In April I completed an eight year term on the Board of Trustees of Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa, my alma mater. Prior to leaving for what would be considered our quarterly meeting, I received an email asking if I’d be attending my “final meeting.” Here’s the thing, it hadn’t even crossed my mind that it would be my last meeting and that my term had come to an end! Times like that make you reflect - while eight years is a large chunk of time, in hindsight, those years flew by.
Parenthood is like that. Wedding days, too. Summers always feel too fast. Friends who have retired from their career have told me it’s a similar feeling. And while I am not retiring, it’s much how I feel about my leadership transition here at Faith.
In March our Church Board communicated leadership transitions that would take effect June 1, and I want to share with you what my role moving forward will look like. I have served as Senior Pastor since 1992, when Faith Church was located in South Holland, Ill., and as Lead Pastor of Dyer since 2003, when Faith Dyer’s current building was constructed & opened. I have truly loved serving in both capacities.
We are blessed to be a growing church! And with a church of our size, with five locations, the leadership team and I felt that with the increasing amount of responsibilities, it was time for me to step into fully serving Faith as the Senior Pastor. In doing so, I will be stepping away from my role as Lead Pastor of Dyer. God has affirmed this choice through various means, igniting my enthusiasm for the forthcoming role. While adjustments will be necessary, every step is undertaken for the greater glory of God.
In serving fully as Senior Pastor, I will have greater capacity to walk closer with the pastors at each of our locations, and I’m very much looking forward to preaching on a rotational basis at all of our sites, building greater relationships with each of you. I will continue to work with the Church Board to cast vision for Faith and oversee the theology and teaching of our church. In this capacity, I will also serve as the liaison with other partner churches, ministries and organizations, to help Faith Church minister beyond our physical walls. For example, I will be serving a two-year term as President of the Kingdom Network, our church’s denomination, and speaking at the mission conference the First Presbyterian Church of Manaus will be hosting in August.
I’m excited for my friend, Pastor Jason DeVries, to serve the people of Faith Dyer as Lead Pastor. Jason celebrated his 20th anniversary on staff earlier this year. He has performed a variety of leadership roles here, starting in 2004 in children’s ministry and also starting and leading Faith Valparaiso and Faith Highland. As not only a colleague but as a friend, I can attest that Jason’s heart is to give God glory in all things. I’m excited for the ways in which he will shepherd Faith Dyer.
Faith Church, it is my sincere honor to serve this church. From stepping through the original South Holland doors in 1992, I could never conjure up the plans God would have for not only me but for Faith. Trust in Him, lean into Him, find solace with Him.
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Matthew 6:33
For God’s glory, Pastor Bob
Most people know about the Ten Commandments, even if they do not necessarily know what they are. Many non-Christians believe that the Ten Commandments are archaic ideas from a bygone age, and some Christians think that these words were intended only for the people of Israel and ceased in their applicability with the coming of Jesus.
However, rather than being antiquated relics of a different time, the Ten Commandments reflect the heart of the moral law of God that He wove into the world He created and thus direct life and the order of society.
Instead of viewing them as limitations on behaviors, we should see the Ten Commandments as the path to a better way of life. That is not to say that keeping the commandments always leads to a better life in the moment, but ignoring them is something that happens at one’s and society’s own peril. We need only look around at a world to see the chaos and damage that ensues from rejecting these commands. A culture without the Sabbath is an exhausted and overworked society. A world that does not honor the marriage covenant and vows is one that leads to a lack of trust and security in relationships. A person filled with coveting and desire leads to devaluing of people and endless pursuit of what’s next.
Of course, most Christians would seek to follow most of the commandments (like not killing or stealing!), but we need to recognize that they serve as a unit together; we should not keep one without the other nor separate what God has put together. This means God cares not just about how we treat others or view things in the world, but also how we worship Him and pattern our lives and rhythms.
The Ten Commandments were fulfilled by Jesus, not abolished by him. Jesus said, “Don’t think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). This means that we need to think of Jesus when we read and reflect on the Ten Commandments, considering how he taught and embodies these laws. When you do this, you will also be reminded of how we fall short in obeying these commands and our need for the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Our response to the Ten Commandments matters because it shows whether or not we trust God and believe what He says is best for us. This summer there will be a series dedicated to the Ten Commandments. We will cover the commands, giving relevancy and application for our lives today. And in doing so, we will see that the commandments are an enduring and life-giving way to respond to God’s Word because they point us to know Him, resist evil and follow Him into a new, different and better way of living.
BY: BOB VAN BARENFor more insight on the Ten Commandments, please refer to WeAreFaith.org/blog/TenCommandments. Over the years we have made a number of blog posts on the Ten Commandments and have gathered these resources into one place.
Families, our summer services are kid Friendly as our Faith kids will be joining us in service. use the simpliFied 10 commandments graphic provided to help explain the meaning and purpose For each commandment as we go through them together as a church.
9 put god First honor god by taking a day to rest don’t love things more than god
10 respect god’s name obey your parents or guardians do not hurt anyone don’t take anything that isn’t yours be FaithFul to your husband or wiFe always tell the truth be happy & content with what you have
During the summer you’ll often hear our church refer to Summer Family Worship, an opportunity for kids, ages kindergarten through fifth grade, to worship with their families. We want our kids to experience “big church” prior to exiting Faith Kids after fifth grade, so they can see what it means to worship as a church family.
What does it mean for kids to be in service?
For families: It’s an opportunity for you and your children to worship together and talk about what you learned while applying it throughout the week. Please know there are several teams on staff that are involved in helping curate family-friendly services.
For the congregation: Kids are a BIG part of our church! We make a verbal agreement to raise the next generation during Celebration Weekends (remember when the pastor asks, “Congregation, do you commit to partnering with these families to point kids to Jesus?”) The summer is an opportunity to put our commitment into action! Not only by making families feel welcome in services, but also filling a one-time Summer Serve opportunity.
What ages can attend Faith Kids during the summer?
What am I signing up for with a one-time serve?
Don’t overthink it! Show up & we show you what to do! Faith Kids includes playtime, followed by large group worship and a Bible lesson. Then we do small group activities and crafts that support the Bible lesson.
What happens to the volunteers who serve during the school year?
Many of them still help but we ask them to REST! We want our amazing volunteers to use the summer as a time for a break and return refreshed for kick-off in the fall.
Faith Kids is available for nursery and preschool-aged children, June 2 through August 25. SIGN UP TO SERVE AT WEAREFAITH.ORG/SUMMMERSERVE
Just over a year ago in May 2023, I was baptized and made the commitment to follow God’s plan for me. It was and is still the best decision I’ve ever made. Do you think about that day or moment in your own life?
When you proclaimed to God, “all I am is Yours.” It’s freeing. It’s humbling. It’s also slightly unnerving. It changes the way you think about the life you are living. In sharing a piece of my story with you, my hope is for God’s purpose to be renewed or even discovered in your own life.
In the months following my profession of faith, I spent time growing my relationship with God, learning from Him and seeking His will. CalltomeandIwillansweryou,andIwilltellyougreatandmightythings, whichyoudonotknow(Jeremiah 33:3). I meditated on Exodus 9:16, ButIhaveraisedyouupforthisvery purpose,thatImightshowyoumypowerandthatmynamemightbeproclaimedinalltheearth, asking God to use me for His greater purpose, whether in my work or in the community service projects I signed up for at Faith Highland or in something far bigger than even I could envision for myself.
One Sunday morning in September, I was waiting for church to begin and noticed a pre-service slide about a mission trip opportunity with World Renew to Rolling Fork, Miss., to work on tornado reconstruction. The description that was included on the trip website read, “On March 24, 2023, a devastating tornado hit the town of Rolling Fork, Mississippi, and surrounding areas. After forming from a supercell storm over the Mississippi River, the EF4 tornado with wind gusts over 166 miles per hour traveled 59 miles with a width of three-quarters of a mile and lasted an hour and 10 minutes. It touched down in Rolling Forks with little warning for residents and paved a path of destruction leveling homes, ripping roofs and walls apart, toppling trees and powerlines, throwing cars through the air, and quickly and catastrophically impacting the community. More than 26 people were killed as a result of this storm, and more than 300 homes were severely damaged or destroyed in Rolling Fork.”
After learning about the trip, I felt God telling me that this was the next step for me. I respectfully gave my parents a heads up that I’d be gone for a week in late-January, then submitted my application. I also mentioned it to my brother, Chris, and my boyfriend, Mason, and asked them to consider joining me. And they did! We joined our team of 11 volunteers from Faith Church and headed to Mississippi from January 26 through February 3, 2024.
As we drove through Rolling Fork, and as we witnessed throughout the week, it was astonishing to see how much “stuff” was still scattered throughout the town, almost 10 months after the tornado actually hit. It’s difficult to describe what I was feeling - because you picture in your mind what a place might look like; there is a certain “brokenness” you envision when you are part of a tornado restoration team, but nothing can quite prepare you for what it’s truly like, standing amongst the rubble. It makes you want to get to work immediately, to take away even a piece of the hurt these people went through and to replace it with hope.
Over the next seven days, our Faith team worked on various projects for three homes affected by the tornado. Our group leaders provided hands-on training and demonstrations for those of us who
did not know how to use various tools. Every morning we received our work assignments to complete and tools needed.
• First Home: A tree had fallen on top of the home we worked on. Prior to our arrival, the exterior had been repaired and our work focused on the interior rooms the tree had damaged. We patched holes in walls and ceilings; sanded down plaster; and painted the walls, trim and crown molding. There was SO much sanding that needed to be done that most days I would return to our housing covered in dust except for the area protected by my safety glasses and face mask.
• Second Home: Most of the work we assisted with was on the exterior. Our group replaced all of the siding, and we also replaced soffits that were torn off by the storm. We also caulked around the windows and painted the full exterior as well as the shutters.
We had an opportunity to speak with the homeowner who shared a God story with us that still gives me goosebumps to tell. She had been sitting on her bed watching TV when she heard a voice tell her, “get to your closet!” She ran to her closet and as she shut the door, she felt like the tornado almost immediately hit her subdivision. When she came out of the closet, she looked in her bathtub (because that’s where you are told is a safe place during a storm) and it was filled with shards of glass. Her neighbor’s house across the street had been picked up and flipped over. She knew it was God who spoke to her and kept her safe.
• Third Home: We assisted another group from Orland Park with building the walls of the home. Later in the week, we helped with framing doors and windows, and also roofing. We got to meet the “soon-to-be” homeowners of this house; they have been living in a small trailer until their home is finished.
Our volunteer family completed so much work during our time there and yet there was still so much more to be done! Honestly, with as much labor as we completed, no one complained; we knew our time was limited and that we’d use every moment we could to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
During the week, we had the opportunity to speak with and hear from some of the residents. They shared with us some gut-wrenching stories about the night of the tornado, like how the hospital was hit, and the obstacles they face with rebuilding their community. While we were able to help three families in both small and significant ways, we were made aware of many others who are still waiting for organizations like World Renew to help organize work teams to assist them in rebuilding their homes. In the waiting, it’s admirable how the community has come together to ensure everyone has what they need.
I was taken aback by how appreciative and nice everyone was. They would bring us home-cooked meals for lunch and spend time telling us their stories. It was humbling to see that even in the midst of hardship, their hearts were filled with gratitude.
Each team member took a turn leading devotions on our trip. I’d like to share a piece of my own devotion with you, as you think about how God might be calling you for a greater purpose. “Make an impact wherever you are placed, though it may look insignificant, don’t get discouraged! Knowing that we are living for a higher purpose, we don’t need validation or acceptance from others because we know who we belong to. No matter what God’s purpose is for your life, it will surely bring glory to His name and blessings to others. Keep doing what you should do. Be faithful and fruitful there.”
WorldRenewDisasterResponseServicesrepairhomesindisaster-impactedcommunitiesinNorth America,givingvulnerablehomeownersachancetorebuildtheirlives
Our hope is for the stories of real people, in real relationships, living real life to impact your relationship with God and others, and inspire you to be a story-teller of God’s transformation, too.
Do you have a story you want to share?
Discover Faith is designed to help you learn more about Faith Church.
MUNSTER Thu, Jul 11, 6:30 PM | Sat, Oct 19, 9 AM Tue, Jun 11, 6:30 PM | Sun, Sep 8, 1:30 PM Thu, Jul 11, 6:30 PM | Thu, Oct 24, 6:30 PM Sun, Jun 30, 12:30 PM | Sun, Oct 13, 12:30 PM Sun, Jul 14, 12:30 PM | Sun, Sep 22, 12:30 PM
Partner with Faith focuses on what it means to be a member and why you should consider that commitment. FOR DETAILS & REGISTRATION: WEAREFAITH.ORG/MEMBERSHIP
MUNSTER Thu, Jul 25, 6:30 PM | Sat, Nov 2, 9 AM Tue, Jun 25, 6:30 PM | Sun, Sep 22, 1:30 PM Thu, Jul 25, 6:30 PM | Thu, Nov 14, 6:30 PM Sun, Jul 14, 12:30 PM | Sun, Nov 3, 12:30 PM Sun, Jul 28, 12:30 PM | Sun, Oct 27, 12:30 PM
Bike rides. Ice cream outings. Beach days. The smell of sunblock. Driving with the windows down. Grass between your toes. Backyard BBQs. Pool parties. The things of summer time!
A season when most submit a vacation request and head out on an adventure. Whether your summer plans include a staycation or boarding a plane, consider how you might experience Jesus more vibrantly wherever your feet take you.
The beach is my “happy place.” It’s where I feel the peace and presence of God. When going for a walk on the sand, I talk to Him freely and it feels like He’s walking side by side with me. As I drive by palm trees and watch painted sunsets, I experience Him through creation and marvel at His splendor and goodness.
As you enjoy the many things of summer, also consider how you might use the season to draw closer in your walk with Jesus.
In nature, admire His artistry. From the sunsets He paints, to the flower buds that bloom, to the trees on the mountain side. The beauty of creation is a reminder of our big God.
Jump into our Cover to Cover Bible Reading plan! Receive a daily text or email as we will read through Joshua, some of the Psalms, and Judges this summer. Families, this is a great time to pick a Book of the Bible to read with your kids.
Scrolling leads to Fear of Missing Out and thinking you aren’t doing enough. Take a breather from social media or set a daily time limit. Be present. Give those around you your full attention. You can miss so much when your face is in your phone.
Find Your Jam
Find a worship song that speaks to your Spirit and crank it up all summer long. Worship God wherever your travels take you. Add these options to your playlist, recommended by staff members Justin Sommer & Ally Ebbens.
Praise by Elevation Worship Good News by Maverick City
AUGUST 8-9, 2024
Every year you hear us promote the Global Leadership Summit. But what is it? And why is it important to Faith Church? Pastor Tim Huizenga spearheads this event for us - and shares honestly why it’s a can’t miss event.
For people who don’t know, what is the Global Leadership Summit?
It’s a two-day simulcast event held at Faith Dyer. You learn from a diverse group of world-renowned speakers who give you inspiration and actionable leadership content. The fun part is being surrounded by people in our Region, learning together to ultimately build a better future right here where we live and work.
What makes you passionate about the Summit?
Every person has influence and so this event is truly for everyone - teachers, healthcare professionals, students, artists, veterans, parents, volunteers, entrepreneurs, business leaders; I could go on & on. Don’t exclude yourself from this event! You have influence in some way, shape or form!
What’s a moment at the Summit that stands out to you?
Two come to mind. Last year, Kyle Zuidema (member of Faith Highland) shared how attending the Summit with his dad in 2017 ignited a passion in him for an organization called International Justice Mission. Right now, he is living in Bolivia working with IJM.
Another is the birth of Region Leaders, a growing network of connected, capable and value-driven leaders in Northwest Indiana and South Chicagoland. We wanted to take the success of the Summit and create a year-long focus on leadership in the Region, so we host quarterly events to inspire development, networking and positive impact in our communities. Our website is RegionLeaders.com.
What speaker(s) are you looking forward to hearing from this year?
Craig Groeschel is always a favorite of mine; Joni Eareckson Tada will certainly be inspirational; and the basketball fan in me is looking forward to hearing from Mike Krzyzewski (Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Duke University, 1980-2022).
Your closing pitch …
For me it’s a can’t miss event because it not only refills my tank but gives me fuel into the next year! You don’t quite know what to expect until you’ve experienced it. I promise you won’t be disappointed!
June 28 & July 19
Outdoor Game Night
August 16
Beecher Friday Nights are back!
We will also have various Bible Study & D3 Groups meeting throughout the summer.
Text FSBEECH to 84576 to receive text updates
Summer House Groups June-August
Middle School - Wednesdays Contact Ronnie at rholmes@WeAreFaith.org
High School - Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Contact Justin at jsommer@WeAreFaith.org
Jak’s Warehouse Lock-In
June 12
Any summer events will be posted to our social pages.
As of May 2024
What is a helpful way to view the overall “health” of the budget as we close out one fiscal year and prepare for the next? Like most things in life, you can view and interpret numbers in various ways. A shortfall, even of 9 or 10 percent, can be discouraging; while finding savings in expenses at the same rate may be encouraging.
As we close one fiscal year - I encourage all of us to spend time in reflection, asking ourselves if our generosity aligns with the blessings God has provided. We aren’t here to guilt you, rather, show you what your investment means to God’s ministry through Faith Church. You can see it in the pages you flip through in this edition of The Paper. Your giving is truly an investment in God’s work of changing lives in our region and around the world.
As we prepare for the next - As of this writing, the 2024/2025 budget is in its final stage of being adopted. Our budget process is detailed, analyzed, prayed over, and reviewed and approved by various staff, lay leaders and our Church Board. We are expecting a budget increase of approximately 2 to 3 percent taking into account all the dynamics of how we “end” our current year, while looking forward to the possibilities of what we feel God has placed before us.
We want to keep you informed on the exciting progress being made at our Beecher, Cedar Lake and Highland locations as we make room for more! Full renderings for each expansion project are available at WeAreFaith.org/BetterTogether
• Faith Beecher broke ground in November 2023. Since then there has been much work underway, from plumbing and electric work, to concrete and framing. The expansion will provide much needed meeting rooms for midweek gatherings as well as a larger space for Faith Kids, including their own dedicated bathroom space. The expansion is expected to be complete this fall.
• Faith Cedar Lake is in need of a larger worship center to the west of the current building, seating 830 individuals in order to address the location’s current challenge of overcrowding at Sunday morning services. The hope is to break ground early summer and to have the project completed by late 2025/early 2026.
• Faith Highland held its groundbreaking in April. The expansion will be to the west of the location’s current building and is focused on providing adequate space to serve the flourishing Reflectors and Faith Kids ministries. The hope is to have the project completed by spring 2025.
The Kingdom Network, our denomination, held a celebratory gathering at Faith Church Dyer April 24-26. The conference gathered churches from across the United States that are part of the Kingdom Network, to be inspired and equipped for their role in the Kingdom.
The theme of the conference was Fully Charged and focused on healthy leadership and spiritual empowerment, stretching and challenging the church leaders in attendance to grow in their leadership while being fully in tune with how the Spirit is moving and working. Pastors, elders, deacons and church staff were able to network, learn from one another and build relationships.
In reflection of the event, Pastor Jason DeVries shares, “It was great to be together and see what God is doing around the country and be reminded of the mission we are on together as brothers and sisters in Christ!”
Contact Lisa or Bob at blhberr@att.net
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits.
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 PM
Faith Cedar Lake
Contact the team WeAreFaithCR@gmail.org
Tuesdays, 7-9 PM
Faith Dyer | FS Commons
Contact Jim celebraterecovery@ WeAreFaith.org
Thursdays, 7-9 PM
Faith Munster
Contact Charles/Breanne munstercr@WeAreFaith.org
Celebration Place
Tuesdays, 6:45-9 PM
Faith Dyer | Elem Rm
Contact Trish at tmiller@WeAreFaith.org
Celebration Place is designed for kids
Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM
Faith Highland | Great Room
Kindergarten through 13 years of age whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction and join their parents in forgiveness & healing.
Food Assistance
Family Market
Faith Beecher
2nd & 4th Tuesday 4:30-6 PM
Contact Mandy at mandyp@WeAreFaith.org
Open to any Illinois resident
Faith Family Market
Faith Cedar Lake
Mondays, 10 AM-Noon
Closed the 5th Monday
Contact Beckie at bhayes@WeAreFaith.org
Family Market
Faith Dyer | East Hall Sundays, 10-11 AM
Contact Valerie at FFM@WeAreFaith.org
Open 2nd & 4th Sunday For Dyer Members/Attenders
Family Market
Faith Highland/Munster
Faith Munster Community Hall Sundays, 12:30-1:15 PM
Open 1st & 3rd Sundays
Fresh Hope Tuesdays, 7-8:30 PM
Faith Munster | Ministry House freshhope@WeAreFaith.org
This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members and close friends). WeAreFaith.org/mentalhealth. Meets weekly
Friendship Tuesdays, 7 PM
Faith Highland Contact Amy at aboshears@WeAreFaith.org
Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word and enjoy a great time of fellowship. For a complete listing of meeting dates visit WeAreFaith.org/Friendship. Meets most 1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Golden Hope
Golden Hope helps grieving families find hope and healing in the midst of loss through death. This is a safe place for peer-to-peer grief support for children, teens and adults. Contact Ashley at info@goldenhopemin.org for more details.
Grief Share offers help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Contact Nick at ndragomir@WeAreFaith.org for next meeting dates & times.
Men’s Bible Studies
Visit WeAreFaith.org/ biblestudies for a list of Men’s Bible studies.
NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous
Contact Tony at (219) 850-3587
This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. Meets weekly
Our Hope
Tuesdays, 7-9 PM
Faith Dyer | Prayer Room
Contact Jeri at darchsmom@gmail.com
Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Mondays, 6:30 PM
Faith Dyer | Atrium
Contact Andy at anearpass@WeAreFaith.org
This ministry is for patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays
Let us be heartfelt in praying for our Faith Church family. Sign up to receive our prayer email or submit your own prayer request at WeAreFaith.org/prayer.
Book Club
Mondays, 6:30 PM
Contact Adrianna at awalters@WeAreFaith.org Book Club book available in the Bookstore. Meets the 3rd Monday of the month.
Monday, 1 PM | Faith Dyer
Contact Sue at suezarate@yahoo.com
Fellowship for singles 65+ from any Faith Church location.
Meets the 2nd Monday of the month
Faith Stitchers
Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May)
Faith Dyer | Rooms 140/141
Contact Sharon at sharontlc756@hotmail.com
We knit & crochet for those in need. Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month
Monday, 8:30 AM
Contact Donna at donnaquilts2@gmail.com
A group of women who meet around a common interest of quilting. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays
Women’s Bible Studies
Visit WeAreFaith.org/ biblestudies for a list of women’s Bible studies.
Preparing for Marriage Class is offered twice per year on Wednesdays in the spring and fall for dating and engaged couples. Next class will be Sep 20- Nov 8. Information on the class and mentoring options can be found at WeAreFaith. org/marriage. We look forward to preparing you for marriage.
A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit MomsNation.org for information on all our groups, meeting places and times. Contact Rebekah at rmoore@WeAreFaith.org
The Journey
The Journey is a 22-week course designed to provide a safe place for a group of 7-10 people to slow down and be intentional about focusing on their relationship with Jesus and personal
discipleship. To learn more, go to vantagepoint3.org/ vp3-pathway/the-journey/ Contact Marilyn at mmiller@WeAreFaith.org for more information. Join the hundreds of people from Faith Church who have come to understand God (and themselves) in a new way through The Journey!
12.1 Running Club Saturdays, Early Morning Contact Judy at judithkupsik@yahoo.com Meets weekly
Psalm 104:10
(219) 864-5063