaceuticals - Biotechnology


Web Site: Contact: Giuseppe Salvo Biotech Dep.t Manager Telephone: +39 06 92150313 Fax: +39 06 92150573 Email: Address: Via Fossignano, 2 04011 Aprilia (LT) Italy

The Istituto Biochimico Italiano – IBI - founded in 1918 by Prof. Giovanni Lorenzini is a pharmaceutical Company with a significant scientific tradition, present on the national and international markets since more than 90 years. Nowadays IBI has become a consolidated reality in Italy as well as abroad, with a strong know-how in cGMP production of injectable sterile products, particularly antibiotics. IBI is a company FDA approved.


IBI is involved in biotech projects regarding biosimilar molecules as EPO and Îł- IFN and a ScFv antibody fragment targeted to breast cancer. IBI is developing cell lines and processes for cGMP production. These molecules will be formulated as injectable solutions or lyophilized powders, using also new delivery systems as micro or nanoparticles, by different technologies (Solid Lipidic Nanoparticles, biodegradable polimers (PLGA)). IBI has a multipurpose plant for aseptic production of vials or pre-filled syringes, also of Investigational Medicinal Products.


The major theoretical challenge of the approach with our ScFv and nanodelivery systems is to generate an open and unifying methodology to specifically deliver a virtually unlimited spectrum of anti-tumor treatments, molecular as well as cellular, to tumor-bearing patients. The most important applicative challenge is to exploit unprecedented synergies among anticancer agents in order to overcome secondary resistance to treatment, a major pitfall in clinical oncology. The new dispensing dept. is open to give a service in at University groups, spin-off or pharma companies that are not able to prepare cGMP batches particularly for clinical trials or small productions, for both chemical and biopharmaceuticals products, using innovative delivery systems. Regarding biosimilar molecules, IBI is developing an innovative and competitive process to have large market opportunities.


The market for biopharmaceutical protein is now worth about $67 billion, e.g. 10 % of the total pharma sales, and we expect it to rise to $118 billion, or 12% of pharma sales in 2011. Monoclonal antibodies currently make up 27% of the biopharmaceutical market, but this figure will rise to 36% in 2011, because sales are increasing more rapidly (14,9% vs 7,5% CARG). The monoclonal antibody market is one of the fastest growing of the pharmaceutical industry, with an exceptional 48,1% growth between 2003 and 2004. It has the potential to triple in value and reach $30,3 bilion in 2010. Oncology products will continue to dominate the market accounting for one-third of sales overall. Indeed, in value terms, protein drugs now account for about twothirds of the worldwide oncology market ($23 billion of $34 billion).


Biosimilar molecules: The process will be ready at the 4th quarter of 2009. ScFv: Process and activity tests should be completed after summer 2009. About innovative delivery systems, IBI has developed methods to produce nano or microparticles.


Patent in preparation for NP manufacturing technology and for ScFv.


Partnership for clinical trials regarding biosimilar molecules and ScFv development. CMO services for rec-proteins development and delivery systems. 40

imunomod s.r.l. MARKET SECTOR

Pharmaceuticals - Biotechnology


The Company is very small, having 3 members: Dr Elena Ionascu the physician and scientific representative, Ms.Ofelia Ionascu,the informatic employee and administrator; minimal laboratory tools. We don’t produce the medicine, having only patents. During 25 years ,our physician applied over six hundred of voluntaries the medicine with well results.




2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3.


A check of the results that is the healing process of the diseases, which appears after the applying of the medicine in human being in a short time depending of the chronicity and which generally is about 3-6 months, maximal 1 year-1 year and six months in serious cases of autoimmunity disorders A check of the mutant-gene configuration, because normality is equal with normal genes.


The innovation (thanks to the innorganic salts) determine multiple health effects in Autoimmunity disorders, demielinating diseases, various infections (HIV/AIDS encloused), chronic infectious and lastly experimented in genetic diseases and cancer (where autoimmunity is very high.) The manufactoring process for obtaining the white active powder is very simple, cheap and reproducible. The calcination destroys the pyrolizidinic alkaloids (having deleterious effects). The injectable solution is toxicity free and doesn’t produce allergic effects. Some cases gave the time prove for 8 years (without: recovers or relapses or corticotherapy).

Web Site: Contact: Ofelia Ionascu Telephone: +39 347 9587661 Fax: +39 06 98262312 Email: Address: Via Federico Cammeo, 28 00165 Rome Italy


Reduced tehnological skills required; Capital requirements for: a) for a short trial; b) authorization to be put on the market; The medicine will be very much searched, because of its excelent healing properties, its enough short action mod, its nearly zero side effects, its lasting effects(for years), without relapses.


Already applied in mice and over 600 disciplined voluntaries of Romanian citizen.(See our site), available for demonstration-field tested.


Patents granted: European, waiting a USA one.


A Pharmaceutical industry to produce and put the drug on the market - Licence agreements.


istituto suPeriore di sAnità MARKET SECTOR



Web Site: Contact: Filippo Belardelli director of tHe dePartMent of cell BioloGy and neurosciences Telephone: +39 06 49903290 Email: Address: Viale Regina Elena, 299 00161 Rome Italy

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) is the leading scientific, advisory and technical public body of the Italian National Health Service. An important activity of ISS is the surveillance on drugs, by controlling purity, quality, safety and efficacy of drugs and by verifying that their production complies with GMP rules. Another important role is the evaluation of safety of new products for their first-in-man use.


The ISS offers its know-how, expertise, and infrastructural support through a GMP facility, named FaBioCell, for the production and quality control of cellular products to be used for immunotherapy of patients with cancer or chronic diseases as well as for tissue engineering. FaBioCell is designed to prepare all types of immune cells for therapeutic purposes, including: dendritic cells generated from monocytes or CD34+ cells; T lymphocytes; stem cells expanded ex vivo. FaBioCell offers its expertise for the immunomonitoring of clinical trials, also by assessing gene expression profiles and/or genetic polymorphisms predictive of the clinical response to immunotherapy.


FaBioCell is a public GMP facility of the ISS dedicated to manufacturing cell products for clinical trials, in compliance with the international cGMP guidelines specified by the European Directive 2001/20/EC. The mission of FaBioCell is to provide the scientific, technical, and regulatory resources to enable the developmental steps for translating new, proof-of-principle discoveries to the clinic. FaBioCell will provide the solution for producing new personalised drugs for patients suffering of serious illness, such as cancer or chronic diseases. FaBioCell will work in strict collaboration with basic research and clinical departments of private and academic institutions, including IRCCS, Universities as well as enterprises located in the Latium region, and will offer services to researchers and physicians operating in the DTB to support translational research programs.


The markets for tissue engineering and somatic cell therapy have been estimated, respectively, at € 400B and € 25B. The market for somatic cell therapy is projected to grow to € 70B by 2010. The gene therapy market is smaller but estimated to grow up to $500M by 2015. In Europe, there are over 300 academic and 115 companies, mostly SMEs, active in these market sectors and they are all potential target clients for FabioCell services.


Ongoing; regulatory approval for GMP license expected within 2009.


Not applicable.


Financial participation, development of new projects.


istituto suPeriore di sAnitĂ MARKET SECTOR

Medical devices


The Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ is the Italian National Institute of Health. The mission of the Department of Technology and Health is the development and the assessment of new techniques, including tools and medical devices, for the improvement of the public health.


Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease affecting major arteries of the body and is the most common cause of injuries or premature death in western world. Imaging has the potential to provide invaluable information on the cellular, metabolic, and molecular composition of the atherosclerotic plaques. A gamma detector for this purpose has been designed, build, and tested with phantoms and preliminary animal studies. It is based on tungsten collimator, advanced position sensitive PMTs and individual-channel readout. We propose to improve the detector increasing sensitivity and allowing PET mode.


The system prototyped and successfully tested will be converted to marketable product. A new design would allow building a system that can be used at the same time as SPECT and PET. Moreover, using the newly developed Silicon Photomultipliers that were demonstrated to be insensitive to MR-type fields would allow integrating such a system in an MRI scanner. The layout should be designed in such a way as to be able to host also CT and optical detectors. A new highly innovative multimodality platform would become available that would overcome major limitations of the available systems. New fast electronics based on individual-channel readout is designed and build and it will be used on the new device.

Web Site: Contact: Francesco Cusanno researcHer Telephone: +39 06 49902235 +39 328 6510772 Fax: +39 06 49387075 Email: Address: Viale Regina Elena, 299 00161 Rome Italy


The detector proposed in the project will be an excellent device for small animal imaging and molecular imaging with radionuclides, therefore, if commercialized, it will be able to compete with the instruments presently on the marked, produced by GE, SIEMENS, PHILIPS. The use of this kind of devices is rapidly increasing in biomedical research in Italy and in the world and plays a fundamental role in this field.


In process of development.


Innovations present in the project are results of public researches but few parts may be partially protected by copyright or covered by patent in some cases.


Financial participation - Development of new projects.


istituto suPeriore di sAnitĂ

dePt. of drug reseArCh And evAluAtion MARKET SECTOR



Web Site: Contact: Giovanni Diana researcHer Telephone: +39 06 49902066 Fax: +39 06 49902014 Email: Address: Viale Regina Elena, 299 00161 Rome Italy

The Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ (ISS) is the leading scientific, advisory and technical public body of the Italian National Health Service. The Department of Therapeutic Research and Medicines Evaluations contributes to public health by controlling the quality, efficacy and safety of drugs and through research into new drugs and treatments for human diseases.


Structural reorganization of neuronal networks is thought to represent the physiological basis of learning and memory. The morphology of the neuronal tree is governed by the actin cytoskeleton which, in turn, is controlled by proteins of the Rho GTPase family, encompassing Rho, Rac, and Cdc42 subfamilies. We have shown in mice that the bacterial protein CNF1, which enzimatically activates Rho, Rac and Cdc42, induces long lasting increase in memory, hippocampal neurotransmission, long-term potentiation, together with remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton in neurons. The aim of our project is to verify whether: a) Similar effects develop in humans b) CNF1 can be exploited in the therapy of Alzheimer disease and mental retardation.


The pharmacological approaches that have been attempted until now for dementias and mental retardation are endowed with little efficacy. Most of them are based on the manipulation of specific neurotransmission mechanisms, such as those obtained by stimulation of membrane receptors. Our approach is innovative because it aims at direct restoration of neural connectivity, a function that plays a pivotal role in dementias and mental retardation. We have demonstrated that this result can indeed be obtained through the administration of bacterial dermonecrotic toxins, such as CNF1 (Diana et al, 2007, pat. appl. WO2006105998). Therefore, the use of CNF1 and related molecules might open up new avenues for pharmacological intervention in the above-mentioned conditions.


The development of drug therapies for mental retardation and dementias is now a hot topic within the scientific community and is receiving increasing attention from pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, considering the high prevalence of the target conditions, the project discloses excellent possibilities for commercial exploitation.


In process of development .


Covered by patent.


Financial participation - Development of new projects - Creation of new enterprise or consortium.


istituto suPeriore di sAnità MARKET SECTOR

Biotechnology – Food safety


The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) is the leading scientific, advisory and technical public body of the Italian National Health Service. The Food and Veterinary Toxicology unit –within the DVPHFS- has the mission of producing novel scientific data, approaches and methods in order to improve the safety of the environment-feed-food chains as regards toxicological risk factors.


(Bio)Sensors’ system in Food Safety [BEST]. Combination of sensors and biosensors working in parallel; the device consists of sensors and biological media. A proper electronic circuit board sends the data to a datalogger and then to the PC. The datalogger is provided with an independent interfaces for signal independent and simultaneous transduction. Probes are clustered in 4 groups, namely A, B, C, and D; the probes are mainly addressed to assess toxicity on metabolism enzymes. The system is liable to further engineering, including miniaturization, automatization and use of renewable energy.


BEST is a novel system which, through a proper set of biosensors and sensors, defines a new approach in the assessment of the wholesomeness and quality along critical points in food production chains. The development of such system of biosensors/sensors working in parallel (battery) will provide an efficient and effective tool for in continuum monitoring of the compliance with quality and wholesomeness indexes. The system can be used to monitor the relevant Critical Control Points, to provide early warnings as well as to check the effectiveness of corrective actions foreseen for risk management. The integration of the data obtained with proper combinations of probes allows a better and more efficient assessment by the producers of the variations in wholesomeness and quality observed during the whole food production chain.

Web Site: Contact: Alberto Mantovani researcH director Telephone: +39 06 49902815/2528 Fax: +39 06 49902658 Email: Address: Viale Regina Elena, 299 00161 Rome Italy


Market targets are enterprises involved in food production and control. BEST allows to guarantee and demonstrate the safety of food products, possibly also by a novel enterprise-specific label. BEST-driven early warning and risk management along the food chain minimizes economic losses due to contamination, alarms, as well as costly instrumental analyses at chain’s end. BEST’s cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness eases its quick practicality.


Laboratory prototype, to be engineered.


Covered by patent.


Technical collaboration - direct investments.


istituto suPeriore di sAnità MARKET SECTOR

Cancer Research


Web Site: Contact: Marcello Maugeri Saccà Telephone: +39 327 2027444 Email: Address: Viale Regina Elena, 299 00161 Rome Italy

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) is the leading technical and scientific public body of the Italian National Health Service. Its activities include research, control, training and consultation in the interest of public health protection.


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are noncoding small RNAs that repress protein translation. We published that miR-15a and miR-16 act as tumor suppressor genes in prostate cancer through the control of key pathways, and that a significant down-regulation of miRNA 15/16 cluster occurs in human prostate cancer (PCa) samples, compared to their normal counterparts. We planned a multicentric, translational study aiming at evaluating the prognostic value of miRNA 15/16 status in localized PCa through its inclusion into a predictive model. The therapeutic potential of miRNA-based biotherapy is going to be proved in vivo models using a RNA-mediated drug identified by our group.


miRNAs are key regulators of many cellular functions and dysregulation of miRNA network markedly induces tumor-promoting effects. In spite of this, the biological implication of miRNA up- or downregulation in human tumors is still poorly understood. Clarify the diagnostic and prognostic value of miRNA 15/16 cluster may help improve the treatment of localized PCa by avoiding surgical morbidity or by planning a multidisciplinar approach. The development of a miRNA-based treatment could help physicians in optimizing treatment for both localized and advanced tumors. Restoring a miRNA 15/16 proficiency may reduce distant recurrence after radical treatment via eradication of occult/dormant micrometastases. For hormone-refractory or metastatic diseases, our approach could improve the efficacy of standard chemotherapy regimens and consequently survival and quality of life of poor prognosis patients.


A rapid commercialization of molecular tests predicting poor clinical outcomes is desirable, since no biomarkers are routinely assessed on surgically removed PCa. Due to the lack of highly active and safe drugs, the treatment of PCa remains challenging. A rapid development of innovative anticancer compounds could help us to manage a wide spectrum of patients, ranging from (neo)adjuvant setting to those suffering from metastatic disease.


Biosimilar molecules: The process will be ready at the 4th quarter of 2009. ScFv: Process and activity tests should be completed after summer 2009. About innovative delivery systems, IBI has developed methods to produce nano or microparticles.


Covered by patent (US Patent Application No 61/048,047- “Antisense RNA for treating cancer and inhibition of metastasis” Ref:USP98936).


Scientific support and/or financial partecipation of pharmaceutical and biotech companies.


istituto suPeriore di sAnità MARKET SECTOR

Translational research


The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) is the leading technical and scientific public body of the Italian National Health Service. Its activities include research, control, training and consultation in the interest of public health protection.


The clinical outcome achieved so far have not met the promise hoped for tumor immunotherapeutic treatments. New experimental evidence in preclinical models strongly suggest that combining immunotherapy with chemotherapy is likely to result in improved tumor control by enhancing the antitumor activity of adoptively transferred or vaccineinduced immune lymphocytes through the induction of a well defined pattern of cytokines (“cytokine storm”). A clinical trial in melanoma patients demonstrated that the combination of chemotherapy (Dacarbazine) and antitumor vaccination achieved significant improvement of the antitumor immune responses through similar mechanisms.


Different immunotherapeutic strategies have been developed so far, some of these being extremely cumbersome, but none of them has achieved satisfactory results in term of secondary cancer prevention. The combination of a mild chemotherapeutic treatment, such as dacarbazine, with a simple intradermal administration of a peptide vaccine with a particular administration schedule can make the difference between an effective and a non effective immunotherapy. A phase I/II study in patients with advanced stage melanoma has already suggested an encouraging benefit in terms of disease-free survival. To assess in a statistically significant number of patients the clinical efficacy of this novel combined treatment, a wider clinical trial is needed in melanoma patients. In addition, the possible clinical application of this therapeutic strategy can range over different type of cancers, especially those resistant to standard chemotherapy treatments.

Web Site: Contact: Enrico Proietti researcHer Telephone: +39 06 49903356 Email: Address: Viale Regina Elena, 299 00161 Rome Italy


The target market is the global cancer drugs market estimated at over US$ 80 billion in 2008. Within this market the immunotherapy sector is expected to grab over the next 10 years up to 10%-20% of the overall sales in this sector. The combination of chemotherapy (Dacarbazine) and antitumor vaccination poses the project in an excellent position to benefit from this fast growing sector.


Ongoing .


Patent pending.


Financial participation/directs investments.





Web Site: Contact: Cristiano Padula Telephone: +39 06 91601628 Fax: +39 06 91612477 Email: Address: Via Nicaragua, 12 00040 Pomezia, Rome Italy

Lifelinelab s.r.l. started its activities in April 2003, thanks to the commitment of three managers coming from the ex Diagnostic Division Manufacturing Plant of Alfa Wassermann S.P.A. Nowadays the company mission is to face and develop markets with consolidate and emerging technologies such as Microarrays using a proprietary chemistry patented and designed to covalently bind either Protein or Nucleic acids which allows the development of extremely sophisticated analysis in the emerging applications of proteomics and genomics.


The current business activities of Lifelinelab are: manufacturing of microarray slides e-Surf for genomic and proteomic research based on a proprietary know-how; manufacturing of microarray solutions for spotting blocking and hybridisation of bio molecules on microarrays surface; research and development on new diagnostic application on microarrays; service of high quality spotting; service of production and purification of proteins; and validation of diagnostic systems.


Molecular and protein low density microarray for IVD market based on ELISA plate format. High Throughput Screening Array Array Reader and Automatic Analysis System. The microarray microtiter chip technology can provide fast, low sample volume and multianalyte test reducing reagent cost assay time and labor costs. Some applications are available for molecular detection as HPV genotyping and mulianalyte detection of pathogens in Food, milk and beer. Other protein microarray applications are under development as specific IgE detection for human allergy diseases and autoimmune disease.


List of products ready to matket ■ DR. RV Chip Respiratory viruses, including SARS; DR. EV Chip – Enterovirus; DR. HPV Chip - Human Papillomavirus; DR. RB Chip - Respiratory bacteria; DR. TB Chip - Mycobacterium tuberculosis;DR. HBV Chip - Hepatitis Type B & Lamivudine drug resistant mutations; ■ DR. Food Chip Series – Foodborne pathogens; DR. Milk Chip – Mastitis pathogens; DR Brewery kit.


Some applications are available for molecular detection as HPV genotyping and mulianalyte detection of pathogens in Food, milk and beer. Other protein microarray applications are under development as specific IgE detection for human allergy diseases and autoimmune diseas.


Polymer patent.


Development partnership - Distribution agreement.


mAvi sud s.r.l. MARKET SECTOR

Biotechnology; Medical Devices


Society produces cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals formulated from its own R&D laboratories. All the products are distributed in Pharmacies and Beauty Centres by medical prescription. All the lines are charaterized from innovative active ingredients and vehicles based on chitin nanofibrilis (CN) patented worldwide. By this carrier the used actives may be delivered throughout the skin layers for the necessary period of time. This raw material is effective and safe.


Chitin is a natural polysaccharide made up of glucosamine and acetyl glucosamine bound together by a typicl Beta-1-4 bond. Extracted from by products of the shell fish industry this natural bio-polymer has a similar structure as hyaluronic acid having in common with it the presence of acetyl glucosamine. Being a polyglucoside it doesn’t cause allergic reactions, which on the contrary can be caused by the protein part of the fish shells which however is totally eliminated during the production process. Chitin-nanofibrilis represent a technoscientific innovation internationally patented by MAVI both as regards the production process as well as for its use in the cosmetic, biomedical and bio-textile fields.


Web Site: Contact: Pierfrancesco Morganti President Telephone: +39 06 92862626 Email: morganti@mavicosmetics. it Address: Via dell’Industria, 1 04011 Aprilia, Rome Italy

The extremely small size of the chitin nanofibrilis (CN), separated from each other and bound with water, and their mostly electropositive electric charges arranged along the axis of the molecule, allow this polyglucoside to remain stably suspended in water solutions, ready to bind with other molecules via ionic bonding. Therefore, given the particular chemical structure similar to hyaluronic acid, CN tends to combine with many active components normally used in cosmetics, pharmaceutical and bio-textile fields, both hydro or liposoluble.


The different bonds formed with other active molecules allow CN a wide range of functions both in the strictly medical sector, as well as in the cosmetology and/or biomedical material fields. All these new compounds are able to function in a very specific way and with totally original mechanisms making them more effective and without collateral effects. Moreover CN and CNcomplexes represent innovative active biomaterials to be used in different field of wellness to ameliorate our way of living.


Ready for market .


Covered by patent; protected by copyright; commercial agreement.


Commercial intermediary - Financial participation/direct investments - Development of new projects.


mbs srl A deviCe for fAst miCrobiologiCAl AnAlysis of food And wAter


Biotechnology Web Site: Contact: Alberto Mari ceo

Giovanni Antonini scientific resPonsiBle Telephone: +39 06 83767529 Fax: +39 06 40040364 Email: Address: Via Giacomo Peroni, 386 00131 Rome Italy


MBS srl (Micro Biological Survey): (Limited Liability Co.) is a recent spin-off of Roma Tre University, participated by the Roma Tre University itself, the researchers who set-up the method, an Italian small biotech firm and INVENT, a France seed-capital company.


The business idea is to produce and to commercialize an analytical kit patented by University Roma Tre which utilizes disposable, ready-to-use reaction vials for fast microbiological analyses of food and water samples. The analysis is based on the color change of the vial content that is induced by the presence of bacteria. The analyses can be carried out by untrained personnel and everywhere they are necessary, without the need of any other instrumentation but a thermostat provided on request.


No other competitor analytical method provides altogether these features: ■ Fast: 2 to 5 fold faster than traditional analyses. ■ Easy: The analyses can be carried out anywhere by anyone without the need of any other instrument. No sample homogenization is required before analysis and final sterilization allows to dicharge safely the used vials after analysis ■ Sensitive: Down to the theoretical limit of just 1 viable microbial cell ■ Selective: Up the experimental limit of 99.9% with respect to other bacterial species ■ Low-cost: The overall cost of a single analysis is much lower than that of a traditional analysis carried out by skilled technicians operating in a fully equipped laboratory Feasible quantitative analyses: 1. Total viable bacterial cells: markers of the overall bacterial contamination of drinkable water and food. 2. E. coli and coliforms: markers of faecal contamination of water and food. 3. Other analyses: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp., Listeria spp., Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus faecalis, Moulds and fungi.


In Europe are carried out ~ 200.000.000 microbiological analyses/year in the agro-food and environmental market. Possible customers are: Agro-food industries: for the microbiological quality control of food and of food production processes. Laboratories: analysis for customers and for HACCP procedures. Civil protection: to avoid epidemic risks in the occasion of natural catastrophes. International cooperation: for the less-developed countries where the availability of microbiologically safe water is the main health priority.


Commercialized in Italy.


Covered by patent.


Commercial agreement - Direct investments. 50

medi – PrAgmA s.r.l. MARKET SECTOR

Biotechnology - Medical devices - Big Pharma services


Medi Pragma is the first Italian Market Research specialized in healthcare marketing is located in Rome and Milan. Since 1984, we offer tailor-made solutions to Pharmaceutical, cosmetic and diagnostic Companies. We work side by side with our Clients in each phase of the Market Research: from the identification of the problem to the study on the field, to data interpretation and results presentation. From Communication Research to Customer Satisfaction, we can face any relevant.


Research services offered: CATI, Consultancy, Depth Interviews, Group Discussions, Fieldwork, Omnibus – multi country sample, Online Research, Panel Research, Personal Interviews, Viewing Facilities offered. Types of Research offered: Advertising/Image, Conjoint Analysis, Customer Satisfaction, Disease/Epidemiology, New Product/Brand Development, Product Tracking, Qualitative, Quantitative, All ad hoc research services. Specialists in Healthcare: ■ We conduct all types of studies on the pharmaceutical/healthcare markets and along the product lifecycle ■ Customer Satisfaction and Company Image. ■ “Hospital Unit” which covers Quali-Quantitative studies ■ SALES FORCE EVALUATION using I.C.Q. ASHFIELD IN2FOCUS approach Additional Research Services : ■ Traxer: Quantitative monitor on selected conditions. ■ OTC Omnibus: Quarterly Omnibus on Pharmacies Euro Oncology Italy II: a database analysing 1800 clinical cases, involving 180 specialists in 120 different Italian Hospitals. Euro Oncology is a complete database suitable for knowing, analysing and assessing the Cancer market. Euro Oncology projections allow to analyse the market per cancer types, stages and treatments. Euro Oncology benefits from the experience of Medi-Pragma and Harris Medical International both well known and established Companies. Euro Oncology offers the chance to compare facts & figures to France and Germany. The study is developed in 3 steps: initial National screening, this phase of the study is conducted among 120 Hospitals (Private clinics, General Hospitals, Teaching Hospitals); intensive phase involving 180 Specialists. Each Physician completes min 8 patient’s diaries for a total of 1’800 diaries on which we base for our evaluation; 180 face-to-face interviews at Specialists for identifying treatment trends, new product perspectives and cost reduction policies.

Web Site: Contact: Rosapia Farese Telephone: +39 06 845551 Fax: +39 06 8411850 Email: Address: Via Nizza, 152 00198 Rome Italy


Studies on biotech products (treatment of anemia due to chemotherapy, Type 1 diabetes, hemophilia) and medical devices (pace-makers, coronary stents).


menArini bioteCh srl MARKET SECTOR

Pharmaceuticals - Biotechnology


Web Site: Contact: Manrico Bernardini Business develoPMent director Claudio Panzarella Business scout ManaGer Telephone: +39 06 91184449 +39 331 6068132 Email: Address: Via Tito Speri, 12 00040 Pomezia, Rome Italy

Menarini Biotech since 1986 represents a Centre of Excellence in Italy for Biotechnology and is located in the Menarini Scientific Campus in Pomezia. We provide customised development and manufacturing services for protein production in compliance with to the highest regulatory standards (both European and FDA cGMP) and we are licensed by the Italian Ministry of Health for the manufacture of clinical supply for human use.


We are experienced in producing recombinant proteins, DNA, mAbs and biosimilars from mammalian, hybridomas and micro-organisms. The modern development and manufacturing facilities have from 20 to 1500 litres working volume bioreactors for mammalian and hybridomas cells and from 20to 3000L for micro-organism together with disposable culturewave capability. Our purification systems scaled to match the cultivation/fermentation productivity. Menarini Biotech Track record: ■ Abagovomab: an anti-idiotypic antibody vaccine for ovarian cancer currently in Phase III clinical trials. ■ Amediplase: a thrombolytic agent for treatment of acute myocardial infarct. The product is ready to enter Phase III clinical trials. ■ AJ-3: a recombinant enzyme Ketoprofene Esterase for the enantiomeric resolution of Ketoprofene. (dex-ketoprofen) ■ GM-CSF produced in CHO cells as adjuvant for therapeutic peptide vaccines ■ MEN1128, a drug in the field of metabolic disorders, currently ready to enter in the Phase I clinical trials.


Menarini Biotech can manage all aspects of your project (including regulatory submissions) from pre-clinical to commercial production. Our R&D and biopharmaceutials production has been always focused in innovative and advanced project using the highest technology support available. With respect to our expertise, We can offer the flexibility and the experience to provide customised services for biopharmaceuticals development at every stage. By a wide range of capability, We can easily match your needs and together find the best way to ensure the results that meet the highest standard of excellence. We can also provide Analytical Development and Structural Characterisation Services. Our analytical techniques have been successfully applied to all stages of a products lifecycle including biophysical comparability studies and stability studies.


We can provide a fully integrated system for biotechnology companies looking to outsource process development, manufacturing and quality control services from an established company with a strong track records. Menarini Biotech is also available for companies that require a second source manufacturer for their commercialised products.


miCrobo s.r.l. MARKET SECTOR

Pharmacology - Biotechnology


The Istituto Biochimico Italiano – IBI - founded in 1918 by Prof. Giovanni Lorenzini is a pharmaceutical Company with a significant scientific tradition, present on the national and international markets since more than 90 years. Nowadays IBI has become a consolidated reality in Italy as well as abroad, with a strong know-how in cGMP production of injectable sterile products, particularly antibiotics. IBI is a company FDA approved.


Microbo srl has developed and patented some products: ■ to prevent and cure hypoferremia and iron deficiency anaemia in pregnant women and in subjects suffering of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia; ■ to prevent and cure microbial and viral infections; ■ to prevent and cure mucosal inflammations; ■ to prevent and cure mucosal infections; ■ to prevent and cure gingivitis and periodontitis. Microbo Italian Patent has been extended in EU, USA, and China.


Contact: MiriaM PietroPaoli

aMMinistratore unico

Telephone: +39 335 5403965 +39 333 4893636 Fax: +39 06 58330868 Email: Address: Piazza S. Apollonia, 3 00153 Rome Italy

“Microbo product” to prevent and cure hypoferremia and iron deficiency anaemia is only known drug able to significantly increase, already after 30 days of oral administration, the number of red blood cells, haemoglobin, total serum iron and serum ferritin values through the induction of iron transport from tissues to blood. It has been demonstrated that the efficacy of “Microbo product” in increasing haematological values is higher than that observed with oral administration of ferrous sulphate. Differently from ferrous compounds, showing well known adverse effects, “Microbo product” does not exert any adverse effect. The other Microbo products are significantly effective in preventing and curing mucosal inflammations and recurrent infections associated to disorders of cellular and systemic iron homeostasis.


Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the ten risk factors for illness, disability and death in the world, especially in pregnant women, thus representing a further risk factor for maternal and infant health. Classical ferrous compounds therapy often lacks to increase haematological values. Chronic and recurrent mucosal infections/inflammations, difficult to eradicate, are efficiently cured by Microbo Product able to decrease iron overload responsible of microbial colonization and of inflammation.


Microbo product, named LATTOGLOBINA, to prevent and cure hypoferremia and anaemia is commercialized in Italy by Grunenthal. and recently, Microbo srl has signed an important agreement with BMG PHARMA LLC to commercialize in USA, Canada and Mexico some products to cure hypoferremia, iron deficiency anaemia, mucosal inflammations and infections.


International Patent.


Commercial agreement.


miros minimAlly invAsive reduCtion ostheonsynthesis system MARKET SECTOR

Medical devices


Web Site: Contact: Radoslava Yordanova Mario Tangari Telephone: +39 06 297861 +39 335 7106614 +39 339 8491045 Fax: +39 06 297861 Email: Address: Via del Torrione, 63 00176 Rome Italy

Miros medical technology LTD is a young company with headquarters in Italy and Bulgaria. The company is involved in research, the creation, design and development of new and original medical devices for treating fractures percutaneous as the application of plaques following the gradual replacement of traditional techniques that use with other surgical approaches reduced or type percutaneous and, therefore, little bloody and less sacrifice bone.


Miros is a polifunctional fixation system in the modern techniques of percutaneous synthesis in the fractures composed by metal wires modified in length, apex and flexibility, and external clips of stabilization, as well as a modern and efficient surgical instrumentation and equipment called “Miniopen wire instruments”. The technical characteristics of the system (capacity, resistance, flexibility) have already been studied in Milan, at the Polytechnic’s Labs. Its components are in Ergal and medical Inox steel. It is polifunctional because it has a great easiness of use in various synthesis combinations (external, internal, hybrid). The system has been used in Italy in more than one thousand fractured patients. In the beginning the fracture is reduced just by external manipolation; than metal wires are fixed into the bone by Miniopen Wire Instruments and stabilized with clips on the outside without skin incision. The patient is rapidly discharge. To remove the system is not necessary a hospitalisation, another operation and anaesthesia. Percutaneous Nail System – PNS: Is a new Percutaneous Nail System - PNS - is a new system of percutaneous nailing in old patients with proximal femur fractures. The system is characterized by a mass of surgical instrumentation composed by cannulaes and metal wires, furthermore a steel nail. The cannulae are preformed on the nail and its characteristics are: little diameter, cervico-diaphyseal angle’s variability, distal stop with no screws. All these characterisics allows simple insertion, less surgeon demanding, suitable instrumentation for a minimally invasive implant. The system is ideal for the old osteophorotic patients because reduced stress of fracture, stress of anesthesia, stress of surgery, risk of decubitus, risk of infection, risk of decompensation.


Miros: synthesis in the more frequent fractures through percutaneous minimally invasive way. Easyuse surgical instrumentations – minimally invasive (percutaneous synthesis) – swift employment – low risk of infections – no immobilization of the damaged segment – chance to remove the system without anaesthesia – rapid recovery with short or without phisiotherapy. Miniopen Wire Instruments: it’s an ergonomic instruments which allow a correct entry into the bone and the correct bending of the K wires whit apex interchangeable for the microfractures (which is a Spear) and one to lift cancellers fractured bones (tibial plate, calcaneus). Percutaneous Nail System-PNS: Original minimally invasive way for the old patients with an osteophorotic fracture of the proximal femur.


The economic advantages of the Miros system are represented by: low cost compared with traditional techniques such as “plates” or “external fixation system”, short time in the surgery room (overcast sky synthesis) and less disposal products (elettrobistouri, suture wires, etc.), Very short permanence in the hospital and recovery time. Miniopen Wire Instruments used in tibial fractures, arthroscopic microfractures, technique reduce the use of sophisticated instruments like screw river, tweezers etc.


Ready for the market.


Covered by patent.



Commercial agreement - Tenical collaboration - Development of new projects.

molirom s.r.l moleCulAr links rome MARKET SECTOR



MoLiRom s.r.l. is a spin-off company of the “Sapienza” University of Rome. The mission of MoLiRom is focussed on the research and development of advanced projects in the synthesis and production of bioactive substances spanning from pharmaceutical intermediates and natural products to biotech pharmaceuticals.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.


Proprietary separation/purification techniques (see below) Natural products libraries. Over 700 bioactive natural products have been identified and characterized. These products are available for screening in pharma industry in the form of panel plates. De novo synthesis of complex compounds is also available through our partner MOLISA GmbH. Enzymes and bioreactors. Advanced in silico screening platform Networking with innovative European PMIs.


Novel active matrices have been developed that represent the state-of-the-art in monolithic columns chromatography. Diverse functionalization of the matrices allow for easy capture of precious metabolites, identification of impurities in pharma products, separation of subfractions in biosimilar products. Novel immobilized enzymes have been developed that allows for easy capture of valuable plant secondary metabolites or direct chiral synthesis of complex natural molecules. Enzymes from the Bet-v1 protein family have been successfully immobilized onto monolithic columns to allow for the direct synthesis of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids precursor as well as for the one-step recovery of flavonoids fraction from plant extracts. Enzymes from laboratory scale to the bulk scale (130 m3 fermentations) are commercialized directly by our partner CPC Biotech. Exploiting the powerful bioinformatic and in silico chemistry tools is a compelling target for advanced research projects in drug design & discovery. MoLiRom is equipped with a top level drug design platform run by a competitive group of scientists.

Web Site: Contact: Bruno Botta Phone: + 39 06 49912781 Fax: +39 06 49912780 Email: Address: Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Dip. Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco P.le A. Moro, 5 00185 Rome Italy


Besides the obvious effects on available medical treatments in a country, there are a number of reasons why the entry patterns of new pharmaceuticals are important. Understanding them may provide insights into the diffusion of other new technologies, particularly those characterized by large development costs, relatively low marginal or transportation costs, and susceptibility to creative destruction by subsequent innovators. In addition, identifying the sources of competitive advantage in this company has implications for industry structure and, perhaps, the regulation of entry within a country, as well as managerial decisions such as the choice of a licensing partner.


All the projects will start on the 1st of May 2009.


All the deposited patents belong to the spin-off members and Sapienza University of Rome.


Collaboration agreements, market sharing contracts, joint research projects with innovative SMIs and top level academic groups. 55




Contact: Maria Lina Bernardini, dePartMent Bcs, saPienza-university of roMe Telephone: + 39 06 49917579/7854 Fax: + 39 06 49917594 Email: marialina.bernardini@ Address: Via dei Sardi, 70 00185, Rome Italy

MuroTherapy is an academic spin-off aimed at promoting the technological transfer of products from patents achieved by an academic team of scientists including biologists, chemists and veterinarians. The main products developed of MuroTherapy are immunostimulatory molecules derived by genetically manipulated bacteria.


The field of immunomodulation has witnessed a considerable expansion and productivity in the past years. Following the identification of minimal adjuvant structures of bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan several hundred derivatives have been produced by chemical synthesis. Efforts were made to identify molecules with desirable properties and minimum or tolerable side effects. MuroTherapy developed a certain number of muramylpeptides blends, derived by genetically modified bacteria, useful as immunostimulatory molecules under physiological conditions and in pathological disorders .


Modified muramylpeptides are able to modulate the immune responses of cell cultures in vitro and animal tissues in vivo. Depending on the mixtures, muramylpeptides are able to stimulate different innate immune receptors in this way governing cell responses upon infections. Their use applies to all situations in which immunomodulation constitutes a suitable therapy. These molecules can be included as immunoadjuvants in infectious disease, cancer vaccines as well as could be useful in tissue cell renovation. Furthermore, modified muramylpeptides can be added to animal feed as supplements or can be used as immunomodulators in veterinary science. In dogs, muramylpeptides contribute successfully to resolve the treatment against Leishmania infections while in poultry these compounds reduce drastically the risk of infectious diseases.


MuroTherapy products meet the needs of markets of vaccines and immunomodulators, personal care and well-being markets and human as well as animal feed supplementals.


MuroTherapy is an academic spin-off at the incubation period in which Sapienza-University of Rome act as a partner.


Patent(s) granted. The technologies and the products are covered by patent in Europe, Canada, USA: - N째 PCT/IT2005/000472 (4/Aug/2005).


Industries interested in introducing MuroTherapy to investment partners intentioned to run up into the markets with products exploitable in several contexts.


nAtionAl reseArCh CounCil (Cnr) dePArtment of life sCienCe COMPANY DESCRIPTION

The National Research Council (CNR) is Italy’s major governmental organization for research and development, employing more than 8,000 people across Italy. Its annual budget is about one Billion Euros, half of which is assigned by the National Government and half is obtained through competition-based grant programs or projects reflecting research collaborations and partnerships with companies and public and private sector organizations. CNR integrates its activities through an interdisciplinary structure made up of 11 National Departments, networks of Institutes and researchers brought together to focus on important major scientific problems. Unconstrained by bricks and mortar, the Department structure encourages partnership and collaboration across sectors, disciplines and geographic regions. The Department of Life Sciences (CNR-DLS) groups researchers working in 15 Institutes active in a range of studies on the fundamental mechanisms governing living organisms and organized into six major thematic networks. Function, regulation, and evolution of eukaryotic genomes Structure, function and design of proteins, nucleic acids and their supramolecular complexes. ■ Molecular mechanisms and signalling in the control of cell proliferation, differentiation and death ■ Animal models in physiopathology and behaviour ■ Biodiversity and mechanisms of adaptation to stress ■ Bioinformatics and Computational Biology CNR-DLS scientists are called upon to advance the state of knowledge for the public good in areas such as health, safety and the environment, as well as for the rapid transfer of technologies to the private sector for wealth creation. From collaborative R&D to licensing, the creation of new enterprises, and industrial research assistance and support, CNR-DLS supports wealth creation through research and innovation. Opportunities for collaborative research between CNR and industry partners exist wherever there are common technical objectives or where the unique expertise of CNR-DLS scientists provides an effective match for industrial requirements. Joint projects result in the transfer of skills and know-how, and the potential for new or improved products and processes. ■ ■

Web Site: Contact: Barbara Angelini Telephone: +39 06 49932415 Fax: +39 06 49932688 Email: Address: Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Rome Italy


To get an idea about some of the technologies developed at CNR-DLS and available for licensing or other forms of agreements, please go to:


nAtionAl reseArCh CounCil (Cnr) institute of neurobiology And moleCulAr mediCine MARKET SECTOR

Electromedical devices - Biotechnology


Contact: Emanuela Signori Telephone: +39 06 49934232 Fax: +39 06 49934257 Email: Address: CNR - Institute of Neurobiology Molecular Medicine Via Fosso del Cavaliere, 100 00133 Rome Italy

CNR is Italy’s major governmental organization for R&D. The Res Unit is constituted of two research groups with complementary scientific and technical expertises in generation of specific static magnetic fields at Ion Cyclotron Energy Resonance and in in vitro-in vivo molecular delivery of therapeutic molecules. It is equipped with facilities necessary to accomplish the project such as amagnetic room, laboratory for molecular biology, a large well-equipped tissue culture room.


Magnetic Drug Delivery, Magnetic Gene Therapy, Magnetic Hyperthermia through Electromedical device for efficient and targeted drug delivery in cancer therapy by superparamegnetic particles: ■ Characterization of magnetic nanoparticles or microspheres containing drugs to address on specific tumour cells or tissues. ■ Identification of specific Ion Cyclotron Energy Resonance (ICER) conditions for in vitro drug delivery by superparamagnetic particles ■ Implementation and validation of delivery protocols, products and technologies by preclinical studies in vivo in animal models of cancer ■ Set-up of a new instrumental apparatus for an efficacious targeted magnetotherapy in tumour patients.


Drug targeting can avoid many toxic effects of the chemotherapeutic agents on healthy body compartments. The magnetotherapy may open up a wide range of possible application in medicine. The Res Unit proposes the use of magnetic nanoparticles containing a drug to cause hyperthermia, followed by the release of encapsulated drug that will act on the injured cells. The final goal, is the realization of a new instrumental apparatus for an efficacious magnetotherapy easily available in a wide range of application in tumour patientstumour patients.


Set-up and realization of a new instrumental apparatus for magnetotherapy for targeted clinical application in tumour affected patients. Medical Equipment for innovative clinical cancer therapeutic protocols largely in use in Hospitals and in Medical Centres for the treatment of cancer.


On going.


Patent ISPESL-CNR WO/2007/004073A2.


Direct investments, as suggested below: Set-up and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles and ICER: 20.000 € Development of products and technologies specific for magnetotherapy in vitro: 40.000 € In vivo preclinical studies and magnetotherapy prototype apparatus: 40.000 €.





NeuroEngage is a spin-off company from the University of Rome “Sapienza”. NeuroEngage founders have the major number of scientific publications on peer review journals related to neuromarketing research in Italy and generated a commercial agreement with the leading institute in Italy for consumer and social research (Gfk EURISKO) and the third in the world being present in more than 100 countries, for the application of neuromarketing techniques in the quality evaluation of commercial ads.


The company provides measures the memorization and the emotional engage of normal subjects during the vision of commercial TV spots. The measurements are performed by using electroencephalographic (EEG), cardiac (ECG) and skin impedance (GSR) signals with mobile technologies. The original methods applied take interdisciplinary advantage of 20 years of experience in the EEG scientific area of prof. Babiloni and 10 years of experience in marketing research of dr. Ramon Soranzo. With this technology, the final user knows how good is his ad, globally and instant by instant.


The NeuroEngage company has developed innovative biomarkers that allow to understand if the commercial spots (on the TV or Internet) would be memorized and/or had emotionally engaged the final users. This without the need to interview the subject about the observed spot characteristics (users tend to be compliant verbally with the interviewer). The techniques used are able to detect the most significant frames in the spot proposed or to detect the bad ones, allowing the tailoring of the commercial video by removing the low engagement part of it. This will improve the efficacy of the spot and will allow to decrease the errors that could be done in the reduction of the spots from 30’’ to 10’’ lengths. The technical solutions provided by NeuroEngage has obtained a Research & Innovation prize 2009 among all the universities in Lazio.

Web Site: Contact: Fabio Babiloni Ramon Soranzo Telephone: +39 328 7697914 Fax: +39 06 51501467 Email: Address: P.le A.Moro, 5 00185 Rome Italy


The analysis of the outcome of an advertising campaign is of paramount importance for all the companies that invest money for such ads. The opportunities are to catch the possibility of the use of “neuromarketing” in countries in which this area of research are still in its infancy. The techniques provided by NeuroEngage are at the state of the art of the scientific research in the field.


The company has already started its operations with with GfK-Eurisko, the leading institute in Italy for consumer and social research (Gfk EURISKO) and the third in the world.


The know-how of the society is all internal, due to the experience of its founders in the marketing and in the neuroscience area.


The company looks for partners and investors able to enlarge the area of activity of the company for testing commercial ads outside Italy.


orofino PhArmACeutiCAls grouP (bioPhArmA, injeCtAliA, AChir PhArmA, k24) MARKET SECTOR



Web Site: Contact: Marketing Department Telephone: +39 06 71302159 Fax: +39 06 71302158 Email: Address: Via delle Gerbere 20/22 Santa Palomba - Rome Italy

The Orofino Pharmaceuticals Group is made by third party companies that work in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic markets: BIOPHARMA In totally segregated buildings Biopharma manufactures the most form (capsules-tablets-dry syrups) of γ−Lactams: Penicillins, Cephalosporins. We are building up a new unit for Penem and we finished a line for penicillin pre-filled syringes. Biopharma is approved by the Italian Regulatory Agency and by the F.D.A. and manufactures products for Europe, U.S.A., China, South-America, Australia, Russia and other ex-USSR republics. INJECTALIA The former plant, in Pomezia (Rome), belonged to an important Italian pharmaceutical group and was bought and revamped with important investments by the Orofino Pharmaceuticals Group. Injectalia has been inspected by the Italian MhO and is waiting for the FDA shortly. In independent buildings Injectalia manufactures: ■ PreFilled syringes ■ Hemoderivates ■ Aseptic filling of solutions and diluents in ampoules ■ Phase I, II & III clinical trials’ products The following production lines are in completion for: ■ Lyophilized products ■ Hard capsules and tablets ■ Vaccines ■ Cell Bank K24 K24, with is own plant in Caserta (Naples) is involved in: ■ Production lines for aseptic and oral Phase I, II and III clinical trials’ products. ■ Chemical and microbiological Testing ■ All-kind pharmaceutical secondary packaging ■ Controlled-temperature Warehouse ACHIR PHARMA The Orofino Group entered the Cosmetic Market by founding Achir Pharma. Thanks to agreements reached with very experienced and well-established manufacturers, Achir Pharma is able to realize projects fitted to every customers’ request. We recently launched a new cosmetic line named “Totem”. The innovative packaging allows the customer to have different products within one pack formed by four separated jars. Achir Pharma is in Santa Palomba, Rome.


We would like to introduce the new pre-filled syringes line realized in Injectalia. The line works the 1mlL & 0,5ml syringes but is possible to modify the size in order to satisfy the customer requests. The line can work both syringes with or without Preventis. The Preventis, designed to prevent needle stick injuries, is an innovative device that also offers single-handed activation, with very limited changes in injection practice and full control of the safety trigger mechanism.


We would like to meet both customers that work with prefilled syringes products and customers that could be interested to switch their production from a vial solution to a prefilled solution, following the market trend and the Health professional demands. For a new product or a new formulation is important to underline that Injectalia, as the other companies of the Group, assures a complete regulatory assistance.


sAn rAffAele biomediCAl PArk foundAtion MARKET SECTOR



The non profit foundation Fondazione Parco Biomedico San Raffaele (SPR) strives to establish communication between science and technology of uncompromised quality, and the development of innovation with applicative, medical and economical significance.


A scientific research institute has been established at SPR, dedicated to tissue engineering and stem cell biology (IBCIT) with up to date facilities for cell biology and gene therapy translational studies. IBCIT research units are: ■ Diabetology and molecular endocrinology ■ Hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis ■ Immunology ■ Molecular cardiology ■ Molecular medicine ■ Skeletal diseases ■ Stem cells ■ Stem cells and muscolar distrophies ■ Tumor epigenetics ■ Viral vectors and gene therapy


The goal of SPR is to develop, support and promote cutting-edge public and private basic and translational research in the field of regenerative medicine, stem cell research, biotechnology, molecular medicine and gene therapy. To support modern, high level biomedical research, SPR fondation has created conventions with universities in the Roman area, links with several private investors, and has set up in the scientific park several key facility cores available to researchers on site and as services to researchers out of SPR. Facilities include: ■ Laboratory animal resource centre ■ Flow cytometry core ■ Microscopy core ■ Stem cell culture core ■ Viral culture core and P2 suite

Web Site: Contact: Valentina Grassi Telephone: + 39 06 80319083 Fax: + 39 06 80319074 Email: Address: Via di Castel Romano, 100 Rome Italy


Advanced generations of drugs developed through biotechnology continue to enter the marketplace. The results promise to be spectacular for patients, as a technology tipping point of medical care is nearing, where drugs that target specific genes and proteins will become widespread. The pharmaceutical industry is focused on finding new products that will replace expired blockbuster revenues and upcoming pharmacogenomics tools open new opportunities.


SPR supports the development of projects in the field of regenerative medicine, stem cell research and tissue engineering with particular focus on the area developed by IBCIT researchers .


Patents’ approval under way.


New opportunities in biotech market and regenerative medicine market. To team up with venture capitals since SPR intends to generate spin-off. 61


Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology


Web Site: Contact: Fausto Passi Telephone: +39 335 8191505 Email: Address: Via Rivalta 9, Grugliasco (To) - Italy Sede SpaceLand Roma: Via Vittoria Colonna, 27 00193 Rome Italy

Founded in 1999 through the science-steering committee association C.O.S.M.O. SpaceLand, since 2006 aerospace flight training and research flight programs open to industry and science institutions as well as to the public are the core business of SpaceLand Italia SRL and SpaceLand International Ltd, funded through the support of private and public entities and investors as well as supported by several Governmental institutions (see list hereafter). SpaceLand has become de facto the first non-gov. aerospace agency providing end-toend services to prepare people from 11 to 93 years of age and experimental hardware for Lunar-gravity, Mars-gravity and Zero-gravity flights for Educational and/or Research Flight Campaigns open to the general public, both from the NASA Space Shuttle L.F. and in Europe.


Breakthrough development and testing of new therapies and drugs on board the spaceland flying lab benefiting from accelerated dynamics in weightlessness of stem cells and osteoporosis phenomena.


Progress in medicine and science as well as technology innovation can be drastically accelerated by microgravity research in several fields such as Life-Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, ICT, Chemistry and Material Sciences, Combustion Physics, Fluid Mechanics, Robotics, Low Temperature Physics, Gravitational Physics and Space Exploration.


SpaceLand customers range from Universities to S.M.E’s, from Regional Government to Mass Media, from scientists to students and individuals interested in “science space tourism”, including 11-year-old children, disabled women and 93 year-old men. The SpaceLand “flying laboratory” system allows to accelerate research, development and testing of gravity-influenced & gravity-affected phenomena such as stems cells growth and osteoporosis and related therapies and countermeasures to qualify new methodologies and innovative pharma-drugs.


SpaceLand recent flights have provided relevant data for instance addressing neurobiological studies by science groups coordinated by Italy’s Istituto Superiore di Sanità in synergy with the Italian National Research Center “CNR” and the European Brain Research Institute. Besides, recent studies by the University of Naples and Thales Alenia Space show how cancer stem-cells in vitro in weightlessness behave in the same way of in-vivo stem cells, thus confirming that the SpaceLand Flying Lab can become the ideal weightless environment to qualify new drugs and therapies to defeat cancer.


Partnership with pharmaceutical industry interested in sponsoring research flight campaigns to: 1. analyze and qualify new stem-cells based chemiotherapy, benefiting from the fact that in zero-gravity conditions stem-cells growth and osteoporosis dynamics are better and faster with respect to traditional ground laboratories; 2. develop new drugs counteracting faster “gravity-induced” osteoporosis, neuro-vestibular & immune system diseases and all other gravity-influenced or gravity-affected pathologies 3. carry out flight campaigns for communication of image and public outreach with large advertisement-value related to the above points. 62

teChnology develoPment for AfriCA s.r.l. MARKET SECTOR

Biomedical - Biotechnology


Technology Development for Africa S.r.l. was founded in 2005 as an high-tech instrumental company to expedite biomedical technology transfer to developing countries. The company started as spin-off company of University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and is settled in the Scientific Park of the University. TDA provides strategic consultancy to start-up projects in research, development and diagnostic programmes in biomedical field.


Technology transfer has become vital for today’s globalized world. The changing global scenario with the globalization of technologies and the shift in emphasis from manufacturing to a knowledge based economy has enormously affected the competitiveness of countries and companies. They need access to skills and competencies, access to financing, access to the market, and an environment for innovation. This situation has intensified the process of international flows of technologies across firms and national boundaries in the form of increased technological cooperation, strategic alliances, and partnerships. Enterprises in developing and less developed countries need to develop, absorb and adopt new technologies in an efficient way, thereby, building up indigenous technological capabilities.


TDA promotes and takes forward activities connected to knowledge and technology transfer of products, processes, technologies and services towards the African continent, within the sector of natural, chemical, physical, biological, biomedical sciences and clinical diagnosis technologies. via collaborative scientific research activities and consultancy process on its own or via a network of specific alliances. We operate through: ■ Finding an innovative solution that “right fit” your project ■ Access experts who can help take your project forward ■ Delivering, managing and optimizing knowledge transfer to the global needs of your organisation through a variety of development activities and services ■ Increasing your competitive advantage ■ Access recently qualified people to spearhead new projects Crucially, the TDA harnesses its worldwide relationship with Universities, Colleges and Research Organisations, providing a facilitated link to the institutional resources and facilities.

Web Site: Contact: Vittorio Colizzi Telephone: +39 06 72594037 +39 06 72594068 Fax: +39 06 72594897 Email: Address: Building PP3 Scientific Park University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Via della ricerca Scientifica snc 00133, Rome Italy


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Support for development and management of research projects

Development of an efficient drug discovery process from exploratory target identification to clinical studies Design, start-up, management and technical assistance for research and diagnostic laboratories Technical, operational and economical setting-up, focusing and fulfillment of feasibility studies for Professional training for experts and technicians Technical advices, audit and support for implementation and certification of Quality Management Systems (QMS) and other accreditations in health care system.


unibiomediCs srl MARKET SECTOR

Medical devices


Web Site: Contact: Claudio Scarponi President Telephone: +39 06 44585313 Email Address: Via Padre Agostino Fioravanti, 97/99 Rome Italy

The business venture is a spin off company between university and industry, constituted in November 2008. The core business is to design, fabricate and test biomedical prototypes internationally patented. Develop, promote and implement innovative applications in the biomedical field, including advanced training. The university participates through the “Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale e Astronautica” and “Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche”. The industrial partnership comprises four companies, namely: Sordina S.p.A., MCH ICT, NSA (Nuclear Specialist Associate) s.r.l., Giò Marco S.p.A. These companies produce and sell biomedical devices and general equipment to private and public health customers. Their major products comprise surgery robotics and surgery room equipment, IORT devices, etc.A 5th industrial partner is the DS Medigroup S.p.A., with major business in internet communications for sanitary personnel.


Development of novel intraoperative probes for the survey of β and γ rays emitted from radionuclides, surgical scintigraphic FDG probe for cancer identification.


Advantages: less toxicity, better ergonomy, wireless, higher sensitivity,user friendliness, bluetooth technology, higher commonality and availability of data, help for surgeon to short the zone of the operation, substitution of the radioisotope 99mTc for the LNS operation technique.


The core business is oriented to the design and development of innovative equipment/devices, to be utilized in the biomedical field. Innovative prototypes can be developed and patented inside the company. Then, the patents can be offered to the industrial partners, in order to go to small series production and introduced into the national and international market by their trade organization. Private and public hospitals.


Covered by patent.


Financial participation/direct investments; creation of enterprise or consortium.


university of rome CAmPus biomediCo MARKET SECTOR

Translational and Clinical Pharmacology


Multidisciplinary University with laboratories and clinical facilities.


This site at the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome has an internationally recognized expertise in translational models of drug-induced cardiotoxicity. This is of interest to BioTech and Pharmaceutical Companies at the stage of drug development, preclinical testing, and implementation of Phase I and II studies. Moreover, this site is working at finalizing and operating a Clinical Trial Unity that meets regulatory requirements for Phase I - II, bioequivalence, biosimilarity studies.

1. 2.


Models in drug development and testing; Clinical Pharmacology Service (patients’ or volounteers’ screening, treatment, monitoring, adverse drug reactions reporting, full pharmacokinetics by HPLC or LC-Mass Spectrometry) in a coordinated Clinical Trial Unit (4 fully-monitored beds, study-dedicated clinical specialists, intensive care unit available, computer station for on-line vital signs monitoring, storage and elaboration, nursery, relax area, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, LC-Mass Spectrometry Facility, Clinical Research Organization). The Clinical Trial Unit is designed as a full service for Companies in registration-oriented Clinical Pharmacology Studies.

1. 2.

Web Site: Contact: Giorgio Minotti Telephone: +39 06 225419109 Fax: +39 06 22541456 Email: Address: Via Alvaro del Portillo, 21 00128 Rome Italy


Models in drug development and testing: Operating Clinical Pharmacology Service: Scheduled for launching in Fall 2009


Covered by patent; commercial agreement.


Development of new projects - Creation of an enterprise or consortium.


university of rome “lA sAPeinzA” MARKET SECTOR



Web Site: Contact: Sofia Ingrosso Telephone: +39 06 4925 5635 Fax: +39 06 4925 5645 Email: sofia.ingrosso@ Address: Viale Regina Elena, 29 00161 Rome Italy

The project is proposed by Prof. Fabio Pulcinelli at Department of Experimental Medicine and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine - Sapienza University of Rome and it’s presented by Consortium Sapienza Innovazione.


Biochemical and clinical evidence supported the variability in platelet response to aspirintreated patients. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying variability in the antiplatelet effect of aspirin, is necessary in order to reduce cardiovascular complications. We observed that, reducing MRP4 mediated transport, aspirin effect on COX-1 was higher, leading to further reduction of the platelet function. Moreover, in patients that present a residual platelet function despite aspirin treatment, we found a high level of platelet MRP4 expression and enhanced MRP4 mediated transport.


Some patients showing a reduction of aspirin action on platelets according to the present invention, present a higher platelet expression of MRP4, as well as a high activity of the MRP4 mediated transport compared to controls. This invention is related to a method of in vitro analysis to identify patients that have a reduced aspirin action due to the mechanisms that we discovered, including genetic polymorphisms correlate either with expression or functionality of the transporter. Moreover, in this invention we also patented a drug composed of the combination of aspirin plus the inhibitor of the MRP4 mediated transport in order to enhance aspirin anti-platelet function.


50 million people are under chronic aspirin treatment and they are potentially users of our diagnostic approach. Some of them, about 30%, require the treatment aspirin plus inhibitor of the MRP4 mediated transport.


In vitro researches completed.


WO 2008/026234 PCT/IT2007/000597.


Financial partecipation or direct investments.


university of rome “tor vergAtA” MARKET SECTOR



The main topic of the Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Pathology, at the Department of Biology, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, is to study at cellular and molecular level the hostpathogen interaction in the course of HIV or Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. In particular, research activity of the laboratory is focused on the definition of pathogenetic mechanisms and on identification of new correlates of protection during these diseases. Present experimental approaches include cell and molecular biology with appropriate instrumentations (e.g., flowcytometer, fluorometer, luminometer, plate γ-counter, confocal microscopy). The laboratory is equipped with pathogen containment laboratories (BSL2 and BSL3).


The present patent reports a technological platform to enhance innate antibacterial and antiviral pulmonary immune response by simultaneously down-modulating pathogenic inflammatory response. These liposomes have been characterized and tested in vitro on macrophages infected with M. tuberculosis (MTB), as a representative model of intracellular persistent pathogen able to escape by, and interfere with, host immune response. Experimentally obtained results show that our liposome preparations i) are efficiently phagocytosed by macrophages, ii) do not exert any in vitro cytotoxic effect, iii) activate the expression of anti-inflammatory TGF-beta ed IL-27 genes and down-regulate the expression of TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-12, IL23, Cox-2 genes, iv) induce intracellular Ca++ mobilization inhibited by MTB, v) promote Ca++ dependent phagolysosome maturation, normally inhibited by MTB, v) and induce intracellular mycobacterial killing.

Contact: Maurizio Fraziano Telephone: +39 06 72594235 Fax: +39 06 72594224 Email: Address: Dept. Biology, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Rome Italy


These results provide the proof of concept for a possible use, as aerosolic formulation, of these liposomes in an innovative therapeutic approach complementary to the conventional antiviral and/or antibiotic regimen for chronic, recurring pulmonary infections, such as those occurring during immunedepression or genetic diseases (chronic granulomatous disease and cystic fibrosis). Target of our liposomes can be bacterial infections (e.g. Mycobacteria sp.; Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumonite, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter sp., Fusobacterium nucleatum, Bacteroides melaninogenicus, Haemophilus influenzae, Legionella sp.) or viral infections (influenza virus, syncytial respiratory virus, Coronavirus, Adenovirus, HIV) which can be differently approached by modifying some of the molecular components of these liposomes. Finally, the capability of these liposomes to significantly reduce proinflammatory immune response, by simultaneously up-regulating the expression of antinflammatory cytokine, makes them possible immunotherapeutic candidates for the control of tissue damaging inflammatory response such as that observed during autoimmune diseases.


The project is actually exploring the possibility by these liposomes to be used in different in vitro viral and bacterial infection models. We are also assessing their therapeutic role as aerosolic treatment of in vivo experimentally infected mice with M. tuberculosis.


PCT/IT2008/000474 of July 16th, 2008.


Licence agreement to exploit and develop the technology.


university of rome “tor vergAtA” the fACulty of mAthemAtiCs, PhysiCs And nAturAl sCienCe FACULTY PRESENTATION

Web Site: Contact: Dean: Prof. Maurizio Paci

The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Science of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” is considered among the most important scientific disciplines at the national level. One of its strengths is the avant-garde scientific research, in collaboration with major national and international research centres. The scientific activities are conducted by teachers who are often internationally renowned scientists with positions of great responsibility in leading scientific organizations. In addition, this Faculty benefits from the largest scientific research centres in Italy where hundreds of researchers work and there are the most advanced scientific laboratories which make use of high tech tools and advanced computing centres. Another advantage of this faculty is the opportunity to study in a campus on a largescale, full of laboratories (one of them, the aquaculture one, even open air) and libraries. Moreover, thanks to agreements and research projects, it is easy for young people who study in this faculty to organize internship in centres of study and in major companies in Italy and abroad.


Director: Patrizia Aducci

The feature of this department is the multidisciplinary approach, in which almost all areas of biology are represented. This feature has allowed to achieve a close network of departmental services and represents an opportunity for exchange of skills and is an essential requirement for growth in terms of research and for offering a modern and multidisciplinary teaching of Biology. The need to characterize and better define the biological processes in a qualitative and quantitative way led to the study of biodiversity with advanced techniques of cytogenetics and molecular and cellular biology without neglecting the field survey and observation of animal and plant behaviour in relation to environment.

Director: Rinaldo Santonico

30 theoretical and experimental research groups, in the fields of Material Physics, Physics of Complex Systems , Nuclear and Sub-Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics, Astrophysics and Space Physics are active in the Department of Physics. The Department carries out various scientific researches in collaboration with international laboratories as Cern, the Synchrotron of Grenoble, Neutron Source in Oxford and Grenoble, the European Observatory ESO, Space Telescope Science Institute, Nasa, etc. and with the most important national laboratories of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Frascati and Gran Sasso) and with the Sincrone of Trieste.

Director: Prof. Domenico Marinucci

In the Department of Mathematics the research activity is extremely diversified and covers the most current lines of research for the mathematics and its applications: Analysis, Algebra, Mathematical Physics, Geometry, Informatics, Statistics and Probability. The scientific appreciation of the Department is also confirmed by the numerous international projects in which it takes part.

Director: Maria Letizia Terranova

The research activities of the Department of Chemical Science and Technology is conducted in the field of Environmental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry of Materials and Technology of Materials. The topics cover the area of physical, chemical and biological sensors for the applications in clinical, food and environmental field, Supramolecular Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of peptides, proteins and polymers, the macromolecular catalysis, the synthesis and reactivity of organic compounds, the synthesis, characterization and application of porphyrins, the photophysics of biomimetic systems, the biochemical studies using NMR spectroscopy, the study of structural materials and processes for the environment and energy, studies and monitoring of corrosion, chemistry metallorganic and homogeneous catalysis.





wetwAre ConCePts s.r.l. MARKET SECTOR



Wetware Concepts S.r..l is a Spin Off of the University of Padua with an operative unit located in Rome. The company is an R&D with a interdisciplinary and strong team (biologist, nanotechnologist, microelectronic engineers, molecular biologist) focused in wetware biosensors. The two main projects under development are: a new whole-living-cell biosensors aimed to detect doping and drug elements; a new nano-structured sensors based on commercial technologies.


The Wetware Concepts Lab on Chip solution is based on two different technological concepts: ■ an innovative nano-structured biosensor; ■ an innovative use of custom engineered cells as life-trasduction system. The innovative Wetware process is based on a standard and reliable optical disk manufacturing process. In particular, Wetware Concepts uses innovative process to obtain a nanostrucutured sensors. The process is a low-cost and It enables mass production of microcomponents and nanostructure. Nanostructures are imprinted on the biocompatible polymeric material with high S/N ratio, permitting to analyze very low electrical signal. Once the nanosensor surface is fuctionalized, the Nanosensor can be used as detector, for example, as glucose sensor. If it is coupled with the innovative use of genetically engineered cells, the cellectron technology leads to a trasductor between the life environment to the electrical readable signals. The main products range between food&quality, antidoping, and high throughput drug screening.


Market Analysts predict that the global market for nanotechnology would reach $27 Billions in 2013. The 3 most important applications are: Electronics (30%), Biomedical (56%) and Consumer (46%). Bio-Nanosensors businesses will represent between 15 to 25% of this market ($4 to $7 Billions, 2013). The Food sector must face the challenge of meats treated with hormones and anabolic drugs. Our first device, is the Myochip for muscle hypertrophy, that can detect the compounds responsible of hypertrophic effects.

Web Site: Contact: Leonardo Bandiera CEO Telephone: +39 049 8697501 +39 320 1154264 Fax: +39 049 8697511 Email: Address: Headquarter: Via Crocerossa, 112 35100, Padova Operative Unit Lazio: Viale di Villa Pamphili, 199 00164 Rome Italy


In process of development – experimental phase: Phase II – research and development.


Application for patent in course.


Technical collaboration - Searching for financial resources - Seeding funds 1.000.000 Euro. Market development.


yliChron srl MARKET SECTOR

Red biotech, Green Biotech, ICT, hardware design


Web Site: Contact Vittorio Rosato President Telephone: +39 06 30484825 Email Address: ENEA Casaccia Research Centre Via Anguillarese, 301 00123 Rome Italy

Founded in 2005, Ylichron is the first spin off company of ENEA. Ylichron mission is to design and realise systems for High Perfomance Computing (HPC) in many areas such as bioinformatics, molecular modelling, Artificial Intelligence. Ylichron has developed a proprietary tool, HCE (HARWEST Compiler Environment) for the automatic design of HPC architectures. The company has relevant competences also in the field of software engineering.


Ylichron aims at placing itself in the market of biotechnologies. By the end of this year, Ylichron will manage a facility (Genechron) for the supply of advanced biotechnological services in the area of high-throughput genomics and metabolomics. Biotech equipment and competences will be will assembled and operated in the Enea Research Center of Casaccia (Rome) in order to add value through the integration of competences. The project for the realization of the Genechron facility has been selected and funded by Regione Lazio in the frame of the Technology District for the Biosciences Programme. The project will be carried out in collaboration with ENEA and the Dept. of Medical Genetics of the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome. The facility will provide both “stateof-the-art” biotechnological services (DNA sequencing) and will rapidly develop and provide “next generation” services, based on the integration of genomic and metabolomic analysis.


Ylichron goal is to stay at the innovation forefront. In recent years, the company has realized several projects based on public funds in high-technological areas. With the Genechron facility, Ylichron wishes to realize an innovative platform for the DNA sequencing based on high parallelism. The Genechron project aims at proposing an integrated package of services, ranging from genomics and metabolomics service up to in-silico modelling and designing of biomolecules and in-silico metabolic analysis (simulation of complex biochemical pathways). Computational methods will take advantage of the access to high-performance computing platforms currently available at ENEA. Ylichron vision is to integrate current advanced technologies in both the biological and the computational sides to provide a complete set of services of interest in the biotechnological, pharmacological and health-services areas.


Genechron aims at becoming a Multi-Services Biotechnological Center Consequently, the first target is represented by biotech companies operating in Regione Lazio and, progressively, in the whole Italy. Market opportunities are related to the progressive integration of biotechnologies and bioinfomatics and to the ability of providing “low cost” genomic services. With respect to potential investors and industrial partners, Ylichron’s business plan foresees the production of a stable cash flow in the first 2 years, originating from the set-up of services with institutional clients (ENEA, Gemelli and others in Regione Lazio) and the role that Genechron can play as qualified technological partner in projects asking from public funds (at the Italian and EU scale). Within the first two years, Genechron will design and realize “next generation” services, which should boost its capability of increasing revenues in the biotechnological field.


The HCE tool is an Ylichron trade mark. Ylichron has applied for the EU extension of a patent for a “System of Inducible Gene Expression in Chlamydomonas”, realized in collaboration with ENEA researchers. Further occasions of common patents with ENEA and/or other Ylichron partners will be ruled by specific agreements.


Industrial partners; financial participation/direct investments; scientific partnership (Universities, Research Centres). 70

Company Profiles INTERNATIONAL


EntErprisE EuropE nEtwork Company desCription

Launched in 2008 by the European Commission, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) combines and builds on the former Innovation Relay Centres and Euro Info Centers (established in 1995 and 1987 respectively). The new integrated Network offers a “one-stop shop” to meet all the information needs of SMEs and companies in Europe. Web Site: en.htm

The EEN is the largest network of contact points providing information and advice to EU companies on EU matters, in particular small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and researchers. The EEN is made up of close to 600 partner organisations in more than 40 countries, including the 27 EU member states, three EU candidate countries (Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey), members of the European Economic Area (EEA) and other participating third countries. The Network offers support and advice to businesses across Europe and helps SMEs and researchers make the most of the opportunities in the European Union. The services are specifically designed for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) but are also available to all businesses, research centres and Universities across Europe. Instruments include business partner search within technology and business cooperation databases and fast access to information on funding opportunities. Individual on-site visits to companies to assess their needs and a broad range of promotion and information material. Representatives of the Network can also help businesses understand EU law, how it applies to their business and how to make the most the internal market and EU programmes. The Enterprise Europe Network fully exploits the synergies between all support services and helpdesks aimed at European businesses. The “one-stop shop” service is accompanied by a “no wrong door” policy: an entrepreneur or business actor can enter the Network through any contact point, and will then be assisted and personally directed to the relevant service or organisation. The Enterprise Europe Network offers easy access and proximity to local services for SMEs, thus creating regional business gateways. Regional consortia, for Latium Region the consortium is CINEMA (Central Italy Network to Enhance competitive business Activities), cooperate to create a coherent support structure for local companies, boosting the region’s profile and its competitiveness.


AustrALiAn trADE CoMMission Company desCription

The Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) is the Australian Government agency that helps companies around the world to source goods, services, partners and investment from Australia. Austrade’s office in Milan and Rome can assist Italian companies with a modern and accurate database of Australian capabilities and major players in sectors like Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Health and Medical Industry. We represent a springboard into Asia and Indian rim countries, through partnership with existing and established Australian linkages and we provide commercial intelligence on Australian business. Austrade’s services are customised to meet your requirements and we are committed to developing long-term partnership with both Australian and local companies in the region.

aUstraLian BioteCHnoLoGy seCtor

Biotechnology is one of Australia’s fastest growing industries and the sector has established a world-class reputation for drug discovery, innovation, and R&D. Australia is the fifth largest centre for biotechnology and is ranked as the number one location to conduct clinical trials. (Source: Economist Intelligence Unit). Australia has an international reputation for its capabilities in human therapeutics, agricultural biotechnology, diagnostics, medical devices and bio-discovery. Other renowned Australian biotech capabilities include: Industrial biotech and biofuels; Scientific instruments and laboratory equipment; Engineering and design services for medical devices and drug delivery systems; Nanotechnology; Nutraceuticals. Excellent research facilities, world-class scientists and a strong but flexible regulatory regime have made Australia a powerhouse of biotechnology and pharmaceutical innovation. Australia is home to a thriving network of 460 biotechnology companies. Of these, 49 per cent are involved in therapeutics, 15 per cent in agricultural biotechnology and 13 per cent in diagnostics. The Australian Government places a premium on world-class innovation and actively promotes R&D. Multinational enterprises that conduct R&D in Australia, but hold the associated IP in their home jurisdictions, can gain access to an R&D tax concession worth 175 per cent of their R&D investment

Web Site: Contact: Francesca Di Croce Telephone: +39 06 85272251 Fax: +39 06 44254103 Email: francesca.di.croce@austrade. Address: Austrade Australian Embassy Via Antonio Bosio, 5 00161 Roma Italy


AustrALiAn MEMbrAnE tEChnoLogiEs pty LiMitED Web Site: Contact: Dr Phil Myers Telephone: +61 409990123 Fax: +61 97179106 Email: Address: PMB 1 Menai NSW 234 Australia

marKet seCtor:

Biotech/Nanotech/ Cleantech

Company desCription

Australian Membrane Technologies Pty Limited is an Australian company that has been established to develop and commercialise a novel Nanoparticulate Membrane Bioreactor technology, which can be used for the treatment of wastewater and the biosynthesis of pharmaceuticals and enzymes.

proJeCt proposaL

EVELOPMENT OF THE NMB FOR TREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER The NMB technology has been proven for the treatment of greywater (1.0 kL/d). Proofof-concept trials have demonstrated very efficient treatment of a wide variety of trade wastewaters.. The next project will be to demonstrate full-scale treatment (20-100 kL/d) of a range of industrial wastewater streams . DEVELOPMENT OF THE NMB TO DEMONSTRATE BIOSYNTHESIS OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND ENZYMES. The NMB technology has also been demonstrated to be extremely efficient for the biosynthesis of antibiotics (penicillin and oxytetracycline) at laboratory scale. The next step will be to demonstrate biosynthesis of pharmaceuticals and enzymes on a pilot plant scale.

innoVation and adVantaGes

The technology is novel because it assembles biomass into an array of gills, which facilitates mass transfer of oxygen for faster growth and greater productivity. The extremely high availability of oxygen in the NMB induces very high yields of metabolites (antibiotics, enzymes etc.) from aerobic cultures, particularly fungi and Actinomycets. The membranes in the NMB are made of a silica sol-gel composite and are relatively inexpensive, durable, ultra-porous, extremely strong and autoclavable. The NMB technology also has significant advantages over other wastewater treatment technologies, as the membranes do not foul and have a very long operating life (estimated to be 10-20 years). The process also requires very little energy, and can be powered by solar cells or biogas. The technology is also self-regulating and does not require constant monitoring, so operating costs are extremely low.

marKet CHaraCteristiCs & opportUnities

The NMB technology is currently being used to treat greywater, has been demonstrated to be ideal for treating a wide array of industrial wastewaters and secondary-treated sewage. The market is global and estimated to be valued in excess of US$35 billion. The NMB could also be used aseptically to biosynthesise a variety of antibiotics with extremely high yields and production rates.

inteLLeCtUaL property riGHts

AMT has two worldwide patent applications pending.

soUGHt opportUnities

AMT would like to identify potential commercial partners interested in licencing the technology for overseas markets.


CErAMisphErE pty LiMitED marKet seCtor:


Company desCription

CeramiSphere Pty Limited is an Australian company that has been established to develop and commercialise a novel encapsulation and delivery technology using ceramics. The technology has a wide range of potential applications in many different industries, in particular, Biotech.

proJeCt proposaL

DELIVERY OF THERAPEUTIC MOLECULES There are many bio-molecules with therapeutics potential being developed by pharma companies all over the world, but in many cases, these molecules are fragile and susceptible to degradation. CeramiSphere technology has the potential to protect these molecules and provide a safe and efficient delivery mechanism. Applications include oral or intravenous delivery of proteins and peptide drugs, RNA therapies. The project would be to continue proof of concept studies to generate sufficient data to establish a collaboration with a major Pharma company.

innoVation and adVantaGes

CeramiSphere technology has significant advantages over other similar drug delivery systems by virtue of the silica matrix, which is mechanically tough and provides unparalleled protection to fragile molecules. Silica is also inert, bio-compatible, bio-degradable, and stable to temperature and UV. Silica is already used extensively in Healthcare products and has GRAS status with the FDA. The CeramiSphere chemistry enables fragile molecules to be encapsulated at room temperature. It also allows the particle size (eg. micro or nano) and the release rate to be tailored to specific applications. The particles can also be labelled to enable delivery to specific sites such as tumour cells. A number of different processes have been developed (and patented) that allow a very wide range of molecules to be encapsulated, including molecules that are large or small; hydrophilic or hydrophobic.

Web Site: Contact: Phil Myers Email: Telephone: +61 409 990123 Fax: +61 97179106 Address: PMB 1 Menai NSW 234 Australia

marKet CHaraCteristiCs & opportUnities

The development of new therapeutics is frequently limited by the lack of a suitable delivery technology. For example, despite billions of dollars being spent on RNA therapies, there is still no suitable way to deliver RNA. Preliminary studies have already shown that RNA can be encapsulated using CeramiSphere technology and successfully delivered into cells in-vitro. The market for new therapeutics alone is forecast to exceed US$10billion by 2010

inteLLeCtUaL property riGHts

CeramiSphere’s patent portfolio includes 7 worldwide patent applications. To date, the “Core” patent has been granted in the USA, Australia and NZ.

soUGHt opportUnities

CeramiSphere is seeking investors and commercial partners to support ongoing development and commercialisation and share in the company’s future.


iDt AustrALiA LiMitED australialimited innovation containment compliance

marKet seCtor:

Pharmaceutical contract manufacturing organisation (CMO) and clinical trials research facility (CRO)

Web Site: Contact: David Haarburger Telephone: +61 3 98018888 Fax: +61 3 98018773 Email: Address: 45 Wadhurst Drive Boronia Victoria 3155 Australia

Company desCription

IDT Australia Limited is a pharmaceutical contract manufacturer of APIs and finished dosage forms. IDT is specialised in manufacture of cytotoxic and high-potency APIs, capsules, and tablets. CMAX, a division of IDT Australia Limited, is an independent 50-bed clinical research facility, based in Adelaide, South Australia.

proJeCt proposaL

IDT is an efficient, cost competitive, pharmaceutical contract manufacturer with innovative approaches to the structuring of client contracts which may include risk-sharing or other contractual arrangements which are more supportive especially during challenging global economic circumstances. We have the manufacturing capacity to produce APIs in quantities ranging from grams to several hundred kilograms. Established in 1993, CMAX is Australia’s premier and longest-running Phase I unit, specializing in the conduct of Phase I studies, but also participating in Phase II-IV clinical research as an investigative site. The FDA-audited unit has 50 beds, housed within a self-contained clinical facility located within the Royal Adelaide Hospital, which is the largest public, teaching hospital in South Australia. Studies are conducted in healthy volunteer and patient populations, and we have experience in working with small molecules, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and GMOs.

innoVation and adVantaGes

IDT in Australia is an FDA-inspected CMO with a regulatory and IP environment fully consistent with Europe and the USA. The favourable exchange rate makes IDT Australia and very costcompetitive location for the outsourcing of pharmaceutical manufacture. We pride ourselves at CMAX on our responsiveness to clients, communication, quality and commitment to success. We are used to working with adaptive protocol designs and flexible study designs, as this is imperative in the Phase I arena. The regulatory environment in Australia is simple, quick and fully supports Phase I research, both with the CTN acknowledgement system, and allows companies to conduct their Phase I study without filing an IND.

marKet CHaraCteristiCs & opportUnities

Australia is a highly cost-effective location for outsourcing of pharmaceutical API and finished dosage form production. There is a very strong quality culture with excellent logistics infrastructure. The current economic climate makes the conduct of clinical trials in Australia even more attractive.

inteLLeCtUaL property riGHts

Intellectual property (IP) laws in Australia are on the same level as the USA and Europe. IDT’s clients retain all IP rights.

soUGHt opportUnities

IDT/CMAX seek new clients in Europe.


priMA bioMED LtD marKet seCtor:


Company desCription

Prima BioMed is an ASX listed Australian health care company. The Company is focused on technologies in the fields of cancer immunotherapy and immunology. Prima’s lead product is the CVac™ ovarian cancer vaccine therapy treatment. It has completed two successful clinical trials and is in the final stages of US FDA approval and eventual commercialisation.

proJeCt proposaL

Ovarian cancer vaccine - CVac™ - Completed two clinical trials with great success. The CVac™ product consists of an adjuvant, mannan, attached to a tumour cell surface protein, mucin 1. The product is known as MFP or mannan fusion protein. The treatment is patientspecific and delivered to patients via autologous dendritic cell therapy. The patient’s dendritic cells are isolated from their blood after which MFP is mixed with the cells so as to introduce the protein mucin-1 into and expressed on the surface of the cells. Under the Oncomab Biological Therapy program, a fully human antibody is being produced in conjunction and a partner is being sort to bring this to the clinic. The antigen that these MAbs are recognising is Cripto-1, a protein found in high levels on the surface of many tumours. The high expression levels of Cripto-1 on tumours compared with normal tissues makes it an attractive target. Past investigations have demonstrated that binding of Cripto-1 by rat antibodies has induced cells to die by a process known as apoptosis. Injection of these antibodies into mice has been able to both prevent tumour challenge and eradicate existing tumours.

Web Site: Contact: Martin Rogers Executive Director Telephone: +61 398245254 +61 428268357 Fax: +61 398227735 Email: Address: 151 Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

innoVation and adVantaGes

Cancer and oncology market is a US$85Bn yearly market and strongly growing. The CVac™ Ovarian Cancer Vaccine is rapidly moving towards commercialisation with the US FDA. Two Australian clinical trials have shown 100% safety and the product is non-toxic. Furthermore the adjuvant of mannan fused with the MUC-1 antigen has shown very good efficacy data. A new paradigm is with us with patients looking for complimentary processes to the side-effect prone chemotherapy.

inteLLeCtUaL property riGHts

Prima holds international patent rights across 4 patent familes and 29 patents.

soUGHt opportUnities

A new partner for Oncomab and commercialisation outside of the US FDA for CVac™.


ALbErtA rEsEArCh CounCiL (ArC) Web Site:

Company profiLe

Business Interests: technology development and deployment.

Company desCription

Alberta Research Council (ARC) is an applied research and development (R&D) corporation that develops and commercializes technology to grow innovative enterprises. ARC specializes in converting early stage ideas into marketable technology products and services. n About biotechnology field: ARC operates a fermentation process development plant containing fermentation vessels ranging in volume from 20 L to L 15.000 L. They are experienced in a broad range fermentation, including bacterial, fungal and algal processes and in making a variety of end products including enzymes, vaccines, raw material for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, nutriceuticals, flavour compounds and soli inoculants; n About Medical devices field: ARC has assisted companies with the development of fermentation production technology for the production of material used in medical devices; ARC is active in a broad range of areas, including the life sciences agriculture and environment sectors. Within these sectors, their key lines of business are applied research and technology development, demonstration and deployment.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Technical collaboration; identification of new customers; develop new projects.

ALLphAsE CLiniCAL rEsEArCh Web Site:

Company profiLe

Business Interests: contract research organization.

Company desCription

Allphase Clinical Research is a progressive Contract Research Organization (CRO) dedicated to providing quality and service to pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients. The core competence is clinical trial managment services ( Project Management, Regulatory Assistance, Medical writing, Biostatistics, Clinical Monitoring, Quality assurance, Data Management, Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance).

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Identification of new customers.


norgEn biotEk Corp Company profiLe

Web Site:

Business Interests: production; distribution; investment.

Company desCription

Norgen Biotek is an innovative, steadily growing privately-held Canadian biotechnology company focusing on innovative products for DNA, RNA and protein purification, clean-up and concentration. The purification of these macromolecules is the first step in hundreds of applications fuelling discovery for the genomics, proteomics, and molecular diagnostics markets. Norgen has a unique one platform technology with many applications based on a proprietary resin/matrix. They are interested in four areas: 1. Outliscencing (or jointly developping) their technology for industrial applications; 2. Partering with a diagnostic company; 3. Marketing and distribution of Norgen products; 4. Financing growth and new opportunities.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Commercial Intermediary; develop new projects; Technical collaboration; Direct investments.

tMX group Company profiLe

Web Site:

Business Interests: production.

Company desCription

TMX Group’s key subsidiaries operate cash and derivative markets for multiple asset classes including equities, fixed income and energy. Toronto Stock Exchange, TSX Venture Exchange, Montreal Exchange, Natural Gas Exchange, Boston Options Exchange (BOX), Shorcan, Equicom and other TMX Group companies provide trading markets, clearing facilities, data products and other services to the global financial community.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Identification of new customers.


hAnsAbioMED ou marKet seCtor:


Company desCription

Web Site: Contact: Antonio Chiesi, MD CEO Telephone: +39 3453065144 Fax: +39 0459584032 Email: Address: Akadeemia tee 19 Tallinn Estonia

Hansabiomed OU (HBM) was established in May 2007 with Estonian and Italian private capitals. The owners of HBM include leading scientists at an international level, the inventors of HBM patents and a high quality management. Our major focus is on translational research in diagnosis and treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. No VC currently onboard.

proJeCt proposaL

EXOTEST 速: EXOTEST is a cheap and reliable method (double sandwich ELISA kit) to quantify and characterize exosomes from cell culture supernatants and body fluids. Its novelty lies in the possibility to capture exosomes bearing disease specific markers (undetectable otherwise) from body fluids of patients in a very sensitive way. EXOTEST allows a quantitative and qualitative analysis of these markers, giving the possibility to develop solutions for diagnosing diseases and monitoring the effectiveness of the therapy in a non-invasive, cost-effective and rapid way. Exosomes express tumour-related antigens. We developed EXOTEST as a test for cancer diagnosis and follow up (Exosome levels in plasma are 3-4 folds higher in cancer patients than in healthy individuals and correlate with tumour size). EXOTEST can be developed as a non invasive screening test for tumours (diagnosis and follow up). EXOTEST can be used to improve existing clinical tests based on proteins that are expressed on exosomes (e.g. tumor markers, viral proteins, prion proteins). EXOTEST can be used as a research tool not only in cancer but also in other diseases including viral, transmissible and autoimmune diseases. TUCAP-1速: Background: Cannibal cells have been detected in human tumors of different histology. Their presence always correlates with a poor prognosis. We have shown that metastatic melanoma cells are able to phagocytose apoptotic cells al well as live lymphocytes. The amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum has been widely used as model to study phagocytosis and PHG1A is a key protein involved in D discoideum phagocytosis. PHG1A human closest homologue is TM9SF4 a protein completely uncharacterized before. TUCAP-1速: TM9SF4 protein (Tucap-1) belongs to Transmembrane 9 Superfamily of proteins. This protein is detectable only in metastatic or malignant tumour tissues and cells. This protein is involved in the phagocytic behavior of metastatic cells. In fact, silencing the gene encoding this protein strongly inhibits the phagocytic behavior of metastatic cells. Thus we named this protein TUCAP-1 (TUmour Associated Cannibal Protein 1). This is a new tumour marker for metastatic cancers. Open to new applications (metastatic cancer therapy).

innoVation and adVantaGes

EXOTEST: Advantages: Quantitative and qualitative analysis; high sensitivity and high specificity; no cross reactions; cheap and easy to use; all tools in one box; product family (panel of mAbs); high potential for further development; different applications. Competitors: Wester Blotting and FACS analysis. Early products (for research use): EXOTEST basic complete kit for quantification and characterization of exosomes from body fluids. Polyclonal Rab5 antibodies (obtained from rabbits immunised with a protein produced by QMCF in a stable plasmid system for mammalian cells). A first panel of tumor specific secondary and tertiary mAbs (including TUCAP-1). TUCAP-1: Potentials: TUCAP-1 represent a novel marker of malignancy and potential new target for anti-tumor strategies. Currently no commercial antibodies are available for detection of TM9SF4/TUCAP-1 and the other TM9SF proteins. HBM is owner of IPR covering monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, probes and primers for TUCAP-1 detection. HBM is developing antibodies to be used in cancer diagnosis and follow up; screening, evaluating and developing the knowledge on TM9 superfamily proteins as potential new markers in oncology.

state of deVeLopment

Soon (nov/dec 2009) ready for the market (research use only).

inteLLeCtUaL property riGHts

Covered by patent and copyright.


opportUnities soUGHt

Direct investments (eg: VC, CVC, PE) and developments of new projects.

AffiLion ADvisory sErviCEs sDn bhD Company profiLe

Web Site:

Business Interests: Consulting and Investment advisory.

Company desCription

Affilion is one of the panel advisers to the Malaysia Biotechnology Corporation in its Biotechnology Acquisition Programme and also on the panel of Malaysia Debt Ventures as their due diligence consultant during their course in assessing financing proposal from the biotech and ICT sectors. Affilion has been involved in the setting up of Springhill Bioventures SB, the first biotechnology fund in Malaysia. Affilion has Board participation (representing investor) in investments evaluation and approval, monitoring of the performance progress of the investee companies and exit planning. The fund invested in USA, UK, India and Malaysia in areas like medical devices, monoclonal antibodies, medical chip, new drug, generics pharma manufacturer, toxicology and contract manufacturing. Affilion works actively with regional VCs and PEs for fund raising projects and serves as a bridge between foreign companies establishing in Malaysia.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Commercial intermediary; identification of new customers; consulting in potential Malaysia collaboration, strategic investment/partnership, potential fund raising, etc...

EAsy phA-MAX MArkEting sDn bhD Company profiLe

Business Interests: production and distribution.

Company desCription

Easy Pha-Max Marketing Sdn Bhd is involved in R&D on biotechnology of herbal health supplement, manufacturing and distributing Easy Pha-max brand of health supplement in the local and international markets; expanding bio-herbs health supplement to meet the accelerating demand for herbal health supplements around the globe.

Web Site: Email: Address: 60, Jalan Puteri 2/2, Bandar Puteri Selangor Malaysia

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Commercial intermediary; technical collaboration; develop of new projects.


firstfLoor CApitAL sDn bhD Web Site:

Company profiLe

Contact: Mohd Nizar AlĂŹ Managing Director

Business Interests: Investment.


FirstFloor Capital Sdn Bhd manages venture capital and private equity funds for institutional investors. Their investment focus is primarily ICT and Life Sciences. They are keen to meet parties or organizations or investors operating in genomic/bioinformatics and machine language translation.

Address: Level 7, PNB Damansara, 19 Logoron Dungun, Damasara Heights Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Company desCription

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Technical collaboration; identification of new customers.

DAwyn intErnAtionAL ptE LtD Web Site:

Company profiLe

Business Interests: Distribution.

Company desCription

Dawyn Internationalk Pte Ltd is a principal, formulator and manufacturer of Nutra-Pharmaceutical products, functional supplements, skin and natural health products. Our products are distributed in many countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Brunei and West Africa. They are looking for new customers and new products.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Identification of new customers; identification of new products.


MErCk & Co., inC. marKet seCtor


Company desCription

Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA, is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company dedicated to putting patients first. Merck discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets vaccines and medicines in over 20 therapeutic categories directly and through its joint ventures. Our mission is to provide society with superior products and services by developing innovations and solutions that improve the quality of life. At Merck, our strategy for growth is based on breakthrough research — both internal and external through partnerships — and demonstrating the value of our medicines to patients, payers, and providers. Worldwide sales in 2008 were $23.9 billion and Merck continues to invest heavily in research and development. Merck’s product line includes a broad portfolio of highly innovative prescription products in important therapeutic areas. Human health products include medicines to treat high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, asthma, benign prostatic hypertrophy, arthritis, pain, migraine, glaucoma, infectious diseases (antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral agents), and vaccines (to prevent childhood diseases, human papilloma virus, rotavirus, shingles, and hepatitis A and hepatitis B). At Merck, we are strongly committed to partnership success. We have a long tradition of successful partnerships. Alliances with innovative partners are an integral part of our longterm business and research strategy. Approximately 65% of our 2008 sales were from alliance products and patents, including some of our biggest growth drivers.

Web Site: Contact: Margaret Beer Senior Director and Head, Licensing and External Research Europe Telephone: +44 1992452839 Fax: +44 1992441907 Email: Address: MSD, Hertford Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9BU, UK

Our vision is to create a “virtual lab” — the pursuit of the best scientific programs from both internal research and external collaborations. This approach will accelerate the successful development and commercialization of breakthrough discoveries that can bring meaningful improvements to patients’ lives. There are many opportunities for partnerships with companies offering high quality compounds, programs, and technologies that address unmet medical needs. These include Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, novel vaccines, obesity, oncology, pain, antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals (HCV and HIV), asthma, COPD, neurodegeneration, ophthalmology, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, and stroke. In other disease areas we will continue to pursue external licensing when attractive opportunities for compounds with clinical proof of concept become available. As a critical and new part of its growth strategy, Merck will also pursue niche acquisitions and partnerships in diagnostics and devices, not as a stand alone business, but rather to enable our core pharmaceutical business. We will be looking to integrate key product enablers (e.g., biomarkers, diagnostics, devices, and information) into the development of our products. With Merck as your partner, you will find an organization fully devoted to you and the rigorous, expeditious development of your important discovery. At Merck, we embrace partnerships, and by that we mean we are dedicated to combining our strengths with yours, and sharing our successes together.


CoMpEtitivE tEChnoLogiEs, inC. Company profiLe

Business Interests: Distribution, Investment, R&D commercialization.

Company desCription

Web Site: Contact: John Nano President Email: Address: 777 Commerce Drive, Suite 10 Fairfield, CT USA

Competitive Technologies, Inc. (NYSE Amex: CTT) a full service provider of distribution, patent and technology transfer, selling and licensing services, is focused on the needs of its customers and transforming those needs into commercially viable product or technology solutions provided by its clients.


Biotech market: CTT has exclusive rights to the patented nanopartcle-formulated biomaterial for skeletal bone repair. The flowable, moldable past forms a solid bone-like structure capable of stabilizing fractured bone within 15 minutes. The technology has superior compressive strength, is machinable and drillable. It can be used for human bones and for dental and veterinary uses. Soteira, Inc was granted an exclusive license for applications related to the human spine. Medical devices market: CTT has worldwilde exclusive rights to a non-invasive pain management medical device for rapid treatment of high-intensity oncologic and neuropathic pain, including pain resistant to morphine and other drugs. The device has US FDA 510 (k) authorization for sales in the US, as well as Medical Device CE certification allowing sales throughout Europe and other markets. Other market: CTT has exclusive rights to license for development a sexual dysfunction therapeutic. The therapeutic acts on brain receptors to stimulate natural sexual arousal without acting directly on the vascular system, and is effective on both males and females.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Commercial Intermediary; develop new projects; joint creation of an enterprise or consortium; financial participation.

ErrAnt gEnE thErApEutiCs Web Site:

Company profiLe

Contact: Mark Step Vice President of Marketing

Business interests: Distribution; Investment.


The company’s mission is the development of treatments for life-threatening diseases with a special focus on rare diseases, commonly referred to as “orphan diseases”. EGT is developing its portfolio of pharmaceutical products to correct the erroneous expression associated with many of these diseases. EGT therapies are currently being developed for hemoglobinopathies and selected cancers.

Address: 218 N. Jefferson Street, Suite 300 Chicago, IL USA


Company desCription

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Direct Investments and financial participation.

EXCEL LifE sCiEnCEs Company profiLe

Business interests: Distribution, clinical research of biopharmaceutical products and devices.

Company desCription

Excel Life Sciences helps global pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies accelerate product development to ensure timely availability of the products to the patients through extensive high quality clinical research by completing the research in adequate number of patients in a timely manner. This helps the companies recover their investment, provide proof of action and gain valuable first mover advantage by introducing the product in time.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Direct Investments and financial participation.

Web: Contact: Vijai Kumar President and Chief Medical Officer Email: Address: 875 N Michigan Avenue, Suite 3100 Chicago, IL USA

novAvAX, inC. Company profiLe

Business Interests: Production.

Company desCription

Novavax, Inc. is a clinical stage biotechnology company, creating novel vaccines to address a broad range of infectious diseases worldwide using advanced proprietary virus-like particle (VLP) technology. The Company produces these VLP based potent, recombinant vaccines utilizing a new and efficient manufacturing approach. Their world-class scientific team is using virus-like particle (VLP) technology to tackle influenza viruses – including avian strains that have the potential to cause a pandemic outbreak. Their team has created vaccines designed to protect against various circulating strains of avian influenza as well as seasonal flu, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). They have validated their approach in animals and they now in clinical testing with their pandemic and seasonal influenza vaccine.

Web Site: Contact: Rahul Singhvi President Email: Address: 9920 Belward Campus Drive, Rockville USA

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Commercial intermediary; technical collaboration; identification of new customers; financial participation.


roDMAn & rEnshAw Web Site:

Company profiLe

Contact: Benjamin R. Bowen Managing Director

Business interests: investment.

Elemer Piros Managing Director, Senior Biotechnology Analyst

Rodman & Renshaw is a full-service investment bank dedicated to providing investment banking services to companies that have significant recurring capital needs due to their growth and development strategies. Through their life science investment banking team, they provide a broad range of investment banking services to biotechnology, specialty pharmaceutical, medical device and other companies operating in the life science space.

Email: Address: 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY USA

Company desCription

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Identification of new customers; joint creation of an enterprise or consortium; financial participation.

thE ChAnnEL group Web Site:

Company profiLe

Contact: Robert J. Beckaman Managing Partner

Business interests: Distribution; agency; investment.

Email: rbeckman@thecannelgroup. com

The Channel group is a seed investor and venture development company. They are interested in merger and acquisitions and development of products. Biomed Transition Partners works with distressed companies to support survival during the economic downturn.

Address: Box 756, Bedford USA

Company desCription

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Commercial intermediary; technical collaboration; develop new projects; joint creation of an enterprise or consortium; direct investments.

thE Livingston group Web Site: www Contact: Mostafa Analoui Head of Healthcare and Life Science Email: Address: 825 Third Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, USA 86

Company profiLe

Business interests: agency; investments.

Company desCription

The Livingston Group, through Axiom Capital Management Inc., is an investment banking, finance and investment advisory group focused exclusively on nanotechnology. They are interested in drug discovery and development; drug delivery; platform technologies; diagnostics and medical imaging.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Identification of new customers; develop new projects; joint creation of an enterprise or consortium; direct investments, financial participation.

us fooD AnD Drug ADMinistrAtion Company profiLe

Business interests: agency.

Company desCription

FDA is an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, US food supply, cosmetics and products that emit radiation. FDA is also responsible for advancing the public health by helping to speed innovations that make medicines and foods more effective, safer, and more affordable; and helping the public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use medicines and foods to improve their health.

partnersHip oBJeCtiVes

Technical collaboration.

Web Site: Contact: Wendy Sanhai Senior Scientific Advisor Email: Address: 5600 Fishers Lane 6A-08 Rockville,MD USA



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