We’ve waited over 250 days for another Midwest summer, and I’m sure your calendars are filling up with tee times; sporting events; family vacations; concerts; neighborhood barbeques; weddings; summer camps; and more.
As a church, I look forward to the summer because our children from Faith Kids, ages completed kindergarten through fifth grade, join us for family worship; it’s important for kids to have the opportunity to worship with their families. Resources will be made available each week for kids to help make the Scripture come alive with pictures and videos.
Together, we will make our way through the Book of Exodus. From water turning to blood, to frogs covering the land, to swarms of flies, we are going to be reminded of God’s power and be more mesmerized by His promise-keeping nature.
As we look forward to our series on Exodus, I also want to take a moment to look back on a series we did earlier this year, Follow Jesus Together. It is our hope that what you learn in each series doesn’t end with the series, rather, that you continue incorporating God’s truth into your life and for it to bring personal growth.
Throughout Follow Jesus Together, we learned to walk and talk with Jesus so that our lives could reflect more of Him. You see, if you are a follower of Jesus, then you are called to be His disciple. Now, I’d like to remind you of the tools we learned and how you can apply them to our summer Exodus series. Perhaps this can be a summer challenge, no matter your stage of life.
Our Exodus series lines up with the 4-Year Bible Reading plan.
• If you have kids/teens in your household, how about reading the day’s passage with them from their Bible. Make it a family reading schedule.
• Think you missed the boat on joining the Reading Plan? Not true! You can pick up and join at any time. Sign up for a text or email at CovertoCoverFC.org
Back in February our pastors challenged the congregation to take the 7 minute prayer challenge - 7 minutes each day to talk with the Lord. God wants to hear from you! For the 12ish weeks of summer could you commit to talking with Him?
Mark your calendars - Faith Church is hosting an all-church worship night at Faith Dyer on Wednesday, July 12 at 7 PM.
Just because summer is underway doesn’t mean our Faith Kids Ministry isn’t still in need of volunteers for Nursery & Preschool at each location. Can you serve just ONE hour, ONE service this summer? Sign up at WeAreFaith.org/SummerServe
People are typically surprised by someone who gives with contagious joy. Why not try something different this summer? You could stop at a neighborhood lemonade stand; sponsor a SpringHill camper; or give a restaurant gift card to a neighbor you know who could use some support.
Small Groups typically meet less frequently in the summer but this is a great time to be intentional and invite new people to check out your group in a more casual setting. If you aren’t in a group yet, consider gathering with people this summer with the intention to launch a group this fall.
What better time to meet up for a playdate or bbq than during the summer. Is there someone within your network that you’ve been trying to connect with but the school year just made it difficult? Why not extend an invite.
As we grow in each of these areas, may we grow closer & deeper in our relationship with Jesus, who came to serve and love others.
Following Jesus,
We were invited by friends and co-workers who attended the Beecher campus and the Cedar Lake campus.
God has allowed Faith Church to grow in numbers and become an open and welcoming place to learn and grow in God and in community.
Our family always enjoys the song choices! We love that they are songs we hear daily on the radio that the kids can sing along with. One day we hope to be able to pull off the Dave Weemhoff wobble to the song.
We are also thankful for Faith Kids, pouring into our kids and allowing us to focus on the message. Pastor Dave makes the messages very relatable by being honest with his own personal struggles.
Dawn serves with the Coffee Ministry during fellowship time on Sunday mornings; Matt facilitates Financial Peace University; and Gretchen helps with the 3-5’s room in Faith Kids.
Matt & Dawn, with children Leo, Teagan, Charlotte & Gretchen
We connect with others through small groups, men’s groups and women’s bible study.
We have seen God place the right people at the right time in our lives to build us up in faith and give encouragement through difficult seasons.
Paul instructs his apprentice, Timothy, with these words: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, CSB). That timeless wisdom speaks to us today! Reading and learning Scripture is an essential part of the life of a disciple of Christ.
Faith Church is now entering a season of marrying two key Scripture-engaging elements: weekend teaching and the 4Year Bible Reading schedule, Cover to Cover. Close observers during our Lenten series, Influencer, may have noticed the weekend teaching was all from Romans 12, which coincided with those reading Romans in the daily plan.
This Summer, we plan to ramp it up in a fun and unique way. Summer at Faith means older children from Faith Kids (completed Kindergarten through fifth grade) participate in “big church,” and we want the whole family to experience the journey of God’s people from the Book of Exodus together with a series called, Exodus: God Always Has a Plan. The series represents a collaborative effort between Faith Kids leaders, worship leaders, and Bible teachers to bring out the major events of this extraordinary journey for Israel.
We’ve launched the Cover to Cover Podcast (WeAreFaith.org/c2c) for deeper context & understanding of the Bible reading.
So, let me answer a couple of questions.
Why Exodus?
Let me bring in an expert. Faith’s own Dr. Brian Dennert says: “God’s promise-keeping nature and His power are on abundant display in the Old Testament Book of Exodus in the way that He rescues and delivers His people from slavery in Egypt so that they may live under His rule and with His presence. What is also on abundant display is that those whom God promises to rescue and then powerfully delivers aren’t exceptionally faithful but rather fickle, trusting in Him at one moment and then doubting the next.”
Pastor Brian is right! God delivers His people in a powerful way that only He is able to do. Then, God guides, rescues and provides for His people over, and over (and over!) again in this amazing story. However, the people are proven to be of temperamental faith, trusting God and then doubting God shortly after. Does that sound familiar? It sure does to me! It sounds like each season of my own life, uncertain about how God will move me, my family, or my church through each trial and obstacle. Yet, He continues to be faithful!
How can I maximize this experience?
1. Join Faith Church live on weekends for all of June and July 2023 for Exodus: God Always Has a Plan with your whole family! Kids and adults alike will walk away with a better understanding of God’s greater story and the hope of Christ!
2. Read Exodus with us daily from June 9 through July 25; sign up for text & email devotions at CovertoCoverFC.org.
3. Listen to the Cover to Cover Podcast to supplement the reading.
VISION: To facilitate the discipleship & belonging of people with special needs at Faith Church.
Reflectors programming is available at our Cedar Lake, Dyer and Highland locations.
Find information about Sunday programming, events, buddy program, resources, serving opportunities, discipleship & more at WeAreFaith.org/Reflectors
Beecher faith_students_beech
Cedar Lake faithstudentscl
Dyer faithstudentsdyer
Highland/Munster faithstudentsmh
Students Worship Night at Faith Highland
June 11 | 6 - 8 PM
High School Mission Trip
June 17-24
Middle School Mission Trip
July 25-28
Fall Kick-Off
Beecher: Aug 18
Cedar Lake: Aug 20
Dyer: Aug
Highland/Munster:13 Aug 27
Location specific summer schedules can be found at WeAreFaith.org/students
We need YOU!
We are seeking loving, responsible individuals to provide childcare during our Moms of Littles and Moms in the Middle meetings, August - May.
ASa follower of Jesus, you are called to a path of discipleship. When you begin any journey, it is helpful to see where you have come from and where you are going.
The graphic (on the next page) can serve as your map or Discipleship Pathway. We journey with Jesus and grow in our relationship with Him. But what does that look like?
The journey begins when you RESPOND to God’s action in your life. At that point, you immediately become His child, His follower. You are welcomed into His kingdom to live forever with Him.
BY: MARILYN MILLERBut to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name. John 1:12
But what’s next?
REDIRECT . Sometimes quickly, sometimes over time, things begin to change in our lives after deciding to follow Jesus. Some things no longer seem as important as they once were. Some of your lifestyles and habits are no longer as appealing, and you realize they may not be pleasing to God. With His help, you make some changes. You adopt new rhythms into your life. In the past you didn’t see a need to talk to God. In this new relationship, you want to talk to Him. You see the Bible as being the way God talks to you. Being in community with other believers is appealing, because you see them as brothers and sisters. Your life becomes “redirected.” Just like a houseplant leans into the sunshine, you lean in toward things of God and away from things that are not of Him.
REFINE . As you grow in your faith, you continue to refine your life and replace old ways with new ones. Back to the houseplant theme, sometimes you have to refine plants or cut them back so they can grow in a healthy way.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17
As Jesus’ disciple, you want to be more and more like Him. Things like serving others begins to take priority as you learn about Jesus’ consistent love for others. Worship becomes important. Jesus served others and Jesus worshiped His father.
REPRODUCE . Simply stated, Jesus made disciples and He challenges you to do the same. He wants you to be a disciple who makes disciples.
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” Matthew 28:19
At Faith Church we talk about being ambassadors for Christ, representing Him in our homes, schools and workplaces. This allows others to see how being a disciple of Jesus changes our attitudes, our responses to difficulties and our love for others. This way of life is countercultural to the world we live in. People become attracted to “whatever you have.” That is a critical way to reproduce.
You are not alone on this path. God provides you with a community of believers, a forever family surrounding and helping you.
Are you a new believer? Or maybe you haven’t yet made that decision. Are you in the refining or redirecting stage? Or maybe you are in the reproducing stage. If you have been following Jesus for two weeks or 20 years, we all have room to grow
The Discipleship Pathway will be made available as a handout sometime in August. When you receive a copy, be sure to review both sides so you can see what resources are available to you to help you move forward and take your next step closer to Jesus.
“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35
8-10 Weeks Out
> Weekend series developed (Bible passages selected; teaching focus)
> Worship Leaders brainstorm creative elements for the series (testimony videos; scripture readings; ministry tie-ins; visuals needed; etc.)
> Worship Band members scheduled (staff, volunteers, musicians)
> Tech Team members scheduled (staff, volunteers)
> Worship & Arts Director and Communications Team finalize key creative elements for the weekend
> Series graphics created by Communications Team
> Video elements discussed & brainstormed
> Worship Leaders brainstorm song selections to align with Scripture passages, series and theme
> Filming of testimony and/or announcement videos
Have you ever wondered what all goes into orchestrating worship for a weekend service?
Each week, across all of our Faith Church locations, we come together to craft a worship service that is devoted to bringing people to an encounter with their Creator. Our goal is that even the minute details of a worship service reflect Christ from the moment people enter the Worship Center until they exit our parking lots.
It is our prayer that these services inspire and grow those who are followers of Christ and His church. We also hope they are presented in such a way that it makes it easy for those who are connected to invite the disconnected in their neighborhoods, families or workplaces. God is the one who changes lives, but we can be used by Him to extend the invitation to experience His love through worship with a church family.
2 Weeks Out
> Worship Leaders finalize song selections
> Worship Band: Arrangements and keys selected; sheet music prepared & printed
4 days out
> Worship & Tech Teams rehearse
> Program created by Communications Team
5 days out
> Each location’s Worship Leader + Tech Director + Teaching Pastor meet (Plan flow of service, announcements, prayer, etc.)
3 days out
> Production Meeting held with all ‘key leaders’ to discuss flow of service
> Worship stage set
> Prayer over weekend service
> Lighting programmed
> Stage set-up
2 days out time for worship!
Often, the summer months are considered a time of “slowing down” in some businesses and in some church organizations. While ministry seasons can certainly ebb and flow throughout the year, Faith Church, from an operational standpoint, stays busy with creating and executing plans that have no “off season.”
Even at this time the staff and church leadership are at work putting the final pieces together of the 2023/2024 church budget. Our budget creation is a monthslong process that includes planning, input, review, adjustments, more reviews and tweaks, and includes staff, deacons, pastors and ultimately the Consistory that approves the budget so it is ready for implementation on July 1.
BY: JOHN CLAUSINGUnique to this year is that while our normal budget creation process was taking place we launched our “Better Together” Building Campaign. This multi-year fundraising campaign is addressing much needed growing room at our Beecher, Cedar Lake and Highland locations. At this time, our Faith Family has pledged $6,912,737. We are thankful for the faithfulness of God’s people.
Finally, as part of our financial responsibilities, our teams have been hard at work navigating an economic landscape that includes much higher than normal inflation, cost of living increases and supply challenges. We are working to keep our budget responsible while addressing these realities.
While these challenges are real, we also see God at work in the financial aspects of our church. As of the writing of this update, our overall giving to our general budget is up approximately 8 percent from last year, and we are on pace to meet all of our projected expenses in our 2022/2023 budget. Our staff continues to be mindful of spending and is keeping expenses around 90% of the budget. An end-of-fiscal year update will be provided in the next edition of The Paper.
We trust and praise God for His continued provision for Faith Church!
On the weekend of April 29/30, we announced $6,912,737 has been pledged to our Better Together Campaign. These funds will be collected over three years in support of projects in Beecher, Cedar Lake and Highland. Below are visuals to give you an idea of the projects we are seeking to complete for each of these locations. Should you wish to contribute to “Better Together,” you can do so at WeAreFaith.org/together or writing “Better Together” on the memo line of a check you place in the offering.
Thu, June 8 & Thu, Oct 12 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Discover Faith is designed to help you learn more about Faith Church.
Partner with Faith focuses on what it means to be a member and why you should consider that commitment.
Tue, June 13 & Sun, Sep 10 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Thu, July 13 & Thu, Oct 12 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Sun, June 25 & Sun, Oct 15 | 12:30 - 3 PM
Sun, June 25 & Sun, Sep 24 | 3 - 5 PM
Thu, June 22 & Thu, Oct 26 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Tue, June 27 & Sun, Sep 24 | 6:30 - 8:30PM
Thu, July 27 & Thu, Oct 26 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Sun, July 9 & Sun, Oct 29 | 12:30 - 3 PM
Sun, July 9 & Sun, Oct 8 | 3 - 5 PM
Fresh Hope
Tuesdays, 7-8:30 PM
Mondays, 6:30 PM
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits.
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 PM
Faith Cedar Lake
Contact the team WeAreFaithCR@gmail.org
Tuesdays, 7-9 PM
Faith Dyer | FS Commons
Contact Jim celebraterecovery@ WeAreFaith.org
Thursdays, 7-9 PM
Faith Munster
Contact Charles/Breanne munstercr@WeAreFaith.org
Celebration Place
Tuesdays, 6:45-9 PM
Faith Dyer | Elementary Room. Contact Trish at tmiller@WeAreFaith.org
Celebration Place is designed for kids
Kindergarten through 13 years of age whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction and join their parents in forgiveness & healing.
Food Assistance
Mobile Food Pantry
Faith Beecher
Jun 27 | Jul 26 (Wed)
Aug 22 | Sep 26 4:30-6 PM
Contact Mandy at mandyp@WeAreFaith.org
Open to any Illinois resident
Family Market
Faith Dyer | East Hall
Sundays, 10-11 AM
Contact Pat at FFM@WeAreFaith.org
Open 2nd & 4th Sunday
For Dyer Members/ Attenders
Family Market
Faith Highland/Munster
Agape House
Sundays, 12:30-1:15 PM
Contact Lisa or Bob at blhberr@att.net
Open 1st & 3rd Sundays
Faith Munster | Agape House
This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members and close friends). For more information, visit WeAreFaith.org/mentalhealth.
Meets weekly
Tuesdays, 7 PM
Faith Highland
Contact Amy at aboshears@WeAreFaith.org
Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word and enjoy a great time of fellowship. For a complete listing of meeting dates visit WeAreFaith.org/Friendship. Meets most 1st & 3rd
Grief Share
Grief Share offers help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Contact Brian at brian.blummer@gmail.com for next meeting dates & times.
NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous
Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM
Faith Highland | Great Room
Contact Mike at (219) 214-0399
This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. Meets weekly
Our Hope
Tuesdays, 7-9 PM
Faith Dyer | Prayer Room
Contact Jeri at darchsmom@gmail.com
Grief support group for women
Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Faith Dyer | Atrium
Contact Andy at anearpass@WeAreFaith.org or Chris at cperez@WeAreFaith.org
This ministry is for patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays
Let us be heartfelt in praying for our Faith Church family. Sign up to receive our prayer email or submit your own prayer request at WeAreFaith.org/prayer.
Book Club
Thursday, 6:30 PM
Contact Adrianna at awalters@WeAreFaith.org
Meets the 4th Thursday of the month.
June 22 - The Secret to Happiness by Suzanne Woods Fisher
July 27 - Daughter of Eden by Jill Eileen Smith
August 24 - In this Moment by Fabrielle Meyer
Faithful Friends
Monday, 1 PM | Faith Dyer
Contact Sue at suezarate@yahoo.com
Fellowship for singles 65+ from any Faith Church location.
Meets the 2nd Monday of the month
Faith Singles 35+ Friday, 7 PM
Faith Dyer | Room 144/145
Contact Connie at ckubiak2010@yahoo or Sandy Reitsma at quiltpilot@ yahoo.com
Meets the 2nd Friday of the month
Faith Stitchers
Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May)
Faith Dyer | Rooms 140/141
Contact Sharon at sharontlc756@hotmail.com
We knit & crochet for those in need.
Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month
Monday, 8:30 AM
Contact Donna at donnaquilts2@gmail.com
A group of women who meet around a common interest of quilting.
Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays
Visit WeAreFaith.org/ biblestudies for a list of women’s Bible studies.
Classes are held twice per year at Faith Dyer but are open to all locations.
For more information and resources, visit WeAreFaith.org/marriage faithmarriageministry
A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit MomsNation.org for information on all our groups, meeting places and times.
Contact Rebekah at rmoore@WeAreFaith.org
The Journey
The Journey is a 22-week course designed to provide a safe place for a group of 7-10 people to slow down and be intentional about focusing on their relationship with Jesus and personal discipleship. To learn more, go to vantagepoint3.org/ vp3-pathway/the-journey/
Contact Marilyn at mmiller@WeAreFaith.org for more information. Join the hundreds of people from Faith Church who have come to understand God (and themselves) in a new way through The Journey!
You will see these icons throughout this edition, with stories related to how we are living out our 4Gs.