6 minute read

Discover the Empowering Sounds of Arsena's Latest Single 'Do You'

North Carolina-based singer Arsena states: “Do You is a reminder to be yourself at all costs, because eventually in due time it will pay off.” The work of the rising star is full of inspirationalinsightsandlifeexperiences.

Arsenaconfidentlyasserts, DoYou isapowerful reminder to remain true to yourself, no matter the circumstances, as it will eventually yield rewards." Through her work, this emerging star offers a wealth of inspirational insights drawn fromherownlifeexperiences.


Having previously released catchy and upbeat R&B tracks, Arsena now embraces a more stripped-down approach to songwriting. Her latest release, "Do You," truly showcases her abilitytocraftexceptionalandimpactfulmusic. Hailing from Charlotte, NC, this multi-talented singer-songwriter brings a refreshing touch to the R&B stage with her new single. "Do You" effortlessly blends a modern sound with her captivating signature retro style, allowing her talents to shine while offering a captivating perspectiveonlifeandherpersonaljourney.

In this latest chilled-out track, Arsena skillfully combinesfuturisticvibrationswithempowering female energy, resulting in something truly remarkable. Through her music, she addresses thechallengesfacedbycreativesinthecurrent era, emphasizing the importance of voicing one's opinions, regardless of societal or social mediapressures.Hersongservesasapoignant reminder of the significance of staying true to oneself.

With smooth layered synths and a beautifully rich melody, Arsena's tune captivates listeners. Electric guitar riffs and well-crafted drum patterns add a special touch, elevating the overallmusicalexperience.



AVAILABLENOWATfamedesign.shop interview: Harvey Jay Dodgson

Jay Dodgson

BeforegoingonstageattheGlastonburyHive Stage on June 22, Portsmouth's Harvey Jay Dodgson released his indie-rock EP Alligator -andit'sawesome!

Dodgson explains: “Ominous, elusive, dangerous. Alligator sweeps through the shallowest of waters. Alligator creeps to the shadowwheretheshoreis.Attack,defeat,it’s over.

Througheerieverses,soaringguitarlinesand gritty breakbeat drums, uncover the struggles and releases of an unforgiving mindonitsfrustrated,timelessjourney.Lyrics of honest betrayal, gospel inspired vocals floating on rough yet rigorous edges. Each track has been written upon pent up angst and emotion. Subjects which resonate. Feelingsrelentless.

Producedrawandboldby DamonMinchella and Tom Manning; sprinkled with tension-building backing vocals recorded with MichaelSmith, Alligator isthetitletrack of my second EP, concluding chapter two of my project, gearing up for a debut album in thenearfuture.Solockin,zoneout,followthe beat,andletthealligatorswimyourmind…”

Dodgson putshisrawtalentandvoicetothis small yet powerful showcase. No filters here, just 4 tracks with hard-hitting lyrics and stories that show youth and power, whether it's about self-esteem or just for fun, everything'sfinehere.

This thrilling indie-rock project has a sense of youthandvibration,andyouneverknowwhat Dodgsonwilldonext.

Dodgson always brings the heat with his whisky-soaked vocals, plus a killer hook that showswhyindie-rockhasaplaceinthemusic scene today. Every track is super catchy and impossibletoresist.

It's pretty clear that Harvey Jay Dodgson is goingtohaveahuge2023.Werecentlyhada chatwithhimonhisnewEP, hisviewsonthe industry, and his perfect day including a Full English.

Hey Harvey Jay! I'm sure you're getting excited for your big debut at Glastonbury! What's going through your head? Anything youwanttosay?

Yo! I think Glastonbury is a bucket list tick for most artists so I am over the moon and honoured to be playing there this year. Can’t waittoenjoytherestofthefestivalafterIhave performedtoo!

What do you want people to take away fromlisteningtoyourEP Alligator

As well as hopefully finding music that you can dance, let loose and sing along to, I write in a way which lets the listener put their own meaning to the song. Although each track means something to me, I want people to let themusicmeansomethingtothemtoo.

Harvey Jay Dodgson

You said: “As the alligator swims the darkest rivers of the mind, the track’s searing melodies of self-acceptance meanderthroughtheoverdrivenbreakbeat drums and their cries for help…” Where's the Alligator rightnow?

The Alligator stillswimsinmymindinvarious different ways, but is now swimming in through the ears and into the minds of anyonewholistensandfeelsthenewEP.

What was it like working on the project withDamonMinchellaandTomManning?

A brilliant experience. They’re great guys which make creating music even more enjoyable,buttheirchemistry,experienceand skill meant I was able to take my ideas into the studio and come out with a powerful, meaningfulrecord.

If you had to describe your sound in three wordswhatwouldtheybe?


Tell us something about you that you think peoplewouldbesurprisedabout?





FullEnglish,BBQonthebeach,playagigand then a few drinks in the town. Bring on the summer…

What changes would you like to see happeninthemusicindustry?

Music with meaning, people actually making music because they love creating art which peoplecanconnectto,notbecausetheywant togetfamousormakemoney.Pushthecopy andpastemusictothesideandletrealmusic comethrough.


Writing. I’m always writing, but now I’m working towards a bigger body of work - an album. So keep your ears out for new, fresh music.Thanksforhavingme!

Cassy London, the classically trained pop singer and songwriter hailing from Southern California, effortlessly combines power and grace in her music. With her alt-pop roots, remarkable anthemic hooks, unique melodic style, and euphoric tone, she brings an exciting and fresh sound to thescene.

Get ready for another taste of pop brilliance with Cassy London's latest single, Her. This globally recognized alt-pop star has returned and is better than ever. Cassy penned Her to express the raw emotions of vulnerability and heartache following a devastating betrayalinarelationship.

The song carries a bittersweet and contemplative essence, offering solace and motivation to persevere through challenging times. It serves as an inspirational anthem for anyone who listens, empowering them to overcome adversity.

Cassy London shared her thoughts on the track, saying, “Her is about confronting your true self, even when it's painful. It reflects the emotional rollercoaster one experiences after feelingvulnerableandheartbrokendue to the betrayal of a loved one. As an optimistic person, I hope that listeners will ultimately feel empowered and realize their ability to pick themselves up and rebuild after a painful experience."

Fromayoungage,Cassydemonstrated a deep understanding of the world around her. Her innate musical talent, coupled with her passion for creativity, has allowed her to be highly versatile in her artistry, encompassing everything fromsongwritingtovisualproduction.


She draws inspiration from artists like Shawn Colvin and Nirvana, while harboring a particular admiration for Imagine Dragons, Alanis Morissette, and Gwen Stefani. Following the success of her previous tracks, "Yellow Bricks" and "New Age," Cassy London's latest single has been released and is already gaining international recognition.

MuoDuo,adynamicmusicalduohailing fromNewYorkCity,hasbeenmakinga splash in the alternative pop and indie hip-hop scene. Through their unwavering commitment and perseverance, they have successfully builtastrongreputationintheindustry.

Consisting of siblings Miles From Space and Winter, the talented duo previously released their exquisite EP Tasting Menu and are now ready to captivate audiences onceagainwiththeirlatestfeel-goodsong, Ruby Rose,settobereleasedthissummer.

This impactful and diverse track serves as a testament to the incredible talent of Muo Duo, showcasing their ability to transcend genre labels and tell compelling stories throughinfectiousbeatsandmelodies.

Ruby Rose is an impactful and varied track that showcases the incredible talent of this emerging duo. Their music goes beyond genre labels and tells great stories with catchybeatsandmelodies.

Muo Duo explain: "Ruby Rose is about searching for an ideal, whether or not you mayfindityouleaveeverythingbehind."

This exciting offering brings together a fusion of cool atmospheres, eclectic rhythms, organic percussions, and shrewd guitar riffs, creating a truly unique and engaging musical experience. The vocals on the track are exceptional, adding a distinctflavorwithwarpedeffects.

MilesFromSpace wasa studentatJuilliard Pre-Collegewherehe tooklessonsin compositionandFrench horn.Hisinfluences comefromarangeof genres,suchasclassical music,TheBeatles,Tyler TheCreatorandFreddie Hubbard.

Winter isanamazing vocalistwithlotsof talent.Shehas performedonBroadway foryoungElsainDisney's Frozenandcurrently singsinthechildren's chorusattheMetOpera. Shehasalsomadea notableimpactinthe actingworldwithroles onSesameStreet,CBS' TheFBI,andNetflix's Manifest.

Los Angeles-based artist Jenna Cary introduces us to her alter ego DNJNBBY (pronounced "dungeon baby"), a character born out of her personal experiences as a naive musician dating her music producer. Worried about the impact a potential breakup would have on her art, DNJNBBY emerged as an artisticexpressionofresilienceandself-belief.

She recently dropped NOT UR DNJNBBY, an inspirational bop with meaningful words, to motivate us not to let a breakup stun us and to believeinourselves.

With the release of NOT UR DNJNBBY, Jenna Cary delivers an inspirational bop filled with meaningful lyrics, encouraging listeners not to be paralyzed by a breakup and to have faith in themselves. The track seamlessly combines electro-pop production with pop/R&B melodies, creating a captivating dance piece thatcaptivatesfromthefirstbeat.


‘‘NOT UR DNJNBBY’ is a song about reaching the breaking point with men who treat you as an option and lack basic respect. It serves as a metaphorical middle finger to those who believetheycancomeinandoutofyourlifeas they please: ‘NOT UR DNJNBBY’ personifies the spirit of a Hot Girl Summer (or more inclusively, HOT BBY SUMMER) - standing up and declaring, "I am a bad b****, and you're not worth my time. I'm out here having fun and living life with my girls. I don't need you! It's standing up and saying " I am a bad b**** andyou'renotworthmytime.Iamouthaving fun and living life with my girls. I DON'T NEED YOU!" The inspiration for "NOT UR DNJNBBY" initially came from a situationship I had for almost 5 years (insane I know, it's my fixed venus sign lol). I got so sick of him treating me like I wasn't worthy of commitment and then crawling back into my life whenever he pleased.

Finally,Ihadenoughandwasjustlike"Fthis,I don'tneedthisscrub"andwrotethissong.

I think the ironic part about all this is while I was finishing this record, I was in the midst of a breakup (with my producer, no less... lol talk about an awkward situation) so I was really able to channel out a lot of that frustration and heartbreak. It was really empowering to be able to create and sing this song in the room with someone that hurt me so badly at thetime.”

DNJNBBY worked with Koby Berman (Producer, Mixer) to nail this track and linked upwithAndrewWeitzforthecoverart.

She also teamed up with LA-based LGBTQ+ TransLatin Coalition, the LA-based LGBTQ+ nonprofits, as well as women's shelters, to further support the cause of protecting victims of abuse. This collaboration will also help fund the organization's new building and resources for transgender/gender-nonconforming individualsintheLatinXcommunity.


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