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Journey Into Faith Learning ~ Loving ~ Leading
Pastor's Article for MAY 2014 “Resurrection People” On Easter, we celebrated the good news that Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed! Indeed, Easter is not over. The Christian faith celebrates Easter as a season that goes from Easter Sunday to Pentecost – 50 days. But, more than that, the church celebrates Easter every Sunday. The first Christians established Sunday, the first day of the week, as their day of Sabbath and worship because Sunday was the day when Jesus conquered the power of death and was resurrected. Every Sunday serves to remind us that we are an Easter people – a resurrection people. What does that mean? “Resurrection” is translated from the Greek anástasis, which literally means, “stand up”. As resurrection people, we are a people who stand up to all the things that are in opposition to the abundant and eternal life that God intends for all of humanity and all creation. In other words, we stand up to all the forces and powers that Jesus stood up to (sin, brokenness, evil, injustice, pride, oppression, judgment, hate, violence, poverty, illness, corruption). As resurrection people, we also stand up for all the ways in which the breath of God is seen at work. In other words, we stand up for all that Jesus stood up for (love, forgiveness, grace, peace, healing, caring, friendship, justice, righteousness, mercy, prayer, generosity, worship). As resurrection people, we also stand up with. We stand with the least of these, the poor, the widow, the orphan, the oppressed, the broken hearted, children, the hungry, the thirsty, the homeless, those who are suffering, the weak, the forgotten, the stranger, the refugee, the immigrant, those in prison, the unloved, the vulnerable. For these are the ones with whom Jesus stood. These are the ones whom Jesus called blessed. These are the ones about whom Jesus said, “when you stood with these, you stood with me” (Matthew 25:31-46) In different and similar ways, each of us embodies all these things. As sinners, we contribute to the brokenness and suffering in the world. As children of God, we reflect and share the love of God in the world. As persons who suffer from the sins of others, we identify as the least of these. So, as resurrection people we also stand together as the body of Christ and together we go into the world as Jesus did, as the risen Christ does. This is the good news of Easter. This is the power of the risen Christ at work in and through each of us and all of us together. This is what calls us into discipleship. This is what is transforming the world. Alleluia!
Pastor Steve
Leaving a Legacy
As a sports fan, I often find myself amazed at the abilities of different athletes as they excel in their various sports. However, as I have watched different interviews through the years, many of them seem concerned with how they will be remembered or what their legacy will be. As someone who loves the game of baseball in particular I am astonished at how many of the players try to take shortcuts to cement their legacy but instead are left with an asterisk next to their records. I found myself thinking about the concept of legacy this past month as our family made a trip to Indianapolis to get some things from my wife’s grandmother’s house since she had passed away last year. Read the full story at Today, I would like to leave you with a two questions to discuss with your students. First, “Do you believe that I, as a parent (guardian, grandparent, etc.) am leaving a strong legacy for you? Secondly, what are some of the most meaningful memories that you have with me individually and/or our family? As you wrestle with these questions I challenge you to think about how you can leave a stronger legacy for your children. As we reflect upon these situations in your life remember the words of Jim Rohn, “All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine.” Youth Mission Trip News: Our mission trip planning, events, and fundraising for our trip to Henderson Settlement in Frakes, Kentucky next summer are in full swing. Here are some ways that you can help us raise the necessary funds to make this trip a possibility: Our donation boards are available both in the gathering area and outside the youth room for your convenience We will be hosting our final brunch for this year on Sunday, May 18th following each worship service On Saturday, June 7th come to the Applegrove McDonalds to get your car looking nice and clean for the summer Our students are always looking for opportunities to serve others throughout the year. If you have any questions about our trip feel free to contact Donny Bell ( or Matt Hart ( Thank you for your partnering with this life-changing ministry. Appreciation For Susan Arnold Susan has served on staff as the part time Youth Administrator since August, 2002. She has provided general administrative support to at least four of our Youth Directors in that time. Much of her focus in recent years has been on overseeing the Youth Mission Trip service hours program. Since April, 2009 Susan has been on staff full time at the East Ohio Conference of the UMC Area Center as the Director of the Media Center. Susan resigned from her part time position as Youth Administrator at Faith UMC on April 18, 2014. We are grateful for Susan’s excellent service on staff for 11.5 years. The Staff Parish Relations Committee in consultation with the Youth Ministry Team has decided at this point to not hire for the position but instead seek to empower members in ministry to provide similar support. If you are interested in helping with the administration of the service hours and gift card programs for the Youth Mission Trip, please contact Matt Hart, Director of Youth Ministries. Community Assistance Fund WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our Community Assistance Fund is empty. The financial need has increased the past few months and we find ourselves without funds to purchase the food gift cards that are needed. Please consider a monetary donation to the Community Assistance Fund. If you can’t donate money, we will gladly accept food donations in the bin in the gallery. We especially need jelly, peanut butter and canned meats. Thank you for your generosity.
Lydia Circle
Circle of Faith will meet on the FIRST Monday, May7th at 9am at Sydney Smith’s home to assemble Mother’s Day baskets Call Esther Brunt for information 330-499-7293
Will meet on Wednesday, May 14th at 12:00 pm in Robinson Hall. The group will enjoy a presentation on the “Roma’s” (Gypsy) by Carol Shipman. Please call Emmajo Shearer for information at 330-966-8730
Circle of Love Will NOT meet in May . This gives everyone the opportunity to attend the All Daughters’ Banquet on May 5th. Everyone is welcome! Please contact Patti Deems with any questions. 330-494-7168
Circle of Faith
Circle News
From UMW All Daughters Banquet May 5, 2014 Watch for further information!
Join us in May for a delightful program with Faith's own Julie Sarver! A flutist with the Canton Symphony Orchestra for 28 years, Julie will share her experiences as a professional musician and member of the orchestra, as well as performing some of her favorite pieces, including Bach, Debussy, and a bit of Broadway. Date: Tuesday, May 13th Time: 11:45 am to 2:00 pm Program: Julie Sarver, Notes from a Flutist Cost of the meal: $4/person IMPORTANT: Please contact Betsy Douce with your reservation (330.494.3337 or no later than Thursday, May 8th.
Update on Current FUMC Music Staff
Throughout the Worship Arts vision implementation, the current music staff have been supportive and exceptional in their devoted service and ministry. David and Sandy Wallace and Jody Lindower have applied and will be interviewed as semi-finalists. Bill Kaiser announced his plans to retire at the end of June. Steve Moore has decided to not apply. And, Joanne Fox will retire at the end of June or if needed, will postpone her retirement until 2015 or until her position is filled.
National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 1 A prayer experience to guide us in praying for our country community, and church will be available in the Chapel from May 1 – May 7. Come at your convenience and join us in prayer! “So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”- Romans 15:6 News From the Finance Team Thanks to your continued support, we are definitely living into our balanced budget in 2014. Income exceeds expense to date so we are in the black for the first quarter. Please keep your offerings current so we can continue God’s work at Faith Church.
MEMBERSHIP CARE Jane Wells Joan Morrison
92 on May 2nd 91 on May 27th
NOTE: Joan’s new address 800 South 15th St. Rm. 9108 Sebring, OH 44672 We extend our deepest sympathy to: Marguerite Schwab and family on the death of her sister, Edna Stahlheber. Nannette Peterson and family on the death of her mother Thank You Notes received from: Fred Cordray and family. Thank you notes are posted on the bulletin board in Robinson Hallway.
“2020 Vision Team” The Church Board has commissioned the 2020 Vision Team to plan ahead for Faith Church. The team, led by Frank Meister, will identify the visions of our mission teams, ministries, and congregants through the year 2020. We believe that working together to realize our collective visions will continually build greater vitality and spiritual growth. Once we’ve developed our long-term vision, the team will make plans to support these visions, marshaling the resources needed to support a stronger and more vital Faith Church. The 2020 Vision team will need the help of every ministry team and each member to lay out our plans for the future of the church, and continued support during the next six years to continually renew and augment the original plans. The objectives and commitments of the 2020 Vision Team are: 1.Work with the ministry team leaders and congregation to facilitate a process for achieving their vision and summarize the required financial, human, facility and other resources. 2.Consolidate, clarify, coordinate and communicate the collective and comprehensive long-term vision of the ministry teams, congregation, and staff. 3.Present its findings to the Board and church body for discernment, discussion, and prioritization. 4.Commission a team to identify resource “gaps” and develop a funding plan. 5.Establish a process to track and report implementation progress. Veterans Scholarship A new scholarship has been established to honor the Veterans in our church. The scholarship is to be awarded to: - Candidates must be a member of our church and apply for the scholarship. - Second, third or forth year college student - A first or second year grad school student - In the second year of a Trade School - GPA in the range of 2.5 to 3.0 or higher. Must submit an official school transcript with application. Funds may be split if there are applicants with equal credentials. Application forms may be picked up at the church office starting April 13. They must be returned by 12:00 noon on May 11 (None Accepted after the date.) Direct any inquires to Roy Ailstock at 330-494-5448 or Ron Luikart at 330-494-7570.
9:45 Service Location Change June 2nd June 2nd the 9:45 Service will be held in the sanctuary due to graduation brunch. This will not affect the other services. Thank you.
Health and Wellness Team At our last meeting we reviewed all that we have accomplished in our few years of existence and are very pleased with the accomplishments:
Handicapped accessible pews in the sanctuary.
Medical Supplies Closet - walkers, crutches, etc. available for loan.
First Aid Kits in 5 well marked locations throughout the church.
We continue to encourage
Reuse & Recycle
Nutritious choices
Respectfully caring for the earth that God has given us
Bike Rack near sanctuary entrance.
Thank you for your support of our projects. Members present at the last meeting of our team have chosen to put future meetings on hold until needs arise in our area. We are available to resume meeting when those needs are expressed by you.
Time to Garden A recent news article mentioned four benefits of gardening: ~Improved physical health ~ Enhanced mental and social health ~Decreased stress and anxiety ~ Access to nutritious foods. You can enjoy some of the same benefits by getting involved in our “Garden of Weedin’” project. Get outdoors, work in the earth, water the vegetables, and help with the harvest. This project of growing the vegetables and making salsa to sell helps feed many hungry people in our area. Call Trudy Jones at 330-494-4723 or email her at to get involved. We’ll be planting late in May, depending on the weather. There are no meetings to attend. New gardeners will be given personal orientation to the garden process. We welcome your participation! Church Landscaping The landscape committee will plant geraniums at the church this year. Bring a white or red geranium Sunday May11 or 18th to the gathering area for planting. If you can help plant call Sharon Van Voorhis 330-966-9319. Thank you for participating, The Landscape Committee. Worship Arts Staff Hiring Process Update In March, the Worship Arts Study Group formed a five-person interview team for each of the nine open music and worship arts positions. Each team has reviewed a number of resumes and identified as many as seven qualified semi-finalists. The first round of interviews began on Sunday, April 27. The goal is to have all the positions filled by the beginning of June and to have all new staff begin on July 1. Please continue to pray for the church, the interview teams, the candidates and our staff.
Sermon & Study Series Ideas The Pastors are interested in hearing from you sermon series ideas. If you have a suggestion please put them in the box in the Narthex or email ideas to Thanks you.
SCOUT TROOP 12 NEWS and INFORMATION May 1: We will participate in our Annual Spring Service Project by assisting in the beautification of Price Park. We are glad to be a help to the North Canton Parks Department as we lay mulch, paint, rake, and clean the park to prepare for the many guests who will visit during the spring and summer seasons. May 16-18: Start your engine, Scouts! Our May Campout takes us to the Norwalk Speedway. We will enjoy car races and camping out in this unique adventure! May 24: Our participation in Operation Flag at the North Canton Cemetery is an annual event for Troop 12 as we place flags on the graves of veterans. We honor the veterans and their ultimate sacrifice as we decorate the cemetery in red, white, and blue. May 26: Celebrate Memorial Day with us as Troop 12 joins Cub Scout Pack 12 walking in the North Canton Memorial Day Parade. On this special day, we honor the veterans from our community who so valiantly have served our nation. Spring 2014: If you are planning spring/summer landscaping projects, please consider purchasing Rice's Nursery gift cards. For every $25.00 gift card sold, our troop will receive $5 back from Rice's as a fundraiser. If you are interested, please contact the church office, and they will be sure to provide a Troop 12 contact for further information. ** Thank you to all who supported our Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser in April! Your donations will be used to supplement our camping costs throughout the year. As always, your generosity of our troop is greatly appreciated. We are so blessed to be supported by Faith United Methodist Church.
This group meets on Tuesdays at the church in rooms 5 and 6. The hours are 9:00am to 11:30 am. We are currently working on crib quilts for the Aultman Hospital NICU. Anyone wishing to help make these quilts is welcome. Come join us! Our mission is to comfort those with the prayer shawls that we lovingly create and pray over. We always welcome new and interested members. We have new yarn and extra needles/crochet hooks for anyone who would like to join us. Come and learn to knit or crochet from our talented and caring group. We meet the first Thursday of the month in the Parlor from 1-4pm.
Men’s Retreat Any men interested in helping to plan and organize a Men’s Retreat for Fall 2014 please contact Ron Luikart or Kathy Schmucker with your suggestions and ideas!
Missions Canton Calvary Mission Requests TUNA/CANNED meat for May. The Mission feeds over 500 families monthly and appreciates all donations of non-perishable foods, personal hygiene and paper products. A marked box is located in the gallery for contributions to the Food Pantry. Thanks for your generous support!
Faith UMC Food Pantry Needs It has been a busy couple of months for the food pantry here at Faith UMC and we are in need of resupplying our shelves. We can especially use the following items: spaghetti sauce, peanut butter and jelly, canned fruit and vegetables, boxed potatoes, and cereal. Please put items in the bin marked Faith Food Pantry. Thanks for your support of this mission. We are also asking for monetary donations to help provide Giant Eagle gift cards for the perishable foods. Make your check payable to Faith UMC and write “community assistance� in the memo line.
UMW Global Missions 51 pairs of glasses were sent to Tennessee to be processed and sent to the mission field. The collection container for the used glasses is on the table in the gallery off of the gathering area. Please keep bringing in the glasses. 189 Campbell product labels were sent to Henderson Settlement in Frakes, KY. With our help through the years, new vans and play ground equipment have been purchased. Thanks so much. Lynda Lebold
Change the World Weekend In celebration of Change the World Weekend, Service in Mission Ministry Team will be sponsoring a work day at Canton Calvary Mission on Saturday, May 17th from 9:00 am to 1pm. Between cleaning, planting and painting there is something for everyone! Sign up in the Gathering Area and join hands to help work together to create a better world.
Stephen Ministries We have all become so dependent on our GPS! Even those of us who are 'directionally challenged' can now embark on any journey with a full tank of gas and a GPS system and be assured of reaching our destination, despite detours and/or route changes. If only life's journeys could be that simple. In her book, Jesus Calling, Sarah Young reminds us of our tendency to feel more secure when our lives are predictable. But, when we "are shaken out of our comfortable routines" for whatever reason, she encourages us to reach for the hand of Jesus for guidance and strength. You do not have to navigate through difficult times alone. Please know that our Stephen Ministers are here and ready to offer confidential, non-judgmental support., please call Pastor Cara, Pam Honnold, or Ron Luikart.
EVERY SUNDAY 5:30 Joy Unlimited 6:30 REFUGE
4 COMMUNION Confirmation Sunday Pastor Steve preaching 8:30 Joy Unlimited 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School 1:30 Cherub Choir program
11 Mothers’ Day Pastor Cara preaching 8:30 Celebration Bells 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Carol/Cherub Choirs 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School
18 Brunch after all 3 services Pastor Steve preaching 8:30 Chancel Choir 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Joy Unlimited 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School
25 Pastor Cara preaching 8:30 Organ Offertory 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School
May 2014 Thu
7 9:00a Women’s Study 12:15p Staff Meeting 5:00p Carol Choir 6:30p Sewing for Missions 6:30 Worship Arts meeting
1:00p Faith Stitchers 7:00p Trustees Meeting
9 8:00a Endowment Meeting 6:00p Friday Night Out
24 7:00a Men’s Life Study Note: New location at Beyesly’s in North Canton
10 7:00a Men’s Life Study Note: New location Beyesly’s in North Canton 9:00a Mission Team Tool Training
4:00p Confirmation Banquet
National Day of Prayer (See display in chapel through Wed. May 7th)
5 9:00a Circle of Faith 10:30a “Story” Bible Study 6:00p All Daughters Banquet 7:00p Covenant Bible Study 7:00p Meditation Class 7:00p Men’s Basketball 7:00p “Story” Bible Study
6 6:00a Men’s Prayer Group 8:00a First Tuesday 9:00a Library Volunteers 9:00a Quilts to Share 9:30a Celebration Bells 1:30p UMW board meeting 6:30p Women’s Bible Study 7:00 Young Adults 7:00p Boy Scouts 7:00 Ministry Council
14 9:00a Women’s Study 11:00a CRAL Registration 12:00p Lydia Circle 12:15 Staff Meeting 6:30p 2020 Vision Team .
22 1:00p Faith Stitchers 6:30p Stephen Ministry
1:00p Prayer Shawl 7:00p Camp Read-a-Lot Open House
12 10:30a “Story” Bible Study 7:00p Covenant Bible Study 7:00p Meditation Class 7:00p Men’s Basketball 7:00p “Story” Bible Study
139:00a Library Volunteers 9:00a Quilts to Share 9:30a Celebration Bells 11:45a Second Wind 6:30p Women’s Bible Study 7:00p Young Adults 7:00p Boy Scouts 7:00p Scholarship Team 7:00p Service in Mission
219:00a Women’s Study 12:15p Staff Meeting 6:30p Sewing for Missions
29 1:00p Faith Stitchers
8 1:00p Faith Stitchers 6:30p Stephen Ministry. 7:00p Stewardship Ministry
1910:30a “Story” Bible Study 7:00p Covenant Bible Study 7:00p Meditation Class 7:00p Men’s Basketball 7:00p “Story” Bible Study
20 6:00a Men’s Prayer Group 9:00a Library Volunteers 9:00a Quilts to Share 9:30a Celebration Bells 6:30p Women’s Bible Study 6:30p Finance Meeting 7:00p Young Adults 7:00p Boy Scouts
28 9:00a Women’s Study 12:15p Staff Meeting 6:30 2020 Vision Team
27 6:00a Men’s Prayer Group 9:00a Library Volunteers 9:00a Quilts to Share 9:30a Celebration Bells 6:00p Young Adults Picnic 7:00p Boy Scouts 7:00P SPRC OFFICE CLOSED
Sunday School at Faith UMC “…your faithfulness is growing by leaps and bounds, and the love that all of you have for each other is increasing.” – 2 Thessalonians 1:3 Join us as together we grow and learn to KNOW, LOVE & SERVE the Lord! The Story for Kids: Faith Nursery, Room 18, 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 Babies and Toddlers (birth through age 3) are cared for in a nurturing environment where little ones experience God’s love. Children’s Sunday School at 9:45 & 11:00 am, Following Children’s Message Preschool Ages 3-5 – Room 20 Grades K-2 – Room 6 Grades 3-5 – Room 8 Adults @ 9:45: The Story: Faith Meets Life in the West Parlor Faith Bible Study: Genesis to Revelation in the Conference Room Adults @ 11:00: The Story in Room 16 **Please stop by the Children’s Welcome Station near the Sanctuary and Family Life Center to sign in children, make their Sunday School name tags, and find information for families! Look for Family Devotions and Weekly Parent Pages on our Story website for suggestions and ideas to share The Story at home with your family!
Small Groups
Sunday at 9:45 am Sunday at 11:00 am Monday at 10:30 am Monday at 7:00 pm Tuesday at 7:00 pm
The Story Small Group & Sunday School Classes —Faith Meets Life, The Story, Kim Reynolds, Bobbi Vine, Steven Green —The Story in Room 16 —The Story—Sandy Vaughn, Facilitator, West Parlor — The Story Digging Deeper—Bob Kuchner, James & Terry Morgan —Young Adults, The Story: How Does God’s Story Impact Our Story Today , Coordinator: Sarah Snyder, Room 5
Additional Small Group & Sunday School Class Opportunities: Sunday at 9:45 am — Faith Bible Study, Abiding in Love, Bob Snyder, Facilitator Monday at 7:00 pm — Covenant Bible Study, Contact: Rob & Tory Christian Monday at 7:00 pm — Investigating Meditation as a Way to Deepen Your Spiritual Journey John Buchanan & Sam Purses, Facilitator Tuesday at 6:00 am — Men’s Prayer Group, Contact Person: Ron Luikart, Balcony Tuesday at 8:00 am —First Tuesday Prayer Service, Contact Person: Jan Baker, Tuesday at 6:30 pm — Women’s Law of Love (Deuteronomy), Laura Luikart & Sue Bell Wednesday at 9:00am — Women’s The Holy Spirit for an Inspired Life, Linda Reynolds Friday at 6:00 pm — Friday Night Out, 2nd Friday of the month Tallie Paz Coordinator Saturday at 7:00 am —Men’s Life Study,Success Lessons for Life, Business, & Golf, alternating Saturday May 10 & 24, - Beyesly’s Restaurant in North Canton, Kim Reynolds
Summer Small Groups What’s your summer passion? Gardening, Running, Walking, Exercise, Summer Night Biking, Bonfires, Reading, Scrapbooking, Cooking, Exploring Nature, Art, Other ideas? Contact Kathy Shmucker
Summer Camp Fun, Faith, & Friends! Visit the camps page of our website or look for the Camp display and pick up a flyer and discover all the opportunities for adventure available to kids and youth this summer! Contact Kathy Myers or Kathy Schmucker for more information. Friday Night Out
Friday May 9, 6:00 – 8:45 PM (Faith Date Night – Develop the Heart—Our Last this season) Faith UMC has a strong desire to focus on nurturing family relationships through faith. We invite anyone to come join us for a short program focusing on nurturing family relationships, followed by an evening of childcare (ages birth-6th grade) while you enjoy some time to yourself/ yourselves to focus on the relationships in your life. Please register online at http:// For more information contact please contact Tallie Paz at or Kathy Schmucker at with questions or to be involved in any way with this ministry!
Paid Part-time Child Care Providers Needed We are looking for a few individuals who would be available to work flexible hours on an as- needed basis. We currently need people for Wednesday Evening programs, some Sunday mornings, a Friday, and a Saturday a month, as well as for special services. Contact Kathy Schmucker 330.499.6040 or
May is Christian Home Month:
2014 Theme—Families Called to Peace Christian Home Month is designed to help local congregations develop and strengthen faith in the home & celebrate and support Christian families in their faith journey. We encourage you to spend some time talking & sharing with your families. The home is a place for living in the light of God’s love and daily practicing the Christian faith. For family devotions and prayer resources, ideas, and a family covenant for peace look for information in the literature racks at the church or contact Kathy Schmucker, Director of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation. Read Psalm 85. Reflect on verse 10: “Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.” What comes to mind as you read these words? What would peace be like for your family and our congregation, as well as for the world? Pray for God’s peace to be our reality.
Join the Team! Faith’s Christian Education/Spiritual Formation Ministry Team is looking for persons interested in helping to serve in the following ministries: Summer Sunday School Share your faith in creative ways with our preschool and elementary age students! Nursery Volunteers Share Jesus’ love with the youngest members of Faith’s family! Adult Small Groups Are you our next partner in ministry? Prayerfully consider how God is calling you to make a difference in the lives of our children & youth! Contact Teresa Purses, Terry Morgan or Kathy Schmucker or Kristin Krach for more information!
Faith UMC’s Library Wish List In order to expand Faith’s Library Resources we are creating a wish list in which we invite you to purchase books and resources from this special list to help us expand our library! Look for the Butterfly Book Display on the bulletin board in the hallway outside the library! Please also consider purchasing a book in honor of a birthday, anniversary, or other special life event. We also welcome suggestions of books and resources that you would like to see in our library. Please contact Betsy Gorrell or Nancy Share for more information!
First Tuesday We are learning about Faith Church members—their stories, their interests, and their journeys of faith. Please join us to worship God on Tuesday, May 6th at 8 a.m. in the Chapel. Sue Bell will share some thoughts on a favorite Bible passage, 1 Peter 2: 9-10. Please join us every First Tuesday of the month for worship, prayer, and sharing. Many of us go out for breakfast afterwards. Get up and get going on the First Tuesday of each month.
Faith Young Adult Group Accepts Annual Conference Challenge to Pack Flood Buckets for UMCOR Support the ministry of Faith’s Young Adults and learn more about UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) by helping to donate flood bucket items. Visit the Young Adult page of our Website for specific items needed as these flood buckets will be delivered to Lakeside during Annual Conference: Young Adult & College Student Picnic
Tuesday, May 27 @6:00 pm
Butterfly Project Kids and families experience the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly as we raise caterpillars this month! We are in need of several large plastic containers with lids (like those that pretzels come in). Please clean them and place them in the Wednesday container in The Gathering Area and Family Life Center. The butterflies will be released at Faith UMC on Sunday, May 18!
Dates of Next Emmaus Weekend: Mens: May 29 – June 1 Womens: June 5-8 What is Emmaus? The Walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a 3-day short course in Christianity. It is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love is revealed to you through other believers. The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, and places of work. Emmaus lifts up a way for our grace-filled lives to be lived and shared with others. How do some of Faith UMC’s Emmaus participants describe Emmaus? EXTRAVAGANCE ~ AMAZING LOVE ~ AWESOME TEACHING ABOUT GOD’S GRACE ~ AGAPE ~ ACCEPTANCE AND LOVE FROM PEOPLE NEAR AND FAR ~ RADICAL HOSPITALITY ~ GREAT SENSE OF COMMUNITY ~ ENDLESS SNACKS ~ MUSIC ~ OUTSTANDING ~ PASSIONATE ~ PRAYED INTO POWER ~ OPENESS ~ FUN AND FULL OF SPIRIT ~ FRIENDSHIPS POWER OF PRAYER ~ UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FROM PEOPLE WE HAVE NEVER MET Curious? Want to learn more? Emmaus participants Mac & Judy McLaughlin, Kathy Schmucker, Lorrie Goss, Tom & Pam Wig, Ron & Laura Luikart, Dale & Ruth Zimmerman would love to share more about Emmaus with you! Visit the Emmaus page of our church website for more details:
A faith-based summer literacy program for kids entering grades K-3.
Thursdays July 3, 10, 17 (VBS), 24, & 31; 10:00 am – Noon Camp Read-A-Lot Information Night – Thursday, May 1 at 7:00 pm. Come learn how you can be involved in this summer’s ministry and help us dream of how we might expand into a year-long literacy ministry! Information/Registration Day on Wednesday, May 14 from 11:00am – 8:00pm. Stop by the church during those hours to learn more about this summer’s Camp Read-A-Lot program and register your child! Tell your friends, family, and neighbors and invite a child to come to Faith’s Camp Read-A-Lot! Registration information will be available on our website or in the church office! Share your love for reading by serving as a volunteer during Faith's summer literacy program. Volunteers are needed to serve as mentors to read & play games with children, interact with parents, assist with setting up & cleaning up learning stations, and prayer partners. Training will be provided. Donations of children’s books, especially beginning readers and beginning chapter books, & monetary donations are much appreciated! We are also in need of donations of fleece for Camp Read-A-Lot’s blanket service project. Each blanket will need 1 ½ yards of 60 inch wide solid color fleece in any color.
Join us this summer and make a difference for Jesus in the life of a child. Contact Laura Luikart, Paulette Baker, or Kathy Schmucker for more information. Did you know… 63.1% of public school 8th graders and 66.3% of public school 4th graders in the state of Ohio are unable to read at grade level ( 20% of students in North Canton City Schools qualify for free and reduced lunches. If children and adults struggle to read, how will they ever read the Word of God?
Visit our website & check out the literacy video made for Faith UMC by Rethink Church!
VBS: July 14 – 18, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Weird Animals Where Jesus’ Love is One of a Kind God filled the world with a lot of crazy creatures...including you! When kids feel weird, different, or even lost in a crowd—nothing compares to the extraordinary love of Jesus. PRAY: Please pray for our VBS ministry. Pray for God’s guidance and direction as we plan and prepare. Pray for those who will be leading and serving at this year’s VBS. Pray for the children and families who will participate. Pray for our VBS missions. INVITE & REGISTER: Join us at Faith UMC for our VBS adventure for preschool children ages 4 and up, elementary students entering Kindergarten through 4th grade, and our special Adventure VBS for 5th & 6th grade students. Pick up a ‘Save the Date’ flyer at the Milton the Mole VBS display and share with your friends and family! Registration is now available on our website! Preregister by July 12 and receive a FREE VBS Weird Animals Music CD (one per family) as a special gift! CREATE: We're transforming Faith Church into an exotic animal habitat for this year's Vacation Bible School. We'll be painting, cutting, gluing and sewing and welcome you to join in the fun. Check out Sunday’s bulletin for details! We're also looking for donations of paint (bright colors), empty plastic water bottles, colorful pipe cleaners, tissue paper (all colors), pool noodles, poster board, foam board, large cardboard boxes/pieces. If you have any questions, contact Donna Benzing at SERVE: Make a difference for Christ in our community this summer! Prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to partner with Him for this year's VBS experience. Volunteers will be needed to help prepare for VBS as well as serve the week of VBS. To get involved in this year’s VBS, find Milton the Mole in the church, visit our website ( vbs.html) or call Sandy Vaughn (330) 704-6534. 2014 VBS Missions: Safe water for those who have none, Pennies for Paraguay, & Cereal Boxes for Faith Kitchen. Kids need to know that somebody cares! This summer you can be that somebody by making sure God’s Word gets into the hands & heart of kids in our community & around the world! GIVING TREE: Look for the giving tree in the Gathering Area & Family Life Center. Pick a tag and purchase items to help support Faith’s summer ministries. Last year’s generous donations from the giving tree enabled us to provide snacks for an additional 100 children! JOIN THE TEAM: Get involved in this exciting summer ministry as we reimagine VBS and help reach kids for Christ! Contact Sandy Vaughn, Patti Deems, Donna Benzing, Carrie Stehura, or Kathy Schmucker for more information!
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Faith United Methodist Church 300 Ninth Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 Worship with Us: Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 & 11:00
Get to Know Us: Reverends Steve & Cara Stultz Costello, Co-Pastors Sharyl Syler—Dir. of Administration & Finance Marc Biss—Communications Coordinator Kathy Schumucker—Dir. of Christian Ed. & Spiritual Formation Matt Hart—Dir. of Youth Ministry Sue Capestrain—Administrative Assistant Jan Bilek—Treasurer Susan Arnold—Youth Anministrator Alina Dorto—Dir. of Faith Friends Preschool
Contact Us: Phone: 330.499.6040 Fax: 330.305.1600 Email: Website:
Pastor Cara preaching 8:30 Organ Offertory 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School May 25 Pastor Steve preaching 8:30 Chancel Choir 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Joy Unlimited 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School May 18 Pastor Cara preaching 8:30 Celebration Bells 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Carol & Cherub Choirs 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School May 11 May 4 COMMUNION Pastor Steve preaching 8:30 Joy Unlimited 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School
Mailed on April 30 , 2014
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Sewing for Missions 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM, RH Sue Bell, Contact The Barbara Whitacre Prayer Shawl Ministry 1st Thursday, 1-4 PMin the Parlor Mike Flechtner, Contact Bixler Library Tuesdays, 9:00-11:00AM Nancy Share & Betsy Gorrell, Chairs Faith Stitchers: Bring handwork 2nd, 3rd & 4th Thursdays, 1-4 PM in the Parlor Quilters/Sewers Tuesdays, 9-11:30 AM Rooms 5 & 6 Nan Davis, Chair
Volunteer Opportunities