06 Gia’s Fitness Journey
Valtinique Tufi Mag Monday Host Gilberta Thompson
Faith Writer Keithra Morley Family Writer Teja Jospeh Fashion Writer Garnitra Pinder Contributing Photographer
Gia D. Fitness Journey
07 Cute In Coral
08 The Master’s Masterplan 10
STACY IKE When Purpose And Passion Collide 18 The Purpose Driven Mom 21 Finances With A Purpose 22 Purpose Awareness Teen Honorees
Happy purpose awareness month fam,
I hope that you’ve been blessed all month long from the nuggets of wisdom dropped by the Purpose Awareness team. The month has been filled with advice, inspiration and tangible tools to help you “unleash” your purpose. If you missed the ‘purpose n chill’ live show, which I hosted, you can catch the replay on Facebook. Trust me that conversation was life changing . There is also a full recap of this month’s events on the PA team’s page. Our amazing team of writers have jam packed this magazine with inspiration on how you can unleash your purpose and walk in your greatness in every area of your life. I’m especially excited for you to read our cover story! Stacy Ike is teaching us how she collided purpose and passion through her brand “Fight For Your Fairytale”.
Thanks so much for clicking to read and please send us an email if anything blessed you!
The Bible in Proverbs 19 and 21 states “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.” (ESV) Many of us pursue purpose as though it is some distant thing floating in the air. Or as though it is a treasure that we must go to the ends of the Earth to discover and dig up, but that’s not the case at all. Our purpose is wrapped up in the Creator. From the beginning of time God was the Master Architect. Carefully He orchestrated the earth’s design. Every stone, every sea border, and every
land mass. God knew what He wanted everything to do and what would be needed for the world to spin. Just as He created the world God also carefully formed our lives. Mapping it out with a purpose and designing it to weave into the fabric of life. Don't believe me? Psalms 139:16 states. "You saw me before I was born; Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." (NLT). You read that correctly. God has books already written about us even before you or I existed. Although God has this purpose for our lives. It is up to you and I to har-
moniously partner with our Father so that this purpose can become a reality. Finding your purpose does not have to be hard though for some it is proving to be an arduous task. The very first step to unveiling purpose is to Seek God. An individual that chases a purpose without God is in danger or obtaining a counterfeit purpose. A distorted version of purpose that promised a fulfillment that is never truly obtained. God is the
vice unmask your gifts, but it will also multiply it. In your pursuit to purpose, be committed. Nothing happens overnight. Sometimes purpose will call you into desolate places where you will be alone with your Master. Other times purpose will steer you into places where your authenticity may be questioned by those that did not get the vision God gave you. Wherever the pursuit of purpose leads you,
An individual that chases a purpose without God is in danger or obtaining a counterfeit purpose. part of the equation that allows us to discern what originates from Him and what does not, therefore we need Him to live out our true purpose. Surely as you diligently seek God, He will reward you and begin to unveil His master plan concerning your life.
In your quest for purpose, find ways to serve. This can be in a ministry, your community, or the people around you. As you serve, the gifts that are inside of you will begin to open. These gifts are nuggets that will begin to open doors and set a trail for the path that will ultimately lead you to the place God has designed for you to be. Not only will ser-
stay committed to the course and master plan that has been set for you. I want to challenge you not to watch others when trying to find your purpose but engage your Creator like never before. Ask the Master planner to not only show you, but guide you through the purpose and plans He designed for your life. It is then that you’ll get off the treadmill of trying to search for the thing and find the who. Who you were created to be. Who you were created to impact. Who created you.
urpose is defined as the reason some-
thing or someone was created. For many of us God leaves breadcrumbs across our lives pointing us this purpose. It could start like it did for Stacy in High School when she was called on to host radio shows at her school because of her expressive voice. That breadcrumb lead to another in college as she pursued her journalism degree. Her passion for media grew and began to take form. However it wasn’t until 2015 when she realized this was both her passion and her purpose.
“The first time I was paid to live host an event and they literally told me the criteria was to be myself, that was when I went ‘wow I can really get paid to do and be who I already am.’ I think that’s the defining moment I remember when I went this is what I want to do.”, Stacy said. Fast forward to 2019, this TV host, actress and entrepreneur has worked in the U.S. and Australia for brands such as Mountain Dew, FOX, The Hollywood Reporter and The Oprah Winfrey Network as the host of OWN Tonight. Although she looks back on that moment for en-
couragement Stacy says when pursing purpose there are still moments of doubt, fear and stress that can differ and distract from purpose. It’s something she says is not specific to her career or industry and said to overcome the up and down battle she simply looks for God’s hand in her life.
With the help of those on her side she’s able to push past the fear and complete the task.
“Sometimes it’s through prayer and telling God I’m not feeling this I’m not excited I’m nervous I’m scared and I need your encouragement.”, she added.
“Other times it’s knowing whatever happens She said, “I get reassured in my purpose you’re going to be fine and then even just talkthrough friends, family and fans. I’m so grateing through it. When you break it down, you’re ful for the moments not scared, you’re really in when God cares ...being open and allowing the journey your own way and you need about you so much to understand what it is and to unfold according to God’s will.” that he sends where it came from.”, Stacy someone into my said. world to say something kind or nice to me. She chalks her success up to not allowing Moments when someone messages on social things to be personal or defer, scare or distract media or sends an encouraging word to you; you. Telling our team that perseverance and those are very reassuring moments.” continuing to move forward were pivotal. Of course, in the journey of purpose fear and She said, “When it comes to my success; hard insecurity are two twin towers that pop up work, putting yourself out there and developing unexpectedly and can take an army to fight. my talent to continue to be seen and heard. AlFor Stacy it takes strategy. so asking questions, being open and allowing She told our team that some days it’s easier to the journey to unfold according to God’s will.” completely ignore fear and ‘do it anyway.’
As a way to inspire the dreamers, change makers, doers and trendsetters, Stacy founded Fight for your fairytale. At the time the statement was her personal testimony. “I wanted to inspire both young and old to fight for the greatness that’s already in them and to understand that there’s no time limit on that. You’re not too old and it’s not too late; the fairytale can exist.” She added that she wanted to be a part of a mindset shift. So many people get discouraged during the journey but Stacy brand is an encouragement to fight through. “When you don’t have the plan, lean into the purpose. When you don’t have the blue print, lean into the greatness that’s already there.”, she said. On days when situations may get to hard or you’re fearful about the next step, Stacy’s simple advice is to
fight past the fear. “The fairytale is the fight itself! All the crazy days, the days you’re not sure, the days you feel a little lonely, the days that you’re trying to figure it out, they are all a part of the fairytale and contribute to the day that you’re dreaming about. Without those days the dream is really irrelevant, without knowing what it took to get there.” She added that there is a time when we fully come to trust in God and the pressure just doesn’t exist at the same magnitude or degree. In those moments you are fighting with faith. “And fighting with faith means fighting with hope, trust, fearlessness and love. It means fighting and still being a human being; fighting with family in mind and fighting with your future in mind.”
On a daily basis I usually carry: • • •
Gum; Orbitz brand is my go to
My iPhone and headphones
• A lipstick or Chapstick; a confident lip just completes the look • •
Comfy shoes; Cole Haans are my favs
BONUS: A beverage. I was an ice caramel latte girl but I recently gave it up and I’m giving Runa energy drinks a try.
By: Keithra Morley
In a society that tells us to finish high school, get a good ‘safe’ job, get married and have kids; Elle Clarke’s journey of leaving that “good safe” job to pursue her purpose and passion is one of great grit. Defying the odds, keeping it moving and building generational wealth for her family are just a few accomplishments Elle has experienced. Go on a journey with me as we talk faith, entrepreneurship and getting your kids involved in building legacy with Elle Clarke. Let’s tell the world about Elle Clarke, describe who you are and your current passion pursuits? I like to believe that I am a rose that grew from concrete. My life was hard growing up and it was that hardship that has created the determined, persistent woman you see today. I am the Editor and Founder of I Am Queen Magazine which is an international magazine, thanks be to God, and we uplift and inspire through arts and entertainment. I am an Amazon bestselling author and I am gearing up for IAQ She Owns the Bag Conference scheduled for October 2019 which will teach women about wealth in Gold, Real Estate and Oil investments.
1. You have a very successful business and seem to be walking in your purpose. How do you balance that with ensuring your family gets what they need from you? I interviewed the CEO of Curls, Mahisha Dillinger, and I asked her the exact same thing and her response is what I will give to you...It's impossible to balance it all because there are only a few hours in a day. Which means that there are times when I won't be able to do all the mom things or wife things or business things but I try my best to ensure that I rotate my time and attention evenly. 2. How are you instilling the same values you display in business and life to your kids? Do you have any advice for moms who seem to be winning in career and purpose but can't balance home life? The best way is to lead by example. Your words are empty if they aren't accompanied by action. So I let my children see me. Not the me I want them to see, I let them see when I'm crushed because a deal didn't go through. When I'm happy. When I'm winning and
when I'm sad, because I want them to have a true picture of the world. Everything won't be roses and sunshine but you are still able to win. So my advice to parents is to lead by example. 3. How did you / are you developing purpose in your kids? I give them enough freedom to pursue their dreams but I navigate them through it. For example my oldest child is very talented and there is a lot she can do so I have to navigate her by pointing her in the direction of her strengths and showing her how to conquer one thing first then add on the rest. This is a task because as a creative myself, being able to focus on one thing can be difficult. 4. Was there ever a time that you were afraid to leap into entrepreneurship? No- I have never been afraid to bet on myself. I'm one of those persons who'll jump then pray on my way down or up. 5.What made your girls write their book? How old are they? What is the book about? What has that experience been like for the girls? Well I wrote the book and they were my directors and my muse. It was written from their perspective on racism. My girls are 13, 7, 5, and 1. All my books can be purchases on amazon. Ig: @amelleclarke @iamqueenmagazine FB @elleclarke @iamqueenmagazine website:
When we think about purpose we think about the reason for our specific gifts and talents. We think about our God given assignment. We think about why we were created. Purpose is one of the most powerful things on earth. Purpose directs your path, purpose determines your decisions and ultimately purpose reveals your future. Your money should have a purpose. Just as purpose is important to our lives, it is also important to our finances. As quoted by Myles Munroe, "The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose". I believe the same can also be applied to finances. The greatest tragedy in finances is not being broke, but to have money without a purpose. Money without a purpose tends to do one of 2 things. It will either be wasted on something unnecessary or wasted on something that is destructive. We must give our money a purpose so that is can show true fruit in our lives. People who are successful financially are people who give their finances a purpose. This is sometimes a conscious or unconscious decision. Here are two scenarios of people who gave their finances a purpose: Scenario 1) A 12th grade high school kid who decides he wants to own a triplex by the age of 21. He starts working at 18 making $250 a week. Because he’s young and living at home with his parents, he is not obligated to pay utility bills or buy groceries. But he still gives his parent $25 a week anyway towards bills. He decides he wont buy a car like his peers our buy expensive clothes. He lives frugal off $50 a week while saving $175 a
week. After just 3 years of saving $175 a week he has managed to save $27,300! He now has enough for a down payment on a triplex which after owning, the tenant's rent will pay his mortgage as well as the utility bills for his unit. Scenario 2) A single mother who is raising 2 children while making $400 a week is realizing that as taxes and store prices increase, her salary remains the same year after year. She determines that she needs to do something to break this cycle of paycheck to paycheck living. She decides she wants to go after her dream of owning her own business. She makes the decision to live frugal for a year and a half. This allows her to save $80 a week. After saving for one and a half years she has $6,240. This allows her to buy a used office printer and start her at home Printing business. The advantage she has is that she’s cheaper than a print shop, and she will hand deliver your order to you. Those two examples were people who gave their money a purpose. Living in Purpose requires: 1) Sacrifice, 2) Patience and 3) A leap of faith.
Anyone can turn their situation into a success story. But you must be willing to sacrifice wants for things you really need, have patience in your process and don’t abandon your dream. Finally take the leap of faith that all successful people eventually take. If you are going to handle your finances correctly it must have a purpose. Figure out what that purpose is and focus on achieving it until it manifests. Your future is depending on it.
Dachye’ A. Stubbs
is 19 years old. She was born and raised in Nassau, Bahamas and is the oldest child of Dax Stubbs and Chinyere Culmer. At an early age, she began playing sports. Initially, it was just a means of her losing weight, but as time went on she fell in love with sports. She started playing basketball and won a number of MVP and other special awards such as “Most Defensive Player”, and “All-tournament Team” She the turned to playing baseball and became one of only ten girls playing in the league at the time. Dachye’ didn’t stop there, she played softball, basketball, volleyball, and threw the shotput, discus and javelin in track and field. She has been a National Champion for the shotput and discus for 3 years (not consecutively). She was also a member of the Bahamas' Jr. Commonwealth Team which competed in the games in her home town. Additionally, she was a member of the 19u Softball National Team that played in WBSC XII softball tournament. In recent years, she started playing in the NPSA Night League and within her first week of play, she was named the NPSA female athlete of the week. Also, she founded the B.A.P. Softball Organization (Bahamian Athletic Pride) in 2017. This organization was founded on the principle of giving young Bahamian women the opportunity to showcase their talents, assist them with accomplishing their Division 1, 2 or collegiate softball dreams as well as giving spectators a reason to no longer overlook the sport.
On November 21st 2005 the Ultimate Teen DJ was born. As an infant Zyon was exposed to music as it was used as a means to calm him down and help him to sleep. His love for music soared as he entered school and joined his primary school’s drum line. He started at the age of 4 playing the tum- tum drum and worked his way up to Drum Line Leader where he mastered the Snare and Quad drums. At any party or family function, young Zyon was never interested in the bouncing castles and kiddie games, instead he could be found behind the DJ booth watching, asking questions and learning about the skill. At the age of five, he received a toy DJ set and never looked back since. He played at his first party at age 9 and since then he’s taken his career to higher heights. Zyon has become a household name for teens in the 242 and has played at Bahamar Kids Club, Battle of the Bands 2017, numerous teen parties, weddings and has volunteered at Hands for Hunger Fun Run Walk. He is also the 2018 winner of Battle of the Beats on 103.5 FM. Besides a full time DJ career Zyon is a normal 13 year old kid who enjoys watching you tube videos and bike riding. He also volunteers his time to teach younger kids who are interested in learning the skill of DJ’ing.
Lynreshay Johnson
is a Theatre Arts major in her third year of college at Taylor University in Indiana. As a little girl, she always found herself in some aspect of the arts whether it be through church, her school, and even the community. She participated in choirs, dance teams, drama clubs, and even went to New York at the age of 16 to study at The American Acedemy Of Dramatic Arts. This experience solidified her belief that her God given purpose lies within the Arts. Concentrating in Theatre Management, Lynreshay is dedicated to learning ways is which she can improve the theatre industry here in The Bahamas. Last year, she was the lead actress in The Theif of Love a summer production produced by the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture’s Youth Development Throught The Arts. She will be returning to that program this summer, taking on the role of Director.
Shanae Culmer
is one whom is considered a revolutionist that encourages unity and togetherness, and believes that with God, absolutely nothing is impossible. She is considered to be a leader by those around her because of her drive, willingness to persevere despite the situation and desire to teach those around her to do the same. She is a strong believer in creativity and uniqueness being in every single person because the God whom created us is supernatural and expects nothing less. Shanae stops at nothing to propel towards what she desires to accomplish and as a result, now serves as CVBethel’s Head Girl 2018-2019. She is apart of the Impact Club where she currently serves as President and The CVBethel Concert Band where she is the current clarinet section leader and secretary. She is also a recent member of the Speech and Debate/Gavel Club, the Student Christian Movement (SCM) and also partake in many other extracurricular activities. Her academic accomplishments include: The Principal’s List Award, Overall exam performance in Mathematics, The Honour Roll Award, Overall Exam Performance in Music, The Leadership Award, Outstanding Student Award, Special commendation Award and the title of Student of The week for 3 weeks, and by God’s guidance and Grace, it is her dream to pursue her tertiary education to become a certified counselling Psychologist being driven by the motto: “If service is beneath you, leadership is beyond you.
Faith Smith
is 16 years old . She attends the prestigious St Johns College and is currently in the 11th Grade . She was born November 5 2002 to Paul and Ruthermae Smith. Her goal in life is to save souls for Christ . She believes that a persons soul is what’s important to God. Her goal in life is to pour into the lives of young people because there is still greatness in them no matter how things may seem . Faith is the CEO and Founder of my God's Vessels Organization. The reason she started this organization is because she saw the needs in youth. She saw how the youth were losing faith in God. She started this organization so that she can be a help to others, especially the young people of the Bahamas. The goal of her organization is to make sure that every member or person she comes in contact with can have some type of reliable support system. In the near future Faith sees her organization expanding into the outer islands. She believes that outer islands youth lack support and this is why she is invested in starting the organization in the majority of the outer islands. She sees herself releasing books, being a even stronger advocate for Christ , studying to be a criminal/Family Lawyer and helping her country become a better place in the best way she can. She believes that nothing is impossible once God is in the midst.
Paige Rahming
is a seventeen year old that attends Aquinas College. She one day hopes to be a successful politician and electrical engineer. Paige is very passion about everything she decides to participate in and all of her other endeavors .As the reigning Miss Teen Regency Bahamas, she understood the need for a purpose behind her crown which lead to her having a platform “Raising awareness to women in S.T.E.M fields�. Her love for electrical engineering was her number one motivation towards making her platform come to life. Staying on task to her journey of becoming the best female Electrical engineer in The Bahamas Paige is an amazing student of the Technical Cadets Cooperation. From a young age she had always known being in the fore front was always her calling and she demonstrated this by always being a leader never a follower. She had been nominated in leadership positions like the Global Young Leader Conference. Apart from her countless efforts of bring exposure to her platform. Paige is an experienced model and makeup artist. She has always wanted women to feel empowered and there was no better way to do it by making women feel beautiful through the art of makeup. Starting a business at 15 shows the maturity and the ability to multitask. Ultimately Paige is a young woman that wears many caps and is capable of doing anything she has set her mind to accomplish.
Zaria Cleare
affectionately called Zz was born and raised in the Over The Hill community of Nassau, Bahamas. She graduated with honors from C V Bethel Senior High School where she was a Prefect Supervisor and led her GGYA team. Upon graduating, Zaria made the decision to not attend college choosing to get a job instead. Her first job hired her and then fired her 6 months later. After unsuccessful attempts to get another opportunity due to her age and lack of experience, Zaria decided to create her own opportunity. Zaria decided to pursue her dream to become an entrepreneur at the age of 17 and started her first business, Tirsty Lemonades. Almost two years later, she continues to make strides with Tirsty Lemonades and her newest venture, CraZ Donuts 242 and is working on an initiative called the Jr Millionaires Club. She is the 2nd oldest of 4 children born to a “go-getter� mom. Zaria Cleare is a lover of God, family, cool vlogs, turtles and all things baking!
The Purpose Awareness Team saw fit to honour Karrington McKenzie with our Teen Triumph Award because he has truly beaten the odds. His story is truly inspiring. For the past three years he has been battling cancer and we celebrate with him for conquering the disease. For never losing his joy, always encouraging others and continuing his singing career throughout his battle we honor him!