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DEJAis making waves in the music world with her unique afro-pop style and genre-defying tunes. Her unflagging talent is certain to keep her strong for a long time.

“My music is a manifestation,”explains DEJA - “as confident as I am, sometimes I need a lift. And if I need it somebody else will too.


“Gagged is a big and bouncy party vibe for my girls, guys and gays to get those confidence levels back TF up. I had to reference ‘Boom Boom Bah’ in this one so you already know the vibes will be immaculate.”

DEJA emerges with a captivating transformation, showcasing her fierce artistic prowess. "Gagged (Look Good)" is an extraordinary musical creation that commands attention and leaves a lasting impression.

DEJA has established herself as a prominent force in the Afrobeats scene, thanks to her unique blend of powerfulpersonalityandculturalinfluences.Followingthesuccessofherprevioustrack"ONE,"sheonceagain captivateslistenerswithherlatestrelease,"Gagged(LookGood)."

Withthisnewtrack,DEJAcontinuestoshowcaseherincrediblemusicalabilities,servingasatestamenttoher success achieved through her own determination and talent. "Gagged (Look Good)" is an anthem of independence and empowerment, reminding us of DEJA's ability to thrive without relying on assistance from others.

The song effortlessly blends pop and dance elements, highlighting DEJA's expertise in crafting infectious and captivating music. The catchy beat immediately grabs your attention, while DEJA's voice and lyrics perfectly complement each other. The playful yet empowering nature of her vocals and lyrics creates an irresistible combinationthatleavesalastingimpact.

Kejsi Tola, the captivating singer-songwriter from Albania, has been making a significant impact on the music industry ever since she began playing at the tender age of 11. Her unwavering determination, powerful vocals, and deeppassionforhercraftsetherapartfromtherest.

Having already achieved great success in her home country,KejsiTolanowbringsherexceptionaltalentstothe world with the release of her breathtaking EP, LUMINOUS. The singer dedicated immense effort to ensure that the songs on her EP surpassed all expectations, organizing songwriting camps in three different corners of the globe toguaranteetheirexcellence.

Theremarkablequalityofthemusicon LUMINOUS extends beyondjustwritinggreatsongs.Tolawenttheextramileby recording at the prestigious Abbey Road Studios, working alongside vocal producer Lorna Blackwood and engineer Louis Lion. These esteemed professionals have made their markinthemusicindustrybycollaboratingwithartistslike DuaLipaandmanyothers.

Kejsi Tola poured her heart and soul into creating LUMINOUS, an impressive EP aimed directly at international pop music fans. In a recent conversation with Tola, we delved into her fresh EP, her experiences collaborating with renowned producers and songwriters, her musical preferences, and what exciting endeavors she hasinstoreforthefuture.

Hey Kejsi, how's it going? What's on yourmindrightnow?

I'm doing well, thank you! Right now, my mind is focused on one thing: continuing to create exceptional music andhopingthattheentireworldgetsa chancetolistentoit.

What can listeners expect to experience while listening to your EP 'LUMINOUS'?

LUMINOUS is a labor of love that spans two years of dedication and artistry. It holds a significant part of my soul, character,andmusicalessence.ThisEP is a heartfelt reflection of my involvement in every song's creation, radiatingwithloveandpassion.

Your debut EP LUMINOUS involved collaborations with Grammy award-winning producers and songwriters such as Marty James, Manny Mijares, Avalan, SpacePrimates, LionChld, Tyler Conti, Peter Oliver, and KCda Producer. Additionally,therecordingtookplace at the iconic Abbey Road Studios. How have these experiences shaped youintotheartistyouaretoday?

Collaborating with such exceptional producershasbeenadreamcometrue for me. Despite having interacted with thembefore,Istillfounditsurrealtobe in the same room with these incredible talents. Witnessing their professionalism while also recognising their genuine and down-to-earth nature was truly inspiring. These experiences have been pivotal in completing the puzzle of my artistic growththroughoutmyentirecareer.

Your debut EP LUMINOUS involved collaborations with Grammy award-winning producers and songwriters such as Marty James,MannyMijares,Avalan,SpacePrimates, LionChld, Tyler Conti, Peter Oliver, and KCda Producer. Additionally, the recording took place at the iconic Abbey Road Studios. How have these experiences shaped you into the artistyouaretoday?

Collaborating with such exceptional producers has been a dream come true for me. Despite having interacted with them before, I still found it surreal to be in the same room with these incredible talents. Witnessing their professionalism while also recognising their genuine and down-to-earth nature was truly inspiring.Theseexperienceshavebeenpivotalin completing the puzzle of my artistic growth throughoutmyentirecareer.

What do you find to be the most rewarding aspectofbeingamusician?

Thegreatestrewardforanyartististheloveand support from the audience. When we write a song, we do it alone in a room, but it is the public'saffectionthataddsthatspecialbrilliance toourmusic.

When did you first become aware of your potentialtobecomeamusicartist?

IknewIwantedtobeasingersinceIwasabout 5 years old. As a young girl watching TV, I would dreamofbeingonthatscreen,sharingmyvoice through music - and now, here I am, living that dream.

You started performing when you were 11. Did youalreadyconsideritapotentialprofessional careeratthatyoungage?

Atsuchayoungage,childrensimplyfollowtheir dreams and pursue what brings them joy without fully comprehending the concept of work. Back then, I just wanted to sing, and I didn't contemplate the future implications. Looking back, choosing this path has been the bestdecisionI'veevermade.

You won "Young Voices of Albania" and "Young Voices of Shkodra" twice. You also represented Albania at Eurovision 2009 as the youngest performer, having won the 2008 RTSH Festival. In addition to these achievements, you released two hit songs in 2018and2019.YourmusicaljourneyinAlbania has been remarkable. What is the most valuableadviceyou'vereceived?

I've been fortunate to receive invaluable advice from my family, who have been my biggest supporters and critics. One piece of advice that has always stuck with me is to avoid getting caught up in the euphoria of success and insteadcontinueworkingevenharder.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the three albums you would want to have forcompany?

Harry Styles - Fine Lines, Rosalia - Motomami, Adele–21.

What message would you like to share with yourfans?

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have supported me thus far, appreciating my music and embracing this new internationaljourneyofmine.

Your love means the world to me, and I am incrediblygratefulforeachandeveryoneofyou. Loveyouallsomuch!

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