Fábio Alberto Alzate Martinez | BSc Architecture and Urbanism | Portfolio

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Application to Master in Architecture and Urban Design > 2021-2022 academic year > POLIMI

Fábio Alberto Alzate Martinez BSc in Architecture and Urbanism FAAP | Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado São Paulo - Brazil 2020

Architecture Urban Design

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Personal Information

Born in Graduated in CV

Fábio Alberto Alzate Martinez




Extracurriucular Works

Projects developed in national, and international competitions



Interventions | Bixiga


Interventions | Pari



Academic Works

Projects developed as part of the academic curriculum


Viçosa - MG | Brazil | 03 jun. 1997 Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) | School of Arts | CAU FAP FAAP BSc Architecture and Urbanism | São Paulo - Brazil


Professional Works

Projects developed as an Architect and Urban Designer

12 São Paulo Open City


The Jerivás Delta


Immediate Response Module


Sambatiba Pavilion


e-DAU projects


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Hyperterritory Hiperterritรณrio

purpose Final Thesis year 2019

scale Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning

awards Among the best Final Thesis in Brazil - Portugal | Archdaily 2019

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Urban Requalification

Ceasa Centro Sheds A and B



Initial conditions Ceasa Centro

The Hyperterritory is a multiscalar design approach in the territorial, urban design, and architectural project dimensions to consolidate urban-rural connections between the local farmers, small neighbor cities of the MRRP, and the Ceasa Centro, a landmark supply center in RibeirĂŁo Preto. This project aims to structure a new Ceasa Centro complex, acting as a local farmer support with diverse programs linked to food and innovation, united by a tensile megastructure and vast public spaces. It is a constant duality between technological x vernacular and utopia x necessity.



New Urban Fabric

New proposed train axis

Urban Requalification

Metropolitan Region of RibeirĂŁo Preto (MRRP) 0


50 km

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railway line loading and unloading | parking

public spaces



open fair





Av. Bandeirantes

Site Plan

Section A

Section B










Shed A




Shed B




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Shed A

Shed B

SHED - A hydroponic spheres research laboratory

urban farm greenhouse hydroponics

research laboratory urban farm greenhouse hydroponics





steel cables


steel cables


tubular structure

tubular structure

external tensile structure

internal tensile structure

SHED - B marketer’s lantern social assistance classrooms

social assistance reception

social assistance coworking | offices


design process


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ento da Metrópole Urbano multiescalar tratar a RMSP de à implantação de rodução de energia tamento de esgoto e os públicos - escolas, ndo desenvolvimento grandes movimentos tral de São Paulo, com s e tornando a cidade e um Desenvolvimento ável , pretende-se uma além de articulá-los, no da cidade. venção na região da Bela lações de densidade usos diversificados de elações interpessoais, urais. do recorte macro de áreas estruturadoras ão elas: o - área remanescente e Mesquita Filho; da futura estação 14 ; io - entorno da futura Laranja e Linha 13

Interventions in Bixiga | São Paulo

Diretrizes gerais de desenvolvimento da Metrópole Celeste do metrô. Celeste do metrô. Intervenções nomultiescalar Bixiga | São Paulo A questão de de Planejamento Proposta Plano DiretorUrbano de Bairro Proposta de Plano Diretor de Bairro proposto neste projeto busca tratar a RMSP de Vista A proposta do Plano Diretor do Bairro da Bela Vista A proposta do Plano Diretor do Bairro da Bela forma consiste homogênea em relação à implantação de em manter a dinâmica de bairro já existente, consiste em manter a dinâmica de bairro já existente, infraestruturas (transporte, de energia sem que essas relaçõesprodução de ambiência atuais sejam sem que essas relações de ambiência atuais sejam elétricaprejudicadas local, sistemas deintervenções tratamento propostas. de esgoto e com as prejudicadas com as intervenções propostas. saneamento equipamentos públicos - escolas, Fases básico, de Intervenção Fases de Intervenção hospitais, entre outros), trazendo desenvolvimento 1º Fase 1º Fase local para cada6distrito, grandes movimentos - Linha Laranjaevitando e Linha 13 Celeste do metrô; - Linha 6 Laranja e Linha 13 Celeste do metrô; em massa em direção àderegião central de São Paulo, com - Implantação edifícios garagem; - Implantação de edifícios garagem; rede metrô isso diminuindo os fluxos diários e tornando cidade - Implantação do anel menor de pedágioa urbano; - Implantação do anel menor de pedágio urbano; acessível. Partindodo daPlano premissa de um - Proposta Diretor deDesenvolvimento Bairro; - Proposta do Plano Diretor de Bairro; Orientado ao Transporte Sustentável , pretende-se uma - Novo Zoneamento; - Novo Zoneamento; maior diversificação de diretrizes modais, além de articulá-los, - Implantação das de preservação morfológica; - Implantação das diretrizes de preservação morfológica; buscando otimizar o tecido urbano da cidade. 2º Fase 2º Fase Definição da área micro de intervenção - Demolição dos viadutos Júlio de Mesquita, 9 de Julho - Demolição dos viadutos Júlio de Mesquita, 9 de Julho A proposta de Puglisi; intervenção na região da Bela e Armando e Armando Puglisi; Vista sugere o equilíbrio detraçado relações de densidade - Implantação do novo urbano; - Implantação do novo traçado urbano; construtiva e populacional e de usosdediversificados de - Implantação do anel maior pedágio urbano; - Implantação do anel maior de pedágio urbano; modo a -reforçar a dinâmica dasverdes relações interpessoais, Alocação das áreas permeáveis (conforme - Alocação das áreas verdes permeáveis (conforme comerciais, gastronômicas e culturais. definido no PDB, áreas do parque); definido no PDB, áreas do parque); Com base em assim, todas as análises do recorte macro de Sendo estabeleceu-se a divisão do bairro em Sendo assim, estabeleceu-se a divisão do bairro em intervenção, que as hácondições áreas estruturadoras Zonas entende-se coerentes com de cada área. Zonas coerentes com as condições de cada área. dentro do Bairro da Bela Vista São elas: hidroanel 1. Avenida Júlio de Mesquita Filho - área remanescente da demolição do Viaduto Júlio de Mesquita Filho; 2. Avenida 9 de Julho - entorno da futura estação 14 BIS da Linha 6 Laranja do metrô; 3. Avenida Brigadeiro Luís Antônio - entorno da futura Estação Bela Vista da Linha 6 Laranja e Linha 13

rede metrô


Anna Luiza |Beatriz Castro | Camila Tahan | Fábio Martinez | Anna Francesca LuizaPini |Beatriz | Kaique Castro Alves | Camila | JulieTahan Herzer| Fábio | LíviaMartinez Biaso | Nathalia | Francesca LimaPini | Pedro | Kaique Herman Alves| |Vinicius Julie Herzer Martins | Lívia | Willian BiasoKenji | Nathalia Lima | Pedro Herman | Vinicius Mart

purpose 8th semester work scale Architecture, Urban year 2018 Design, Urban Planning

projects Urban Design Project | Perseus and the Atlas Architecture Design Project | Mixed-use Building

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Urban Design Project | Perseus and the Atlas Delusion Group Project | Responsible for project conceptualization and general coordination olympus

isométrica novas relaçõs

volumétricas e estação bela vista new volumetries /metro station

historical landmarks plaza

isométrica novas relações volumetricas rua rui barbosa

new volumetries /heritage

proposed volumetries

The Urban Project seeks the balance of relations between constructive potential indicated by the city’s master plan, population density, and diversified uses in order to reinforce the dynamics of interpersonal, commercial, and cultural

relations. Deliriously, a single tower stands out in the urban landscape, concentrating all the frozen constructive potential - due to the presence of several listed buildings in the intense Urban Development Zone of Bixiga/Bela Vista .

Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP) Bela vista/Bixiga City of São Paulo

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Architecture Design Project | Mixed-use Building Individual Project

1 2 3 4 5 1. 2. 3. 4.

6 7

social housing 5. common areas 6. offices cafe / restaurant 7.

plaza / commerce housing commerce

This project originates from the metropolitan structuring master plan for the Av. Brigadeiro LuĂ­s AntĂ´nio axis (Bixiga/SP). It starts from a damping volume, concerning the urban morphology of the pre-existence of the Bixiga neighborhood, along with other articulated projects in area 8. As an architectural statement, the building symbolizes the spatial tension resulting from the transformation scenario. Through arches (archetypes related to the imaginary of the past) and stereoscopic panels, the architectural space takes on the role of instigating and promoting reflection on urban transformations.

Area 8 Urban Structures

Mixed-use Building Group Interventions

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Floor Plan - Street Level

Section A

The access wooden panel was conceived from the outlines and openings of the removed pre-existing buildings. Thus, generating successive overlaps, creating a steroscopic space that instigates the transformation.

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Interventions in Pari | São Paulo Intervenções no Pari | São Paulo

purpose 7th semester work scale Architecture, Urban year 2018 Design, Urban Planning

projects Urban Design Project | Interventions in Pari Architecture Design Project | Reception Center for Immigrants

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Urban Design Project | Interventions in Pari Group Project | Responsible for project conceptualization, general coordination and Project 3 development

3 3 2 1

The intervention project in the neighborhood of Pari started from a macro study carried out in conjunction with all students in the 7th semester. The area was divided and allocated to different groups for interventions on the scale of urban design, to propose new connections through architectural interventions. The ParĂ­ neighborhood faces several social challenges, mainly in terms of public insecurity, the presence of tenements, and problems with drug trafficking. However, Pari presents a variety of cultural opportunities, as it houses a vast foreign community, composed mostly of Peruvians and Bolivian immigrants, who maintain a free market for Andean products on weekends.

3 2 1

1 Social housing 2 Mixed use building 3 Reception Center for Immigrants

Group Interventions

Urban Transposition

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Architecture Design Project | Reception Center for Immigrants Individual Project PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION





Constructive Detail

Ground Floor Plan

Architectural Parti The project starts from the need for an adequate reception for new immigrants, mostly Bolivians, with programs aimed at social and legal assistance, spaces with Portuguese language courses and other knowledge offered by NGOs, a community kitchen with restaurant, temporary housing, and an ecumenical chapel amid the central open square of the project. The structural design is based on the lightness of the metallic structure, which allows for large spans and open spaces on the ground floor.

Longitudinal Section

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SĂŁo Paulo Open City

Schindler Global Award - Student Competition


purpose Student Competition scale Urban Design, year 2016 Urban Planning

competition Schindler Global Award 2016/17 - Schindler/ETH Zurich awards 4th place

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Urban Design Project | SĂŁo Paulo Open City Group Project | Responsible for project conceptualization, linear park development, general landscape design, physical model, and plant research.

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Hymenaea courbaril Croton floribundus



Citharexylumm myrianthum


Equisetum hyemale


Cedrella fissilis


Psidium guajava

Pindaíba Amalgaceira Guanadi Cedro do brejo

Cariniana estrellensis Xylopia emarginata

Protium spruceanum

Papiro brasileiro Cyperus giganteus


Linear Park | Endemic Plant Species


The Schindler Global Award 2016 competition scope was the proposition of a new urban design to the CEAGESP, the main supply center area in São Paulo, after its moving to a new location. The São Paulo Open City project proposes a new regular occupation from the concept of Open Blocks to redesign the 60 ha, and the recovery of the urban relationship with the Pinheiros River through the burial of margin highways and new landscape areas using native plants. The two new linear parks alongside the Free Market Producer Pavilion (1), and the Pinheiros River, have and ecological function concomitantly with the proposal of two mobility hubs. The port which dialogues with the River Metropolis (project from Alexander Delijaicov) and the transport node of the Metro, LRT, and CPTM station.

Calophyllum brasiliense

Cedrela odorata

• connect • density • drainage • integrate • routing

Pinha do brejo Magnolia ovata


Enterolobium contorstisiliquum

1 Free Market Producer Pavilion 2 Multimodal Station (LRT, Metro, CPTM) 3 River Ports



CEAGESP 650.000m² private 338.150m²

ideal block with street 11.943 m²

ideal block 7.573 m² buildings 215.817m² 4129 m² housing 4 floors building 20% service/ 5162 m² circulation commerce

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The Jerivรกs Delta

Delta dos Jerivรกs | Urban 21 - Student Competition


purpose Student Competition scale Urban Design, year 2018 Urban Planning

competition Urban 21 - Arcoweb/AlphaVille/Revista Projeto 1st Honourable Mention awards

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Urban Design Project | The Jerivás Delta Group Project | Responsible for project conceptualization, urban planning, and general coordination.


The project area comprises the districts of Socorro, Santo Amaro, Jardim São Luiz and Jurubatuba in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. Amidst them, the Jurubatuba and Guarapiranga rivers meet, which form the Pinheiros River. The Delta dos Jerivas project starts from the planning project for the Metropolitan Structuring Macro Areas Zoning provided in the Master Plan, within the Urban Intervention Project (PIU) Arco Jurubatuba. This proposal starts from the premise of dissolving the territorial plots created by the

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public and private power itself, with a diversity of uses and spaces, with the distribution of medium / small industries in the existing warehouses and new housing and mixed uses. Also, it proposes a new Monorail / CPTM station and a large linear park seeking to requalify the Jurubatuba Riverbank.



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Immediate Response Module

Mรณdulo de Resposta Imediata | Emergency Shelter Projetar.org - Student Competition


purpose Student Competition scale Lightweight Structures, year 2016 Emergency Architecture

competition Emergency Shelter - Projetar.org awards Honourable Mention

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Architecture Design Project | Immediate Response Module Duo Project | Responsible for project conceptualization and general design.


The immediate response module is a proposal for the response phase of postnatural disaster risk management. The project provides a quick assembly, versatile, and comfortable shelter for various uses. The metallic structural components are articulated by folding joints. As a flexible solution, the project proposes a retractable bench of various heights as well. This solution works as a bench, table, bed, and office, and also as a dry ephemeral bรกson toilet.

Project typical section

Exploded Axonometric

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2 x 4 members family


6 members family

locker room

classroom 20 students



ecumenical chapel

bed/office table dinning table/desk countertop bรกson dry toilet cistern metallic floor - showers closing linings


Contracted furniture


Furniture H=0,70m

Furniture H=0,90m

Assembly Process

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Sambatiba Pavilion

PavilhĂŁo Sambatiba | EXPO Dubai 2020 - Professional Competition


purpose Professional Competition scale Architecture Design year 2018 Medium sized building

competition EXPO Dubai 2020 - APEX Brazil/ Brazilian Institute of Architects (IAB) awards Finalist - Top 11 projects

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Architecture Design Project | Sambatiba Pavilion Group Project | Responsible for project conceptualization, pavilion design, and general coordination.


The Sambatiba pavilion is an exhibition space created for EXPO Dubai 2020, with the theme of Brazilian biodiversity, culture and the national potentials. In this context, it was recovered the typology of the Brazilian Oca and established a dialogue with the Paulista School of architecture. The spaces are responsive regarding the anthropic actions of man in his environment.

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Cosmorama Galery

Tunnel Galery

Flexible Auditorium


Oca/Fog capture membrane

Wood Regular Structure

Floor plan

1st Floor plan

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e-DAU projects

Duo projects with PhD. Bruno Roberto Padovano


Urban Stops

purpose Professional work year 2019 - current

scale Architecture Design Urban Design

partner function

PhD. Bruno Roberto Padovano Regional Director of RibeirĂŁo Preto | e-DAU Architecture Collective

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Urban Stops | 2020 The Urban Stops are a modular proposal of stops for delivery workers (bikers and cyclists). The aim is to improve their working conditions concomitantly with new urban equipment such as public restrooms, lighting, shading, wifi points, socket outlets, urban furniture, and dumpsters. The urban points are made possible through a publicprivate partnership, implemented through an OSCIP (Civil Society Organization), which inhibits the need for bidding. The project includes OOH media ad areas for the paying company to use during the 25-year concession period. Structurally, the project works based on the Parklet model. The light structural modulation is repeated in the four modules proposed. The four modules are:

Bike rack | Public bathroom | Urban Furniture | Taxi Point / Drivers

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Bridge Building | 2020

Barueri Tower | 2020

The bridge-building is part of the initiative for a connection between the city and the new Botanical Garden of Barueri. The building’s proposal starts from a structure strung over two rods, covered by a shading membrane and a central square. The building arrives on both sides of the Castelo Branco Highway, so the commercial use of the building is intended for a concession by CCR - a company that owns road stops. The proposal will be made viable via the Idea Institute, through which it will be possible to propose a construction model without bidding.

The Barueri Tower is a proposal to upgrade the central square in front of the city hall. The project contemplates the total revitalization of nearby public spaces, together with new commercial and office areas. The proximity to two university centers and the city gymnasium allows a vibrant proposal with several uses for its surroundings, together with new technological applications in its construction. Structurally, a central shaft supports the lower floors, while a shading membrane covers the entire building.


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