link 5 Textbook NYN (9788211038593)

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link er eit læreverk i engelsk for heile barnetrinnet. Verket er eit friskt pust i engelskundervisninga og legg vekt på felles, fleirfaglege aktivitetar og djupnelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følgjer fem gjennomgangsfigurar, frå 1. til 7. klasse. link byggjer på oppdaterte læreplanar og tek elevane på alvor i ein ny kvardag.

5 Textbook

Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk

• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse set engelskfaget i ein global samanheng. • Engelskspråklege tekstar gir bakteppe for nye perspektiv. • Lese- og skrivestrategiar lèt elevane jobbe aktivt med innhald. • Oppgåver med vekt på utforsking utviklar refleksjonsevna hos elevane. • Elevane jobbar med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og djupnelæring gir samanheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir eit godt grunnlag for vidare arbeid med faget.


Komponentar på 5. trinn • link 5 Textbook • link 5 Workbook • link 5 Teacher’s Guide Digitale ressursar for elev og lærar. Alle bøkene er tilgjengelege i digital utgåve, som d-bok. Les meir om verket på


ISBN 978-82-11-03859-3

Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

5 Textbook Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk


Copyright © 2021 by Vigmostad & Bjørke AS All Rights Reserved 1. utgåva / 1. opplaget 2021


ISBN: 978-82-11-03859-3 Grafisk produksjon: John Grieg, Bergen Layout og omslagsdesign: Mari Oshaug Omslagsillustrasjon: Cecilie Ellefsen Hovudillustratør: Cecilie Ellefsen Illustrasjonar på s. 10–11, 48–49, 120–125, 164–165: Rune Markhus Illustrasjonar på s. 15, 22–23, 72–75, 102–105, 130–131 (+ utsnitt på s. 142 og 196), 174–177: Victoria Sandøy Illustrasjonar på s. 50–51, 68, 90–91, 118–119, 148–149 (+ bjørn på s. 198): Akin Duzakin Illustrasjonar på s. 58–59, 94–99, 115, 144–145, 193 (nedst), 197, 200–201: Paulina Mingiacchi Forfattarane har mottatt støtte frå Det faglitterære fond. Spørsmål om denne boka kan rettast til: Fagbokforlaget Kanalveien 51 5068 Bergen Tlf.: 55 38 88 00 e-post: Materialet er verna etter åndsverklova. Utan uttrykkjeleg samtykke er eksemplarframstilling berre tillate når det er heimla i lov eller avtale med Kopinor.

Engelsk knyter oss saman! Vi lærer språk gjennom aktivitet. I link høyrer, les og snakkar elevane engelsk saman med dei fem gjennomgangsfigurane Jonathan, Mercy, Thea, James og Aryan. I samarbeid byggjer dei opp omgrepsstrukturar og kognitive mønster frå begynnaropplæringa til mellomtrinnet. Med eit vell av munnlege og skriftlege aktivitetar samlar dei kunnskap og øver opp evna til å lytte, forstå og kommunisere med andre. Engelskfaget heng saman med dei andre faga i skulen, med lese- og skriveopplæring i norsk, logisk tenking og utforsking i matematikk. link trekkjer fram samanhengar, byggjer på det som er kjent, og legg til rette for oversikt og grundig innlæring. link tilbyr digitale verktøy der det gir meirverdi, og utnyttar til fulle den knappe tida som engelskfaget har til rådvelde. I link er vi opptekne av interkulturell kompetanse og det å vere nyfiken på verda rundt oss. Vi øver evna til å ta ulike perspektiv. Det begynner med kvar enkelt, med det kjende og nære. I ei verd i endring legg vi vekt på det som er felles. Det som knyter oss saman. Det engelske språket er eit nødvendig verktøy, til utforsking, forståing og samhandling, i fellesskap og medborgarskap. Velkomne innanfor! Helsing forfattarane

Innhald Back to school ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 1 On the go! ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8 2 Sports ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 3 Health and resilience ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 4 Harvesting ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60 5 Maps and directions �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 84 6 Behind the monsters ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100 7 International food ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 126 8 Bugs and insects ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146 9 Art ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 168 Building Language ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 192 Word list ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 212

Back to school


Aryan, James, Jonathan, Mercy, and Thea have just started year five. This year the class has a new teacher. To get to know his pupils, the teacher has given them homework to introduce themselves in class.

My name is Aryan� I live with my mum and dad and my older brother. I was born in Norway. My family comes from India. I feel both Norwegian and Indian. I speak Hindi and my local dialect at home� I speak Norwegian and English at school. I love to write and I want to be a journalist when I grow up. I play the trumpet in the school band. Oh, and I’m 10 years old.


Hi! I’m Mercy, and I’m 10 years old. I love to sing and draw. I want to be an artist. My role model is Frida Kahlo. And I’m a Scout, so I spend a lot of time outdoors� My family is from Kenya, but I was born in the UK� My parents speak Swahili to each other and English to me and my brother� I understand a bit of Swahili. My brother and I speak Norwegian to each other� We moved to Norway six years ago�

Thea, that’s me. I’m 9 years old. I have a 3-year-old brother. He’s annoying but cute. I am teaching him how to ride a bike� I love riding mine� My family is English, and we moved to Norway when I was four. I speak English with Mum and Dad and Norwegian with my brother� I love animals, especially horses! I also like gaming and coding�


My name is Jonathan. I’m 10 years old� My parents are divorced, so I live with my mum and my dad every other week� I love to read, mostly mystery books and graphic novels. I’m also quite good at football�

I’m James, and I’m also 10 years old. I’m from Canada, but I moved to Norway with my Norwegian mom four years ago� We used to live with my grandparents� Mom and I bought our own apartment last winter� My dad is Canadian and lives in Canada. I visit him during school vacations. I love my dog, Charlie. I like to watch movies and online videos�

Thank you, class! You were all very brave to talk in front of the class in English. Well done! I’m looking forward to getting to know you even better. Now, it’s my turn. My name is Paul, and I’m 34 years old. I live with my husband and two cats, Flurry and Mike. I love to sing and play guitar� I also play video games�

My name is… I am… years old. I like to… I don’t like… My favourite food is… I live with… I speak…

Curious means to be very interested in learning something. Discover means to find out something.

These pupils gave an oral presentation in the class. Are there other ways to present yourself? How can you present yourself when you are not in the same room as others? Give a similar presentation about yourself.










1 On the go!



I can make myself understood in familiar situations.

I can read and understand different types of texts.

I can use graphic organisers to structure ideas from a text.

I can identify how people travel from one place to another in my own and other cultures.

The story of Karl Benz You will do something great, my dear Karl. I know it!

Read to enjoy!



One day I will invent a horseless carriage.

In 1879 Karl Benz invented his engine.

Can you believe we have twenty-five employees now!


I made this car!

Ways of travelling


5 sustainable ways of travelling In what ways can you read a factual text?

How do you get around at home and in other places? Why do you travel that way?

Look up the words you are curious about.

By bike Travelling by bike has plenty of advantages. Moving slowly, you experience more and it’s easy to get around. Furthermore, cycling around keeps you strong and fit, and is good for the environment. Just remember your helmet!

By bus Travelling like a local makes you feel like a local. Buses are a great way to get around. Plan your travel by looking at the bus schedule. It is easy, as long as you understand the ticket system.

On foot The easiest way of travelling, by far, is on foot. Unless you have a long and winding road ahead. Plan your travel route before you go, find it on a map, and take your time. Be sure to have your walking shoes on.

By train The sound of the tracks, the motion of the carriage, the blur of the never-ending countryside. When travelling by train you can read, talk, think, and sleep. Or you can just gaze out of the window as the world literally passes you by.

By electric car Travelling by car will get you from A to B in no time. Remember to make stops for sightseeing, lunch breaks, enjoying the scenery, charging your batteries, and just getting a breath of fresh air. I travel by…

I use…

to get to…

I like to travel by…



Let’s sing! Travel Light by Joyce Johnson Rouse Travel Light and Travel Lightly You never know, this just might be A road someone will want to walk again And again and again — we don’t know when Leave only footprints Take only memories And travel lightly


Limericks A limerick is a funny poem that follows a certain pattern: a-a-b-b-a

There was a young woman named Bright, whose speed was much faster than light. She set out one day, in a relative way, and returned on the previous night. There was an old fellow called Gus, when travelling made such a fuss. He was banned from the train, not allowed on a plane, and now travels only by bus.

Can you find any rhyming words? Which pattern do the rhymes follow? Can you find other words that rhyme with these words?


Better late than never?

Read and interact.

Mercy and Thea are going to the cinema together. They have agreed to meet outside the cinema at five o’clock. The film starts at 17:30.

Time: 16:30


I’m so excited! The film seems so cool! I have to start getting ready now because I don’t want to be late. I must remember my telephone, my card, and my keys. cinema

movie theater

Should I turn off the TV and get ready? No, I have plenty of time. This show is so cool! I want to watch a bit more. film


Time 16:45

Okay, it is a quarter to five. I have enough time. I need about ten minutes to walk to the cinema. I think I should go to the loo before I leave. WC/loo


I must get ready now. I need my telephone and my card. Oops, where did I put my card? (shouting) Mum, have you seen my card? Okay, now I have my telephone and my card. Gotta go! Oh no, I forgot my keys. I need to go back and get them in case Mum, Dad, and Victor go out.

Time: 16:57

Great, I’m here on time. I hope Thea will be here soon. I want to buy a big bucket of popcorn and a huge cup of brown fizzy drink. fizzy drink




Oh no, I missed the bus! I won’t make it! I have to send Mercy a message. Oh no, I’m out of battery. Ah well… better late than never!


Time: 17:10


Where’s Thea? Why doesn’t she answer me? Has she forgotten when we were supposed to meet? The queue in the kiosk is always so long. I really want that big bucket of popcorn and a huge cup of brown fizzy drink. I’ve dreamt about that the whole week. I could go inside, but what if she won’t find me then? Better stay here. I hope she’ll be here soon. queue


Time: 17:20


concession stand


Hi, Mercy! So good to see… – Oh, what happened? Are you crying?


(struggling to hold back the tears) Where were you? I’ve been waiting for so long, and you didn’t answer my messages.


I’m sorry, Mercy. I missed the bus, and my telephone is out of battery.


(crying) I thought you’d forgotten when we were supposed to meet.


Oh, Mercy. I’m really sorry! I didn’t get out of the house in time. It’s all my fault.


(still crying) Now there won’t be enough time to buy popcorn –


(interrupting Mercy) – and a huge cup of brown fizzy drink! There will be if we hurry up! Come on, let’s go!

When did Mercy start to get ready?

When did Thea start to get ready?

How did Mercy get to the cinema?

How did Thea get to the cinema?

What did Thea forget?

When did Mercy arrive at the cinema?

When did Thea arrive at the cinema?

What did Mercy want to buy?

How do you make plans with someone? What do you need to think about?

Are you more like Mercy or Thea?

Mercy and Thea have different feelings about being on time. Do you think they understand each other's feelings?

Can you suggest what they could say to help them understand each other?


Timetable for the town bus

Scan the text to find when and where to take the bus.

Bus stop






Town square
























Police station






The park






Shopping mall









How long does it take to travel by bus from the town square to the school? If you have an appointment at the hospital at 12.45, and you are by the town square, which bus should you take? The cinema is by the town square. You’ve watched a film that ends at 6 pm. Can you catch the bus that leaves from the town square at 18.10? What do you think about the bus service in this town? Do you use the bus by yourself? Why / why not?


I would take the… bus. It takes… minutes to travel from… to…

am = from midnight to noon pm = from noon to midnight

Staying in touch Hello Sandra and Nick, How are you? I’ve had a great summer! I went camping in a tent with my family. It was great fun! Now it’s back to school. I live close to the school, so I walk. I have to walk through a forest, though, but it only takes 10 minutes. How do you guys get to school? Hugs and kisses from Elle.

So nice to hear from you! I have had a great summer, too! I stayed at home here in Amsterdam with my parents. I use my bike to get to school. Most of my classmates do. I learned how to ride a bike when I was 7 years old. With love from Sandra. Hi Elle and Sandra, I’m great, thanks! Do you know that when you have summer, we have winter in Australia? Haha, that’s a bit funny, isn’t it? I live far from my school, so I take the bus every day. Normally it’s quite crowded. My cousins live on a farm 300 km from the nearest school. They have to log on via satellite link every day to attend lessons. They send school tasks to their teacher via email or snail mail. My school has tried video lessons too. Bye for now. From Nick

Which ways can you think of to communicate?


2 Sports


I can use new words and phrases when communicating with someone.

I can use and understand the content in dictionaries.

I can write about English texts I have read.

I can talk about different values connected to sports.


link er eit læreverk i engelsk for heile barnetrinnet. Verket er eit friskt pust i engelskundervisninga og legg vekt på felles, fleirfaglege aktivitetar og djupnelæring. I link har vi fokus på interkulturell kompetanse, og vi følgjer fem gjennomgangsfigurar, frå 1. til 7. klasse. link byggjer på oppdaterte læreplanar og tek elevane på alvor i ein ny kvardag.

5 Textbook

Engelsk for barnetrinnet Nynorsk

• Arbeid med interkulturell kompetanse set engelskfaget i ein global samanheng. • Engelskspråklege tekstar gir bakteppe for nye perspektiv. • Lese- og skrivestrategiar lèt elevane jobbe aktivt med innhald. • Oppgåver med vekt på utforsking utviklar refleksjonsevna hos elevane. • Elevane jobbar med kommunikasjon gjennom samhandling og fellesskap. • Oversikt og djupnelæring gir samanheng i lærestoffet. • Systematisk språklæring gir eit godt grunnlag for vidare arbeid med faget.


Komponentar på 5. trinn • link 5 Textbook • link 5 Workbook • link 5 Teacher’s Guide Digitale ressursar for elev og lærar. Alle bøkene er tilgjengelege i digital utgåve, som d-bok. Les meir om verket på


ISBN 978-82-11-03859-3

Kitty Mezzetti, Nina Oddvik, Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland og Helene Szikszay

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