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Tyler K is up to the challenge with his latest album ‘SPECTRUM’

Tyler K is an exceptional rapper and musician hailingfromJacksonville,Florida.Atjust17years old, he has faced numerous challenges, includinghisautismdiagnosis,yethecontinues tostriveforsuccessinhismusiccareer.

Drawing inspiration from a wide range of musical genres, Tyler creates tunes with the intention of inspiring others and shattering stereotypes surrounding autism. With his latest album, SPECTRUM, he is poised to break barriersandchallengesocietalperceptions.The albumisnowavailableonallplatforms.


Reflecting on the album, Tyler shares, “Throughout my life I've been faced with many challenges, including autism. I want people to know that I can fit in with the best even through the diagnosis. The stigma around it needs to be changed, and through this album I candothat.”

Tyler'snewsong RunWithMe istheleadsingle from SPECTRUM, and it perfectly displays his vocal prowess. It has a cohesive mix of thought-provoking lyrics, upbeat rhythms, and catchyhooks.

The album is a tribute to his ambition to blow away the boundaries and show that talent has no boundaries. It's an incredible journey he's been on - embracing his spirituality and the pathsthatbroughthimhere.

Tyler, who draws inspiration from local artists like Yungeen Ace and Foolio, as well as boundary-pushing musicians like Tyler, The Creator, credits his upbringing in Jacksonville forshapinghismusicalinfluences.

Born in a tiny city near Xi'an, China, Tyler was abandoned by his biological family. Eventually, he was adopted into a loving family from the US.Despiteenduringhardshipssuchastheloss of family members and undergoing multiple surgeries, Tyler's charismatic attitude and unwaveringspiritremainasvibrantasever.

Through his SPECTRUM album, Tyler not only showcases his remarkable musical abilities but also delivers a powerful message – people with autism possess incredible potential. It serves as a reminder to never underestimate their capacitytoachieveamazingthings.

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