The Paper | Sep-Dec Issue 3 Vol 12

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This year - 2024 - marks the 60th Anniversary of Faith Church! I’m filled with so much gratitude when I think of all God has done in and through Faith Church in this time, all the lives He’s transformed for His glory.

A little back story. In September 1963, South Holland Calvary Reformed Church and First Church both had grown to their full sanctuary capacity. Rather than adding service times, they felt called to start a new church on the southside of South Holland, to be known as Faith Reformed Church.

It was in the first few months of 1964 that a service of organization was held to elect elders and deacons; a congregational meeting was held for the purpose of calling a pastor; the name Faith Reformed Church was chosen; and the purchase of five acres of land was approved as well as a parsonage. In September 1964 the groundbreaking ceremony for our first church building was held. And now 60 years later, we’ve broken ground in expanding Faith Beecher and for a second addition at Faith Highland, and we will soon be breaking ground on an expansion project at Faith Cedar Lake.

When I look back, I think of our charter members, who started with a vision and for their faith and perseverance in being a church on mission to transform a world for Christ. And as I look forward, the fruit of their vision (our vision), for what God has done in and through Faith Church. It’s remarkable!

And over half of these years I’ve served as the Senior Pastor, which is emotionally mind boggling. I always find the “Back in [Year Born] What Things Cost” to be fun to see (albeit, sometimes the prices are hard to choke down). We thought it would be fun to do something similar in celebration of 60 years!


Joni & Friends is a mission partner of Faith Church; it provides the hope of the Gospel and practical care to people living with disability around the globe. The organization hosts Family Retreats at various locations across the country with the intention of providing families impacted by disabilities with an unforgettable, spiritually-nourishing, community-building, vacation-type experience.

It’s been referred to as a slice of heaven by families and volunteers alike. And you might very well just believe them after hearing the following testimonies from a volunteer and a family who attended Family Retreat at Maranatha Bible Camp in Muskegon, Michigan this past June.

A FIRST-HAND ACCOUNT OF SERVING AS A SHORT TERM MISSIONARY FROM IZZY KANDALEC Izzy is a part of Faith Dyer and volunteers in our Faith Kids and Reflectors Ministries.

Most people describe Joni & Friends Family Retreat as a slice of heaven on earth and there really is no better way to explain it. The way you experience Jesus, you physically feel the Spirit moving in your heart. When you are at Family Retreat, you see what heaven is going to look like.

I’ve had the opportunity to witness the beauty of Joni & Friends Family Retreat since I was 11 years old as my family attends annually (except once in 2020). This vacation has always been exactly what my family needed as the staff & volunteers intentionally see, hear and care for each family member - the individual with special needs, the parents or caregivers, and the siblings.

As a sibling, I would participate in breakout sessions with those in my same age group. These sessions are really important because you not only have the opportunity to meet and build friendships with other siblings who can understand or relate to your own family experience, but they are intentionally led so that you feel loved and are made to feel special. It’s in one of these sessions that I first met one of my very best friends, who I have served as a Short Term Missionary (STM) with for the past three years. (An STM volunteer is paired with an individual with special needs to support them and their family during the week of Family Retreat.)

Serving at Family Retreat is simply the best part of my year. I get to witness families experiencing acceptance and belonging. Two years ago a young woman, who is a wheelchair user, zip-lined for the very first time; to witness the joy on her face when she did it, I was crying as I snapped a video to share with her family. This year my buddy was non-verbal, but you wouldn’t have thought so with how much he giggled while we were tubing because he loved when water splashed on his face.

If you feel unqualified to serve, I’m here to reassure you, you do not need to feel this way. If you feel an inkling to be an STM, let me put your nerves at ease. You will receive a file on the person you are paired with - what they like/dislike, food allergies, communication needs, etc. - and then receive hands-on training. You are not left alone all week to figure things out; there are many leaders and specialists available to reach out to, to ask for assistance, prayer and direction at any time.

From dressing up as a strawberry (as part of the Fruit of the Spirit theme), to karaoking more times than I can count with other buddies, to participating in all-inclusive worship, to telling my buddy that Jesus loves him - these are memories you’ll make while serving as the hands and feet of Jesus in Muskegon, Michigan. It will change your life. I hope that in June 2025, we can experience this slice of heaven together.


Finding the Reflectors Ministry at Faith Cedar Lake has brought so many wonderful opportunities for my son, Harrison (8), who has autism, and I to feel welcome and included within the church community. Learning about the ministry from my friend and colleague from Lake Central High School, Jen, has opened the door for Harrison and I to experience some wonderful opportunities, one being the time spent at a slice of heaven that is Joni & Friends Family Retreat.


When we first arrived, I was asked by a volunteer how Harrison would like to be greeted as we walked down the welcoming path lined with a ‘cheer squad’ on either side. I knew he was nervous as he squeezed his stuffed animal close to his chest, so we asked for a quieter approach with whispers of welcomes and silent clapping. I was so thankful to be wearing my sunglasses because experiencing this moment, I was already in tears. I knew we were in the right place! The fact that they asked, they saw him, they understood him!


When Harrison is excited he scratches his head or flaps his hands. It’s beautiful for me to witness because he’s being himself. For a neuro diverse person it takes a lot of energy to try to control these habits, and I know he tries to do that when he’s out in public. On our first evening, we went for a walk on the beach. Harrison started running on his toes and flapping his hands - and to be in a place where as a parent you don’t have to worry about someone looking at your child in judgment or whispering, it was freeing for both of us. Harrison was going to have a full week of being truly himself.


It is remarkable how much consideration Joni & Friends takes into pairing participants and buddies. I could not have picked a better match for Harrison. He was paired with a teenage girl, who matched his quiet, go-with-theflow demeanor. She pushed him to try new things just enough that it was still within his comfort zone. I chose to spend a majority of the afternoon time with Harrison and his STM. Together, we went tubing, horseback riding, zip-lining and rode on the golf carts. With each experience, I could see Harrison’s confidence growing as there was no one in line telling him to ‘hurry up,’ or any moment in which he was made to feel like he was competing against someone.


One of my favorite solo activities was participating in the

women’s small groups. It was both humbling and insightful to hear from the other women - what their day-to-day life was like, the things they experience or struggle with. It’s hard for me to relay my experiences to other parents because Harrison’s autism isn’t as observable - and I almost feel guilty when I talk about it because I know other families have far greater needs. But in the women’s group we were all just us, we were mothers; all of our journeys have been different but we could relate to one another as we talked and cried together.


During the inclusive worship event, Harrison and I were together and he had asked me to sit down with him. Normally I’d be uncomfortable doing so in church as I imagine people are thinking, “why aren’t they standing,” but in this place I knew I’d receive no criticism. It was in this very special moment of worship that Harrison fell asleep under my arm; I couldn’t even remember the last time I held him in my arms. Looking at my sweet boy, taking in the worship songs, lifting my eyes to the Lord, I was overcome with emotion. I thought, ‘this is such an amazing place.’ It was the most beautiful moment. It was our moment. This place rejuvenates your spirit and refreshes your soul.


At the end of the week there is a Talent Show - and it is AMAZING! I never clapped so much. I never smiled so much! One gentleman wrote a song with a friend about what heaven will be like, as he will no longer have cerebral palsy. Some of the lyrics have stuck with me, “I’ll walk across the threshold into heaven. Throw a football to the angels.” I swear there wasn’t a dry-eye in the Tabernacle chapel. I remember Harrison turning to me and saying, “Stop crying, you’ll ruin your makeup!”

You experience a slice of heaven at Family Retreat. It will change your life. It changed mine, and I’m so thankful we said “yes!”


FRIDAYS, 6-8:30 PM













Moms Nation @ is a multi-generational group of moms who lean into supporting each other, regardless of their parenting season.

Moms Nation welcomes moms in all seasons. Our groups support moms through sharing a meal, devotions, prayer, hearing from speakers, participating in activities like crafts and games, and engaging in authentic small group discussions.

Moms of Littles

Expectant moms and the preschool years

Moms in the Middle

Parenting elementary through high school

Moms Nation @ - New This Year!

A multi-generational group of moms who lean into supporting each other, regardless of their parenting season.

We are entering a highly contentious season. While other elections have been hard fought, this one seems more ramped up, and both sides have labeled it “the most important election of your lifetime.” Just to be accurate, that “most important” line has been used for elections for decades.

Amid all the chaos and noise, hyperbole and anger, what is the way forward?

The Way Forward: Seek First the Kingdom of God is our whole church focus for five weeks this fall. No one will tell you how to vote; that is not the job of the church. But it IS the job of the church to help disciple you as you experience this election. When everyone is wringing their hands, will they see the peace of Jesus in you? When so many social media posts you read inspire fear and hate, will yours stand for something different? Can there be opportunities to share the gospel, even in our divided society? Can your calm and winsome spirit in the midst of political and social chaos attract people to Jesus?

What if the wonderful people of Faith Church joined the thousands who are committed to praying for this election at all levels? Do we really believe God remains on His throne and that His kingdom will prevail, regardless of the election outcome? Are we committed to loving one another, even those who disagree with us?

This series, focused on the Kingdom of God (instead of man’s kingdom), will guide us through Scripture - to ponder and to refocus our attention on God’s path for us, THE WAY FORWARD.

With all the political noise, we can all be easily distracted. But let’s learn together how God can use us in this challenging season, all for His glory. A donkey or an elephant do not deserve our devotion. But King Jesus does. Join us as we all learn to trust Him more.

In addition to weekend messages, you will be provided with daily devotionals throughout the series and small groups will have their discussions on the same topic. A brief video message from Pastor Bob Bouwer will begin each week’s group study.

“The kingdom of heaven consists of the rule of God in the world. It comprises people of all races and from all nations who loyally follow God’s will on earth. The disciples, accustomed to more traditional images of power and leadership, can’t quite grasp Jesus’ concept of the kingdom. They keep asking him to explain his parables even as they jockey vainly for status. Not until he dies and then comes back do they comprehend his mission on earth.” Philip Yancey


I really enjoyed Wednesday altogether the most! It was fun and interactive work and we made good memories.

The worship night was amazing!

I enjoyed going to all the different places.

I think we all had fun and learned about God.

A group of 22 middle schoolers completed a three-day summer community service project. Our Faith Students made cards of hopes at Phil’s Friends; sorted donations at Second Life Resale Shoppe in Crown Point and Legacy Thrift in Highland; completed demo/renovation work for Flourish Church’s community center in Gary and a home renovation with Homesteads in Sauk Village; performed both office and yard work for New Leaf Resource in Lansing and Invested Youth in Valparaiso; and passed out flyers for Habitat for Humanity.

The week challenged our students to step out of their comfort zone to make a real difference. And although it was a hard, hot week, they had a lot of positive things to say about their experience. Great Job, Students!!

We got to hang out [together] while serving the community with Habitat for Humanity.

The whole week was great.

What is a highlight from the week?

I liked working at the school / farm because we got to decorate the shed so it had encouraging stuff on it.

It was fun to try to build something [a shed].

Spray painting tires!

My favorite day was when we went to the Thrift Store; I love organizing!

Helping at the farm, I loved the peace.

Going to the therapy place and cleaning up with all the new friends I made.

Fall reads


You may find this book, “How to Know a Person,” as an odd recommendation. The author, David Brooks, doesn’t claim to be a follower of Jesus. But his book gives so many examples which remind me of the way Jesus communicates with us and how his words make us feel.

Brooks addresses the “creeping dehumanization” of our current society, because technically we have the illusion of intimacy on social media. Yet relationally, many of us are haunted by a deep sense of loneliness. And then, in light of our country’s deep divisions, this quote hit me hard, “I’ve come to believe that the quality of our lives and the health of our society depends, to a large degree, on how well we treat each other in the minute interactions of daily life.” If this is true, as a whole we aren’t scoring too well. But we, you and I, can do better.

Brooks quotes Christian psychiatrist, Dr. Curt Thompson, with this line that has remained with me since reading this book this past spring, “We are born into the world looking for someone who is looking for us, and we remain in that mode of searching our whole life long.” That reminds me of God who looks for us (God calls to Adam and Eve, “where are you?” in Genesis 3:9) and sees us when no one else does (the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 and the lame man in John 5).

If I wasn’t already engaged with this book, this paragraph alone would have convinced me.


In every crowd there are Diminishers and Illuminators. Diminishers make people feel small and unseen. They see other people as things to be used, not as persons to be befriended. They are so involved with themselves that other people are just not on their radar screens. Illuminators, on the other hand, have a persistent curiosity about other people. They have been trained or have trained themselves in the craft of understanding others. They shine the brightness of their care on people and make them feel bigger, deeper, respected, lit up.”

I heartily recommend this important book. If for no other reason, because I want you to join me in becoming illuminators in the “minute interactions of life.”


“Practicing the Way” by John Mark Comer

I couldn’t recommend this book more. John Mark looks at the crucial question, what does it look like to follow Jesus today? Throughout the book, he draws on the example Jesus set for us, not only in his teachings but in his lifestyle, pace and rhythms. This book is a true gift because it graciously guides the reader to evaluate one’s own life and take tangible steps to be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do what Jesus did. This book is for anyone who desires to follow Jesus more closely.


“For a Lifetime” by Gabrielle

Grace and Hope are identical twin sisters born with the ability to time-cross together between 1692 Salem, Massachusetts, and 1912 New York City. As their twentyfifth birthday approaches, they will have to choose one life to keep and one to leave behind forever--no matter the cost. Discussion: October Book Club


What’s a tradition that means something to you?

Perhaps it’s sitting down for family dinner during the workweek or an annual vacation you take each summer. Maybe it’s a monthly game night with friends or baking cookies at grandma’s house around Christmas time.

Faith Church has a tradition that’s become a staple in many family’s Thanksgiving mornings - The Gobbler Classic. While many Faith members and attendees participate, there are also many community members who have come to cherish this special event, with new people joining year after year.

This Thanksgiving we will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Gobbler Classic! Whether people are wearing running or walking shoes, a turkey suit or pushing a stroller, family and friends have participated in this event year after year as funds raised support local food pantries in Faith Church communities.

One person who hasn’t missed a single Gobbler Classic is our very own Pastor Bob Bouwer, including the year we hosted a virtual 5K.


Pastor Bob: When I first joined the staff of Faith Reformed Church in 1990, I was invited to participate in their Youth Group’s annual Thanksgiving football game in Busse Woods in Thornton, Illinois. I refused to play because I knew they were out to get me. I say that jokingly but I knew my body wasn’t going to fare well. Instead, I asked a friend of mine, Scott Gibson, if he wanted to run to where they were playing. I’d at least cheer them on!


Pastor Bob: I would! Every year thereafter, we invited more and more people to join us in our run to the annual football game in the forest preserve. It wasn’t until Faith Church relocated to Dyer, Indiana that it would become known as the Gobbler Classic.


Pastor Bob: Last year we set a record high with 938 participants! And I am excited for this year, knowing we are celebrating 20 years, I bet we reach 1,000 gobblers! But even more praiseworthy is that over the last five years we’ve raised over $85,000 for local food pantries in Faith Church communities.


Pastor Bob: I love hearing people’s stories of why they participatefrom doing a Google search and finding our event online, to seeing a family take a photo with four generations participating. I also love - the turkey cheering us on along the course, the fellowship after the event, the swag, and the opportunity to pray with unchurched people the morning-of. It’s a beautiful tradition of community outreach!

Be part of our Thanksgiving morning tradition as we celebrate 20 Years of the Gobbler Classic! Details about this year’s race are available at

Prayer Prompts

Aren’t you glad we live in a place where there are seasons? The sunshine and heat of summer give way to the cool crisp fall, followed by a cold frosty winter only to turn into a warm bright spring. We get to enjoy all the things we love about each season and look forward to the next to come. If there are things we don’t care for in a season, they will soon pass. The rhythm of the seasons are steady and predictable. They come and go faithfully, never arriving out of order or failing to come at all. They are a reminder that we serve a God of order who holds all of creation in His mighty hand.

Do you find that your prayer life seems to have seasons too?

In some seasons you are on fire for God and enjoy spending lots of times in prayer, while at other times God feels distant and it’s hard to pray. Maybe you’re in a season where life is busy, and it is hard to stay connected to God in prayer. Maybe you’re now coming out of that busy season and aching for more. Seasons of prayer ebb and flow with the seasons of life. There are things to love about each one and hard things too. God is faithful to show up in every season, reminding us that He holds our hearts in His hands with gentleness and care.

No matter what season of life you’re in right now, let’s take the next step on our prayer journey together. Our God is a good God and He loves to hear our prayers; however, sometimes we can get stuck because we’re just not sure what to pray. 1 John 5:14 says, “If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” So, how do we know what God’s will is? God’s Word is His will. When we pray Scripture-based prayers, we can be certain we are praying for good things that are in line with God’s will.

God’s Word is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). God says that His Word “will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11).” If God’s Word is powerful and effective and it accomplishes His purposes, then why wouldn’t we want to apply God’s Word to our prayers?


Remove the veil from _____’s eyes so that he/ she can see the light of the gospel. Shine Your light in their heart to give them the light of the knowledge of your glory in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:4-6

I pray that ______ would confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, and they would believe in their heart that you raised Christ from the dead. Cause _________ to call on your name, Lord, and save them. Romans 10:9;13


Let your Spirit rest on __________. Give them the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and power, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord – that they might delight in the fear of the Lord. Don’t let ________ judge by what they see with their eyes, or decide by what they hear with their ears, but let them act with righteousness, justice and faith. Isaiah 11:2-5

Fill __________ with Your Holy Spirit, that they might bear the Spirit’s fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Galatians 5:22-23


Thank You that you have redeemed ________ and called them by name; they are yours. When they pass through the waters, be with them. When they pass through the rivers, do not let them sweep over him/her. When they walk through the fire don’t let them be burned. Isaiah 43:1-2

Let ________ dwell in the shelter of the Most High and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Be their refuge, their fortress, their covering, their shield. Do not let them fear the terror of night, nor any type of plague or sickness. Do not let any harm or disaster come near __________. Command Your angels to guard them in all their ways and keep them from hurting themselves. When they call on You, answer. Be with them in trouble; deliver them and honor them. Satisfy ________ with long life and show them your salvation. Psalm 91


When ______’s faith is tested by the enemy, I pray __________’s faith will not fail but that ___________ will stand firm in their faith to the end and that they will turn back to strengthen their brother’s faith too. Luke 22:3

I pray _________ will be alert and sober minded because our enemy the devil prowls around looking for someone to devour. May _______ stand firm in their faith. 1 Peter 5:8-9

Note: Some verse references are from Jodie Berdnt’s “Praying the Scripture” series and Sharon Jaynes’ “Praying From Head to Toe.”


Visit the Prayer Room after weekend services. Submit a prayer request on the Faith Church app.

Submit a written request in the locked prayer mailbox


If you were to walk through any of our locations on any given day this fall you would be amazed at all that goes on. Here is just a sampling of daily happenings at our Faith locations: Cedar Lake’s Faith Family Market serves families on Monday mornings, while Celebrate Recovery meetings take place in the evenings; on Tuesdays you’ll find Fresh Hope holding sessions of care at Faith Munster and the worship team rehearsing; you can find many of the Faith Church staff members at Faith Dyer on Wednesdays for weekly meetings during the day, while the location hosts small group gatherings with childcare in the evenings; you might find Senior Saints meeting on a Thursday morning at Faith Highland, while hosting Alpha in the evenings; and if you visit Faith Beecher on a Friday you might find Faith Moms meeting in the morning while Faith Students are hanging out in the evening.

It is a full schedule and only a small glimpse of what goes on every week. Isn’t this inspiring?! Faith Church is more than just buildings, programming and events. Both in and outside our walls, Faith Church is where people come to serve and be served, to learn, to have community, to “recover,” to care, to gather, grow, give and go - in the name of Jesus. The pictures, the stories and even the ads within this edition of The Paper showcase the real life ministry here at Faith Church.

God always provides what is needed. In His wisdom and generosity, He allows us - expects us - to join in this excitement of sharing what we have to fund this ministry called Faith Church. Your gifts and tithes are one of the ways that God allows you to be a part of what He is “up to” here at Faith. In our last fiscal year, $8.27 million was given to the operating budget, to cover $8.1 million in expenses. God provided as you responded.

Our giving goal this year is $9.4 million, to cover our $8.9 million in expected expenses with some room for future growth. Through the leadership of our staff, deacons and board leadership we feel our budget and all it represents is what God is asking of us. Just as the budget is prayed over, we ask for you to prayerfully reflect on how you are investing in Faith Church - both financially and spiritually as God leads you.

It is important to pay attention to the details in our operating and building budgets as it represents Kingdom work through the ministries of Faith Church, both inside and outside of our church walls.

Enjoy the stories, participate in the ministry, give generously!

Contact Lisa or Bob at



Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits.

Mondays, 6:30-8:30 PM

Faith Cedar Lake

Contact the team

Tuesdays, 7-9 PM

Faith Dyer | FS Commons

Contact Jim celebraterecovery@

Thursdays, 7-9 PM

Faith Munster

Contact Charles/Breanne

Celebration Place

Tuesdays, 6:45-9 PM

Faith Dyer | Elem Rm

Contact Trish at

Celebration Place is designed for kids

Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM

Faith Highland | Great Room

Kindergarten through 13 years of age whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction and join their parents in forgiveness & healing.

Food Assistance

Family Market

Faith Beecher

2nd & 4th Tuesday 4:30-6 PM

Contact Mandy at

Open to any Illinois resident

Faith Family Market

Faith Cedar Lake

Mondays, 10 AM-Noon

Closed the 5th Monday

Contact Beckie at

Family Market

Faith Dyer | East Hall Sundays, 10-11 AM

Contact Sue at

Open 2nd & 4th Sunday For Dyer Members/Attenders

Family Market

Faith Highland/Munster

Faith Munster Community Hall Sundays, 12:30-1:15 PM

Open 1st & 3rd Sundays

Fresh Hope Tuesdays, 7-8:30 PM

Faith Munster | Ministry House

This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members and close friends). Meets weekly

Friendship Tuesdays, 7 PM

Faith Highland Contact Amy at

Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word and enjoy a great time of fellowship. For a complete listing of meeting dates visit Meets most 1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Golden Hope

Golden Hope helps grieving families find hope and healing in the midst of loss through death. This is a safe place for peer-to-peer grief support for children, teens and adults. Contact Ashley at for more details.

Grief Share

Grief Share offers help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Contact Nick at for next meeting dates & times.

Men’s Bible Studies

Visit biblestudies for a list of Men’s Bible studies.

NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous

Contact Tony at (219) 850-3587

This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. Meets weekly

Our Hope

Tuesdays, 7-9 PM

Faith Dyer | Prayer Room

Contact Jeri at

Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays


Mondays, 6:30 PM

Faith Dyer | Atrium

Contact Andy at

This ministry is for patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays


Let us be heartfelt in praying for our Faith Church family. Sign up to receive our prayer email or submit your own prayer request at


Book Club

Mondays, 6:30 PM

Contact Adrianna at Book Club book available in the Bookstore. Meets the 3rd Monday of the month.

Faithful Friends

Monday, 1 PM | Faith Dyer

Contact Sue at

Fellowship for singles 65+ from any Faith Church location.

Meets the 2nd Monday of the month

Faith Stitchers

Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May)

Faith Dyer | Rooms 140/141

Contact Sharon at

We knit & crochet for those in need. Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month


Monday, 8:30 AM

Contact Donna at

A group of women who meet around a common interest of quilting. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays

Women’s Bible Studies


A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit for information on all our groups, meeting places and times. Contact Rebekah at

The Journey

The Journey is a 22-week course designed to provide a safe place for a group of 7-10 people to slow down and be intentional about focusing on their relationship with Jesus and personal discipleship. To learn more, go to

for more information. Join the hundreds of people from Faith Church who have come to understand God (and themselves) in a new way through The Journey!

12.1 Running Club

Saturdays, Early Morning Contact Judy at Meets weekly

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