Art house Legislation

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AIM 708

CONTENT Introduction SECTION 1 : Planning Policy SECTION 2 : Development Control SECTION 3 : Building Regulation : Approved Document Part B Vol. 2 Building Regulation : Approved Document Part K Building Regulation : Approved Document Part M SECTION 4 : Health and Safety - Construction Risk Assessment - Maintainance After Completion SECTION 5 : Project Cost and Procurement Strategy Project References Initial Cost Esrimation from References REFERENCES


PROGRAMME / MAIN CONCEPT MIXED PROGRAM PUBLIC FACILITY LIBRARY + ART GALLERY The Bishopsgate Good Yard site which is within both Boroughs of Tower Hamlets and Hackney and bordering the city of London. Bishopsgate Goods Yard was used as a logistics node until 1964 and has been lying disused awaiting the construction of East London Line (ELL) extension. The Linear form of the site along with the railway lines acts as a dividing line running east-west. Over the years, adjoining areas have turned their back on the goods yard leading to a number of derelict site. Bishopsgate good yards is located on the cusp of a number of boroughs including the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, London Borough of Hackney, London Borough of Islington and the city of London. The site is undergoing a transformation with the construction of the East London Line and the opening of the Shoreditch High Street Station, opening up the area to increased to the city. A Gate House is a building enclosing or accompanying a gateway for a castle, manor house, fort, town or similar buildings of importance. Its often lived in by someone employed to take care of it. Its also a structure consisting of two large tower that support the gate. The gate house often large enough to house a standing guard and are considered the strongest defensive positions in the castle. Art House is a place that educate public towards arts. The House provides education programs and activities that can be participate by public that range from children to adult. The Art House function as medium to introduce awareness towards the community about the Public Art. The Art House act as a gateway, entrance from the North part to the South part, containing the art within.





External wall painted with graffity providing a canvas to the local artist to express their arts.


PORTHOLES ARRANGEMENT 










United Kingdom

The project is located at Shoreditch London, E1 6GY, United Kingdom 51o31’22.66” N 0o04’33.41” W

Key Plan nts Greater London

Location Plan nts Shoreditch, london


SEC. 1


PLANNING POLICY 1.10 - Strategic Policy Transgression The primary source for policies pertaining to my project is the National Planning Policy Framework. It was published by the UK’s Department of Communities and Local Government in March 2012, consolidating over two dozen previously issued documents called Planning Policy Statements (PPS) and Planning Policy Guidance Notes (PPG) for use in England; London Plan 2004; Local Plan for borough of Tower Hamlett and borough of tower Hackney. There are a number of items in the current proposed which are not in compliance of the policy. This shall be discussed further. The proposal is a Art House (Educational Building) located at the Bishopsgate Goods Yard, next to the Shoreditch High Street Overground From the National Planning Policy Framework; there are several Planing Policy that are related to my proposal such as: > Building a strong, competitive economy. > Ensuring the vitality of town center. > Requiring good design. From the London Plan 2004; there are several chapters that are related to my proposal such as: > Chapter 4: Economy. From the Borough of Hackney there are several in Hackney Unitary Plan (UDP) that are related to my proposal such as: > Chapter 10: Art, Culture & Entertainment

The National Planning Policy provides a framework to produce distinctive local and neighbourhood plans by the local people and their accountable councils which reflect the needs and priorities of the community. International and national bodies have set out broad principles of sustainable development. Resolution 42/187 of the United Nations General Assembly defined sustainable development as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. the UK Sustainable Development Strategy Securing the Future set out five ‘guiding principles’ of sustainable development: living within the planet’s environmental limits; ensuring a strong, healthy and just society; achieving a sustainable economy; promoting good governance; and using sound science reponsibly reponsibly.1 There are 3 dimension to sustainable development that give rise to the need for the planning system to perform a number of roles: > An economic role - contributing to building a strong, rensponsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and innovation; and by identifying and coordinating development requirements. The proposal ‘Art House’ contribute to the local economy by providing the facilities and spaces for the Boxpark Shoreditch. The proposal also sit on the empty plot of land which can improve economy between the north area and the south area which currently separated by the site boundary. > A social Role - supporting strong, vibrant and healty communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by creating a high quality built environment, with accesible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its health, social and cultural well-being. With the proposal, it does not supply the community with housing needs but it supply with services that will promote the surrouding communities. The programs allow the communities to enhance its cultural environment and reflect back the community to the public. With the proposal it also enhance the circulation of public in and out of the site proposal. > An environmental role - contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic enviroment; and , as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy. The proposal protects the historic of the site by restoring the remaining arches of the Bishopsgate site. the proposal enhance the usage of natural lighting to minimise the carbon output.


National Planning Policy Framework,

> BUILDING A STRONG, COMPETITIVE ECONOMY The government is committed to securing economic growth in order to create jobs and prosperity, building on the country’s inherent strengths, and to meeting the twin challenges of global competition and of a low carbon future. investment in business should not be over-burdened by the combined requirments of planning policy expectations. it should recognise to address potential barriers to investment, including a poor environment or any lack infrastructure or services. Set out clear economic vision and strategy for the area which positively and proactively encourages sustainable economic growth. The proposal set out a strategy to tackle the economy of the site by engaging the proposal with the communities economic growth. The market and the boxpark are the main community economic sources that will be impliment into the proposal. Support the existing business sectors, taking account of whether they are expanding or contracting and, where possible, identity and plan for the new or emerging sectors likely to locate in the site. The proposal will incorporate with the existing business sector such as the Boxpark community, the market community and the art community to expand the sector to the next level. by providing the spaces for the community to expand their business and emerging the identity of the site will enhance the local economic growth. Identify priority area for economic regeneration, infrastructure provision and environmental enhancement. The proposal sit in a location where the tranportation is, such as the Shoreditch High Street Overground, Bus Stop and Taxi Stand. This will enhance the potential of the site to grow in terms of economic. > ENSURING THE VITALITY OF TOWN CENTER Planning policies should be positive, promote competitive town center environments and set out policies for the management and growth of centers over the plan period. local planning authorities should promote competitives town centers that provide costumer choice and a diverse retail offer. With the engagement of the Market and the Boxpark, this will create positive competition between the local to incease local economy. By retaining and enhance existing markets and, where appropriate, re-introduce or create new ones, ensuring that markets remain attractive and competitive. The proposal impliment the local street art culture to promote the art market to the public. This will create a new market for the art community to sell their arts. the existing boxpark shoredicth, the market and the football pitch will also be improve by impliment this program to the proposal. When assessing application for retail, leisure and office development outside of town center, which are not in accordance with an upto-date local plan, local planning authorities should require an impact assessment if the development is over a proportionate, locally set floorspace threshold (if there is no locally set threshold, the default threshold is 2500 sqm). this should include assessment of the impact of the proposal on existing, committed and planned public and private investment in a centers in the catchment area of the proposal. > REQUIRING GOOD DESIGN The Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people. Local and neighbourhood plans should develop robust and comprehensive policies that set out the quality of the development that will be expected for the area. it should aim to ensure that development will function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the short term but over the lifetime of the development. The proposal impliment a permanent program that will increase the quality of the local community. The existing boxpark is temporary but with the proposal, it will make the boxpark program be permanent to increase local economy. Establish a strong sense of place, using streetscapes and buildings to create attractive and comfortable places to live, work and visit. The proposal are using the local streetscape as the concept of the design to enhance local art. The usage of the exterior wall as a canvas to the local artist to express their arts. By respond to local character and history, the proposal respond to the chracteristic of the site and history by designing a building according to the existing arches in the site. This reflect the identity of local surrounding and materials. its also visually attractive as a result of good architecture and appropriate lanscaping.

National Planning Policy Framework London Plan 2004

Tower Hamlets Planning Guidance (previously known as Local Development Framework) Development Planning (london Plan, DPDs & Neighbouring Plan) Local Plan > LONDON PLAN 2004: CHAPTER 4: ECONOMY

Development Plan Document, (DPDs)

The London Plan seeks to support and develop London’s World City Status as a world economy. In policy terms, the London Plan seeks a range of premises of different types, sizes and costs to meet needs of different sectors of the economy and firms of different types and sizes. In addition, the office market should be supported by an increase in stock and a variety of types of sizes. The plan designates a series of Opportunity Areas which have particular development and economic potential. In general, it is envisaged that these should include a mix of uses. Particular emphasis is placed on support for innovation, tourism and creative industries, and improving skills.

core strategy

Managing Development Document

Neighbourhood Plans & Development Orders

SPDs and other specific tools

The proposal introduce a new economy sector to the local community by engaging the local economy into the proposal program. The proposal include a public library that gives out the services to the local and art facilities to the local art community, this will increase local economic growth. The proposal will emphasis the program that support for innovation, tourism and creative industries, and improving skills. > BOROUGH OF HACKNEY: CHAPTER 10: ART, CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT Hackney has a larger creative and artistic community per head of population than any other area in western Europe. Growth in arts activities has been identified and fostered in the borough since the 1970s with considerable benefits for the cultural life of the area. This is coupled with the second largest number of London’s grant aided groups. Almost half of the population is made up of black and other ethnic minority communities including African, Caribbean, Asian, Cypriot, Turkish/Kurdish, Orthodox Jewish, Irish. This rich cultural diversity is reflected in the balance of arts organisations and individual artists in the Borough. The local community mostly is art community, with the proposal providing a facilities for the art community, it will emphasis the local interest and allocate the street art community to one center. the proposal will improve the existing visual of the site by implimenting local art. Conclusion: The proposal seems to fulfill the planning guidelines in terms of creating a programme that promotes the enhancement of the public realm, bringing people and nature together, contributing a sense of place by celebrating the Art culture of shoreditch as well as providing a centre that educate the public. It also encourages the utilisation of public transportation, However, the location of the proposal requires more sensitive design consideration in response to dealing with the Highstreet Overground due to its location in the site. Transportational access directly to the site might be limited. Lastly, the proposal should take full advantage on creating a high quality environment design that promotes social & ecological sustainability in the long run. Borough of Hackneys

Borough of Tower Hamlets

SITE CONSTRAINS LEGEND: Mainline cut below level of Network Rail lines from Liverpool Street Station Network Rail suburban line tunnel adjacent to the mainline cut. Overground Line (Shoreditch High Street) Central Line (London Underground) cuts through the East London Line Extension Communication Tunnel (BT) along the north-south axis through wheeler street Permanent Structure Temporary Structure (Boxpark Shoreditch) Buildable area of the site Site boundary with Physical Boundary


SEC. 2


DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 2.10 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right 2.11 Compliance Proposals

iv) Transport - Public transport (Bus and Overground) are near to the site (Art House).

vi) The building within the height of the Shoreditch High Street Ovegroung - compare to surrounding building

vii) Noise/ Smell/ visual pollution from the Lucozade Powerleague Shoreditch.

i) In the respect of the site, I believe the design proposal is situated well within the context. It re-invigorates the dead space within the boundary of Bishopsgate Good yard. The Art House involves three main uses, Art Library, a Theater and Art Center. None of which causes too much noise in terms of crowd activity, even so, the location is far from housing and commercial that would be disturbed by this programs. Materials of the wall shall have a sound buffering qualities to counter any excessible noise eminating from the site or in to the site. ii) The scale of the project sits well in its context, with relatively small total area of 6688 m2. The height of the project peaks at 12.0 meter and does not create an obvious visual obstructions to the building surrounding as the surrounding building is higher than the Art House. iii) One problem that may arise would be the transportation access to the project, because the site initially is not an area for transportation to go in. An allocation for parking or vehicular circulation on the site was not a primary concern. By utilizing the existing facilities and transportation services, visitors may park their vehicles in existing parking lots within the area of Bishopsgate Good Yards close to the site. Visitors are highly encouraged to use public transport as bus routes and Shoreditch High Street schedules to the site are efficient and reliable.





iv) Services such as loading bay and waste management may only be accessed from 1 direction that is from the Braithwaites street for ease of transportation access. Possible rethinking of layout to allow convinience for services management.




i) Noise eminating from the building (Art House) may not cause much disturbance.














ii) No problem accessing the site as it can be access from every side of the building.

v) The original proposal did not include allocation for disable parking bay. Again, for ease of access the disabled parking bay should be provide close to the principle entrance from the A10 (Commercial Street). The parking layout should be designed carefully as to not interfere with services and does not pose any risks to the disabled. vi) The neighbouring (Lucozade Powerleague Shoreditch) may cause noise/ smell/ visual pollution to the community of the Art House. Should reconsider redesigning the facade facing the powerleague shoreditch and design a screening system that would provide a divider for the neighbouring facility that addresses the issue and maintain privacy for both sides. vii) The materiality of the project was chosen based on the material of the site’s safety measures. the open planning Art House is consisted of treated pre-cast concrete structure as the primary shear wall. The floor and roof slab are also from the same kind of material. The hole window are made from fire rated glass. All material were carefully chosen to perform with specific characteristic and with the intentions to blend the building with its surrounding in terms of colour and texture. >> The Art House surely benefits the local community (Art Community) with the changing facility and a canvas for the graffity community to express their design. The injection of the Art Theater programme into the design proposal brings something new to the site and the users.

viii) Materials chosen for the building are system of surfaces that directly perform in reaction to the site environmental activity.

iii) No parking are provided because the public transport provided are near. iii) No parking are provided because the public transport provided are near.




v) Refuse, waste collection and loading bay should be place at Braithwaites street allow ease access.

iv) Transport - Public transport (Bus and Overground) are near to the site (Art House).

ix) The structure of the Art House is quite low in height in comparison to the surrounding building, and generaly small in scale comparibly to the whole stretch of the area. (12 m height)


DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 2.20 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right 2.21 Compliance Proposals i) Currently all means of approach to the site (Lower Ground Floor) is through a ramp provided with a very gentle slope. This allows ease of movement for the mobility impaired and wheel - chair friendly. A) 36.5 m ( 1 : 9 ) B) 47.3 m ( 1 : 11 ) C) 60.6 m ( 1 : 15 ) D) 31.6 m ( 1 : 8 )

ii) Exposure to environment may results rain water entering into the building.

i) All mean of approach is through the ramp provided with a gradient of 1 : 10.

Braithwaites street

ii) The semi exposed enviroment may cause rain water to enter the building and result in flooding in the building. There are drainage system that allow the excess water to be channel to the main drainage system. The gradient of the ramp allow the water to flow down towards the drain.


iii) situated in the middle of the site, the same level as the vegetation and lanscape provides the barrier for sound and visual for the Art House. iv) There are no public toilet situated around the area. Providing the facilities (Toilet) to fulfills the requirement. v) The open plan orientation allow the flow of the program to be free and flexible. as the area can be multipurpose area.


vi) Reconsider to redesigning the opening access to accomodate amount of people and climate issues. redesigning a screening system to channel out the noise created from the box park space. vii) Refuse and recycling store should be provided at the near of the Braithwaites street. suitable steps to be taken in the design to ensure it does not create undesireable space for pedestrians and cyclists utilizing the street.

iii) There are no public toilet situated around the area. BOXPARK

iv) Noise/ smell and visual pollusion from the boxpark area











v) Refuse & recycling store to be located for ease transportational access from Braithwaites street (Ground Floor Level)













DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 2.20 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right 2.21 Compliance Proposals i) Currently all means of approach to the site (Ground Floor) is through a continuation of the level with a very gentle slope. This allows ease of movement for the mobility impaired and wheel - chair friendly. i) Gentle approach into the site; same level of surface and gentle slopes allows movement and access for the mobility impaired

viii) Disturbance eminating from the Lucozade Powerleague Shoreditch will create noise pollution/ smell and visual disturbance to the Art House.

vii) noise eminating from the workshop and classroom area will disturb the library area. a multi surfaces system should be design to buffer the noise pollution.

ii) The semi exposed enviroment may cause rain water to enter the building and result in flooding in the building. Roofing system should be redesign to accomodate this problem. iii) situated in the middle of the site, the same level as the vegetation and lanscape provides the barrier for sound and visual for the Art House. iv) There are no toilet situated around the area. Providing the facilities (Toilet) to fulfills the requirement.


v) Reconsider to redesigning the opening access to accomodate amount of people and climate issues. redesigning a screening system to channel out the noise created from the workshops, classrooms and gallery area. vi) Refuse and recycling store should be provided at the near of the Braithwaites street. suitable steps to be taken in the design to ensure it does not create undesireable space for pedestrians and cyclists utilizing the street.



vii) flat clear surface area allows for waste collection and emergency vehicles access. Braithwaites str















iv) Refuse and recycling store to be located for ease transportational access from Braithwaites Street.











v) There are no public toilet situated around the area.

ii) The Semi-exposed environment results in water entering the building.

vi) Disable parking bay is currently not available on the site ground










iii) flat clear surface area for emergency vehicles and waste collection

viii) A disable parking bay should be allocated to the principle entrance, clear of obstructions and provides easy access into the building. ix) Reconsider redesigning the facade of the building facing the Powerleague Shoreditch that might address the issue here. designing and providing a suitable screening system is possible to cancel out the noise and visual pollution of the Lucozade Powerleague Shoreditch.


SEC. 3


The Art House is basically an 2 open planning structure for educational purposes, with a lower ground floor. The building floor area is only 6688 m2 and is considered a medium 1 storey building.

BUILDING REGULATION - APPROVED DOCUMENT PART B VOL. 2 3.10 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right

B1 - Means of warning and escape

Lower Ground Floor Plan

section 1 - fire alarm & fire detection systems. > the proposal is a public facility which only the library is the enclosed space. Appropriate fire detection systems such as smoke detectors should be installed within the library and through out the whole building is required. a visual and audible device is used to alert the hearing and visual impared. section 2 - means of escape > due to is open planning plan, the mean to escape is available visually. easily for escape of fire started without any obstructions. all escape point are to the propose fire assembly point located at 3 different point.

structural concrete arches should be 60 minutes fore resistance minimum to exposed surfaces. this could be achieved through coating

section 3 - Design for horizontal escape > limitation of travel distance. based of table 2, the art house is group to be in category of purpose group 5. Use of the premise: Assembly & recreation ( c.Elsewhere). for this category, the maximum travle distance for more than 1 direction is 45m. in the proposal, all the maximum travel distances within the building does not exceed 40m. the exit doorway needs to be a minimum of 750mm, in the proposal all door are 1500mm, compliance with the requirement. section 4 - Design for vertical escape > due to no stairs in the current proposal, the propose stair will comply with the requirements.


40 m



section 5 - General provisions > the flooring should be choosen to minimize the slipperiness when wet. All ramps that forms part of the emergency route should be adhere to the provisions in Approved document M. The design of the ramps will be discuss in document M. all escape route will be installed with artificial lighting. > all the wall arches will be fire resistant, it should have 30 minute fire protection. > all doors should be fire resistant as required in table B1 as the proposal having the glass doors.

38 m



40 m

compartment 3 compartment 2

B2 - Internal fire spread (linings) > the arches wall are made from concrete that should be fire resistant for 60 minutes. the glass doors are fire rated glass door to increase its fire resistant. > flooring material should be made of material that is fire retardant treated through a process. it should be made of fire retardant materials of class 1.

compartment 1

B3 - Internal fire spread (structure)

flooring should be made to minimize slipperiness. All escape routes to be equipped with adequate artificial lighting

flooring material should be made of material that is fire retardant treated through a process.

> structural concrete arches should be 60 minutes fore resistance minimum to exposed surfaces. this could be achieved through coating > the structural frames that hold the arches should have minimum periods of 6o minutes fire resistant to all exposed surfaces. it could slow the fire by fireproofing material the structure through coating


BUILDING REGULATION - APPROVED DOCUMENT PART B VOL. 2 3.10 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right

section 8 - compartmentation

Ground Floor Plan

> compartment size determine by the area that the compartment encapsuled adn whether or not its sprinklered. shown in table 12. based on the proposal the area that sprinklered have no limit in size and non sprinklered area have a 2000sqm limit. > compartment of the proposal shown in blue dotted line. 2 compartment in ground floor and 3 compartment in lower ground floor. but its still open planning plan since it not fully bound by wall except for the library area.

27.4 accessible perimeter for emergency vehicles.

flooring material should be made of material that is fire retardant treated through a process.

propose fire assembly point BOXPARK CAFE

entrance to the building




25 m






25 m


25 m




B4 - External fire spread





m 45



> the main external partition surfaces should be adequate resist the spread of fire from inside the building for 60 minutes.

compartment 2


compartment 1

propose fire assembly point

B5 - Access & Facilities for the fire & rescue services Section 15 - Private hydrants > building not provided with fire mains - hydrants shall be provided within 90m of an entry point to the art house.

propose fire assembly point

structural concrete arches should be 60 minutes fore resistance minimum to exposed surfaces. this could be achieved through coating

Section 16 - Vehicle access > building not fitted with fire mains. the proposal site surround by the main road and secondary roads, so its easier for the fire vehicle to access the building from every direction. Section 18 - Venting of heat and smoke from basements > the proposal lower ground level is open air, easily for the smoke to be spread out if fire occur.


BUILDING REGULATION - APPROVED DOCUMENT PART K 3.20 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right


Lower Ground Floor Plan

Approved document K - 1.3 table 1.1 The current proposal, there is no stair on the lower ground floor. 2 stairs will be allocated in the lower ground floor to connect the level to the floor above. > General access stairs : Going - 250mm MIN and 400mm MAX Rise - 150mm MIN and 170mm MAX Headroom 1.11 on the access between levels, provide the minimum headroom shown in diagram 1.3

Stair section

The current proposal doesn’t have headroom, with the propose stairs, the headroom will be provided with what the minimum requirement is. Width of flights of stairs 1.14 for stairs that form part of means of escape. 1.15 for flights of stairs which do not form part of the means of escape:




> a minimum stair width between enclosing walls, strings or upstands of 1200mm > a minimum width between handrails of 1000mm > if the flight is more than 2m wide, divide it into flights a minimum of 1000mm wide.





e pos





as the proposal doesn’t have stairs, this is the requirement that will be implement into the design proposal. Length of flights of stairs -


1.17 if stairs have more than 36 risers in consecutive flights, make a minimum of one change of direction between flights THEATER

section 1: Stair to be allocated


Landings for stairs -


1.21 a landing: > may include part of the floor of the building. > should be kept clear of permanent obstructions.




as the proposal doesn’t have stairs, this is the requirement that will be implement into the design proposal. e


Approved document K - 1.34

ail andr ose h prop





The current proposal, there is no handrail propose. There will a propose handrail. diagram 1.11 key dimension for the handrails > Height - 900mm MIN and 1100mm MAX

Stair section

diagram 1.3


BUILDING REGULATION - APPROVED DOCUMENT PART K 3.20 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right


Ground Floor Plan

Steepness of ramps Space for travel at entrances and points approaching the building area quite generous at the moment.

2.3 a floor level with a gradient of 1:20 or steeper should be designed as a ramp Currently all means of approach to the site (Lower Ground Floor) is through a ramp provided with a very gentle slope. This allows ease of movement for the mobility impaired and wheel - chair friendly. A) 36.5 m ( 1 : 9 ) going 5m B) 47.3 m ( 1 : 11 ) going 5m C) 60.6 m ( 1 : 15 ) going 5m D) 31.6 m ( 1 : 8 ) going 5m

- non compliance. must be at 1:15 - non compliance. must be at 1:15 - in compliance - non compliance. must be at 1:15


pro se






Width of ramps -



e pos


2.9 for a ramp that provides access for people: ensure the ramp has a minimum width between walls, upstands or kerbs of 1500mm




The proposal ramp have a large width that satisfy the requirement of 1500mm



Obstruction of ramps -


section 1: Stair to be allocated OFFICE AREA



propose loading bay



it is to be ensured that all ramps that provide access to the people shall be at minimum 1500mm width and its clear of any obstructions.



Handrails for ramps -


2.11 provide a handrail on both sides of the ramp and design them to comply.



op pr



il ra




The proposal have a handrail on both side but will propose a handrail in the middle of the ramp due to the large size of the ramp. (shown as a dash black line)

ose h





2.10 keep ramps clear of permanent obstructions


SECTION 4 : VEHICLE BARRIERS AND LOADING BAYS Loading Bay 4.3 loading bays should be constructed with exit points in accordance with both of the following. - provide loading bays with a minimum of one exit point from the lower level, as near the center of the rear wall as possible. - for wide loading bay, provide a minimum of two stepped exit points, one on each side, or provide a refuge where people can avoid the path of a vehicle in addition to one stepped exit point. the proposal have a loading bays with one exit point from the lower level. Refuse & recycling store to be located for ease transportational access from Braithwaites street (Ground Floor Level)


BUILDING REGULATION - APPROVED DOCUMENT PART M 3.20 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right


Lower Ground Floor Plan

The Art House is purposely designed as an open air structure in Compartment 2 and close structure in Compartment 1 with intention of creating a transition from outdoor to indoors through spaces. The site chosen is due to its potential of having easy access to public transportation (overgound, bus and taxi). This means that the existing pedestrians and cyclists that goes through the site gain access every direction. There no on site parking provided.

i- handrails at height 1000mm on both site should be provided at the principal entrance ii- There are sufficient space for the people to approach the building ass the building can be approach from every direction as its a open space planning The current proposal doesn’t have public toilet, reconsider to propose public toilet on lower ground floor

Access to the lower ground floor is through the ramp located at 4 different location with no doors needed as its a semi public area

iii- the ramp surfaces should be slip resistants material especially when its wet, and a colour that contrasts visually that of the landings. a hazard warning surface shall be provided at the bottom and top landings as a warning of change level iv- corridors and passagesways of the art house should be made wide enough to ease people to access to the building. a minimum width 1500 should be adequate fro wheelchair user to turn 180o. the current proposal have a corridor minimum of 5 meter, it compliance to the requirement.

Acoustic qualities of building material should be taken into account to assist the noise that created by the temporary event





v- propose a public toilet in the facilities to facilitate the user of the building. an individual wheelchair accessible including a corner WC should be provided for the disabled.


vi- the material of the wall should have good acoustic characteristic to prevent noise for the outside to the internal spaces (library). BOXPARK


vii- there is no elements of obstructions such as columns, fire hoses etc in the corridors and passageways. The unobstructed width currently goes along 5 m to 10 m varying according to different areas.



5m 17


22 m

4.10 in the facilities for entertainment, e.g. theaters and cinemas, its normal for seating to be more closely packed than in other types of auditoria. care is needed in the design and location of wheelchair spaces so that all visitors can enjoy the atmosphere.

The current proposal having the open space with a pathway varies from 5 meter to 20 meter to accomodate temporary event and market.

the current proposal doesnt have detail in the theater seat location and the design should reconsidered and follow the requirement. as in diagram 13 and diagram 15

slipperiness of ramp should be taken into consideration. There are no visual indication for the change of levels currently (red dashed line)


BUILDING REGULATION - APPROVED DOCUMENT PART M 3.20 - likely planning violations or issues marked in RED, compliance solutions listed far right Ground Floor Plan

corridors and passageways of the art house are to be made wide enough for easy access for people and wheelchairs. propose a designated disable parking bay close to the principal entrance of the building. The access from the parking bay shall be of the same level to the boundary site


pro se






parking bay designated for disable people



entrance to the building

e pos
















1.1 provide a suitable means of access for people from the entrance point at the boundary of the site.




compartment 2 GALLERY

The entrances are mainly open except for the library that will be enclose by the arches and glass doors. Access on the same level, entrance door to enter the library but no door the enter compartment 2 as its semi public area





compartment 1

ail prop

ose h






1.9 all access routes to principal, or alternative accessible, entrances should be surfaced so that people are able to travel along them easily.

Access on the same level, entrance door to enter the library but no door the enter compartment 2 as its semi public area


C The ramp surface shall be made of a slip resistant material especially when wet.

The route to the principal entrance (or alternative accessible entrance) should be clear identified and well lit by lighting. corridors and passageways of the art house are to be made wide enough for easy access for people and wheelchairs. 1.18 car parking and setting down will satisfy requirement M1 and M2 if: should propose a designated disable parking bay close to the principal entrance of the building. The access from the parking bay shall be of the same level to the boundary site


SEC. 4


HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.10 - Ground Level Plan : Construction Risk Plan. 4.11 Risk Assessment Criteria


SECURITY: Risk of theft as well as misuse or vandalism happening on site, to contractor’s personnels and construction equipments. onstruction site shall have its perimeter identified by suitable signs and be fenced off to security, equipments and materials should be stored safely during off working hours. Risk evaluation 3 x 3 = 9


EFFECIENT CONSTRUCTION : Risk of unstrategic planning and inadequate work area for the operation of machines. Construction strategy should be planned and executed in phases, crane points to be identified and placed accordingly for effecient maneouvering. Risk evaluation 2 x 3 = 6

Risk Assessment are graded as follow : Probable Likelihood of Risk occuring; 1 to 5 (1 = Improbable, 5 = Frequent) Severity of risk 1 to 5 (1 = slight / trivial, 5 = fatal) Risks rating are qualified by multiplying the Probable likelihood by Severity (RISK = LIKELIHOOD x SEVERITY) eg. likelihood = 3 , Severity = 3 , 3 x 3 = 9 The resulting risks can be expressed as follow: 1-5 = Very Low 6-10 = Low 11-15 = Moderate 16-20 = High 21-25 = Very High Rating of the 6 or below can usually safely be dismissed, a rating between 6 and 20 should be guided or curbed, whereas a rating 20 and over should be prevented whenever possible.





EXCAVATION: Risk of falling into excavation site, ground or part of excavation collapse, and personnel burried or trapped in excavation by material which is dislodged. Precautionary steps shall be taken to prevent danger to any person or equipments from falling and avoid part of excavation or adjacent ground to be overloaded by work equipment material. Risk evaluation 3 x 4 = 12












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COFFERDAM; Risk of rainwater entering construction site, damage to uncompleted works, construction personnels and equipments. Cofferdam should be suitably designed and constructed at the start of the shift in which the work is to be carried out. It is also to be appropriately eqquiped so that workers can gain shelter or escape if water/materials enter it. Risk evaluation : 2 x 5 = 10


DEMOLISHMENT of existing brickwall. Risk of falling, uncertainty of ground condition and existing structures poses danger to contractor’s personnel. Below ground inspection to be carried out and planning of demolition should be done carefully to prevent danger, or minimalize it to a lowest level where is it reasonably practicable. Risk evaluation 3 x 4 = 12

STORAGE & WASTE MATERIALS: Risk of tripping hazards from building materials & waste. Suitable steps to be taken to keep access & emergency routes clear of obstructions. A storage area for plant, materials, waste, flammable substances & hazardous substances shall be designated. Risk evaluation 2 x 3 = 6

Drop off & ingress/egress from the main road



FALLING OF HEIGHTS : Risk of falling to contractor’s personnel. Protection by securing edges shall be installed along cofferdam and appropriate scaffolding to be provided for installation of skeleton frames and surfaces. Risk evaluation 2 x 5 = 10

INGRESS & EGRESS: Risk of difficult access & egress to site & potential harm for public use. Safe access to & egress from site should be allocated & maintained to allow easy supply drop off. Site shall be closed off from public use. propose to close the secondary road. (Quaker street) for Risk evaluation 3 x 3 = 9

MANUAL HANDLING : Risk of hand, back and joint injuries to constractor’s personnels, adequate equipments and lifting gear to be provided to aid handling of heavy equipments and components. Risk evaluation 2 x 5 = 10 SLIPS & TRIPS : Risk of tripping and falling on wet surfaces, entanglement in cables to contractor’s personnel. Non-slip surfaces to be allocated where neccesary and all cables are to be managed and kept tidy and retained. Risk evaluation 2 x 4 = 8 Lighting : Risk of accidents under badly lit area/ dim lighting (lower ground floor). Every places of work & approach to site & traffic route shall be provided with sufficient lighting, preferrably natural light. Suitable artificial lighting shall be provided in places where there are health & safety risks and shall not affect or change perception any sign or signal provided for health & safety . Risk evaluation 1 x 3 = 3 WORKING SPACE: Risk of insufficient and hazardous working space causing harm to contractor’s personnel and disrupt of equipment handling. Suitable steps shall be taken to ensure sufficient and safe working space without risks to health. Risk evaluation 2 x 4 = 8


HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.20 - Cross section extract and Maintainance after completion. Floor to be maintained throught normal procedures which accessible by foot

Maintenance of internal wall is accessible by the scaffolding tower for repainting the wall and changing the wall light

4.21 Maintaining and Replacing the element. Through the time, the facade will be paint with varies of design up to the grafiiti artist. The wall of the Art House need to be maintained or re-paint if required. As the Art house is only one storey high, this can be done by using a sciscor lift where the rise of the ceiling surface is above 5m, whereas ceilings and hard to reach places below 4m can be accessed by a standard ladder. The surfaces shall be cleaned or repaint and also the glase hole. The roof are constructed with a slight degree to let surface water run off into the drain systems. The floors of the Art house shall be maintained as usual. Maintenance and cleaning of the Art house shall be made in stages or provisions to avoid any disruptions of activity that is happening within the facility.


Maintenance of electrical services, lighting and cables in the spaces is accessible by the sciscor lift


This allows users to still enjoy the Art house during such sessions. However, in cases where there’s a high risks of danger such as falling objects etc are involved, part of or the whole premise shall be closed with notice to ensure safety of the occupants and workers.


maintenance of the wall paint and the wall light is accessible by a standard ladder

contractors: - plan to manage and control of the work and their workers - provide enough information to the workers - provide adequate welfare facilities to the workers Floor to be maintained throught normal procedures which accessible by foot

Maintenance of internal wall is accessible by the scaffolding tower for repainting the wall and changing the wall light



Roles and Responsibilities:

Designers: - reduce possible hazards and risks during design stage - provide data informing the danger and risks Workers: - to be sure competent to carry out the construction work - report risks to the construction manager officer - follow the health and safety rules and procedures

3.5 m


Maintenance of internal and external wall of the library, electrical services, repainting the internal wall and glass port holes can asscessing by the sciscor lift from the pathway

maintenance of the wall paint and the wall light in the workshop spaces is accessible by a standard ladder

cross section n.t.s


SEC. 5


PROJECT COST & PROCUREMENT 5.10 - Project references These projects are chosen from the AJ Building Library and each are referenced for different aspects of the project that holds similarities with the Art House. The floor area of my project is 6688 m2



Gallery building with the addition of four new galleries, a cafe, shop and education spaces around a concrete circulation core

Begun: Jul 2007 Completed: May 2010 Floor area: 2,000m2 Sector: Arts and culture Procurement: Demolition – JCT Minor Works 2005; main works – JCT 2005 with quantities CO2 Emissions: 45.32kg/m2/year Address: 12 Vaughan Street, Llandudno, LL30 1AB, United Kingdom Total cost: £5.1M This reinforced concrete element, cast in situ, works partly in conjunction with new structural steelwork but is not itself a primary structural element. The uninterrupted timber boardmarked finish uses 100mm sand-blasted boards to give a consistent defined texture, while the floor, again in in-situ concrete, has a smooth hand-trowelled finish. Triangular concrete ceiling fins connecting the two main walls were designed to create directional daylight, illuminating the concrete without glare. The aluminium glazing system spanning over the fins utilises very large glass panels. A primary stair formed in the same board-marked in situ concrete bridges the space, connecting the ground with an upper floor gallery and café. The positioning of this kinked form was driven by the location of these spaces. Locally sourced materials were used for the prescribed mix, achieving the desired lightness without the need for artificial additives, and also gave a very high strength level. The glass balustrade at the café’s edge, overlooking the Tube, is a single 19mm toughened sheet, cantilevered from a stainless steel clamping arrangement and bolted to the inside of the concrete, with all fixings hidden beneath the floor finish. The engineered oak floor of the café continues down the stair with inset stainless steel nosing and a continuous oak handrail on both sides.


The materials of the project is a bit similar to the proposal ‘art house’ for the arches that is concrete element, cast in situ and partly conjunction with structural steelwork for the roof structure of the proposal. there are timber board flooring use in the workshop area in the proposal similar with the project that i choose for my example of projects. The usage of port holes on the wall to allow the natural light into the area is similar with the concrete ceiling fins that give directional daylight and illuminating the concrete without glare.


PROJECT COST & PROCUREMENT 5.10 - Project references These projects are chosen from the AJ Building Library and each are referenced for different aspects of the project that holds similarities with the Art House. The floor area of my project is 6688 m2

MAXXI: MUSEUM OF XXI CENTURY ARTS ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS, ROME, 2009 Cast on-site in self-compacting concrete, with casts up to 50m long the walls create major streams and minor streams. The major streams providing the gallery spaces and the minor streams the connections and the bridges.

Begun: 2003 Completed: 2009 Floor area: 21,200m2 Sector: Arts and culture Procurement: General Contractor Tender Address: Museum of XXI Century Arts, Via Guido Reni, Rome, 00196 , Italy Total cost: ÂŁ128M

The building is a composition of bending oblong tubes, overlapping, intersecting and piling over each other, resembling a piece of massive transport infrastructure. The structure of the new building of the museum is composed of curved side walls made in self-consolidating concrete, the horizontal structures are mostly made of black-painted steel profiles, sometimes clad with fibre-reinforced concrete panels, as for the roof trusses. The interior space, defined by the walls of the display galleries, are covered by a glass roof that floods the spaces with natural light, filtered between the roof trusses. These latter reinforce the linearity of the spatial system and assist the articulation of the various directions, overlapping and bifurcations of the system of gallery spaces. The honed linearity of the walls facilitates circulation through the campus, inside the galleries and between the objects on display. In opposition to the decisive architectural sign that dominates the exterior spaces and the atrium, a soberer spatial quality characterises the exhibition halls that host the collections of the two museums. A combination of glass (roof), steel (stairs and columns) and concrete (walls) defines the neutral appearance of the display spaces, while moveable panels ensure the flexibility of their use.


The proposal composed of curved side walls made in self-consolidating concrete which is similar to the the project above. With the interior space define by the arches wall its cover by the roof that allow natural light to the interior spaces, similar concept with the museum. The combination of glass (port holes), steel (roof structure) and the concrete (arches wall) using the same construction with the project above. with moveable panels to let the spaces become more flexible.


PROJECT COST & PROCUREMENT 5.20 - Initial Cost Estimation from References

5.21 - Cost Estimation of Proposal

This section will calculate the approximation of costs for the building of the proposed Art House, comparibly to the three reference projects.

This subsequent method of calculation was based on SPON’s First Stage Estimating Handbook by Bryan Spain.

The floor area of my project is 6688 m2

ORIEL MOSTYN GALLERY Floor area: 2,000 m Total cost ~ £5.1M


Cost of project/sqm = £2,550/sqm

MAXXI: MUSEUM OF XXI CENTURY ART Floor area: 21,200 m2 Total cost ~ £128M Cost of project/sqm = £6,037.73/sqm

Initial Cost Estimation based on references; It is more likely that the Art house cost is more closer to the Oriel Mostyn Gallery, so the estimated cost of proposal will be based on the cost/sqm of the projects.

The ‘Art House’ The proposal is in The Bishopsgate Good Yard site which is in the city area. The proposal is try to rebuild back the arches which currently existing on the site, with implementation of an art program to ehance the local interest which is the street art. The proposal maximum height is about 15 meter and ranging from 4 to 5 meter per floor.

The Art House, Bishopsgate Good yard. The proposal is to construct a single storey with lower ground level; semi-enclosed/ open planing Art house comprising of a Art Library, Theater, Gallery & art facilities; 6,688 square meters in Shoreditch London (Bishopsgate Good Yard). The ground level is designed to have multiple spaces and hosts the Art Library, some areas are to be excavated for the Lower ground floor where the Theater and Boxpark are located (by machine). Demolition some of the existing structures (Brick wall) on site (by machine) and macadam pavings (by machine). Operation shall be at full capacity so tender levels are expected to be high with a 12 month construction period. Main building (Based on Oriel Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno) 6,688 m2 at £2,500/sqm External Works (based on rough quantities & rates) Excavation Breaking up Filling Fencing Drains Lighting Extra for anticipated high tender levels say 6% Allow for inflation say 12 months at @ 4% x £17,921,526 Carried forward

Natural daylight and ventilation for the building user is important especially in the workshop area and the library. so the usage of port holes on the wall to bring in the natural light is the most important part of the building. The facade are mainly pre-cast concrete wall that contain the port holes.

£ 16,720,000 90,000 30,000 40,000 10,500 10,800 5,800

Cost Control:


187,100 16,907,100 1,014,426 17,921,526


716 861.04 18,638,387.04


Brought Forward Allow for regional variations say South East, 104% x £18,459,171.78 Professional fees say 12% x £19,197,539 Basement & ceiling band between 5% to 10% 2076287.7 5% say £19,724,733 to £21,801,021 10% say £18,686,589 to £22,839,165 VAT Additional cost would be in terms of value added tax which is 20%

The proposal is near to the overground, bus stops and taxi stand, making the proposal easier to get to by public transport. it will reduce the cost of building a carpark for the proposal.

£ 18,638,387.04

To control the cost there is to be identify certain elements of the project that can be change or replaced. by using a standard glass size for every port holes rather than desinging the size to fit the varies of size of holes. There will be a several visit to monitor the construction been done to ensure there is no fail attempt on the scheduled process of the project. If there is a failure, it will effect the cost of the whole project. Procurement: - Design and Build

£ £

2,303,705 20,942,092.04

With design and build the contractor will have a degree of control, allowing to make design decisions based on its own judgement and financial benefits. its easier for the clients since there is only one point of calling if problems occur. with design and build, contractor can be assign in much earlier in the process. The proposal is a medium scale project, so its easier for the contractor to handle the design and construction process. the contractor can monitor the work in progress and spot if there is problem with design.

TOTAL COST : Taking into consideration of all factors, fees, variations and taxes, the final cost would amount to:

£ 25 .0 M (£ 3,738.00 per square meter)

R E F E R E N C E S > Spain, B. - First Stage Estimating Handbook: Third Edition - 2010 > Buildign references: AJ Buildings Library, America Air Museum : AJ Buildings Library, Oriel Mostyn Gallery > The Buildings Regulation 2010 Part B > The Buildings Regulation 2010 Part K > The Buildings Regulation 2010 Part M > The Construction (Design and Management) Regulation 2007 > Local Development Framework (South Shoreditch) 2006 > London Boroughof Hackney Adopted UDP 1995

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